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The King’s three blind daughters
*** Romanza (Moderato)
[Dies irae] (Saint-Saëns)
¡Ay majo de mi vida!
¡Cómo quieres que adivine!
¡Oh, muerte cruel!
¡Yo no olvidaré en mi vida!
¿Por qué entre sombras el ruiseñor?
«General Lavine»—excentric: Dans le style et le mouvement d'un Cake-Walk
«General Lavine»—excentric: Dans le style et le mouvement d'un Cake-Walk
… D'un cahier d'esquisses, L112 (Debussy)
… und das Erwachen
'1, 2, 3' (Ives)
10 Danses de salon (Pieczonka)
10 Mazurkas, Op 3 (Scriabin)
10 Pieces for piano, Op 24 (Sibelius)
12 Études d'exécution transcendante, Op 11 (Lyapunov)
12 Études, Op 33 (Szymanowski)
12 Lieder, Op 51 (Reger)
12 Lieder, Op 66 (Reger)
12 Lieder, Op 66 (Reger)
12 Lieder, Op 66 (Reger)
12 Songs, Op 14 (Rachmaninov)
12 Songs, Op 14 (Rachmaninov)
12 Songs, Op 14 (Rachmaninov)
12 Songs, Op 14 (Rachmaninov)
12 Songs, Op 21 (Rachmaninov)
12 Songs, Op 21 (Rachmaninov)
12 Songs, Op 21 (Rachmaninov)
12 Studies for piano, Op 46 (Bowen)
14 Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov)
14 Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov)
14 Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov)
15 Folk songs from the Eastern Counties (Vaughan Williams)
15 Lieder, Op 55 (Reger)
15 Lieder, Op 55 (Reger)
15 Songs, Op 26 (Rachmaninov)
16 Gesänge, Op 62 (Reger)
18 Gesänge, Op 75 (Reger)
18 Gesänge, Op 75 (Reger)
18 Pièces Nouvelles, Op 90 (Guilmant)
2 Aquarelles (Delius/Fenby)
2 Mazurkas, Op 40 (Scriabin)
2 Piano pieces, Op 45 (Moszkowski)
2 Pièces, Op 14 (Glazunov)
2 Pierrot Pieces, Op 35 (Scott)
2 Songs, Op 67 (Fauré)
20 Mazurkas, Op 50 (Szymanowski)
24 Caprices, Op 1 (Paganini/Bryan)
24 Characteristic Pieces, Op 36 (Arensky)
24 Pièces en style libre, Op 31 (Vierne)
24 Preludes in all major and minor keys, Op 102 (Bowen)
24 Préludes, Op 28 (Chopin/Spacht)
25 Poems by Pushkin, Op 57 (Cui)
29 Little Preludes, FS136 (Nielsen)
3 Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen (Kreisler)
3 Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen (Kreisler/Rachmaninov)
3 Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen (Kreisler/Rachmaninov/Lidström)
3 Compositions for organ (Yon)
3 Männerchöre, TrV270 (Strauss)
3 Motets (Roger-Ducasse)
3 Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé (Ravel)
3 Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé (Ravel/Gottwald)
3 Stücke, Op 5 (Stavenhagen)
4 Études, Op 4 (Szymanowski)
4 Humoresques, Op 6 (Grieg)
4 Lieder, Op 32 (Pfitzner)
4 Romantic Pieces, Op 75 (Dvořák/Isserlis)
44 Duos for two violins, Sz98 (Bartók)
5 Fantasiestücke, Op 5 (Coleridge-Taylor)
5 Gesänge, Op 37 (Reger)
5 Gesänge, Op 37 (Reger)
5 Gypsy Dances, Op 55 (Turina/Cailliet)
5 Piano pieces, Op 18 (Moszkowski)
6 Ecossaises, WoO83 (Beethoven/Busoni)
6 Gedichte von Anna Ritter, Op 31 (Reger)
6 Lieder, Op 35 (Reger)
6 Lyric Pieces, Op 28 (Palmgren/Lidström)
6 Pieces, Op 51 (Tchaikovsky/Peinado)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 38 (Rachmaninov/Kreisler)
6 Songs, Op 4 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 4 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 4 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 8 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 8 (Rachmaninov)
6 Songs, Op 8 (Rachmaninov)
6 Stikhotvoreniy A Pushkina '6 Pushkin Poems', Op 36 (Medtner)
6 Stikhotvoreniy Pushkina '6 Pushkin Poems', Op 32 (Medtner)
6 Studien in kanonischer Form, Op 56 (Schumann/Debussy)
7 Frühe Lieder (Berg/Gottwald)
7 Frühe Lieder (Berg/Gottwald)
7 Frühe Lieder (Berg/Gottwald)
7 Lieder, Op 48 (Reger)
7 Marionnettes (Poldini)
7 Stikhotvoreniy Pushkina '7 Pushkin Poems', Op 29 (Medtner)
8 Frühe Lieder (Webern/Gottwald)
8 Frühe Lieder (Webern/Gottwald)
8 Frühe Lieder (Webern/Gottwald)
8 Frühe Lieder (Webern/Gottwald)
8 Geistliche Gesänge, Op 138 (Reger)
8 Geistliche Gesänge, Op 138 (Reger)
8 Lieder, Op 43 (Reger)
8 Lieder, Op 43 (Reger)
8 Lieder, Op 43 (Reger)
8 Part-songs, Op 127 (Stanford)
8 Pastels, Op 24 (Philipp)
8 Russian folk songs, Op 58 (Liadov)
9 Epigrams (Kodály)
9 Mazurkas, Op 25 (Scriabin)
A bad boy and a good girl
A baratinha de papel
A big October morning
A breath of our inspiration
A brewer without any barm
A Broken Arc (Somervell)
A brown bird singing (Wood)
A Bruxa
A Celtic Symphony (Bantock)
A Ceremony of Carols, Op 28 (Britten/Harrison)
A Child's Garland of Songs, Op 30 (Stanford)
À Chloris (Hahn)
À Chloris (Hahn)
A Choral Fantasia, H177 Op 51 (Holst)
A Christmas Carol (Ives)
A Christmas Greeting, Op 52 (Elgar)
À Clymène
A Country Girl (Monckton)
A Cradle Song (Sheldon)
A day in the cornfield, I a-reapin'
A dead violet (Bridge)
À deux pas de la mer qu'on entend bourdonner
A dirge (Bridge)
A dollar and a half is a poor man's pay
A Downland Suite (Ireland)
A Fairy Tale: Molto tranquillo
A fairy's love song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A fifth of Beethoven (Beethoven/Murphy/Hug)
A fire of turf
A flaxen-headed cowboy, as simple as may be
A garden sweet, a garden small
A good child
A green-growing tree in my father's orchard stands
A grim old king
A Hebridean Sea-Reiver's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A Hebridean Symphony (Bantock)
A Hill Tune (Bax)
Å hipp og hoppa 'Oh, hip and hop'
A ho hi … hirrum bo! Early sails she to the reiving
A Keltic Suite, Op 29 (Foulds)
A 'l folto bosco, placida ombría
À la fenêtre recélant
À la fenêtre: Andantino mosso
À la fontaine (Am Springbrunnen)
À la française
À la manière de Borodine (Ravel)
À la manière de Chabrier (Ravel)
À la très chère, à la très belle
A lady-witch there lived on Atlas mountain
A last year's rose
À l'aube dans la montagne (Séverac)
A lawyer he went out one day
A leaf from the sky
A leopard went around his cage
À l'espagnole
A light low in the East, as I lie there
A Little Music
A London Overture (Ireland)
A London Symphony 'Symphony No 2 (1920)' (Vaughan Williams)
A London Symphony 'Symphony No 2 (1934)' (Vaughan Williams)
A Love Song
A Lullaby, Op 19 No 2 (Stanford)
A maid goin' to Comber her markets to larn
A March-Jig 'Maguire's Kick'
À mes pas le plus doux chemin
À midi
A Moorside Suite (Holst)
A Mountain Mood 'Theme and Variations' (Bax)
A mummers' play
A Musical Snuffbox, Op 32 (Liadov)
A Night Song (Ives)
A north-country maid up to London had stray'd
A peasant enters with a bear
A peasant wedding
A Perfect Day (Jacobs-Bond)
A picture from the fortress wall
A pilgrim's chant
A Pobrezinha
A Poet's Hymn
A Poison Tree
A Prayer of King Henry VI (Ley)
À quoi bon entendre les oiseaux des bois? (Saint-Saëns)
À quoi, dans ce matin d’avril
A Reel
A report song
A Rhythm Song: Allegretto – Meno mosso
A Romp (Finale)
A Runaway Girl (Monckton)
A Sea Symphony 'Symphony No 1' (Vaughan Williams)
A Sheaf of Songs from Leinster, Op 140 (Stanford)
A Shropshire Lad (Somervell)
A Shropshire Lad 'Rhapsody for orchestra' (Butterworth)
A simple little string
A Slow Dance
A slumber vast and black
A soft day
A Song – For Anything (Ives)
A song for all seas, all ships (Moderato maestoso)
A Song of Agincourt, Op 168 (Stanford)
A Song of Battle
A Song of Shadows, Op 15 No 3 (Gibbs)
A Song of Sleep (Somerset)
A song of thanksgiving (Vaughan Williams)
A Song of Trust
A song of Värmeland (Grainger)
A Song of Wisdom
A song without words, Op 13 No 1 (Sammons)
A sound of a distant horn
A Spinning Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A Spring Garland, Op 84 (Gibbs)
A spring in the park
A te (Puccini)
A Tempo I
A tender child of summers three
A tender shoot (Goldschmidt)
A thanksgiving
A Thirteenth-century Love Lilt (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
À toute âme qui pleure
A Trumpet Minuet (Hollins)
Å veit du den Draum og veit du den Song 'Oh, if you know the dream and if you know the song'
A village fete. Tempo giusto
A Village Romeo and Juliet (Delius)
A Virgin most pure (Anon/Wood)
A vision of aeroplanes (Vaughan Williams)
A voice in the wilderness, Op 77 (Elgar)
A Welcome March, Op 87 (Stanford)
A Welcome Song
A widow bird sate mourning (Lehmann)
A wind sways the pines
A Winter Landscape (Griffes)
A young maid stood in her father's garden (Anon/Hughes)
Abel Wright
Abend- und Morgenrot, TrV60 (Strauss)
Abend, D645 (Schubert/Brown)
Abendgang im Lenz
Aber Efeu nenn’ ich jene
Aberystwyth 'Variations'
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Archer)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Cleobury)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Forshaw)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Pinel/Hancock)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Scott)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Willcocks)
Ablösung im Sommer (Mahler)
Abodah (Bloch)
Abroad as I was walking, one evening in the spring
Academic Festival Overture, Op 80 (Brahms/Lemare)
Accende lumen sensibus
Accompagnement, Op 85 No 3 (Fauré)
Ach bleib' bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV649 (Bach/Vaughan Williams)
Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid, BWV3 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Ach Lieb, ich muss nun scheiden
Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig, BWV26 (Bach/Rummel)
Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, BWV644 (Bach/Reger)
Ach, Herr! wie lange willst du mein so ganz vergessen
Ach, I dunno (French)
Ach, mir ist das Herz so schwer!
Ach, neige
Ach, was Kummer, Qual und Schmerzen
Acht Klavierstücke, Op 5 (Albert)
Acht Lieder aus Letzte Blätter, Op 10 (Strauss)
Acht Lieder aus Letzte Blätter, Op 10 (Strauss/Reger)
Acht Lieder, Op 49 (Strauss)
Acht Lieder, Op 49 (Strauss)
Acht Lieder, Op 49 (Strauss)
Acht Lieder, Op 49 (Strauss)
Acht Lieder, Op 49 (Strauss)
Acht Lieder, Op 49 (Strauss)
AD MDCXX, Op 55 No 3 (MacDowell)
Ad una morta! (Puccini)
Adagietto in E minor
Adagietto: Sehr langsam
Adagio (Kodály)
Adagio and Allegro for cello and piano, Op 70 (Schumann/Bliss)
Adagio appassionato in F minor, Op 57 (Bruch)
Adagio capriccioso
Adagio con variazioni, P133 (Respighi)
Adagio in E major
Adagio in G major, BWV968 (Bach/Busoni)
Adagio sostenuto (Ives)
Adagio symphonique in B major, Op 20 (Jongen)
Adagio, Op 20 No 5 (Stenhammar)
Addenda to The Laws of Cricket
Adieu, Madame, my mother dear, but and my sisters three, O!
Adieu, patrie!
Adios meu homiño, adios
Adoration (Bridge)
Africa. Fantasie for piano and orchestra, Op 89 (Saint-Saëns)
Aften på höyfjellet
After a long lab'ring in the windy ways
After many a dusty mile
After the sea-ship, after the whistling winds
After this it was noised abroad
After you've gone (Creamer/Layton/Thornton)
Afterglow (Ives)
Aftonen (Alfvén)
Aftonen (Alfvén/Bruerton)
Agamemnon (Brian)
Agamemnon hört dich!
Agite, bon cheval, ta crinière fuyante
Agnus Dei –
Agon 'Ballet for twelve dancers' (Stravinsky)
Agonie au jardin
Ah! Sweet mystery of life
Ah! You dirty cheat, it's you!
Ah, Love is so sweet in the springtime
Ah, moon of my delight (Lehmann)
Ah, Sun-flower
Aignish on the machair (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Ailein Duinn 'A Harris Love Lament' (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Aimons-nous (Saint-Saëns)
Aimons-nous et dormons, L7 (Debussy)
Ainsi d’avoir perdu le fil de tes divinations
Air and Dance (Delius/Grainger)
Air de ballet
Air de Ballet
Air de ballet No 1
Air de Ballet, Op 17 No 2 (Sammons)
Air de Ballet, Op 30 (Chaminade)
Air de Ballet, Op 36 No 5 (Moszkowski)
Air de diable
Air de la lettre
Air 'on the G string'
Air: Andante religioso
Airs du rossignol et Marche chinoise (Stravinsky)
Aka tombo (Yamada/Chilcott)
Aka tombo (Yamada/Hough)
Aladdin Suite, FS89 (Nielsen)
Alas Fra Giacomo too late! But follow me
Alborada del gracioso
Album des enfants, Op 123 (Chaminade)
Album des enfants, Op 126 (Chaminade)
Album leaf, Op 22 (Matthay)
Album pour mes petits amis (Pierné)
Albumblatt (Grieg)
Albumblatt (Hägg)
Albumblatt, Op 2 (Moszkowski)
Albumleaf (Bowen)
Alister McAlpine's lament (Vaughan Williams)
All along the garden where the moonbeams glance
All creatures of our God and King
All creatures of our God and King
All creatures of our God and King – Lasst uns erfreuen (Vaughan Williams/Battiwalla)
All creatures of our God and King – Lasst uns erfreuen (Vaughan Williams/Cleobury)
All down Piccadilly
All in a garden green
All' mein Gedanken, mein Herz und mein Sinn
All night under the moon (Bainton)
All people that on earth do dwell
All people that on earth do dwell
All people that on earth do dwell – Old Hundredth (Vaughan Williams)
All summer long, we boys
All the things you are (Kern/Chilcott)
All they that see him laugh him to scorn (tenor)
All things that we clasp and cherish (Bridge)
All this the angel told me at my vigil
All through the night there's a little brown bird singing
All we like sheep have gone astray
All women born are so perverse
Allá arriba, en aquella montaña
Alla fuga: Allegro non troppo
Alla marcia
Alla Reminiscenza: Quasi coda
Allah (Chadwick)
Alle Menschen, groß und klein
Allegresse in C major
Allegretto (Kreisler)
Allegretto con grazia
Allegretto, Op 105 (Bowen)
Allegro (Busoni)
Allegro (Ives)
Allegro (Sibelius)
Allegro appassionato (Bridge)
Allegro appassionato for piano and orchestra, Op 70 (Saint-Saëns)
Allegro appassionato, Op 4 (Scriabin)
Allegro appassionato, Op 43 (Saint-Saëns)
Allegro barbaro, Sz49 (Bartók)
Allegro commodo
Allegro de concert (Bowen)
Allegro de concert in A major, Op 7 (Blumenfeld)
Allegro de concierto (Granados)
Allegro deciso
Allegro in F sharp minor, Op 18 No 2 (Guilmant)
Allegro non troppo
Allegro scherzando
Alleluia. Alleluia. Magnificat anima mea Dominum
Alleluia. I sing the birth
Alleluia. Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius
Alleluya, sing to Jesus
Allemande: Andante espressivo
Alles Vergängliche (Chorus)
All'Italia! (In modo napolitano)
All-Night Vigil 'Vespers', Op 37 (Rachmaninov)
All-Night Vigil 'Vespers', Op 37 (Rachmaninov)
Allor ch’io sarò morto
Almayne, Op 71 (Gibbs)
Almond, wild almond (Peel)
Alone to sacrifice Thou goest Lord
Alone upon the housetops to the North
Along the field
Alors qu’en tes mains de lumière
Alpestre: Allegretto
Alphorn, TrV64 (Strauss)
Alphorn, TrV64 (Strauss/Bliss/Glynn)
Als ihr Geliebter schied
Als mir dein Lied erklang!
Als nachts ich überm Gebirge ritt
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, BWV68 (Bach/Friedman)
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, BWV68 (Bach/Rummel)
Also sprach Zarathustra, Op 30 (Strauss)
Alt Wien
Alt Wien
Altar dance and heavenly pavane
Am Amboss: Allegro, molto pesante e poco rubato
Am Dorfsee
Am Springbrunnen, Op 23 (Zabel)
Am Ufer
Am Wasserfall
Amang the trees (Scott)
Amelette Ronsardelette
American folk-music settings (Grainger)
A-moaning thou, my own dear one
Amor y odio
Amore traditore, BWV203 (Bach/Rummel)
Amphise et Melitta
An acre of land (Vaughan Williams)
An Ada
An apprentice angel (Scott)
An aside
An Chloen, D363 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
An dem Feuer saß das Kind
An der Donau
An die Jugend, BV254 (Busoni)
An die Musik, D547 (Schubert/Moore)
An die Nacht
An Eriskay love lilt (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An Eriskay Lullaby (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An ihrem Grabe kniet’ ich festgebunden
An Irish Idyll in Six Miniatures, Op 77 (Stanford)
An Irish Melody 'The Londonderry Air' (Bridge)
An island sheiling song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An jedem Abend geh' ich aus
An old carol (Quilter)
An old man with a straw in his mouth
An old song re-sung (Griffes)
An Oxford Elegy (Vaughan Williams)
An Sie
An Wasserflüssen Babylon, BWV653b (Bach/Reger)
And as they spake
And did those feet in ancient time
And did those feet in ancient time
And did those feet in ancient time
And every nymph of stream and spreading tree
And he came by her cabin to the west of the road, calling
And he came by her cabin to the west of the road, calling
And he shall purify the sons of Levi
And I saw a new heaven (Bainton)
And I saw another angel
And it came to pass
And it was so, that the Lord turned the captivity of Job (Narrator)
And old Silenus, shaking a green stick
And so it will pass, as written in the scriptures!
And straightway Jesus constrained
And suddenly there came from heaven
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude (soprano)
And the Lord said to Satan (Narrator/Chorus/Satan)
And then she called out of the hollow turrets
And there came a messenger to Job, and said (Narrator/Shepherd Boy/Job/Satan/Chorus)
And very early in the morning
And when the day of Pentecost
And with his stripes we are healed
And yet I love her till I die
Andalucia Suite (Lecuona/Nash)
Andaluza (Playera)
Andaluza (Playera)
Andaluza (Playera)
Andante (Hägg)
Andante (Saint-Saëns)
Andante and Allegro, Op 88 (Brüll)
Andante e Allegro con fuoco (Fano)
Andante festivo (Sibelius)
Andante moderato
Andante très expressif
Andante, Op posth. (Strauss)
Andantino (Sibelius)
Andantino in D flat 'Moonlight and Roses'
Andantino tranquillo
Andenken an Robert Schumann 'Sechs Phantasiestücke', Op 6 (Nicodé)
Andromède résignée
Andy Flower Duet (Delibes/Stilgoe)
Angel spirits of sleep
Angel spirits of sleep (Bainton)
Angels for muted brass, version 1938 (Ruggles)
Angels from the realms of glory (Anon/Shaw)
Angels from the realms of glory (Smart/Cullen)
Angelus, Op 56 (Elgar)
Angel-voices ever singing
Ann Street (Ives)
Anne par jeu me jecta de la neige
Ann's cradle song, Op 20 No 1 (Gibbs)
Another good cowpuncher has gone to meet his fate
Antar. Third version, Symphonic Suite, Op 9 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Antonius zur Predigt
Apollon musagète (Stravinsky)
Apollyon: The fight –
Apothéose: Poco meno mosso
Apparition de l'oiseau de feu, poursuivi par Ivan Tsarévitch
Apparition, L57 (Debussy)
Appassionato, Op 34 (Büsser)
Après un rêve, Op 7 No 1 (Fauré)
Après un rêve, Op 7 No 1 (Fauré)
Après un rêve, Op 7 No 1 (Fauré/Casals)
Après un rêve, Op 7 No 1 (Fauré/Despax)
Après un rêve, Op 7 No 1 (Fauré/Grainger)
Après un rêve, Op 7 No 1 (Fauré/Isserlis)
Arab Love Song, Op 25 No 4 (Quilter)
Arabesque No 1 in G flat major 'Filigran', Op 5 (Karg-Elert)
Arabesque, Op 20 No 1 (Bowen)
Arabesque, Op 61 (Chaminade)
Arabesque: Moderato
Arabia (Browne)
Arabian Song: Allegro
Araby, Op 20 No 2 (Gibbs)
Aria (Cantilena): Adagio
Aria from 'The Mirror of Arcady' (Schoenberg)
Ariettes oubliées, L63 (Debussy)
Ariettes oubliées, L63 (Debussy/Dean)
Arlequine, Op 53 (Chaminade)
Armida's garden (Parry)
Arpège, Op 76 No 2 (Fauré)
Arrival Platform Humlet (Grainger)
Arrogant poppies (Gibbs)
As down by the shore I wander early at morn
As I walked out one fine summer's morning
As I walked out one morning
As I walked over London Bridge
As I walked through the wildness of this world I lighted on a certain place
As I was crossing Tanner's Hill
As I went down to Taunton Town
As I went out one May morning
As I went up a woodland walk
As the dawn was breaking the Sambhur belled
As torrents in summer
As três Marias (Villa-Lobos)
As with gladness, men of old
Ascanio (Saint-Saëns)
Ask me why I send you here
Asleep! O sleep a little while, white pearl!
