1EMBNB | JACK: Black and Blue034571100708 |
1EMBOT | BRYARS/PITTS: Burden of Truth034571102283 |
1EMCDA | MESSIAEN: Harawi034571102405 |
1EMCOV | HILDEGARD: Ordo Virtutum034571102368 |
1EMEYE | Known Unknown034571102375 |
1EMFTH | Songs From The Heart034571102702 |
1EMHDUS | Harmonies d'un Soir034571100753 |
1EMIIT | In illo tempore034571101583 |
1EMIPM08 | PITTS J: Airs & Fantasias034571100678 |
1EMJY2 | PITTS: Jerusalem-Yerushalayim034571102498 |
1EMTSC | Tracks034571102696 |
1EMVEM | Vinum et Musica034571102351 |
1EMXIX | Nineteen to the dozen034571102566 |
4750112 | Janine Jansen028947501121 |
4756293 | VIVALDI: The Four Seasons028947562931 |
4758328 | MENDELSSOHN/BRUCH: Violin Concertos & Romance028947583288 |
4780651 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto & Souvenir d'un lieu cher028947806516 |
4781530 | BEETHOVEN/BRITTEN: Violin Concertos028947815303 |
4782256 | Beau Soir028947822561 |
4783206 | CHOPIN/LISZT/RAVEL: Benjamin Grosvenor Chopin, Lizst & Ravel028947832065 |
4783527 | SAINT-SAËNS/RAVEL/GERSHWIN: Rhapsody in blue028947835271 |
4783546 | PROKOFIEV: Violin Concerto No. 2 & Sonatas028947835462 |
4783551 | SCHUBERT/SCHOENBERG: String Quintet & Verklärte Nacht028947835516 |
4785334 | Dances028947853343 |
4785362 | BACH: Violin Concertos & Sonatas028947853626 |
4830255 | Homages028948302550 |
4834722 | Baroque Journey028948347223 |
4850365 | CHOPIN: Piano Concertos028948503650 |
4851450 | LISZT: Benjamin Grosvenor plays Liszt028948514502 |
4851605 | 12 Stradivari028948516056 |
4852256 | SIBELIUS: The Symphonies028948522569 |
4853192 | Origins028948531929 |
4853945 | SCHUMANN/BRAHMS: Benjamin Grosvenor plays Schumann & Brahms028948539451 |
4853946 | STRAVINSKY: The Rite of Spring & The Firebird028948539468 |
4854624 | BEETHOVEN: Triple Concerto & Folk Songs Arrangements028948546244 |
4854637 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphonies Nos. 4, 5 & 6028948546374 |
4854748 | SIBELIUS/PROKOFIEV: Violin Concertos028948547487 |
4870122 | CHOPIN: Études028948701223 |
4870146 | STRAVINSKY/DEBUSSY: Petrushka & Jeux028948701469 |
4870262 | Aigul028948702626 |
4870360 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Violin Concerto & other works February 2025 release028948703609 |
4870458 | Nightfall028948704583 |
4870642 | The Frans Brüggen Project028948706426 |
4870791 | PALESTRINA: The Golden Renaissance – Palestrina028948707911 |
4870877 | KHACHATURIAN: Piano Concerto & works for solo piano February 2025 release028948708772 |
APR5501 | BRAILOWSKY: The 1938 London HMV recordings5024709155019 |
APR5502 | FISCHER: First Beethoven Sonata recordings5024709155026 |
APR5503 | SOLOMON: First HMV recordings (Brahms/Beethoven)5024709155033 |
APR5504 | LAMOND: The complete Liszt recordings HMV 1919-365024709155040 |
APR5505 | MOISEIWITSCH: The complete Rachmaninov recordings 1937-435024709155057 |
APR5506 | HUBERMAN: The 1934 Szell/Vienna Philharmonic recordings5024709155064 |
APR5519 | HOROWITZ/BARBIROLLI: Tchaikovsky & Rachmaninov concertos5024709155194 |
APR5528 | BUSCH-SERKIN DUO: Unpublished recordings5024709155286 |
APR5531 | THE PIANO G&T's Vol.1: Pachmann, Michalowski, Ronald5024709155316 |
APR5532 | THE PIANO G&T's Vol.2: Grunfeld, Pugno, Janotha5024709155323 |
APR5533 | THE PIANO G&T's Vol.3: Chaminade & Saint-Saens5024709155330 |
APR5534 | THE PIANO G&T's Vol.4: Diémer, Eibenschütz, Hofmann, Backhaus5024709155347 |
APR5546 | MEDTNER: The complete solo piano recordings, Vol. 15024709155460 |
APR5547 | MEDTNER: The complete solo piano recordings, Vol. 25024709155477 |
APR5548 | MEDTNER: The complete solo piano recordings, Vol. 35024709155484 |
APR5571 | CORTOT: Late recordings Vol.15024709155712 |
APR5572 | CORTOT: Late recordings Vol.25024709155729 |
APR5573 | CORTOT: Late recordings Vol.35024709155736 |
APR5574 | CORTOT: Late recordings Vol.45024709155743 |
APR5579 | KATHLEEN FERRIER: Das Lied von der Erde, Alto Rhapsody5024709155798 |
APR5595 | VALERIE TRYON: Mendelssohn5024709155958 |
APR5614 | KENTNER: Liszt Recordings, Vol. 25024709156146 |
APR5621 | BARERE: At Carnegie Hall Vol.15024709156214 |
APR5622 | BARERE: At Carnegie Hall Vol.25024709156221 |
APR5623 | BARERE: At Carnegie Hall Vol.35024709156238 |
APR5624 | BARERE: At Carnegie Hall Vol.45024709156245 |
APR5625 | BARERE: At Carnegie Hall Vol.55024709156252 |
APR5630 | STEVENSON: The Transcendental Tradition5024709156306 |
APR5636 | PADEREWSKI: The HMV recordings 1937 & 19385024709156368 |
APR5639 | ELLY NEY: Brahms & Schubert5024709156399 |
APR5640 | VALERIE TRYON: Mozart Piano Concertos5024709156405 |
APR5643 | BACHAUER: HMV recordings 1949-19515024709156436 |
APR5646 | HESS: Historic broadcast recordings5024709156467 |
APR5647 | CHAMINADE: Chaminade & her contemporaries play Chaminade5024709156474 |
APR5650 | STEVENSON: Passacaglia on DSCH5024709156504 |
APR5655 | ALFRED BRENDEL: Busoni & Liszt - The 1950s SPA recordings5024709156559 |
APR5660 | NEUHAUS: Beethoven, Scriabin & Chopin5024709156603 |
APR5661 | GOLDENWEISER: Piano music5024709156610 |
APR5662 | IGUMNOV: Piano music5024709156627 |
APR5663 | GILELS: Schumann, Beethoven, Liszt, Prokofiev, etc5024709156634 |
APR5664 | GILELS and ZAK: Mozart, Mozart-Busoni, Saint-Saëns5024709156641 |
APR5665 | FLIER: Piano music5024709156658 |
APR5666 | NIKOLAYEVA: Tchaikovsky5024709156665 |
APR5667 | GINZBURG: His Early Recordings, Vol. 15024709156672 |
APR5668 | OBORIN: Beethoven, Chopin & Liszt5024709156689 |
APR5669 | RICHTER: Schubert Sonatas5024709156696 |
APR5670 | YUDINA: Beethoven Sonatas5024709156702 |
APR5671 | MERZHANOV: Chopin, Liszt & Scriabin5024709156719 |
APR5672 | GINZBURG: His Early Recordings, Vol. 25024709156726 |
APR6001 | HOROWITZ/TOSCANINI: Three Live Brahms Concertos5024709160013 |
APR6002 | BARERE: HMV recordings 1934-365024709160020 |
APR6004 | VLADIMIR HOROWITZ: Solo European Recordings 1930-36Previously issued on APR5516, APR55175024709160044 |
APR6005 | RICHTER, OBORIN & ZAK: The first Soviet Rachmaninov Recordings5024709160051 |
APR6006 | PADEREWSKI: His earliest recordings5024709160068 |
APR6007 | YORK BOWEN: The complete solo 78-rpm recordings5024709160075 |
APR6008 | MICHAEL ZADORA: The complete recordings 1922-19385024709160082 |
APR6009 | JORGE BOLET: His earliest recordings5024709160099 |
APR6010 | IRENE SCHARRER: The electric & selected acoustic recordings5024709160105 |
APR6011 | MOURA LYMPANY: HMV Recordings, 1947-19525024709160112 |
APR6012 | BARTLETT & ROBERTSON: Selected recordings, 1927-19475024709160129 |
APR6013 | WALTER GIESEKING: The complete Homocord recordings & rarities5024709160136 |
APR6014 | A MATTHAY MISCELLANY: Rare and unissued recordings5024709160143 |
APR6015 | GUIOMAR NOVAES: The complete published 78-rpm recordings5024709160150 |
APR6016 | VASSILY SAPELLNIKOFF & XAVER SCHARWENKA: The complete recordings5024709160167 |
APR6017 | ANATOLE KITAIN: The complete Columbia recordings 1936-395024709160174 |
APR6020 | LOUIS KENTNER: Balakirev, Lyapunov & the Liszt Sonata5024709160204 |
APR6032 | DINU LIPATTI: The complete Columbia recordings, 1947-19485024709160327 |
APR6044 | OLGA SAMAROFF & FRANK LA FORGE: The complete recordings5024709160440 |
APR7038 | DOHNANYI: Complete HMV solo recordings 1929-565024709270385 |
APR7040 | MARK HAMBOURG: Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies5024709170401 |
APR7302 | HAROLD BAUER: The complete recordings5024709173020 |
APR7303 | EDWIN FISCHER: Mozart Piano Concertos5024709173037 |
APR7304 | HARRIET COHEN: The complete solo studio recordings5024709173044 |
APR7305 | WANDA LANDOWSKA: The complete piano recordings5024709173051 |
APR7306 | MYRA HESS: Live from the University of Illinois, 19495024709173068 |
APR7314 | EDWIN FISCHER: The complete Brahms, Schubert & Schumann – studio recordings 1934-19505024709173143 |
APR7316 | SHURA CHERKASSKY: The complete 78-rpm recordings 1923-19505024709173167 |
APR7317 | WILHELM BACKHAUS: The complete acoustic & selected – early electric recordings5024709173174 |
APR7318 | The earliest French piano recordings5024709173181 |
APR7401 | ARTHUR DE GREEF: Solo and concerto recordings5024709174010 |
APR7501 | PERCY GRAINGER: The complete 78-rpm solo recordings5024709175017 |
APR7502 | EILEEN JOYCE: The complete Parlophone & Columbia recordings5024709175024 |
APR7503 | MORIZ ROSENTHAL: The complete recordings5024709175031 |
APR7504 | MYRA HESS: 78-rpm solo and concerto recordings5024709175048 |
APR7701 | EGON PETRI: The complete Columbia & Electrola recordings5024709177011 |
BSP1 | Baroque String Playing034571102870 |
CCR0001-D | REICH: Drumming811043030165 |
CCR0002-D | The scene of the crime811043030264 |
CCR0003-D | REICH: Live at Fondation Louis Vuitton811043030363 |
CCR0004-D | GRUBER: Percussion Concertos811043030462 |
CCR0006-D | REICH: Music for 18 musicians811043030660 |
CDA30016 | RACHMANINOV: Vespers034571300160 |
CDA30020 | SCHUBERT: Die schöne MüllerinPreviously issued on CDJ33025034571300207 |
CDA30021 | SCHUBERT: Winterreise034571300214 |
CDA30022 | SCHUMANN: Piano TriosPreviously issued on CDA67063034571300221 |
CDA30029 | Three French Piano Trios034571300290 |
CDA30030 | New World Symphonies034571300306 |
CDA66003 | English Ayres & Duets034571160030 |
CDA66004 | SCHUBERT: Piano Sonata in B flat major034571160047 |
CDA66009 | RACHMANINOV: Variations034571160092 |
CDA66010 | DOWLAND: Consort Music034571160108 |
CDA66019 | Madrigals & Wedding Songs for Diana034571160191 |
CDA66021 | MONTEVERDI: Sacred Vocal MusicPreviously issued on CDH55345034571160214 |
CDA66030 | STANFORD: Cathedral Music034571160306 |
CDA66031 | English Clarinet Concertos, Vol. 1Previously issued on CDH55069034571160313 |
CDA66039 | HILDEGARD: A feather on the breath of God034571160399 |
CDA66047 | RACHMANINOV: Piano Sonatas034571160474 |
CDA66053 | BRAHMS/SCHUMANN: Voices of the Night034571160535 |
CDA66062 | BRUCKNER: Motets034571160627 |
CDA66065 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 71/1 & Op. 71/2034571160658 |
CDA66067 | English Virginal Music of the 17th century034571160672 |
CDA66070 | PURCELL: Music for a while034571160702 |
CDA66073 | FAYRFAX: Missa Albanus034571160733 |
CDA66074 | German Consort Music, 1660-1710034571160740 |
CDA66081 | RACHMANINOV: Preludes, Op. 23034571160818 |
CDA66082 | RACHMANINOV: Preludes, Op. 32034571160825 |
CDA66087 | MACHAUT: The Mirror of Narcissus034571160870 |
CDA66088 | CRUSELL/WEBER: Clarinet Concertos034571160887 |
CDA66089 | Renaissance Fantasias034571160894 |
CDA66093 | MOZART: Piano Trios, K 254 & K 548034571160931 |
CDA66094 | Troubadour Songs & Medieval Lyrics034571160948 |
CDA66098 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 71/3 & Op. 74/1034571160986 |
CDA66104 | HAYDN: The Rising of the Lark034571161044 |
CDA66106 | MONTEVERDI/INDIA: Olympia's Lament034571161068 |
CDA66107 | BRAHMS: Clarinet Quintet & Trio034571161075 |
CDA66108 | Purcell's London034571161082 |
CDA66112 | Souvenirs de VenisePreviously issued on CDH55217034571161129 |
CDA66114 | VICTORIA: O quam gloriosum & Ave maris stella034571161143 |
CDA66115 | STOCKHAUSEN: Stimmung034571161150 |
CDA66117 | SIMPSON: String Quartets Nos. 7 & 8034571161174 |
CDA66121 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 01034571161211 |
CDA66123 | BURGON: Cathedral Music034571161235 |
CDA66124 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 74/2 & Op. 74/3034571161242 |
CDA66125 | MOZART: Piano Trios, K 502 & K 564034571161259 |
CDA66127 | SIMPSON: String Quartet No. 9034571161273 |
CDA66130 | FERGUSON: Sonata & Partita034571161303 |
CDA66135 | LAWES: Sitting by the Streams034571161358 |
CDA66136 | Shakespeare's Kingdom034571161365 |
CDA66137 | BLISS: Rout & Rhapsody034571161372 |
CDA66139 | HOWELLS/DYSON: Rhapsodies & In GloucestershirePreviously issued on CDH55045034571161396 |
CDA66148 | MOZART: Piano Trios, K 496 & K 542034571161488 |
CDA66156 | The Symphony in Europe, 1785034571161563 |
CDA66159 | BRAHMS: Cello Sonatas034571161594 |
CDA66160 | VIVALDI: Lute & Mandolin Concertos034571161600 |
CDA66165 | The Sea034571161655 |
CDA66166 | FAURÉ: Piano Quartets Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDA30007034571161662 |
CDA66167 | JANACEK/STRAVINSKY: Capriccio & Piano Concerto034571161679 |
CDA66173 | ARNOLD: Chamber Music, Vol. 3 Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55073034571161730 |
CDA66176 | España!034571161761 |
CDA66184 | RACHMANINOV: Moments Musicaux034571161846 |
CDA66185 | For Children Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55194034571161853 |
CDA66190 | VICTORIA: O magnum mysterium & Ascendens Christus034571161907 |
CDA66191 | DURUFLÉ: Requiem & Quatre motets034571161914 |
CDA66192 | FERGUSON: Octet034571161921 |
CDA66197 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Trios034571161976 |
CDA66198 | RACHMANINOV: The Early Piano Works034571161983 |
CDA66199 | MOZART: Clarinet Concerto & Quintet034571161990 |
CDA66200 | PRAETORIUS: Christmas Music Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55446034571162003 |
CDA66201 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 01 – Waltzes Temporarily out of stock034571162010 |
CDA66204 | DVORAK: Slavonic Dances034571162041 |
CDA66210 | FIORILLO/VIOTTI: Violin ConcertosPreviously issued on CDH55062034571162102 |
CDA66211 | BERNART DE VENTADORN: The Testament of Tristan034571162119 |
CDA66215 | Clarinet ConcertosPreviously issued on CDH55068034571162157 |
CDA66216 | The Grand Organ034571162164 |
CDA66217 | SCHUBERT: Grand Duo034571162171 |
CDA66219 | American Choral Music034571162195 |
CDA66220 | BRITTEN: A Ceremony of Carols034571162201 |
CDA66223 | REGER: Organ Music034571162232 |
CDA66224 | BACH: Bach-Vivaldi Concertos034571162249 |
CDA66225 | SIMPSON: String Quartets Nos. 10 & 11034571162256 |
CDA66228 | Ancient Airs & DancesPreviously issued on CDH55146034571162287 |
CDA66230 | MESSIAEN: La Nativité du Seigneur034571162300 |
CDA66236 | BOCCHERINI: Symphonies Nos. 6, 8 & 14034571162362 |
CDA66237 | ARNE: Dr. Arne at Vauxhall Gardens034571162379 |
CDA66240 | PHILIPS: Consort Music034571162409 |
CDA66245 | BRUCKNER: Requiem034571162454 |
CDA66248 | La Procession034571162485 |
CDA66250 | VICTORIA: Requiem034571162508 |
CDA66251/2 | HANDEL: MessiahPreviously issued on CDD22019034571162515 |
CDA66255 | Italian Baroque Trumpet MusicPreviously issued on CDH55192034571162553 |
CDA66256 | WARD: Sweet Philomel & other madrigals034571162560 |
CDA66258 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 02034571162584 |
CDA66259 | SHEPPARD: Church Music, Vol. 1034571162591 |
CDA66260 | HOWELLS: St Paul's Service & other musicPreviously issued on CDD22038034571162607 |
CDA66261/2 | War's Embers034571162614 |
CDA66263 | Christmas Music from Medieval Europe034571162638 |
CDA66265 | Concert Pieces for Organ034571162652 |
CDA66266 | PALESTRINA: Missa Papae Marcelli034571162669 |
CDA66269 | MONDONVILLE: De Profundis & Venite, exsultemusPreviously issued on CDH55038034571162690 |
CDA66271/2 | ELGAR: The Complete Choral Songs034571162713 |
CDA66273 | PARRY: Songs of Farewell & Jerusalem034571162737 |
CDA66274 | BRITTEN: Cello Suites034571162744 |
CDA66275 | Heroic & Ceremonial Music for Brass & Organ034571162751 |
CDA66276 | BRAHMS: String Sextets034571162768 |
CDA66280 | SIMPSON: Symphonies Nos. 6 & 7034571162805 |
CDA66283 | Bella Domna Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55207034571162836 |
CDA66287 | DVORÁK: Piano Quartets034571162874 |
CDA66290 | MARTUCCI/RESPIGHI: La Canzone dei Ricordi & Il TramontoPreviously issued on CDH55049034571162904 |
CDA66291 | PARRY/STANFORD: NonetsPreviously issued on CDH55061034571162911 |
CDA66292 | FAURÉ: Requiem & other choral music034571162928 |
CDA66294 | PERGOLESI: Stabat Mater034571162942 |
CDA66297 | HAYDN: Piano Trios Nos. 38-40034571162973 |
CDA66299 | SIMPSON: Symphony No. 9034571162997 |
CDA66301 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 02 – Ballades, Legends & Polonaises034571163017 |
CDA66302 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 03 – Konzertsolo & Odes funèbres034571163024 |
CDA66303 | STROZZI: Songs034571163031 |
CDA66304 | VICTORIA: Tenebrae Responsories034571163048 |
CDA66306 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Five Mystical Songs & Five Tudor Portraits Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55004034571163062 |
CDA66307 | My mind to me a kingdom is034571163079 |
CDA66311/2 | MONTEVERDI: VespersPreviously issued on CDD22028034571163116 |
CDA66314 | PURCELL: Odes 1 Royal and Ceremonial Odes034571163147 |
CDA66315 | HANDEL: Music for Royal Occasions034571163154 |
CDA66320 | FAURÉ: La Chanson d'Ève & other songs034571163208 |
CDA66323 | DUPARC: Songs034571163239 |
CDA66324 | CHOPIN: Preludes, Fantaisie & Berceuse034571163246 |
CDA66325 | TAVERNER: Missa O Michael Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55054034571163253 |
CDA66326 | BACH: Cantatas Nos. 54, 169 & 170Previously issued on CDH55312034571163260 |
CDA66329 | HOLST: The Evening WatchPreviously issued on CDH55170034571163291 |
CDA66331 | SCHUMANN/MENDELSSOHN: Piano TriosPreviously issued on CDH55078034571163314 |
CDA66332 | ARNOLD: Sinfoniettas & Concertos034571163321 |
CDA66335 | A Musicall Dreame034571163352 |
CDA66336 | Music for the Lion-hearted KingPreviously issued on CDH55292034571163369 |
CDA66337 | HAYDN: Seven Last Words of our Saviour on the Cross034571163376 |
CDA66339 | VIVALDI: The Four Seasons034571163390 |
CDA66341/2 | CHOPIN: Nocturnes Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDD22013034571163413 |
CDA66345 | TOMKINS: Cathedral Music Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55066034571163451 |
CDA66346 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 05 – Saint-Saëns, Chopin & Berlioz Transcriptions034571163468 |
CDA66348 | HAYDN: Haydn's Last String Quartets034571163482 |
CDA66350 | HANDEL: Fireworks Music & Coronation Anthems034571163505 |
CDA66351/4 | BACH: The Well-tempered Clavier034571163529 |
CDA66355 | MOZART: String Quartets, K575 & K590034571163550 |
CDA66357 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 04 – Transcendental Studies Last few remaining034571163574 |
CDA66358 | MACHAUT: Messe de Notre Dame034571163581 |
CDA66360 | TAVERNER: Missa Corona spinea Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55051034571163604 |
CDA66361/2 | HANDEL: Acis and Galatea034571163611 |
CDA66363 | LOCATELLI: Violin Sonatas034571163635 |
CDA66369 | BACH: The Six MotetsPreviously issued on CDH55417034571163697 |
CDA66371/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 06 – Liszt at the Opera I034571163710 |
CDA66374 | The English Anthem, Vol. 1034571163741 |
CDA66376 | SIMPSON: String Quartets Nos. 3 & 6 & Trio034571163765 |
CDA66378 | BOYCE: Solomon034571163789 |
CDA66386 | SIMPSON: String Quartets Nos. 2 & 5034571163864 |
CDA66387 | LE JEUNE: Missa Ad placitum, Benedicite & Magnificat034571163871 |
CDA66388 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 08 – Christmas Tree & Via Crucis034571163888 |
CDA66390 | BACH: Six Trio Sonatas034571163901 |
CDA66391 | MOZART: Flute Sonatas034571163918 |
CDA66392 | MOZART: Flute Quartets, Adagio & Rondo034571163925 |
CDA66393 | MOZART: Flute Concertos034571163932 |
CDA66394 | HOWELLS: Psalm-Preludes & RhapsodiesPreviously issued on CDD22038034571163949 |
CDA66395 | GIBBONS/LUPO: Music for Prince Charles034571163956 |
CDA66397 | MENDELSSOHN: String Quartets, Vol. 1034571163970 |
CDA66399 | RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Antar Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55137034571163994 |
CDA66400 | TALLIS: Spem in alium & other choral works034571164007 |
CDA66401 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 18 Nos 1 & 2034571164014 |
CDA66402 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 18 Nos 3, 4 & 6034571164021 |
CDA66403 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 18 No 5 & Op. 59 No 1034571164038 |
CDA66404 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 59 Nos 2 & 3034571164045 |
CDA66405 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 74 & 131034571164052 |
CDA66406 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 95 & 132034571164069 |
CDA66407 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartet, Op. 130 & Grosse Fuge034571164076 |
CDA66408 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 127 & 135034571164083 |
CDA66412 | PURCELL: Odes 3 Fly, bold rebellion034571164120 |
CDA66414 | KOECHLIN: Music for FlutePreviously issued on CDH55107034571164144 |
CDA66416 | DEBUSSY: Preludes Book 1034571164168 |
CDA66418 | SHEPPARD: Church Music, Vol. 2034571164182 |
CDA66419 | SIMPSON: String Quartets Nos. 1 & 4034571164199 |
CDA66420 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Serenade to Music, Flos Campi, Mystical SongsPreviously issued on CDA30025034571164205 |
CDA66421/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 07 – Harmonies poétiques et religieuses034571164212 |
CDA66424 | TYE: Missa Euge bone Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55079034571164243 |
CDA66426 | ZELENKA: Lamentations Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55106034571164267 |
CDA66427 | TAVERNER: Missa Sancti WilhelmiPreviously issued on CDH55055034571164274 |
CDA66429 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 09 – Sonata, Elegies & Consolations034571164298 |
CDA66433 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 10 – Hexaméron Last few remaining034571164335 |
CDA66434 | BACH: Toccatas & Fugues Temporarily out of stock034571164342 |
CDA66435 | SIMPSON T: An Englishman Abroad034571164359 |
CDA66436 | Three English Ballets Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55099034571164366 |
CDA66437 | STRAVINSKY: Mass & Symphony of Psalms034571164373 |
CDA66438 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 13 – À la Chapelle Sixtine034571164380 |
CDA66440 | HANDEL: Italian DuetsPreviously issued on CDH55262034571164403 |
CDA66441/3 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Preludes & Fugues034571164410 |
CDA66444 | BRAHMS: Elly Ameling sings Brahms034571164441 |
CDA66445 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 11 – The Late Pieces034571164458 |
CDA66446 | WESLEY: Anthems, Vol. 1034571164465 |
CDA66448 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 12 – 3e Année de pèlerinage Last few remaining034571164489 |
CDA66449 | SIMPSON: Music for Brass034571164496 |
CDA66450 | BANTOCK: Hebridean & Celtic Symphonies034571164502 |
CDA66452 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 01 – Moszkowski & Paderewski034571164526 |
CDA66453 | BARTÓK: 44 Duos for two violinsPreviously issued on CDH55267034571164533 |
CDA66455 | BACH: Partitas & Canonic Variations034571164557 |
CDA66456 | PURCELL: Odes 4 Ye tuneful Muses034571164564 |
CDA66457 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 03034571164571 |
CDA66458 | MOZART: String Quartets, K499 & K589Previously issued on CDH55094034571164588 |
CDA66459 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 1034571164595 |
CDA66461/2 | HANDEL: Joshua034571164618 |
CDA66464 | TAVENER: Sacred Music Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55414034571164649 |
CDA66466 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 14 – Christus & St Elisabeth034571164663 |
CDA66467 | BOND: Six Concertos in seven parts034571164670 |
CDA66468 | DEBUSSY: The complete music for two pianosPreviously issued on CDH55014034571164687 |
CDA66469 | WESLEY: Anthems, Vol. 2034571164694 |
CDA66470 | Original 19th-century music for brass034571164700 |
CDA66476 | PURCELL: Odes 5 Welcome glorious morn034571164762 |
CDA66479 | ROMBERG/FUCHS: Clarinet Quintets Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55076034571164793 |
CDA66480 | Songs to Shakespeare034571164809 |
CDA66481/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 15 – Song Transcriptions034571164816 |
CDA66487 | DEBUSSY: Preludes Book 2034571164878 |
CDA66488 | HOWELLS: Hymnus Paradisi & An English Mass Temporarily out of stock034571164885 |
CDA66490 | PALESTRINA: Missa Aeterna Christi munera & MotetsPreviously issued on CDH55368034571164908 |
CDA66494 | PURCELL: Odes 6 Love's goddess sure034571164946 |
CDA66495 | DEBUSSY: Estampes, Children's Corner, Pour le piano034571164953 |
CDA66497 | O tuneful voice034571164977 |
CDA66498 | BRITTEN: Five CanticlesPreviously issued on CDH55244034571164984 |
CDA66500 | Jill Gomez South of the Border034571165004 |
CDA66503 | SIMPSON: String Quartet No. 12 & String Quintet034571165035 |
CDA66505 | SIMPSON: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 4034571165059 |
CDA66506 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 16 – Bunte Reihe034571165066 |
CDA66510 | SIMPSON: Symphony No. 10034571165103 |
CDA66511 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Pilgrim's Progress034571165110 |
CDA66513 | BEETHOVEN: Septet & SextetPreviously issued on CDH55189034571165134 |
CDA66516 | MARTINU/SCHULHOFF: String SextetsPreviously issued on CDH55321034571165165 |
CDA66519 | The English Anthem, Vol. 2034571165196 |
CDA66527 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 82, 83 & 84Previously issued on CDH55123034571165271 |
CDA66564 | ROSEINGRAVE: Keyboard Music034571165646 |
CDA66566 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 01 – Ferruccio Busoni034571165660 |
CDA66567 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 03 – Mendelssohn Double Concertos034571165677 |
CDA66569 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains034571165691 |
CDA66570 | SHEPPARD: Church Music, Vol. 3034571165707 |
CDA66571/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 17 – Liszt at the Opera II Last few remaining034571165714 |
CDA66574 | PEÑALOSA: The Complete MotetsPreviously issued on CDH55357034571165745 |
CDA66575 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 18 – Liszt at the Theatre Last few remaining034571165752 |
CDA66578 | Odes on the death of Henry Purcell034571165783 |
CDA66579 | MENDELSSOHN: String Quartets, Vol. 2034571165790 |
CDA66580 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 02 – Medtner 2 & 3034571165806 |
CDA66583 | English 18th-century Violin Sonatas034571165837 |
CDA66584 | CHAMINADE: Piano Music, Vol. 1Previously issued on CDH55197034571165844 |
CDA66585 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 01034571165851 |
CDA66587 | PURCELL: Odes 7 Yorkshire Feast Song034571165875 |
CDA66589 | BACH: Goldberg Variations034571165899 |
CDA66590 | WOLF: Goethe & Mörike Songs034571165905 |
CDA66591/2 | GAY: The Beggar's Opera034571165912 |
CDA66593 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 19 – Liebesträume & the Songbooks Last few remaining034571165936 |
CDA66597 | CHOPIN: Demidenko plays ChopinPreviously issued on CDH55183034571165974 |
CDA66598 | PURCELL: Odes 8 Come ye sons of Art034571165981 |
CDA66601/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 20 – Album d'un voyageur Last few remaining034571166018 |
CDA66603 | SHEPPARD: Church Music, Vol. 4034571166032 |
CDA66604 | JENKINS: Late Consort Music034571166049 |
CDA66605 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 04034571166056 |
CDA66606 | CROFT: Te Deum & Burial Service Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55252034571166063 |
CDA66608 | DIBDIN: Ephesian Matron, Brickdust Man & Grenadier034571166087 |
CDA66609 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 02034571166094 |
CDA66615 | MENDELSSOHN: String Quartets, Vol. 3034571166155 |
CDA66616 | LISZT: Demidenko plays Liszt Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55184034571166162 |
CDA66618 | The English Anthem, Vol. 3034571166186 |
CDA66620 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Fantastic Dances, Preludes & Sonata No. 2034571166209 |
CDA66621 | HAYDN: Sun Quartets Nos. 1, 2 & 3034571166216 |
CDA66622 | HAYDN: Sun Quartets Nos. 4, 5 & 6034571166223 |
CDA66623 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 03034571166230 |
CDA66624 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 04 – Arensky & Bortkiewicz034571166247 |
CDA66625 | The sweet look & the loving manner034571166254 |
CDA66626 | SIMPSON: String Quartets Nos. 14 & 15034571166261 |
CDA66630 | BANTOCK: Pagan Symphony034571166308 |
CDA66631/2 | BACH: The Art of Fugue034571166315 |
CDA66638 | VILLA-LOBOS: Missa São Sebastião & other sacred musicPreviously issued on CDH55470034571166384 |
CDA66640 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 05 – Balakirev & Rimsky-Korsakov034571166407 |
CDA66641/2 | HANDEL: Judas Maccabaeus Temporarily out of stock034571166414 |
CDA66644 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 04034571166445 |
CDA66646 | BLOW: Fairest work of happy Nature034571166469 |
CDA66649 | BENDA: Cephalus & Aurora034571166490 |
CDA66653 | The Voice in the GardenPreviously issued on CDH55298034571166537 |
CDA66655 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Dona nobis pacem & other works034571166551 |
CDA66656 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 05034571166568 |
CDA66657 | SCHUMANN: Piano Quartet & Piano Quintet034571166575 |
CDA66658 | BLOW: Awake my lyre034571166582 |
CDA66661/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 21 – Soirées musicales Last few remaining034571166612 |
CDA66663 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 06034571166636 |
CDA66667 | Four & Twenty Fiddlers034571166674 |
CDA66668 | Adeste fideles034571166681 |
CDA66669 | Panis angelicus034571166698 |
CDA66671/5 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 22 – The Beethoven Symphonies034571166711 |
CDA66676 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 05034571166766 |
CDA66677 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 07034571166773 |
CDA66678 | The English Anthem, Vol. 4034571166780 |
CDA66679 | DVORÁK: String Quartet, Quintet & Notturno034571166797 |
CDA66681 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 33/1-3034571166810 |
CDA66682 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 33/4-6 & Op. 42034571166827 |
CDA66683 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 23 – Harold in Italy034571166834 |
CDA66684 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 06 – Dohnányi034571166841 |
CDA66686 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 08034571166865 |
CDA66688 | LASSUS: Missa Bell' Amfitrit' alteraPreviously issued on CDH55212034571166889 |
CDA66690 | BOUGHTON: Bethlehem034571166902 |
CDA66693 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 09034571166933 |
CDA66694 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 25 – The Canticle of the Sun Last few remaining034571166940 |
