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Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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Recent reviews

7 October 2024
Classical Voice North America, Arthur Kaptainis
Beethoven: Hammerklavier
Studio Master: CDA68456  RECORD OF THE MONTH NEW  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘Observing Beethoven’s fast metronome marking in spirit if not in fact, Hamelin chooses a suitably propulsive pace for the first movement [of Op 106] that permits nuances of color and line to register meaningfully without compromising forward momentum … lucid booklet notes by the veteran Beethoven authority Barry Cooper add to the appeal of this well-recorded release. If you want only one Hammerklavier, this will do nicely’ (Classical Voice North America)
7 October 2024
CD Hotlist, USA, Rick Anderson
Queen of Hearts
Studio Master: CDA68453  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘Unlike most chanson collections, this one is characterized throughout by a hushed and reverential tone as well as by The Gesualdo Six’s standard-setting blend and intonation. Another winner from this amazing ensemble’ (CD Hotlist, USA)
4 October 2024
Le Devoir, Christophe Huss
Beethoven: Hammerklavier
Studio Master: CDA68456  RECORD OF THE MONTH NEW  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

«Parution, en ce premier vendredi d’octobre, d’un disque très attendu … cette lecture au laser, qui possède une rigueur héritée de Bach, est donc admirable» (Le Devoir)

1 October 2024
Classical Music Sentinel, Jean-Yves Duperron
Beethoven: Hammerklavier
Studio Master: CDA68456  RECORD OF THE MONTH NEW  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘Refined nobility, compelling abandon, fluid articulation and unrestrained dynamics are all key factors that Hamelin brings to the music. It's as if he is so far above and beyond the technical pianistic requirements of the music that he can easily and freely reveal Beethoven's anima within the written score’ (Classical Music Sentinel)
1 October 2024

Beethoven: Hammerklavier
Studio Master: CDA68456  RECORD OF THE MONTH NEW  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘Given Marc-André Hamelin's unimpeachable technical prowess, it is no surprise that he tackles the epic Hammerklavier Sonata for his first recording of music by Beethoven. Hamelin's tempos are rapid, though well under Beethoven's unreasonably fast metronome markings. This allows lyrical passages to breathe expressively, and for Hamelin to apply a variety of colouring to Beethoven's many surprising harmonic shifts … unsurprisingly, the wild fourth movement fugue of the Hammerklavier is dispatched with exciting technical security. More surprisingly, this does not conclude the album, but instead we jump back 23 years to continue with Beethoven's third published sonata, Op 2 No 3 in C Major. This early work benefits from Hamelin's crisp articulations and sparkling passagework’ (The Whole Note, Canada)
1 October 2024
PAN M 360, Canada, Frédéric Cardin
Beethoven: Hammerklavier
Studio Master: CDA68456  RECORD OF THE MONTH NEW  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

«On peut certainement parler d’excellence. On peut parler de clarté absolue dans le propos pianistique, dans la caractérisation des voix, des thèmes et de l’architecture complexe de ce monumental édifice musical. On peut parler d’une lecture remarquable à bien des égards» (PAN M 360, Canada)
1 October 2024

Bach: Preludes, Inventions & Sinfonias
Studio Master: CDA68448  RECORD OF THE MONTH   Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘The seven ‘Friedemann’ preludes sound especially effective as rendered on the clavichord by Esfahani, his intimate fluctuations of dynamic and tempo drawn out with beguiling freedom and sensitivity of characterisation—one ends heart-rendingly with the final note almost inaudible, like a gasp. The same strength of inspiration is evident in the similarly miniaturised Inventions, and they are no less skilfully rendered on the clavichord … Esfahani considers each of these little jewels on its own merits, and by the time we have journeyed through almost-fugues and the twisting chromaticism of the F minor, the 16-foot stop is out for the 15th and last Sinfonia, all unworthy thoughts of smallness now firmly banished’ (Gramophone)
1 October 2024

Obrecht: Scaramella
Studio Master: CDA68460  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘The results, full of the most surprising insights, are thoroughly convincing … it remains only to say that the solo male voices of The Binchois Consort are at the top of their form and that the presentation (with booklet material by Fitch and Andrew Kirkman) meets Hyperion’s top standards’ (Gramophone)
1 October 2024

Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos 4, 5 & 6
Studio Master: 4854637  2CDs Download only  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘This has to be the best-sounding Fourth on disc—a vivid sense of acoustic and scale but with thrilling immediacy, too … having recently delivered a comparative review of the Fifth on BBC Radio 3 I am confident in saying that Mäkelä’s account would certainly have made the shortlist … the Sixth is marvellous … presumably we are getting the other symphonies? If so—auspicious and sonically outstanding’ (Gramophone)
27 September 2024
Winnipeg Free Press, Canada, Holly Harris
Unplayed Stories … in 40 Fingers
Studio Master: CDA68459  NEW  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘What could be better than one pianist but four, as found on the evocatively titled Unplayed Stories … in 40 Fingers … all first recordings of reconstructions by perennial favourite composers such as Mendelssohn, Schubert and Liszt, as well as their lesser-known contemporary, Bohemian Ignaz Moscheles. A particular highlight is Alexander Tamir’s arrangement of Schubert’s Grosse Fantasie 'Wanderer', with duo Lev and Glixman bringing fullness to its stately, rhythmically percussive theme in the opening Allegro … this intriguing album proves the musical power and possibilities of 40 digits’ (Winnipeg Free Press, Canada)

20 September 2024
Winnipeg Free Press, Canada, Holly Harris
Beethoven: Hammerklavier
Studio Master: CDA68456  RECORD OF THE MONTH NEW  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘Following the opening Allegro [of Op 106], in which Hamelin first introduces the opening theme with bursting energy, he then tosses off the Scherzo with crisp rhythmic precision. By contrast, his deeply felt rendition of the Adagio takes listeners into deeper, darker sonic climes, with the pianist’s elegiac rendering well-paced throughout. The finale becomes another showcase for his renowned virtuosity, as he brings to life its contrapuntal lines with fearless conviction’ (Winnipeg Free Press, Canada)

15 September 2024
The Early Music Show, Hannah French
Obrecht: Scaramella
Studio Master: CDA68460  Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available

‘Obrecht has the right team for the job … a very convincing view’ (The Early Music Show)
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