Aspirations, Op 39 (Stojowski)
Assemble, all ye maidens
Assis au bord du lac, où baignent leurs pieds nus
Assis sur cette blanche tombe
Assobio a jato 'The Jet Whistle' (Villa-Lobos)
Assumpta est Maria
Asturias (Leyenda)
Asturias (Leyenda)
At Dawning 'I love you', Op 29 No 1 (Cadman)
At fall of glowing summer day
At last things came to an hubbub and great stir in the fair
At Parting (Rogers)
At sea
At the castle gate
At the last, tenderly
At the mill – Pas de deux. Moderato
At the quiet close of day
At the River (Ives)
At the round earth's imagined corners
At the seashore
At twilight (Grainger)
Attente, in A major
Au Bois de Boulogne, l'Hiver
Au bord de l'eau, Op 8 No 1 (Fauré)
Au bord d'un torrent Ophélie
Au cimetière
Au cimetière, Op 51 No 2 (Fauré)
Au couvent
Au Crépuscule, Op 68 No 3 (Moszkowski)
Au firmament sans étoile
Au jardin du vieux sérail 'Andrianople'
Au long de ces montagnes douces
Au matin
Au pays dévasté, Op 155 (Chaminade)
Au pays où se fait la guerre (Duparc)
Au rossignol (Hahn)
Au Soir
Aubade (Awake): Lento – Allegretto
Aubade (Séverac)
Aubade, Op 140 (Chaminade)
Aubade, Op 4 (Sammons)
Aubade, Op 6 No 1 (Fauré)
Aubade: Vivace
Audi chorum
Auf blumigen Wiesen
Auf den Tod einer Nachtigall, D399 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Auf der Alm
Auf ein altes Bild
Auf ein altes Bild
Auf ein Kind
Auf frisch gemähtem Weideplatz
Auf meinen heimischen Bergen
Auf, hebe die funkelnde Schale
Aufersteh'n, ja aufersteh'n wirst du
Aufforderung zum Tanz, J260 Op 65 (Weber/Godowsky)
Auftritt des Cléonte
Augurs of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls) –
Auprès de cette grotte sombre
Auprès de cette grotte sombre
Aurore, Op 39 No 1 (Fauré)
Aus Andersens Märchen 'Ein musikalisches Bilderbuch', Op 30 (Bortkiewicz)
Aus banger Brust, Op 50 No 4 (Sibelius)
Aus deinen Augen fliessen meine Lieder (Delius)
Aus dem Volksleben, Op 19 (Grieg)
Aus dem Walde tritt die Nacht
Aus den Liedern der Trauer
Aus den Liedern der Trauer
Aus der Bedrängnis, die mich wild umkettet
Aus der Schiffsbank mach' ich meinen Pfühl
Aus Rosen, Phlox
Aus tiefer Not, schrei' ich zu dir
Aus! Aus! (Mahler)
Australian up-country song (Grainger)
Austrian Hymn
Automne au ciel brumeux, aux horizons navrants
Autumn (Bridge)
Autumn Evening
Aux cieux la lune monte et luit
Aux étoiles (Duparc)
Aux temps des fées
Avalon (Jolson/DeSylva/Rose/Thornton)
Avant que tu ne t'en ailles
Avanti, Urania! (Puccini)
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Ave Maria (Clarke)
Ave Maria (Clements/Ravel)
Ave Maria (Gounod/Mawby)
Ave Maria (Janáček)
Ave Maria (Schubert/Thomas)
Ave Maria (Vierne)
Avé Maria a 5 (Villa-Lobos)
Ave Maria a 6 (Villa-Lobos)
Ave Maria 'Latin version' (Stravinsky)
Ave Maria 'Slavonic version' (Stravinsky)
Ave Maria, H49 (Holst)
Ave Maria, Op 2 No 2 (Elgar)
Ave Maria, Op posth. (Fauré)
Ave maris stella
Ave maris stella (Grieg)
Ave maris stella, Op 2 No 3 (Elgar)
Ave Mary! – Look down, O Queen, on thy children lowly bending
Ave verum
Ave verum corpus, Op 2 No 1 (Elgar)
Ave verum, Op 34 No 1 (Dupré)
Avec ses caprices, la Lune
Avec ses quatre dromadaires
Avec son chant doux et plaintif
Avril est de retour
Avril, et c’est le point du jour
Away by the reefs of the Chilean Coast
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Archer)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Briggs)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Cullen)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Hawkesworth)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Lawson)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Llewellyn)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Moore)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Murray/Gant)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Quinney)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Rutter)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Short)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Willcocks)
Away in a manger (Bishop/Gant)
Away in a manger (Murray/Rutter)
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
Ay waukin, O (Scott)
Aye, my lad, I've borne my creel
Aylesbury Games (Boughton)
B for Barney (Anon/Hughes)
B.G.N. (Andante)
Ba be bi bo bu! (Séverac)
Baal Shem Suite (Bloch)
Bába leze do bezu … 'Granny's crawling into the elder bush …'
Baba Yaga (The hut on fowl's legs)
Baba Yaga, Op 56 (Liadov)
Babes in Toyland (Herbert)
Babes in Toyland (Herbert/Langey)
Bacchus, young Bacchus! good or ill betide
Bachianas brasileiras No 1 (Villa-Lobos)
Bachianas brasileiras No 5 (Villa-Lobos)
Bachianas brasileiras No 5 (Villa-Lobos/Hulse)
Bachianas brasileiras No 6 (Villa-Lobos)
Bach's Memento (Widor)
Bagatela: Moderato
Bagatelle (Ireland)
Bagatelle, Op 3 (Sammons)
Bal masqué
Bald gras ich am Neckar
Ballada, Op 16 (Vianna da Motta)
Ballade (Stravinsky)
Ballade de la Reine morte d'aimer (Ravel)
Ballade de Villon à s'amye
Ballade fantastique d'après Le cœur révélateur d'Edgar Poe (Renié)
Ballade in A minor (Isserlis)
Ballade in C minor, Op 73 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Ballade in C sharp minor, Op 42 (Bortkiewicz)
Ballade in D minor, Op 3 No 1 (Suk)
Ballade in E flat minor, Op 3 No 2 (Isserlis)
Ballade in G major, Op 18 (Różycki)
Ballade in G minor, Op 16 No 1 (Moszkowski)
Ballade in G minor, Op 3 No 1 (Isserlis)
Ballade in the form of variations on a Norwegian melody in G minor, Op 24 (Grieg)
Ballade No 1 in G minor, Op 23 (Chopin/Ysaÿe)
Ballade No 2, Op 87 (Bowen)
Ballade pour piano seul, Op 19 (Fauré)
Ballade que Villon feit à la requeste de sa mère
Ballade slave 'Ballade', L78 (Debussy)
Ballade: Moderato, ma sempre a piacere
Ballata and Ballabile, Op 160 (Stanford)
Ballata delle gnomidi, P124 (Respighi)
Ballerina (Ireland)
Ballet music
Ballet music
Ballet of the unhatched chicks
Ballet of the unhatched chicks
Barbara Allen (Anon/Quilter)
Barberini's Minuet
Barcarolle aus Hoffmans Erzählungen (Moszkowski)
Barcarolle in E minor, Op 14 (Scharwenka)
Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op 44 (Liadov)
Barcarolle No 1 in A minor, Op 26 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 10 in A minor, Op 104 No 2 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 11 in G minor, Op 105 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 12 in E flat major, Op 106bis (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 13 in C major, Op 116 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 2 in G major, Op 41 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 3 in G flat major, Op 42 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 4 in A flat major, Op 44 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 5 in F sharp minor, Op 66 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 6 in E flat major, Op 70 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 7 in D minor, Op 90 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 8 in D flat major, Op 96 (Fauré)
Barcarolle No 9 in A minor, Op 101 (Fauré)
Barcarolle sur des touches noires (Glazunov)
Barcarolle, Op 27 No 1 (Moszkowski)
Barcarolle, Op 7 No 3 (Fauré)
Barcarolle: Andante languido
Barcarolle: Andantino, ma non troppo
Barwick Green
Bassoon Sonata in F (Hurlstone)
Bassoon Sonata in G major, Op 168 (Saint-Saëns)
Be merciful unto me, O God, for man goeth about to devour me
Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side
Be strong and play the man
Be thou my judge, O Lord, for I have walked innocently
Beat! beat! drums! –
Beati quorum via
Beatus homo
Beau soir (Debussy)
Beau soir (Debussy/Heifetz)
Beau soir, L84 (Debussy)
Beautiful bountiful Bertie
Beautiful fresh flower (Anon/Grainger)
Beautiful fresh flower (Anon/Grainger/Sculthorpe)
Beautiful Italy
Beautiful up from the deeps of the solemn sea
Because (Hardelot/Rhodes)
Beckon to me to come
Bed in summer (Ireland)
Before dawn
Before Sleep
Begegnung, TrV98 (Strauss)
Behind the lines (Coles)
Behind the lines (Coles/Brabbins)
Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow (soprano/tenor)
Behold, the sea itself
Bei der Liebe, die den Füßen (Magna peccatrix/Mulier Samaritana/Maria Aegyptiaca)
Bei diesem kalten Wehen
Bei dir ist es traut (Mahler)
Bei einem Wirte, wundermild
Bei einem Wirthe, wundermild
Beim Schlafengehn
Bel arbre, pourquoi conserver ces deux noms
Belgrad: Am Terasia-Platz
Belles journées, souris du temps
Bells across the meadows (Ketèlbey)
Belsazars gästabud, Op 51 (Sibelius)
Belshazzar's Feast Suite, Op 51 (Sibelius)
Benbecula Bridal Procession (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Bendita Sabedoria (Villa-Lobos)
Beneath my palm tree, by the river side
Beneath the window
Bénédiction nuptiale, Op 9 (Saint-Saëns)
Benedictus, Op 37 No 3 (Mackenzie)
Berceuse (1939 recording)
Berceuse (Ireland)
Berceuse (Ives)
Berceuse (Stravinsky)
Berceuse arabe, Op 166 (Chaminade)
Berceuse 'Cradle song'
Berceuse élégiaque, Op 42 (Busoni/Stein)
Berceuse féroce
Berceuse héroïque, L140 (Debussy)
Berceuse in B flat major, Op 38 (Saint-Saëns)
Berceuse 'Mazurka in C major, Op 33 No 3' (Chopin/Viardot)
Berceuse sur le nom de Gabriel Fauré (Ravel)
Berceuse, Op 16 (Fauré)
Berceuse, Op 20 (Achron)
Berceuse, Op 6 (Sammons)
Berceuse, Op 79 No 6 (Sibelius)
Berceuse, Op 83 (Bowen)
Berceuse: Lentamente
Besa el aura
Bestemors menuett
Bestemors menuett
Bethena 'A Concert Waltz' (Joplin/Weigand)
Bethlehem (Boughton)
Between the dark and the daylight
Beyond the bar of fair Manaar
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bid adieu (Joyce/Pendleton)
Bienchen, Bienchen
Bienchen, Bienchen
Bientôt nous plongerons dans les froides ténèbres
Bill (Kern)
Bimbo, mio bimbo d’amor
Bird of Love Divine (Wood)
Bird Songs at Eventide (Coates)
Birdies: Moderato (after Op 57 No 12)
Birds at the Fairy Fulling (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Bird's Tale: Allegretto con moto capriccioso e sempre leggiero
Blåbær-Li 'Blueberry slopes'
Black and white rag (Botsford/Atwell)
Blackberry time
Blackmwore by the Stour (Vaughan Williams)
Blagosloven esi, Gospodi
Blagosloven gradyy 'Blessed is he'
Blagosloven yesi, Ghospodi 'Blessed art thou, O Lord'
Blagoslovi, dushe moya
Blagoslovi, dushe moya 'Bless the Lord, O my soul'
Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda 'Bless the Lord, O my soul' (Chesnokov)
Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda 'Bless the Lord, O my soul', Op 1 No 1 (Tolstiakov)
Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Gospoda 'First Antiphon: Bless the Lord, O my soul'
Blankt som en sköld av koppar och stål ligger havet
Blauer Sommer
Blaze away! (Holzmann)
Blazhen muzh
Blazhen muzh 'Blessed is the man'
Blazhennykh snov ushla zvezda 'The star of blessed dreams', Op 17 No 4 (Taneyev)
Bleiche Blüte, Blüte der Liebe
Bless this House (Brahe)
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Blessed are the pure in heart (Davies)
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Bairstow)
Blessed death of Fevroniya and apotheosis of the invisible city
Blessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly
Blest pair of sirens (Parry)
Blest pair of sirens (Parry/Cook)
Blick vom oberen Belvedere, Op 88 No 2 (Strauss)
Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! (Mahler)
Blikket auf (Doctor Marianus/Chorus)
Blind man's buff
Blithe Bells
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Blow, blow, thou winter wind (Bridge)
Blues: Moderato
Bogoroditse Devo 'Rejoice, O Virgin'
Bogoroditse Devo 'Rejoice, O Virgin'
Bogoroditse Devo 'Rejoice, O virgin'
Bogoroditse Devo 'Rejoice, O Virgin', Op 17 (Kalinnikov)
Bogoroditse Devo, raduisya
Bohemesque (Wolstenholme)
Bojarenes inntogsmarsj 'The entry of the Boyars' (Halvorsen)
Bolero (Bowen)
Boléro (Ravel)
Boléro (Ravel/Bullard)
Bollspelet vid Trianon, Op 36 No 3 (Sibelius)
Bon Saint Michel qui me donnez loisir
Bondens sang
Bonnie wee thing (Lehmann)
Booth led boldly with his big bass drum
Booth led boldly with his big bass drum
Borte! 'Gone!'
Bourrée, Op 12 (Sammons)
Bourrée: Molto allegro
Bowered on sloping hillsides rise
Bože dálný, nesmrtelný
Brandenburg Concerto No 3 in G major, BWV1048 (Bach/Friedman)
Bredon Hill
Bredon Hill and other songs (Butterworth)
Breit' über mein Haupt
Bridal Song
Bride's Farewell: Lento rubato
Brigg Fair
Brigg Fair
Brigg Fair 'An English Rhapsody' (Delius)
Bright is the ring of words
Bright is the ring of words
Bring me a ball that's really old
Bring unto the Lord, O ye mighty, bring young rams unto the Lord
Bring us in good ale, H131 (Holst)
Bring us, O Lord God (Harris)
Britannia 'A Nautical Overture', Op 52 (Mackenzie)
British folk-music settings (Grainger)
British Folk-Music Settings (Grainger)
British Folk-Music Settings (Grainger)
Brittany, Op 21 No 1 (Farrar)
Brouillards: Modéré
Brouillards: Modéré
Brown is my love
Bruder Liederlich
Brusque apparition d'Ivan Tsarévitch – Khorovode (Ronde) des princesses – Lever du jour
Bruyères: Calme
Bruyères: Calme
Bruyères: Calme
Bryllupsdag på Troldhaugen
Büble, wir wollen ausse gehe
Budi imya Gospodne 'Blessed be the name of the Lord'
Burg meiner Väter … O Vater der Güte ich stammle (Graf)
Burleske in D minor (Strauss)
Burlesque: Allegretto – Un poco più tranquillo – Tempo 1
Burletta: Allegro
Burns 'Second Scotch Rhapsody', Op 24 (Mackenzie)
Bushes and briars (Vaughan Williams)
Busy-ness!: Allegro molto
But he that over-rules all things so wrought it about that Christian for that time escaped his tormentors
But now my soul is poured out upon me (Job)
But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (soprano/tenor)
But we, with our dreaming
But when Thou joinest with the Nine
But who may abide the day of his coming? (alto/bass)
By a bierside (Gibbs)
By a fountainside
By morning's brightest beams
By myself walking
By the hoof of the wild goat uptossed from the cliff where she lay in the sun
By the sleepy lagoon (Coates)
By yon bonny banks and yon bonny braes
Bydlo (A Polish Ox-cart)
Bydlo 'A Polish Ox-cart'
C.A.E. (L'istesso tempo)
C’est le soir sur ton Ile et à l’entour
Ça n'a pas mordu, ce soir, mais je rapporte une rare émotion
Ca' the yowes (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Cabbages, Cabeans and Carrots (Stanley/Allen)
Cadenza on Afrique
Caelos ascendit hodie
Calling all workers (Coates)
Calme des nuits, Op 68 No 1 (Saint-Saëns)
Calme des nuits, Op 68 No 1 (Saint-Saëns/Foss)
Calmes dans le demi-jour
Calmes dans le demi-jour
Calmes dans le demi-jour
Calmes dans le demi-jour
Camel Caravan
Campanella: Pesante, minaccioso
Can I forget you, or will my heart remind me? (Kern/Chilcott)
Canção do amor 'Song of love' (Villa-Lobos)
Canción del fuego fatuo
Canço del lladre (Llobet)
Canon in D minor (Scriabin)
Canon on a Russian Popular Tune (Stravinsky)
Canonic Variations and Fugue, BVB40 (Busoni)
Canope: Très calme et doucement triste
Canope: Très calme et doucement triste
Cantava 'l ruscello la gaia canzone
Canticum sacrum ad honorem Sancti Marci nominis (Stravinsky)
Cantilena for clarinet and orchestra 'Poem', Op 51 (Spain-Dunk)
Cantique (Boulanger)
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op 11 (Fauré)
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op 11 (Fauré)
Canto d'anime (Puccini)
Canto de los remeros del Volga (Falla)
Cantos de España, Op 232 (Albéniz)
Cantos de España, Op 232 (Albéniz/Turull)
Cantos populares españoles (Nin)
Canzona fluviala: Allegretto con moto
Canzona matinata in G major: Allegretto cantando, ma sempre con moto
Canzona serenata in F minor: Moderato
Canzonetta, Op 20 (Sammons)
Canzonetta, Op 52 No 2 (Achron)
Canzonetta: Andante rubato
Caoine 'A Lament'
Capriccietto: Allegro assai
Capriccio (Stravinsky)
Capriccio (Vivace e poco a poco più vivace al fine)
Capriccio alla Polacca: Allegro
Capriccio espagnol, Op 34 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Capriccio for piano and orchestra, Op 35 (Scholz)
Capriccio for piano left hand and wind instruments (Janáček)
Capriccio in A minor, Op 12 (Isserlis)
Capriccio in B flat major 'on the departure of his beloved brother', BWV992 (Bach/Busoni)
Capriccio in E flat major
Capriccio sinfonico (Puccini/Rizzi)
Capriccio, Op 85 (Strauss)
Capriccio. Allegretto 'To Dolly'
Capriccio: Allegro ma non troppo
Capriccio: Con fuoco
Caprice brillant (Saint-Saëns)
Caprice d'après l'Étude en forme de valse
Caprice espagnole, Op 37 (Moszkowski)
Caprice No 24 (Paganini/Skip Martin/Thornton)
Caprice sur des airs danois et russes, Op 79 (Saint-Saëns)
Caprice sur les airs de ballet d'Alceste (Gluck/Saint-Saëns)
Caprice viennois, Op 2 (Kreisler)
Caprice, L6 (Debussy)
Caprice, Op 3 (Catoire)
Caprice: Allegretto capriccioso
Caprice: Allegro assai
Capricho Catalan
Capricho pintoresco, Op 41 (Yuste)
Capriolen, Op 32 (Albert)
Capture de l'oiseau de feu par Ivan Tsarévitch – Supplications de l'oiseau de feu
Caractacus, Op 35 (Elgar)
Caresse dansée
Carignane (Ibert)
Carillon de Westminster
Carillon féérique, apparition des monstres-gardiens de Kastchei et capture d'Ivan Tsarévitch – Danse de la suite de Kastchei enchantée par l'oiseau de feu
Carillon, Op 75 (Elgar)
Carillon-Sortie (Mulet)
Carissima (Elgar)
Caristiona (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Caristiona (Bantock)
Carnaval de Vienne (Rosenthal/Strauss Jr.)
Carol of the bells (Leontovych)
Carol of the bells (Leontovych/Earley)
Carol of the bells (Leontovych/Hayman)
Carol of the bells (Leontovych/Roberts)
Casa mia (Puccini)
Cascades: Il più presto possibile
Catacombae. Sepulchrum Romanum
Catacombae: Sepulchrum Romanum – Con mortuis in lingua mortua
Cavatina (Ireland)
Cavatina and Scherzino
Ce chérubin dit la louange
Ce mouchoir, belle Raymond
Ce qu'a vu le vent d'ouest: Animé et tumultueux
Ce qu'a vu le vent d'ouest: Animé et tumultueux
Ce soir, à travers le bonheur
Célèbre menuet de Boccherini (Boccherini/Planté)
Celle que j’aime a de beauté
Cello Concerto in A major (Dvořák/Raphael)
Cello Concerto in A minor, Op 52 (Pfitzner)
Cello Concerto in A minor, Op posth. (Pfitzner)
Cello Concerto in C major, Op 20 (Albert)
Cello Concerto in C minor, Op 66 (Myaskovsky)
Cello Concerto in D minor (Stanford)
Cello Concerto in E minor, Op 78 (Gernsheim)
Cello Concerto in E minor, Op 85 (Elgar)
Cello Concerto in G major, Op 42 (Pfitzner)
Cello Concerto in G minor, Op 32 (Dietrich/Grützmacher)
Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 33 (Saint-Saëns)
Cello Concerto No 2 in D minor, Op 119 (Saint-Saëns)
Cello Sonata in A major, Op 20 (Magnard)
Cello Sonata in A major, Op 80 (Widor)
Cello Sonata in A minor, Op 36 (Grieg)
Cello Sonata in B minor (Borodin/Goldstein)
Cello Sonata in D major, Op 17 (Le Beau)
Cello Sonata in D minor, L144 (Debussy)
Cello Sonata in E minor, Op 113 (Grechaninov)
Cello Sonata in E minor, Op 46a (Scharwenka)
Cello Sonata in F major, Op 6 (Strauss)
Cello Sonata in G minor, Op 19 (Rachmaninov)
Cello Sonata in G minor, Op 19 (Rachmaninov/Mikhailovsky)
Cello Sonata No 1 in C minor, Op 32 (Saint-Saëns)
Cello Sonata No 1 in D minor, Op 109 (Fauré)
Cello Sonata No 1 in D minor, Op 109 (Fauré)
Cello Sonata No 1 in F minor, Op 5 (Reger)
Cello Sonata No 2 in F major, Op 123 (Saint-Saëns)
Cello Sonata No 2 in F major, Op 123 (Saint-Saëns/Freeman-Attwood)
Cello Sonata No 2 in G minor, Op 117 (Fauré)
Cello Sonata No 2 in G minor, Op 28 (Reger)
Cello Sonata No 3 in F major, Op 78 (Reger)
Cello Sonata No 4 in A minor, Op 116 (Reger)
Cello Sonata, H125 (Bridge)
Cello Suite No 1 in G major, Op 131c No 1 (Reger)
Cello Suite No 2 in D minor, Op 131c No 2 (Reger)
Cello Suite No 3 in A minor, Op 131c No 3 (Reger)
Cello Suite No 3 in C major, BWV1009 (Bach/Godowsky)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Fryer)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Fryer/Pienaar)
Central Park in the Dark (Ives)
Ces roses, humides de rosée
C'est la bossue de ma cour
C'est la paix, Op 114 (Fauré)
C'est le premier matin du monde
C'est l'extase
C'est l'extase
C'est l'extase
C'est l'extase langoureuse
C'est l'heure où, las d'errer, l'insecte nègre revient
C'est sa banlieu
C'est très vilain d'être infidèle
Chaconne, Op 32 (Nielsen)
Chaconne, Op 8 (Chaminade)
Chalk Farm to Camberwell Green (Monckton)
Chamber Symphony (Roslavets)
Chanson à boire
Chanson à boire du vieux temps (Saint-Saëns)
Chanson Bohème de l'Opéra Carmen de Georges Bizet (Moszkowski)
Chanson bretonne
Chanson d'amour, Op 27 No 1 (Fauré)
Chanson d'automne
Chanson d'automne (Delius)
Chanson de Blaisine (Séverac)
Chanson de Jacques (Séverac)
Chanson de la nuit durable (Séverac)
Chanson de mai. Romance sans paroles, Op 40 (Hasselmans)
Chanson de matin, Op 15 No 2 (Elgar)
Chanson de nuit, Op 15 No 1 (Elgar)
Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques
Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques
Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques
Chanson du pêcheur 'Lamento', Op 4 No 1 (Fauré)
Chanson du rouet (Ravel)
Chanson écossaise
Chanson épique
Chanson espagnole
Chanson espagnole, L49 (Debussy)
Chanson française
Chanson 'In love' (Friml/Minot)
Chanson italienne
Chanson Louis XIII and Pavane (Kreisler)
Chanson 'Nouvelle chanson sur un vieil air' (Saint-Saëns)
Chanson pour le petit cheval (Séverac)
Chanson romanesque
Chanson russe (Stravinsky)
Chanson russe (Stravinsky/Knigge)
Chanson triste (Duparc)
Chanson triste, L24 (Debussy)
Chanson villageoise, Op 62 No 2 (Popper)
Chanson, Op 94 (Fauré)
Chansons (Ravel)
Chansons basques, Op 23 (Durey)
Chansons bretonnes sur d'anciennes chansons populaires, Op 115 (Koechlin)
Chansons de Bilitis, L97 (Debussy)
Chansons grises (Hahn)
Chansons madécasses (Ravel)
Chant d'amour
Chant d'automne, Op 5 No 1 (Fauré)
Chant de la Résurrection, Op 173 No 2 (Koechlin)
Chant de Noël (Séverac)
Chant du ménestrel, Op 71 (Glazunov)
Chant du soir
Chant épique
Chant intime
Chant sans paroles: Andante con moto
Chants du crépuscule 'Quatre morceaux pour piano', Op 24 (Catoire)
Chants du voyageur, Op 8 (Paderewski)
Chants populaires (Ravel)
Chants populaires (Ravel)
Charakterskizzen, Op 40 (Hofmann)
Charles Augustus Fortescue. who always did what was right, and so accumulated an immense fortune (Lehmann)
Charlie Rutlage (Ives)
Charming weather
Che pecà!