CDA66695 | SIMPSON: Horn Quartet & Horn Trio034571166957 |
CDA66697 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 2034571166971 |
CDA66698 | Enchanting Harmonist034571166988 |
CDA66699 | SPOHR: Octet & Nonet034571166995 |
CDA66704 | BRUCKNER/STRAUSS R: Quintet & CapriccioPreviously issued on CDH55372034571167046 |
CDA66705 | HOLST: This have I done for my true love Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55171034571167053 |
CDA66706 | CHAMINADE: Piano Music, Vol. 2Previously issued on CDH55198034571167060 |
CDA66707 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 10034571167077 |
CDA66710 | PURCELL: Secular solo songs, Vol. 1034571167107 |
CDA66714 | DANYEL: The Complete Songs & Lute Music034571167145 |
CDA66715 | MELGÁS/MORAGO: Music of the Portuguese Renaissance034571167152 |
CDA66716 | PURCELL: Anthems & Services, Vol. 11034571167169 |
CDA66717 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 07 – Alkan & Henselt034571167176 |
CDA66720 | PURCELL: Secular solo songs, Vol. 2034571167206 |
CDA66725 | Masters of The Royal Chapel, Lisbon034571167251 |
CDA66726 | BOULANGER: Clairières dans le ciel Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55153034571167268 |
CDA66728 | SIMPSON: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 5034571167282 |
CDA66729 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 10 – Weber034571167299 |
CDA66730 | PURCELL: Secular solo songs, Vol. 3034571167305 |
CDA66731/2 | STRAUSS: Complete Music for WindsPreviously issued on CDD22015034571167312 |
CDA66733 | PALESTRINA: The Song of Songs Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55095034571167336 |
CDA66734 | PHILIPS: Keyboard Music034571167343 |
CDA66735 | Music from Renaissance Coimbra034571167350 |
CDA66737 | SIMPSON: Violin Sonata & Piano Trio034571167374 |
CDA66740 | The Romantic Muse034571167404 |
CDA66741/2 | CORELLI: Concerti Grossi, Op. 6 Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDD22011034571167411 |
CDA66743 | LISZT: Music for Violin034571167435 |
CDA66744 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 08 – Medtner 1 & Quintet034571167442 |
CDA66746 | BACH: The Inventions034571167466 |
CDA66747 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 09 – d'Albert034571167473 |
CDA66749 | TIPPETT: Songs034571167497 |
CDA66750 | PURCELL: Hark how the wild musicians sing034571167503 |
CDA66755 | ARENSKY: Complete Suites for two pianos034571167558 |
CDA66756 | BACH: Orgelbüchlein034571167565 |
CDA66757 | DURUFLÉ: Requiem034571167572 |
CDA66758 | The English Anthem, Vol. 5034571167589 |
CDA66759 | LAMPE: Pyramus & Thisbe034571167596 |
CDA66761/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 24 – Beethoven & Hummel Septets034571167619 |
CDA66765 | Marc-André Hamelin Live034571167657 |
CDA66766 | FAURÉ: Piano Quintets034571167664 |
CDA66767 | LINLEY: Cantatas & Theatre Music Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55256034571167671 |
CDA66768 | AMNER: Cathedral Music034571167688 |
CDA66769 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 01034571167695 |
CDA66771/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 26 – The Young Liszt034571167718 |
CDA66773 | The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 2 Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55282034571167732 |
CDA66774 | Moore's Irish Melodies034571167749 |
CDA66775 | MUSSORGSKY: Song Cycles Last few remaining034571167756 |
CDA66777 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Over hill, over dale034571167770 |
CDA66778 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 06034571167787 |
CDA66779 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 02034571167794 |
CDA66780 | Quartet in 18th-century England034571167800 |
CDA66784 | HOLST: Choral Ballets034571167848 |
CDA66786 | DOHNÁNYI: Piano Quintets & Serenade Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55412034571167862 |
CDA66787 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 27 – Fantasies on National Songs034571167879 |
CDA66788 | WOLF: Songs034571167886 |
CDA66789 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 03 Last few remaining034571167893 |
CDA66790 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 11 – Sauer & Scharwenka034571167909 |
CDA66794 | ALKAN: Marc-André Hamelin plays Alkan034571167947 |
CDA66795 | VIVALDI: Viola d'amore Concertos Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55178034571167954 |
CDA66797 | HANDEL: English AriasPreviously issued on CDH55419034571167978 |
CDA66798 | POULENC: Secular Choral MusicPreviously issued on CDH55179034571167985 |
CDA66799 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 05034571167992 |
CDA66800 | ARRIAGA/VORISEK: Symphonies034571168005 |
CDA66801/2 | GOUNOD: Songs034571168012 |
CDA66805 | CHERUBINI: Requiem034571168050 |
CDA66806 | A High-Priz'd Noise034571168067 |
CDA66807 | BAX: Nonet & other chamber music034571168074 |
CDA66808 | CLEMENTI: Demidenko plays ClementiPreviously issued on CDH55227034571168081 |
CDA66809 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 06034571168098 |
CDA66810 | BANTOCK: The Cyprian Goddess & Helena Variations034571168104 |
CDA66811/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 28 – Dances & Marches Last few remaining034571168111 |
CDA66813 | BACH: The Italian Connection034571168135 |
CDA66814 | In the Cradle of the Renaissance034571168142 |
CDA66815 | MACCUNN: Land of the Mountain & the Flood034571168159 |
CDA66816 | DAQUIN: Douze NoëlsPreviously issued on CDH55319034571168166 |
CDA66819 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 07034571168197 |
CDA66820 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 12 – Parry & Stanford034571168203 |
CDA66821 | HAYDN: Prussian Quartets Nos. 1, 2 & 3034571168210 |
CDA66822 | HAYDN: Prussian Quartets Nos. 4, 5 & 6034571168227 |
CDA66823 | BRITTEN: The Red Cockatoo & other songs Temporarily out of stock034571168234 |
CDA66825 | BRITTEN: Christ's Nativity034571168258 |
CDA66826 | The English Anthem, Vol. 6034571168265 |
CDA66827 | SIMPSON: The Complete Solo Piano Music034571168272 |
CDA66828 | GOMBERT: Credo & other sacred musicPreviously issued on CDH55247034571168289 |
CDA66829 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 08034571168296 |
CDA66836 | Hark! hark! the lark034571168364 |
CDA66838 | BOWEN: Piano Music034571168388 |
CDA66839 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 09034571168395 |
CDA66840 | Violin ConcertosPreviously issued on CDH55157034571168401 |
CDA66841/2 | HANDEL: Deborah034571168418 |
CDA66843 | BACH: Six Trio Sonatas transcribed034571168432 |
CDA66846 | CHAMINADE: Piano Music, Vol. 3Previously issued on CDH55199034571168463 |
CDA66849 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 10034571168494 |
CDA66850 | Exultate Deo034571168500 |
CDA66851/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 29 – Magyar Dalok & Magyar Rapszódiák034571168517 |
CDA66853 | IRELAND: The complete music for violin & pianoPreviously issued on CDH55164034571168531 |
CDA66856 | SAINT-SAËNS: Songs034571168562 |
CDA66860 | HANDEL: Opera Arias & Overtures, Vol. 1034571168609 |
CDA66861/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 30 – Liszt at the Opera III Last few remaining034571168616 |
CDA66864 | SCHUMANN: Piano Sonatas Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55300034571168647 |
CDA66867 | Holy Week at the Chapel of the Braganza Dukes034571168678 |
CDA66868 | British Light Music Classics, Vol. 1034571168685 |
CDA66870 | Royal Eurostar034571168708 |
CDA66874 | LISZT: Marc-André Hamelin plays Liszt034571168746 |
CDA66877 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 13 – Glazunov & Goedicke034571168777 |
CDA66878 | QUILTER: Songs034571168784 |
CDA66884 | GRAINGER: Piano Music034571168845 |
CDA66885 | SCHNITTKE: Chamber Music034571168852 |
CDA66887 | MOZART: Wind Serenades & OverturesPreviously issued on CDH55092034571168876 |
CDA66888 | BOELLMANN/GODARD: Cello Sonatas034571168883 |
CDA66889 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 14 – Litolff Concertos Symphoniques 2 & 4034571168890 |
CDA66890 | SIMPSON: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 8034571168906 |
CDA66895 | DVORÁK: Piano Trios Nos. 3 & 4034571168951 |
CDA66897 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 15 – Hahn & Massenet034571168975 |
CDA66898 | Vierne, Widor & Dupré034571168982 |
CDA66899 | BANTOCK: Sappho & Sapphic Poem034571168999 |
CDA66900 | Indian Classical Music034571169002 |
CDA66903 | BOCCHERINI: Six Symphonies034571169033 |
CDA66904 | BOCCHERINI: Four Symphonies034571169040 |
CDA66905 | SIMPSON: String Quartet No. 13, & Quintet No. 2034571169057 |
CDA66906 | MENDELSSOHN: Songs & Duets, Vol. 1034571169064 |
CDA66907 | CHAUSSON: Concert & Piano Quartet034571169071 |
CDA66908 | GABRIELI G: Sacrae Symphoniae034571169088 |
CDA66915 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 3034571169156 |
CDA66916 | Passiontide at St Paul'sPreviously issued on CDH55436034571169163 |
CDA66917 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 07034571169170 |
CDA66918 | FRANCK: Piano Music034571169187 |
CDA66920 | Sure on this shining night034571169200 |
CDA66925 | O magnum misteriumPreviously issued on CDH55216034571169255 |
CDA66926 | ROSLAVETS: Piano Music034571169262 |
CDA66927 | QUANTZ: Flute Concertos034571169279 |
CDA66928 | Ikon, Vol. 1034571169286 |
CDA66929 | Musique of Violenze034571169293 |
CDA66930 | HOLLOWAY/SCHUMANN: Serenade & Liederkreis034571169309 |
CDA66935 | BOYCE: Peleus & Thetis034571169354 |
CDA66936 | BOUGHTON: String Quartets & Oboe Quartet No. 1Previously issued on CDH55174034571169361 |
CDA66937 | My Garden034571169378 |
CDA66938 | WARLOCK: Curlew, Capriol, Serenade, Songs034571169385 |
CDA66939 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano SonatasPreviously issued on CDH55215034571169392 |
CDA66941/2 | BRITTEN: Complete Folk Song Arrangements034571169415 |
CDA66943 | GOMBERT: Missa Tempore paschali & Motets Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55323034571169439 |
CDA66944 | LÉONIN: Magister Leoninus, Vol. 1 Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55328034571169446 |
CDA66946 | Music for viola & piano034571169460 |
CDA66947 | RUTTER: Requiem & other choral works034571169477 |
CDA66949 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 16 – Huss & Schelling034571169491 |
CDA66950 | HANDEL: The Rival Queens034571169507 |
CDA66951/3 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 31 – The Schubert Transcriptions I034571169514 |
CDA66954/6 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 32 – The Schubert Transcriptions II034571169545 |
CDA66957/9 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 33 – The Schubert Transcriptions III034571169576 |
CDA66960 | PÄRT: Berliner Messe & MagnificatPreviously issued on CDH55408034571169606 |
CDA66961/2 | HANDEL: The Occasional Oratorio034571169613 |
CDA66963 | MOMPOU: Piano music034571169637 |
CDA66966 | LIEBERMANN: Piano Concertos034571169668 |
CDA66967 | HANDEL/TELEMANN: Water Music034571169675 |
CDA66968 | British Light Music Classics, Vol. 2034571169682 |
CDA66969 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 17 – Mendelssohn034571169699 |
CDA66971 | HAYDN: Tost I Quartets034571169712 |
CDA66972 | HAYDN: Tost II Quartets034571169729 |
CDA66973 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 34 – Douze Grandes Études034571169736 |
CDA66975 | MACKENZIE: Violin Concerto & Pibroch Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55343034571169750 |
CDA66976 | BIZET: Songs034571169767 |
CDA66977 | The Age of Extravagance034571169774 |
CDA66978 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 08034571169781 |
CDA66979 | KOECHLIN/PIERNÉ: Cello Sonatas034571169798 |
CDA66980 | XENAKIS: Choral Music034571169804 |
CDA66983 | SÉVERAC: Songs034571169835 |
CDA66984 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 35 – Arabesques Last few remaining034571169842 |
CDA66985 | Early Italian Violin Sonatas034571169859 |
CDA66987 | WALLACE: Creation Symphony & other works Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55465034571169873 |
CDA66990 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 18 – Korngold & Marx034571169903 |
CDA66994 | Advent at St Paul's Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55463034571169941 |
CDA66995 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 36 – Excelsior!034571169958 |
CDA66996 | REGER: Piano Music034571169965 |
CDA66999 | MOODY: Passion & Resurrection034571169996 |
CDA67000 | SCHUBERT: Symphony No. 10034571170008 |
CDA67004 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 37 – Tanzmomente Last few remaining034571170046 |
CDA67005 | New York Variations034571170053 |
CDA67006 | JONES: The Geisha Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55245034571170060 |
CDA67007 | CLERK: The Lion of Scotland034571170077 |
CDA67008 | LLOYD WEBBER W: Chamber music & songs Last few remaining034571170084 |
CDA67011 | HAYDN: Tost III Quartets 1 2 3034571170121 |
CDA67012 | HAYDN: Tost III Quartets 4 5 6034571170114 |
CDA67013 | CASTELLO/PICCHI: The Floating City Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55320034571170138 |
CDA67014 | MILHAUD: Music for two pianists034571170145 |
CDA67015 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 38 – Les Préludes Last few remaining034571170152 |
CDA67016 | SIMPSON: Complete Choral & Organ Music034571170169 |
CDA67017 | MARTIN/PIZZETTI: Mass & Messa di Requiem034571170176 |
CDA67019 | ELGAR: Choral Songs034571170190 |
CDA67020 | Vital Spark of Heav'nly Flame034571170206 |
CDA67023 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 19 – Mackenzie & Tovey034571170237 |
CDA67025 | PARRY: Job034571170251 |
CDA67026 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 39 – 1e Année de pèlerinage034571170268 |
CDA67027 | SCHUBERT: Piano Sonatas, D613, 784 & 960034571170275 |
CDA67028 | CHAUSSON: Chamber Music034571170282 |
CDA67029 | PROKOFIEV: Piano Concertos Nos. 1, 4 & 5034571170299 |
CDA67033 | LECLAIR: Sonatas, Vol. 1034571170336 |
CDA67034 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 40 – Gaudeamus igitur034571170343 |
CDA67035 | La Folia034571170350 |
CDA67036 | FRANÇAIX: À huit & Divertissement034571170367 |
CDA67037 | SAINT-SAËNS: The Complete Études034571170374 |
CDA67039 | Jerusalem, Vision of Peace034571170398 |
CDA67043 | Stephen Hough's New Piano Album034571170435 |
CDA67044 | PARRY: English Lyrics & Songs Last few remaining034571170442 |
CDA67045 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 41 – The Recitations with piano034571170459 |
CDA67049 | LAMBERT: Tiresias & Pomona034571170497 |
CDA67050 | The Composer-Pianists034571170503 |
CDA67053 | HANDEL: Handel in Hamburg Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55324034571170534 |
CDA67054 | MESSIAEN: Piano Music034571170541 |
CDA67055 | BEETHOVEN: Songs034571170558 |
CDA67056 | PADEREWSKI: Symphony 'Polonia' Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55351034571170565 |
CDA67057/8 | SCRIABIN: The Complete Preludes034571170572 |
CDA67060 | Organ Dreams, Vol. 1034571170602 |
CDA67064 | FAURÉ: Piano Music034571170640 |
CDA67065 | English Orchestral Songs034571170657 |
CDA67067 | American Light Music Classics034571170671 |
CDA67068 | LECLAIR: Sonatas, Vol. 2034571170688 |
CDA67069 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 20 – Brüll034571170695 |
CDA67070 | DURUFLÉ/FAURÉ: Requiems034571170701 |
CDA67071/2 | BACH: Wachet auf!034571170718 |
CDA67073 | VIVALDI: Concerti con molti istromentiPreviously issued on CDH55439034571170732 |
CDA67074 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 01 – Saint-Saëns034571170749 |
CDA67077 | RZEWSKI: The People United Will Never Be Defeated!034571170770 |
CDA67078 | MCCABE: String Quartets Nos. 3, 4 & 5034571170787 |
CDA67083 | HANDEL: Trio SonatasPreviously issued on CDH55280034571170831 |
CDA67085 | LISZT: Sonata, Ballades & Polonaises034571170855 |
CDA67086 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 21 – Dreyschock & Kullak034571170862 |
CDA67087 | The English Anthem, Vol. 7034571170879 |
CDA67088 | The Noble Bass Viol034571170886 |
CDA67089 | MCCABE: Symphony No. 4 & Flute Concerto034571170893 |
CDA67090 | CATOIRE: Piano MusicPreviously issued on CDH55425034571170909 |
CDA67091/2 | SCHUBERT: Impromptus & other piano music034571170916 |
CDA67093 | GIBBS: Dale & Fell034571170930 |
CDA67096 | SAMMONS: The English Kreisler034571170961 |
CDA67099 | PALESTRINA: Missa Ecce ego Johannes & other sacred music Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55407034571170992 |
CDA67100 | SAINT-SAËNS: Music for Violin034571171005 |
CDA67101/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 42 – Liszt at the Opera IV034571171012 |
CDA67103 | SWEELINCK: Cantiones Sacrae, Vol. 1034571171036 |
CDA67104 | SWEELINCK: Cantiones Sacrae, Vol. 2034571171043 |
CDA67105 | Russian Images, Vol. 1034571171050 |
CDA67107 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 43 – 2e Année de pèlerinage034571171074 |
CDA67109 | GYROWETZ: Three String Quartets034571171098 |
CDA67111/3 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 44 – The Early Beethoven Transcriptions034571171111 |
CDA67115 | Fairest Isle034571171159 |
CDA67118 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 4034571171180 |
CDA67119 | Antique Brasses034571171197 |
CDA67120 | SCHUMANN: Carnaval, Fantasiestücke, Papillons034571171203 |
CDA67121/2 | BACH: The French Suites034571171210 |
CDA67123 | STANFORD: Songs, Vol. 1034571171234 |
CDA67124 | STANFORD: Songs, Vol. 2034571171241 |
CDA67125 | CHOPIN: Polish SongsPreviously issued on CDH55270034571171258 |
CDA67127 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 23 – Holbrooke & Wood034571171272 |
CDA67128 | HANDEL: Opera Arias & Overtures, Vol. 2034571171289 |
CDA67129 | A Marriage of England & Burgundy034571171296 |
CDA67130 | WOLF: Goethe Lieder034571171302 |
CDA67131/2 | SCRIABIN: The Complete Piano Sonatas034571171319 |
CDA67133/4 | CHABRIER: Musique adorable!034571171333 |
CDA67135/6 | MCCABE: Edward II034571171357 |
CDA67137 | MENDELSSOHN: Songs & Duets, Vol. 2 Last few remaining034571171371 |
CDA67138 | BACH/SIMPSON: The Art of Fugue034571171388 |
CDA67139 | BACH: Organ Cornucopia Last few remaining034571171395 |
CDA67141/2 | HAHN: Songs034571171418 |
CDA67143 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 22 – Busoni034571171432 |
CDA67145 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 45 – Rapsodie espagnole034571171456 |
CDA67146 | Organ Dreams, Vol. 2 Temporarily out of stock034571171463 |
CDA67147 | JANÁCEK/KODÁLY: Masses034571171470 |
CDA67148 | British Light Music Classics, Vol. 3034571171487 |
CDA67150 | Haydn & his English Friends034571171500 |
CDA67153 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 2 & 3034571171531 |
CDA67154 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 4, 6 & 8034571171548 |
CDA67155 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 5, 7 & 9034571171555 |
CDA67156 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 10, 12 & 14034571171562 |
CDA67157 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 11, 13 & 15034571171579 |
CDA67158 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Quartet No. 1, Quintet & Trio No. 2034571171586 |
CDA67159 | KAPUSTIN: Piano Music, Vol. 1034571171593 |
CDA67160 | KNÜPFER: Sacred Music Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55393034571171609 |
CDA67161/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 46 – Meditations034571171616 |
CDA67163 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 24 – Vianna da Motta034571171630 |
CDA67164 | COUPERIN M R N: Livre de Tablature de Clavescin034571171647 |
CDA67165 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 25 – MacDowell034571171654 |
CDA67166 | SCHUMANN: Piano Music034571171661 |
CDA67168 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Songs034571171685 |
CDA67169 | STRAUSS J: Strauss Dances034571171692 |
CDA67170 | BERNSTEIN/BOLCOM: The Age of Anxiety & Concerto034571171708 |
CDA67171/3 | HANDEL: Joseph & his Brethren Temporarily out of stock034571171715 |
CDA67175 | SCHUMANN: Fantasiestücke, Piano Trio & Piano Quartet034571171753 |
CDA67176 | VILLA-LOBOS: Piano Music034571171760 |
CDA67179 | DITTERSDORF/VANHAL: Double Bass Concertos034571171791 |
CDA67180 | SCHUMANN: Violin Sonatas & Three Romances034571171807 |
CDA67183 | JOSQUIN: Josquin & his contemporaries034571171838 |
CDA67184 | Smörgasbord034571171845 |
CDA67185 | BOUGHTON: Aylesbury Games & Concertos034571171852 |
CDA67186 | Canciones amatorias034571171869 |
CDA67187 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 47 – Litanies de Marie034571171876 |
CDA67188/9 | BLISS: Knot of Riddles & other songs034571171883 |
CDA67191/2 | BACH: The Six Partitas034571171913 |
CDA67193 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 48 – The Complete Paganini Études034571171937 |
CDA67194 | EBEN: Organ Music, Vol. 1034571171944 |
CDA67195 | EBEN: Organ Music, Vol. 2034571171951 |
CDA67196 | EBEN: Organ Music, Vol. 3034571171968 |
CDA67197 | EBEN: Organ Music, Vol. 4 Last few remaining034571171975 |
CDA67198 | EBEN: Organ Music, Vol. 5034571171982 |
CDA67199 | LISZT: Missa Choralis & Via Crucis034571171999 |
CDA67203 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 49 – Schubert & Weber Transcriptions Last few remaining034571172033 |
CDA67205 | Russian Images, Vol. 2034571172057 |
CDA67206 | CORNELIUS: The Three Kings034571172064 |
CDA67207 | TALLIS: Missa Salve intemerata & AntiphonsPreviously issued on CDH55400034571172071 |
CDA67208 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 02 – Stanford034571172088 |
CDA67209 | SABATA: Orchestral Music034571172095 |
CDA67210 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 26 – Litolff Concertos Symphoniques 3 & 5034571172101 |
CDA67211/2 | BACH: Organ Miniatures034571172118 |
CDA67213/4 | BACH: The Clavierübung Chorales034571172132 |
CDA67215 | BACH: Neumeister Chorales034571172156 |
CDA67217 | TAVENER: The World & Diódia Last few remaining034571172170 |
CDA67218 | ALKAN: Symphony for solo piano034571172187 |
CDA67219 | MACMILLAN: Mass & other sacred music034571172194 |
CDA67220 | GOLDMARK/WALTER: Violin Sonatas Last few remaining034571172200 |
CDA67221/4 | MEDTNER: The Complete Piano Sonatas034571172217 |
CDA67225 | Salve Regina034571172255 |
CDA67226 | BACH C P E: Flute Concertos034571172262 |
CDA67227 | On this Island034571172279 |
CDA67228 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 09034571172286 |
CDA67229 | SCHUBERT: Opera Arias034571172293 |
CDA67230 | The Neapolitans034571172309 |
CDA67231/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 50 – Liszt at the Opera V Last few remaining034571172316 |
CDA67233/4 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 51 – Paralipomènes034571172330 |
CDA67235 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 52 – Ungarischer Romanzero034571172354 |
CDA67236 | BUXTEHUDE: Seven Sonatas, Op. 1 Last few remaining034571172361 |
CDA67237 | BRAHMS: Piano Sonata No. 3 & Four Ballades034571172378 |
CDA67238 | Violin Masters of the 17th Century034571172385 |
CDA67239 | WALTON: Façade034571172392 |
CDA67240 | PRAETORIUS: Music from Terpischore034571172408 |
CDA67241/2 | HANDEL: Alexander Balus034571172415 |
CDA67243 | GURNEY: Severn Meadows034571172439 |
CDA67244 | French Cello Music034571172446 |
CDA67245 | RUTTER: Music for Christmas034571172453 |
CDA67246 | MOZART: Divertimento, K563 & Duo, K424034571172460 |
CDA67247 | BACH: A Bach Album034571172477 |
CDA67248 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 5 Temporarily out of stock034571172484 |
CDA67250 | BANTOCK: Thalaba the Destroyer034571172507 |
CDA67251/2 | BRAHMS: The Complete TriosPreviously issued on CDD22082034571172514 |
CDA67253 | BEETHOVEN: String Trio & Serenade034571172538 |
CDA67254 | BEETHOVEN: Three String Trios034571172545 |
CDA67255/6 | POULENC: The Complete Chamber Music034571172552 |
CDA67257 | DUREY: Songs034571172576 |
CDA67258 | HAHN/VIERNE: Piano Quintets034571172583 |
CDA67259 | RUTTER: Gloria & other sacred music034571172590 |
CDA67260 | SCHELLE: Sacred Music Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55373034571172606 |
CDA67261/2 | IRELAND: Songs034571172613 |
CDA67263 | BACH: Attributions034571172637 |
CDA67264/5 | BACH: The Complete Flute SonatasPreviously issued on CDD22077034571172644 |
CDA67266 | Classical Trumpet Concertos034571172668 |
CDA67267 | Stephen Hough's English Piano Album034571172675 |
CDA67268 | CAMPION: Move now with measured sound034571172682 |
CDA67273 | SCHUBERT: Piano Trio in B flat034571172736 |
CDA67274 | English Poets, Russian Romances034571172743 |
CDA67275 | Kaleidoscope034571172750 |
CDA67276 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 29 – Moscheles 2 & 3034571172767 |
CDA67278 | HANDEL: The Complete Flute Sonatas034571172781 |
CDA67280 | SULLIVAN: The Golden Legend034571172804 |
CDA67281/2 | VIVALDI: Sacred Music, Vol. 04 - Juditha Triumphans034571172811 |
CDA67283/4 | HANDEL: L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato034571172835 |
CDA67286 | The Coronation of King George II034571172866 |
CDA67287 | BOCCHERINI: Cello Quintets, Vol. 1034571172873 |
CDA67288 | Bassoon Concertos034571172880 |
CDA67290 | Songs my father taught me034571172903 |
CDA67291/2 | HANDEL: Organ Concertos Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDD22052034571172910 |
CDA67293 | COLES: Music from Behind the lines Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDH55464034571172934 |
CDA67296 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 39 – Delius & Ireland034571172965 |
CDA67297 | SCHNITTKE: Choir Concerto & Minnesang034571172972 |
CDA67298 | HANDEL: The Choice of Hercules034571172989 |
CDA67299 | A Scottish Lady Mass Last few remaining034571172996 |
CDA67300 | GODOWSKY: Sonata & Passacaglia034571173009 |
CDA67301/2 | BACH: The Well-tempered Clavier IPreviously issued on CDS44291/4034571173016 |
CDA67303/4 | BACH: The Well-tempered Clavier IIPreviously issued on CDS44291/4034571173030 |
CDA67305 | BACH: Goldberg Variations034571173054 |
CDA67306 | BACH: Italian Concerto & French Overture034571173061 |
CDA67307 | BACH: The Keyboard Concertos, Vol. 1034571173078 |
CDA67308 | BACH: The Keyboard Concertos, Vol. 2034571173085 |
CDA67309 | BACH: Bach Arrangements034571173092 |
CDA67310 | BACH: The Toccatas034571173108 |
CDA67311/2 | WOLF: Mörike Lieder034571173115 |
CDA67313 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Chamber Music034571173139 |
CDA67314 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 28 – Stojowski034571173146 |
CDA67315 | Of ladies & love Last few remaining034571173153 |
CDA67316 | Peacock Pie034571173160 |
CDA67317 | Organ Dreams, Vol. 3034571173177 |
CDA67320 | ORNSTEIN: Piano Music034571173207 |
CDA67321/2 | CHAUSSON: Songs034571173214 |
CDA67323 | FRANÇAIX: Orchestral Music034571173238 |
CDA67324 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 02 – Ferruccio Busoni034571173245 |
CDA67325 | LALANDE: Music for The Sun King034571173252 |
CDA67326 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 30 – Lyapunov034571173269 |
CDA67327 | BEETHOVEN: The Complete Music for Piano Trio, Vol. 1034571173276 |
CDA67328 | ALEXANDROV: Piano Music034571173283 |
CDA67329 | Soul and Landscape034571173290 |
CDA67330 | WALTON: Coronation Te Deum Temporarily out of stock034571173306 |
CDA67331/2 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 27 – Saint-Saëns034571173313 |
CDA67333 | FAURÉ: The Complete Songs, Vol. 1034571173337 |
CDA67334 | FAURÉ: The Complete Songs, Vol. 2 Last few remaining034571173344 |
CDA67335 | FAURÉ: The Complete Songs, Vol. 3034571173351 |
CDA67336 | FAURÉ: The Complete Songs, Vol. 4034571173368 |
CDA67337 | GIBBS: Songs034571173375 |
CDA67338 | BORTKIEWICZ: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2034571173382 |
CDA67340 | WALTON: Chamber Music034571173405 |
CDA67341/2 | RAVEL: The complete solo piano music034571173412 |
CDA67344 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 03 – Friedman, Grainger & Murdoch034571173443 |
CDA67346 | LISZT: New Discoveries, Vol. 1 Temporarily out of stock034571173467 |
CDA67347 | SCHUBERT: Piano Trio in E flat034571173474 |
CDA67348 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 34 – Pierné034571173481 |
CDA67349 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 6034571173498 |
CDA67350 | ZELENKA: Sacred MusicPreviously issued on CDH55424034571173504 |
CDA67351/2 | MESSIAEN: Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus Temporarily out of stock034571173511 |
CDA67354 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 31 – Fuchs & Kiel034571173542 |
CDA67355 | Russian Songs034571173559 |
CDA67356 | Jerusalem on High Last few remaining034571173566 |
CDA67357 | DEBUSSY: Songs, Vol. 1034571173573 |
CDA67359 | The fam'd Italian masters034571173597 |
CDA67360 | HOLLOWAY: Gilded Goldbergs034571173603 |
CDA67361/2 | VIVALDI: La Senna Festeggiante034571173610 |
CDA67363 | ELGAR: Enigma Variations & Organ Sonata Last few remaining034571173634 |
CDA67365 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 33 – Scharwenka 2 & 3034571173658 |
CDA67366 | MESSIAEN: Visions de l'Amen034571173665 |
CDA67367 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 03 – Hubay 3 & 4034571173672 |
CDA67369 | BEETHOVEN: The Complete Music for Piano Trio, Vol. 2034571173696 |
CDA67370 | LISZT: Paganini Studies & Schubert Marches034571173702 |
CDA67371/2 | CHOPIN: Nocturnes & Impromptus034571173719 |
CDA67373 | MOZART: Piano Quartets034571173733 |
CDA67374 | More songs my father taught me034571173740 |
CDA67375 | PÄRT: Triodion & other choral works034571173757 |
CDA67376 | FRANCK/RACHMANINOV: Cello Sonatas034571173764 |
CDA67377 | ALKAN: Esquisses034571173771 |
CDA67378 | Songs of Travel034571173788 |
CDA67381/2 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Early Chamber Music034571173818 |
CDA67383 | BOCCHERINI: Cello Quintets, Vol. 2034571173832 |
CDA67384 | FRANÇAIX: Ballet Music034571173849 |
CDA67385 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 32 – Moscheles 1, 6 & 7034571173856 |
CDA67386 | MOZART: Divertimenti, K247 & K334034571173863 |
CDA67387 | LAMOND: Symphony in A major034571173870 |
CDA67388 | MENDELSSOHN: Songs & Duets, Vol. 3034571173887 |
CDA67389 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 04 – Moszkowski & Karlowicz034571173894 |
CDA67390 | HUMMEL: Piano Sonatas034571173900 |
CDA67392 | MAHLER: Songs034571173924 |
CDA67393 | BEETHOVEN: The Complete Music for Piano Trio, Vol. 3034571173931 |
CDA67395 | BANTOCK: The Song of Songs034571173955 |
CDA67398 | Remembrance Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571173986 |
CDA67399 | SZYMANOWSKI: The Complete Mazurkas034571173993 |
CDA67400 | British Light Music Classics, Vol. 4034571174006 |
CDA67401/2 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 53a – Music for piano & orchestra I034571174013 |
CDA67403/4 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 53b – Music for piano & orchestra II034571174037 |
CDA67406/7 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 54 – Liszt at the Opera VI034571174068 |
CDA67408/10 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 55 – Grande Fantaisie034571174082 |
CDA67411/2 | GODOWSKY: The Complete Studies on Chopin's Études034571174112 |
CDA67413 | TCHAIKOVSKY B: Chamber Symphony034571174136 |
CDA67414/7 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 56 – Rarities & Curiosities034571174143 |
CDA67418/9 | LISZT: The complete music for solo piano, Vol. 57 – Hungarian Rhapsodies034571174181 |
CDA67420 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 05 – Coleridge-Taylor & Somervell034571174204 |
CDA67421/2 | SWEELINCK: Keyboard Music034571174211 |
CDA67423 | SULLIVAN: The Prodigal Son034571174235 |
CDA67424 | LISZT: Années de pèlerinage, Suisse034571174242 |
CDA67425 | SHOSTAKOVICH/SHCHEDRIN: Piano Concertos034571174259 |
CDA67426 | BRIDGE: Early Chamber Music034571174266 |
CDA67427 | BRÉVILLE/CANTELOUBE: Violin Sonatas034571174273 |
CDA67428 | MONTEVERDI: The Sacred Music, Vol. 1034571174280 |
CDA67429 | Dohnányi, Martinu & Schoenberg Trios034571174297 |
CDA67430 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 36 – Moscheles 4 & 5034571174303 |
CDA67431/2 | SAINT-SAËNS: Chamber Music034571174310 |
CDA67433 | KAPUSTIN: Piano Music, Vol. 2034571174334 |
CDA67435 | CHARPENTIER: Mass for four choirs Temporarily out of stock034571174358 |
CDA67436 | Organ Dreams, Vol. 4034571174365 |
CDA67437 | STOJOWSKI: Piano Music034571174372 |
CDA67438 | MONTEVERDI: The Sacred Music, Vol. 2034571174389 |
CDA67439 | BLOCH: Violin Sonatas Temporarily out of stock034571174396 |
CDA67440 | COUPERIN F: Keyboard Music, Vol. 1034571174402 |
CDA67441/2 | HUBAY: Scènes de la csárda034571174419 |
CDA67443 | Nativity034571174433 |
CDA67444 | MILFORD: Fishing by Moonlight034571174440 |
CDA67445 | LISZT: Harmonies poétiques et religieuses034571174457 |
CDA67446 | GRAUN: Der Tod Jesu034571174464 |
CDA67447 | RAMEAU: Règne Amour034571174471 |
CDA67449 | LAURIDSEN: Lux aeterna034571174495 |
CDA67450 | Orpheus with his lute034571174501 |
CDA67451/2 | BACH: The English Suites034571174518 |
CDA67453 | The Playful Pachyderm034571174532 |
CDA67454 | MAXWELL DAVIES: Mass Last few remaining034571174549 |
CDA67455 | LISZT: New Discoveries, Vol. 2 Last few remaining034571174556 |
CDA67456 | CHOPIN: Four Ballades & Four Scherzos034571174563 |
CDA67457 | London Pride034571174570 |
CDA67458 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 10034571174587 |
CDA67459 | Songs by Britten, Finzi & Tippett034571174594 |
CDA67460 | MACMILLAN: Seven Last Words from the Cross034571174600 |
CDA67461/2 | TIPPETT: Piano Concerto034571174617 |
CDA67463 | HANDEL: St Cecilia's Day Ode034571174631 |
CDA67464 | WEBER: Complete Chamber Music034571174648 |
CDA67465 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 35 – Herz 1, 7 & 8034571174655 |
CDA67466 | BEETHOVEN: The Complete Music for Piano Trio, Vol. 4034571174662 |
CDA67468 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 04 – Samuel Feinberg034571174686 |
CDA67469 | BARBER/IVES: Piano Sonatas034571174693 |
CDA67470 | WHITLOCK: Organ Sonata034571174709 |
CDA67471/2 | BRAHMS: Piano Quartets034571174716 |
CDA67474 | DUFAY: Mass for St Anthony Abbot034571174747 |
CDA67475 | TAVENER: Choral Works Temporarily out of stock034571174754 |
CDA67476/7 | ALBÉNIZ: Iberia034571174761 |
CDA67478 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 7034571174785 |
CDA67479 | VICTORIA: Ave Regina caelorum034571174792 |
CDA67480 | COUPERIN F: Keyboard Music, Vol. 2 Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571174808 |
CDA67481/2 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 06 – Walter Rummel034571174815 |
CDA67483 | The English Anthem, Vol. 8034571174839 |
CDA67484 | ROSLAVETS: Chamber Symphony & The Hours Of The New Moon034571174846 |
CDA67485 | MENDELSSOHN: Piano Trios034571174853 |
CDA67486 | SULLIVAN: The Contrabandista & The Foresters034571174860 |
CDA67487 | MONTEVERDI: The Sacred Music, Vol. 3034571174877 |
CDA67488 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 1034571174884 |
CDA67489 | FRANÇAIX: Orchestral Music034571174891 |
CDA67490 | PEERSON: Latin Motets034571174907 |
CDA67491/2 | MEDTNER: The Complete Skazki034571174914 |
CDA67493 | SCHWANTNER: Angelfire & other works034571174938 |
CDA67495 | HENSELT: Études034571174952 |
CDA67496 | VASKS/WEILL: Violin Concertos034571174969 |
CDA67497 | BAIRSTOW: Choral Music034571174976 |
CDA67498 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 06 – Hubay 1 & 2034571174983 |
CDA67499 | BACH: Fantasia, Aria & other works034571174990 |
CDA67500 | SIMPSON: Symphony No. 11 & Nielsen Variations034571175003 |
CDA67501/2 | RACHMANINOV: Piano Concertos034571175010 |
CDA67503 | BINGHAM/VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Mass034571175034 |
CDA67504 | GRIEG: Violin Sonatas034571175041 |
CDA67506 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 05 – Goedicke, Kabalevsky, Catoire & Siloti034571175065 |
CDA67507 | PITTS: Seven Letters & other sacred choral music034571175072 |
CDA67508 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 38 – Rubinstein & Scharwenka034571175089 |
CDA67509 | SPOHR: Clarinet Concertos Nos. 1 & 2034571175096 |
CDA67510 | HAYDN M: Requiem Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571175102 |
CDA67511 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 37 – Nápravník & Blumenfeld034571175119 |
CDA67512 | CATOIRE: Chamber Music034571175126 |
CDA67513 | DUKAS/DECAUX: Piano Sonata034571175133 |
CDA67514 | PROKOFIEV: Violin Sonatas034571175140 |
CDA67515 | CHABRIER: Piano Music034571175157 |
CDA67516 | IVES: A Song - For Anything034571175164 |
CDA67517 | JANÁCEK: Orchestral Music034571175171 |
CDA67518 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1034571175188 |
CDA67519 | MONTEVERDI: The Sacred Music, Vol. 4034571175195 |
CDA67520 | COUPERIN F: Keyboard Music, Vol. 3034571175201 |
CDA67521 | HUMMEL/MOSCHELES: Cello Sonatas034571175218 |
CDA67522 | Christmas Vespers at Westminster Cathedral Temporarily out of stock034571175225 |
CDA67523 | L'invitation au voyage034571175232 |
CDA67524 | Moon, sun & all things034571175249 |
CDA67525 | IVES: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3034571175256 |
CDA67526 | BEETHOVEN: Wind Quintet034571175263 |
CDA67527 | SCHUBERT: 'Trout' Quintet034571175270 |
CDA67528 | BARBER: Songs034571175287 |
CDA67529 | BRAHMS: Cello Sonatas034571175294 |
CDA67530 | DEBUSSY: Préludes034571175300 |
CDA67531/2 | MONTEVERDI: Vespers034571175317 |
CDA67533 | BYRD: The Great Service & other works Temporarily out of stock (due 15 February 2025)034571175331 |
CDA67534 | SCHNITTKE/SHOSTAKOVICH: Cello Sonatas034571175348 |
CDA67535 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 41 – Kalkbrenner 1 & 4034571175355 |
CDA67536 | GOTTSCHALK: Piano Music, Vol. 8034571175362 |
CDA67537 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 40 – Herz 3, 4 & 5034571175379 |
CDA67538 | SAINT-SAËNS: Piano Trios034571175386 |
CDA67539 | VILLETTE: Choral Music034571175393 |
CDA67540 | IVES: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4034571175409 |
CDA67541/2 | BACH: The Cello Suites034571175416 |
CDA67543 | WHITACRE: Cloudburst & other choral works034571175430 |
CDA67544 | The Romantic Cello Concerto, Vol. 1 – Dohnányi, Enescu & d'Albert034571175447 |
CDA67545 | LAMBERT: Romeo & Juliet034571175454 |
CDA67546 | BOWEN/FORSYTH: Viola Concertos034571175461 |
CDA67547 | HARTMANN: Concerto funebre034571175478 |
CDA67548 | TALLIS: Gaude gloriosa034571175485 |
CDA67549 | Delectatio angeli Last few remaining034571175492 |
CDA67550 | BRAHMS: Piano Concerto No. 2034571175508 |
CDA67551 | BRAHMS: String Quartet & Piano Quintet034571175515 |
CDA67552 | BRAHMS: String Quartets, Opp. 67 & 51/1034571175522 |
CDA67553 | VIVALDI: Cello Concertos034571175539 |
CDA67554 | HAYDN: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1034571175546 |
CDA67555 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 42 – Alnæs & Sinding034571175553 |
CDA67556 | MOZART: Piano Trios, K502, K542 & K564034571175560 |
CDA67557 | Trinity Sunday at Westminster Abbey034571175577 |
CDA67558 | MENDELSSOHN: Sacred choral music Last few remaining034571175584 |
CDA67559 | BRAHMS/RHEINBERGER: Mass034571175591 |
CDA67560 | MOZART: Exsultate jubilate! Temporarily out of stock034571175607 |
CDA67561 | SPOHR: Clarinet Concertos Nos. 3 & 4034571175614 |
CDA67562 | PADEREWSKI: Sonata & Variations034571175621 |
CDA67563 | Women's lives & loves034571175638 |
CDA67564 | TSONTAKIS: Man of Sorrows034571175645 |
CDA67565 | Stephen Hough's Spanish Album034571175652 |
CDA67567 | BURGON: Choral MusicPreviously issued on CDH55421034571175676 |
CDA67568 | BYRD: Laudibus in sanctis034571175683 |
CDA67569 | ALKAN: Concerto for solo piano034571175690 |
CDA67570 | ROSSINI: Petite Messe solennelle034571175706 |
CDA67571 | BLOCH/BEN-HAÏM: Violin Music034571175713 |
CDA67572 | DVORÁK: Piano Trios Nos. 1 & 2034571175720 |
CDA67573 | TANEYEV: String Trios034571175737 |
CDA67574 | STRAUSS R: Metamorphosen, Capriccio034571175744 |
CDA67575 | Children of our time034571175751 |
CDA67576 | Christmas at St John's Cambridge034571175768 |
CDA67577 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 11 Last few remaining034571175775 |
CDA67578 | MEDTNER: Forgotten Melodies034571175782 |
CDA67579 | Music for the Court of Maximilian II034571175799 |
CDA67580 | LAURIDSEN: Nocturnes034571175805 |
CDA67581/2 | REGER: Cello Sonatas Temporarily out of stock034571175812 |
CDA67583 | The Romantic Cello Concerto, Vol. 2 – Volkmann, Dietrich, Gernsheim & Schumann034571175836 |
CDA67584 | BRAHMS: Viola Sonatas034571175843 |
CDA67585 | SCHUBERT: Death & the Maiden034571175850 |
CDA67586 | The Feast of St Edward at Westminster Abbey034571175867 |
CDA67587 | RUBBRA/WALTON: Viola Concertos034571175874 |
CDA67588 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 2034571175881 |
CDA67589 | LAWES: Songs034571175898 |
CDA67590 | COLERIDGE-TAYLOR: Piano Quintet & Clarinet Quintet034571175904 |
CDA67591/2 | NIELSEN: Complete Piano Music034571175911 |
CDA67593 | ELGAR: Great is the Lord & other works034571175935 |
CDA67594 | DELIUS: Songs034571175942 |
CDA67595 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 43 – Sterndale Bennett & Bache034571175959 |
CDA67596 | CRECQUILLON: Missa Mort m'a privé, motets & chansons034571175966 |
CDA67597 | RAMEAU: Keyboard Suites034571175973 |
CDA67598 | MOZART: Stephen Hough's Mozart Album034571175980 |
CDA67599 | SCHMITT: Orchestral Music034571175997 |
CDA67600 | Fire burning in snow034571176000 |
CDA67601 | TORMIS: Choral music034571176017 |
CDA67602 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 3034571176024 |
CDA67603 | JONGEN/PEETERS: Choral music034571176031 |
CDA67604 | MANCHICOURT: Missa Cuidez vous que Dieu034571176048 |
CDA67605 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 2034571176055 |
CDA67606 | HERZ: Piano Music034571176062 |
CDA67607/8 | BACH: The Keyboard Concertos034571176079 |
CDA67609 | MOZART: Piano Trios, K548, K254 & K496034571176093 |
CDA67610 | PALESTRINA: Lamentations034571176109 |
CDA67611 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 9034571176116 |
CDA67612 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 12034571176123 |
CDA67613 | SCARLATTI D: Sonatas034571176130 |
CDA67614 | GOMBERT: Tribulatio et angustia034571176147 |
CDA67615 | MAW: One foot in Eden still, I stand034571176154 |
CDA67616 | SPOHR: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2034571176161 |
CDA67617 | STRADELLA: San Giovanni Battista034571176178 |
CDA67618 | SCHUMANN: Humoreske & Sonata Op. 11034571176185 |
CDA67619 | ERNST: Violin Music034571176192 |
CDA67621 | PORPORA: Or sì m’avveggio, oh Amore – Cantatas for soprano034571176215 |
CDA67622 | SPOHR: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 5034571176222 |
CDA67623 | POULENC: Gloria034571176239 |
CDA67624 | ALKAN/CHOPIN: Cello Sonatas034571176246 |
CDA67625 | BRITTEN: Piano Concerto034571176253 |
CDA67626 | GODOWSKY: Strauss transcriptions & other waltzes034571176260 |
CDA67627 | HANDEL: German Arias034571176277 |
CDA67628 | ABEL: Mr Abel's Fine Airs034571176284 |
CDA67629 | BRUCKNER: Mass & Motets034571176291 |
CDA67630 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 44 – Melcer034571176307 |
CDA67631 | SCHUMANN: String Quartet & Piano Quintet034571176314 |
CDA67632 | CLEMENTI: The Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 1034571176321 |
CDA67633 | BEETHOVEN: Cello Sonatas, Vol. 1034571176338 |
CDA67634 | The Language of Love Last few remaining034571176345 |
CDA67635 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 53 – Reger & Strauss034571176352 |
CDA67636 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 47 – Draeseke & Jadassohn034571176369 |
CDA67637 | ROSLAVETS: Violin Concertos034571176376 |
CDA67638 | BLOCH: Piano Quintets034571176383 |
CDA67639 | LUKASZEWSKI: Choral music034571176390 |
CDA67640 | REGNART: Missa Super Oeniades Nymphae034571176406 |
CDA67641 | LEIGHTON: The World's Desire034571176413 |
CDA67642 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 07 – Taneyev & Arensky034571176420 |
CDA67643 | The Feast of Michaelmas at Westminster Abbey034571176437 |
CDA67644 | IVES: Romanzo di Central Park034571176444 |
CDA67645 | MAHLER: Des Knaben Wunderhorn034571176451 |
CDA67646 | BOCCHERINI: Flute Quintets, Op. 19034571176468 |
CDA67647 | ROSSINI: Soirées musicales034571176475 |
CDA67648 | DOWLAND/BRITTEN: Lute Songs034571176482 |
CDA67650 | CHILCOTT: Requiem & other works034571176505 |
CDA67651/2 | BOWEN: The complete works for viola & piano034571176512 |
CDA67653 | BYRD: Hodie Simon Petrus034571176536 |
CDA67654 | MONCKTON: Songs from the shows034571176543 |
CDA67655 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 45 – Hiller034571176550 |
CDA67656 | Marc-André Hamelin in a state of jazz034571176567 |
CDA67657 | SCHUBERT: Schwanengesang Last few remaining034571176574 |
CDA67658 | MONTE: Missa Ultimi miei sospiri034571176581 |
CDA67659 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 46 – Bowen034571176598 |
CDA67660 | RUBINSTEIN: Cello Sonatas034571176604 |
CDA67661 | SCHUMANN: Music for cello & piano034571176611 |
CDA67662 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas – Moonlight, Pathétique & Waldstein034571176628 |
CDA67663 | BRAHMS/JOACHIM: Hungarian Dances034571176635 |
CDA67664 | FAURÉ/FRANCK: String Quartets034571176642 |
CDA67665 | SCHUBERT: Piano Duets034571176659 |
CDA67666 | BUXTEHUDE: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 1034571176666 |
CDA67667 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 4034571176673 |
CDA67668 | PITTS: Alpha & Omega034571176680 |
CDA67669 | PRAETORIUS H: Magnificats & motets034571176697 |
CDA67670 | GRIEG: Songs034571176703 |
CDA67671 | MARTINU: Complete music for violin & orchestra, Vol. 1034571176710 |
CDA67672 | MARTINU: Complete music for violin & orchestra, Vol. 2034571176727 |
CDA67673 | MARTINU: Complete music for violin & orchestra, Vol. 3034571176734 |
CDA67674 | MARTINU: Complete music for violin & orchestra, Vol. 4 Last few remaining034571176741 |
CDA67675 | BYRD: Assumpta est Maria034571176758 |
CDA67676 | SCHUMANN: Dichterliebe & other Heine Settings Temporarily out of stock034571176765 |
CDA67677 | BUSONI: Fantasia contrappuntistica034571176772 |
CDA67678 | HANDEL: Dettingen Te Deum034571176789 |
CDA67679 | THOMPSON: The Peaceable Kingdom034571176796 |
CDA67680 | The Feast of Ascension at Westminster Abbey034571176802 |
CDA67681/2 | HANDEL: Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno034571176819 |
CDA67683 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 07 – Max Reger034571176833 |
CDA67684 | SZYMANOWSKI/RÓZYCKI: String Quartets034571176840 |
CDA67685 | LIDARTI: Violin Concertos Last few remaining034571176857 |
CDA67686 | Stephen Hough in recital034571176864 |
CDA67687 | RÓZSA/BARTÓK: Viola Concertos034571176871 |
CDA67688 | HONEGGER: Une Cantate de Noël, Cello Concerto034571176888 |
CDA67689 | STENHAMMAR: Piano Music034571176895 |
CDA67690 | INDY: Wallenstein034571176901 |
CDA67691/2 | BACH: Sonatas & Partitas for solo violin034571176918 |
CDA67693 | BEETHOVEN: String Quintets, Opp. 4 & 29034571176932 |
CDA67694 | MORALES: Magnificat, Motets & Lamentations034571176949 |
CDA67695 | Music from the Chirk Castle Part-Books034571176956 |
CDA67696 | PHINOT: Missa Si bona suscepimus034571176963 |
CDA67697 | STRAVINSKY: The Fairy's Kiss & Scènes de ballet034571176970 |
CDA67698 | STRAVINSKY: Jeu de cartes, Agon & Orpheus034571176987 |
CDA67699 | DOHNÁNYI/JANÁCEK: Violin Sonatas034571176994 |
CDA67700 | RACHMANINOV: 24 PreludesPreviously issued on CDA30015034571177007 |
CDA67701/2 | HANDEL: Parnasso in Festa034571177014 |
CDA67703 | SZYMANOWSKI: The Complete Music for Violin & Piano034571177038 |
CDA67704 | Mary & Elizabeth at Westminster Abbey034571177045 |
CDA67705 | PROKOFIEV: Cello Concerto & Symphony-Concerto034571177052 |
CDA67706 | CHOPIN: Piano Sonatas Nos. 2 & 3034571177069 |
CDA67707 | From the vaults of Westminster Cathedral034571177076 |
CDA67708 | JACKSON: Not no faceless Angel Last few remaining034571177083 |
CDA67709 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 08 – Eugen d'Albert034571177090 |
CDA67710 | HAYDN: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 2034571177106 |
CDA67711/2 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 50 – Tchaikovsky034571177113 |
CDA67713 | SAINT-SAËNS: Organ Music, Vol. 1034571177137 |
CDA67714 | SCARLATTI A: Davidis pugna et victoria034571177144 |
CDA67715 | DUFAY: The Court of Savoy034571177151 |
CDA67716 | A Christmas Caroll from Westminster Abbey Temporarily out of stock (due 15 February 2025)034571177168 |
CDA67717 | CLEMENTI: The Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 2034571177175 |
CDA67719 | HAYDN: Piano Trios, Vol. 1034571177199 |
CDA67720 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 48 – Benedict & Macfarren034571177205 |
CDA67721 | HINDEMITH: The Complete Viola Music, Vol. 1 – Sonatas034571177212 |
CDA67722 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 17034571177229 |
CDA67723 | STRAVINSKY: Complete Music for Violin & Piano034571177236 |
CDA67724 | LUKASZEWSKI: Via Crucis034571177243 |
CDA67725 | Romantic Residues – Songs for tenor & harp034571177250 |
CDA67726 | BRIDGE: Piano Quintet, String Quartet & Idylls034571177267 |
CDA67727 | MACHAUT: Songs from Le Voir Dit034571177274 |
CDA67728 | RAVEL: Songs034571177281 |
CDA67729 | CLEMENTI: The Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 3034571177298 |
CDA67730 | Czech Piano Trios034571177304 |
CDA67731/2 | RAVEL: The complete solo piano music034571177311 |
CDA67733 | VAET: Missa Ego flos campi034571177335 |
CDA67734 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 13034571177342 |
CDA67735 | WEINER: Violin Sonatas034571177359 |
CDA67736 | Angela Hewitt plays Handel & Haydn034571177366 |
CDA67737 | HANDEL: Chandos Anthems Nos 7, 9 & 11a034571177373 |
CDA67738 | CLEMENTI: The Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 4034571177380 |
CDA67739 | MENDELSSOHN: Songs & Duets, Vol. 4 Last few remaining034571177397 |
CDA67740 | MATHIAS: Choral Music034571177403 |
CDA67741/4 | BACH: The Well-tempered Clavier – 2008 recording034571177410 |
CDA67745 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Quartet & String Quintet034571177458 |
CDA67746 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 5034571177465 |
CDA67747 | Baltic Exchange034571177472 |
CDA67748 | VICTORIA: Missa Gaudeamus & other music034571177489 |
CDA67749 | WILLAERT: Missa Mente tota & Motets034571177496 |
CDA67750 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 49 – Stenhammar Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571177502 |
CDA67751/2 | BOWEN: The Piano Sonatas034571177519 |
CDA67753 | MENDELSSOHN: Songs & Duets, Vol. 5034571177533 |
CDA67754 | The English Stage Jig Last few remaining034571177540 |
CDA67755 | BEETHOVEN: Cello Sonatas, Vol. 2034571177557 |
CDA67756 | Ikon, Vol. 2034571177564 |
CDA67757 | HAYDN: Piano Trios, Vol. 2034571177571 |
CDA67758 | Organ Fireworks, Vol. 14034571177588 |
CDA67759 | RAVEL/DEBUSSY: String Quartets034571177595 |
CDA67760 | LISZT: Piano Sonata034571177601 |
CDA67761 | MOULU: Missa Alma redemptoris & Missus est Gabriel034571177618 |
CDA67762 | REGER: Choral Music034571177625 |
CDA67763 | PAGANINI: 24 Caprices034571177632 |
CDA67764 | CHOPIN: Late Masterpieces034571177649 |
CDA67765 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 51 – Taubert & Rosenhain034571177656 |
CDA67766 | MORTELMANS: Homerische symfonie & other orchestral works034571177663 |
CDA67767 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 09 – British Bach Transcriptions034571177670 |
CDA67768 | DOVE: Choral Music034571177687 |
CDA67769 | HINDEMITH: The Complete Viola Music, Vol. 2 – Solo Sonatas034571177694 |
CDA67770 | The Feast of St Peter at Westminster Abbey034571177700 |
CDA67771/2 | CESTI: Le disgrazie d'Amore034571177717 |
CDA67773 | Pushkin Romances034571177731 |
CDA67774 | HINDEMITH: The Complete Viola Music, Vol. 3 – Concertos034571177748 |
CDA67775 | BRAHMS: Zigeunerlieder034571177755 |
CDA67776 | Flying Horse – Music from the ML Lutebook034571177762 |
CDA67777 | BRAHMS: The Complete Variations034571177779 |
CDA67778 | BRITTEN: Songs & Proverbs of William Blake034571177786 |
CDA67779 | BYRD: Infelix ego034571177793 |
CDA67780 | SCHUMANN: Davidsbündlertänze, Kinderszenen, Sonata No 2034571177809 |
CDA67781 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 74034571177816 |
CDA67782 | LISZT: The Complete Songs, Vol. 1034571177823 |
CDA67783 | BACEWICZ: Music for string orchestra034571177830 |
CDA67784 | Neapolitan Flute Concertos, Vol. 1034571177847 |
CDA67785 | PALESTRINA: Missa Tu es Petrus & Missa Te Deum laudamus034571177854 |
CDA67786 | BACH C P E: Keyboard Sonatas, Vol. 1034571177861 |
CDA67787 | RAUTAVAARA: Choral Music034571177878 |
CDA67788 | SPOHR: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 6 Temporarily out of stock034571177885 |
CDA67789 | HAMELIN: Études034571177892 |
CDA67790 | The Romantic Cello Concerto, Vol. 6 – Vieuxtemps034571177908 |
CDA67791 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 52 – Goetz & Wieniawski034571177915 |
CDA67792 | O praise the Lord034571177922 |
CDA67793 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 71034571177939 |
CDA67794 | WALTON: Symphonies034571177946 |
CDA67795 | MENDELSSOHN: Violin Concertos034571177953 |
CDA67796 | ESENVALDS: Passion & Resurrection & other choral music034571177960 |
CDA67797 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 3034571177977 |
CDA67798 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 08 – Vieuxtemps 4 & 5034571177984 |
CDA67799 | DUBRA: Hail, Queen of Heaven & other choral works034571177991 |
CDA67800 | HANDEL: Messiah034571178004 |
CDA67801 | BRITTEN: Violin Concerto & Double Concerto034571178011 |
CDA67802 | SPOHR: Symphonies Nos. 8 & 10034571178028 |
CDA67803 | Hommage à Chopin034571178035 |
CDA67804 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 09 – David034571178042 |
CDA67805 | DVORÁK: Piano Quintets034571178059 |
CDA67806 | BALAKIREV: Piano Sonata & other works034571178066 |
CDA67807 | ROGIER: Missa Ego sum qui sum & Motets034571178073 |
CDA67808 | BRIGGS: Mass for Notre Dame034571178080 |
CDA67809 | BUXTEHUDE: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 2 Temporarily out of stock034571178097 |
CDA67810 | LISZT: New Discoveries, Vol. 3034571178103 |
CDA67811 | HUME: Passion & Division034571178110 |
CDA67812 | GÓRECKI: The Three String Quartets034571178127 |
CDA67813 | Echoes of Nightingales Last few remaining034571178134 |
CDA67814 | CLEMENTI: The Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 5034571178141 |
CDA67815 | SAINT-SAËNS: Organ Music, Vol. 2034571178158 |
CDA67816 | MESSIAEN: Turangalîla-Symphonie034571178165 |
CDA67817 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 55 – Widor034571178172 |
CDA67818 | MISKINIS: Choral Music Last few remaining034571178189 |
CDA67819 | CLEMENTI: The Complete Piano Sonatas, Vol. 6034571178196 |
CDA67820 | RAVEL: Complete music for violin & piano034571178202 |
CDA67821/3 | MARTIN: Der Sturm034571178219 |
CDA67824 | GRIEG/LISZT: Piano Concertos034571178240 |
CDA67825 | PEETERS: Organ Music034571178257 |
CDA67826 | BACH/SITKOVETSKY: Goldberg Variations034571178264 |
CDA67827 | DALE: Piano Music034571178271 |
CDA67828 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 57 – Wiklund034571178288 |
CDA67829 | KODÁLY: Cello Sonata & other works034571178295 |
CDA67830 | The Ballad Singer034571178301 |
CDA67831 | Casals Encores034571178318 |
CDA67832 | Beyond all mortal dreams034571178325 |
CDA67833 | SCHULHOFF: Violin Sonatas034571178332 |
CDA67834 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Piano Trios & Songs034571178349 |
CDA67835 | HARVEY: The Angels, Ashes Dance Back, Marahi034571178356 |
CDA67836 | GUERRERO: Missa Congratulamini mihi & other works034571178363 |
CDA67837 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 54 – Somervell & Cowen034571178370 |
CDA67838 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 10 – Cliffe & Erlanger034571178387 |
CDA67839 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/MCEWEN: Flos Campi / Viola Concerto034571178394 |
CDA67840 | MOZART: Piano Concertos Nos. 6, 8 & 9034571178400 |
CDA67841 | ACHRON: Complete Suites for Violin & Piano034571178417 |
CDA67842 | HANDEL: Finest Arias for Base Voice Temporarily out of stock034571178424 |
CDA67843 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 56 – Kalkbrenner 2 & 3034571178431 |
CDA67844 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 6034571178448 |
CDA67845 | SMETANA/SIBELIUS: String Quartets034571178455 |
CDA67846 | GRANADOS: Goyescas034571178462 |
CDA67847 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 13 – Schumann034571178479 |
CDA67848 | CLEMENS: Requiem & Penitential Motets034571178486 |
CDA67850 | CLEMENTI: Capriccios & Variations034571178509 |
CDA67851/2 | MEDTNER: Arabesques, Dithyrambs, Elegies034571178516 |
CDA67853 | HOWELLS: The Winchester Service & other late works034571178530 |
CDA67854 | SCHOENDORFF: The Complete Works034571178547 |
CDA67855 | BUXTEHUDE: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 3034571178554 |
CDA67856 | LISZT: Funeral Odes034571178561 |
CDA67857 | ELGAR: Piano Quintet & String Quartet034571178578 |
CDA67858 | Music from the reign of King James I034571178585 |
CDA67859 | The Romantic Cello Concerto, Vol. 3 – Stanford034571178592 |
CDA67860 | ALLEGRI: Miserere & the music of Rome034571178608 |
CDA67861/3 | MOZART: String Quintets034571178615 |
CDA67864 | SCHUBERT: String Quintet & String Quartet D703034571178646 |
CDA67865 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Music for viola & piano034571178653 |
CDA67866 | LOEWE: Songs & Ballads034571178660 |
CDA67867 | MACMILLAN: Choral Music034571178677 |
CDA67868 | Music for Henry V & the House of Lancaster034571178684 |
CDA67869 | PIZZETTI/CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO: Violin Sonatas034571178691 |
CDA67870 | STRAVINSKY: Complete music for piano & orchestra034571178707 |
CDA67871 | DOHNÁNYI: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 1034571178714 |
CDA67872 | FAURÉ: Cello Sonatas034571178721 |
CDA67873 | BACH: Piano Transcriptions, Vol. 10 – Saint-Saëns & Philipp034571178738 |
CDA67874 | PARSONS: Sacred Music034571178745 |
CDA67875 | FAURÉ: Piano Music034571178752 |
CDA67876 | BUXTEHUDE: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 4034571178769 |
CDA67877 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 20034571178776 |
CDA67878 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 12 – Vieuxtemps 1 & 2034571178783 |
CDA67879 | BEETHOVEN: Bagatelles034571178790 |
CDA67880 | CHISHOLM: Piano Concertos034571178806 |
CDA67881 | HANSSON: Endless border & other choral works034571178813 |
CDA67882 | HAYDN: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 3034571178820 |
CDA67883 | DEBUSSY: Songs, Vol. 2034571178837 |
CDA67884 | Neapolitan Flute Concertos, Vol. 2 Last few remaining034571178844 |
CDA67885 | SCHUMANN: Piano Concerto & Opp. 92 & 134034571178851 |
CDA67886 | SZYMANOWSKI: Piano Music034571178868 |
CDA67887 | LASSUS: Prophetiae Sibyllarum & Missa Amor ecco colei034571178875 |
CDA67888 | The Power of Love034571178882 |
CDA67889 | TURINA: Chamber Music034571178899 |
CDA67890 | Stephen Hough's French Album034571178905 |
CDA67891 | VICTORIA: De Beata Maria Virgine & Surge propera034571178912 |
CDA67892 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 11 – Reger034571178929 |
CDA67893 | CHERUBINI: Arias & Overtures from Florence to Paris034571178936 |
CDA67894 | PORPORA: Cantatas034571178943 |
CDA67895 | SCRIABIN/JANÁCEK: Sonatas & Poems034571178950 |
CDA67896 | MUSORGSKY/PROKOFIEV: Pictures, Sarcasms & Visions034571178967 |
CDA67897 | BACH: Flute Sonatas034571178974 |
CDA67898 | DEBUSSY: Solo Piano Music034571178981 |
CDA67899 | HEAD: Songs Temporarily out of stock034571178998 |
CDA67900 | BRAHMS: String Quintets034571179001 |
CDA67901/2 | BACH: St John Passion034571179018 |
CDA67903 | Homage to Paderewski034571179032 |
CDA67904 | 18th-century Portuguese Love Songs Temporarily out of stock034571179049 |
CDA67905 | ZAREBSKI/ZELENSKI: Piano Quintet & Piano Quartet034571179056 |
CDA67906 | The Romantic Cello Concerto, Vol. 4 – Pfitzner034571179063 |
CDA67907 | GRIFFES: Piano Music034571179070 |
CDA67908 | BACH C P E: Keyboard Sonatas, Vol. 2034571179087 |
CDA67909 | BINGHAM: Choral Music034571179094 |
CDA67910 | BLOCH/BRUCH: Schelomo, Kol Nidrei & other works034571179100 |
CDA67911/2 | SCHUBERT: Complete works for violin and piano034571179117 |
CDA67913 | RORE: Missa Doulce mémoire & Missa a note negre034571179131 |
CDA67914 | HOWELLS: Requiem & other works034571179148 |
CDA67915 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 58 – Pixis & Thalberg034571179155 |
CDA67916 | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 7034571179162 |
CDA67917 | DVORÁK: Cello Concertos034571179179 |