Chère âme, sans toi j'expire
Chère nuit (Bachelet)
Cherry Ripe (Bridge)
Cherry Ripe (Scott)
Chérubin tragique
Chevaux de bois
Chevaux de bois
Chieftain of Tyrconnell (Stanford)
Children's Corner, L119 (Debussy)
Children's Corner, L119 (Debussy/Caplet)
Children's Corner, L119 (Debussy/Manson)
Children's Suite (Achron/Heifetz)
Chloé réapparaît
Choral et Fugue
Choral et Fugue, Op 57 (Dupré)
Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda. Group 3, H99 Op 26 No 3 (Holst)
Choral improvisation sur le Victimae Paschali (Tournemire/Duruflé)
Choral Symphony No 1, H155 Op 41 (Holst)
Choral varié, Op 55 (Indy)
Choral 'Was Gott thut das ist wohlgethan'
Chorale Fantasia on Straf' mich micht in deinem Zorn, Op 40 No 2 (Reger)
Chorale Prelude 'Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr'
Chorale Preludes, Op 67 (Reger)
Chorals et Noëls, Op 93 (Guilmant)
Chords of heavy quality
Chôros No 2 (Villa-Lobos)
Chorus of the Whirling Dervishes
Chorus of the winds
Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV4 (Bach/Rummel)
Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWVAnh171 (Pachelbel/Reger)
Christmas Carol (Davies)
Christmas Dance
Christmas Oratorio, BWV248 (Bach/Rummel)
Christus (Bantock)
Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor, BWV903 (Bach/Reger)
Chrystus niech mi będzie grodem
Chto v imeni tebe moyem? 'What does my name mean to you?', Op 4 No 1 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Ciboulette (Hahn)
Cielito Lindo (Mendoza/Avramovitz)
Cielito Lindo (Mendoza/Cózatl)
Cinq Mélodies «de Venise», Op 58 (Fauré)
Cinq Mélodies populaires grecques (Ravel)
Cinq Mélodies populaires grecques (Ravel)
Cinq Mélodies populaires grecques (Ravel/Rosenthal)
Cinq Mélodies populaires grecques (Ravel/Salzedo)
Cinq Mélodies, Op 5 (Koechlin)
Cinq morceaux, Op 10 (Catoire)
Cinq poèmes de Baudelaire, L70 (Debussy)
Cinq Poèmes de Ronsard (Saint-Saëns)
Cinq Préludes (Villa-Lobos)
Cinq préludes, Op 15 (Scriabin)
Cinq préludes, Op 16 (Scriabin)
Cinq préludes, Op 74 (Scriabin)
Cinque Pezzi (Respighi)
Ciranda das sete notas (Villa-Lobos)
Circus Polka (Stravinsky/Babin)
Circus World (Tiomkin)
Clair de lune
Clair de lune
Clair de lune
Clair de lune
Clair de lune
Clair de lune
Clair de lune
Clair de lune
Clair de lune, L45 (Debussy)
Clair de lune, Op 46 No 2 (Fauré)
Clairs de lune (Decaux)
Clarinet Concerto (Nielsen)
Clarinet Concerto in A minor, Op 80 (Stanford)
Clarinet Quintet in E flat major, Op 102 (Fuchs)
Clarinet Quintet in F sharp minor, Op 10 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Clarinet Quintet in G major (Somervell)
Clarinet Sonata (Bax)
Clarinet Sonata in E flat major, Op 167 (Saint-Saëns)
Cloches à travers les feuilles
Cloches chrétiennes pour les matines
Cloches chrétiennes pour les matines
Cloches: Andante con moto, mesto
Closely let me hold thy hand
Cloud, if as thou dost melt
Clouds: Tranquillo
Co komu súzeno? –
Cockaigne 'In London Town', Op 40 (Elgar)
Coda: Apollon et les Muses
Cold is the air
Colección de canciones amatorias (Granados)
Colección de canciones amatorias (Granados)
Colleen dhas (Grainger)
Colloque sentimental
Colombe, l’amour et l’esprit
Colonial Song
Coloquio en la reja, duo de amor
Come away, death
Come away, death
Come away, death (Dale)
Come away, death (Vaughan Williams)
Come down, O love divine
Come down, O Love divine
Come down, O Love divine – Down Ampney (Vaughan Williams)
Come down, O Love divine – Down Ampney (Vaughan Williams/Pinel)
Come here, Vita
Come Love, come Lord
Come to me in my dreams (Bridge)
Come to me in the silence of the night
Come you, Mary, Op 21 No 2 (Farrar)
Come! give it a lift, our old-time march-song
Come, all ye gallant seamen bold
Come, dearest heart, 'mid the flow'rs of June
Come, labor on!
Come, lovely Name
Come, my way, my truth, my life
Come, O come, my life's delight
Come, O Sabean horde! Come, and destroy! (Satan/Chorus)
Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Come, ye thankful people, come
Comedy Overture (Ireland)
Comfort ye, my people (tenor)
Comic Song: Allegro scherzando – Meno mosso
Comme des chevreaux piqués par un taon
Comme Dieu rayonne
Comme d'un sein ouvert la main arrache une arme
Comme elle chante
Comme tout meurt vite, la rose déclose
Comme un éléphant son ivoire
Comment, disaient-ils
Comment, disaient-ils (Puget)
Commotio, Op 58 FS155 (Nielsen)
Compagne de l’éther, indolente fumée
Complete Service in F (Darke)
Complete Vocalises (Fauré)
Con mortuis in lingua mortua
Con tenerezza (Schelling)
Concert Arabesques on themes by Johann Strauss 'The Beautiful Blue Danube' (Schulz-Evler/Strauss Jr.)
Concert Fantasia, Op 91 (Lemare)
Concert Fantasy on the tune 'Hanover', Op 4 (Lemare)
Concert Fantasy on themes from Die Fledermaus (Strauss Jr./Pavia)
Concert Fantasy, Op 33 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Concert paraphrase of 'The song of the soldiers of the sea' 'The marines' hymn' (Gimpel/Offenbach)
Concert study for piano No 1 in G flat major, Op 9 No 2 (Bowen)
Concert study for piano No 2 in F major, Op 32 (Bowen)
Concert Variations on 'The Star-Spangled Banner', Op 23 (Buck)
Concert Variations, Op 3 (Paine)
Concertino for piano and string orchestra, Op 103 (Gibbs)
Concerto Ballata, Op 108 (Glazunov)
Concerto for clarinet, viola and orchestra in E minor, Op 88 (Bruch)
Concerto for flute and strings in D major (Boughton)
Concerto for oboe and strings No 1 in C (Boughton)
Concerto for piano and orchestra in B major, Op 10 (Huss)
Concerto for piano and wind instruments (Stravinsky)
Concerto for string orchestra (Boughton)
Concerto for two solo pianos (Stravinsky)
Concerto for violin and string orchestra (Vaughan Williams)
Concerto in A minor, RV522 BWV593 (Vivaldi/Bach/Philipp)
Concerto in D (Stravinsky)
Concerto in D minor, RV565 BWV596 (Vivaldi/Bach/Murdoch)
Concerto in D minor, RV565 BWV596 (Vivaldi/Bach/Philipp)
Concerto pathétique in E minor, S365b (Liszt/Reuss)
Concerto quasi una fantasia in B flat major, Op 21 (Schoeck)
Concerto symphonique in A minor, Op 27 (Nápravník)
Concerto-capriccioso in C minor (Dubois)
Concertstück (Cowen)
Concertstück (Enescu)
Concertstück in C sharp minor, Op 40 (Chaminade)
Concertstück in D major, Op 11 (Goedicke)
Concertstück in the form of a Polonaise No 1, Op 80 (Lemare)
Confortare (Parratt)
Connaissez-vous la blanche tombe
Consolation 'Pensée poétique' No 3, S172 No 3 (Liszt/Milstein)
Conte d'Avril, Op 64 (Widor)
Contented river in thy dreamy realm
Contes de jeunesse, Op 46 (Leschetizky)
Contrasts, Sz111 (Bartók)
Coppélia (Delibes/Zadora)
Coquetterie posthume, L50 (Debussy)
Coquetterie, Op 15 (Achron)
Cor dulce, cor amabile (Villa-Lobos)
Corazón du mujer (Turina)
Corde natus ex parentis 'Of the Father sole begotten' 'A Symphonic Poem', Op 27 (Pearce)
Coriolanus, Op 61 (Mackenzie)
Cornish Rhapsody (Bath)
Coronation March, Op 65 (Elgar)
Coronation Te Deum (Parry/Ives)
Cortège et Litanie, Op 19 No 2 (Dupré)
Cortège 'Fragment', Op 143 (Chaminade)
Counting Song: Allegramente
Country Dances, K606 (Mozart/Landowska)
Country Gardens
Country life (Scott)
Courante: Vivace
Couronnés de thym et de marjolaine
Coventry Carol (Anon/Shaw)
Cowslip time
Cracovienne fantastique
Cradle Song
Cradle song
Cradle Song
Cradle song (Bridge)
Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Nieper)
Cradle Song (Sammons)
Cradle Song (Stojowski)
Cradle Song: Lento
Creation Symphony in C sharp minor (Wallace)
Creator of the starry height
Credidi propter quod locutus sum
Credo 'Latin version' (Stravinsky)
Credo 'Slavonic version' (Stravinsky)
Credo symphoniacum, Op 50 (Olsson)
Creole Belles (Lampe/Weigand)
Creole Medley (Gottschalk/Weigand)
Crépuscule du soir: Allegretto mosso – Serenata: Allegro
Crimond (Irvine/Roberton)
Crisantemi (Puccini)
Crois mon conseil, chère Climène
Croquis et agaceries d'un gros bonhomme en bois (Satie)
Crossing the bar 'Sunset and evening star' (Parry)
Crouch’d on the pavement close by Belgrave Square
Crowdiknowe (Scott)
Cruckhaun Finn (Anon/Hughes)
Cruelty has a human heart
Crug-y-bar 'Fantasia: Andante sostenuto'
Csürdöngölö 'Peasants' dance'
Cuatro piezas españolas (Falla)
Cuchullan's Lament
Culloden 'A country dance': Quick and merry
Cupid and Venus (Scott)
Cygne sur l'eau
Cygne sur l'eau
Cynara (Delius)
Cyprès et Lauriers, Op 156 (Saint-Saëns)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Tiomkin)
Da die Hirten ihre Herde
Da ispolnyatsya usta nasha 'Hymn of Praise: Let our mouths be filled'
Da ispravitsya molitva moya 'Let my prayer arise'
Da molchit vsyakaya plot 'Let all mortal flesh keep silence' (Balakirev)
Da pacem Domine
Da voi, cari lumi
Daisies are our silver
Dale and Fell (Gibbs)
Dalvisa (Grainger)
Damask roses
Dame du ciel, régente terrienne
Dance (Shirin/Babakhanian)
Dance Caprice, Op 15 (Sammons)
Dance episode
Dance Improvisation, Op 37 (Achron)
Dance of Job's comforters – Job's curse – A vision of Satan seated on God's throne
Dance of the ballerina
Dance of the headman and hobby-horse
Dance of the nymphs
Dance of the three girls
Dance of the three messengers
Dance of the tumblers
Dance of the wet-nurses
Dance of the witches
Dance of the youngest couple
Dance Suite, Sz77a (Bartók)
Dance Suite, Sz77b (Bartók)
Dance Tale: Allegro risoluto
Dance to your shadow (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Dances of Galánta (Kodály)
Dancing Out of the Earth
Dancing Song from Maramaros: Allegro giocoso
Danger (Gibbs)
Danish folk-music settings (Grainger)
Danish folk-music suite (Grainger)
D'Anne jouant de l'espinette
Dans la forêt de septembre, Op 85 No 1 (Fauré)
Dans la nymphée
Dans la paine blone et sous les allées
Dans la pénombre
Dans l'air s'en vont les ailes
Dans l'Air s'en vont les ailes
Dans le jardin, L107 (Debussy)
Dans le mortel soupir de l'automne
Dans le vieux parc solitaire et glacé
Dans l'ennui si désolément vert
Dans les ruines d'une abbaye, Op 2 No 1 (Fauré)
Dans ton cœur (Saint-Saëns)
Dans ton cœur dort un clair de lune
Dans un baiser, l’onde au rivage
Dans un baiser, l'onde au rivage
Dans un parfum de roses blanches
Dans un sommeil que charmait ton image
Dans vos viviers, dans vos étangs
Danse bohémienne, L4 (Debussy)
Danse créole 'Deuxième Havanaise', Op 94 (Chaminade)
Danse de l'effroi
Danse de l'oiseau de feu
Danse des éclairs
Danse en rond
Danse espagnole
Danse générale
Danse grotesque de Dorcon
Danse indienne (Paladilhe)
Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei
Danse languide
Danse légère et gracieuse de Daphnis – Lycenion danse – Les pirates
Danse macabre – Poème symphonique de Camille Saint-Saëns, S555 (Saint-Saëns/Liszt)
Danse macabre (Saint-Saëns)
Danse macabre, Op 40 (Saint-Saëns)
Danse macabre, Op 40 (Saint-Saëns/Lemare)
Danse macabre, Op 40 (Saint-Saëns/Liszt/Horowitz)
Danse nègre, Op 58 No 5 (Scott)
Danse orientale
Danse orientale
Danse profane
Danse Russe
Danse Russe, Op 68 No 4 (Moszkowski)
Danse sacrée
Danse suppliante de Chloé – Bryaxis veut l'entraîner – L'ombre de Pân apparaît
Danse villageoise
Danse, L77 (Debussy/Ravel)
Danses andalouses (Infante)
Danses 'Corps de ballet': Moderato
Danses gitanes, Op 55 (Turina)
Danses rythmiques
Danses suisses
Danses tziganes 'Danse hongroise'
Danses villageoises (Grétry/de Greef)
Danseuses de Delphes: Lent et grave
Danseuses de Delphes: Lent et grave
Dante and Beatrice (Bantock)
Danza de la molinera
Danza de la seducción
Danza de los vecinos
Danza del terror
Danza festiva: Presto
Danza jubilosa
Danza lejana
Danza ritual del fuego
Danza rustica: Allegro commodo
Danzas españolas, Op 37 (Granados)
Danzas españolas, Op 37 (Granados/Casals)
Danzas españolas, Op 37 (Granados/Kreisler)
Daphnis à la peau blanche
Daphnis et Chloé – Suite II (Ravel)
Daphnis et Chloé (Ravel)
Daphnis und Chloe: Andante
Darest thou now O soul
Darest thou now, O soul
Darest thou now, O soul (Vaughan Williams)
Dark brown is the river, golden is the sand
Dark red roses in a honeyed wind swinging
Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, BWV614 (Bach/Reger)
Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, BWV614 (Bach/Rummel)
Das Bächlein, Op 88 No 1 (Strauss)
Das Brausen von den rauen Winden
Das Bürger als Edelmann Suite, Op 60 (Strauss/Carey)
Das erherne Schwein 'The metal pig'
Das Geheimnis
Das Glas gefüllt! der Nordwind brüllt
Das Grablied
Das häßliche junge Entelein 'The ugly duckling'
Das Hohelied der Nacht
Das irdische Leben (Mahler)
Das ist des Frühlings traurige Lust!
Das ist ein schlechtes Wetter
Das Kind im Grabe 'The child in the grave'
Das Land des Lächelns (Lehár)
Das Lied des Steinklopfers
Das Lied von der Erde (Mahler)
Das machte dein stiller, keuscher Blick
Das Mägdlein trat aus dem Fischerhaus
Das Mägdlein will ein' Freier haben
Das Magische Buch, Op 92 (Niemann)
Das Menuett des Lully
Das Nachtwanderlied
Das neugeborne Kindelein, BWV122 (Bach/Rummel)
Das Rosenband
Das Sonnenfeuer starb—Rubingepränge—
Das Tanzlied
Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde
Das verlassene Mägdlein
Das Wandern
Das war ich, D174a D450a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Das Wasser rauscht’, das Wasser schwoll
Das Wölklein
Dass du mich liebst, Op 4 No 3 (Stanford)
Daugher of Zeus
Dauphins, vous jouez dans la mer
Davno l' pod volshebnye zvuki 'Was it so long ago to enchanting strains', Op 49 No 5 (Arensky)
Davno-l', moy drug 'How long, my friend'
Dawn and evening (Bridge)
Dawn on the Moscow river
Day after day (Bridge)
Daybreak and Sunrise
Daydream (Satie/Rutter)
De aquel majo amante
De fleurs
De genius van Hellas 'The genius of Hellas'
De grève
De l'aube à midi sur la mer: Très lent
De profundis (Griffes)
De profundis (Pizzetti)
De rêve
De sa dent soudaine et vorace
De sidste gæster 'The last guests'
De soir
Dear Andy Flower
Dear Earth, near Earth, the clay that made us men
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear Lord and Father of mankind – Repton (Parry)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind – Repton (Parry/Scott)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind – Repton (Parry/Willcocks/Scott)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Parry/Chambers)
Dear thoughts are in my mind, and my soul soars enchanted
Dear, think not that they will forget you 'Her temple'
Dear, when I look into thine eyes (Bridge)
Dearly beloved (Kern/Chilcott)
Death in Love
Death in Love
Death of Oneiza: Appassionato con dolore
Death on the hills, Op 72 (Elgar)
De-ci, de là (Messager)
Déclin d'amour
Deep in my soul
Dein Lied erklang, ich habe es gehört
Dein Name gleich der Sonnen geh
Deine gewölbten Brauen, o Geliebte
Dělám, dělám kázání
Delám, delám kázání … 'I'm giving a little talk …'
Deliver me from mine enemies, O God
Dem Herzen ähnlich, wenn es lang
Demande et réponse
Demanten på Marssnön, Op 36 No 6 (Sibelius)
Demoiselle chic
Den enda stunden (Rangström)
Den första kyssen, Op 37 No 1 (Sibelius)
Den galne Guten min Hug hev dåra 'That crazy boy has ensnared my mind'
Den judiska flickans sång
Den svala snön därute faller
Denaro! Nient'altro che denaro
Denn alles Fleisch es ist wie Gras
Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle lassen, BWV15 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Denn es gehet dem Menschen
Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt
Denny's daughter
Deo gracias
Départ matinal
Depuis neuf ans et plus dans l'amphore scellé
Depuis ton départ, mon amour
Depuis un moi, chère exilée
Der 13. Psalm, D663 (Schubert/Mandyczewski)
Der Abend graut; Herbstfeuer brennen
Der Abend, Op 34 No 1 (Strauss)
Der Abschied: Schwer
Der alte Brummbär 'The old grumbler' 'Polka', Op 210 (Fučik/Perkins)
Der Anstieg
Der Arbeitsmann
Der Damm zerreisst, das Feld erbraust
Der Einsame im Herbst
Der Einsiedler, Op 144a (Reger)
Der Engel 'The angel'
Der Fischer, TrV48 (Strauss)
Der Frost hat mir bereifet des Hauses Dach
Der Garten trauert
Der Gärtner
Der Genesende
Der Graf von Gleichen, D918 (Schubert/Dünser)
Der Held
Der König sass beim frohen Mahle
Der Lenz ist gekommen
Der Mondschein, der ist schon verblichen
Der Morgen steigt und glüht und steigt
Der Morgenstern, D172 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Der müde Wanderer, TrV16 (Strauss)
Der Opernball (Heuberger/Kreisler)
Der Pokal
Der Rosen Düfte liebeatmend
Der Schildwache Nachtlied (Mahler)
Der Schmetterling ist in die Rose verliebt, Op 4 No 6 (Stanford)
Der Schmetterling 'The butterfly'
Der Schöpfung ist zur Ruh' gegangen
Der Sonne entgegen
Der Spielmann saß am Felsen
Der standhafte Zinnsoldat 'The hardy tin soldier'
Der Stern
Der Streit zwischen Phoebus und Pan 'Geschwinde, ihr wirbeln den Winde', BWV201 (Bach/Rummel)
Der Sturm behorcht mein Vaterhaus
Der Tamboursg'sell (Mahler)
Der Tod
Der Trunkene im Frühling
Der Wald beginnt zu rauschen
Der Wald beginnt zu rauschen
Der Zirkus kommt!
Dereinst, Gedanke mein
—Dernière illusion (?), in D flat major
Des Antonius von Padua Fischpredigt (Mahler)
Des Dichters Abendgang
Des Helden Friedenswerke
Des jardins de la nuit s'envolent les étoiles
Des Kindes Gebet
Des Kindes Schlaf
Des larmes ont coulé
Des Menschen Seele
Des Morgens zwischen drein und vieren
Des pas sur la neige: Triste et lent
Des pas sur la neige: Triste et lent
Des trous à son pourpoint vermeil
Descúbrase el pensamiento
Destiny (Baynes)
Det smattrar prat och slår boll och skrattar
Det syng 'The singing'
Deus Abraham, W150 (Jongen)
Deutsche Motette, Op 62 (Strauss)
Deux Arabesques, L74 (Debussy)
Deux Arabesques, L74 (Debussy/Mouton)
Deux Contrastes (Casella)
Deux danses, Op 73 (Scriabin)
Deux Dialogues, Op 114 (Durey)
Deux Épigrammes de Clément Marot (Ravel)
Deux Lieder romantiques, Op 20 (Durey)
Deux Lunaires, Op 33 (Pick-Mangiagalli)
Deux maisons de travers approchent
Deux mélodies hébraïques (Ravel)
Deux mélodies, Op 19 (Roussel)
Deux Mélodies, Op 68 (Koechlin)
Deux morceaux, Op 57 (Scriabin)
Deux morceaux, Op 59 (Scriabin)
Deux Motets, W71 (Jongen)
Deux Orientales, Op 10 (Stojowski)
Deux Pensées musicales, Op 1 (Stojowski)
Deux pièces (Vierne)
Deux poèmes, Op 32 (Scriabin)
Deux poèmes, Op 32 (Scriabin/Lidström)
Deux poèmes, Op 44 (Scriabin)
Deux poèmes, Op 63 (Scriabin)
Deux poèmes, Op 69 (Scriabin)
Deux poèmes, Op 71 (Scriabin)
Deux préludes, Op 27 (Scriabin)
Deux préludes, Op 67 (Scriabin)
Deuxième Offertoire sur des Noëls, Op 33 (Guilmant)
Deuxième Symphonie, Op 26 (Dupré)
Deuxième valse, Op 77 (Chaminade)
Devant le ciel d'été, tiède et calmé
Devant les mystères de la cheminée
Devon, O Devon, in wind and rain
Dexteram tuam
Dialogue du vent et de la mer: Animé et tumultueux
Diane, Séléné
Diaphenia (Browne)
Dicen que mi majo es feo
Dich hab ich je und je geliebet
Didone abbandonata 'Vedi quanto t'adoro', D510a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Die Ähren nur noch nicken
Die Allmacht, D875a (Schubert/Hoorickx/Knothe)
Die Blumen der kleinen Ida 'Little Ida's flowers'
Die drei Sänger, D329 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Die drei Schwestern
Die Drossel, TrV49 (Strauss)
Die Entzückung an Laura, D577 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Die erwachte Rose, TrV90 (Strauss)
Die Feder am Sturmhut in Spiel und Gefahren
Die Fledermaus
Die Frauen sind oft fromm und still
Die Gedanken sind frei
Die Georgine
Die Glocke 'The bell'
Die Händler und die Macher
Die heiligen drei Könige
Die helle Sonne leuchtet
Die höchste Macht der Erde sitzt auf keinem Tron
Die Knospe träumte von Sonnenschein
Die Könige
Die Künstler sind die Schöpfer
Die Lerche
Die letzte Walzer (Straus/Godowsky)
Die Liebe saß als Nachtigall
Die Liebste steht mir vor den Gedanken, wie schön, o wie schön!
Die lustige Witwe (Lehár)
Die Mädchen mit den verbundenen Augen
Die Mücke sitzt am Fenster
Die Munterkeit ist meinen Wangen
Die Mutter spricht
Die Nacht
Die Nacht ist kommen
Die Nachtigall
Die Nachtigall 'The nightingale'
Die Nächtlichen (Walzer)
Die Perlen meiner Seele
Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse 'The princess and the pea'
Die rosen leuchten immer noch
Die Ruinen von Athen, Op 113 (Beethoven/Bax)
Die schlanke Wasserlilie
Die schöne Müllerin, D795 (Schubert/Godowsky)
Die schöne Müllerin, D795 (Schubert/Rachmaninov)
Die Seele ruht in Jesu Händen
Die Seele ruht in Jesu Händen
Die sieben Siegel
Die Sommernacht, D289 (Schubert/Lee)
Die Sonne scheidet hinter dem Gebirge
Die Sonne verdüstert sich allmählich
Die stille Stadt (Mahler)
Die stille Stadt, Op 50 No 5 (Sibelius)
Die Treppe hinunter gesprungen
Die Trommeln und Pfeifen
Die Ulme zu Hirsau
Die verschwiegene Nachtigall
Die Verschwiegenen
Die Walküre (Wagner/Hutcheson)
Die Wallfahrt, D778a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Die Wellen blinken und fliessen dahin
Die Welt ist wie ein Rauch und Schatten
Die Welt verstummt, dein Blut erklingt
Die Zauberflöte (Mozart/Busoni)
Die Zauberflöte (Mozart/Heidenreich)
Die Zeitlose
Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
Died for love (Grainger)
Dieu est monté au milieu des chants de joie
Dieu qu'il la fait bon regarder
Diga usted, señor platero
Diliges Dominum Deum tuum
Dimanche sur les villes
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Wood)
Dios y Patria (Puccini)
Dir, der Unberührbaren (Chorus/Una poenitentium)
Dir, Mädchen, schlägt mit leisem Beben
Dirge for Fidele (Vaughan Williams)
Dirge for two veterans –
Dirge in woods
Dishevelled and in tears, go, song of mine
Disparition du palais et des sortilèges de Kastchei, animation des chevaliers pétrifiés et allégresse générale
Distribuição de flôres 'Distribution of flowers' (Villa-Lobos)
Dithyrambe, D47 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Divertimento (Stravinsky)
Divertimento for string orchestra, Sz113 (Bartók)
Divertimento No 17 in D major, K334 (Mozart/Friedman)
Divertissement (Ibert)
Divertissement, Op 105 (Chaminade)
Divertissement: Pizzicati
Divertissements (Caplet)
Diverus and Lazarus, H137 (Holst)
Dix Mélodies sur des poésies de Verlaine, Op 83 (Szulc)
Dix pièces pour orgue (Gigout)
Dixie's Land (Emmett/Weigand)
Djup stod färgen på fura på sten
Do not forsake me
Do not go, my love (Hageman)
Dobrou noc!
Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum
Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum
Dollar and a half a day (Grainger)
Dolly, Op 56 (Fauré)
Dolly, Op 56 (Fauré/Cortot)
Domine, Jesu Christe
Don Juan, Op 20 (Strauss)
Don Quichotte (Massenet)
Don Quichotte à Dulcinée (Ravel)
Don Quixote (Minkus/Hough)
Don Quixote, Op 35 (Strauss)
Dona nobis pacem (Vaughan Williams)
Dona nobis pacem (Vaughan Williams/Rathbone)
Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été
Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été
Don't ever leave me (Kern/Chilcott)
Dorabella (Intermezzo: Allegretto)
Dort oben am Berg in dem hohen Haus
Dort wo der Morgenstern hergeht
Dos horas ha que callejeo
Dostoyno est 'Hymn to the Mother of God: It is truly meet to bless you'
Dottern sade, Op 8 No 2 (Stenhammar)
Double Canon 'Raoul Dufy in memoriam' (Stravinsky)
Douze études, Op 8 (Scriabin)
Douze études, Op 8 (Scriabin/Piatigorsky)
Douze pièces nouvelles pour orgue (Dubois)
Douze Pièces Nouvelles, Op 7 (Bonnet)
Douze Rondels (Hahn)
Douze Rondels (Hahn)
Douze Rondels (Hahn)
Down a hot and dusty road
Down among the dead men
Down among the dead men (Vaughan Williams)
Down by the salley gardens (Anon/Hughes)
Down East (Ives)
Down Longford Way
Down the river comes a noise!
Down then came that maiden fair
Down with the rascal
Drake he's in his hammock and a thousand miles away
Dream children, Op 43 (Elgar)
Dreaming (Joyce)
Dreaming: Lento –
Dreams all too brief
Drei Arabesken, Op 7 (Medtner)
Drei Chöre, Op 6 (Reger)
Drei Chöre, Op 6 (Reger)
Drei Chöre, Op 6 (Reger)
Drei Dithyramben, Op 10 (Medtner)
Drei Gesänge älterer deutscher Dichter, Op 43 (Strauss)
Drei Gesänge älterer deutscher Dichter, Op 43 (Strauss)
Drei Gesänge älterer deutscher Dichter, Op 43 (Strauss)
Drei Gesänge, Op 111b (Reger)
Drei Gesänge, Op 111b (Reger)
Drei Gesänge, Op 111b (Reger)
Drei Hymnen an die Arbeit, Op 49 (Medtner)
Drei Klavierstücke, Op 33 (Friedman)
Drei Klavierstücke, Op 63 (Scharwenka)
Drei Klavierstücke, Op 8 (Isserlis)
Drei Klavierstücke, Op 86 (Scharwenka)
Drei Kön’ge wandern aus Morgenland
Drei Lieder aus Julius Wolffs Tannhäuser komponiert von Otto Lessmann, S498 (Lessmann/Liszt)
Drei Lieder, Op 29 (Strauss)
Drei Lieder, Op 29 (Strauss/Reger)
Drei Lieder, Op 31 (Strauss)
Drei Lieder, Op 31 (Strauss)
Drei Lieder, TrV75 (Strauss)
Drei Masken sah ich am Himmel stehn
Drei Novellen, Op 17 (Medtner)
Drei Sechsstimmige Chöre, Op 39 (Reger)
Drei Sechsstimmige Chöre, Op 39 (Reger)
Drei Sechsstimmige Chöre, Op 39 (Reger)
Dremlen feygl (Yampolsky/Young)
Drink to me only with thine eyes (Anon/Quilter)
Drinking Song
Drømmen on Glade Jul 'A Dream about Silent Night', FS34 (Nielsen)
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drug s drugom sosny obnyalis' 'We paused amid the pines that stood'
Dryades et Pan
Du alte Mutter (Ives)
Du Bächlein silberhell und klar
Du bist mein Auge!—Du durchdringst mich ganz
Du bist wie eine Blume
Du fatter ej Bølgernes evige Gang 'You do not understand the waves' eternal motion'
Du fragst mich, Mädchen, was flüsternd der West
Du höchstes Licht, ewiger Schein
Du meines Herzens Krönelein
Du meines Herzens Krönelein
Du schaust mich an
Du schaust mich an mit stummen Fragen
Du schläfst und sachte neig' ich mich
Du schläfst und sachte neig’ ich mich
Du surlande Bekk 'You swirling brook'
Du Thrace magique, ô délire!
Du trüber Nebel, hüllst mir
Du und Du, Op 367 (Strauss Jr./Dohnányi)
Du wirst nicht weinen. Leise, leise
Du, der ewig um mich trauert
Dubrovnik (Nocturne)
Duet-Concertino, TrV293 (Strauss)
Duettino Concertante (Mozart/Busoni)
Duke Bluebeard's Castle, Op 11 (Bartók)
Dukh Tvoy blagiy 'Let thy good spirit', Op 25 No 10 (Chesnokov)
Dukke-Marsch 'Puppet March': Allegro moderato
Dulcinea's variation
Duma 'Brooding'
Dumka, JW VII/4 (Janáček)
Dumka: Andante
Duna (McGill)
D'une prison (Hahn)
Duo concertant (Stravinsky)
Duo, Op 43 (Pfitzner)
Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, BWV637 (Bach/Reger)
Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt, BWV637/705 (Bach/Busoni)
Durch allen Schall und Klang, TrV251 (Strauss)
Durch den Wald, den dunkeln, geht
Durch Dickicht und Gestrüpp auf Irrwegen
Durchlauchtster Leopold, BWV173a (Bach/Rummel)
During music
Dweller in my deathless dreams (Bridge)
E l'uccellino (Puccini)
E.D.U. Finale (Allegro – Presto)
Early one morning (Grainger/Tall)
Earth today rejoices, Alleluia
Earth's call 'A sylvan rhapsody' (Ireland)
Easy sonata (Glazunov)
Eau vivante
Ebony Concerto (Stravinsky)
Ecce sacerdos magnus (Elgar)
Echo (Somerset)
Echoes of a Waterfall. Caprice (Thomas)
Edin svyat 'One is holy'
E'en as a lovely flower (Bridge)
'Eglantine' Waltz, Op 84 (Scharwenka)
Eglogue I
Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe! (Reger)
Eight Improvisations on Hungarian peasant songs, Sz74 (Bartók)
Eilean Shona (Holbrooke)
Ein Alphorn hör’ ich schallen
Ein Alphorn hör’ ich schallen
Ein blauer Sommer glanz- und glutenschwer
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op 45 (Brahms/Farrington)
Ein Drängen ist in meinem Herzen (Marx)
Ein Heldenleben, Op 40 (Strauss)
Ein Idyll: Allegretto tranquillo e dolce
Ein Liebesleben 'Zehn Poësieen', Op 22 (Nicodé)
Ein Mahl für uns und ein Licht für dich
Ein Obdach gegen Sturm und Regen
Ein Psalm Davids. Der Herr ist mein Hirte
Ein Röslein zog ich mir im Garten, TrV67 (Strauss)
Ein Schwanengesang (Farjeon/Lidström)
Ein Sommernachtstraum, Op 21 (Mendelssohn/Rachmaninov)
Ein Traum
Ein Traum
Ein Vöglein singt im Wald
Eine Alpensinfonie, Op 64 (Strauss)
Eine Ball-Reminiscenz: Schwärmend
Eine Liebe im schottischen Hochlande (Lamond)
Einkehr, TrV3 (Strauss)
Eins, zwei, drei
Einsam: Langsam, trüb
Einst kam der Bock als Bote
Einstmals in einem tiefen Tal
Eintritt in den Wald
Ekho, Op 45 No 1 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
El Albaicín
El amor brujo (Falla)
El amor y la muerte, balada
El Capitan (Sousa)
El choclo (Villoldo/Denoth)
El círculo mágico – Romance del pescador
El Corpus en Sevilla
El día que me quieras (Gardel/Denoth)
El diablo suelto (Fernández/Prooijen)
El fandango de candil
El majo discreto
El majo olvidado (Granados)
El majo tímido
El mirar de la maja (Granados)
El paño moruno
El paño moruno
El paño murciano
El pelele 'Escena goyesca' (Granados)
El polo
El relicario (Padilla)
El sombrero de tres picos (Falla)
El testament d'Amelia (Llobet)
El tra-la-la y el punteado
El vito
Elegiac Trio (Bax)
Élégie (Duparc)
Élégie (Ives)
Élégie en mémoire de François Liszt
Élégie in C sharp major, Op 46 (Bortkiewicz)
Elegie na smrt dcery Olgy 'Elegy on the death of my daughter Olga' (Janáček)
Élégie, L146 (Debussy)
Élégie, Op 143 (Saint-Saëns)
Élégie, Op 160 (Saint-Saëns)
Élégie, Op 24 (Fauré)
Élégie: Poco adagio
Elegies, BV249 (Busoni)
Elegy (Coles)
Elegy and Waltz, Op 89 (Alexandrov)
Elegy in D flat major, Op 23 (Suk)
Elegy in D minor, Op 26 (Catoire)
Elektra (Strauss)
Élévation in E major
Élévation ou Communion in E major, Op 13 (Saint-Saëns)
Elfentanz, Op 39 (Popper)
Elf's Dance: Tempo di valse
Eli Zion (Achron)
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
Elihu's dance of youth and beauty
Elle avait de beaux cheveux, blonds
Elle est morte (Lento funèbre)
Elle me dit: Quelque chose
Elsk 'Love'
Elves, Op 17 (Matthay)
Embryons desséchés (Satie)
Emporte ma folie
Empty vessel (Scott)
En Automne, Op 36 No 4 (Moszkowski)
En bateau
En bateau
En blanc et noir, L142 (Debussy)
En Bohême était une Reine
En des visions de la sombre nuit
En Digters Bryst 'A poet's heart'
En el Generalife
En faisant la roue, cet oiseau
En forme de Valse
En fuglevise 'A bird's song'
En lille langsom Vals 'A Little Slow Waltz': Valse lento
En los jardines de la Sierra de Córdoba
En mes coupes d'un prix modique
En prière (Fauré)
En regardant ces belles fleurs (Caplet)
En rêvant
En rêvant, avec une grande douceur
En route, Op 9 (Palmgren)
En Saga, Op 9 (Sibelius)
En sourdine
En sourdine
En sourdine
En sourdine, L42 (Debussy)
En svane
En svane 'A swan'
Enfant, cède au sommeil qui ferme ta paupière
England, my England (Vaughan Williams)
English Lyrics II (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics IV (Parry)
English Lyrics IV (Parry)
English Lyrics V (Parry)
English Lyrics V (Parry)
English Lyrics VI (Parry)
English Lyrics VI (Parry)
English Lyrics VI (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VIII (Parry)
English Lyrics VIII (Parry)
English Lyrics XI (Parry)
English May
English Motets, Op 135 (Stanford)
English Motets, Op 135 (Stanford)
English Motets, Op 135 (Stanford)
Énigme: Étrange, capricieusement
Ensom vandrer
Ensom vandrer
Entendez-vous c'est le signal
Enter Spring (Bridge)
Entflieh mit und sei mein Weib
Entra l'uomo allor che nasce 'Aria di Abramo', D33 No 1 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Entra l'uomo allor che nasce 'Aria di Abramo', D33 No 2 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Entre un groupe de jeunes filles costumées en bacchantes – Danse générale – Danse de Daphnis et Chloé – Danse de Dorcon – Danse finale: Bacchanale
Envoi. Andantino 'To Dolly'
Envoy (Coda)
Epic March (Ireland)
Épigrammes de Théocrite, Op 13 (Durey)
Epílogo, serenata del espectro
Epitaph on John Jayberd of Diss
Epitaph on Salathiel Pavy (Browne)
Epitaphium für das Grabmal des Prinzen Max Egon zu Fürstenberg (Stravinsky)
Épithalame: Andante con moto
Er ist's
Er stieg vom Pferd und reichte ihm den Trunk
Erdő mellett est vélëdtem
Ergehst du dich im Abendlicht
Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, BWV126 (Bach/Rummel)
Erinnerung (Mahler)
Erinnerung: Einfach
Éros caché dans les bois
Erschaffen und Beleben, Op 87 No 2 (Strauss)
Erscheinung (Notturno)
Erste Begegnung: Allegretto
Ertöt uns durch dein Güte
Erzählung in D flat major: Langsam und zart
Es en balde, majo mío
Es fiel ein Tau vom Himmel himmlisch mild
Es geht mit mir zu Ende
Es ging ein Wind durch's weite Land
Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV638 (Bach/Reger)
Es ist ganz gewiß 'It is quite certain'
Es ist kein Weh auf Erden
Es ist schon spät, es ist schon kalt
Es klopft an das Fenster der Lindenbaum
Es liebte einst ein Hase
Es ritten drei Reiter zum Thore hinaus, Ade!
Es stand eine Rose im tief tiefen Grund
Es steht ein altes Gemäuer
Es steht ein Lied in Nacht und Frost
Es war einmal ein Bock
Es wohnt ein kleines Vögelein
Escena andaluza, Op 7 (Turina)
España '6 hojas de album', Op 165 (Albéniz)
España '6 hojas de album', Op 165 (Albéniz/Godowsky)
España. Souvenirs (Albéniz)
Esquisses byzantines (Mulet)
Esquisses, Op 41 (Dupré)
Estaminet de Carrefour
Estampes, L108 (Debussy)
Estampes, L108 (Debussy/Grainger)
Estampes, L108 (Debussy/Stokowski)
Esti dal (Kodály)
Estudio melódico, Op 33 (Yuste)
Esurientes implevit bonis
Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut
Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut
Et s'il revenait un jour
Étendue au seuil du bassin
Eternal Father
Étincelles, Op 36 No 6 (Moszkowski)
Étincelles: Allegro molto
Étoile dont la beauté luit
Eton and Winchester (Kelly)
Étrangeté: Gracieux, délicat
Étude (Thomas)
Étude à la tarantella
Étude d'après l'Impromptu en la bémol majeur de Fr Chopin, Op 29 (Michałowski)
Étude de concert in F minor, Op 36 (MacDowell)
Étude de concert No 5 in F major, Op 115 (Sternberg)
Étude de rythme: Andantino
Étude fantastique
Étude for the left hand
Étude héroïque
Étude in C minor (Medtner)
Étude in the form of a canon
Étude mélodique in G flat major, Op 118 (Chaminade)
Étude pathétique in B minor, Op 124 (Chaminade)
Étude pour la main gauche seule, Op 36 (Blumenfeld)
Étude retrouvée (Debussy/Howat)
Étude romantique, Op 132 (Chaminade)
Étude scholastique, Op 139 (Chaminade)
Étude symphonique, Op 28 (Chaminade)
Étude symphonique, Op 78 (Bossi)
Étude, Op 67 No 2 (Moszkowski)
Étude: Allegro assai
Étude: Allegro non troppo
Étude: Allegro vivace
Études de concert (Sauer)
Études de concert, Op 35 (Chaminade)
Études de virtuosité, Op 72 (Moszkowski)
Études latines (Hahn)
Études, L143 (Debussy)
Études, Op 10 (Chopin/Spacht)
Études, Op 25 (Chopin/Glazunov)
Études, Op 25 (Chopin/Spacht)
Études, Sz72 Op 18 (Bartók)
Études-tableaux, Op 33 (Rachmaninov)
Études-tableaux, Op 33 (Rachmaninov/Heifetz)
Études-tableaux, Op 39 (Rachmaninov)
Études-tableaux, Op 39 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Eugene Onegin (Tchaikovsky/Auer)
Eugene Onegin (Tchaikovsky/Bukinik)
Euntes in mundum universum
Evening (Ives)
Evening Canticles in D (Brewer)
Evening Hymn
Evening Hymn (Gardiner)
Evening in Seville, Op 55 No 2 (Niemann)
Evening in the country
Evening Scene (Elgar)
Evening Service in A, Op 12 (Stanford)
Evening Service in B minor (Blair)
Evening Service in B minor, Op 6 (Noble)
Evening Service in D major (Dyson)
Evening Service in D major 'Great Service' (Parry)
Evening Service in E flat (Stanford)
Evening Service in G (Bairstow)
Evening Song
Ever let the fancy roam
Every valley shall be exalted (tenor)
Evidence (Ives)
Evil lost for ever
Evocation of the Ancestors –
Évocation, Op 37 (Dupré)
Ewiger Wonnebrand (Pater ecstaticus)
Ex ore innocentium (Ireland)
Exaudi orationem meam
Expansion, Op 36 No 3 (Moszkowski)
Expectans expectavi (Wood)
Expectans expectavi Dominum
Extase (Duparc)
Faery Flout: Allegro giocoso
Faible cœur 'Mazurka in F minor, Op 7 No 3' (Chopin/Viardot)
Fain would I change that note
Fain would I change that note
Fair daffodils (Bridge)
Fair daffodils, we weep to see
Fair house of joy
Fair house of joy
Fair in face (Willan)
Faire is the heaven (Harris)
Fairies and Elves! Gone is the night
Fairies and giants
Fairy Dawn: Quasi allegro molto moderato
Fairy pipers: Allegretto
Falters Flammentod
Fanchon, as-tu peur que je te touche?
Fancy Dress (Gibbs)
Fancy Free (Swinstead)
Fancy's Knell
Fanfare for a New Theatre (Stravinsky)
Fantaisie (Hüe)
Fantaisie for violin and harp, Op 124 (Saint-Saëns)
Fantaisie for violin and piano after Weber's Oberon (Saint-Saëns/Weber)
Fantaisie 'Hommage à Schumann', Op 5 (Moszkowski)
Fantaisie Impromptu, Op 6 (Moszkowski)
Fantaisie in A flat major
Fantaisie in A flat major, Op 62 (Widor)
Fantaisie in D flat major, Op 101 (Saint-Saëns)
Fantaisie in E flat major (Saint-Saëns)
Fantaisie No 3, Op 157 (Saint-Saëns)
Fantaisie polonaise sur des thèmes originaux, Op 19 (Paderewski)
Fantaisie pour orgue-Aeolian (Saint-Saëns)
Fantaisie russe in B minor, Op 39 (Nápravník)
Fantaisie sur deux mélodies anglaises, Op 43 (Guilmant)
Fantaisie, Op 28 (Scriabin)
Fantaisie-Ballet in B flat major, Op 6 (Pierné)
Fantasia after J S Bach, BV253 (Busoni)
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, BWV537 (Bach/Albert)
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, BWV537 (Bach/Elgar)
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, Op 29 (Reger)
Fantasia and Fugue in D minor, Op 135b (Reger)
Fantasia and Fugue in G major (Parry)
Fantasia and Fugue in G minor, BWV542 (Bach/Szántó)
Fantasia and Fugue on BACH, Op 46 (Reger)
Fantasia and ground bass (Dyson)
Fantasia and Toccata in D minor, Op 57 (Stanford)
Fantasia Baetica (Falla)
Fantasia contrappuntistica (Busoni)
Fantasia Dramática (Vianna da Motta)
Fantasia for four violas, Op 41 No 1 (Bowen)
Fantasia in C minor, BWV906 (Bach/Busoni)
Fantasia in E major, Op 12 (Jongen)
Fantasia in F minor, K608 (Mozart/Busoni)
Fantasia in G major 'Pièce d'orgue', BWV572 (Bach/Bax)
Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis (Vaughan Williams)
Fantasia on Christmas Carols (Vaughan Williams)
Fantasia on 'David of the White Rock' (Thomas)
Fantasia on Russian Folksongs, Op 48 (Arensky)
Fantasia on St Ann's Hymn, Op 93 (Silas)
Fantasia on two themes from Le Nozze di Figaro by Mozart, S697 (Liszt/Mozart/Busoni)
Fantasia on two themes from Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro (Liszt/Busoni)
Fantasias, Op 116 (Brahms/Magen)
Fantasie in C major, Op 17 (Schumann/Joseph James)
Fantasie on Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin (Walter-Kühne)
Fantasie Sonata in B major (Parry)
Fantasie über englische Themen, S694 (Liszt/Howard)
Fantasie über Themen aus Mozarts Figaro und Don Giovanni, S697 (Liszt/Mozart/Wong)
Fantasie und Fuge über den Choral Ad nos, ad salutarem undam, S259 (Liszt/Busoni)
Fantasie, Op 38 (Stojowski)
Fantasiestücke, Op 61 (Bortkiewicz)
Fantastic in appearance
Fantasy (Nielsen)
Fantasy for clarinet and string quartet No 1 in G minor (Stanford)
Fantasy for clarinet and string quartet No 2 in F major (Stanford)
Fantasy for Horn Quintet in A minor (Stanford)
Fantasy Impromptu in C sharp minor, Op 66 (Chopin/Spacht)
Fantasy in F minor, Op 14 (Szymanowski)
Fantasy on Jenůfa (Janáček/Fung)
Fantasy on Johann Strauss on themes from The Blue Danube, Die Fledermaus and Freut euch des Lebens (Rosenthal/Strauss Jr.)