CDA67918 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 65 – Albéniz & Granados034571179186 |
CDA67919 | MOZART: Piano Concertos Nos. 17 & 27034571179193 |
CDA67920 | DEBUSSY: Images & Préludes II034571179209 |
CDA67921 | MOZART: Missa solemnis & other works034571179216 |
CDA67922 | SAINT-SAËNS: Organ Music, Vol. 3034571179223 |
CDA67923 | SCHUMANN: Chamber Music034571179230 |
CDA67924 | Arias for Guadagni034571179247 |
CDA67925 | HAYDN: Piano Concertos Nos. 3, 4 & 11034571179254 |
CDA67926 | HANDEL: Chandos Anthems Nos. 5a, 6a & 8034571179261 |
CDA67927 | HARTY: String Quartets & Piano Quintet034571179278 |
CDA67928 | TYE: Missa Euge bone & Western Wynde Mass034571179285 |
CDA67929 | American Polyphony034571179292 |
CDA67930 | RESPIGHI: Violin Sonatas & Pieces034571179308 |
CDA67931 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 60 – Dubois034571179315 |
CDA67932 | DOHNÁNYI: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 2034571179322 |
CDA67933 | MOUTON: Missa Tu es Petrus & other works034571179339 |
CDA67934 | LISZT: The Complete Songs, Vol. 2034571179346 |
CDA67935 | MENDELSSOHN: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 1034571179353 |
CDA67936 | MEDTNER/RACHMANINOV: Piano Sonatas034571179360 |
CDA67937 | BYRD: The Great Service & other English music034571179377 |
CDA67938 | Miserere034571179384 |
CDA67939 | SPOHR: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 9034571179391 |
CDA67940 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 14 – Glazunov & Schoeck034571179407 |
CDA67941/2 | BRITTEN: Cello Symphony, Cello Sonata & Cello Suites034571179414 |
CDA67943 | PENDERECKI/LUTOSLAWSKI: String Quartets034571179438 |
CDA67944 | SCHUMANN: Liederkreis034571179445 |
CDA67945 | PHILIPS: Cantiones sacrae octonis vocibus034571179452 |
CDA67946 | BRITTEN: A Ceremony of Carols & Saint Nicolas034571179469 |
CDA67947 | SPOHR/ONSLOW: Piano Sonatas034571179476 |
CDA67948 | Lieux retrouvés – Music for cello & piano034571179483 |
CDA67949 | Conductus, Vol. 1034571179490 |
CDA67950 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 61 – Döhler & Dreyschock034571179506 |
CDA67951/3 | BUSONI: Late Piano Music034571179513 |
CDA67954 | Canciones españolas034571179544 |
CDA67955 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 33034571179551 |
CDA67956 | LISZT: The Complete Songs, Vol. 3034571179568 |
CDA67957 | GABRIELI G: Sacred Symphonies034571179575 |
CDA67958 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 59 – Zarzycki & Zelenski034571179582 |
CDA67959 | RICHAFORT: Requiem & other sacred music034571179599 |
CDA67960 | STRAUSS R: Don Quixote & Till Eulenspiegel034571179605 |
CDA67961 | BRAHMS: The Piano Concertos034571179612 |
CDA67962 | L'heure exquise – A French Songbook034571179629 |
CDA67963 | MEDTNER: Violin Sonatas Nos. 1 & 3034571179636 |
CDA67964 | BUXTEHUDE: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 5034571179643 |
CDA67965 | ARENSKY/TANEYEV: Piano Quintets034571179650 |
CDA67966 | TOMÁSEK: Songs Last few remaining034571179667 |
CDA67967 | Piers Lane goes to town034571179674 |
CDA67968 | Kreek's Notebook034571179681 |
CDA67969 | BENJAMIN: Violin Sonatina, Viola Sonata & other works Last few remaining034571179698 |
CDA67970 | MacMILLAN: Tenebrae Responsories & other choral works034571179704 |
CDA67971/2 | BRIAN: Symphony No. 1 'The Gothic'034571179711 |
CDA67973 | Brundibár034571179735 |
CDA67974 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 4034571179742 |
CDA67975 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 62 – The complete Gounod works for pedal piano034571179759 |
CDA67976 | JACKSON G: A ship with unfurled sails & other works034571179766 |
CDA67977 | HINDEMITH: Piano Sonatas034571179773 |
CDA67978 | PALESTRINA: Missa Ad coenam Agni & Eastertide motets034571179780 |
CDA67979 | HANDEL: Arias034571179797 |
CDA67980 | BACH: The Art of Fugue034571179803 |
CDA67981/2 | BEETHOVEN: Cello Sonatas034571179810 |
CDA67983 | SCHUMANN: Novelletten & Nachtstücke034571179834 |
CDA67984 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 64 – Oswald & Napoleão034571179841 |
CDA67985 | ZEMLINSKY: Symphonies034571179858 |
CDA67986 | WALTON: Violin Concerto, Partita & Variations034571179865 |
CDA67987 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Piano Quintet & String Quartet No. 2034571179872 |
CDA67988 | SCRIABIN: Complete Poèmes034571179889 |
CDA67990 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 15 – Mlynarski & Zarzycki034571179902 |
CDA67991/2 | BOWEN: The complete works for violin and piano034571179919 |
CDA67993 | YSAYE: Sonatas for solo violin034571179933 |
CDA67994 | TALLIS: Salve intemerata & other sacred music034571179940 |
CDA67995 | BACH C P E: Württemberg Sonatas034571179957 |
CDA67996 | In the Night034571179964 |
CDA67997 | JANÁCEK/SMETANA: String Quartets034571179971 |
CDA67998 | Conductus, Vol. 2034571179988 |
CDA67999 | KODÁLY: String Quartets, Intermezzo & Gavotte034571179995 |
CDA68002 | The Romantic Cello Concerto, Vol. 5 – Saint-Saëns034571280028 |
CDA68003 | BRIDGE: Phantasy Piano Quartet & Sonatas034571280035 |
CDA68004 | BRITTEN: String Quartets Nos. 1, 2 & 3034571280042 |
CDA68005 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 18 – Jongen034571280059 |
CDA68006 | HINDEMITH: Symphonic Metamorphosis & other works034571280066 |
CDA68007 | DOWLAND: The Art of Melancholy034571280073 |
CDA68008 | MACHAUT: The dart of love034571280080 |
CDA68010 | SCHUBERT: Der Wanderer & other songs Temporarily out of stock034571280103 |
CDA68011/2 | WILLIAMSON: The Complete Piano Concertos034571280110 |
CDA68013 | Rejoice, the Lord is king!034571280134 |
CDA68014 | HINDEMITH: Violin Sonatas034571280141 |
CDA68015 | ARENSKY: Piano Trios034571280158 |
CDA68016 | DEBUSSY: Songs, Vol. 3034571280165 |
CDA68017 | GALILEI V: The Well-tempered Lute034571280172 |
CDA68018 | RUBINSTEIN: Piano Quartets034571280189 |
CDA68019 | MONTEVERDI: Madrigals of Love and Loss034571280196 |
CDA68020 | Music for Remembrance034571280202 |
CDA68021/4 | POULENC: The Complete Songs034571280219 |
CDA68025 | ISSERLIS: Piano Music Last few remaining034571280257 |
CDA68026 | TALLIS: Puer natus est nobis & other sacred music034571280264 |
CDA68027 | DUSSEK: Piano Concertos034571280271 |
CDA68028 | TCHAIKOVSKY: The seasons034571280288 |
CDA68029 | MOZART: Piano Sonatas034571280295 |
CDA68030 | SCHUMANN/JANÁCEK: Waldszenen & other piano works034571280301 |
CDA68031/2 | BACH: Christmas Oratorio034571280318 |
CDA68033 | DOHNÁNYI: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 3034571280332 |
CDA68034 | SCHUBERT: Winterreise Temporarily out of stock034571280349 |
CDA68035 | A French Baroque Diva034571280356 |
CDA68036 | PIERNÉ/VIERNE: Piano Quintet & String Quartet034571280363 |
CDA68037 | PROKOFIEV/SHOSTAKOVICH: Cello Concertos034571280370 |
CDA68038 | BYRD: The Three Masses034571280387 |
CDA68039 | LEIGHTON: Crucifixus & other choral music034571280394 |
CDA68040 | KREISLER: Violin Music034571280400 |
CDA68041/2 | HANDEL: The Eight Great Suites Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571280417 |
CDA68043 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 63 – Godard034571280431 |
CDA68044 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 16 – Busoni & Strauss034571280448 |
CDA68045 | BACH/HANDEL/SCARLATTI: Gamba Sonatas034571280455 |
CDA68046 | FRANCK: Symphonic Organ Works034571280462 |
CDA68047 | Hymns to Saint Cecilia034571280479 |
CDA68048 | FELDMAN: For Bunita Marcus034571280486 |
CDA68049 | MOZART: Piano Concertos Nos. 22 & 24034571280493 |
CDA68050 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 17 – Bruch 3034571280509 |
CDA68051/2 | BACH: Mass in B minor034571280516 |
CDA68053 | Amorosi pensieri034571280530 |
CDA68054 | DOHNÁNYI: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 4034571280547 |
CDA68055 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 21 – Bruch 2034571280554 |
CDA68056 | PÄRT: Choral Music034571280561 |
CDA68057 | REGER: Songs034571280578 |
CDA68058 | Canticles from St Paul's034571280585 |
CDA68059 | MENDELSSOHN: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 2034571280592 |
CDA68060 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 19 – Bruch 1034571280608 |
CDA68061 | FRANCK/DEBUSSY: Piano Quintet & String Quartet034571280615 |
CDA68062 | SMETANA: Czech Dances & On the seashore034571280622 |
CDA68063 | The Romantic Cello Concerto, Vol. 7 – Fitzenhagen034571280639 |
CDA68064 | LASSUS: Missa super Dixit Joseph & motets034571280646 |
CDA68065 | BRUMEL: Missa de beata virgine & motets034571280653 |
CDA68066 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 67 – Rozycki034571280660 |
CDA68067 | LISZT: Piano Sonatas & Sonnets034571280677 |
CDA68068 | BACH: Violin Concertos034571280684 |
CDA68069 | COMPÈRE: Magnificat, motets & chansons034571280691 |
CDA68070 | GRIEG: Lyric Pieces034571280707 |
CDA68071/2 | RAMEAU: Pièces de clavecin034571280714 |
CDA68073 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas Opp. 90, 101 & 106034571280738 |
CDA68074 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 7034571280745 |
CDA68075 | DEBUSSY: Songs, Vol. 4034571280752 |
CDA68076 | TALLIS: Ave, rosa sine spinis & other sacred music Temporarily out of stock034571280769 |
CDA68077 | ELGAR/WALTON: Cello Concertos034571280776 |
CDA68078 | Arias for Benucci034571280783 |
CDA68079 | MENDELSSOHN/GRIEG/HOUGH: Cello Sonatas034571280790 |
CDA68080 | DEBUSSY/BARTÓK/PROKOFIEV: Études034571280806 |
CDA68081/2 | SCHOENBERG: Gurre-Lieder034571280813 |
CDA68083 | ESENVALDS: Northern Lights & other choral works034571280837 |
CDA68084 | ORNSTEIN: Piano Quintet & String Quartet No. 2034571280844 |
CDA68085 | SZYMANSKI/MYKIETYN: Music for string quartet034571280851 |
CDA68086 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Opp. 2/2, 10/1, 78 & 110034571280868 |
CDA68087 | Yulefest!034571280875 |
CDA68088 | JACQUET OF MANTUA: Missa Surge Petre & motets034571280882 |
CDA68089 | PARRY: I was glad & other choral works034571280899 |
CDA68090 | MOZART/HAYDN: Concertos & Sinfonia concertante034571280905 |
CDA68091 | MOZART: Violin Sonatas, K301 304 379 & 481034571280912 |
CDA68092 | MOZART: Violin Sonatas, K305, 376 & 402034571280929 |
CDA68093 | COUPERIN: L'Apothéose de Lully & Leçons de ténèbres034571280936 |
CDA68094 | Herrmann, Gershwin, Waxman & Copland034571280943 |
CDA68095 | TALLIS: Ave, Dei patris filia & other sacred music034571280950 |
CDA68096 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/HOUGH: Dona nobis pacem & Missa Mirabilis034571280967 |
CDA68097 | MOZART: Horn Concertos034571280974 |
CDA68098 | MENDELSSOHN: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 3034571280981 |
CDA68099 | SCHUMANN/DVORÁK: Piano Concertos034571280998 |
CDA68100 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 66 – Herz 2034571281001 |
CDA68101 | ELGAR: Enigma Variations & other orchestral works034571281018 |
CDA68102 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 20 – Stojowski & Wieniawski034571281025 |
CDA68103 | MACHAUT: A burning heart034571281032 |
CDA68104 | STEIBELT: Piano Concertos034571281049 |
CDA68105 | HOWELLS: Collegium Regale & other choral music034571281056 |
CDA68106 | LOBO: Lamentations & other sacred music034571281063 |
CDA68107 | SCHUBERT: Impromptus, Piano Pieces & Variations034571281070 |
CDA68108 | FELDMAN/CRUMB: Palais de Mari & A Little Suite for Christmas034571281087 |
CDA68109 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 68034571281094 |
CDA68110 | CLAUSEN/PAULUS: Calm on the listening ear & other choral work034571281100 |
CDA68111 | BACH: Cantatas Nos 54, 82 & 170034571281117 |
CDA68112 | BACH C P E: Cello Concertos034571281124 |
CDA68113 | LALO: Piano Trios034571281131 |
CDA68114 | Brazilian Adventures034571281148 |
CDA68115 | Conductus, Vol. 3034571281155 |
CDA68116 | BRAHMS: The Final Piano Pieces034571281162 |
CDA68117 | LISZT: The Complete Songs, Vol. 4034571281179 |
CDA68118 | BORTKIEWICZ: Piano Sonata No. 2 & other works034571281186 |
CDA68119 | REUBKE: Sonatas034571281193 |
CDA68120 | BRUCH: Piano Quintet & other works034571281209 |
CDA68121 | TALLIS: Lamentations & other sacred music034571281216 |
CDA68122 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 50034571281223 |
CDA68123 | BARTÓK: Mikrokosmos 6 & other piano music034571281230 |
CDA68124 | ROZYCKI/FRIEDMAN: Piano Quintets034571281247 |
CDA68125 | MENDELSSOHN: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 4034571281254 |
CDA68126 | MOZART F/CLEMENTI: Piano Concertos034571281261 |
CDA68128 | FRANZ: Songs034571281285 |
CDA68129 | Power of Life034571281292 |
CDA68130 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 70 – Beach, Howell & Chaminade034571281308 |
CDA68131 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Op. 14/1, 31/1, 49/1&2 & 81a034571281315 |
CDA68132 | Beneath the northern star – The rise of English polyphony, 1270-1430034571281322 |
CDA68133 | BARTÓK: Mikrokosmos 5 & other piano music034571281339 |
CDA68134 | MACHAUT: Sovereign Beauty034571281346 |
CDA68135 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 69 – Hill & Boyle034571281353 |
CDA68136 | Rostropovich Encores034571281360 |
CDA68137 | CHOPIN: Mazurkas034571281377 |
CDA68138 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 71 – Czerny034571281384 |
CDA68139 | DEBUSSY: Piano Music034571281391 |
CDA68140 | English Romantic Madrigals034571281407 |
CDA68141 | RIBERA: Magnificats & Motets034571281414 |
CDA68141D | RIBERA: Magnificat quartus tonus I034571100975 |
CDA68142 | DVORÁK: String Quartet & String Quintet034571281421 |
CDA68143 | MOZART: Violin Sonatas, K296, 306, 454 & 547034571281438 |
CDA68144 | ROTH: A Time to Dance & other choral works034571281445 |
CDA68145 | MEDTNER/RACHMANINOV: Piano Concertos034571281452 |
CDA68146 | BACH: Goldberg Variations034571281469 |
CDA68147 | TAVERNER: Mater Christi sanctissima & Western Wynde034571281476 |
CDA68148 | RAVEL/FALLA: Piano Concertos034571281483 |
CDA68149 | BLOW: An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell034571281490 |
CDA68150 | LA RUE: Missa Nuncqua fue pena & Missa Inviolata034571281506 |
CDA68151 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 72 – Potter034571281513 |
CDA68152 | HANDEL: Finest Arias for Base Voice, Vol. 2034571281520 |
CDA68153 | BARTÓK: Sonata for two pianos & percussion034571281537 |
CDA68154 | KOZELUCH: Piano Concertos Nos. 1, 5 & 6034571281544 |
CDA68155 | BLOCH/LIGETI/DALLAPICCOLA: Solo Cello Suites034571281551 |
CDA68156 | TALLIS: Spem in alium & other sacred music034571281568 |
CDA68157 | BACH: Magnificats034571281575 |
CDA68158 | KRENEK: Reisebuch aus den österreichischen Alpen034571281582 |
CDA68159 | TANEYEV/RIMSKY KORSAKOV: Piano Trios034571281599 |
CDA68160 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 54 & 55034571281605 |
CDA68161 | DEBUSSY: Piano Music034571281612 |
CDA68162 | HAYDN/BACH C P E: Cello Concertos034571281629 |
CDA68163 | Piers Lane goes to town again034571281636 |
CDA68164 | MOZART: Violin Sonatas, K303, 377, 378 & 403034571281643 |
CDA68165 | Fin de siècle034571281650 |
CDA68166 | BORODIN: Piano Quintet & String Quartet No. 2034571281667 |
CDA68167 | FINZI/BAX/IRELAND: Choral Music Temporarily out of stock034571281674 |
CDA68168 | BRUCH: String Quintets & Octet034571281681 |
CDA68169 | SCHUBERT: 21 Songs034571281698 |
CDA68170 | Music for the Hundred Years' War034571281704 |
CDA68171 | CHARPENTIER: Leçons de ténèbres, Litanies & Magnificat034571281711 |
CDA68172 | SWANN: Songs034571281728 |
CDA68173 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 73 – Coke034571281735 |
CDA68174 | STANFORD: Choral Music034571281742 |
CDA68175 | MOZART: Violin Sonatas, K302, 380 & 526034571281759 |
CDA68176 | Stephen Hough's Dream Album034571281766 |
CDA68177 | FALLA: Fantasia Baetica & other piano music034571281773 |
CDA68178 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 74 – Bennett 1-3034571281780 |
CDA68179 | LISZT: The Complete Songs, Vol. 5034571281797 |
CDA68180 | GUYOT: Te Deum laudamus & motets034571281803 |
CDA68181/2 | BACH: Mass in B minor034571281810 |
CDA68183 | STANFORD: Preludes034571281834 |
CDA68184 | SCARLATTI: Sonatas, Vol. 2034571281841 |
CDA68185 | STRAUSS R: The Complete Songs, Vol. 8034571281858 |
CDA68186 | SCHUMANN: Davidsbündlertänze, Humoreske & Blumenstück034571281865 |
CDA68187 | SHEPPARD: Media vita & other sacred choral music034571281872 |
CDA68188 | RACHMANINOV: Études-tableaux034571281889 |
CDA68189 | STRAVINSKY: Music for two pianos four hands034571281896 |
CDA68190 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: A London Symphony & other works034571281902 |
CDA68191 | PARK: Choral works034571281919 |
CDA68192 | LUDFORD: Missa Videte miraculum & Ave Maria, ancilla034571281926 |
CDA68193 | BERLIOZ: Harold in Italy & other orchestral works034571281933 |
CDA68194 | CHOPIN: Préludes, Piano Sonata No. 2 & Scherzo No. 2034571281940 |
CDA68195 | MACHAUT: Fortune's Child034571281957 |
CDA68196 | MacMILLAN: String Quartets034571281964 |
CDA68197 | SCHUBERT: Winterreise034571281971 |
CDA68198 | SUK: Piano Music034571281988 |
CDA68199 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Op. 27/1, 31/2, 79 & 109034571281995 |
CDA68200 | BRAHMS: Violin Sonatas034571282008 |
CDA68201 | SAINT-SAËNS: Symphony No. 3 & other works034571282015 |
CDA68202 | LISZT: Années de pèlerinage, troisième année034571282022 |
CDA68203 | TIPPETT: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2034571282039 |
CDA68204 | VIERNE/FRANCK: Violin Sonatas Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571282046 |
CDA68205 | NENOV: Piano Concerto & Ballade No. 2034571282053 |
CDA68206 | MACHAUT: The gentle physician034571282060 |
CDA68207 | PIXIS: Piano Trios034571282077 |
CDA68208 | CHISHOLM: Violin Concerto & Dance Suite034571282084 |
CDA68209 | FAURÉ: Requiem & other sacred music034571282091 |
CDA68210 | PALESTRINA: Missa Confitebor tibi Domine & other works034571282107 |
CDA68211 | DUSSEK: Piano Concertos, Op. 3, 14 & 49034571282114 |
CDA68212 | SAINT-SAËNS: Symphony No. 2, Danse macabre & Urbs Roma034571282121 |
CDA68213 | SCHUBERT: Piano Sonata & Impromptus034571282138 |
CDA68214 | Organ Fireworks World Tour034571282145 |
CDA68215 | DOHNÁNYI: String Quartet, Serenade & Sextet034571282152 |
CDA68216 | OBRECHT: Missa Grecorum & motets Temporarily out of stock (due 15 February 2025)034571282169 |
CDA68217 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 75 – Ries034571282176 |
CDA68219 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Opp. 109, 110 & 111034571282190 |
CDA68220 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Opp. 2/1, 14/2, 53 & 54034571282206 |
CDA68221 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 64034571282213 |
CDA68222 | FINZI: Choral works034571282220 |
CDA68223 | SAINT-SAËNS: Symphony No. 1 & Carnival of the animals034571282237 |
CDA68224 | COUPERIN: Dances from the Bauyn Manuscript034571282244 |
CDA68225 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 76 – Rheinberger & Scholz034571282251 |
CDA68226 | BRAHMS: Late Piano Works034571282268 |
CDA68227 | CHOPIN/SCHUBERT: Cello & Arpeggione Sonatas034571282275 |
CDA68228 | The Lily & the Rose034571282282 |
CDA68229 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 77 – Bronsart & Urspruch034571282299 |
CDA68230 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 71 & 74034571282305 |
CDA68231/2 | TIPPETT: Symphonies Nos. 3, 4 & B flat Temporarily out of stock034571282312 |
CDA68233 | FEINBERG: Piano Sonatas Nos. 1-6034571282336 |
CDA68234 | MOZART: The Jupiter Project Last few remaining034571282343 |
CDA68235 | LISZT: The Complete Songs, Vol. 6034571282350 |
CDA68236 | DUFAY: Lament for Constantinople & other songs034571282367 |
CDA68237 | BEETHOVEN: Moonlight Sonata & other piano music034571282374 |
CDA68238 | DOHNÁNYI: Piano Quintets & String Quartet No. 2034571282381 |
CDA68239 | SHOSTAKOVICH/KABALEVSKY: Cello Sonatas034571282398 |
CDA68240 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 78 – Clara Schumann, Kalkbrenner, Herz & Hiller034571282404 |
CDA68241 | CLEVE: Missa Rex Babylonis & other works034571282411 |
CDA68242 | BRAHMS: Ein deutsches Requiem034571282428 |
CDA68243 | PARRY: Piano Trios Nos. 1 & 3034571282435 |
CDA68244 | BACH: The Toccatas034571282442 |
CDA68245 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: A Sea Symphony034571282459 |
CDA68246 | TAVENER: No longer mourn for me & other cello music034571282466 |
CDA68247 | LISZT: New Discoveries, Vol. 4034571282473 |
CDA68248 | SIBELIUS: Kullervo034571282480 |
CDA68249 | The Passinge mesures Temporarily out of stock034571282497 |
CDA68250 | TALLIS: The Votive Antiphons034571282503 |
CDA68251 | McDOWALL: Sacred choral music034571282510 |
CDA68252 | CARDOSO: Requiem, Lamentations, Magnificat & motets034571282527 |
CDA68253 | BRIDGE/CLARKE: Cello Sonatas034571282534 |
CDA68254 | ELGAR: Caractacus034571282541 |
CDA68255 | TAVENER: Angels & other choral works034571282558 |
CDA68256 | English Motets034571282565 |
CDA68257 | VIVANCO: Missa Assumpsit Jesus & motets034571282572 |
CDA68258 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 79 – Pfitzner & Braunfels034571282589 |
CDA68259 | BAIRSTOW/HARRIS/STANFORD: Choral works034571282596 |
CDA68260 | Vida breve034571282602 |
CDA68261/2 | BACH: The Cello Suites034571282619 |
CDA68263 | STRAUSS R/BEETHOVEN/GLINKA: The Princess & the Bear034571282633 |
CDA68264 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 80 – Dupont & Benoit034571282640 |
CDA68265 | FÉVIN: Missa Ave Maria & Missa Salve sancta parens034571282657 |
CDA68266 | MÄNTYJÄRVI: Choral music034571282664 |
CDA68267 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Piano Sonatas & Preludes034571282671 |
CDA68268 | The Romantic Violin Concerto, Vol. 22 – Lassen, Philipp Scharwenka & Langgaard034571282688 |
CDA68269 | NICODÉ: Ein Liebesleben & other piano works034571282695 |
CDA68270 | CRAMER: Piano Concertos Nos. 4 & 5034571282701 |
CDA68271/2 | BACH: The Six Partitas (2018 recording)034571282718 |
CDA68273 | CHOPIN: Impromptus, waltzes & mazurkas034571282732 |
CDA68274 | Music for Saint Katherine of Alexandria034571282749 |
CDA68275 | BACH: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 182034571282756 |
CDA68276 | PARRY: Piano Trio No. 2 & Piano Quartet034571282763 |
CDA68277 | MACHAUT: The single rose034571282770 |
CDA68279 | Amarae morti034571282794 |
CDA68280 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 4034571282800 |
CDA68281 | Christmas at St George's Windsor034571282817 |
CDA68282 | JANÁCEK: Diary of one who disappeared & other songs034571282824 |
CDA68283 | STANFORD: A Song of Agincourt & other works Temporarily out of stock034571282831 |
CDA68284 | PALESTRINA: Lamentations034571282848 |
CDA68285 | Fading034571282855 |
CDA68286 | LIGETI: The 18 Études034571282862 |
CDA68287 | Musique?034571282879 |
CDA68288 | SCHUBERT/BRAHMS: Schwanengesang & Vier ernste Gesänge Temporarily out of stock034571282886 |
CDA68289 | The Early Horn034571282893 |
CDA68290 | KORNGOLD/BARTÓK: Piano Quintets034571282909 |
CDA68291/3 | BEETHOVEN: The Piano Concertos034571282916 |
CDA68294 | HOWELLS: Missa Sabrinensis & Michael Fanfare034571282947 |
CDA68295 | ELGAR/BEACH: Piano Quintets034571282954 |
CDA68296 | DUNHILL/ERLANGER: Piano Quintets034571282961 |
CDA68297 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 81 – Rubbra & Bliss034571282978 |
CDA68298 | PROKOFIEV: Piano Sonatas Nos. 6, 7 & 8034571282985 |
CDA68299 | Christmas Temporarily out of stock (due 13 February 2025)034571282992 |
CDA68301 | PARRY: Songs of farewell & wks by Stanford/Gray/Wood034571283012 |
CDA68302 | CRAMER: Piano Concertos Nos. 1, 3 & 6034571283029 |
CDA68303 | BOWEN: Fragments from Hans Andersen & Studies034571283036 |
CDA68304 | HELLINCK/LUPI: Missa Surrexit pastor, Te Deum & motets034571283043 |
CDA68305 | LITOLFF: Piano Trios034571283050 |
CDA68306 | LOBO: Masses, Responsories & motets034571283067 |
CDA68307 | MENDELSSOHN F/SCHUMANN C: Piano Trios & String Quartet034571283074 |
CDA68308 | HAMELIN: New Piano Works034571283081 |
CDA68309 | RACHMANINOV: Songs Last few remaining034571283098 |
CDA68310 | Homage to Godowsky034571283104 |
CDA68311/2 | BACH: The Six Partitas034571283111 |
CDA68313 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Violin Concertos034571283135 |
CDA68314 | New England Choirworks034571283142 |
CDA68315 | SCHÜTZ: The Christmas story & other works034571283159 |
CDA68316 | MESSIAEN: Des canyons aux étoiles ...034571283166 |
CDA68317 | MacMILLAN: Symphony No. 4 & Viola Concerto034571283173 |
CDA68318 | MACHAUT: The lion of nobility034571283180 |
CDA68319 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 82 – Elmas034571283197 |
CDA68320 | LISZT/THALBERG: Opera transcriptions & fantasies034571283203 |
CDA68321 | JOSQUIN: Motets & Mass movements034571283210 |
CDA68322 | MENDELSSOHN: Violin Sonatas034571283227 |
CDA68323 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 83 – Gablenz & Paderewski034571283234 |
CDA68324 | BERLIOZ: Symphonie fantastique & other works034571283241 |
CDA68325 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphony No. 5 & The Pilgrim's Progress034571283258 |
CDA68326 | ESQUIVEL: Missa Hortus conclusus, Magnificat & motets034571283265 |
CDA68327 | VLADIGEROV: Exotic preludes & Impressions Temporarily out of stock034571283272 |
CDA68328 | JANCEVSKIS: Choral works034571283289 |
CDA68329 | French duets034571283296 |
CDA68330 | MENDELSSOHN/MENDELSSOHN: String Quartets034571283302 |
CDA68331/2 | FAURÉ: Nocturnes & Barcarolles034571283319 |
CDA68333 | Music for the King of Scots034571283333 |
CDA68334 | BRAHMS: Piano Sonatas & Rhapsodies034571283340 |
CDA68335 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 76034571283357 |
CDA68336 | BACH: Italian Concerto & French Overture034571283364 |
CDA68337 | ISAAC: Missa Wohlauff gut Gsell & other works Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571283371 |
CDA68338 | BACH: Goldberg Variations034571283388 |
CDA68339 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 85 – Reinecke034571283395 |
CDA68340 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Cello Concertos034571283401 |
CDA68341 | Love songs034571283418 |
CDA68342 | BARGIEL: Piano Trios Nos. 1 & 2034571283425 |
CDA68343 | BRUCH: Piano Trio & other chamber music034571283432 |
CDA68344 | MENDELSSOHN: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 5034571283449 |
CDA68345 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 86 – Tellefsen034571283456 |
CDA68346 | BEETHOVEN: Variations034571283463 |
CDA68347 | GUERRERO: Magnificat, Lamentations & Canciones034571283470 |
CDA68348 | GESUALDO: Tenebrae Responsories for Maundy Thursday034571283487 |
CDA68349 | The Florentine Renaissance034571283494 |
CDA68350 | DOVE/WEIR/MARTIN: Choral works034571283500 |
CDA68351/2 | CHOPIN: Nocturnes034571283517 |
CDA68354 | SCHUMANN: Violin Sonatas NEW034571283548 |
CDA68355 | SCRIABIN: Mazurkas034571283555 |
CDA68357 | VIVALDI/PIAZZOLLA: The mandolin seasons034571283579 |
CDA68358 | Sacred treasures of Christmas034571283586 |
CDA68359 | Sacred treasures of Spain034571283593 |
CDA68361 | BENDA: Piano Concertos034571283616 |
CDA68362 | MOMPOU: Música callada034571283623 |
CDA68363 | SCHUMANN: Arabeske, Kreisleriana & Fantasie034571283630 |
CDA68364 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 42, 77 & 103034571283647 |
CDA68365 | RACHMANINOV: Piano Sonata No. 1 & Moments musicaux034571283654 |
CDA68366 | PAGANINI: 24 Caprices034571283661 |
CDA68367 | MOZART: The complete multipiano concertos034571283678 |
CDA68368 | MENDELSSOHN: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 6034571283685 |
CDA68369 | REGNART: Missa Christ ist erstanden & other works034571283692 |
CDA68370 | SCHUBERT: Piano Sonatas, D664, 769a & 894034571283708 |
CDA68371/2 | Voyage of a sea-god034571283715 |
CDA68373 | British solo cello music034571283739 |
CDA68374 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas, Op. 106 & 111034571283746 |
CDA68375 | BACH: Cantatas Nos 35 & 169034571283753 |
CDA68376 | Northern Lights034571283760 |
CDA68377 | SCHUBERT: Die schöne Müllerin034571283777 |
CDA68378 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: On Wenlock Edge & other songs034571283784 |
CDA68379 | Josquin's legacy034571283791 |
CDA68380 | RIES: Piano Trio & Sextets034571283807 |
CDA68381/2 | BACH C P E: Sonatas & Rondos034571283814 |
CDA68383 | HAHN: Poèmes & Valses034571283838 |
CDA68384 | TELEMANN: Fantasias for solo violin034571283845 |
CDA68385 | MOUTON: Missa Faulte d'argent & Motets034571283852 |
CDA68387 | BACH: Notebooks for Anna Magdalena034571283876 |
CDA68388 | Lux aeterna034571283883 |
CDA68389 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 84 – Schmitt034571283890 |
CDA68390 | DEBUSSY: Early and late piano pieces034571283906 |
CDA68391/2 | BOLCOM: The complete rags034571283913 |
CDA68393 | CRISTO: Magnificat, Antiphons & Missa Salve regina034571283937 |
CDA68394 | A Golden Cello Decade, 1878-1888034571283944 |
CDA68396 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphonies Nos. 6 & 8034571283968 |
CDA68397 | MARTINU/KRÁSA/KALABIS: Harpsichord Concertos034571283975 |
CDA68398 | SCHUBERT: Piano Sonatas D537 & 959034571283982 |
CDA68399 | MACHAUT: Songs from Remede de Fortune034571283999 |
CDA68400 | HOUGH/DUTILLEUX/RAVEL: String Quartets034571284002 |
CDA68401/2 | BACH: The French Suites034571284019 |
CDA68403 | MAGALHÃES: Missa Veni Domine & Missa Vere Dominus est034571284033 |
CDA68404 | Morning star034571284040 |
CDA68405 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Sinfonia antartica & Symphony No. 9034571284057 |
CDA68406 | TCHAIKOVSKY/KORNGOLD: String Sextets034571284064 |
CDA68407 | PADOVANO: Missa A la dolc' ombra & Domine a lingua034571284071 |
CDA68408 | GUERRERO: Missa Ecce sacerdos, Magnificat & motets034571284088 |
CDA68409 | DEBUSSY: Études & Pour le piano034571284095 |
CDA68410 | HAYDN: String Quartets, Op. 42 & 77 & Last Words034571284101 |
CDA68411/2 | MOZART: Piano Sonatas, K279-284 & K309034571284118 |
CDA68413 | DVORÁK/COLERIDGE-TAYLOR: String Quartet & Fantasiestücke034571284132 |
CDA68414 | DASER: Missa Pater noster & other works034571284149 |
CDA68415 | MORALES: Missa Mille regretz & Missa Desilde al cavall034571284156 |
CDA68416 | BYRD: Mass for five voices & other works034571284163 |
CDA68417 | MACHAUT: The fount of grace034571284170 |
CDA68418 | STANFORD: Requiem034571284187 |
CDA68419 | Phantasy in blue034571284194 |
CDA68420 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/MACMILLAN/TAVENER: Choral works034571284200 |