Fantasy Pieces, Op 6 (Griffes)
Fantoches, L26 (Debussy)
Far are the shades of Arabia
Far I hear the galloping galley
Far, far from each other (Bridge)
Fare thee well, my sun and moon light
Fare you well, my dear, I must be gone
Farewell to Cucullain 'Londonderry Air' (Anon/Kreisler/Kreisler)
Farewell! I go to sleep; but when
Farewell, my love, farewell
Farewell, thou art too dear for my possessing (Parry)
Farrucca (Falla/Walker)
Fascination (Marchetti)
Faulse beauté, qui tant me couste cher
Fear no more the heat o' the sun
Fear not, O land (Elgar)
Feasting I watch
Feierlicher Einzug der Ritter des Johanniter-Ordens (Strauss/Reger/Koch)
Feldeinsamkeit (Ives)
Felix does not understand how people can imprison birds in cages
Fem ballader (Rangström)
Fem dikter (Rangström)
Fem Klaverstykker 'Five Piano Pieces', Op 3 (Nielsen)
Feria Pentecostes
Festal Communion Service in B flat, Op 128 (Stanford)
Festival toccata (Fletcher)
Festmusik der stadt Wien (Strauss)
Fest-praeludium Ved Aarhundredskiftet 'Festival Prelude for the New Century', FS24 (Nielsen)
Fête galante, L31 (Debussy)
Fêtes galantes (Hahn)
Fêtes galantes I, L86 (Debussy)
Fêtes galantes II, L114 (Debussy)
Feuilles mortes: Lent et mélancolique
Feuilles mortes: Lent et mélancolique
Feuillet d'album
Feuillet d'album, Op 58 (Scriabin)
Feuillet d'album: Andante piacevole
Feuillets d'album, Op 98 (Chaminade)
Feux d'artifice: Modérément animé
Feux d'artifice: Modérément animé
Fiat Amen
Fiat lux
Fifine at the fair (Bantock)
Fifteen Hungarian peasant songs, Sz71 (Bartók)
Fifteen years ago today
Final scene from Goethe's Faust: Poco adagio
Final: Allegro assai
Finale: Night stampede
Finale: Scherzo – Nocturne – Scherzo
Finlandia, Op 26 (Sibelius)
Finlandia, Op 26 (Sibelius/Fricker)
Finlandia, Op 26 (Sibelius/Skinner)
Finlandia-hymni (Sibelius)
Finlandia-hymni (Sibelius)
Fior di ginestra, io sono lo scolar
Firmly I believe and truly
First love (Scott)
Five Characteristic Pieces, Op 93 (Stanford)
Five Easy Preludes and Fugues, Op 56 (Reger)
Five English folk songs (Vaughan Williams)
Five eyes, Op 15 No 2 or Op 9 No 3 (Gibbs)
Five Greek Folksongs (Bax)
Five Humoresques, Op 20 (Reger)
Five Mystical Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Five o'clock foxtrot (Ravel/Palmer)
Five Partsongs from the Greek anthology, Op 45 (Elgar)
Five Pieces (Gardiner)
Five Pieces for violin and piano, Op 81 (Sibelius)
Five Pieces, Op 75 (Sibelius)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Polish Dances, Op 3 (Scharwenka)
Five Preludes (Roslavets)
Five Shakespeare Songs, Op 23 (Quilter)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs to poems by Thomas Hardy (Ireland)
Five Songs, Op 20 (Stenhammar/Lidström)
Five Tudor Portraits. A Choral Suite in five movements (Vaughan Williams)
Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus (Vaughan Williams)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Flammes sombres: Avec une grâce dolente
Fleur des blés, L16 (Debussy)
Fleur jetée, Op 39 No 2 (Fauré)
Flickan knyter i Johannenatten
Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte, Op 37 No 5 (Sibelius)
Flickan under nymånen (Rangström)
Florine (Scott)
Flos Campi (Vaughan Williams)
Flots, palmes, sables, L68 (Debussy)
Flourish for an Occasion (Harris)
Flower-girl's song
Flowing from the firmament
Flute Concerto (Ibert)
Flute Concerto, FS119 (Nielsen)
Fly envious Time, till thou run out thy race
Fly, singing bird, fly
Foin du bâtard, illustre Dame
Folk Tune: Andante
For all the Saints who from their labours rest
For all the saints who from their labours rest
For all the Saints who from their labours rest – Engelberg (Stanford)
For all the saints who from their labours rest – Sine nomine (Vaughan Williams)
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass)
For brilliancy in passagework
For Children (Bartók)
For dine fötter
For ever mine (Stanford)
For finger staccato
For her my heart was longing
For I know that Thou shalt bring me unto death (Job)
For lo, I raise up, Op 145 (Stanford)
For octave playing
For our white and our excellent nights – for the nights of swift running
For pianissimo legato playing and melody
For she was beautiful
For the beauty of the earth
For the fallen
For the fallen
For the 'five fingers'
For unto us a child is born
For various pedal effects
For we are afar with the dawning
Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Fortunio (Messager)
Fountain dance: Allegretto comodo
Fountain reverie (Fletcher)
Four Characteristic Pieces (Hurlstone)
Four Child Songs, Op 5 (Quilter)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Indian Love Lyrics (Woodforde-Finden)
Four Irish Dances (Stanford/Grainger)
Four Musical Sketches for Piano (Parker)
Four Old English Carols, H82 (Holst)
Four Old English Lyrics (Delius)
Four Old English Lyrics (Delius)
Four Piano pieces, Op 2 (Dohnányi)
Four Piano pieces, Op 51 (Grünfeld)
Four Pieces (Rachmaninov)
Four Pieces for violin and piano, Op 17 (Suk)
Four pieces for violin and piano, Op 63 (Bortkiewicz)
Four Pieces, Op 64 (Liadov)
Four Pieces, Op 70 (Bruch)
Four Polish Dances (Szymanowski)
Four Polish Dances, Op 47 (Scharwenka)
Four Polish Dances, Op 58 (Scharwenka)
Four Preludes and Fugues, Op 101 (Glazunov)
Four Preludes, Op 46 (Liadov)
Four Psalms, Op 74 (Grieg)
Four Psalms, Op 74 (Grieg)
Four Psalms, Op 74 (Grieg)
Four Rhapsodies, Op 11 (Dohnányi)
Four Russian peasant songs 'Podblyudnye', version 1914-1917 (Stravinsky)
Four Russian peasant songs 'Podblyudnye', version 1954 (Stravinsky)
Four Shakespeare Songs, Op 30 (Quilter)
Four Short Pieces for piano, Op 70 (Martucci)
Four Songs for a mad sea captain, Op 111 (Gibbs)
Four Songs of Mirza Schaffy, Op 2 (Quilter)
Four Songs, Op 14 (Quilter)
Four Songs, Op 14 (Quilter)
Four Studies in English Folk-song (Vaughan Williams/Stanton)
Four Verlaine Songs (Coles)
Fourteen Bagatelles, Sz38 (Bartók)
Fourteen Chorale Preludes (Parry)
Fourteen Pieces for flute and piano, Op 157b (Koechlin)
Fra Giacomo (Coles)
Fra ungdomsdagene
Fragilité: Allegretto
Fragments from Hans Andersen, Op 58/61 (Bowen)
Frägt die Velt die alte Casche
Fransk serenade
Franta rasu hrál na basu 'Franta the knacker's son played the bass-fiddle'
Franta rasů, hrál na basu
Frantíku, Frantíku 'Frantík, Frantík'
Frasquita (Lehár)
Fräulein Gigerlette asked me round last night
Freue dich, erlöste Schar, BWV30 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Freund Viktor's Mazurka
Freunde, weihet den Pokal
Freundliche Vision
Freundliche Vision
Friede auf Erden, Op 13 (Schoenberg)
Friederike (Lehár)
Friedlicher Abend senkt sich aufs Gefild
Friend o' mine (Sanderson)
Friendly Persuasion (Tiomkin)
Friends, this is the life for me!
Friendship in misfortune
Fröhliches Scheiden, D896 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Froissart, Op 19 (Elgar)
From Easter Day
From far, from eve and morning
From Jewish Life (Bloch/Palmer)
From the brake the nightingale sings exulting to the rose
From the eastern mountains
From the red rose (Stanford)
From the Scottish Highlands (Coles)
From the Steeples and the Mountains (Ives)
Frühling läßt sein blaues Band
Frühling, Op 4 No 4 (Stanford)
Frühlingsmorgen (Mahler)
Frühlingsstimmen, Op 410 (Strauss Jr./Friedman)
Frühlingsstimmen, Op 410 (Strauss Jr./Grünfeld)
Frýdecká Panna Maria
Fuggon gli anni, gli inganni e le chimere
Fughetta in F (Rachmaninov)
Fugue (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Fugue in A minor
Fugue in B flat major
Fugue in C minor, BWV575 (Bach/Goedicke)
Fugue in D major
Fugue in E minor
Fugue in E minor (Scriabin)
Fugue. Animato
Fugue. Moderato espressivo
Fuistia la siega y golviesti
Full day
Full fathom five
Fülle du! Gezier- und schöner Geist
Funeral March (Grieg)
Fünf Gedichte, Op 46 (Strauss)
Fünf kleine Lieder, Op 69 (Strauss)
Fünf kleine Lieder, Op 69 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 15 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 15 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 32 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 32 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 32 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 39 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 39 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 41 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 41 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 41 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 41 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 47 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 48 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 48 (Strauss)
Fünf Lieder, Op 48 (Strauss/Gieseking)
Fünf Lieder, Op 49 (Brahms/Cortot)
Fünf Lieder, Op 49 (Brahms/Grainger)
Für funfzehn Pfennige
Fut-il jamais douceur de cœur pareille
G.R.S. (Allegro di molto)
Gabriel's message (Anon/Pettman)
Galanterie: Andantino
Galitsin's journey
Galliard of the sons of the morning
Galway Bay (Colahan)
Game of Abduction –
Gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna (Lindberg)
Gar fröhlich kann ich scheiden
Gardez le trait de la fenêtre
Garibaldi went to Mass
Gaspard de la nuit (Ravel)
Gaspard de la nuit (Ravel/Goossens)
Gavotte (Kodály)
Gavotte (La Forge)
Gavotte and Musette in B flat (Dohnányi)
Gavotte impériale (Janotha)
Gavotte in E major, Op 4 No 2 (Sapellnikoff)
Gavotte in F major (Beethoven/Bauer)
Gavotte: Allegretto
Gavotte: Quasi lento
Gavotte-Caprice: Allegretto
Gde nasha roza 'Where is our rose'
Gebt mir meinen Becher! Seht, er überstrahlt
Gedichte von Eduard Mörike (Wolf/Boothby)
Gedichte von Eduard Mörike (Wolf/Gottwald)
Gefahrvolle Augenblicke
Gefrorne Tränen
Geheimnisvoller Klang
Geist und Seele wird verwirret, BWV35 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Geist und Seele wird verwirret, BWV35 (Bach/Siloti)
Geistliches Lied, Op 30 (Brahms/Gardiner)
Gelobet sei der Herr, mein Gott, BWV129 (Bach/Rummel)
General William Booth Enters into Heaven (Ives)
General William Booth Enters into Heaven (Ives/Becker)
Gentle Annie (Foster/Weigand)
Gerettet ist das edle Glied (Chorus)
Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D705 (Schubert/Asti)
Gesänge des Orients, Op 77 (Strauss)
Geschmeidig und wild wie ein junger Panther
Gestern abend in der stillen Ruh'
Gestern war ich Atlas
Gewitter und Sturm, Abstieg
Già v'ebbe un uomo, nel cui tenue spirto
Gianni Schicchi (Puccini/Mikhashoff)
Giant (Tiomkin)
Giant Despair
Giga, bolero e variazione
Gigerlette (Schoenberg)
Gigue, Op 43 (Chaminade)
Gigue: Presto
Gigue: Presto
Ging heut' morgen über's Feld
Ging heut' morgen über's Feld
Ging heut' morgen über's Feld
Girls were made to love and kiss
Giuditta (Lehár)
Give me my scallop-shell of quiet
Give me your fiddle
Give to me the life I love
Give to me the life I love
Give unto the Lord, Op 74 (Elgar)
Gladys! Gladys!
Glagolitic Mass (Janáček)
Gli uccelli (Respighi)
Gli uccelli (Respighi/Pienaar)
Gloire au Seigneur!
Gloria a te, se alle notti silenti
Gloria in excelsis
Gloria sit Patri Domino
Glorification of the Chosen One –
Glorious and powerful God
Glory and honour and Laud (Wood)
Glory be to God on high
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven!
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to Thee, Father!
Glück zu Zweien
Glückes genug
Glückes genug
Glücklich: Etwas bewegt und leicht
Glühwürmchen-Idyll (Lincke)
Gnossienne No 1 (Satie)
Gnossienne No 1 (Satie/Corp)
Gnossienne No 1 (Satie/Le Page)
Gnossienne No 2 (Satie)
Gnossienne No 2 (Satie/Corp)
Gnossienne No 3 (Satie)
Gnossienne No 3 (Satie/Corp)
Gnossienne No 4 (Satie)
Gnossienne No 5 (Satie)
Gnossienne No 6 (Satie)
Go happy rose, and interwove
Go not, happy day (Bridge)
Go thou on before us
Go, for they call you, Shepherd, from the hill
Go, little boat (Kern/Chilcott)
Go, lovely rose, Op 24 No 3 (Quilter)
Go, song of mine, Op 57 (Elgar)
Goal and wicket
God and the universe
God be in my head (Davies)
God be merciful unto us, and bless us
God be with our boys tonight (Sanderson)
God bless the time when cowslips grow
God of our fathers, known of old
God of the golden bow
God omnipotent reigneth (Wood)
God so loved the world (Williams/Stainer)
God standeth in the congregation of princes
Goddag! Goddag! 'Hello! Hello!': Allegretto
God's Garden (Lambert)
God's Son hath set me free
Gold und Silber (Lehár)
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes
Goldenhair (Bridge)
Goldschatz 'Golden treasure'
Golliwogg's cake-walk
Golliwogg's cake-walk
Gondolier du Rialto
Good Friday
Good Friday Music
Good-bye to love (Grainger/Gibbs)
Goodmorrow (Elgar)
Gospodi, spasi blagochestivya 'Trisagion: Lord, we pray that you may be merciful'
Goyescas (Granados)
Goyescas, o Los majos enamorados (Granados)
Goyescas, o Los majos enamorados (Granados/Bartlett/Robertson)
Gracia 'El vito'
Gracia mía
Grand Chœur 'Benedicamus Domino' (Weitz)
Grand chœur dialogué (Gigout)
Grand Chœur in B flat major (Dubois)
Grand choeur triomphal, Op 47 No 2 (Guilmant)
Grand March from Aïda (Verdi/Lemare/Herrick)
Grande fantaisie sur des thèmes de l'opéra Niobe de Pacini – Divertissement sur la cavatine I tuoi frequenti palpiti, S419 (Liszt/Pacini/Wong)
Grande Valse de Concert, Op 37 (Diémer)
Grande Valse de Concert, Op 41 (Glazunov)
Grande Valse de Concert, Op 88 (Moszkowski)
Grandes Études de Paganini, S141 (Liszt/Paganini/Busoni)
Grandes Études de Paganini, S141 (Liszt/Paganini/Taylor)
Grania and Diarmid, Op 42 (Elgar)
Grant, O Lord, to our most blessed Patriarch
Grasselette et Maigrelette
Gravis chorus
Grazioso 'Hommage à Chopin'
Great hail! we cry to the comers
Great is the Lord, Op 67 (Elgar)
Great is thy faithfulness
Great things (Ireland)
Great things (Ireland/Williams)
Greater love hath no man (Ireland)
Greensleeves (Vaughan Williams)
Gretchens Bitte 'Gretchen im Zwinger', D564 (Schubert/Britten)
Grimaces: Moderato
Gross ist Jehova, der Herr! Denn Himmel
Große Fantasie 'Wanderer', D760 Op 15 (Schubert/Joseph James)
Große Fantasie 'Wanderer', S366 (Liszt/Schubert/Tamir)
Grüner wird die Au
Gryning vid havet (Alfvén)
Guide me, O thou great redeemer
Guide me, O thou great redeemer
Guide me, O thou great redeemer – Cwm Rhondda (Hughes)
Guide me, O thou great redeemer – Cwm Rhondda (Hughes/O'Donnell)
Guirlandes: Avec une grâce languissante
Guitare (Saint-Saëns)
Guitares et mandolines (Saint-Saëns)
Guitarre, Op 28 (Lalo/Pierné)
Guns of Navarone (Tiomkin)
Gurre-Lieder (Schoenberg)
Gute Nacht
Guten Morgen, 's ist Sankt Valentinstag
Gymnopédie No 1 (Satie)
Gymnopédie No 1 (Satie/Debussy)
Gymnopédie No 2 (Satie)
Gymnopédie No 2 (Satie/Corp)
Gymnopédie No 3 (Satie)
Gymnopédie No 3 (Satie/Debussy)
Gypsy Songs, Op 55 (Dvořák/Hough)
H.D.S.-P. (Allegro)
Hab' ein Röslein Dir gebrochen
Hab’ ich euch denn je geraten
Habanera, Op 86 (Jongen)
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths
Hail! blessed virgin Mary (Anon/Wood)
Hail, gladdening Light (Wood)
Hajsi, vy siví volci
Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
Halte, au soir
Handel in the Strand
Handel in the Strand
Handelian Rhapsody (Scott/Grainger)
Hans Adam war ein Erdenkloß
Hans und Grete (Mahler)
Hardanger (Bax)
Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells
Hark what a sound, and too divine for hearing
Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells
Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells
Hark! I hear the tramp of thousands
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Battiwalla)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Cleobury)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Cummings)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Ledger)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Llewellyn)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Rutter/Willcocks)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Tarney)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Willcocks)
Hark, my soul, how everything
Harmonie du soir
Harmonie du soir (Bréville)
Három magyar népi tánc 'Three Hungarian folk dances' (Weiner/Ney)
Harp Concerto in E flat major, Op 74 (Glière)
Harp Quintet (Bax)
Harpes éoliennes
Harry the tailor
Harvest Hymn (Grainger)
Harvest Song: Lento – Più mosso, parlando – Tempo I – Tempo II
Hast du ein Tongedicht vollbracht
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days? (Chorus)
Hat dich die Liebe berürht (Marx)
Hat gesagt—bleibt's nicht dabei
Hat gesagt—bleibt's nicht dabei
Haugtussa 'The mountain maid', Op 67 (Grieg)
Havanaise, Op 83 (Saint-Saëns)
Have mercy upon me, O God
Have you seen but a white lily grow?
Hawthorn Time (Ireland)
Haymaking Song: Lento religioso
He grew in those seasons like corn in the night
He is there!
He listlessly stood by the wall
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd (alto/soprano)
he was born in Ballytearim where there's little work to do
He was cut off out of the land of the living (soprano/tenor)
He who binds himself with joy
He who would valiant be
He wishes for the cloths of heaven (Yeats)
He! Lichter!
Hear my crying, O God
Hear my law, O my people
Hear my prayer, O God
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and consider my desire
Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer
Hear my words, ye people (Parry)
Hear my words, ye people (Parry/Ives)
Hear our hymn, O Goddess
Hear our prayer
Hear the call!
Hear, O thou Shepherd of Israel
Hearken to me gentlemen
Heart of Fire-love (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Heart's Ease (Bridge)
Heart's haven
Heart's haven
Heart's music (Vaughan Williams)
Heart-shaped yellow leaves
Hebrew Melody, Op 33 (Achron)
Heil jenem Tag, der dich geboren
Heilige Nacht, heilige Nacht!
Heimliche Aufforderung
Helena Variations (Bantock)
Hémiones (animaux véloces)
Henry King, who chewed little bits of string, and was early cut off in dreadful agonies (Lehmann)
Henry V Overture (Vaughan Williams)
Her song
Heraclitus, Op 110 No 4 (Stanford)
Herbst, D945 (Schubert/Lee)
Herbstnebel wallen bläulich überm See
Here comes the falcon for the bride
Here’s a soldier with his pack
Herefordshire Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Herefordshire Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Halsey)
Here's the old man
Herinneringen aan Patroklos' dood 'Memories of Patroklos's death'
Heroic Epilogue: Allegro moderato
Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir, BWV130 (Bach/Rummel)
Herr Gott, nun schleuss den Himmel auf, BWV617 (Bach/Busoni)
Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott, BWV127 (Bach/Bauer)
Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott, BWV127 (Bach/Rummel)
Herr Lenz
Herr, lehre doch mich
Herr, schicke was du willt
Herr, wie du willst, so schick's mit mir
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Bauer)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Horne)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Whittaker)
Herzlich tut mich verlangen, BWV727 (Bach/Reger)
Heures séculaires et instantanées (Satie)
Heureux qui meurt ici
Hey, ho, the wind and the rain
Hiawatha Rag (Moret/Weigand)
Hidden Love
Hidden treasure
Hierusalem (Dyson)
High Noon (Tiomkin)
Hills (La Forge)
Hills of the north, rejoice
Hills of the north, rejoice
Hills of the north, rejoice – Little Cornard (Shaw)
Hills of the north, rejoice – Little Cornard (Shaw/Cullen)
Hill-song No 1 (Grainger)
Hill-song No 2 (Grainger)
His yoke is easy and his burthen is light
Histoires (Ibert)
Histoires naturelles (Ravel)
Histoires naturelles (Ravel/Lidström)
Hitchcock Suite (Tiomkin)
Hjertets melodier 'Melodies of the heart', Op 5 (Grieg)
Hle sám, jak smírne, pokojne dívka spí! 'Behold, how peacefully, how comfortably the girl sleeps!'
Ho er mager og myrk og mjå 'She is thin and dark and slender'
Hó, hó, krávy dó
Hó, hó, krávy dó … 'Ho, ho, off go the cows …'
Hoch am dunk'len Himmelsbogen
Höchste Herrscherin der Welt! (Doctor Marianus/Chorus)
Hochzeitlich Lied
Hoffen und wieder verzagen
Holberg Suite, Op 40 (Grieg)
Holberg Suite, Op 40 (Grieg/Pienaar)
Holde Königin der Geigen
Holy is the true light (Harris)
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! – Nicaea (Dykes/Cleobury)
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! – Nicaea (Dykes/Pinel/Vivian)
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts
Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Home they brought her warrior dead
Homenagem a Bach
Homenaje 'Pour le tombeau de Claude Debussy' (Falla)
Homerische symfonie (Mortelmans)
Homeward bound
Hommage à Chopin
Hommage à Chopin (Villa-Lobos)
Hommage à Erik Satie (Durey)
Hommage à Haydn, L123 (Debussy)
Hommage à Rameau
Hommage à S Pickwick Esq PPMPC: Grave
Hommage à S Pickwick Esq PPMPC: Grave
Hommage, Op 58 No 2 (Whithorne)
Hope the hornblower (Ireland)
Hör mein Bitten, Op posth. (Mendelssohn/Lapwood)
Horn dance: Moderato
Hornpipe from Watermusic (Handel/Grainger)
Hornpipe: Rollicking, but not too fast
How beauteous are their feet (Stanford)
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach (soprano)
How beautiful they are (Spirit Voices)
How calm, how constant are the hills!
How calmly the evening (Elgar)
How can a man know where to start
How can I turn from any fire?
How doth the city sit solitary
How fair is thy face
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, for ever
How mighty are the Sabbaths
How oft along the woodland way
How should a man be just with God? (Job)
How should I your true love know?
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
How they so softly rest (Willan)
Hoyda, jolly Rutterkin, hoyda!
Hra dětí: Allegretto
Hradcanské Písnicky 'Songs of Hradcany' (Janáček)
Hug ò in ò! When winds do blow, sea reivers know the maddening music
Hugh the Drover (Vaughan Williams)
Huit études, Op 42 (Scriabin)
Huit pièces brèves, Op 84 (Fauré)
Huius artis
Humoreska: Allegretto grazioso
Humoreske, Op 13 No 2 (Sammons)
Humoreske-bagateller 'Humoresque-bagatelles', Op 11 (Nielsen)
Humoresque: Allegretto giocoso
Humoresque: Allegretto vivace
Humoresque: Presto
Humoresques de concert, Op 14 (Paderewski)
Humoresques in the form of a suite, Op 17 (Dohnányi)
Humorous song 'I danced with a mosquito'
Hungarian Dance No 5 (Brahms/Cziffra/Bax)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Cziffra)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Gál)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Hallén)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Joachim)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Schmeling)
Hungarian March 1: Tempo di marcia, allegramente – Più mosso
Hungarian Rhapsody in C sharp minor, S244 No 2 (Liszt/Hamelin)
Hungarian Rhapsody in C sharp minor, S244 No 2 (Liszt/Rosenthal)
Hungarian Song 1: Moderatamente mosso
Hungry waters (Scott)
Hunting-song of the Seeonee pack
Hur kan jag le, hur kan jag vara glad?
Hurray for the carnival
Hurray, here we are!
Husaren müssen reiten
Hussens Kerker
Húsz könnyü kis darab 'Twenty easy little pieces' (Weiner/Fülep)
Hvalite imia Ghospodne 'Praise the name of the Lord'
Hymn (Ives)
Hymn for a child
Hymn for a musician
Hymn of the Travellers
Hymn 'Prelude': Allegretto tranquillo
Hymn to Aphrodite
Hymn to the Dawn
Hymn to the stars
Hymn to the Waters
Hymn Tune Prelude on Song 13 (Gibbons/Vaughan Williams)
Hymne à Vénus
Hymne, Op 7 No 2 (Fauré)
Hypochondriacus (Gibbs)
I balladetone
I beheld her, beautiful as a dove (Willan)
I beheld then that he came to the foot of the hill Difficulty
I believe in one God
I bind unto myself today
I came forth from the mouth of the Most High
I cling and swing
I closed and drew, but not a gun
I cried unto the Lord with my voice
I dal a du vil, I dal a du ho ro
I dolgo myi, sklonivshi vzor 'We paused beside the pools that lie'
I drugnuli vragi 'And the foes stood trembling', Op 26 No 8 (Taneyev)
I got me flowers
I had a dream last night
I have a bonnet trimmed with blue (Anon/Hughes)
I have been there before, O my love!
I have had enough of women, and enough of love
I have no name: I am but two days old
I have prayed for thee
I have trod the upward and the downward slope
I have trod the upward and the downward slope
I have twelve oxen (Ireland)
I heard a voice from heaven (Stanford)
I heard the voice of Jesus say
I heard you singing (Coates)
I hjemmet
I hjemmet
I know my soul hath power to know all things
I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano)
I know where I'm goin' (Anon/Hughes)
I któż widział tak cierpiącą
I liken my love to a gossamer afloat in the summer air
I love a lass (Dumbiedykes)
I love my love
I loved thee once, Atthis, long ago
I met at eve the Prince of Sleep
I met my mates in the morning (and oh, but I am old!)
I mind the day
I must go down to the seas again
I must go down to the seas again
I once loved a boy and a bold Irish boy
I once was a bold fellow
I pioppi, curvati dal vento
I said, I will take heed to my ways
I sang that song on Sunday
I sat down under his shadow (Bairstow)
I saw a fair mayden sytten and sing
I saw a maiden (Anon/Pettman)
I saw a ship a-sailing, a-sailing, a-sailing
I see again the hills and valleys glowing
I sing of a maiden
I sing of a maiden that is makeless (Bax)
I sing the birth (Elgar)
I skogen (Stenhammar)
I sometimes sit beneath a tree
I sow'd the seeds of love
I think that I shall never see
I think there must be a place in the soul
I u menya bïl kray rodnoy 'And I had a homeland'
I used to dream that I would discover the perfect lover some day
I vow to thee, my country
I waited patiently for the Lord
I wander thro' each charter'd street
I wander through the woodlands
I want my hills!
I was a baby not so very long ago
I was angry with my friend
I was glad (Parry)
I was glad (Parry/Ives)
I was glad when they said unto me
I was glad when they said unto me
I was not sorrowful 'Spleen'
I was weary
I went then, till I came to the Delectable Mountains
I went to sea as bold as A B
I wha aince in Heaven's heicht (Scott)
I will alway give thanks unto the Lord
I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord
I will let loose against you the fleet-footed vines
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will magnify thee, O God my King
I will magnify thee, O Lord, for thou hast set me up
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will walk on the earth
I will walk with my love (Anon/Hughes)
I wish my baby it e was born
I woke before the morning, I was happy all the day
I won't dance (Kern/Chilcott)
I won't dance (Kern/L'Estrange)
Iannik Skolan
Iban al pinar
Iberia (Albéniz)
Ibéria: Le matin d'un jour de fête
I-Brasîl (Delius)
Ich armer Tamboursg'sell
Ich atmet' einen linden Duft! (Mahler)
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Mahler)
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (Mahler/Gottwald)
Ich bin kein Minister
Ich fühle Deinen Odem
Ich fühle luft von anderem planeten
Ich geh' auf stillen Auen
Ich geh und suche mit Verlangen, BWV49 (Bach/Rummel)
Ich ging den Weg entlang, der einsam lag
Ich ging im Walde
Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald (Mahler)
Ich grolle nicht (Ives)
Ich grüsse die Sonne, die dort versinkt
Ich hab' ein glühend Messer
Ich hab' ein glühend Messer
Ich hab' ein glühend Messer
Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn, BWV92 (Bach/Rummel)
Ich habe keine guten Nächte
Ich habe wohl, es sei hier laut
Ich halte ihr die Augen zu, Op 7 No 5 (Stanford)
Ich kann nicht sitzen
Ich kann und mag nicht fröhlich sein
Ich kenne sieben lust’ge Brüder
Ich lieb' eine Blume, Op 7 No 1 (Stanford)
Ich liebe dich
Ich liebe dich, Op 41 No 3 (Grieg)
Ich möchte schweben über Tal und Hügel
Ich pflückte eine kleine Pfirsichblüte
Ich reit' ins finstre Land hinein
Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV639 (Bach/Busoni)
Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV639 (Bach/Reger)
Ich ruhe still im hohen grünen Gras
Ich sah sie nur ein einzigmal, und dann nicht mehr
Ich sass an einer Tempelhalle
Ich schleiche bang und still herum, D787 No 2 (Schubert/Spiegl)
Ich schwebe
Ich sehe ihn wieder
Ich sehe wie in einem Spiegel
Ich sehne mich, o Freund, an deiner Seite
Ich stand in dunklen Träumen
Ich trage meine Minne
Ich wandle unter Blumen (Mahler)
Ich wandte mich, und sahe an alle
Ich will dir singen ein Hohelied (Stephan)
Ich will ja nicht in Garten geh'n
Ich wollt' ein Sträusslein binden
Ici-bas (Hillemacher/Hillemacher)
Ici-bas tous les lilas meurent
Idyla: Moderato
Idyll 'Love scene': Larghetto
Idyll och epigram, Op 4 (Stenhammar)
Idyll. Allegretto 'To K.M.'
Idylle de printemps (Delius)
Idylle, Op 103 (Glazunov)
If girls and boys were asked what joys
If I could choose (Bridge)
If I could tell you (Firestone)
If the Lord had not helped me (Bairstow)
If the Lord himself had not been on our side
If there were dreams to sell (Ireland)
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth
If thou would'st ease thine heart
If truth in hearts that perish
If we must part (Ireland)
Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit
Ihr Mund ist stets derselbe
Ihr verblühet, süße Rosen
Il a choisi dans son héritage
Il brille, le sauvage Été
Il cucù
Il dort encore, L34 (Debussy)
Il est doux
Il est né, le divin enfant (Anon/Fauré)
Il était une fée
Il glisse sur le bassin, comme un traîneau blanc
Il m'a dit: «Cette nuit, j'ai rêvé.»
Il me faut retourner aux anciennes amours
Il m'est cher, Amour, le bandeau
Il pleure dans mon cœur
Il pleure dans mon cœur
Il pleure dans mon cœur
Il pleure dans mon cœur (Delius)
Il s'en va loin de la terre
Il sole allegramente
Il Tramonto (Respighi)
Il va sûrement se marier aujourd'hui
Il vecchio castello
I'll be near my journey's end
Illalle, Op 17 No 6 (Sibelius)
Illi autem profecti praedicaverunt ubique
Illumina nos
Ilmenau (Ives)
Ils se disent, ma colombe
I'm a decent good Irish body (Anon/Hughes)
I'm a little Yorkshire lass
Im Abendrot
Im Feld ein Mädchen singt, Op 50 No 3 (Sibelius)
Im Frühling, D882 (Schubert/Lee)
Im Frühlingsschatten fand ich sie
Im Himmelreich ein Haus steht
Im Lenz (Mahler)
Im Sonnenschein, Op 87 No 4 (Strauss)
Im Spätboot
Im Tiroler Wirsthaus (Scott)
Im Treibhaus
Im Wald, im hellen Sonnenschein
Im Walde
Im Walde, TrV62 (Strauss)
I'm what folks call a 'Johnnie', of the title I'm proud
Im Zimmer
Images (Debussy)
Images à Crusoé, Op 11 (Durey)
Images I, L105 (Debussy)
Images II, L120 (Debussy)
Images II, L120 (Debussy/Matthews)
Images 'Images oubliées', L94 (Debussy)
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Imperial March, Op 32 (Elgar)
Imperial March, Op 32 (Elgar/Martin)
Impetuoso (Wiedermann)
Imple superna gratia
Impresiones de España (Malats/Denoth)
Impresiones de España (Malats/Tárrega)
Impromptu (Elgar)
Impromptu (Wurmser)
Impromptu in D major, Op 17 (Scharwenka)
Impromptu No 1 in E flat major, Op 25 (Fauré)
Impromptu No 2 in F minor, Op 31 (Fauré)
Impromptu No 3 in A flat major, Op 34 (Fauré)
Impromptu No 4 in D flat major, Op 91 (Fauré)
Impromptu No 5 in F sharp minor, Op 102 (Fauré)
Impromptu No 6 in D flat major, Op 86bis (Fauré)
Impromptu On the Themes of Two Preludes By Chopin (Balakirev)
Impromptu: Allegro fluente
Impromptu: Andante espressivo e rubato
Impromptu-Caprice, Op 9 (Pierné)
Impromptus, Op 54 (Glazunov)
Impromptu-valse (Pugno)
Improvisation in C sharp minor
Improvisation on Nearer my God to Thee (Karg-Elert)
Improvisation sur le Te Deum (Tournemire/Duruflé)
Improvisation: Andante
Improvisation: Andantino, gracile
Improvisation-Caprice, Op 37 No 2 (Jongen)
In a dream, I spake
In a gondola
In a monastery garden (Ketèlbey)
In a monastery garden (Ketèlbey/Ware)
In a nutshell (Grainger)
In a Persian market (Ketèlbey)
In a shady nook one moonlit night
In Amsterdon in Derbyshire Mary Thomson she did dwell
In Bahia
In blackberry time herself and me
In boyhood
In Brittany the churches all day are open wide
In Caesarea Philippi
In Dahomey 'Cakewalk Smasher' (Grainger)
In dämmrigen Grüften
In der Campagna
In der Ferne
In der Väter Hallen ruhte
In diesem Wetter, in diesem Braus
In diesen Wintertagen
In dir ist Freude, BWV615 (Bach/Busoni)
In dreams
In dreams
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Culloton)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Halsey)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Hyde)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Thiel)
In dulci jubilo, BWV729 (Bach/Berners)
In einem Rosengärtelein
In einem stillen Garten
In Exitu Israel 'Psalm 114' (Bairstow)
In far-off Malta
In Flanders fields (Ives)
In Gethsemane
In goldener Fülle
In grüner Landschaft Sommerflor
In haven
In heav'n above
In Jewry is God known
In London here the streets are grey, and grey the sky above
In meines Vaters Garten (Mahler)
In Memoriam – Titanic
In memoriam (Bax)
In memoriam in C sharp minor, Op 65 (Bruch)
In modo religioso, Op 38 (Glazunov)
In moonlight 'Canto popolare' (Elgar)
In my garden (Firestone)
In my happy childhood hours
In my sage moments
In Nachbars Garten
In one spot: Andante
In Paradisum
In paradisum
In paradisum
In pride, high, leapest thou
In prison (Keel)
In Scarlet Town, where I was born
In Smyrna (Elgar)
In summer time I foot the turf
In summertime on Bredon
In summertime on Bredon
In summertime on Bredon (Peel)
In the Alley (Ives)
In the bleak mid-winter (Darke)
In the bleak mid-winter (Darke/Bevan)
In the bleak mid-winter (Darke/Bullard)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/Gjeilo)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/Jackson)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/L'Estrange)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/Wilberg)
In the Bottoms (Dett)
In the forest before dawn
In the Garden of the Seraglio
In the gloaming (Harrison)
In the hall of the mountain king (Grieg/Ginzburg)
In the highlands, Op 9 (Gibbs)
In the hours of the New Moon (Roslavets)
In the mornin' (Anon/Ives)
In the morning
In the shadows (Finck)
In the South 'Alassio', Op 50 (Elgar)
In the Steppes
In the tower of Magdala
In thee is gladness
In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust
In time of tumult (Scott)
In valleys of springs of rivers
In youth is pleasure, H76 (Holst)
Incertitude, ô mes délices
Incidental music from Macbeth (Bantock)
Indianisches Erntelied (Busoni)
Indianisches Tagebuch I, BV267 (Busoni)
Infant Joy
Infidélité (Hahn)
Infirma nostri corporis
Inno a Diana (Puccini)
Inno a Roma (Puccini)
Ins Joch beug' ich den Nacken demutvoll
Inscription sur le sable
Inscriptions sur un oranger, Op 16 (Durey)
Interlude, Op 152 (Chaminade)
Intermezzo (Kodály)
Intermezzo erotico –
Intermezzo No 1 (Ponce)
Intermezzo scherzando
Intermezzo, Op 21 (Sammons)
Intermezzo: Anmuthig bewegt
Intermezzo: Open country
Intermezzos, Op 117 (Brahms/Magen)
Into her keeping (Bridge)
Into my heart an air that kills
Intonation: Maestoso
Introduction and Allegro
Introduction and Allegro (Walthew)
Introduction and Allegro 'Credo in unum Deum'
Introduction and Allegro, Op 47 (Elgar)
Introduction and Andante
Introduction and Polonaise brillante in C major, Op 3 (Chopin/Bliss)
Introduction et Air
Introduction et Danse religieuse
Introduction et marche royale du lion
Introduction et rondo capriccioso, Op 28 (Saint-Saëns)
Introduction et rondo capriccioso, Op 28 (Saint-Saëns/Bryan)
Introduction et Rondo, Op 72 (Widor)
Introduction et Tarentelle, Op 43 (Sarasate)
Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue in E minor, Op 127 (Reger)
Introduction, Variations and Fugue on an original theme, Op 73 (Reger)
Introduction. The powers of evil: Mesto e lugubre
Introduction: The late evening
Introitus: T S Eliot in memoriam (Stravinsky)
Invocation, H75 Op 19/2 (Holst)
Io non ho l’ali, eppur quando dal molo
Iphigénie en Aulide (Gluck/Planté)
Irené, meu passarinho do Sertao do Cariri (Ireré, my little nestling from the wilds of Cariri)
Irish Rhapsody No 3, Op 137 (Stanford)
Irish skies
Irish tune from County Derry
Irish tune from County Derry (Grainger)
Irish tune from County Derry (Grainger)
Irish tune from County Derry (Grainger/Siloti)
Irmelin Prelude (Delius)
Irmelin Rose
Ironies: Vivo, scherzoso
Is my team ploughing?
Is my team ploughing?
Is my team ploughing?
Is that Mister Riley, who keeps the hotel?
Is thy strength so small? Fear not the lions
Islamey 'Oriental fantasie', Op 18 (Balakirev)
Islay Reaper's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Isle of my Heart (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Isobel (Bridge)
Isoldens Tod (Moszkowski)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Battiwalla)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Cleobury)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Willcocks)
It came upon the midnight clear (Willis/Rice)
It is a thing most wonderful
It is a thing most wonderful
It is not mine to sing the stately grace
It is only a tiny garden (Wood)
It sometimes comes into my head
It was a comely young lady fair
It was a lover and his lass
It was Christmas Eve
It was in the prime of the sweet springtime
It was on the fifth of August
It was on the fifth of August
It was what you bore with you, woman
Italienisches Liederbuch (Wolf/Gottwald)
Ite, Missa est
It's oh to be a wild wind
Iudex crederis esse venturus. Adagio molto solenne e religioso
I've told ev'ry little star (Kern/Chilcott)
Iz divnykh dney 'Now the last day of many years'
Izhe heruvimï, tayno obrazuyushche 'Let us who mystically represent the Cherubim'
J’ai compris ta détresse
J’aime tes yeux, j’aime ton front
J’étais triste et pensif quand je t’ai rencontrée
Ja, du weisst es, teure Seele
J'adore Suzette
Jag är ett träd, Op 57 No 5 (Sibelius)
Jahrlang möcht' ich so Dich halten
J'ai longtemps habité sous de vastes portiques
J'ai mis à mon cheval sa bride
J'ai presque peur, en vérité
Jane Scroop, Her Lament for Philip Sparrow
Jane, L13 (Debussy)
Janeta ount anirem gardar
Jardin nocturne
Jardins sous la pluie
Jarní idyla: Vivace
Jaro 'Spring', Op 22a (Suk)
Je connais un autre connin
Je descendis dans mon jardin (Scott)
Je dirai la rose aux plis gracieux
Je l'ai rencontrée un jour de vendage
Je languis nuit et jour, et ma peine est extrême
Je marche sur tous les chemins … Obéissons quand leurs voix appellent
Je me metz en vostre mercy
Je me poserai sur ton cœur
Je me souviens (Hahn)
Je me suis embarqué
Je mettrai mes deux mains sur ma bouche, pour taire
Je ne croyais pas que la neige renfermât du feu
Je ne suis plus dans l'ignorance
Je n'entends que le bruit de la rive et de l'eau
Je pâlis et tombe en langueur
Je prends la plume pour vous donner des nouvelles
Je regardais dans le jardin
Je souhaite dans ma maison
Je suis jaloux, Psyché, de toute la nature
Je t'ai rencontrée simplement
Je te veux (Satie)
Je tremble en voyant ton visage
Je veux que le matin l'ignore
Jeanie Deans (MacCunn)
Jeanie with the light brown hair (Foster/Weigand)
Jeg elsker Dig 'I love you'
Jeg kaldte dig mit lykkebud 'I called you my messenger of joy'
Jerusalem (Parry)
Jerusalem (Parry/Stilgoe)
Jerusalem (Parry/Thalben-Ball)
Jerusalem (Parry/Wicks)
Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV78 (Bach/Rummel)
Jesu, grant me this, I pray (Gibbons/Bairstow)
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesu, the very thought of thee
Jesu, Thou the Virgin-born
Jesus autem ait illi
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluya!
Jesus Christ our Lord is risen
Jesus Christus, Gottes Sohn
Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, BWV665 (Bach/Busoni)
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe, BWV22 (Bach/Rummel)
Jesus, friend of little children
Jetant son encre vers les cieux
Jetzt wird sie wohl in dem Garten gehen
Jeu de cartes 'Ballet in three Deals' (Stravinsky)
Jeu des princesses avec les pommes d'or
Jeu divin
Jeux de vagues: Allegro
Jeux d'eau (Ravel)
Jeux d'eau (Ravel/Viacava)
Jeux 'Poème dansé', L133 (Debussy)
Jewish Song
Jimbo's lullaby
Jimbo's lullaby
Jimbo's Lullaby
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Campbell)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Gould)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Langford)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Parry)
Job (Parry)
Job (Vaughan Williams)
Johanna Sebus, D728 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Johnnie came from London town
Johnny Doyle (Anon/Hughes)
Johnny I hardly knew ye (Anon/Hughes)
Jolly Rutterkin
Jölstring 'Dance from Jölster'
Jota aragonesa, Op 64 (Saint-Saëns)
Journey's End
Journey's End
Journey's end (Bridge)
Joy, shipmate, joy!
Joyeuse rencontre et quelques pénibles événements!
Joyeusetés de bonne compagnie (Pessard)
Joyeusetés de bonne compagnie (Pessard)
Juba Dance
Jugoslavische Suite, Op 58 (Bortkiewicz)
Julebudet dem, der bygge (Hartmann/Holten)
Jumping with tongue out: Allegro grazioso (after Op 57 No 2)
June (Quilter)
June Night, Op 51 No 2 (Parker)
Junge Mädchen pflücken Blumen
Jungle Book (Grainger)
Jüngst träumte mir, ich sah auf lichten Höhen
Jupiter – The bringer of jollity
Just as I am, without one plea
Just as the tide was flowing
Just a-wearyin' for you (Jacobs-Bond)
Just believe it's true
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling
Justorum animae
Jutish Medley
Jutish medley
K ney 'To her'
Kak mne bol'no 'How painful this is'
Kak tikho vsyo! 'How calm it was!'
Kakoye schast'ye 'What happiness'
Kammer-Fantasie über Carmen, BV284 (Busoni)
Kang, kang, kang ki ki kang kang
Karel do pekla zajel
Karel do pekla zajel 'Karel rode off to hell'
Kashmiri Song
Kašpar Rucký (Janáček)
Káťa Kabanová, JW I/8 (Janáček)
Keep off the grass
Keltic Lament
Kennst du die Blume, die märchenhafte
Ketty-valse (published as 'Kitty-valse')
Kevätyö 'May Night'
Keyboard Concerto No 5 in F minor, BWV1056 (Bach/Cortot)
Khadra's dance
Kheruvimskaya pesn 'Cherubic Hymn'
Kheruvimskaya pesn 'Cherubic Hymn' (Chesnokov)
Kheruvimskaya pesn 'Cherubic Hymn' (Golovanov)
Kheruvimskaya pesn 'The Cherubic Hymn', Op 13 (Shvedov)
Kheruvimskaya Pesnya 'The Cherubic Hymn'
Kherya pou dhen idhen ilyos
Khovantchina (Musorgsky/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Khovantchina (Musorgsky/Stokowski)
Khvalite Gospoda s nebes 'Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord from the heavens'
Khvalite imya Gospodne
Kikimora, Op 63 (Liadov)
Killingdans 'Goats' dance'
Kindertotenlieder (Mahler)
Kindly, kindly, kindly
King Estmere, H70 (Holst)
King of Glorie, King of Peace
King of glory, King of peace (Candlyn)
Kirsteen (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Kishmul's Galley
Kishmul's Galley (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Kitri's variation
Klavermusik for små og store 'Piano music for young and old', Op 53 (Nielsen)
Klaverstykke 'Piano Piece', FS159 (Nielsen)
Klavierstücke, Op 16 (Albert)
Klavírní skladby 'Piano pieces', Op 7 (Suk)
Klavírní skladby 'Piano pieces', Op 7 (Suk/Kocián)
Knabe saß ich, Fischerknabe
Knight Errant
Kol Nidrei, Op 47 (Bruch)
Kolïbel'naya 'Lullaby'
Kolïbel'naya pesnya 'Lullaby'
Komm! Hebe dich zu höhern Sphären! (Mater gloriosa/Chorus)
Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist, BWV667 (Bach/Busoni)
Komm, heiliger Geist Herre Gott, BWV651 (Bach/Reger)
Komm, süsser Tod, BWV478 (Bach/Bridge)
Komm, Trost der Welt, du stille Nacht!
Komu kytka?