CDA68421/2 | MOZART: Piano Sonatas, K310-311 & 330-333034571284217 |
CDA68423 | SCHUBERT: String Quartets D112 & 887034571284231 |
CDA68424 | GRIEG: Holberg Suite, Ballade & Lyric Pieces034571284248 |
CDA68425 | ANTOGNINI: Come to me in the silence of the night034571284255 |
CDA68426 | Credo034571284262 |
CDA68427 | Sacred treasures of Venice034571284279 |
CDA68428 | Russian Variations034571284286 |
CDA68429 | The Romantic Piano Concerto, Vol. 87 – Reinecke 3 & Sauer 2034571284293 |
CDA68430 | MACHAUT: A lover's death NEW034571284309 |
CDA68433 | DVORÁK/PRICE: Piano Quintets April 2025 release034571284330 |
CDA68434 | Anthems, Vol. 1034571284347 |
CDA68436 | DURUFLÉ/POULENC: Requiem & Lenten Motets034571284361 |
CDA68439 | LA HÈLE: Missa Praeter rerum seriem034571284392 |
CDA68440 | BRIGGS: Hail, gladdening Light & other works034571284408 |
CDA68444 | BOCCHERINI: Cello Concertos, Sonatas & Quintets034571284446 |
CDA68445 | Reformation – Keyboard words by Byrd, Gibbons & Bull034571284453 |
CDA68447 | A monk's life034571284477 |
CDA68448 | BACH: Preludes, Inventions & Sinfonias034571284484 |
CDA68450 | FAURÉ: La bonne chanson & other songs March 2025 release034571284507 |
CDA68453 | Queen of Hearts034571284538 |
CDA68455 | HOUGH: Piano Concerto, Sonatina & Partita March 2025 release034571284552 |
CDA68456 | BEETHOVEN: Hammerklavier034571284569 |
CDA68458 | Rare Italian Piano Concertos NEW034571284583 |
CDA68459 | Unplayed Stories … in 40 Fingers034571284590 |
CDA68460 | OBRECHT: Scaramella034571284606 |
CDA68463 | DEBUSSY: String Quartet & Sonatas NEW034571284637 |
CDA68464 | BRIAN: Agamemnon & Symphonies Nos. 6 & 12 April 2025 release034571284644 |
CDA68468D | NGWENYAMA: Flow034571284682 |
CDD22001 | BACH: Brandenburg ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66711/2034571120010 |
CDD22002 | BACH: Four Orchestral SuitesPreviously issued on CDA66701/2034571120027 |
CDD22003 | BARTÓK: Complete String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66581/2034571120034 |
CDD22004 | BEETHOVEN: Complete Cello MusicPreviously issued on CDA66281, CDA66282034571120041 |
CDD22005 | MOZART: String QuintetsPreviously issued on CDA66431, CDA66432034571120058 |
CDD22006 | REICHA: Wind QuintetsPreviously issued on CDA66268, CDA66379034571120065 |
CDD22007 | RUBINSTEIN: Complete Piano SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66017, CDA66105034571120072 |
CDD22009 | BACH: Sonatas & Partitas for solo violin034571120096 |
CDD22010 | SCHUBERT: The Songmakers' Almanac SchubertiadePreviously issued on A66131/2034571120102 |
CDD22014 | SPOHR: Four Double QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66141, CDA66142034571120140 |
CDD22017 | The Clarinet in ConcertPreviously issued on CDA66022, CDA66300034571120171 |
CDD22018 | BRAHMS: String Quartets & Piano QuintetPreviously issued on CDA66651, CDA66652034571120188 |
CDD22020 | MENDELSSOHN: Songs without wordsPreviously issued on CDA66221/2034571120201 |
CDD22023 | RUBINSTEIN: Solo Piano Music034571120232 |
CDD22024 | Nikolai Demidenko LivePreviously issued on CDA66781/2034571120249 |
CDD22025 | BACH: Sonatas for violin & harpsichord034571120256 |
CDD22027 | English Music for ClarinetPreviously issued on CDA66014, CDA66044034571120270 |
CDD22029 | MENDELSSOHN: Music for OrganPreviously issued on CDA66491/2034571120294 |
CDD22030 | BALAKIREV: Symphonies & Symphonic PoemsPreviously issued on CDA66691/2034571120300 |
CDD22039 | MARTINU: Chamber MusicPreviously issued on CDA66084, 66133, 66473034571120393 |
CDD22040 | BOUGHTON: The Immortal HourPreviously issued on CDA66101/2034571120409 |
CDD22041 | BACH: Wedding Cantata & Hunt CantataPreviously issued on CDA66036034571120416 |
CDD22043 | BERWALD: Symphonies & OverturesPreviously issued on CDA67081/2034571120430 |
CDD22044 | A Shropshire LadPreviously issued on CDA66471/2034571120447 |
CDD22045 | HANDEL: Harpsichord SuitesPreviously issued on CDA66931/2034571120454 |
CDD22046 | SCHARWENKA: Complete Chamber Music034571120461 |
CDD22047 | CORELLI: Twelve Violin SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66381/2034571120478 |
CDD22048 | ALBINONI: Sonate & TrattenimentiPreviously issued on CDA66831/2034571120485 |
CDD22049 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Hugh the DroverPreviously issued on CDA66901/2034571120492 |
CDD22050 | HANDEL: The Triumph of Time & TruthPreviously issued on CDA66071/2034571120508 |
CDD22051 | BACH: Mass in B minorPreviously issued on CDA67201/2034571120515 |
CDD22053 | BERWALD: Chamber MusicPreviously issued on CDA66834, CDA66835034571120539 |
CDD22054 | BORTKIEWICZ: Piano MusicPreviously issued on CDA66933, CDA67094034571120546 |
CDD22055 | BLOW: AnthemsPreviously issued on CDA67031/2034571120553 |
CDD22056 | LASSUS: Penitential PsalmsPreviously issued on CDA67271/2034571120560 |
CDD22057 | LOCATELLI: Sonatas, Op. 8Previously issued on CDA67021/2034571120577 |
CDD22058 | BRITTEN: Complete Purcell RealizationsPreviously issued on CDA67061/2034571120584 |
CDD22059 | DUPRÉ: Organ MusicPreviously issued on CDA66205, CDA67047034571120591 |
CDD22060 | AVISON: Concerti Grossi after ScarlattiPreviously issued on CDA66891/2034571120607 |
CDD22061 | TARTINI: The Devil's Trill & other violin sonatasPreviously issued on CDA66430, CDA66485034571120614 |
CDD22062 | BACH: Great Fantasias, Preludes & FuguesPreviously issued on CDA66791/2034571120621 |
CDD22063 | BOYCE: Trio SonatasPreviously issued on CDA67151/2034571120638 |
CDD22064 | LOCATELLI: Sonatas, Op. 4Previously issued on CDA67041/2034571120645 |
CDD22065 | VIVALDI: The Complete Cello SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66881/2034571120652 |
CDD22066 | LOCATELLI: Concerti Grossi, Op. 1Previously issued on CDA66981/2034571120669 |
CDD22067 | BERLIOZ: L'Enfance du ChristPreviously issued on CDA66991/2034571120676 |
CDD22068 | MAGNARD: The Four SymphoniesPreviously issued on CDA67030, CDA67040034571120683 |
CDD22070 | FINZI: Earth & Air & RainPreviously issued on CDA66161/2034571120706 |
CDD22071 | BRIDGE: SongsPreviously issued on CDA67181/2034571120713 |
CDD22072 | Lo SposalizioPreviously issued on CDA67048034571120720 |
CDD22073 | ARNE: ArtaxerxesPreviously issued on CDA67051/2034571120737 |
CDD22076 | WEBER: Complete Piano SonatasPreviously issued on Arabesque034571120768 |
CDGIM001 | PALESTRINA: Missa Benedicta es755138100121 |
CDGIM002 | Russian Orthodox Music755138100220 |
CDGIM003 | PALESTRINA: Missa Nigra sum755138100329 |
CDGIM004 | TAVERNER: Missa Gloria Tibi Trinitas755138100428 |
CDGIM005 | TAVENER: Ikon of Light, Funeral Ikos & The Lamb755138100527 |
CDGIM006 | TALLIS: Spem in alium755138100626 |
CDGIM007 | TALLIS: The Complete English Anthems755138100725 |
CDGIM008 | PALESTRINA: Missa Brevis755138100824 |
CDGIM009 | JOSQUIN: Missa Pange lingua & Missa La sol fa re mi755138100923 |
CDGIM010 | Christmas Carols & Motets: 755138101029 |
CDGIM011 | BYRD: Great Service755138101128 |
CDGIM012 | VICTORIA: Requiem755138101227 |
CDGIM013 | CLEMENS: Pastores quidnam vidistis755138101326 |
CDGIM014 | CORNYSH: Stabat mater755138101425 |
CDGIM015 | GESUALDO: Tenebrae Responsories755138101524 |
CDGIM016 | SHEPPARD: Media vita755138101623 |
CDGIM017 | Sarum Chant: 755138101722 |
CDGIM018 | LASSUS: Missa Osculetur me755138101821 |
CDGIM019 | JOSQUIN: L'homme armé Masses755138101920 |
CDGIM020 | PALESTRINA: Missa Assumpta est Maria & Missa Sicut lilium755138102026 |
CDGIM021 | CARDOSO: Requiem755138102125 |
CDGIM022 | VICTORIA: Tenebrae Responsories755138102224 |
CDGIM023 | ISAAC: Missa de Apostolis755138102323 |
CDGIM024 | TOMKINS: The Great Service755138102422 |
CDGIM025 | TALLIS: Lamentations of Jeremiah755138102521 |
CDGIM026 | BRUMEL: Earthquake Mass755138102620 |
CDGIM027 | Western Wind Masses: 755138102729 |
CDGIM028 | LÔBO D: Requiem755138102828 |
CDGIM029 | RORE: Missa Praeter rerum seriem755138102927 |
CDGIM030 | WHITE: Tudor Church Music755138103023 |
CDGIM031 | LOBO A: Missa Maria Magdalene755138103122 |
CDGIM032 | OBRECHT: Missa Maria Zart755138103221 |
CDGIM033 | MORALES: Missa Si bona suscepimus755138103320 |
CDGIM034 | TALLIS: The Christmas Mass755138103429 |
CDGIM035 | OCKEGHEM: Masses755138103528 |
CDGIM036 | BROWNE: Music from the Eton Choir Book755138103627 |
CDGIM037 | GOMBERT: Magnificats 1-4755138103726 |
CDGIM038 | GOMBERT: Magnificats 5-8755138103825 |
CDGIM039 | JOSQUIN: The Canonic Masses755138103924 |
CDGIM040 | GUERRERO: Missa Surge propera755138104020 |
CDGIM041 | ALLEGRI/PALESTRINA: Miserere/Papae Marcelli755138104129 |
CDGIM042 | JOSQUIN: Malheur me bat & Fortuna desperata755138104228 |
CDGIM043 | VICTORIA: Lamentations755138104327 |
CDGIM044 | JOSQUIN: De beata virgine & Ave maris stella755138104426 |
CDGIM045 | TAVERNER: Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas & Magnificats755138104525 |
CDGIM046 | TAVERNER: Missa Corona spinea & Dum transissets755138104624 |
CDGIM047 | MOUTON: Missa Dictes moy toutes voz pensées755138104723 |
CDGIM048 | JOSQUIN: Di dadi & Une mousse de Biscaye755138104822 |
CDGIM049 | PÄRT: Tintinnabuli755138104921 |
CDGIM050 | JOSQUIN: Missa Gaudeamus & Missa L'ami Baudichon755138105027 |
CDGIM051 | JOSQUIN: Missa Hercules Dux Ferrarie & other works755138105126 |
CDGIM052 | JOSQUIN/BAULDEWEYN: Missa Mater Patris & Missa Da pacem755138105225 |
CDGIM053 | SHEPPARD: Missa Cantate & other sacred music755138105324 |
CDGIM054 | FAYRFAX: Maria plena virtute & other votive antiphons755138105423 |
CDGIM201 | Essential Tallis Scholars: 755138120129 |
CDGIM202 | Christmas with The Tallis Scholars: 755138120228 |
CDGIM203 | TALLIS: Tallis Scholars sing Tallis755138120327 |
CDGIM204 | PALESTRINA: Tallis Scholars sing Palestrina755138120426 |
CDGIM205 | Requiem: The Tallis Scholars: 755138120525 |
CDGIM206 | JOSQUIN: Tallis Scholars sing JosquinPreviously issued on CDGIM019755138120624 |
CDGIM207 | TALLIS SCHOLARS: Renaissance Giants755138120723 |
CDGIM208 | BYRD: The Tallis Scholars sing William Byrd755138120822 |
CDGIM209 | TALLIS SCHOLARS: Tudor Church Music, Vol. 1755138120921 |
CDGIM210 | TALLIS SCHOLARS: Tudor Church Music, Vol. 2755138121027 |
CDGIM211 | TALLIS SCHOLARS: Flemish Masters755138121126 |
CDGIM212 | TALLIS SCHOLARS: Renaissance Radio755138121225 |
CDGIM213 | TALLIS SCHOLARS: Perfect Polyphony755138121324 |
CDGIM345 | BYRD: The Three Masses755138134522 |
CDGIM639 | ALLEGRI: Miserere755138163928 |
CDGIM802 | WHITACRE: Sainte-Chapelle755138180222 |
CDGIM992 | BYRD: Playing Elizabeth's Tune755138199224 |
CDGIM994 | The Tallis Scholars Live in Rome755138199422 |
CDGIM996 | Lamenta: 755138199620 |
CDGIM998 | Tallis Scholars Live in Oxford: 755138199828 |
CDH55001 | Favourite ClassicsPreviously issued on CDH88030034571150017 |
CDH55002 | Favourite Encores for String QuartetPreviously issued on CDH88038034571150024 |
CDH55003 | Music for Organ & BrassPreviously issued on CDH88005, CDH88017034571150031 |
CDH55005 | Concertos for the Kingdom of the Two SiciliesPreviously issued on CDH88025034571150055 |
CDH55006 | GERSHWIN: Fascinating RhythmPreviously issued on CDH88045034571150062 |
CDH55007 | HAYDN: ConcertosPreviously issued on CDH88037034571150079 |
CDH55008 | Music for OboePreviously issued on A66206034571150086 |
CDH55009 | English Choral & Organ MusicPreviously issued on CDA66078034571150093 |
CDH55010 | PURCELL: Ayres for the TheatrePreviously issued on CDA66212034571150109 |
CDH55011 | SCHUMANN: Kerner Lieder & LiederkreisPreviously issued on CDA66596034571150116 |
CDH55012 | STRAUSS R/VERDI: String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66317034571150123 |
CDH55013 | How the world wagsPreviously issued on CDA66008034571150130 |
CDH55015 | Oboe QuintetsPreviously issued on CDA66143034571150154 |
CDH55016 | VIVALDI: Recorder ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66328034571150161 |
CDH55017 | RAFF: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 4Previously issued on CDA66628034571150178 |
CDH55018 | From the Steeples & MountainsPreviously issued on CDA66517034571150185 |
CDH55019 | BOUGHTON: Symphony No. 3 & Oboe Concerto No. 1Previously issued on CDA66343034571150192 |
CDH55020 | Favourite Baroque ClassicsPreviously issued on CDA66600034571150208 |
CDH55021/8 | BEETHOVEN: Complete String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66401/8034571150215 |
CDH55029 | BRIAN: Symphony No. 3Previously issued on CDA66334034571150291 |
CDH55030 | FAURÉ: Violin SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66277034571150307 |
CDH55031 | CRUSELL: Clarinet QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66077034571150314 |
CDH55032 | PROKOFIEV: String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66573034571150321 |
CDH55033 | VANHAL: Six Quartette Concertante034571150338 |
CDH55034 | Five Italian Oboe ConcertosPreviously issued on CDH88014034571150345 |
CDH55035 | The Concerto in EuropePreviously issued on CDH88015034571150352 |
CDH55036 | Praise to the Lord Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDH88036034571150369 |
CDH55037 | The Classical Harmonie034571150376 |
CDH55039 | SCHUMANN: Album for the YoungPreviously issued on CDH88039034571150390 |
CDH55040 | HAHN: Chansons Grises & other songsPreviously issued on CDA66045034571150406 |
CDH55041 | BIBER: Sonatae tam aris, quam aulisPreviously issued on CDA66145034571150413 |
CDH55042 | HOLST: SavitriPreviously issued on CDA66099034571150420 |
CDH55043 | BARGIEL/MENDELSSOHN: OctetsPreviously issued on CDA66356034571150437 |
CDH55044 | VIERNE: Symphony No. 2 & Les AngélusPreviously issued on CDA66284034571150444 |
CDH55046 | DYSON: Hierusalem & other choral worksPreviously issued on CDA66150034571150468 |
CDH55047 | BYRD: GradualiaPreviously issued on CDA66451034571150475 |
CDH55048 | Baroque Christmas MusicPreviously issued on CDH88028034571150482 |
CDH55050 | Lie strewn the white flocksPreviously issued on CDA66175034571150505 |
CDH55052 | TAVERNER: Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66134034571150529 |
CDH55053 | TAVERNER: Missa Mater Christi sanctissimaPreviously issued on CDA66639034571150536 |
CDH55056 | TAVERNER: Western Wynde Mass Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66507034571150567 |
CDH55057 | VILLA-LOBOS: Music for FlutePreviously issued on CDA66295034571150574 |
CDH55059 | Il Ballarino Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66244034571150598 |
CDH55060 | English Clarinet Concertos, Vol. 2Previously issued on CDA66634034571150604 |
CDH55063 | BRIDGE: Piano Trios & Piano QuartetPreviously issued on CDA66279034571150635 |
CDH55064 | MENDELSSOHN: Complete Music for CelloPreviously issued on CDA66478034571150642 |
CDH55065 | PURCELL: Songs & DialoguesPreviously issued on CDA66056034571150659 |
CDH55067 | BRITTEN: Winter WordsPreviously issued on CDA66209034571150673 |
CDH55070 | English Music for BrassPreviously issued on CDH88013034571150703 |
CDH55071 | ARNOLD: Chamber Music, Vol. 1Previously issued on CDA66171034571150710 |
CDH55072 | ARNOLD: Chamber Music, Vol. 2Previously issued on CDA66172034571150727 |
CDH55074 | CZERNY: Music for horn & fortepiano034571150741 |
CDH55075 | HANDEL: Six Concerti Grossi, Op. 3Previously issued on CDA66633034571150758 |
CDH55077 | HANDEL: Aminta e FillidePreviously issued on CDA66118034571150772 |
CDH55080 | KROMMER/MOZART: Oboe ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66411034571150802 |
CDH55081 | SZYMANOWSKI: Piano Music Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66409034571150819 |
CDH55082 | BEETHOVEN: Diabelli VariationsPreviously issued on CDA66763034571150826 |
CDH55083 | BEETHOVEN: The Last Three Piano Sonatas034571150833 |
CDH55084 | Songs by Finzi & his friends Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66015034571150840 |
CDH55085 | English Music for ViolaPreviously issued on CDA66687034571150857 |
CDH55087 | BRAHMS: The Three Violin SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66465034571150871 |
CDH55088 | Victorian Concert OverturesPreviously issued on CDA66515034571150888 |
CDH55089 | SOMERVELL: Maud & A Shropshire Lad Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66187034571150895 |
CDH55091 | TELEMANN: Recorder ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66413034571150918 |
CDH55093 | MOZART: Serenade in B flat 'Gran Partita'Previously issued on CDA66285034571150932 |
CDH55096 | Flute Music of the 16th & 17th centuriesPreviously issued on CDA66298034571150963 |
CDH55097 | From a Spanish Palace SongbookPreviously issued on CDA66454034571150970 |
CDH55098 | Spanish Music of the Golden AgePreviously issued on CDA66327034571150987 |
CDH55100 | PANUFNIK/SESSIONS: Symphony No. 8 & ConcertoPreviously issued on CDA66050034571151007 |
CDH55101 | FINZI/STANFORD: Clarinet ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66001034571151014 |
CDH55102 | VIVALDI: La Pastorella Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66309034571151021 |
CDH55103 | ENESCU: Violin SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66484034571151038 |
CDH55104 | HOLST: Choral SymphonyPreviously issued on CDA66660034571151045 |
CDH55105 | English Clarinet QuintetsPreviously issued on CDA66428034571151052 |
CDH55108 | TELEMANN: Chamber MusicPreviously issued on CDA66195034571151083 |
CDH55109 | Rare Piano EncoresPreviously issued on CDA66090034571151090 |
CDH55110 | JACOB/SOMERVELL: Clarinet Quintets034571151106 |
CDH55111 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5Previously issued on CDA66524034571151113 |
CDH55112 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 6, 7 & 8Previously issued on CDA66523034571151120 |
CDH55113 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 9, 10, 11 & 12Previously issued on CDA66529034571151137 |
CDH55114 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 13, 14, 15 & 16Previously issued on CDA66534034571151144 |
CDH55115 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21 Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66533034571151151 |
CDH55116 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 22, 23, 24 & 25Previously issued on CDA66536034571151168 |
CDH55117 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 42, 43 & 44Previously issued on CDA66530034571151175 |
CDH55118 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 45, 46 & 47Previously issued on CDA66522034571151182 |
CDH55119 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 48, 49 & 50Previously issued on CDA66531034571151199 |
CDH55120 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 70, 71 & 72Previously issued on CDA66526034571151205 |
CDH55121 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 73, 74 & 75Previously issued on CDA66520034571151212 |
CDH55122 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 76, 77 & 78Previously issued on CDA66525034571151229 |
CDH55124 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 85, 86 & 87Previously issued on CDA66535034571151243 |
CDH55125 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 90, 91 & 92Previously issued on CDA66521034571151250 |
CDH55126 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 93, 94 & 95Previously issued on CDA66532034571151267 |
CDH55127 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 101 & 102 Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66528034571151274 |
CDH55128 | Echoes of a WaterfallPreviously issued on CDA66038034571151281 |
CDH55129 | ArabesquePreviously issued on CDA66116034571151298 |
CDH55130 | Caprices & FantasiesPreviously issued on CDA66340034571151304 |
CDH55131 | SCHARWENKA: Piano Music, Vol. 1Previously issued on Collins13252034571151311 |
CDH55132 | SCHARWENKA: Piano Music, Vol. 2Previously issued on Collins13522034571151328 |
CDH55133 | SCHARWENKA: Piano Music, Vol. 3Previously issued on Collins13652034571151335 |
CDH55134 | SCHARWENKA: Piano Music, Vol. 4Previously issued on Collins14742034571151342 |
CDH55135 | BERKELEY: A Centenary TributePreviously issued on A66086034571151359 |
CDH55136 | HANDEL: Il Duello AmorosoPreviously issued on A66155034571151366 |
CDH55138 | LÔBO/MAGALHÃES: Requiem & Missa dilectus meusPreviously issued on CDA66218034571151380 |
CDH55139 | HOWELLS: Music for violin & piano Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66665034571151397 |
CDH55140 | ROTT: Symphony in E majorPreviously issued on CDA66366034571151403 |
CDH55141 | MOSZKOWSKI: Piano Music, Vol. 1Previously issued on Collins14122034571151410 |
CDH55142 | MOSZKOWSKI: Piano Music, Vol. 2Previously issued on Collins14732034571151427 |
CDH55143 | MOSZKOWSKI: Piano Music, Vol. 3Previously issued on Collins15192034571151434 |
CDH55144 | WIDOR: Symphony No. 5 Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66181034571151441 |
CDH55145 | MONTEVERDI: MassesPreviously issued on CDA66214034571151458 |
CDH55147 | ELGAR: Cathedral MusicPreviously issued on CDA66313034571151472 |
CDH55148 | Sacred and Secular Music from six centuriesPreviously issued on CDA66370034571151489 |
CDH55149 | BARTÓK: Sonata, Contrasts & RhapsodiesPreviously issued on CDA66415034571151496 |
CDH55150 | MENDELSSOHN: On wings of songPreviously issued on CDA66666034571151502 |
CDH55151 | Gabriel's GreetingPreviously issued on CDA66685034571151519 |
CDH55152 | HOWELLS: Howells' & Lambert's ClavichordPreviously issued on CDA66689034571151526 |
CDH55154 | BRITTEN: Music for Oboe & Music for PianoPreviously issued on CDA66776034571151540 |
CDH55155 | WASSENAER: Concerti ArmoniciPreviously issued on CDA66670034571151557 |
CDH55156 | Bird Songs at EventidePreviously issued on CDA66818034571151564 |
CDH55158 | BRAHMS: Clarinet SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66202034571151588 |
CDH55159 | In praise of womanPreviously issued on CDA66709034571151595 |
CDH55160 | MAHLER: Songs of YouthPreviously issued on CDA66100034571151601 |
CDH55161 | Joy to the WorldPreviously issued on CDH88031034571151618 |
CDH55162 | Harp music of the Italian RenaissancePreviously issued on CDA66229034571151625 |
CDH55163 | KOECHLIN: Le cortège d'Amphitrite Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66243034571151632 |
CDH55165 | MONTEVERDI: BalliPreviously issued on CDA66475034571151656 |
CDH55166 | HUMMEL: String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66568034571151663 |
CDH55167 | POULENC/HAHN: Aubade, Sinfonietta & Bal de Béatrice d'EstePreviously issued on CDA66347034571151670 |
CDH55168 | MILHAUD: Le Carnaval d'Aix & other worksPreviously issued on CDA66594034571151687 |
CDH55169 | THOMSON: Louisiana StoryPreviously issued on CDA66576034571151694 |
CDH55172 | SCARLATTI D: Stabat materPreviously issued on CDA66182034571151724 |
CDH55173 | GLINKA/RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Grand Sextet & QuintetPreviously issued on CDA66163034571151731 |
CDH55175 | SATIE: Piano MusicPreviously issued on CDA66344034571151755 |
CDH55176 | SATIE: Parade & other theatre musicPreviously issued on CDA66365034571151762 |
CDH55177 | PROKOFIEV: Peter & the WolfPreviously issued on CDA66499034571151779 |
CDH55180 | CHOPIN: Piano ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66647034571151809 |
CDH55181 | CHOPIN: The Four ScherziPreviously issued on CDA66514034571151816 |
CDH55182 | CHOPIN: Ballades & Sonata No. 3Previously issued on CDA66577034571151823 |
CDH55185 | MARTINU: Cello SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66296034571151854 |
CDH55186 | The Courts of LovePreviously issued on CDA66367034571151861 |
CDH55187 | GURNEY/VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: A Shropshire LadPreviously issued on CDA66385034571151878 |
CDH55188 | TAUSCH: Double Clarinet ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66504034571151885 |
CDH55190 | VIVALDI: Cantatas, Concertos & MagnificatPreviously issued on CDA66247034571151908 |
CDH55191 | MUFFAT: Armonico TributoPreviously issued on CDA66032034571151915 |
CDH55193 | CAVALLI: Messa ConcertataPreviously issued on CDA66970034571151939 |
CDH55195 | LEIGHTON: Sacred Choral MusicPreviously issued on CDA66489034571151953 |
CDH55196 | BEETHOVEN: The Creatures of PrometheusPreviously issued on CDA66748034571151960 |
CDH55200 | ROSSINI: The String SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66595034571152004 |
CDH55201 | BEETHOVEN/BRAHMS: VariationsPreviously issued on EL 1021-2034571152011 |
CDH55202 | STRAUSS R: SongsPreviously issued on CDA66659034571152028 |
CDH55203 | CRUSELL: Clarinet ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66708034571152035 |
CDH55204 | Land of Heart's Desire Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66988034571152042 |
CDH55205 | HOWELLS: Concertos & DancesPreviously issued on CDA66610034571152059 |
CDH55206 | GODOWSKY: Piano MusicPreviously issued on CDA66496034571152066 |
CDH55208 | HAYDN: Harmoniemesse & Little Organ MassPreviously issued on CDA66508034571152080 |
CDH55209 | RACHMANINOV: Music for two pianosPreviously issued on CDA66375034571152097 |
CDH55210 | The last rose of summerPreviously issued on CDA66627034571152103 |
CDH55211 | RHEINBERGER: Music for organ, violin & celloPreviously issued on CDA66883034571152110 |
CDH55213 | ANERIO: RequiemPreviously issued on CDA66417034571152134 |
CDH55214 | HUMMEL: SeptetsPreviously issued on CDA66396034571152141 |
CDH55218 | Bridge, Elgar & Walton Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66718034571152189 |
CDH55219 | BOCCHERINI: Cello Sonatas Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66719034571152196 |
CDH55220 | HOWELLS/VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Requiem & MassPreviously issued on CDA66076034571152202 |
CDH55221 | GLAZUNOV: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 1Previously issued on CDA66833034571152219 |
CDH55222 | GLAZUNOV: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 2Previously issued on CDA66844034571152226 |
CDH55223 | GLAZUNOV: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 3Previously issued on CDA66855034571152233 |
CDH55224 | GLAZUNOV: The Complete Solo Piano Music, Vol. 4Previously issued on CDA66866034571152240 |
CDH55225 | BRITTEN: PhaedraPreviously issued on CDA66845034571152257 |
CDH55226 | YSAYE: Violin MusicPreviously issued on CDA66940034571152264 |
CDH55228 | GIBBONS: Anthems & Verse AnthemsPreviously issued on CDA67116034571152288 |
CDH55229 | Masterpieces of Portuguese PolyphonyPreviously issued on CDA66512034571152295 |
CDH55230 | German 17th-Century Church Music Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA67079034571152301 |
CDH55231 | VIVALDI: La FoliaPreviously issued on CDA66193034571152318 |
CDH55232 | BACH C P E: La FoliaPreviously issued on CDA66239034571152325 |
CDH55233 | SCARLATTI A: La FoliaPreviously issued on CDA66254034571152332 |
CDH55234 | GEMINIANI: La FoliaPreviously issued on CDA66264034571152349 |
CDH55235 | MARAIS: La FoliaPreviously issued on CDA66310034571152356 |
CDH55236 | GRAINGER/GRIEG: At TwilightPreviously issued on CDA66793034571152363 |
CDH55237 | War's Embers034571152370 |
CDH55238 | Strauss Waltz Transcriptions Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66785034571152387 |
CDH55239 | RACHMANINOV: Demidenko plays RachmaninovPreviously issued on CDA66713034571152394 |
CDH55240 | CORELLI: La Folia & other sonatasPreviously issued on CDA66226034571152400 |
CDH55241 | Awake, sweet lovePreviously issued on CDA66447034571152417 |
CDH55242 | SCRIABIN: The Complete ÉtudesPreviously issued on CDA66607034571152424 |
CDH55243 | All in the April eveningPreviously issued on CDA67076034571152431 |
CDH55246 | FRASER-SIMSON: The Maid of the MountainsPreviously issued on CDA67190034571152462 |
CDH55248 | Mortuus est Philippus RexPreviously issued on CDA67046034571152486 |
CDH55249 | English Lute SongsPreviously issued on CDA67126034571152493 |
CDH55250 | LOCKE: Anthems, Motets & Ceremonial MusicPreviously issued on CDA66373034571152509 |
CDH55251 | ARNE: Six Favourite ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66509034571152516 |
CDH55253 | LINLEY: Ode on the Fairies of ShakespearePreviously issued on CDA66613034571152530 |
CDH55254 | PHILIPS: MotetsPreviously issued on CDA66643034571152547 |
CDH55255 | LOCKE: The Broken ConsortPreviously issued on CDA66727034571152554 |
CDH55257 | BLOW/DRAGHI: Odes for St Cecilia Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66770034571152578 |
CDH55258 | Sound the TrumpetPreviously issued on CDA66817034571152585 |
CDH55259 | WEELKES: AnthemsPreviously issued on CDA66477034571152592 |
CDH55260 | English Classical Violin ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66865034571152608 |
CDH55261 | English Classical Clarinet ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66896034571152615 |
CDH55263 | BEETHOVEN: Mass in C majorPreviously issued on CDA66830034571152639 |
CDH55264 | The Harp of LuduvicoPreviously issued on CDA66518034571152646 |
CDH55265 | GABRIELI A: Missa Pater peccaviPreviously issued on CDA67167034571152653 |
CDH55266 | PARRY: Violin SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66157034571152660 |
CDH55268 | MENDELSSOHN: Choral MusicPreviously issued on CDA66359034571152684 |
CDH55269 | BACH/TELEMANN: Oboe & Oboe d'amore ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66267034571152691 |
CDH55271 | DUFAY: Music for St Anthony of PaduaPreviously issued on CDA66854034571152714 |
CDH55272 | DUFAY: Music for St James the GreaterPreviously issued on CDA66997034571152721 |
CDH55273 | The Marriage of Heaven & HellPreviously issued on CDA66423034571152738 |
CDH55274 | The Castle of Fair WelcomePreviously issued on CDA66194034571152745 |
CDH55275 | SCHUMANN C: SongsPreviously issued on CDA67249034571152752 |
CDH55276 | MORALES: Missa Queramus cum pastoribusPreviously issued on CDA66635034571152769 |
CDH55277 | BRUCKNER: Mass in E minorPreviously issued on CDA66177034571152776 |
CDH55278 | TELEMANN: Musique de TablePreviously issued on CDA66278034571152783 |
CDH55279 | VIVALDI: Opera Arias & SinfoniasPreviously issued on CDA66745034571152790 |
CDH55281 | The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1Previously issued on CDA66739034571152813 |
CDH55283 | The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 3Previously issued on CDA66783034571152837 |
CDH55284 | The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4Previously issued on CDA66857034571152844 |
CDH55285 | The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5Previously issued on CDA66919034571152851 |
CDH55286 | SCRIABIN: The Early ScriabinPreviously issued on CDA67149034571152868 |
CDH55287 | ASTORGA/BOCCHERINI: Stabat materPreviously issued on CDA67108034571152875 |
CDH55288 | BUSNOIS/DOMARTO: Missa L'homme arméPreviously issued on CDA67319034571152882 |
CDH55289 | The Garden of ZephirusPreviously issued on CDA66144034571152899 |
CDH55290 | The Service of Venus & MarsPreviously issued on CDA66238034571152905 |
CDH55291 | A Song for FrancescaPreviously issued on CDA66286034571152912 |
CDH55293 | The Medieval RomanticsPreviously issued on CDA66463034571152936 |
CDH55294 | Lancaster and ValoisPreviously issued on CDA66588034571152943 |
CDH55295 | The Study of LovePreviously issued on CDA66619034571152950 |
CDH55296 | LA RUE: Missa De Feria & Missa Sancta Dei genitrixPreviously issued on CDA67010034571152967 |
CDH55297 | The Earliest Songbook in EnglandPreviously issued on CDA67177034571152974 |
CDH55299 | GRIEG: String Quartets Nos. 1 & 2Previously issued on CDA67117034571152998 |
CDH55301 | ELGAR: Quintet & Violin SonataPreviously issued on CDA66645034571153018 |
CDH55302 | LINLEY: The Song of Moses & Let God arisePreviously issued on CDA67038034571153025 |
CDH55303 | PURCELL: Mr Henry Purcell's Most Admirable ComposuresPreviously issued on CDA66288034571153032 |
CDH55304 | SCRIABIN/TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66680034571153049 |
CDH55305 | SCHUBERT: String Quintet & String TrioPreviously issued on CDA66724034571153056 |
CDH55306 | MUSORGSKY/PROKOFIEV: Pictures from an Exhibition/Romeo & JulietPreviously issued on CDA67018034571153063 |
CDH55307 | BRITTEN: A Boy was BornPreviously issued on CDA66126034571153070 |
CDH55309 | LIADOV: Solo Piano MusicPreviously issued on CDA66986034571153094 |
CDH55310 | SCHÜTZ/GABRIELI: The Christmas Story & MotetsPreviously issued on CDA66398034571153100 |
CDH55311 | ARENSKY: Piano MusicPreviously issued on CDA67066034571153117 |
CDH55313 | GUERRERO: Missa Sancta et immaculataPreviously issued on CDA66910034571153131 |
CDH55314 | MOZART: Epistle SonatasPreviously issued on CDA66377034571153148 |
CDH55315 | MEDTNER: Demidenko plays MedtnerPreviously issued on CDA66636034571153155 |
CDH55316 | VILLA-LOBOS: Bachianas brasileiras Nos. 1 & 5Previously issued on CDA66257034571153162 |
CDH55317 | Masterpieces of Mexican PolyphonyPreviously issued on CDA66330034571153179 |
CDH55318 | RACHMANINOV: The Divine Liturgy of St John ChrysostomPreviously issued on CDA66703034571153186 |
CDH55322 | GLINKA/TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano TriosPreviously issued on CDA67216034571153223 |
CDH55325 | While shepherds watchedPreviously issued on CDA66924034571153254 |
CDH55326 | PEÑALOSA: MassesPreviously issued on CDA66629034571153261 |
CDH55327 | PURCELL: Hail! bright Cecilia & Who can from joy?Previously issued on CDA66349034571153278 |
CDH55329 | PIZZETTI: Orchestral MusicPreviously issued on CDA67084034571153292 |
CDH55331 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Songs Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66617034571153315 |
CDH55332 | BRUCKNER: Mass in F minorPreviously issued on CDA66599034571153322 |
CDH55333 | MOZART: Piano Concertos Nos. 11, 12 & 13Previously issued on CDA67358034571153339 |
CDH55334 | TARTINI: Violin ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA67345034571153346 |
CDH55335 | PALESTRINA: O rex gloriae & Viri GalilaeiPreviously issued on CDA66316034571153353 |
CDH55336 | Songs of ScotlandPreviously issued on CDA67106034571153360 |
CDH55337 | MEDTNER/RACHMANINOV: Music for two pianosPreviously issued on CDA66654034571153377 |
CDH55338 | LÉONIN: Magister Leoninus, Vol. 2Previously issued on CDA67289034571153384 |
CDH55339 | DOWLAND: LachrimaePreviously issued on CDA66637034571153391 |
CDH55340 | GUERRERO: Missa De la batalla escoutez & other worksPreviously issued on CDA67075034571153407 |
CDH55341 | English 18th-century Keyboard ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66700034571153414 |
CDH55342 | SAINT-SAËNS: Cello SonatasPreviously issued on CDA67095034571153421 |
CDH55344 | His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts Grand TourPreviously issued on CDA66847034571153445 |
CDH55346 | BRAHMS: MotetsPreviously issued on CDA66389034571153469 |
CDH55347 | BACH: Violin ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66380034571153476 |
CDH55348 | BYRD: Mass for five voicesPreviously issued on CDA66837034571153483 |
CDH55349 | ALBINONI/VIVALDI: Oboe ConcertosPreviously issued on CDA66383034571153490 |
CDH55350 | HOLST/MATTHEWS: Planets/PlutoPreviously issued on CDA67270034571153506 |
CDH55352 | GRECHANINOV: VespersPreviously issued on CDA67080034571153520 |
CDH55353 | SAINT-SAËNS/YSAYE: Rare transcriptions for violin & piano Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA67285034571153537 |
CDH55354 | SCARLATTI/HASSE: Salve regina, Cantatas & MotetsPreviously issued on CDA66875034571153544 |
CDH55355 | HAYDN: SongsPreviously issued on CDA67174034571153551 |
CDH55358 | VICTORIA: Missa Vidi speciosam & motetsPreviously issued on CDA66129034571153582 |
CDH55359 | Music for St Paul'sPreviously issued on CDA67009034571153599 |
CDH55360 | MENDELSSOHN: SongsPreviously issued on CDA67110034571153605 |
CDH55361 | STANLEY: 6 Concertos in 7 parts, Op. 2Previously issued on CDA66338034571153612 |
CDH55362 | STANFORD: Music for violin & piano Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA67024034571153629 |
CDH55364 | Masters of the RollsPreviously issued on CDA67098034571153643 |
CDH55365 | DVORÁK: Music for violin & pianoPreviously issued on CDA66934034571153650 |
CDH55366 | POULENC: Voyage à ParisPreviously issued on CDA66147034571153667 |
CDH55367 | PALESTRINA: Missa Hodie Christus natus estPreviously issued on CDA67396034571153674 |
CDH55369 | BRAHMS: String QuintetsPreviously issued on CDA66804034571153698 |
CDH55370 | HANDEL: James Bowman sings Heroic AriasPreviously issued on CDA66483034571153704 |
CDH55371 | MOZART: Songs Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66989034571153711 |
CDH55374 | JOSQUIN: Missa Pange lingua & Vultum tuumPreviously issued on CDA66614034571153742 |
CDH55375 | HANDEL: Fireworks Music & Water Music034571153759 |
CDH55376 | VICTORIA: Missa Trahe me post te & MotetsPreviously issued on CDA66738034571153766 |
CDH55377 | MENDELSSOHN: String QuintetsPreviously issued on CDA66993034571153773 |
CDH55378 | BRITTEN: St Nicolas & Hymn to St CeciliaPreviously issued on CDA66333034571153780 |
CDH55379 | HAHN: Chamber MusicPreviously issued on CDA67391034571153797 |
CDH55380 | CHOPIN: The Complete Études034571153803 |
CDH55381 | CHOPIN: The Complete Waltzes034571153810 |
CDH55382 | CHOPIN: The Great Polonaises034571153827 |
CDH55383 | CHOPIN: Preludes & Impromptus034571153834 |
CDH55384 | CHOPIN: Chamber Music034571153841 |
CDH55385 | WOLF: Italienisches LiederbuchPreviously issued on CDA66760034571153858 |
CDH55386 | L'Album des SixPreviously issued on CDA67204034571153865 |
CDH55387 | MOSCHELES: Complete Concert StudiesPreviously issued on CDA67394034571153872 |
CDH55388 | LAMBERT: Summer's Last Will & TestamentPreviously issued on CDA66565034571153889 |
CDH55389 | WOLF: Lieder nach Heine & LenauPreviously issued on CDA67343034571153896 |
CDH55390 | MOZART: Oboe Quartet, Horn Quintet & other worksPreviously issued on CDA67277034571153902 |
CDH55391 | CHOPIN: The Complete Mazurkas, Vol. 1034571153919 |
CDH55392 | CHOPIN: The Complete Mazurkas, Vol. 2034571153926 |
CDH55394 | KUHNAU: Sacred MusicPreviously issued on CDA67059034571153940 |
CDH55395 | MACKENZIE: Orchestral MusicPreviously issued on CDA66764034571153957 |
CDH55396 | Rare French works for violin & orchestraPreviously issued on CDA67294034571153964 |
CDH55397 | LAMBERT: Piano Concerto & other worksPreviously issued on CDA66754034571153971 |
CDH55398 | JANÁCEK: Choral MusicPreviously issued on CDA66893034571153988 |
CDH55399 | GRECHANINOV: Piano TriosPreviously issued on CDA67295034571153995 |
CDH55401 | My soul doth magnify the LordPreviously issued on CDA66249034571154015 |
CDH55402 | My spirit hath rejoicedPreviously issued on CDA66305034571154022 |
CDH55403 | RACHMANINOV: Études-tableauxPreviously issued on CDA66091034571154039 |
CDH55404 | VIVALDI: Six Violin Sonatas, Op. 2Previously issued on CDA67467034571154046 |
CDH55405 | DVORÁK: String Quintet & String SextetPreviously issued on CDA66308034571154053 |
CDH55406 | For His Majestys Sagbutts & CornettsPreviously issued on CDA66894034571154060 |
CDH55410 | The Maiden's PrayerPreviously issued on CDA67379034571154107 |
CDH55411 | ALBERT: Solo Piano Music Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66945034571154114 |
CDH55413 | HINDEMITH: Ludus Tonalis & Suite 1922Previously issued on CDA66824034571154138 |
CDH55416 | SUK: Piano Quintet & Piano QuartetPreviously issued on CDA67448034571154169 |
CDH55420 | PALESTRINA: Missa De beata virgine & Missa Ave MariaPreviously issued on CDA66364034571154206 |
CDH55422 | Blah blah blah & other trifles Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA66289034571154220 |
CDH55423 | DUFAY: Missa Puisque je vis & other worksPreviously issued on CDA67368034571154237 |
CDH55426 | ARENSKY/TCHAIKOVSKY: String Quartet & SouvenirPreviously issued on CDA66648034571154268 |
CDH55427 | HUMMEL/SCHUBERT: Piano QuintetsPreviously issued on CDH88010034571154275 |
CDH55428 | CHABRIER: BriséïsPreviously issued on CDA66803034571154282 |
CDH55429 | BYRD: Consort SongsPreviously issued on CDA67397034571154299 |
CDH55430 | Treasures of the Spanish RenaissancePreviously issued on CDA66168034571154305 |
CDH55431 | RACHMANINOV: Piano TriosPreviously issued on CDA67178034571154312 |
CDH55432 | FINZI: Intimations of Immortality & Dies natalisPreviously issued on CDA66876034571154329 |
CDH55433 | GRAINGER: Jungle Book & other choral worksPreviously issued on CDA66863034571154336 |
CDH55434 | STANFORD: Piano Quintet & String Quintet No. 1Previously issued on CDA67505034571154343 |
CDH55435 | WOLF: Eichendorff-LiederPreviously issued on CDA66909034571154350 |
CDH55437 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Liturgy of St John ChrysostomPreviously issued on CDA66948034571154374 |
CDH55438 | BRITTEN: Sacred and Profane & other choral works Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA67140034571154381 |
CDH55440 | PROKOFIEV: Piano Concertos Nos. 2 & 3Previously issued on CDA66858034571154404 |
CDH55442 | WARLOCK: SongsPreviously issued on CDA66736034571154428 |
CDH55443 | Epiphany at St Paul'sPreviously issued on CDA67269034571154435 |
CDH55444 | LANGLAIS: Missa Salve regina & Messe solennellePreviously issued on CDA66270034571154442 |
CDH55445 | Hear my prayerPreviously issued on CDA66439034571154459 |
CDH55447 | BLOW/PURCELL: Countertenor DuetsPreviously issued on CDA66253034571154473 |
CDH55448 | POULENC: Mass & MotetsPreviously issued on CDA66664034571154480 |
CDH55449 | PALESTRINA: Missa Dum complerentur & other sacred musicPreviously issued on CDA67353034571154497 |
CDH55450 | SCRIABIN: The Complete Préludes, Vol. 1 – Opp. 2-16Previously issued on CDA67057/8034571154503 |
CDH55451 | SCRIABIN: The Complete Preludes, Vol. 2 – Opp. 17-74Previously issued on CDA67057/8034571154510 |
CDH55452 | VICTORIA: Missa Dum complerentur, Hymns & SequencesPreviously issued on CDA66886034571154527 |
CDH55454 | GRAINGER: Rambles & ReflectionsPreviously issued on CDA67279034571154541 |
CDH55455 | COUPERIN F: Leçons de TénèbresPreviously issued on CDA66474034571154558 |
CDH55456 | HOWELLS: Choral MusicPreviously issued on CDA67494034571154565 |
CDH55457 | CHAUSSON/INDY: String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA67097034571154572 |
CDH55458 | RACHMANINOV: The TranscriptionsPreviously issued on CDA66486034571154589 |
CDH55459 | STANFORD: String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA67434034571154596 |
CDH55460 | SCHUBERT: OctetPreviously issued on CDA67339034571154602 |
CDH55461 | WALLACE: Symphonic PoemsPreviously issued on CDA66848034571154619 |
CDH55462 | Time stands stillPreviously issued on CDA66186034571154626 |
CDH55466 | KORNGOLD/SCHOENBERG: Sextet & Verklärte NachtPreviously issued on CDA66425034571154664 |
CDH55467 | STRAVINSKY: Les Noces & other choral musicPreviously issued on CDA66410034571154671 |
CDH55471 | SIBELIUS: Songs Last few remainingPreviously issued on CDA67318034571154718 |
CDH55472 | DVORÁK: Piano Quintet & String QuintetPreviously issued on CDA66796034571154725 |
CDH55474 | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 3Previously issued on CDA67200034571154749 |
CDH55475 | DURUFLÉ: The Complete Organ MusicPreviously issued on CDA66368034571154756 |
CDH55477 | European Light Music ClassicsPreviously issued on CDA66998034571154770 |
CDH55478 | BACH C P E: Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt JesuPreviously issued on CDA67364034571154787 |
CDH55479 | BEETHOVEN: Early CantatasPreviously issued on CDA66880034571154794 |
CDH88006 | Service high & anthems clear034571180069 |
CDH88008 | All in the April evening034571180083 |
CDH88009 | Creole Belles034571180090 |
CDH88011 | DOWLAND/CAMPION: It fell on a summer's day034571180113 |
CDH88012 | VIVALDI: The Four Seasons034571180120 |
CDH88016 | BARBER: Piano Music034571180168 |
CDH88019 | SMETANA: Dreams & PolkasPreviously issued on BVR312034571180199 |
CDH88020 | SCHUMANN: Spring Symphony034571180205 |
CDH88021 | SHAKESPEARE: The Sonnets, Vol. 1034571180212 |
CDH88022 | SHAKESPEARE: The Sonnets, Vol. 2034571180229 |
CDH88023 | My Lagan Love034571180236 |
CDH88024 | Songs of the Hebrides034571180243 |
CDH88026 | Variations, Passacaglias & Chaconnes034571180267 |
CDH88027 | Classical Folk Guitar034571180274 |
CDH88029 | TCHAIKOVSKY: 18 Piano Pieces, Op. 72034571180298 |
CDH88032 | BEETHOVEN: String Quartets, Op. 74 & 95034571180328 |
CDH88033 | BACH C P E: Flute Concerto & Sonatas034571180335 |
CDH88034 | SCHUBERT: Impromptus034571180342 |
CDH88035 | L'Après-midi d'un dinosaur034571180359 |
CDHLD7510 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Wasps5065001341106 |
CDHLD7511 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 105065001341113 |
CDHLD7520 | ELGAR: The Dream of Gerontius5065001341199 |
CDHLD7525 | WAGNER: Götterdämmerung5065001341236 |
CDHLD7526 | ELGAR: The Kingdom5065001341250 |
CDHLD7527 | DEBUSSY/MATTHEWS: Préludes5065001341267 |
CDHLD7531 | WAGNER: Die Walküre5065001341373 |
CDHLD7534 | ELGAR: The Apostles5065001341380 |
CDHLD7539 | WAGNER: Parsifal5065001341458 |
CDHLD7541 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 95065001341472 |
CDHLD7546 | BRAHMS: Piano Concertos5065001341526 |
CDHLD7549 | WAGNER: Das Rheingold5065001341540 |
CDHLD7551 | WAGNER: Siegfried5065001341601 |
CDHLD7557 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: The Complete Symphonies5065001341823 |
CDHLD7558 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Sinfonia antartica & Symphony No. 95065001341816 |
CDHLD7564 | ELGAR: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 25065001341946 |
CDHLD7565 | BRITTEN: The Prince of the Pagodas5065001341953 |
CDHLL7500 | ELGAR: Symphony No. 1 & In the South5065001341007 |
CDHLL7501 | ELGAR: Enigma Variations & other works5065001341014 |
CDHLL7502 | NIELSEN: Symphony No. 5 & Flute Concerto5065001341021 |
CDHLL7503 | DELIUS/BUTTERWORTH: English Rhapsody5065001341038 |
CDHLL7504 | Christmas Classics5065001341045 |
CDHLL7505 | ELGAR: Falstaff & other works5065001341052 |
CDHLL7506 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 65065001341069 |
CDHLL7507 | ELGAR: Symphony No. 2 & Introduction and Allegro5065001341076 |
CDHLL7508 | STRAUSS: Don Juan, Macbeth & Lieder5065001341083 |
CDHLL7509 | ELGAR: A self-portrait5065001341090 |
CDHLL7512 | English landscapes5065001341120 |
CDHLL7513 | DEBUSSY: La mer & Préludes5065001341132 |
CDHLL7514 | SIBELIUS: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 35065001341144 |
CDHLL7515 | MATTHEWS C: Alphabicycle Order & Horn Concerto5065001341151 |
CDHLL7516 | SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 2, Oceanides & Pohjola5065001341168 |
CDHLL7517 | WAGNER: Opera Preludes5065001341175 |
CDHLL7518 | DEBUSSY: Jeux & Préludes5065001341182 |
CDHLL7521 | ELGAR: Violin Concerto5065001341229 |
CDHLL7523 | IRELAND: Mai-Dun & other orchestral works5065001341205 |
CDHLL7524 | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 95065001341212 |
CDHLL7528 | English Spring5065001341328 |
CDHLL7529 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: A London Symphony & Oboe Concerto5065001341359 |
CDHLL7533 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 85065001341397 |
CDHLL7535 | HOLST/DELIUS: The Hymn of Jesus, Sea Drift & Cynara5065001341403 |
CDHLL7536 | ELGAR: Sea Pictures, Pomp and Circumstance & Polonia5065001341410 |
CDHLL7537 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 75065001341427 |
CDHLL7538 | MATTHEWS C: No man's land, Crossing the alps & Aftertones5065001341441 |
CDHLL7540 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Pastoral Symphony & other works5065001341434 |
CDHLL7542 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: A Sea Symphony5065001341489 |
CDHLL7543 | SIBELIUS: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 75065001341496 |
CDHLL7544 | ELGAR/BAX: For the fallen5065001341519 |
CDHLL7545 | A Christmas Celebration5065001341502 |
CDHLL7547 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 65065001341533 |
CDHLL7548 | ELGAR: The Wand of Youth suites & other works5065001341557 |
CDHLL7550 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 5 & Pushkin Romances5065001341564 |
CDHLL7552 | DEBUSSY: Nocturnes & other orchestral works5065001341663 |
CDHLL7553 | SIBELIUS: Symphonies Nos 4 & 65065001341717 |
CDHLL7554 | DEBUSSY: Images & other orchestral works5065001341724 |
CDHLL7556 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Job & Songs of travel5065001341779 |
CDHLL7559 | A Shropshire Lad5065001341854 |
CDHLL7560 | STRAVINSKY: The soldier's tale5065001341908 |
CDHLL7562 | TABAKOVA: Orpheus' Comet, Earth Suite & Concertos5065001341939 |
CDJ33001 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 01 – Goethe & Schiller Settings034571130019 |
CDJ33002 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 02 – Schubert's Water Songs034571130026 |
CDJ33003 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 03 – Schubert & his Friends I034571130033 |
CDJ33004 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 04 – Schubert & his Friends II034571130040 |
CDJ33005 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 05 – Schubert & the Countryside034571130057 |
CDJ33006 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 06 – Schubert & the Nocturne I034571130064 |
CDJ33007 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 07 – Schubert in 1815 I034571130071 |
CDJ33008 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 08 – Schubert & the Nocturne II034571130088 |
CDJ33009 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 09 – Schubert & the Theatre034571130095 |
CDJ33010 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 10 – Schubert in 1815 II Last few remaining034571130101 |
CDJ33011 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 11 – Schubert & Death034571130118 |
CDJ33012 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 12 – The Young Schubert I034571130125 |
CDJ33013 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 13 – Lieder Sacred & Profane034571130132 |
CDJ33014 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 14 – Schubert & the Classics034571130149 |
CDJ33015 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 15 – Schubert & the Nocturne III034571130156 |
CDJ33016 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 16 – Schiller Settings Last few remaining034571130163 |
CDJ33017 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 17 – Schubert in 1816034571130170 |
CDJ33018 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 18 – Schubert & the Strophic Song034571130187 |
CDJ33019 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 19 – Songs about flowers & nature034571130194 |
CDJ33020 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 20 – An 1815 Schubertiad I034571130200 |
CDJ33021 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 21 – Schubert in 1817 & 1818034571130217 |
CDJ33022 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 22 – An 1815 Schubertiad II Last few remaining034571130224 |
CDJ33023 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 23 – Songs of 1816034571130231 |
CDJ33024 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 24 – A Goethe Schubertiad034571130248 |
CDJ33026 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 26 – An 1826 Schubertiad034571130262 |
CDJ33027 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 27 – Schubert & the Schlegels034571130279 |
CDJ33028 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 28 – An 1822 Schubertiad034571130286 |
CDJ33029 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 29 – Schubert in 1819 & 1820034571130293 |
CDJ33031 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 31 – Schubert & Religion034571130316 |
CDJ33032 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 32 – An 1816 Schubertiad034571130323 |
CDJ33033 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 33 – The Young Schubert034571130330 |
CDJ33034 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 34 – Schubert 1817-1821034571130347 |
CDJ33035 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 35 – Schubert 1822-1825034571130354 |
CDJ33036 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 36 – Schubert in 1827034571130361 |
CDJ33037 | SCHUBERT: The Hyperion Schubert Edition, Vol. 37 – The Final Year034571130378 |
CDJ33051/3 | Songs by Schubert's contemporaries034571130514 |
CDJ33101 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 01 – Christine Schäfer034571131016 |
CDJ33102 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 02 – Simon Keenlyside034571131023 |
CDJ33103 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 03 – Juliane Banse034571131030 |
CDJ33104 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 04 – Oliver Widmer & Stella Doufexis034571131047 |
CDJ33105 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 05 – Christopher Maltman034571131054 |
CDJ33106 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 06 – McGreevy, Doufexis, Thompson & Loges Last few remaining034571131061 |
CDJ33107 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 07 – Dorothea Röschmann & Ian Bostridge034571131078 |
CDJ33108 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 08 – Maltman, Lemalu & Padmore Last few remaining034571131085 |
CDJ33109 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 09 – Ann Murray & Felicity Lott034571131092 |
CDJ33110 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 10 – Kate Royal034571131108 |
CDJ33111 | SCHUMANN: The Songs of Robert Schumann, Vol. 11 – Hanno Müller-Brachmann034571131115 |
CDJ33121 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 1 – Angelika Kirchschlager034571131214 |
CDJ33122 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 2 – Christine Schäfer034571131221 |
CDJ33123 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 3 – Simon Bode034571131238 |
CDJ33124 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 4 – Robert Holl034571131245 |
CDJ33125 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 5 – Christopher Maltman034571131252 |
CDJ33126 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 6 – Ian Bostridge034571131269 |
CDJ33127 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 7 – Benjamin Appl034571131276 |
CDJ33128 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 8 – Harriet Burns034571131283 |
CDJ33129 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 9 – Robin Tritschler034571131290 |
CDJ33130 | BRAHMS: The Complete Songs, Vol. 10 – Sophie Rennert034571131306 |
CDP11001 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 01034571110011 |
CDP11002 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 02034571110028 |
CDP11003 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 03034571110035 |
CDP11004 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 04034571110042 |
CDP11005 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 05034571110059 |
CDP11006 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 06034571110066 |
CDP11007 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 07034571110073 |
CDP11008 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 08034571110080 |
CDP11009 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 09034571110097 |
CDP11010 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 10034571110103 |
CDP11011 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 11034571110110 |
CDP11012 | Psalms from St Paul's, Vol. 12034571110127 |
CDP12101 | The English Hymn, Vol. 1 – Christ Triumphant034571121017 |
CDP12102 | The English Hymn, Vol. 2 – Jerusalem the Golden034571121024 |
CDP12103 | The English Hymn, Vol. 3 – Hills of the north, rejoice034571121031 |
CDP12104 | The English Hymn, Vol. 4 – All things bright and beautiful034571121048 |
CDP12105 | The English Hymn, Vol. 5 – Lead, kindly Light Temporarily out of stock (due 5 February 2025)034571121055 |
CDS44001/3 | MOZART: The Six 'Haydn' String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66170, 66188,66234034571140018 |
CDS44011/3 | MOZART: Complete Music for FlutePreviously issued on CDA66391, 66392, 66393034571140117 |
CDS44021/3 | MOZART: Six Piano TriosPreviously issued on CDA66093, 66125, 66148034571140216 |
CDS44031/8 | PURCELL: The Complete Odes & Welcome SongsPreviously issued on 314,349,412, 456,587,598034571140315 |
CDS44041/8 | RACHMANINOV: The Complete Solo Piano Music034571140414 |
CDS44051/3 | MENDELSSOHN: Complete String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA66397, 66579 / 615034571140513 |
CDS44061/3 | DEBUSSY: Piano MusicPreviously issued on CDA66416, 66487; 66495034571140612 |
CDS44071/3 | BRUCKNER: The Masses Temporarily out of stockPreviously issued on CDA66177, 66599, 66650034571140711 |
CDS44081/3 | MENDELSSOHN: Twelve String SymphoniesPreviously issued on CDA66561/3034571140810 |
CDS44091/6 | SHOSTAKOVICH: The complete String QuartetsPreviously issued on CDA67153/8034571140919 |
CDS44101/12 | The Psalms of David034571141015 |
CDS44121/36 | BACH: The Complete Organ Music034571141213 |
CDS44141/51 | PURCELL: The Complete Sacred Music034571141411 |
CDS44161/3 | PURCELL: The complete secular solo songs034571141619 |
CDS44171/81 | VIVALDI: The Complete Sacred Music034571141718 |
CDS44191/7 | SIMPSON: The Complete Symphonies034571141916 |
CDS44201/40 | SCHUBERT: The Complete Songs034571142012 |
CDS44241/3 | VERACINI: Sonate accademichePreviously issued on CDA66871/3034571142418 |
CDS44251/3 | Gothic Voices Award WinnersPreviously issued on CDA66039, 66238, 66286034571142517 |
CDS44261/4 | British Light Music Classics034571142616 |
CDS44271/3 | HANDEL: Opera AriasPreviously issued on CDA66860, 67128, 66950034571142715 |
CDS44281/6 | BANTOCK: Orchestral MusicPreviously issued on CDA67250, CDA67395034571142814 |
CDS44301/5 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies034571143019 |
CDS44311/3 | STANFORD: Sacred Choral MusicPreviously issued on CDA66964/5, CDA66974034571143118 |
CDS44321/4 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Choral Works034571143217 |
CDS44331/42 | BRAHMS: The Complete Chamber Music034571143316 |
CDS44351/66 | CHOPIN: The Complete WorksPreviously issued on Arabesque034571143514 |
CDS44371/4 | HAYDN: The London Symphonies Temporarily out of stock034571143712 |
CDS44381/3 | PURCELL: The Complete Ayres for the TheatrePreviously issued on CDA67001/3034571143811 |
CDS44391/3 | LOCATELLI: L'Arte del ViolinoPreviously issued on CDA66721/3034571143910 |
CDS44401/10 | The Sixteen & The Golden Age of PolyphonyPreviously issued on 66073, 55086, 51-6,22021-2034571144016 |
CDS44411/3 | HANDEL: 20 Sonatas, Op. 1Previously issued on CDA66921/3034571144115 |
CDS44421/35 | BACH: Angela Hewitt plays Bach034571144214 |
CDS44441/50 | SCHUMANN: The Complete Songs034571144412 |
CDS44451/8 | GOTTSCHALK: The Complete Solo Piano Music034571144511 |
CDS44461/7 | BYRD: The Complete Keyboard MusicPreviously issued on CDA66551/7034571144610 |
CDS44471/4 | BEETHOVEN: The Complete Music for Piano Trio034571144719 |
CDS44501/98 | LISZT: The Complete Piano Music034571145013 |
CDS44511/3 | HANDEL: OttonePreviously issued on CDA66751/3034571145112 |
CDS44601/4 | FAURÉ: The Complete Music for PianoPreviously issued on CDA66911/4034571146010 |
CDS44611/4 | MARTINU: The complete music for violin & orchestraPreviously issued on CDA67671, 2, 3 & 4034571146119 |
COLCD107 | Faire is the Heaven – Music of the English Church040888010722 |
COLCD113 | Hail, gladdening Light – Music of the English Church040888011323 |
COLCD124 | Images of Christ040888012429 |
COLCD125 | Illumina040888012528 |
COLCD126 | Sing, ye Heavens – Hymns for all time040888012627 |
COLCD127 | Blessed spirit – Music of the soul's journey040888012726 |
COLCD129 | RUTTER: Mass of the Children & other sacred music040888012924 |
COLCD130 | O'REGAN: Voices040888013020 |
COLCD131 | Lighten our Darkness – Music for the close of day incuding Compline040888013129 |
COLCD132 | HANDEL: Messiah040888013228 |
COLCD133 | A Christmas Festival040888013327 |
COLCD134 | The Sacred Flame – European Sacred Music040888013426 |
COLCD135 | RUTTER: A Song in Season – Sacred music by John Rutter040888013525 |
COLCD136 | This is the day – Music on royal occasions040888013624 |
COLCD138 | RUTTER: The Gift of Life & other sacred music040888013822 |
COLCD139 | RUTTER: Visions & Requiem040888013921 |
COLV603 | RUTTER: I sing of a maiden & other carols040888060383 |
COLV604 | RUTTER: Lead, kindly Light040888060482 |
CSCD502 | Stillness and Sweet Harmony040888050223 |
CSCD503 | Christmas Star – Carols for the Christmas Season040888050322 |
CSCD504 | RUTTER: Requiem & Magnificat040888050421 |
CSCD505 | There is sweet music – English Choral Songs, 1890-1950040888050520 |
CSCD506 | POULENC: Gloria & other sacred music040888050629 |
CSCD507 | BYRD: Ave verum corpus & other works040888050728 |
CSCD508 | Hail! Queen of Heaven – Music in honour of the Virgin Mary040888050827 |
CSCD509 | Cambridge Singers A Cappella040888050926 |
CSCD510 | RUTTER: The John Rutter Christmas Album040888051022 |
CSCD511 | Flora gave me fairest flowers040888051121 |
CSCD512 | The Cambridge Singers Christmas Album040888051220 |
CSCD513 | RUTTER: Three Musical Fables040888051329 |
CSCD514 | RUTTER: Be thou my vision & other sacred music040888051428 |
CSCD515 | RUTTER: Gloria & other sacred music040888051527 |
CSCD516 | RUTTER: Fancies & other works040888051626 |
CSCD517 | The Sprig of Thyme040888051725 |
CSCD519 | HANDEL: Messiah (Highlights)040888051923 |