Konsertstycke in C major, Op 1 (Wiklund)
Konzertstück in D major, Op 12 (Dohnányi)
Konzertstück in F sharp minor, Op 84 (Bruch)
Konzertstück, Op 33 (Reinecke)
Koza bílá hrušky sbírá
Koza bílá hrušky sbírá 'A white goat's picking pears'
Krämerspiegel, Op 66 (Strauss)
Krïsolov 'Pied piper'
Krunk (Komitas/Babakhanian)
Kujawiak – Obertas
Kujn Ara Yev Gna-Gna (Komitas/Babakhanian)
Kukuk hat sich zu Tode gefallen
Kullervo, Op 7 (Sibelius)
Kuusi 'The spruce'
L’âme d’une flûte soupire
L’aurore s’allume
L’homme a, pour payer sa rançon
La barcheta
La Belle au Bois dormant, L81 (Debussy)
La belle dame sans merci (Parry)
La belle dame sans merci (Stanford)
La bergère a laissé choir
La biondina in gondoleta
La bohème (Puccini)
La bonne chanson
La bonne chanson, Op 61 (Fauré)
La boule de neige
La Brise
La campanella
La Canzone dei Ricordi (Martucci)
La caprice de Nanette
La captive 'Orientale', Op 12 (Berlioz/Manze)
La carpe
La cathédrale engloutie: Profondément calme
La cathédrale engloutie: Profondément calme
La cathédrale engloutie: Profondément calme
La Ceinture de Noces
La chanson des blondes (Paladilhe)
La chanson des Ingénues
La chanson d'Ève, Op 95 (Fauré)
La chanson du Pilote
La chasse (Kreisler)
La chauve-souris et les deux belettes
La chenille
La chère blessure (Hahn)
La chevelure
La Cigale ayant chanté, tout l'été
La cigale et la fourmi
La Cigale et la Fourmi (Saint-Saëns)
La cigale, ayant chanté
La Coccinelle (Saint-Saëns)
La colomba
La colomba
La colombe
La colombe
La conversation de Merlin
La coquette – valse brillante (Herbert)
La damnation de Faust, Op 24 (Berlioz/Redon)
La damoiselle élue, L69 (Debussy)
La danse de l'amour et de l'ennui
La danse de Puck: Capricieux et léger
La danse de Puck: Capricieux et léger
La danse 'Mazurka in G major, Op 50 No 1' (Chopin/Viardot)
La dernière valse
La dure épreuve va finir
La fantastique
La fée aux chansons, Op 27 No 2 (Fauré)
La fête de Terpsichore
La fête 'Mazurka in E flat minor, Op 6 No 4' (Chopin/Viardot)
La feuille
La fille aux cheveux de lin
La fille aux cheveux de lin, L15 (Debussy)
La fille aux cheveux de lin: Très calme et doucement expressif
La fille aux cheveux de lin: Très calme et doucement expressif
La fille aux cheveux de lin: Très calme et doucement expressif
La fleur qui va sur l'eau, Op 85 No 2 (Fauré)
La flûte de Pan
La flûte enchantée
La fontaine d'Aréthuse
La fuite (Duparc)
La gallina
La grenade
La grotte
La jeunesse nous quitte, et les Grâces aussi
La Jongleuse, Op 52 No 4 (Moszkowski)
La lettre du jardinier (Tournier)
La lisonjera, Op 50 (Chaminade)
La Lune
La lune blanche
La lune blanche
La lune blanche
La lune blanche (Delius)
La lune s'attristait
La lune se levait, pure, mais plus glacée
La maja de Goya
La maja y el ruiseñor
La marche d'Arthur
La Marseillaise (Stravinsky/Rouget de Lisle)
La méduse
La mer
La mer est infinie
La mer est plus belle que les cathédrales
La mer est plus belle que les cathédrales, L85 No 1
La mer, L111 (Debussy)
La messagère
La métempsychose
La mort de Wallenstein
La mort des amants
La mort d'Ophélie (Saint-Saëns)
La mouche
La muse et le poète, Op 132 (Saint-Saëns)
La naïade
La nascita di Venere
La nuit
La Nuit
La nuit a des douceurs de femmes!
La nuit descend du haut des cieux
La nuit sur le grand mystère
La nymphe de la source (Hahn)
La oración del torero, Op 34 (Turina)
La paix
La Paloma (Iradier/Atmajian)
La Passion (Zadora)
La pauvre fleur disait au papillon céleste
La pauvre fleur disait au papillon céleste
La pêche
La pintade
La Pisanella. Suite (Pizzetti)
La plus que lente, L128 (Debussy)
La plus que lente, L128 (Debussy/Roques)
La poste
La Primavera
La primavera
La princesse jaune, Op 30 (Saint-Saëns)
La Prophétie de Gwene'hlan
La puce
La Puerta del Vino: Mouvement de Habanera
La Puerta del Vino: Mouvement de Habanera
La rançon, Op 8 No 2 (Fauré)
La révérence!
La romance d'Ariel, L58 (Debussy)
La romance du soir dans les airs s'évapore
La romanesca (Achron)
La rondine (Puccini)
La rose 'Ode anacréontique', Op 51 No 4 (Fauré)
La ruelle
La sauterelle
La Sérénade de Don Juan
La sérénade interrompue: Modérément animé
La sérénade interrompue: Modérément animé
La soirée dans Grenade
La soirée dans Grenade
La solitaire
La Source. Étude, Op 44 (Hasselmans)
La souris
La tarantelle frétillante
La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune: Lent
La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune: Lent
La tortue
La toupie from Jeux d'enfants 'The top' (Bizet/Garbon)
La tragédie de Salomé - Symphonic Poem, Op 50 (Schmitt)
La vague et la cloche (Duparc)
La vallée des cloches
La valse (Ravel)
La valse (Ravel/Bax)
La vega (Albéniz)
La vida breve (Falla)
La vida breve (Falla/Kovacs)
La vida breve (Falla/Kreisler)
La vie antérieure (Duparc)
La village est tout en fête
Là-bas, dans les monts neigeux
Là-bas, vers l'église
Là-bas, vers l'église
Là-bas, vers l'église
L'abbé divague.—Et toi, marquis
Łabędź, Op 7 (Szymanowski/Lidström)
L'absent, Op 5 No 3 (Fauré)
Lac vert
Lad and lass thegither
L'Adieu des Bergers à la Sainte Famille (Les Bergers)
L'Adorazione dei Magi
Lady on the silver throne (Goodhart)
Lady, when I behold the roses sprouting
Laideronnette, impératrice des pagodes
L'air de la pendule (Saint-Saëns)
Lakodalmas 'Wedding dance', Op 21b (Weiner)
L'allée est sans fin
L'âme évaporée et souffrante
Lament for two violas (Bridge)
Lament: Adagio non troppo e ben marcato
Lamentations and Consolations, Op 17 (Bortkiewicz)
Lamento (Duparc)
Land of Heart's Desire (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Land of the mountain and the flood (MacCunn)
Land of the Pharaohs (Tiomkin)
Ländler: Tempo giusto, scherzando
Langsamer Satz (Webern)
Långt bortom fjärdens våg
L'archet, L22 (Debussy)
Larghetto Lamentoso
Larghetto ma appassionato
L'arlésienne suite No 1 (Bizet/Rachmaninov)
Larmes aux fleurs suspendues
Larmes, Op 51 No 1 (Fauré)
Las currutacas modestas (Granados)
Las! Colombine a fermé le volet
Las! nous n'avons pas l'avantage
L'aspiration vers la joie: Rhapsodie
Lass Akaziendüfte schaukeln
Laß das Zagen, trage mutig
Lass dich nimmer von der Liebe berücken 'Chi in amore ha nemica la sorte'
Lass dich nur nichts nicht dauren mit trauren
Lass ruhn die Toten, TrV50 (Strauss)
Lasse liten, Op 37 No 2 (Sibelius)
Last night by the sheiling was Mhairi, my beloved
Last night I lay a-sleeping
Last night the air was cold and still
Last night, ah, yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine
Late at night alone in the sheiling
L'Attente (Saint-Saëns)
L'aube blanche
Laudate Dominum
Laudes organi (Kodály)
Laue Sommernacht (Mahler)
Lauf der Welt
Laura Valse (Elgar)
Laura, über diese Welt zu flüchten
L'aurore (Fauré)
Lauter Freude fühl’ ich
Lay a garland on my hearse
Le Bal de Béatrice d'Este (Hahn)
Le balcon
Le baron Jaouioz
Le bestiaire, Op 17a (Durey)
Le bon Pierrot, que la foule contemple
Le camp de Wallenstein
Le canon se tait, il fait nuit
Le carnaval des animaux (Saint-Saëns)
Le carnaval des animaux (Saint-Saëns/Godowsky)
Le carnaval des animaux (Saint-Saëns/Guilmant)
Le carnaval des animaux (Saint-Saëns/Hasselmans)
Le chant de ceux qui s'en vont sur la mer (Saint-Saëns)
Le Chant du Nautonier, Op 12 (Diémer)
Le chat
Le chevrier (Séverac)
Le Cid (Massenet)
Le ciel d'hiver, si doux, si triste, si dormant
Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit
Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit
Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit (Delius)
Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit … (Séverac)
Le cimetière
Le connais-tu ce radieux pays
Le cortège d'Amphitrite
Le cotillon couleur de rose (Séverac)
Le coucou au fond des bois
Le cyclone
Le cygne
Le cygne
Le cygne
Le cygne
Le cygne
Le cygne
Le cygne regarde son reflet dans l'eau (Aubergine/Lidström)
Le Danse d'Olaf
Le dauphin
Le Déluge, Op 45 (Saint-Saëns)
Le don silencieux, Op 92 (Fauré)
Le drapeau belge, Op 79 (Elgar)
Le dromadaire
Le faucon
Le faune
Le galop (Duparc)
Le gibet
Le gibet
Le grillon
Le hibou
Le jardin clos, Op 106 (Fauré)
Le jardin de Dolly
Le jardin de Pétrarque
Le jardin enchanté de Kastchei
Le jardin féerique
Le jet d'eau
Le jour
Le jour de l'Épiphanie
Le lapin
Le lilas, L36 (Debussy)
Le lion
Le long des blés que la brise
Le long du bois couvert de givre
Le long du ciel grenat, d'un grenat d'iris
Le long du quai les grands vaisseaux
Le manoir de Rosemonde (Duparc)
Le martin-pêcheur
Le miroir de Jésus (Caplet/Gottwald)
Le monde dans l'attente du Sauveur
Le page de Louis XIII
Le pan de mur est en face, pour conjurer le cercle de ton rêve
Le paon
Le paon
Le papillon et la fleur, Op 1 No 1 (Fauré)
Le papillon et la fleur, Op 1 No 1 (Fauré/Richards)
Le parfum impérissable, Op 76 No 1 (Fauré)
Le pas d'armes du Roi Jean (Saint-Saëns)
Le pas espagnol
Le passé
Le pays des rêves, Op 39 No 3 (Fauré)
Le pêcheur vidant ses filets
Le pèlerinage inutile
Le perroquet
Le petit âne blanc
Le plus beau présent (Hahn)
Le plus doux chemin, Op 87 No 1 (Fauré)
Le poulpe
Le printemps
Le Printemps
Le promenoir des deux amants, L129 (Debussy)
Le ramier, Op 87 No 2 (Fauré)
Le repas préparé
Le réveil de Flore
Le réveil de la mariée
Le réveil de la mariée
Le réveil de la mariée
Le Rhin allemand
Le roi a fait battre tambour (Séverac)
Le rossignol
Le rossignol des lilas (Hahn)
Le rossignol éperdu (Hahn)
Le secret, Op 23 No 3 (Fauré)
Le Seigneur Nann et la Fée
Le serpent
Le soir
Le son du cor s'afflige vers les bois
Le son du cor s'afflige vers les bois, L85 No 2
Le souci, plus léger que les vents de l'Épire
Le souvenir d'avoir chanté
Le spectre de la rose
Le temps a laissé son manteau
Le temps a laissié son manteau
Le temps a laissié son manteau
Le Thé
Le tombeau de Couperin (Ravel)
Le tombeau de Couperin (Ravel)
Le tombeau de Couperin (Ravel/Wiersinga)
Le tombeau de Titelouze '16 Chorals sur des Hymnes liturgiques', Op 38 (Dupré)
Le tombeau des naïades
Le travail mène à la richesse
Le troupeau verni des moutons
Le vent dans la plaine (Saint-Saëns)
Le vent dans la plaine: Animé
Le vent dans la plaine: Animé
Le Vin des Gaulois
Le voyageur, Op 18 No 2 (Fauré)
Le zéphyr à la douce haleine
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
Lean close thy cheek (Bridge)
Lean out of the window
Lebenstraum 'Gesang in c', D1a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
L'échelonnement des haies
L'échelonnement des haies, L85 No 3
Legend (Bax)
Legend (Ireland)
Legend 'The Crown of roses'
Legenda: Andante espressivo
Leise geht der Tag zur Rüste
Leise Lieder …
Leise zieht durch mein Gemüt
Leiser schwanken die Äste
Leises Lied
L'énamourée (Hahn)
L'enfance du Christ, Op 25 (Berlioz/Bruerton)
L'enfant suppose
L'énigme éternelle
Lensky's Aria
Lensky's Aria
Lenzgesang, Op 50 No 1 (Sibelius)
L'épouse du Croise
Les angélus, L88 (Debussy)
Les angélus, L88 (Debussy/Gottwald)
Les angélus, Op 57 (Vierne)
Les baisers d'amour, L23 (Debussy)
Les baisers, L9 (Debussy)
Les bayadères
Les berceaux, Op 23 No 1 (Fauré)
Les champs n’étaient point noirs, les cieux n’étaient pas mornes
Les cieux resplendissants d'étoiles
Les cloches
Les cloches de Las Palmas
Les collines d'Anacapri: Très modéré
Les collines d'Anacapri: Très modéré
Les contes d'Hoffmann (Offenbach/Zadora)
Les Contrastes 'Grand Duo', Op 115 (Moscheles/Lev/Levanon)
Les cors (Séverac)
Les cygnes (Hahn)
Les cygnes (Hahn/Lidström)
Les deux écharpes
Les donneurs de sérénades
Les donneurs de sérénades
Les donneurs de sérénades
Les donneurs de sérénades
Les Elfes, L25 (Debussy)
Les enchantmements de la mer
Les entretiens de la belle et de la bête
Les étoiles
Les fées sont d'exquises danseuses: Rapide et léger
Les fées sont d'exquises danseuses: Rapide et léger
Les feuilles blessées (Hahn)
Les feuilles s'ouvraient sur le bord des branches
Les feuilles tombent, c'est l'automne
Les fleurs et les arbres, Op 68 No 2 (Saint-Saëns)
Les fontaines (Hahn)
Les grands vents venus d'outremer
Les grands vents venus d'outremer (Ravel)
Les hauts talons luttaient avec les longues jupes
Les hiboux (Séverac)
Les ingénus
Les jeunes filles attirent Daphnis – Danse générale
Les Joueurs de flûte, Op 27 (Roussel)
Les laboureurs
Les marins de Kermor, Op 71 No 1 (Saint-Saëns)
Les matelots, Op 2 No 2 (Fauré)
Les noces du duc de Joyeuse
Les Noces 'Svadebka' (Stravinsky)
Les papillons (Paladilhe)
Les papillons, L21 (Debussy)
Les patineurs (Waldteufel)
Les petites fleurs n’ont pu vivre
Les poils de cette chèvre et même
Les premières lueurs de l'aurore naissante
Les présents, Op 46 No 1 (Fauré)
Les rêveries du Prince Églantine
Les roses d'Ispahan, Op 39 No 4 (Fauré)
Les roses étaient toutes rouges
Les roses étaient toutes rouges
Les roses, L28 (Debussy)
Les sanglots long
Les sanglots longs
Les sirènes
Les soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon, L150 (Debussy)
Les soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon, L150 (Debussy/Matthews)
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir: Modéré
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir: Modéré
Les sylphides, Op 18 (Achron)
Les sylvains, Op 60 (Chaminade)
Les tierces alternées: Modérément animé
Les tierces alternées: Modérément animé
Les trois Moines rouges
Les trois valses distinguées du précieux dégoûté (Satie)
Les vieilles mains d'argent des coutumes locales
Lesa dremuchiye 'Dense forests', Op 26 No 5 (Taneyev)
Lesbie, lumière de mon âme
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Bairstow)
Let all the world in ev’ry corner sing
Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing
Let Beauty awake
Let Beauty awake
Let charming beauty's health go round
Let the day perish wherein I was born (Job)
Let us break their bonds asunder
Let us go, Maruca
Let us with a gladsome mind
Letí straka, letí
Letní dojmy 'Summer impressions', Op 22b (Suk)
Let's begin (Kern/Chilcott)
Let's dance the jig
Lettre du front (Vellones)
L'éveil de Pâques (Séverac)
Lever du jour
Lever du jour – Daphnis cherche Chloé et il rêve d'elle – Daphnis et Chloé miment l'aventure de Pân et de Syrinx
Leze krtek podle meze
Leze krtek 'The mole creeps'
L'herbe est molle au sommeil sous les frais peupliers
L'heure exquise
L'hiver a cessé
L'Homme ne peut rien contre l'Amour, la Femme non plus
L'horizon chimérique, Op 118 (Fauré)
Libellules, Op 24 (Chaminade)
Libera me
Libera me
Liebe! Liebe!
Liebes Töchterlein
Liebesleid (Kreisler/Bryan)
Liebesrausch, D164 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Liebesträume – 3 Notturnos für das Pianoforte, S541 (Liszt/Robertson)
Liebeswidmung, Op 51 (Achron)
Liebst du um Schönheit
Liebst du um Schönheit (Mahler)
Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben?, BWV8 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV730 (Bach/Reger)
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV731 (Bach/Rummel)
Lied an meinen Sohn
Lied der Frauen
Lied der Jungfrau
Lied der Sehnsucht: Nicht zu langsam
Lied des Verfolgten im Turm (Mahler)
Lied eines Kindes, D596 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Lied in der Abwesenheit, D416 (Schubert/Mandyczewski/Deutsch)
Lied, Op 19 (Indy)
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Mahler)
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Mahler/Gottwald)
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Mahler/Matthews)
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Mahler/Schoenberg)
Lieder und Gesänge IV, Op 96 (Schumann/Bliss)
Lieder, Op 11 (Walter)
Lieder, Op 12 (Walter)
Liegt eine Stadt im Tale
Liegt eine Stadt im Tale
Liegt nun so still die weite Welt
Life is a milliner's show
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim
Lift up thy voice, O son of man, and cry (Chorus)
Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Light leaves whisper, H20 (Holst)
Light of the World
Light staccato chords
Lighten our darkness (Stanford)
Like a sick eagle (Ives)
Like the rosy norther glow
L'île des Sirènes
Limmerich ohne Worte, Op 372 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
Limoges, the market place
Limoges, the Market Place
Limping Dance: Allegro non troppo – Più mosso
L'incanto degli occhi, D990e (Schubert/Hoorickx)
L'Incrédule (Hahn)
Lindaraja, L103 (Debussy)
Linden Lea (Vaughan Williams)
L'infidèle (Séverac)
L'invitation au voyage (Duparc)
L'invitation au voyage (Hillemacher/Hillemacher)
Lish' rozï uvyadayut 'When roses wither'
L'isle joyeuse, L109 (Debussy)
L'isle joyeuse, L109 (Debussy/Molinari)
Lístek odvanutý
Lístek odvanutý
Litanei auf das Fest Aller Seelen 'Am Tage Aller Seelen', D343 (Schubert/Cortot)
Little Fugue in G minor, BWV578 (Bach/Borwick)
Little Fugue in G minor, BWV578 (Bach/Mednikoff)
Little grey home in the West (Löhr)
Little Prelude and Fugue in E minor, BWV533 (Bach/Busoni)
Little Star of Bethlehem!
Little Waltz in G major, Op 26 (Liadov)
Little white star on the mountain heather
Liturgy No 2, Op 29 (Grechaninov)
Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts, Op 24 (Chesnokov)
Live for ever, glorious Lord (Dyson)
Liza Ann
Llámale con el pañuelo
Llega a mi reja y me mira
Lloraba la niña
Lo! Christ the Lord is born (Elgar)
Lob des hohen Verstandes (Mahler)
Lob des Leidens
Loch Broom Love Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Loch Leven Love Lament (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Loch Lomond (Vaughan Williams)
Löfven de falla
Loin des yeux du monde
Loin du foyer
L'oiseau dans le buisson
L'oiseau de feu (Stravinsky)
L'oiseau de feu 'Ballet intégral, 1910/11' (Stravinsky)
L'ombre des arbres
L'ombre des arbres
L'ombre des arbres dans la rivière embrumée
L'ombre noyait les bois. C'était un soir antique
L'Ondine, Op 101 (Chaminade)
London Bridge
London Landmarks (Wood)
London Suite (Coates)
Lonely I wander through scenes of my childhood
Lonley as a desert breeze, I may wander where I please
Look not in my eyes
Look not in my eyes
Lookin' back
Lord Maxwell's goodnight (Grainger/Tall)
Lord of the bygone centuries
Lord Peter's stable-boy
Lord Randall (Anon/Scott)
Lord! Come away!