CSCD520 | FAURÉ: Requiem & other sacred music040888052029 |
CSCD521 | BENNETT: Sea Change & other choral music040888052128 |
CSCD522 | RUTTER: O praise the Lord of heaven040888052227 |
CSCD523 | RUTTER: Feel the Spirit & Birthday Madrigals040888052326 |
CSCD524 | Stanford and Howells Remembered040888052425 |
CSCD525 | A banquet of voices040888052524 |
CSCD526 | Christmas Night – Carols of the NativityPreviously issued on COLCD106040888052623 |
CSCDS402 | Classical Tranquillity040888040224 |
GIMBX301 | THE TALLIS SCHOLARS: Finest Recordings, Vol. 1 - 1980-1989755138130128 |
GIMBX302 | THE TALLIS SCHOLARS: Finest Recordings, Vol. 2 - 1990-1999755138130227 |
GIMBX303 | THE TALLIS SCHOLARS: Finest Recordings, Vol. 3 - 2000-2009755138130326 |
GIMSE401 | ALLEGRI: Miserere755138140127 |
GIMSE403 | TALLIS SCHOLARS: English Madrigals755138140325 |
HOUGH1 | The Stephen Hough Piano Collection034571100319 |
HYP41 | Dreamland034571100418 |
KGS0001 | Nine Lessons & Carols822231700128 |
KGS0002 | MOZART: Requiem realisations822231700227 |
KGS0003 | BRITTEN: Saint Nicolas & other choral works822231700326 |
KGS0004 | English Hymn Anthems822231700425 |
KGS0005 | FAURÉ: Requiem & other works822231700524 |
KGS0006 | After hours822231700623 |
KGS0007 | Favourite Carols from King's822231700722 |
KGS0010 | LISZT/REUBKE/MENDELSSOHN: Organ works822231701026 |
KGS0011 | Evensong Live 2015822231701125 |
KGS0012 | GABRIELI G: 1615 Gabrieli in Venice822231701224 |
KGS0014 | Hymns from King's822231701422 |
KGS0015 | Evensong Live 2016822231701521 |
KGS0016 | DURUFLÉ: Requiem & other choral works822231701620 |
KGS0017 | Twelve Days of Christmas822231701729 |
KGS0018 | BACH: St John Passion822231701828 |
KGS0020 | The King of Instruments - A Voice Reborn822231702023 |
KGS0021 | BERNSTEIN/VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Chichester Psalms & Dona nobis pacem822231702160 |
KGS0023-D | Love from King's822231702368 |
KGS0024-D | BYRD: Motets822231702467 |
KGS0025-D | MESSIAEN: La Nativité du Seigneur822231702566 |
KGS0026 | Tecchler's Cello - From Cambridge to Rome822231702627 |
KGS0032-D | HOWELLS: An English Mass, Cello Concerto & other works822231703266 |
KGS0033-D | 100 Years of Nine Lessons & Carols822231703365 |
KGS0034-D | The music of King's – Choral favourites from Cambridge822231703464 |
KGS0035-D | BRUCKNER: Mass in E minor & motets822231703563 |
KGS0036-D | A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols – The Centenary Service822231703662 |
KGS0037-D | BACH: St Matthew Passion822231703761 |
KGS0038-D | Evensong Live 2019822231703860 |
KGS0049-D | BACH: Goldberg Variations822231704966 |
KGS0050-D | WALLEN: Peace on Earth & other choral works822231705055 |
KGS0052-D | Proud Songsters – English solo song822231705260 |
KGS0053-D | DURUFLÉ: Complete organ works822231705369 |
KGS0060-D | In the bleak midwinter822231706069 |
KGS0065-D | Now the green blade riseth – Choral music for Easter822231706564 |
KGS0066-D | MUHLY/GOODMAN: The Street822231706663 |
KGS0067-D | My soul, what fear you?822231706762 |
KGS0069-D | RUTTER: Orchestral carols822231706960 |
KGS0071-D | RUTTER: Visions822231707165 |
KING2 | Essential Purcell034571100159 |
KING3 | The James Bowman Collection034571100180 |
KING6 | Essential Handel034571100289 |
LPA66039 | HILDEGARD: A feather on the breath of God (Vinyl Edition034571996042 |
LPA67795 | MENDELSSOHN: Violin Concertos (Vinyl Edition)034571996035 |
LPA67849 | CHOPIN: The Complete Waltzes (Vinyl Edition)034571996059 |
LPA68146 | BACH: Goldberg Variations (Vinyl Edition)034571996028 |
LPA68256 | English Motets (Vinyl Edition) March 2025 release034571995861 |
LSO0001 | DVORÁK: Symphony No. 9822231100126 |
LSO0007 | BERLIOZ: Symphonie fantastique822231100720 |
LSO0029 | HOLST: The Planets822231102922 |
LSO0245 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 2822231124528 |
LSO0267 | MAXWELL DAVIES: Symphony No. 10822231126720 |
LSO0363-D | PROKOFIEV: Symphony No. 1822231136354 |
LSO0366-D | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis822231136651 |
LSO0379-D | PROKOFIEV: Symphony No. 5822231137955 |
LSO0390-D | PROKOFIEV: Symphony No. 6 April 2025 release822231139058 |
LSO0391-D | PROKOFIEV: Symphony No. 3822231139157 |
LSO0516 | SMETANA: Ma vlást822231101628 |
LSO0550 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 5822231105022 |
LSO0570-D | BRAHMS: Symphonies Nos. 1-4822231157069 |
LSO0571-D | DVORÁK: Symphonies Nos. 6-9822231157168 |
LSO0572-D | ELGAR: Symphonies Nos. 1-3 & other works822231157267 |
LSO0578 | BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 7 & Triple Concerto822231157823 |
LSO0580 | BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 3 & Leonore Overture No. 2822231158028 |
LSO0582 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 6822231158226 |
LSO0587 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 8822231158721 |
LSO0590 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 5822231159025 |
LSO0592 | BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 9822231159223 |
LSO0607 | HANDEL: Messiah822231160724 |
LSO0609 | ELGAR: Engima Variations & other works822231160922 |
LSO0627 | MOZART: Requiem822231162728 |
LSO0660 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 3822231166023 |
LSO0661 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 6822231166122 |
LSO0662 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 4822231166221 |
LSO0663 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 1822231166320 |
LSO0664 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 5822231166429 |
LSO0665 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 7822231166528 |
LSO0666 | MAHLER: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 10822231166627 |
LSO0668 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 9822231166825 |
LSO0669 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 8822231166924 |
LSO0675 | SIBELIUS: Symphonies Nos. 1-7822231167525 |
LSO0677 | RACHMANINOV: Symphony No. 2822231167723 |
LSO0682 | PROKOFIEV: Romeo & Juliet822231168225 |
LSO0683 | VERDI: Requiem822231168324 |
LSO0688 | RACHMANINOV/STRAVINSKY: Symphonic Dances & Symphony822231168829 |
LSO0692 | DEBUSSY: La mer, Jeux & Prélude822231169222 |
LSO0693 | RAVEL: Daphis et Chloé, Pavane & Boléro822231169321 |
LSO0694 | NIELSEN: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 5822231169420 |
LSO0701 | STRAUSS: Elektra822231170129 |
LSO0702 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 92, 93 & 97-99822231170228 |
LSO0708 | HAYDN: Die Jahreszeiten822231170822 |
LSO0710 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphonies Nos. 1-3822231171027 |
LSO0715 | NIELSEN: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 6822231171522 |
LSO0716 | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 4822231171621 |
LSO0719 | BRITTEN: War Requiem822231171928 |
LSO0720 | TIOMKIN: Greatest Film Scores822231172024 |
LSO0722 | NIELSEN: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3822231172222 |
LSO0726 | WEBER: Der Freischütz822231172628 |
LSO0728 | FAURÉ/BACH: Requiem & Partitas822231172826 |
LSO0729 | BERLIOZ: Grand Messe des morts822231172925 |
LSO0731 | SZYMANOWSKI: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2822231173120 |
LSO0733 | BRAHMS: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2 & other works822231173328 |
LSO0737 | BRAHMS: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 4822231173724 |
LSO0739 | SZYMANOWSKI: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 4 & Stabat mater822231173922 |
LSO0744 | TURNAGE: Speranza & From the Wreckage822231174424 |
LSO0745-D | BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 2 & Triple Concerto822231174561 |
LSO0746 | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9822231174622 |
LSO0749 | BRITTEN: The Turn of the Screw822231174929 |
LSO0751 | STRAVINSKY: Oedipus Rex & Apollon musagète822231175124 |
LSO0752 | TCHAIKOVSKY/BARTÓK: Serenade for strings & Divertimento822231175223 |
LSO0757 | BERLIOZ: Symphonie fantastique & Waverley Overture822231175728 |
LSO0760 | BERLIOZ: Harold en Italie822231176022 |
LSO0762 | BERLIOZ: Roméo et Juliette822231176220 |
LSO0765 | MENDELSSOHN/SCHUMANN: Symphony No. 3 & Piano Concerto822231176527 |
LSO0767 | MAXWELL DAVIES/PANUFNIK: Symphonies No. 10822231176725 |
LSO0769 | MENDELSSOHN: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4822231176923 |
LSO0770 | SCRIABIN: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2822231177029 |
LSO0771 | SCRIABIN: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 4822231177128 |
LSO0775 | MENDELSSOHN: Symphony No. 5 & Overtures822231177524 |
LSO0779 | RACHMANINOV/BALAKIREV: Symphony No. 3 & Russia822231177920 |
LSO0781 | RACHMANINOV: Vespers822231178125 |
LSO0782 | SCHUMANN: Die Paradies und die Peri822231178224 |
LSO0784 | RACHMANINOV/BALAKIREV: Symphony No. 1 & Tamara822231178422 |
LSO0786 | SCHUBERT/SHOSTAKOVICH: Death and the Maiden & Chamber Symphony822231178620 |
LSO0790 | DEBUSSY: Pelléas et Mélisande822231179023 |
LSO0792 | ELGAR/VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/BRITTEN: Tallis Fantasia & Bridge Variations822231179221 |
LSO0795 | MENDELSSOHN: A Midsummer Night's Dream822231179528 |
LSO0798 | ADÈS: Asyla, Tevot & Polaris822231179825 |
LSO0800 | VERDI: Requiem822231180029 |
LSO0802-D | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 5822231180265 |
LSO0803 | MENDELSSOHN: Symphony No. 2 'Lobgesang'822231180364 |
LSO0804-D | MOZART: Violin Concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 3822231180463 |
LSO0807-D | MOZART: Violin Concertos Nos. 4 & 5822231180760 |
LSO0808-D | HAYDN: An Imaginary Orchestral Journey822231180869 |
LSO0809-D | BERLIOZ: La damnation de Faust822231180968 |
LSO0810-D | TCHAIKOVSKY/MUSORGSKY: Symphony No. 4/Pictures from an exhibition822231181064 |
LSO0813-D | BERNSTEIN: Wonderful Town822231181361 |
LSO0816-D | RACHMANINOV: Symphonies Nos. 1-3 & Symphonic Dances822231181668 |
LSO0818-D | SCHUMANN: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 4822231181866 |
LSO0821-D | DEBUSSY/RAVEL: La mer & Rapsodie espagnole822231182160 |
LSO0822-D | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 8822231182269 |
LSO0826-D | MENDELSSOHN: Symphonies & Overtures822231182665 |
LSO0827-D | BERLIOZ: Odyssey - The Complete Colin Davis Recordings822231182764 |
LSO0828-D | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphonies Nos. 9 & 10822231182863 |
LSO0830-D | BRITTEN: Spring Symphony & other works822231183068 |
LSO0832-D | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 4822231183266 |
LSO0833-D | STRAUSS R/DEBUSSY: Also sprach Zarathustra & Jeux822231183365 |
LSO0834-D | BERNSTEIN: Candide822231183464 |
LSO0836-D | BERNSTEIN/STRAVINSKY/GOLIJOV: Nazareno822231183662 |
LSO0842-D | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 6822231184263 |
LSO0844-D | SCHUMANN: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 3822231184461 |
LSO0850-D | JANÁCEK: The cunning little vixen & Sinfonietta822231185062 |
LSO0851-D | RACHMANINOV: Symphony No. 2822231185161 |
LSO0855-D | MOZART: Wind Concertos822231185567 |
LSO0858-D | TCHAIKOVSKY/RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Symphony No. 5 & Kitezh Suite822231185864 |
LSO0859-D | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 7822231185963 |
LSO0862-D | BEETHOVEN: Christ on the Mount of Olives822231186267 |
LSO0867-D | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 6822231186762 |
LSO0875-D | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 4822231187561 |
LSO0878-D | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphonies Nos. 6 & 15822231187868 |
LSO0880-D | WEILL: The Seven Deadly Sins & other works822231188063 |
LSO0886-D | RÓZSA/BARTÓK: Violin Concertos822231188667 |
LSO0887-D | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 7822231188766 |
LSO0888-D | SHOSTOKOVICH: Symphony No. 11 March 2025 release822231188865 |
LSO0889-D | JANÁCEK: Katya kabanova822231188964 |
LSO0894-D | MEYERBEER: Le Prophète822231189466 |
LSO0898-D | MENDELSSOHN: Elijah822231189862 |
LSO0899-D | RAVEL: Daphne et Chloé February 2025 release822231189961 |
LSO5061 | The Panufnik Legacies, Vol. 1822231506126 |
LSO5070 | The Panufnik Legacies, Vol. 2822231507024 |
LSO5073 | REICH: Clapping Music & other works822231507321 |
LSO5074-D | STRAVINSKY: The soldier's tale822231507468 |
LSO5076 | STRAVINSKY/BARTÓK: The Firebird & Piano Concerto No. 3822231507628 |
LSO5083-D | PAGANINI: 24 Caprices822231508366 |
LSO5090-D | REICH/SIMCOCK: Percussion Quartet & Quintet822231509066 |
LSO5092-D | The Panufnik Legacies, Vol. 3822231509264 |
LSO5094-D | BEETHOVEN: Violin Concerto822231509462 |
LSO5096-D | STRAVINSKY: Ballets822231509660 |
LSO5122-D | WITTER-JOHNSON: Ocean Floor822231512264 |
LSO5129-D | RISSMANN: Wonderland822231512967 |
NOEL1 | Christmas through the ages034571100265 |
NOEL2 | A Christmas Present from Polyphony034571100272 |
NSO0001-D | DVORÁK/COPLAND: Symphony No. 9 & Billy the Kid810038860169 |
NSO0002-D | WALKER G: Sinfonia No. 1810038860268 |
NSO0005-D | WALKER G: Sinfonia No. 4810038860565 |
NSO0007-D | WALKER G: Five Sinfonias810038860763 |
NSO0008-D | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 3810038860862 |
NSO0009-D | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 4 & 5810038860961 |
NSO0010-D | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 6 & 8810038861067 |
NSO0011-D | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 7810038861166 |
NSO0012-D | BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 9810038861265 |
NSO0014-D | SIMON (C): Tales810038861463 |
NSO0018-D | SIMON (C): Symphonic works810038861869 |
SACDA67460 | MACMILLAN: Seven Last Words from the Cross (SACD)034571574608 |
SACDA67475 | TAVENER: Choral Works (SACD)034571574752 |
SDG101 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 1843183010127 |
SDG104 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 8843183010424 |
SDG107 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 24843183010721 |
SDG110 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 10843183011025 |
SDG113 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 14843183011322 |
SDG114 | BACH: Alles mit Gott843183011421 |
SDG115 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 19843183011520 |
SDG118 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 21843183011827 |
SDG121 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 26843183012121 |
SDG124 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 7843183012428 |
SDG127 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 15843183012725 |
SDG128 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 22843183012824 |
SDG131 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 23843183013128 |
SDG134 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 6843183013425 |
SDG137 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 16843183013722 |
SDG138 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 27843183013821 |
SDG141 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 3843183014125 |
SDG144 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 25843183014422 |
SDG147 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 5843183014729 |
SDG150 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 17843183015023 |
SDG153 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 20843183015320 |
SDG156 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 4843183015627 |
SDG159 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 9843183015924 |
SDG162 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 13843183016228 |
SDG165 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 2843183016525 |
SDG168 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 11843183016822 |
SDG171 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 12843183017126 |
SDG174 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 18843183017423 |
SDG177 | BACH: Eternal fire843183017720 |
SDG178 | BACH: Cantatas for Christmas843183017829 |
SDG185 | BACH: Cantatas, Vol. 28843183018529 |
SDG502 | BACH/HANDEL/SCARLATTI: Live at Milton Court843183050222 |
SDG701 | Pilgrimage to Santiago843183070121 |
SDG702 | BRAHMS: Symphony No. 1 & Schicksalslied843183070220 |
SDG703 | BRAHMS: Symphony No. 2 & Alto Rhapsody843183070329 |
SDG704 | BRAHMS: Symphony No. 3 & other works843183070428 |
SDG705 | BRAHMS: Symphony No. 4 & other works843183070527 |
SDG706 | BRAHMS: Ein deutsches Requiem843183070626 |
SDG707 | BACH: Brandenburg Concertos843183070725 |
SDG710 | Santiago a cappella843183071029 |
SDG711 | MOZART: Symphonies Nos. 39 & 41843183071128 |
SDG712 | BACH: St John Passion843183071227 |
SDG715 | BACH J C: Welt, gute Nacht843183071524 |
SDG716 | BACH: Motets843183071623 |
SDG717 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7843183071722 |
SDG718 | BEETHOVEN: Missa solemnis843183071821 |
SDG719 | BACH: Easter Oratorio & Actus tragicus843183071920 |
SDG720 | Vigilate!843183072026 |
SDG721 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 8843183072125 |
SDG722 | BACH: Mass in B minor843183072224 |
SDG725 | BACH: St Matthew Passion843183072521 |
SDG728 | BACH: Magnificat & Missa in F843183072828 |
SDG729 | SCHUBERT/BRAHMS: Symphony No. 5 & Serenade No. 2843183072927 |
SDG730 | MONTEVERDI: Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria843183073023 |
SDG731 | Love is come again843183073122 |
SDG732 | BACH: Violin Concertos843183073221 |
SDG733 | HANDEL: Semele843183073320 |
SIGCD001 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 1635212000120 |
SIGCD002 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 2635212000229 |
SIGCD003 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 3635212000328 |
SIGCD010 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 4635212001028 |
SIGCD012 | BACH: The Six Partitas635212001226 |
SIGCD014 | VIVALDI: 12 Sonatas for violin and continuo, Op. 2635212001424 |
SIGCD016 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 5635212001622 |
SIGCD017 | GUERRERO: Requiem & Vespers for All Saints635212001721 |
SIGCD022 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 6635212002223 |
SIGCD024 | BACH: Sonatas for Viola da Gamba & Harpsichord635212002421 |
SIGCD027 | BACH: Die Kunst der Fuge635212002728 |
SIGCD029 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 7635212002926 |
SIGCD030 | BACH: Italian Concerto & French Overture635212003022 |
SIGCD034 | BACH: Music for Oboe and Harpsichord635212003428 |
SIGCD036 | TALLIS: The Complete Works, Vol. 8635212003626 |
SIGCD045 | CLEMENS NON PAPA: Missa Ecce quam bonum635212004524 |
SIGCD051 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Hypothetically Murdered & other works635212005125 |
SIGCD059 | Anthems for the 21st century635212005927 |
SIGCD062 | POTT: Christus635212006221 |
SIGCD063 | VIERNE: Symphonies pour orgue635212006320 |
SIGCD064 | REICH: Different Trains, Triple Quartet & Duet635212006429 |
SIGCD065 | Sacred Bridges635212006528 |
SIGCD066 | TIPPETT/PURCELL: Remember your lovers & other songs635212006627 |
SIGCD070 | All the ends of the earth635212007020 |
SIGCD072 | The exquisite hour635212007228 |
SIGCD073 | CHARPENTIER: Music for the Virgin Mary635212007327 |
SIGCD074 | HANDEL/MOZART: Messiah635212007426 |
SIGCD076 | LASSUS: Lamentations & Requiem635212007624 |
SIGCD078 | TALBOT: Path of Miracles635212007822 |
SIGCD079 | The Hymns Album635212007921 |
SIGCD080 | POTT: Meditations & Remembrances635212008027 |
SIGCD081 | MOZART: Piano Trios635212008126 |
SIGCD082 | The Triumphs of Oriana635212008225 |
SIGCD083 | TODD: Mass in Blue & other choral works635212008324 |
SIGCD084 | Royal Albert Hall Organ Restored635212008423 |
SIGCD085 | ALLEGRI: Miserere635212008522 |
SIGCD086 | TELEMANN: The Virtuoso Godfather635212008621 |
SIGCD087 | WEIR: On buying a horse & other songs635212008720 |
SIGCD088 | Ghost stories635212008829 |
SIGCD089 | The organ of Westminster Cathedral635212008928 |
SIGCD090 | Landscape & Time635212009024 |
SIGCD091 | BACH: Cello Suites635212009123 |
SIGCD092 | TIPPETT: Choral images635212009222 |
SIGCD093 | The Oxford Psalms635212009321 |
SIGCD094 | Music for the Coronation of James II, 1685635212009420 |
SIGCD095 | JAMES (J): Wanderer Fantasies after Schubert & Schumann635212009529 |
SIGCD096 | SCOTT (FG): Moonstruck & other songs635212009628 |
SIGCD097 | HAYDN: Piano Sonatas635212009727 |
SIGCD099 | Scenes of spirits635212009925 |
SIGCD100 | CHILCOTT: Man I sing & other choral works635212010026 |
SIGCD101 | Songs from the Pleasure Garden635212010129 |
SIGCD102 | GOTTWALD: Choral arrangements by Clytus Gottwald635212010228 |
SIGCD103 | METCALF: In Time of Daffodils635212010327 |
SIGCD104 | Beauty and the beatbox635212010426 |
SIGCD105 | POTT: The Cloud of Unknowing635212010525 |
SIGCD106 | HUGHES: A Purse of Gold – Irish Songs by Herbert Hughes635212010624 |
SIGCD107 | The Swingle Singers ... unwrapped635212010723 |
SIGCD108 | The Carols Album635212010822 |
SIGCD109 | MONTEVERDI: Vespers635212010921 |
SIGCD110 | DVORÁK: Symphonies Nos. 8 & 9635212011027 |
SIGCD111 | Fiddlesticks635212011126 |
SIGCD112 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/GURNEY/VENABLES: On Wenlock Edge & other songs635212011225 |
SIGCD113 | BACH: The Well-tempered Clavier I635212011324 |
SIGCD114 | The Organ of Buckingham Palace Ballroom635212011423 |
SIGCD115 | Hear my words635212011522 |
SIGCD116 | ELGAR/MYASKOVSKY: Cello Concertos635212011621 |
SIGCD117 | GLASS: Complete String Quartets635212011720 |
SIGCD118 | ELGAR/PAYNE: Symphony No. 3 & Pomp and Circumstance No. 6635212011829 |
SIGCD119 | The Golden Age635212011928 |
SIGCD121 | Simple Gifts635212012123 |
SIGCD122 | BRITTEN: Britten Abroad635212012222 |
SIGCD123 | BACH: The Well-tempered Clavier II635212012321 |
SIGCD124 | ROTH: Songs in time of war635212012420 |
SIGCD125 | The Division Flute635212012529 |
SIGCD126 | MESSIAEN: Chamber Works635212012628 |
SIGCD127 | O sacrum convivium635212012727 |
SIGCD128 | Songs of Innocence635212012826 |
SIGCD129 | Espressia – Armenian Metamorphoses635212012925 |
SIGCD130 | Naji Hakim – The organ of Glenalmond College635212013021 |
SIGCD131 | WERT: Vox in rama - Il secondo libro de motetti635212013125 |
SIGCD132 | BRAHMS: Symphony No. 2635212013229 |
SIGCD133 | SCHUBERT: Symphony No. 9635212013328 |
SIGCD134 | WHITE: Sacred Music635212013427 |
SIGCD135 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 5 Festive Overture635212013526 |
SIGCD137 | BRITTEN/SHOSTAKOVICH: Cello Concerto & Cello Symphony635212013724 |
SIGCD138 | KNOWLES: Poetry Serenade635212013823 |
SIGCD139 | BEETHOVEN: Lieder und Gesänge635212013922 |
SIGCD140 | Espressia – Tangos & Fantasies635212014028 |
SIGCD141 | Emilia635212014127 |
SIGCD142 | CHILCOTT: Making waves635212014226 |
SIGCD143 | REICH/KRAFTWERK: Electric Counterpoint & other works635212014325 |
SIGCD144 | BINGHAM: Remoter Worlds - Choral Music635212014424 |
SIGCD145 | BEETHOVEN: Lieder und Gesänge635212014523 |
SIGCD146 | GRANADOS: Goyescas635212014622 |
SIGCD147 | Romance du soir635212014721 |
SIGCD148 | STRAUSS: Till Eulenspiegel & Ein Heldenleben635212014820 |
SIGCD150 | The King's Singers Live at the BBC Proms635212015025 |
SIGCD151 | HOWELLS: I love all beauteous things & other works635212015124 |
SIGCD152 | Spanish Heroines635212015223 |
SIGCD153 | Razor blades, little pills and big pianos635212015322 |
SIGCD154 | CARLSON: Anna Karenina635212015421 |
SIGCD155 | LISZT: Songs635212015520 |
SIGCD156 | Bach Transcribed635212015629 |
SIGCD157 | TORELLI: The original Brandenburg Concertos635212015728 |
SIGCD158 | Façades - Contemporary works for saxophone635212015827 |
SIGCD160 | KORNGOLD: Sonnett für Wien & other songs635212016022 |
SIGCD161 | The Frostbound Wood & other British songs635212016121 |
SIGCD162 | HAWES: Song of Songs635212016220 |
SIGCD163 | DURUFLÉ: Requiem635212016329 |
SIGCD164 | RACHMANINOV: Violin Sonata & other works635212016428 |
SIGCD165 | STRAVINSKY: L'oiseau de feu635212016527 |
SIGCD166 | Yanomami - Music for choir and guitar635212016626 |
SIGCD167 | The Organ of St Sulpice, Paris635212016725 |
SIGCD168 | ELGAR: Enigma Variations635212016824 |
SIGCD169 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos. 3 & 5635212016923 |
SIGCD170 | ROSSINI: Mezzo - Scenes & Arias635212017029 |
SIGCD171 | Dance of the three-legged elephants635212017128 |
SIGCD172 | RACHMANINOV/GRIEG: Cello Sonatas635212017227 |
SIGCD173 | SCHOENBERG: Gurrelieder635212017326 |
SIGCD174 | Don't talk - just listen!635212017425 |
SIGCD175 | LCO Live - Haydn, Mozart & Beethoven635212017524 |
SIGCD176 | STAINER: The Crucifixion635212017623 |
SIGCD178 | HAWES: Fair Albion - Visions of England635212017821 |
SIGCD179 | ELGAR: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2635212017920 |
SIGCD180 | Naked Byrd635212018026 |
SIGCD181 | HALLGRÍMSSON: Mini Stories635212018125 |
SIGCD182 | What sweeter music635212018224 |
SIGCD183 | DVORÁK: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 8635212018323 |
SIGCD184 | VERDI: Requiem635212018422 |
SIGCD185 | BACH/BUSONI/BEETHOVEN: now would all freudians please stand aside635212018521 |
SIGCD186 | KERNIS: Goblin Market635212018620 |
SIGCD188 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 9635212018828 |
SIGCD189 | MOZART/GLUCK/BERLIOZ: Arias635212018927 |
SIGCD190 | HOWELLS: Choral Music635212019023 |
SIGCD191 | BRAHMS: Sinfonia in B635212019122 |
SIGCD192 | Swimming over London635212019221 |
SIGCD193 | BERLIOZ: Symphonie fantastique635212019320 |
SIGCD194 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 7 'Leningrad'635212019429 |
SIGCD195 | STRAVINSKY/LIADOV: Petrushka, The enchanted lake & other works635212019528 |
SIGCD197 | POULENC: Figure humaine635212019726 |
SIGCD198 | PACHELBEL: Vespers635212019825 |
SIGCD199 | Deep in My Soul635212019924 |
SIGCD200 | LCO Live - Beethoven & Mendelssohn635212020029 |
SIGCD201 | LCO Live - Mozart, Beethoven & Rossini635212020128 |
SIGCD202 | A Family Christmas635212020227 |
SIGCD203 | METCALF: Paths of Song635212020326 |
SIGCD2033 | Stokowski Philadelphia raritiesPreviously issued on CalaCACD0501635212203316 |
SIGCD204 | VENABLES: At Midnight635212020425 |
SIGCD205 | STRAVINSKY/POULENC: The Rite of Spring & Les biches635212020524 |
SIGCD206 | LANGLAIS: Messe solennelle635212020623 |
SIGCD207 | METCALFE: Constant Filter & other works635212020722 |
SIGCD2071 | SIBELIUS: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2Previously issued on CalaCACD0541635212207116 |
SIGCD208 | BERKELEY: For You635212020821 |
SIGCD209 | BACH: St John Passion635212020920 |
SIGCD2092 | DEBUSSY: Engulfed CathedralPreviously issued on Cala 1024635212209219 |
SIGCD2093 | DEBUSSY: Evening in GranadaPreviously issued on Cala 1025635212209318 |
SIGCD2094 | BORODIN: Requiem & other worksPreviously issued on Cala 1029635212209417 |
SIGCD2095 | MUSORGSKY: Pictures from an exhibition & from CrimeaPreviously issued on Cala 1030635212209516 |
SIGCD210 | Dialogues of Sorrow635212021026 |
SIGCD211 | LCO Live - Ravel, Fauré, Poulenc & Ibert635212021125 |
SIGCD212 | LEVINE: Prayers for Mankind635212021224 |
SIGCD213 | BACH: Motets635212021323 |
SIGCD214 | PROKOFIEV: Suites from Cinderella and Romeo & Juliet635212021422 |
SIGCD215 | BACH: Christmas Oratorio635212021521 |
SIGCD2159 | RAVEL: Valley of the bells & other orchestral worksPreviously issued on Cala635212215913 |
SIGCD216 | DEBUSSY/GLIÈRE/MOZART: Harp Concertos635212021620 |
SIGCD2160 | RAVEL: Five o'clock foxtrot & other orchestral worksPreviously issued on Cala635212216019 |
SIGCD2161 | RESPIGHI: Ballad of the gnomes & other worksPreviously issued on Cala635212216118 |
SIGCD2162 | SAINT-SAËNS: Africa & other orchestral worksPreviously issued on Cala 4031635212216217 |
SIGCD2163 | SAINT-SAËNS: Requiem & Organ SymphonyPreviously issued on Cala 4032635212216316 |
SIGCD2164 | GRAINGER: The warriors & other worksPreviously issued on Cala 4033635212216415 |
SIGCD217 | Songs of cricket635212021729 |
SIGCD218 | BACH: Mass in B minor635212021828 |
SIGCD219 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 4635212021927 |
SIGCD220 | SHOSTAKOVICH/WALTON: Cello Concertos635212022023 |
SIGCD222 | HAKIM: Hakim plays Hakim - Danish Radio organ635212022221 |
SIGCD223 | English Organ Music from the Temple Church635212022320 |
SIGCD224 | Romantic novelties for violin and orchestra635212022429 |
SIGCD225 | The Majesty of thy Glory635212022528 |
SIGCD226 | MUSORGSKY: Pictures at an exhibition635212022627 |
SIGCD227 | Flux635212022726 |
SIGCD228 | BRITTEN/POSTON: A Ceremony of Carols & An English Day-Book635212022825 |
SIGCD229 | TCHAIKOVSKY/RACHMANINOV: Swan Lake & Symphonic Dances635212022924 |
SIGCD230 | RACHMANINOV: Music for piano635212023020 |
SIGCD231 | VIVALDI/PIAZZOLLA: The Eight Seasons635212023129 |
SIGCD232 | SHEPPARD M: The soul rests eternal635212023228 |
SIGCD233 | These visions635212023327 |
SIGCD234 | HERMANN: Psycho Suite635212023426 |
SIGCD235 | Naked Byrd Two635212023525 |
SIGCD236 | Dance635212023624 |
SIGCD237 | MONTEVERDI: Vespers635212023723 |
SIGCD239 | An Irish Songbook635212023921 |
SIGCD244 | RODRIGO: Works for guitar and orchestra635212024423 |
SIGCD245 | HAKIM: Chamber music and organ works635212024522 |
SIGCD246 | HANDEL: Messiah635212024621 |
SIGCD247 | POULENC: The Complete Songs, Vol. 1635212024720 |
SIGCD248 | VICTORIA: Requiem635212024829 |
SIGCD249 | Concerti Curiosi635212024928 |
SIGCD250 | BRAHMS: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 3635212025024 |
SIGCD251 | MOZART: An Italian Journey635212025123 |
SIGCD252 | CHOPIN/SAINT-SAËNS: Cello Sonatas635212025222 |
SIGCD253 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 6635212025321 |
SIGCD254 | BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 9635212025420 |
SIGCD256 | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 4635212025628 |
SIGCD257 | A Choral Christmas635212025727 |
SIGCD258 | FROST/KARLSEN: Parapraxis & Bassoon Concertos635212025826 |
SIGCD259 | MAHLER: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen635212025925 |
SIGCD260 | TALBOT: Tide Harmonic635212026021 |
SIGCD261 | BACH: Organ Music635212026120 |
SIGCD262 | High Flight635212026229 |
SIGCD263 | POULENC: The Complete Songs, Vol. 2635212026328 |
SIGCD264 | RACHMANINOV: Preludes & Melodies635212026427 |
SIGCD265 | BACH: Mass in B minor635212026526 |
SIGCD266 | ELGAR: Organ Music635212026625 |
SIGCD267 | PARRY: Songs of Farewell635212026724 |
SIGCD268 | Joy to the World635212026823 |
SIGCD269 | Journey into light – Music for Advent & Christmas635212026922 |
SIGCD270 | ROTH: Shared Ground635212027028 |
SIGCD272 | POULENC: The Complete Songs, Vol. 3635212027226 |
SIGCD273 | ANDRIESSEN: Anaïs Nin & De staat635212027325 |
SIGCD274 | SHOSTAKOVICH/BRITTEN/PROKOFIEV: Cello Sonatas635212027424 |
SIGCD275 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 6635212027523 |
SIGCD276 | The ancient question - Jewish songs635212027622 |
SIGCD278 | RAMEAU: Music for keyboard635212027820 |
SIGCD279 | A Festival of Psalms635212027929 |
SIGCD280 | BERLIOZ: Grande Messe des Morts635212028025 |
SIGCD281 | A Song of Farewell635212028124 |
SIGCD282 | HAWES: Lazarus Requiem635212028223 |
SIGCD283 | A choral tapestry635212028322 |
SIGCD284 | HAKIM: Hakim plays Hakim - Dudelange organ , Vol. 1635212028421 |
SIGCD285 | DOVE: There was a child635212028520 |
SIGCD286 | The glittering plain – New works for saxophone and ensemble635212028629 |
SIGCD287 | A New Venetian Coronation, 1595635212028728 |
SIGCD288 | A tribute to Benny Goodman635212028827 |
SIGCD289 | Let the bright seraphim635212028926 |
SIGCD290 | LISZT: Excerpts from Années de pèlerinage - Italie635212029022 |
SIGCD291 | Voces 8 Christmas635212029121 |
SIGCD292 | WIDOR: Complete Organ Symphonies, Vol. 1635212029220 |
SIGCD293 | BENNETT: My dancing day & other choral works635212029329 |
SIGCD294 | A Doll's House & other works for percussion635212029428 |
SIGCD295 | BYRD/MONTE: The Word Unspoken635212029527 |
SIGCD296 | HAKIM: Works for organ and chamber ensemble635212029626 |
SIGCD298 | TODD: The Call of Wisdom635212029824 |
SIGCD300 | MENDELSSOHN: Elijah635212030028 |
SIGCD306 | In Recital at Tulle Cathedral635212030622 |
SIGCD307 | Royal Rhymes and Rounds635212030721 |
SIGCD308 | Jimmy - James Rhodes Live in Brighton635212030820 |
SIGCD309 | BRAHMS: Alessio Bax plays Brahms635212030929 |
SIGCD311 | CHILCOTT: The seeds of stars635212031124 |
SIGCD312 | KHACHATURIAN/LYAPUNOV: Works for violin & orchestra635212031223 |
SIGCD313 | 24 lies per second635212031322 |
SIGCD314 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/FINZI/QUILTER: English Songs635212031421 |
SIGCD315 | ELGAR: Go, song of mine & other choral songs635212031520 |
SIGCD316 | LEVINE: The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom635212031629 |
SIGCD317 | BRITTEN: The Canticles635212031728 |
SIGCD318 | Around Britten635212031827 |
SIGCD319 | WIDOR: Complete Organ Symphonies, Vol. 2635212031926 |
SIGCD320 | RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: Sheherazade & The Invisible City of Kitezh635212032022 |
SIGCD321 | MOZART: Piano Concertos Nos. 24 & 27635212032121 |
SIGCD322 | DVORÁK/SCHUMANN: Cello Concertos635212032220 |
SIGCD323 | POULENC: The Complete Songs, Vol. 4635212032329 |
SIGCD324 | RACHMANINOV: Transcriptions and arrangements for organ635212032428 |
SIGCD325 | BENNETT: Letters to Lindbergh & other choral works635212032527 |
SIGCD326 | RICHAFORT: Requiem – A Tribute to Josquin Desprez635212032626 |
SIGCD327 | TALBOT: Alice's Adventures & Fool's Paradise635212032725 |
SIGCD329 | REGER: Organ Works635212032923 |
SIGCD330 | RAVEL/STRAVINSKY: Mother Goose & The Rite of Spring635212033029 |
SIGCD333 | POULENC: Songs, Vol. 5635212033326 |
SIGCD334 | WIDOR: Complete Organ Symphonies, Vol. 3635212033425 |
SIGCD335 | BEDNALL: Welcome all wonders635212033524 |
SIGCD336 | BRITTEN: Cello Suites635212033623 |
SIGCD337 | WIDOR: Complete Organ Symphonies, Vol. 4635212033722 |
SIGCD338 | Libera nos - The cry of the oppressed635212033821 |
SIGCD339 | LASSUS: Lagrime di San Petro635212033920 |
SIGCD340 | BRITTEN: War Requiem635212034026 |
SIGCD341 | Great American Songbook635212034125 |
SIGCD342 | MENDELSSOHN: Violin Concertos635212034224 |
SIGCD343 | MOZART: Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots635212034323 |
SIGCD344 | VICTORIA: Tenebrae Responsories635212034422 |
SIGCD345 | MOZART: Horn Concertos635212034521 |
SIGCD346 | Incarnation635212034620 |
SIGCD347 | WIDOR: Complete Organ Symphonies, Vol. 5635212034729 |
SIGCD348 | BRITTEN: Peter Grimes635212034828 |
SIGCD349 | SAINT-SAËNS/GOSS/FRANCK: Piano Concertos635212034927 |
SIGCD350 | BERKELEY/MCCABE/WILLIAMS: Quartets635212035023 |
SIGCD360 | MAHLER: Symphonies Nos. 1, 2 & 3635212036020 |
SIGCD361 | MAHLER: Symphonies Nos. 4, 5 & 6635212036129 |
SIGCD362 | MAHLER: Symphonies Nos. 7, 8 & 9635212036228 |
SIGCD363 | MAHLER: The Complete Symphonies635212036327 |
SIGCD364 | COOPER: Continuum & other works635212036419 |
SIGCD365 | STRAVINSKY/BRAHMS/PIAZZOLLA: Piano Duos635212036525 |
SIGCD366 | MEALOR/BRITTEN: The flowers have their angels635212036624 |
SIGCD367 | TAVENER: The Veil of the Temple635212036723 |
SIGCD368 | BIRTWISTLE: The Moth Requiem635212036822 |
SIGCD369 | WOLF/BRAHMS: Lieder635212036921 |
SIGCD370 | My Beloved's Voice635212037027 |
SIGCD371 | James Rhodes 5635212037126 |
SIGCD372 | BARTÓK: Duke Bluebeard's Castle635212037225 |
SIGCD373 | MOZART: The A-Z of Mozart Opera635212037324 |
SIGCD374 | Jewels of the Bel Canto635212037423 |
SIGCD375 | PURCELL: A Purcell Collection635212037522 |
SIGCD376 | 1917 - Works for violin & piano635212037621 |
SIGCD377 | VIVALDI: The Four Seasons635212037720 |
SIGCD380 | PANUFNIK: Dreamscape - Songs and Trios635212038024 |
SIGCD381 | JACKSON G: Airplane Cantata & other choral works635212038123 |
SIGCD382 | DOWLAND: Mister Dowland's Midnight635212038222 |
SIGCD383 | Avanti l'Opera – An A-Z of Italian Baroque Overtures635212038321 |
SIGCD384 | Debussy, Françaix, Glinka, Milhaud, Prokofiev635212038420 |
SIGCD385 | BACH: St Matthew Passion635212038529 |
SIGCD386 | On Christmas night635212038628 |
SIGCD387 | Christmas carols from village green to church635212038727 |
SIGCD388 | WAGNER: Wagner without words635212038826 |
SIGCD389 | HAKIM: Hakim plays Hakim - Bilbao, Vol. 1635212038925 |
SIGCD390 | NIELSEN/MOZART: Clarinet Concertos635212039021 |
SIGCD391 | MARCELLO: Psalms635212039120 |
SIGCD392 | HANDEL: L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato635212039229 |
SIGCD393 | Postcards - The King's Singers635212039328 |
SIGCD394 | TODD: Lux et veritas635212039427 |
SIGCD395 | BACH C P E: Symphonies635212039526 |
SIGCD396 | SHOSTAKOVICH: 24 Preludes & Fugues, Op 87635212039625 |
SIGCD397 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Sonatas635212039724 |
SIGCD398 | The Captive Nightingale635212039823 |
SIGCD399 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/ELGAR: The Lark Ascending635212039922 |
SIGCD400 | MOZART: Mitridate, re di Ponto635212040027 |
SIGCD401 | No Exceptions No Exemptions635212040126 |
SIGCD402 | RAMEAU: Anacréon635212040225 |
SIGCD403 | Psalm – Contemporary British Trumpet Concertos635212040324 |
SIGCD404 | Homages - A Musical Dedication635212040423 |
SIGCD405 | Sounds of Spain & the Americas635212040522 |
SIGCD406 | The Cole Porter Songbook635212040621 |
SIGCD407 | GLAZUNOV/PROKOFIEV/TCHAIKOVSKY: Variations on a Rococo theme & other works635212040720 |
SIGCD408 | In the Midst of Life – Music from the Baldwin Partbooks I635212040829 |
SIGCD409 | Out of darkness – Music from Lent to Trinity635212040928 |
SIGCD410 | A Knight's Progress635212041024 |
SIGCD411 | DAVIS O: Flight635212041123 |
SIGCD412 | CHILCOTT: St John Passion635212041222 |
SIGCD413 | ADÈS: The twenty-fifth hour & other chamber music635212041321 |
SIGCD414 | Il Trionfo di Dori635212041420 |
SIGCD415 | BIRD: The Oriental Miscellany635212041529 |
SIGCD416 | Soli - Bartók, Kurtág, Benjamin, Penderecki635212041628 |
SIGCD417 | PURCELL: Dido & Aeneas635212041727 |
SIGCD418 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 4, 8 & 11635212041826 |
SIGCD419 | Surrender - Voices of Persephone635212041925 |
SIGCD420 | TODD: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland635212042021 |
SIGCD421 | WEIR: Storm & other choral works635212042120 |
SIGCD422 | CHILCOTT: The Angry Planet & other choral works635212042229 |
SIGCD423 | HANDEL: Handel in Italy, Vol. 1635212042328 |
SIGCD424 | VENABLES: The Song of the Severn & other songs635212042427 |
SIGCD425 | Inside tracks - the James Rhodes mix tape635212042526 |
SIGCD426 | SCRIABIN/MUSORGSKY: Piano Sonata No. 3 & Pictures635212042625 |
SIGCD427 | FAURÉ: Songs, Vol. 1635212042724 |
SIGCD428 | HANDEL: Handel at Vauxhall, Vol. 1635212042823 |
SIGCD429 | The shepherd on the rock635212042922 |
SIGCD430 | BRAHMS/BRUCKNER: Motets635212043028 |
SIGCD431 | BRUCKNER: Symphony No. 9635212043127 |
SIGCD432 | SZYMANOWSKI/HAHN: Violin Sonatas635212043226 |
SIGCD433 | MOZART: Il re pastore635212043325 |
SIGCD434 | HAYDN: Symphonies Nos. 52, 53 & 59635212043424 |
SIGCD435 | BACH/HANDEL/MOZART: Aksel! – Arias by Bach, Handel & Mozart635212043523 |
SIGCD436 | Invisible Stars – Choral works of Ireland & Scotland635212043622 |
SIGCD437 | DAVIS O/VIVALDI: Seaons635212043721 |
SIGCD438 | WIDOR: Solo organ works635212043820 |
SIGCD439 | Lullabies for Mila635212043929 |
SIGCD440 | Only a Singing Bird635212044025 |
SIGCD441 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano Concerto No. 1 & Nutcracker Suite635212044124 |
SIGCD442 | TAVENER: Missa Wellensis & other sacred choral music635212044223 |
SIGCD443 | Songs to the moon635212044322 |
SIGCD444 | PALOMO/RODRIGO: Nocturnos de Andalucía635212044421 |
SIGCD445 | Time and its Passing635212044520 |
SIGCD446 | The Evening Hour635212044629 |
SIGCD447 | Greensleeves635212044728 |
SIGCD448 | BRAHMS/BRUCE: Clarinet Quintet & Gumboots635212044827 |
SIGCD449 | Winchester Cathedral 50th Anniversary EP635212044926 |
SIGCD450 | PALESTRINA: How fair thou art635212045022 |
SIGCD451 | HUGHES B: I am the song & other choral works635212045121 |
SIGCD452 | DOVE: For an unknown soldier & An airmail letter635212045220 |
SIGCD453 | GOUGH: The world encompassed635212045329 |
SIGCD454 | L'ESTRANGE: On eagles' wings & other choral works635212045428 |
SIGCD455 | POULENC: Works for Piano Solo and Duo635212045527 |
SIGCD456 | HARVEY: Choral music635212045626 |
SIGCD457 | Where'er you walk - Handel's favourite tenor635212045725 |
SIGCD458 | Christmas with St John's635212045824 |
SIGCD459 | The King's Singers Christmas Songbook635212045923 |
SIGCD460 | Adeste fideles635212046029 |
SIGCD461 | SCHUBERT: Symphony No. 9635212046128 |
SIGCD462 | HANDEL: Handel in Italy, Vol. 2635212046227 |
SIGCD463 | HAKIM: Hakim plays Hakim - Bilbao, Vol. 2635212046326 |
SIGCD464 | Queen Mary's Big Belly – Prayers for an heir in Catholic England635212046425 |
SIGCD465 | Anthem – Great British Hymns & Choral Works635212046524 |
SIGCD466 | BARTÓK: The Miraculous Mandarin & other works635212046623 |
SIGCD467 | MOZART/NIELSEN: Flute Concertos635212046722 |
SIGCD468 | ADAMS/HARRIS: Violin Concertos635212046821 |
SIGCD469 | DAVIS O: Dance635212046920 |
SIGCD470 | DURUFLÉ/VIERNE/BRIGGS: Midnight at St Etienne du Mont635212047026 |
SIGCD471 | PARK/TALBOT: Footsteps & Path of Miracles635212047125 |
SIGCD472 | FAURÉ: Songs, Vol. 2635212047224 |
SIGCD473 | MOZART: Zaide635212047323 |
SIGCD474 | Virgin and Child – Music from the Baldwin Partbooks II635212047422 |
SIGCD475 | A New Heaven635212047521 |
SIGCD476 | REGER: Fantasias & Fugues635212047620 |
SIGCD477 | NIELSEN: Flute & Clarinet Concertos635212047729 |
SIGCD478 | HANDEL: Handel in Ireland, Vol. 1635212047828 |
SIGCD479 | HANDEL: Handel at Vauxhall, Vol. 2635212047927 |
SIGCD480 | HAYDN: The Seasons635212048023 |
SIGCD481 | BYRD/BRITTEN: Choral works635212048122 |
SIGCD482 | CHOPIN: Preludes635212048221 |
SIGCD483 | FAURÉ: The Complete Songs, Vol. 3635212048320 |
SIGCD484 | RACHMANINOV: Symphony No. 1635212048429 |
SIGCD485 | Perfido! – Opera arias635212048528 |
SIGCD486 | GRIEG/VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Subito - Violin Sonata & The lark ascending635212048627 |
SIGCD487 | DOVE: In Damascus & other works635212048726 |
SIGCD488 | BACH: The complete solo soprano cantatas, Vol. 1635212048825 |
SIGCD489 | POULENC/KODÁLY/JANÁCEK: Kyrie635212048924 |
SIGCD490 | Silence & Music635212049020 |
SIGCD491 | The House of the Mind635212049123 |
SIGCD492 | BERNSTEIN/STRAVINSKY/SCHOENBERG: Symphonic Psalms & Prayers635212049228 |
SIGCD493 | SHOSTAKOVICH: Piano Concertos & Sonatas635212049327 |
SIGCD494 | Fire On All Sides635212049426 |
SIGCD495 | McCARTHY/TODD: Codebreaker & Ode to a Nightingale635212049525 |
SIGCD496 | WALEY-COHEN: Permutations635212049624 |
SIGCD497 | The King's Singers Christmas Presence635212049723 |
SIGCD498 | HAKIM: Phèdre, Caprice, Diptyque & Concerto635212049822 |
SIGCD499 | MOZART: Il sogno di Scipione635212049921 |
SIGCD500 | The King's Singers Gold635212050026 |
SIGCD501 | TAVENER: Mother and Child635212050125 |
SIGCD502 | Christmas with The King's Singers635212050224 |
SIGCD506 | NYMAN: Music for two pianos635212050620 |
SIGCD509 | Voyages635212050927 |
SIGCD510 | DVORÁK/JANÁCEK/SUK: Bohemia - Violin Sonatas635212051023 |
SIGCD511 | GIBBONS: In chains of gold635212051122 |
SIGCD512 | CHILCOTT: In winter's arms635212051221 |
SIGCD513 | The Art of Dancing – Concertos for trumpet, piano & strings635212051320 |
SIGCD514 | Great Cathedral Anthems635212051429 |
SIGCD515 | DVORÁK/SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 9 & Finlandia635212051528 |
SIGCD516 | WILKINSON: The sunlight on the garden & other songs635212051627 |
SIGCD517 | WILLIAMS R: Sacred choral works635212051726 |
SIGCD518 | FITKIN: String Quartets635212051825 |
SIGCD519 | TAVENER/PANUFNIK: 99 Words & other choral works635212051924 |
SIGCD520 | LASSUS/TYMOCZKO: Sibylla635212052020 |
SIGCD521 | LUKASZEWSKI: Daylight declines & other choral works635212052129 |
SIGCD522 | DAVIS O: Liberty635212052228 |
SIGCD523 | BEETHOVEN/MENDELSSOHN: Concertos635212052327 |
SIGCD524 | KERNIS: Dreamsongs & other concertos635212052426 |
SIGCD525 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 5 & works for solo piano635212052525 |
SIGCD526 | Light Divine635212052624 |
SIGCD527 | BEETHOVEN: Beethoven Unbound635212052723 |
SIGCD528 | JENKINS: Complete Four-Part Consort Music635212052822 |
SIGCD529 | WRIGHT L: Duets635212052921 |
SIGCD530 | RACHMANINOV: Symphony No. 2635212053027 |
SIGCD531 | SCHUBERT: Winter Journey635212053126 |
SIGCD532 | White Light - the space between635212053225 |
SIGCD533 | LISZT: Piano music635212053324 |
SIGCD534 | Mozart in London635212053423 |
SIGCD535 | Advent Live, Vol. 1635212053522 |
SIGCD536 | A Rose Magnificat635212053621 |
SIGCD537 | HANDEL/VIVALDI: Silete venti/Nulla in mundo635212053720 |
SIGCD538 | Tanguero – Music from South America635212053829 |
SIGCD539 | BLACKFORD: Niobe635212053928 |
SIGCD540 | RACHMANINOV: Symphony No. 3 & Symphonic Dances635212054024 |
SIGCD541 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Mass in G minor & other choral works635212054123 |
SIGCD542 | TCHAIKOVSKY/DUCHEN: The Nutcracker and I, by Alexandra Dariescu635212054222 |
SIGCD543 | PANUFNIK R: Celestial Bird & other choral works635212054321 |
SIGCD544 | TELEMANN: Solo Fantasias635212054420 |
SIGCD545 | Praise my soul – Favourite hymns from Jesus College Cambridge635212054529 |
SIGCD546 | The Organ of St Bavo, Haarlem635212054628 |
SIGCD547 | MOZART: Grabmusik & Bastien und Bastienne635212054717 |
SIGCD548 | RACHMANINOV/SIBELIUS: Piano Concerto No. 3 & Symphony No. 2635212054826 |
SIGCD549 | Concerti by Telemann, Tartini & others635212054925 |
SIGCD550 | SCHUBERT: Swansong635212055021 |
SIGCD551 | Resilience635212055120 |
SIGCD552 | MOZART/WEBER: Clarinet Quintets635212055229 |
SIGCD553 | DOWLAND: First Booke of Songes or Ayres635212055328 |
SIGCD554 | SCHUMANN/KILPINEN/BRAHMS: Nature's solace635212055427 |
SIGCD555 | DVORÁK: String Quartets Nos. 5 & 12635212055519 |
SIGCD556 | The romantic horn635212055618 |
SIGCD557 | A walk with Ivor Gurney & other choral works635212055724 |
SIGCD558 | Perpetual twilight635212055816 |
SIGCD559 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 1, 2 & 7635212055915 |
SIGCD560 | TALLIS/STRIGGIO: Supersize polyphony635212056011 |
SIGCD561 | BRUNNING: Swansongs635212056127 |
SIGCD562 | Lest we forget635212056226 |
SIGCD563 | TODD: Passion Music & Jazz Missa Brevis635212056325 |
SIGCD564 | PANUFNIK (R): Love abide & other choral works635212056417 |
SIGCD565 | Love songs635212056516 |
SIGCD566 | MUSORGSKY/RAVEL/MESSIAEN: Pictures/Miroirs/Cantéyodjayâ635212056615 |
SIGCD567 | Locus iste635212056714 |
SIGCD568 | BLACKFORD: Kalon635212056813 |
SIGCD569 | An English Coronation 1902-1953635212056912 |
SIGCD570 | TAVERNER: Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas & other works635212057018 |
SIGCD571 | DURUFLÉ: Complete Choral Works635212057117 |
SIGCD572 | The Hymns Album II635212057216 |
SIGCD573 | BACH C P E: Complete Original Works for Violin & Keyboard635212057315 |
SIGCD574 | From the ground up - The chaconne635212057414 |
SIGCD575 | MACMILLAN: One equal music & other choral works635212057513 |
SIGCD576 | In nomine II635212057612 |
SIGCD577 | MOZART: Apollo et Hyacinthus635212057711 |
SIGCD578 | PHIBBS/MOZART: Clarinet Concertos635212057810 |
SIGCD579 | Handel's Queens635212057919 |
SIGCD580 | GUNNING: Flute Concertino, Clarinet & Guitar Concertos635212058015 |
SIGCD584 | PROKOFIEV G: Saxophone Concerto & Bass Drum Concerto635212058411 |
SIGCD585 | TAVENER: The protecting veil & readings635212058510 |
SIGCD586 | NYMAN/PURCELL: If & other songs635212058619 |
SIGCD587 | Song's first cycle635212058718 |
SIGCD588 | Magnificat, Vol. 1635212058817 |
SIGCD589 | PURCELL: King Arthur635212058916 |
SIGCD590 | DAVIS O: Arcadia635212059012 |
SIGCD591 | TODD: Noodles & other works635212059111 |
SIGCD592 | The Soldier - From Severn to Somme635212059210 |
SIGCD593 | GUNNING: Symphonies Nos. 2, 10 & 12635212059319 |
SIGCD594 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Solo piano works635212059418 |
SIGCD595 | Now may we singen635212059517 |
SIGCD596 | WIDOR: The Complete Organ Works635212059616 |
SIGCD597 | DVORÁK: String Quartets Nos. 8 & 10635212059715 |
SIGCD598 | The last rose of summer635212059814 |
SIGCD599 | BRUCE: The north wind was a woman & other chamber wo635212059913 |
SIGCD600 | JANÁCEK: Solo piano635212060018 |
SIGCD601 | The King's Singers - The Library, Vol. 1635212060117 |
SIGCD602 | The Godfather635212060216 |
SIGCD603 | ESENVALDS: There will come soft rains & other works635212060315 |
SIGCD604 | Cantos sagrados635212060414 |
SIGCD605 | Ash Wednesday635212060513 |
SIGCD606 | HAYDN/SCHUBERT/WOLF: The divine muse635212060612 |
SIGCD607 | Finding harmony635212060711 |
SIGCD608 | VICTORIA/GUERRERO/MORALES: Salve Salve Salve – Josquin's Spanish legacy635212060810 |
SIGCD609 | In chains of gold, Vol. 2635212060919 |
SIGCD610 | HANDEL: Messiah … Refreshed!635212061015 |
SIGCD611 | Italian inspirations635212061114 |
SIGCD612 | DÍAZ-JEREZ: Maghek – 7 symphonic poems about the Canary Islands635212061213 |
SIGCD613 | MEALOR: Blessing & other choral works635212061312 |
SIGCD614 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Concertos Nos. 1 & 2635212061411 |
SIGCD615 | PURCELL: The Fairy Queen635212061510 |
SIGCD616 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos 1-3635212061619 |
SIGCD617 | VENABLES: Love lives beyond the tomb & other songs635212061718 |
SIGCD618 | BEETHOVEN: Violin Sonatas Nos. 1, 5 & 8635212061817 |
SIGCD619 | Sturm und Drang, Vol. 1635212061916 |
SIGCD620 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Concertos Nos. 3 & 4635212062012 |
SIGCD621 | GUNNING: Violin Concerto, Cello Concerto & Birdflight635212062111 |
SIGCD622 | COUPERIN/GESUALDO: Leçons de ténèbres & Tenebrae Responsories635212062210 |
SIGCD624 | FINNISSY: Pious Anthems & Voluntaries635212062418 |
SIGCD625 | WHITACRE: Marimba Quartets635212062517 |
SIGCD626 | Journeys to the New World635212062616 |
SIGCD627 | A Ceremony of Carols635212062715 |
SIGCD628 | PROKOFIEV: Concerto for turntables No 1 & Cello Concerto635212062814 |
SIGCD629 | PARRY (B): The Hours635212062913 |
SIGCD630 | WHITACRE: The Sacred Veil635212063019 |
SIGCD631 | HANCOCK: Choral & organ music635212063118 |
SIGCD632 | YOUNG: Beowulf635212063217 |
SIGCD633 | The Sweetest Songs – Music from the Baldwin Partbooks III635212063316 |
SIGCD634 | WRIGHT: The colour of intention635212063415 |
SIGCD635 | The King's Singers - The Library, Vol. 2635212063514 |
SIGCD636 | Sturm und Drang, Vol. 2635212063613 |
SIGCD637 | BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 5 & Triple Concerto635212063712 |
SIGCD638 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/SUK/DVORÁK: Tallis Fantasia & String Serenades635212063811 |
SIGCD639 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos 4-6635212063910 |
SIGCD641 | Extra time635212064115 |
SIGCD642 | All things are quite silent635212064214 |
SIGCD643 | Be all merry635212064313 |
SIGCD644 | MARSH: Flare & other works635212064412 |
SIGCD645 | SCHUBERT: A Schubert Journey635212064511 |
SIGCD646 | A winter's night635212064610 |
SIGCD647 | MATTHEWS D: A vision of the sea635212064719 |
SIGCD648 | TCHAIKOVSKY: Swan Lake (excerpts)635212064818 |
SIGCD649 | BRITTEN: A Ceremony of Carols & Saint Nicolas635212064917 |
SIGCD651 | GERSHWIN: I got rhythm635212065112 |
SIGCD652 | Between the clouds635212065211 |
SIGCD653 | Music from the ghetto635212065310 |
SIGCD654 | STRAUSS R/COPLAND: Duet Concertino & Clarinet Concerto635212065419 |
SIGCD655 | GUNNING: Symphonies Nos. 6 & 7635212065518 |
SIGCD656 | Rediscovered - British clarinet concertos635212065617 |
SIGCD658 | HANDEL: Handelian Pyrotechnics635212065815 |
SIGCD659 | BEETHOVEN: Symphonies Nos 7-9635212065914 |
SIGCD660 | CHAPMAN CAMPBELL: For the love of life & other works635212066010 |
SIGCD661 | Advent Live, Vol. 2635212066119 |
SIGCD662 | Timelapse635212066218 |
SIGCD663 | Settecento635212066317 |
SIGCD664 | RUIZ: Behold the stars635212066416 |
SIGCD665 | Spira, spera – Bach transcriptions635212066515 |
SIGCD666 | BRAHMS: Piano Concerto No. 1 & Waltzes635212066614 |
SIGCD667 | Magnificat, Vol. 2635212066713 |
SIGCD668 | DAVIS O: Solace635212066812 |
SIGCD669 | PROKOFIEV: Symphony No. 5635212066911 |
SIGCD670 | MARTIN M: Lim Fantasy of Companionship635212067017 |
SIGCD671 | BRAHMS: Clarinet Sonatas & Ernste Gesänge635212067116 |
SIGCD672 | ARNE: ArtaxerxesPreviously issued on Linn CKD358635212067215 |
SIGCD673 | PANUFNIK R: Heartfelt & other works635212067314 |
SIGCD674 | BRAHMS: Piano Concerto No 2, Capriccios & Intermezzos635212067413 |
SIGCD675 | GRIEG/RACHMANINOV: Piano Concertos635212067512 |
SIGCD676 | GUNNING: Symphony No. 5 & String Quartet No. 1635212067611 |
SIGCD677 | MACKEY/WHITACRE/TICHELI: Asphalt cocktail/October/Blue shades635212067710 |
SIGCD678 | The King's Singers - The Library, Vol. 3635212067819 |
SIGCD679 | HANDEL: Eight Great Harpsichord Suites635212067918 |
SIGCD680 | An Elizabethan Christmas635212068014 |
SIGCD681 | FAURÉ: The Complete Songs, Vol. 4635212068113 |
SIGCD682 | IVES (G): Requiem635212068212 |
SIGCD683 | Christmas Carols with The King's Singers635212068311 |
SIGCD684 | Lamento635212068410 |
SIGCD685 | Australian Thais – New music for saxophone and piano635212068519 |
SIGCD686 | Manifesto635212068618 |
SIGCD688 | Images635212068816 |
SIGCD689 | LEHRER: The Queen's Six murder the songs of ...635212068915 |
SIGCD690 | In winter's house – Christmas with Tenebrae635212069011 |
SIGCD691 | The tree635212069110 |
SIGCD692 | JOMMELLI: Il Vologeso635212069219 |
SIGCD693 | BRESCIANELLO: Concerti & Sinphonie, Op. 1 Libro Primo635212069318 |
SIGCD694 | Labyrinths635212069417 |
SIGCD695 | BARRY: Alice's adventures under ground635212069516 |
SIGCD696 | LOCKE: The Flat Consort635212069615 |
SIGCD697 | SCHUBERT: Die schöne Müllerin635212069714 |
SIGCD698 | From Windsor with love635212069813 |
SIGCD699 | VIVALDI: Vivaldi's women635212069912 |
SIGCD700 | CHOPIN: Piano Concertos635212070017 |
SIGCD701 | BARLEY: Light Stories635212070116 |
SIGCD702 | PUCCINI: La bohème635212070215 |
SIGCD703 | CHILCOTT: Circlesong & other choral works635212070314 |
SIGCD704 | BEETHOVEN: Violin Concerto & Romances635212070413 |
SIGCD705 | Forza azzurri!635212070512 |
SIGCD706 | SCHUBERT: Violin Sonata, Fantasie & Rondo635212070611 |
SIGCD707 | Eastertide Evensong635212070710 |
SIGCD708 | When sleep comes635212070819 |
SIGCD709 | DAVIS (O): Air635212070918 |
SIGCD710 | BACH: Harpsichord Concertos Nos 1, 3, 4 & 7635212071014 |
SIGCD711 | SCHUBERT: The fair maid of the mill635212071113 |
SIGCD712 | BERG/WEBERN/SCHOENBERG: String Quartets635212071212 |
SIGCD713 | HANDEL: Caio Fabbricio635212071311 |
SIGCD714 | Celestial Dawn635212071410 |
SIGCD715 | DUPARC: The complete songs635212071519 |
SIGCD716 | LUPO: Fantasia635212071618 |
SIGCD717 | HILDEGARD: Sacred chants635212071717 |
SIGCD718 | The King's Singers - The Library, Vol. 4635212071816 |
SIGCD719 | The Crown - Virtuosic arias635212071915 |
SIGCD720 | STRAUSS (R): Santtu conducts Strauss635212072011 |
SIGCD721 | The Psalms635212072110 |
SIGCD722 | A percussionist's songbook635212072219 |
SIGCD723 | Into the Light635212072318 |
SIGCD724 | A Pembroke Christmas635212072417 |
SIGCD725 | Divine Music635212072516 |
SIGCD726 | HAYDN: Keyboard Works, Vol. 1635212072615 |
SIGCD727 | WALTON/SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets635212072714 |
SIGCD728 | LOCKE: The Little Consort635212072813 |
SIGCD729 | CHILCOTT: Canticles of Light635212072912 |
SIGCD730 | FALKENBERG: The Moons Symphony635212073018 |
SIGCD731 | WEELKES/BYRD: Tom & Will635212073117 |
SIGCD732 | Echoes635212073216 |
SIGCD733 | BEETHOVEN: The late quartets635212073315 |
SIGCD734 | VAUGHAN WILLIAMS/GRIEG: Violin Sonatas635212073414 |
SIGCD735 | Visions illuminées635212073513 |
SIGCD736 | Lovesick635212073612 |
SIGCD737 | A Most Marvellous Party635212073711 |
SIGCD738 | SILVERMAN: Piano Trios635212073810 |
SIGCD739 | Wonderland635212073919 |
SIGCD740 | SCARLATTI (F): Dixit Dominus & Messa a 16 voci635212074015 |
SIGCD741 | MAHLER: Rückert-Lieder635212074114 |
SIGCD742 | Magnificat, Vol. 3635212074213 |
SIGCD743 | DAVIS (O): Blue635212074312 |
SIGCD744 | BACH: Clavier-Übung III635212074411 |
SIGCD746 | Vidi speciosam635212074619 |
SIGCD747 | Après un rêve635212074718 |
SIGCD749 | McDOWALL: Da Vinci Requiem & Seventy degrees below zero635212074916 |
SIGCD750 | New Millennium635212075012 |
SIGCD751 | An Englishman Abroad635212075111 |
SIGCD752 | HAWES: The Nativity635212075210 |
SIGCD753 | ROTH: The Traveller & Earth and Sky635212075319 |
SIGCD754 | Noël635212075418 |
SIGCD755 | Nova! Nova! Joy to the world!635212075517 |
SIGCD756 | SCHUMANN: Piano Works635212075616 |
SIGCD757 | FERRABOSCO JR.: Music to hear ...635212075715 |
SIGCD758 | READE: A Celebration635212075814 |
SIGCD759 | Sturm und Drang, Vol. 3635212075913 |
SIGCD760 | MAHLER: Symphony No. 2635212076019 |
SIGCD761 | Pastoral 21635212076118 |
SIGCD762 | The Christmas album635212076217 |
SIGCD763 | HOWELL: Orchestral works635212076316 |
SIGCD764 | BACH: Harpsichord Concertos Nos. 2, 5 & 6635212076415 |
SIGCD765 | Rhapsody635212076514 |
SIGCD766 | Palimpsest – New Works from Old for saxophone and choir635212076613 |
SIGCD767 | BRESCIANELLO: Concerti & Sinphonie Op 1 Libro Secondo635212076712 |
SIGCD768 | Advent Live, Vol. 3635212076811 |
SIGCD769 | Infinite refrain – Music of love's refuge635212076910 |
SIGCD770 | SCHUBERT: Schubert in English635212077016 |
SIGCD771 | HAKIM: Hakim plays Hakim - Dudelange organ , Vol. 2635212077115 |
SIGCD772 | HAKIM: Anne Warthmann sings Naji Hakim635212077214 |
SIGCD773 | BACH/MACMILLAN: Motets & Sacred Songs635212077313 |
SIGCD774 | Songs for Peter Pears635212077412 |
SIGCD775 | TANEYEV/SCHUMANN: Piano Quintets635212077511 |
SIGCD776 | BYRD: Sacred Works635212077610 |
SIGCD777 | Magnificat, Vol. 4635212077719 |
SIGCD778 | PUCCINI: Orchestral transcriptions635212077818 |
SIGCD779 | JENKINS K: The Armed Man635212077917 |
SIGCD780 | PUCCINI: A te, Puccini635212078013 |
SIGCD781 | TARTINI: Violin Sonatas635212078112 |
SIGCD782 | SCHUMANN: Schumann in English, Vol. 1635212078211 |
SIGCD783 | ROSEINGRAVE: Harpsichord Suites635212078310 |
SIGCD785 | ELGAR: The Dream of Gerontius635212078518 |
SIGCD786 | SHOSTAKOVICH: String Quartets Nos. 9 & 15635212078617 |
SIGCD787 | DEBUSSY/RAVEL: Debussy and Ravel for two635212078716 |
SIGCD788 | ELIAS: Music for strings635212078815 |
SIGCD789 | Earthcycle635212078914 |
SIGCD790 | FORBES L'ESTRANGE: Heaven to Earth635212079010 |
SIGCD791 | PIAZZOLLA/LINTENEN: Four Seasons & Cello Concerto635212079119 |
SIGCD792 | FITKIN: Loosening & other works635212079218 |
SIGCD793 | DOVE: On the streets and in the sky & other works February 2025 release635212079317 |
SIGCD794 | BEETHOVEN: Violin Sonatas Nos. 1, 6 & 8635212079416 |
SIGCD796 | ELIAS: Music for wind635212079614 |
SIGCD797 | Beauty for ashes635212079713 |
SIGCD798 | LISZT: Piano Works635212079812 |
SIGCD799 | GRIEG & SCHUMANN (C): Piano Concertos635212079911 |
SIGCD800 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 1635212080023 |
SIGCD802 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 2635212080221 |
SIGCD803 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 3635212080320 |
SIGCD804 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 4635212080429 |
SIGCD805 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 5635212080528 |
SIGCD806 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 6635212080627 |
SIGCD807 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 7635212080726 |
SIGCD808 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 8635212080825 |
SIGCD809 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 9635212080924 |
SIGCD810 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 10635212081013 |
SIGCD811 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 11635212081112 |
SIGCD812 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 12635212081211 |
SIGCD813 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 13635212081310 |
SIGCD814 | BACH: The Complete Organ Works, Vol. 14635212081419 |
SIGCD816 | CHAPMAN CAMPBELL: Contemplations635212081617 |
SIGCD819 | The Covid-19 sessions635212181997 |
SIGCD821 | HEWITT JONES: Christmas Party635212082126 |
SIGCD824 | SCHUBERT/CHOPIN: Cello Sonatas635212082423 |
SIGCD826 | The Silken Tent635212082614 |
SIGCD831 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 1635212083116 |
SIGCD832 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 2635212083215 |
SIGCD833 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 3635212083314 |
SIGCD834 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 4635212083413 |
SIGCD835 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 5635212083512 |
SIGCD836 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 6635212083611 |
SIGCD837 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 7635212083710 |
SIGCD838 | SCHUBERT: Piano Music, Vol. 8635212083819 |
SIGCD845 | Church bells beyond the stars635212084519 |
SIGCD846 | Electric635212084618 |
SIGCD847 | COOPER: Oculus635212084717 |
SIGCD851 | CHOPIN/BACH: Vitamin C635212085110 |
SIGCD856 | STRAVINSKY: The Firebird & Petrushka Suites635212085615 |