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
Lord, I call upon thee (Bairstow)
Lord, I will mean an speak thy praise
Lord, let me know mine end
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, remember David and all his trouble
Lord, thou art become gracious unto thy land
Lord, thou hast been our refuge
Lord, thou hast been our refuge (Bairstow)
Lord, thou hast been our refuge 'Psalm 90' (Vaughan Williams)
Lord, thou hast given me a cell
Lord, Who hast made us for Thine own
Lorma sass in der Halle von Aldo. Sie sass
Lors que je voy en ordre la brunette
Lorsque au soleil couchant les rivières sont roses
Lorsque le ciel de saphir est de feu
Lorsqu'elle est entrée
Los requiebros
Lotus Land, Op 47 No 1 (Scott)
Loughareema! Lies so high among the heather
Lourd on my hert (Scott)
Love and friendship
Love bade me welcome
Love calls through the summer night (Quilter)
Love came down at Christmas (Hann/Barber)
Love came down at Christmas (Morris/Cleobury)
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/Cleobury)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/Frogatt)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/O'Donnell)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/Robinson)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Hyfrydol (Prichard/Rutter)
Love gave I to thee, my lover
Love is a bable
Love is a rose (Bridge)
Love is a sickness full of woes (Ireland)
Love of Alba (Scott)
Love on my heart
Love to his singer held a glistening leaf
Love to his singer held a glistening leaf
Love unspoken
Love walked in (Gershwin/Grainger)
Love was a dream
Love went a-riding (Bridge)
Love, could I only tell thee (Capel)
Love, if you knew the light (Lehmann)
Love, Op 18 No 2 (Elgar)
Love, sweet love
Loveliest of trees
Loveliest of trees
Love's garden of roses (Wood)
Love's last gift
Love's last gift
Love's minstrels
Love's minstrels
Love's old sweet song (Molloy)
Love's Philosophy
Love's Philosophy, Op 3 No 1 (Quilter)
Love's Tempest
Low lie the mists
Lowly, laid in a manger
Lullaby (Gibbs)
Lullaby (Sammons)
Lullaby in the land of eternity. L'istesso tempo
Lullaby 'La Berceuse d'Aïtacho Enia', Op 52 (Szymanowski)
Lullaby No 1 (Clarke)
Lullaby. Andantino 'To Maude'
Lullay my liking, H129 (Holst)
Lust und Qual, TrV51 (Strauss)
Lydia, Op 4 No 1 (in F major)
Lydia, Op 4 No 2 (Fauré)
Lyric Movement, H191 (Holst)
Lyric Pieces Book 1, Op 12 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 10, Op 71 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 10, Op 71 (Grieg/Achron)
Lyric Pieces Book 2, Op 38 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 3, Op 43 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 3, Op 43 (Grieg/Achron)
Lyric Pieces Book 4, Op 47 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 5, Op 54 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 6, Op 57 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 7, Op 62 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 8, Op 65 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 9, Op 68 (Grieg)
Lyric Pieces Book 9, Op 68 (Grieg/Achron)
Lyrica nova, Op 59 (Bortkiewicz)
M. de la Péjaudie
M.K., in D flat major
Ma belle amie est morte
M'a dit Amour
Ma fille, laisse là ton aiguille et ta laine
Ma jeunesse (Hahn)
Ma mère l'oye (Ravel)
Ma pensée est un cygne harmonieux et sage
Ma poupée chérie (Séverac)
Macbeth, Op 23 (Strauss)
Mach auf, mach auf! doch leise, mein Kind
Madama Butterfly Symphonic Suite (Puccini/Rizzi)
Mädchenblumen, Op 22 (Strauss)
Madrid (Puget)
Madrid (Stravinsky/Stravinsky)
Madrid, princesse des Espages
Mae 'nghariad i'n Fenws
M'affaccio la finestra e vedo l'onde
Magnificat (Bax)
Magnificat (Vaughan Williams)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E flat (Wood)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F 'Collegium Regale' (Wood)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in F minor (Gray)
Magnificat for eight-part chorus in B flat, Op 164 (Stanford)
Magnificat, BWV243 (Bach/Rummel)
Magnificat-Alleluia (Villa-Lobos)
Mahomets Gesang, D549 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Mahomets Gesang, D721 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Mai (Hahn)
Mai, Op 1 No 2 (Fauré)
Maiden crowned with glossy blackness
Mai-Dun (Ireland)
Mailied, D503 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Mallorca 'Barcarola', Op 202 (Albéniz)
Malven, TrV297 (Strauss)
Mám já panenku –
Mamma, tell a fairy tale: Allegretto (after Op 57 No 4)
Man born of desire
Man that is born of woman is of few days (Job)
Mañanica era
Mañanita de San Juan
Mandoline, L43
Mandoline, L43 (Debussy)
Manhattan Beach (Sousa)
Mannin veen (Vaughan Williams)
Manon (Massenet)
Månsken, Op 20 No 4 (Stenhammar)
Manteau de fleurs (Ravel)
Mantle of blue (Bridge)
Many waters cannot quench love
Maple Leaf Rag (Joplin/Weigand)
March in D major (Elgar)
March of the Paladin: Allegro marciale
March of Toys: Marciale (after Op 57 No 10)
March: Scorched earth
Marche américaine, Op 31 (Widor/Dupré)
Marche chinoise
Marche de Procession sur deux chants d'église
Marche du veilleur de nuit 'Wachet auf!', BWV645
Marche écossaise sur un thème populaire, L83b (Debussy)
Marche funèbre d'une marionnette (Gounod/Perkins)
Marche funèbre: Andante lugubre
Marche grotesque: Allegro giocoso
Marche héroïque (Brewer)
Marche héroïque in D major, Op 74 (Lemare)
Marche militaire française
Marche miniature viennoise (Kreisler)
Marche moderne, Op 2 (Lemare)
Marche nuptiale in F
Marche pontificale
Marche religieuse, Op 107 (Saint-Saëns)
Marche sur un thème de Hændel, Op 15 No 2 (Guilmant)
Marche triomphale du Centenaire de Napoléon I (Vierne)
Märchen, Op 46 (Achron)
Margaritki 'Daisies'
Margaritki 'Daisies'
Margaritki 'Daisies'
Marguerite douloureuse au rouet, Op 26 (Zabel)
Maria sitzt am Rosenhag
Maria, mater gratiae, Op 47 No 2 (Fauré)
Marionettes, Op 29 (Liadov)
Marionettes: Allegro molto e scherzando
Marosszéki keringös 'Ronde from Marossék'
Marquise, vous souvenez-vous? (Saint-Saëns)
Marry me now (Anon/Hughes)
Mars – The bringer of war
Marsch der lustigen Brüder
Marssnön, Op 36 No 5 (Sibelius)
Mary Thomson
Masque: Allegretto
Masques et bergamasques Suite, Op 112 (Fauré/Pienaar)
Masques, L110 (Debussy)
Masques, Op 34 (Szymanowski)
Mass (Stravinsky)
Mass in E flat (Janáček)
Mass in G minor (Vaughan Williams)
Mass in G minor (Vaughan Williams/Jacobson)
Mater ora filium (Bax)
Mater ora filium (Wood/Oxley)
Matin provençal
Matrosenes appsang
Matthew, Mark and Luke and John
Maud (Somervell)
Mavra (Stravinsky/Markevitch)
Max et Thécla
Maypole Dance: Andante
Maytime (Romberg)
Mazurka à la viennoise, Op 51 (Grünfeld)
Mazurka in A minor, Op 68 No 2 (Chopin/Spacht)
Mazurka in A minor, Op 7 No 2 (Chopin/Spacht)
Mazurka in B flat major, Op 32 (Fauré)
Mazurka in B minor, WoO15 (Scriabin)
Mazurka in E minor
Mazurka in F major, WoO16 (Scriabin)
Mazurka in G minor, Op 11 No 3 (Popper)
Mazurka No 1 in A flat major (Balakirev)
Mazurka No 2 in C sharp minor (Balakirev)
Mazurka No 4 in G flat major (Balakirev)
Mazurka No 6 in A flat major (Balakirev)
Mazurka rustique
Mazurka, L75 (Debussy)
Mazurka, Op 10 No 2 (Ysaÿe)
Mazurka, Op 31 (Hasselmans)
Mazurka-oberek in D major (Glazunov)
Mechty v odinochestve vyanut 'My thoughts arise and fade', Op 17 No 2 (Taneyev)
Med en vandlilje 'With a waterlily'
Méditation (Massenet/Bryan)
Méditation in B minor 'Poème', Op 16 (Ysaÿe)
Meditation in D major, Op 32 (Glazunov)
Meditation on an old Czech hymn 'St Wenceslas', Op 35a (Suk)
Méditation sur le premier prélude de piano de J S Bach 'Ave Maria' (Gounod/Hough)
Meditazione: Introduzione, quasi Cadenza – Meno mosso – Meditamente
Medlitelno vlekutsa dni moi 'My days pass by so slowly'
Méduses, malheureuses têtes
Meeting at night
Megan's Daughter 'Merch Megan' (Thomas)
Mein Auge
Mein gläubiges Herze
Mein Herz ist stumm
Mein schöner Stern!
Mein Teddybär 'My teddy bear, Polka' (Ganglberger)
Mein Traum
Mein Vater hat gesagt
Mein Vater hat gesagt
Mein Wagen rollet langsam
Meine Puppe Tanzt (Zadora)
Meine Seele bangt und hofft zu Dir (Choralvorspiel)
Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, BWV648 (Bach/Ireland)
Meine Tränen im Bussgewand
Meinem Kinde
Meinem Kinde
Mejerke, main Suhn
Melanconia (Puccini)
Mélisande's song
Melodi (Stenhammar)
Melodia appassionata
Mélodie (Bloch)
Mélodie, Op 20 No 1 (Glazunov)
Mélodie: Moderato con moto
Mélodies persanes, Op 26 (Saint-Saëns)
Melody (Bowen)
Melody for the C string, Op 51 No 2 (Bowen)
Melody for the G string, Op 47 (Bowen)
Memories A 'Very Pleasant' & B 'Rather Sad' (Ives)
Memories of Childhood, Op 11 (Isserlis)
Men and brethren
Men min fågel märks dock icke, Op 36 No 2 (Sibelius)
Mentia l'avviso (Puccini)
Menuet antique (Ravel)
Menuet in C sharp minor (Ravel)
Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn (Ravel)
Menuet: Allegretto
Menuetto (Sibelius)
Menuetto scherzando
Menuetto: Moderato
Mephisto-Waltzer No 1 'Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke', S514 (Liszt/Milstein)
Merciless Beauty (Vaughan Williams)
Mercure (Satie)
Mercury – The winged messenger
Mère des souvenirs, maîtresse des maîtresses
Merlin au berceau
Mes durs rêves formels sauront te chevaucher
Mes vers fuiraient, doux et frêles
Mes vers fuiraient, doux et frêles
Messa di Requiem (Pizzetti)
Messe à deux chœurs et deux orgues, Op 36 (Widor)
Messe basse (Fauré)
Messe en l'honeur du Saint-Sacrement, Op 130 (Jongen)
Messe solennelle, Op 16 (Vierne)
Messiah, HWV56 (Handel/Goossens/Beecham)
'Messieu Aoul!' (published as 'Mi-a-ou')
Metamorphosen, TrV290 (Strauss)
Metamorphosen, TrV290 (Strauss/Leopold)
Métopes 'Trois Poèmes', Op 29 (Szymanowski)
Midnight Bells
Midsummer Night Song: Risoluto
Mignon: Moderato grazioso
Mignonettes (Hofmann)
Mikrokosmos, Sz107 (Bartók)
Milkwort and bog-cotton (Scott)
Milost mira 'The Eucharistic Prayer – Sanctus – Benedictus'
Min hvide svane 'My white swan'
Min Tanke er et mægtigt Fjeld 'My thoughts are like a mighty mountain'
Mina (Elgar)
Mine end is come
Miniature in C (Glazunov)
Miniature Suite for string orchestra and piano (Rootham)
Miniature Suite in C major, Op 14 (Bowen)
Minnespiel, Op 101 (Schumann/Bliss)
Minstrels: Modéré
Minstrels: Modéré
Minstrels: Modéré
Minuet (Bach/Petri)
Minuet (Purcell/Cortot)
Minuet in G
Minuet in G major, K1 (Mozart/Fischer)
Minuet of the sons of Job and their wives
Minuet triste, Op 17 No 1 (Sammons)
Minuetto, Op 68 No 2 (Moszkowski)
Minuit passe
Mir träumte einst ein schöner Traum
Mira que soy niña
Miracle of St Basil
Mirages, Op 113 (Fauré)
Mirages, Op 113 (Fauré/Lidström)
Miroirs (Ravel)
Miroirs (Ravel/Grainger)
Miscellanea, Op 16 (Paderewski)
Misero pargoletto, D42 No 1b (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Miss Ellen, versez-moi le Thé
Missa brevis (Kodály)
Missa São Sebastião (Villa-Lobos)
Missa solemnis, Op 123 (Beethoven/Busoni)
Mistletoe (Gibbs)
Mists (Ives)
Mit deinen blauen Augen
Mit deinen blauen Augen (Lassen/Casals)
Mit Regen und Sturmgebrause
Mitten in dem kleinen Teiche
Mnogaya lieta 'Many years' (Bortniansky/Phillips)
Mo nighean dubh
Mock Morris
Modinha (Villa-Lobos)
Mogu l zabït to sladkoye mgnovenye 'Could I ever forget that delightful moment'
Moje zena malucická … 'My tiny little wife …'
Moji siví volci
Molitva 'Prayer'
Molly on the Shore
Momens musicals, D780 Op 94 (Schubert/Godowsky)
Moment musical
Moment musical: Agitato
Moment triste (Isserlis)
Moments musicaux, Op 16 (Rachmaninov)
Moments musicaux, Op 16 revised (Rachmaninov)
Mon âme vers ton front où rêve, ô calme sœur
Mon âme vers ton front où rêve, ô calme sœur
Mon enfant, ma sœur
Mon enfant, ma sœur
Mon pâle visage
Mon pauvre cœur est un hibou
Monday, Tuesday (Anon/Hughes)
Mondnacht auf der Alster (Fetrás)
Monte, écureuil, monte au grand chêne
Moods, impressions and reminiscences, Op 41 (Fibich)
Moon soon sets now
Moon waltz
Moon, Moon, mischief-making Moon!
Moonstruck (Scott)
Moravská lidová poezie v písních 'Moravian folk poetry in songs', JW V/2 (Janáček)
Morceau de concert, Op 62 (Saint-Saëns)
Morceau de concours (Fauré)
Morceau de fantaisie in G minor (Rachmaninov)
Morceau de lecture, Op 218 (Koechlin)
Morceaux de fantaisie, Op 3 (Rachmaninov)
Morceaux de fantaisie, Op 3 revised (Rachmaninov)
Morceaux de salon, Op 10 (Rachmaninov)
More fond than Cushat Dove
Morendo jusqu'à la fin
Morgenstemming 'Morning Mood' (Mortelmans)
Morire? (Puccini)
Morning and Evening
Morning Song
Morning song in the jungle
Morning Song 'Maytime in Sussex' (Bax)
Morning, Communion and Evening Service in A flat major, Op 6 (Harwood)
Morning, Communion and Evening Service in B flat, Op 10 (Stanford)
Morning, Communion and Evening Service in G, Op 81 (Stanford)
Morpheus (Clarke)
Mort de Mélisande
Mosquito Dance: Allegro molto
Møte 'Meeting'
Mother and child (Ireland)
Mother Machree (Olcott/Ball)
Moths and butterflies (Dance): Allegretto
Motive 'Allegro risoluto' (Busoni)
Motley and Flourish
Moto perpetuo
Moto perpetuo
Moulin: Vivace e gajamente assai
Mountain Lovers (Squire)
Movements (Stravinsky)
Mowgli's song against people
Moy golos dlya tebya 'My voice, calling you', Op 7 No 1 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Moy Mell (Bax)
Mozart (Hahn)
Můj drahý tatíčku
Murmuring Zephyrs
Muse of the golden throne
Musette (Séverac)
Music everywhere 'Rediffusion March' (Coates)
Music for strings, percussion and celesta, Sz106 (Bartók)
Music, when soft voices die (Bairstow)
Music, when soft voices die (Bridge)
Music, when soft voices die, Op 25 No 5 (Quilter)
Musice! milites
Musique aux oreilles végétales
Musique, L54 (Debussy)
Mutter, ach Mutter! es hungert mich
Muza 'The muse'
Muza 'The muse'
My babe on a curling green wave
My cinnamon tree
My dear lady's cat is a charming creature
My faint spirit is sitting in the light
My fair
My father is the King of the gypsies that is true
My God, who makes the sun to know
My heart ever faithful
My heart is like a singing bird (Parry)
My heart sheweth me the wickedness of the ungodly
My life's delight
My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land, Op 18 No 3 (Elgar)
My love's an arbutus (Stanford)
My love's in Germanie (Grainger)
My mother was a western woman
My Native Heath (Wood)
My native land (Ives)
My old Kentucky home, good night (Foster/Weigand)
My pent-up tears oppress my brain (Bridge)
My proper Bess
My song is love unknown
My song is love unknown
My song is love unknown
My song is love unknown – Love Unknown (Ireland)
My song is love unknown – Love Unknown (Ireland/Cleobury)
My song is love unknown – Love Unknown (Ireland/Vivian)
My song shall be of mercy and judgement'
My soul cleaveth to the dust
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul is an enchanted boat (White)
My soul is weary of my life (Job)
My soul, there is a country
My star
My sweetheart's like Venus (Anon/Holst)
My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky
My teacher said us boys should write
My true love hath my heart
My wife's a wanton wee thing (Scott)
Myn lyking (Terry)
Myrthen, Op 25 (Schumann/Godowsky)
Mystic Circle of the Young Girls –
Mystiques barcarolles
Mythe der lente 'Myth of Spring' (Mortelmans)
Mythes 'Trois Poèmes', Op 30 (Szymanowski)
Na kholmakh Gruzii 'The hills of Georgia', Op 3 No 4 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Nach der Arbeit: Allegro vivace
Nach der Wendung (Recueillement)
Nach Mozart: Adagio
Nacht und Träume, D827 (Schubert/Isserlis)
Näcken, Op 57 No 8 (Sibelius)
Nad morem spal sosnovy les 'We wander'd to the pine forest'
Naht die jubelvolle Zeit
Naila Waltz (Delibes/Dohnányi)
Naissance d'Apollon
Najaden im Quell
Nálady 'Moods', Op 10 (Suk)
Náš pes, náš pes … 'Our dog, our dog …'
Naše večery
Naughty Marietta (Herbert)
Navarra (Albéniz/Bolcom)
Nay but you, who do not love her
Ne crains pas de puiser aux réduits du cellier
Ne dérangez pas le monde (Séverac)
Ne imamï inïya pomoshchi 'We have no other help', Op 25 No 8 (Chesnokov)
Ne jamais la voir ni l'entendre
Ne jamais la voir ni l'entendre
Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne 'Do not sing to me, fair maiden'
Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne 'Do not sing to me, fair maiden', Op 51 No 2 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Ne sois pas lascif et peureux
Ne suis que grain de sable – Suis chauve de naissance – Ta parure est secrète
Near to Banbridge town, in the County Down
Near Woodstock Town
Nebel steigen auf
Nebel, TrV65 (Strauss)
Nedbám já včil o nic
Neglected moon! (Gibbs)
Nehleďte, volečci
Nehm’ ich die Harfe, folgend dem Drange
Nei sjå, kor det blåner her! 'Just look, how blue it is here!'
Neig' schön' Knospe Dich zu mir
Neige, neige, du Ohnegleiche (Una poenitentium/Chorus)
Neighbours, wherefore are you come?
Nell, Op 18 No 1 (Fauré)
Nell, Op 18 No 1 (Fauré/Grainger)
Nelze domluvit!
Nemec brouk, hrnce tlouk 'German-beetle broke some pans'
Nennen soll ich, sagt ihr, meine
Neptune – The mystic
Neptune – The mystic
Nespyashchikh solntse, grustnaya zvezda 'Sun of the sleepless', Op 41 No 1 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
N'est-ce pas?
Never weather-beaten sail
New Carnaval de Vienne (Rosenthal/Strauss Jr.)
New Year's Song 1: Adagio – Molto tranquillo
Next thy Tasso's ardent numbers
Nezhdannyi dozhd' 'Unexpected rain', Op 28 No 1 (Medtner)
Nicht ein Lüftchen regt sich leise
Nicht im Schlafe hab ich das geträumt
Nicht wiedersehen! (Mahler)
Nichts vom Vergänglichen
Nie ma czego trzeba 'Faded and vanished', Op 74 No 13 (Chopin/Isserlis)
Night (Bloch)
Night Fancies (Dale)
Night lies on the silent highways (Bridge)
Night on Bare Mountain (Musorgsky/Chernov/Bax)
Night on Bare Mountain (Musorgsky/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Night: Allegretto quasi andantino
Nightfall (Gibbs)
Nightfall in winter
Nightfall: Lento misterioso
Nights of gladness (Ancliffe)
Night-song in the jungle
Nigra sum (Casals)
Nimmer, das glaubt mir, erscheinen die Götter
Nimrod (Adagio)
Nimrod (Adagio)
Nina, ton sourire
Nïne otpushchayeshï 'Lord, now lettest thou thy servant', Op 34 No 1 (Grechaninov)
Nine Preludes, Op 103 (Fauré)
Nïne silï nebesnïya 'Now the powers of heaven'
Nïne silï nebesnïya 'Now ye heavenly powers' (Sheremetiev)
Nine Songs (Tham/Lidström)
Nine Variations on a Chopin Prelude, BV213a (Busoni)
Nïnye otpushcháyeshi rabá Tvoyegó Vladïko
Nixe 'Rusalka': Veloce
Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika (Sontonga/Muyanga)
No … svaniti non sono i sogni
No 1
No leaflet stirs upon the silent shore
No lloréis, ojuelos
No longer mourn for me
No quiero tus avellanas
No star in all the world until you came
No star is o'er the lake
Noblest, I pray Thee
Noch eine Stunde laßt mich hier verweilen im Sonnenschein
Noche de paz (Gruber/Burton)
Noches en los jardines de España, G49 (Falla)
Noch'yu v sadu u menya 'In my garden at night'
Nocturne (Cats on the Roof): Andante
Nocturne (Hahn)
Nocturne (Saint-Saëns)
Nocturne and Scherzo (Vaughan Williams)
Nocturne and Tarantella, Op 28 (Szymanowski)
Nocturne 'Complaint' 'Lament'
Nocturne et scherzo, L39 (Debussy)
Nocturne in A flat major (Scriabin)
Nocturne in E flat major (Hahn)
Nocturne in E flat major, Op 55 No 2 (Chopin/Saint-Saëns)
Nocturne in E flat major, Op 9 No 2 (Chopin/Bliss)
Nocturne in E flat major, Op 9 No 2 (Chopin/Popper)
Nocturne in E major, Op 62 No 2 (Chopin/Saint-Saëns)
Nocturne jardin tout empli de silence
Nocturne No 1 (Satie)
Nocturne No 1 in E flat minor, Op 33 No 1 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 10 in E minor, Op 99 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 11 in F sharp minor, Op 104 No 1 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 12 in E minor, Op 107 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 13 in B minor, Op 119 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 2 (Satie)
Nocturne No 2 in B major, Op 33 No 2 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 2 in B minor (Balakirev)
Nocturne No 3 (Satie)
Nocturne No 3 in A flat major, Op 33 No 3 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 4 (Satie)
Nocturne No 4 in E flat major, Op 36 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 5 (Satie)
Nocturne No 5 in B flat major, Op 37 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 6 in D flat major, Op 63 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 7 in C sharp minor, Op 74 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 8 in D flat major
Nocturne No 8 in D flat major, Op 84 No 8 (Fauré)
Nocturne No 9 in B minor, Op 97 (Fauré)
Nocturne 'Ragusa' (Schelling)
Nocturne, L89 (Debussy)
Nocturne, Op 165 (Chaminade)
Nocturne, Op 37 (Glazunov)
Nocturne, Op 43 (Hasselmans)
Nocturne, Op 43 No 2 (Fauré)
Nocturne, Op 68 No 1 (Moszkowski)
Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons, L147 (Debussy)
Noël des jouets (Ravel)
Noël, Op 43 No 1 (Fauré)
Noël, Op 94 No 2 (Bossi)
Noi leggevamo insieme
Nola 'A silhouette' (Arndt/Zamecnik)
Non, les baisers d'amour n'éveillent point les morts!
None but the lonely heart, Op 6 No 6 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Nonet (Bax)
Nonet in B flat major (Parry)
Norden, Op 90 No 1 (Sibelius)
Norfolk Rhapsody No 1 (Vaughan Williams)
Normandy 'Symphonic Variations' (Somervell)
Norske folkeviser og dandse 'Norwegian folk songs and dances', Op 17 (Grieg/Achron)
North Country Sketches (Delius)
North: Moderato molto
Norwegian peasant dances, Op 72 (Grieg)
Norwegischer Brautzug im Vorüberziehen
Nos mouches savent des chansons
Notre amour, Op 23 No 2 (Fauré)
Notre-Dame du Folgoat
Notturno for four horns (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Notturno in C sharp minor (Wiedermann)
Notturno 'La réminiscence de Chopin', Op 48 No 1 (Nápravník)
Notturno: Tranquillamente, ma non trascinato
Nous aurons des lits pleins d'odeurs légères
Nous avons fait un beau voyage
Nous bénissons la douce nuit
Nous bénissons la douce Nuit
Nous l’avons eu, votre Rhin allemand
Nous n’avons plus de maisons!
Nous sommes les Ingénues
Nous venions de voir le taureau
Nous venons pour chanter, madame
Nouveaux poèmes hongrois, Op 76 (Hubay)
Novelette und Melodie, Op 22 (Scharwenka)
Novelettes (Tansman)
Now came still Evening on, and Twilight gray
Now Chil the Kite brings home the night that Mang the Bat sets free
Now chimney tops and gables
Now Christ thee save
Now gently sinks the sun to rest
Now he comes to another land
Now help us Lord, thy yoke to wear
Now in these fairylands
Now in thy splendour go before us
Now like a lantern, Op 44 No 5 (Kramer)
Now sleeps the crimson petal
Now sleeps the crimson petal, Op 3 No 2 (Quilter)
Now thank we all our God
Now that my love lies sleeping
Now the day is over
Now what is he after below in the street
Now when Job's friends heard of all this evil (Narrator)
Now, listener, I have told my dream to thee
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland/Grainger)
Nuaces: Fondu, velouté
Nuit de Noël, BV251 (Busoni)
Nuit d'été
Nuit d'étoiles, L2 (Debussy)
Nuit exotique (Bloch)
Nuit sans fin
Nun danket alle Gott, BWV657 (Bach/Reger)
Nun denn, allein!
Nun der Tag mich müd' gemacht
Nun fallen die Augen müde mir zu
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein, BWV734a (Bach/Busoni)
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV659 (Bach/Busoni)
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV659 (Bach/Friedman)
Nun seh' ich wohl, warum so dunkle Flammen
Nun um mich her die Schatten steigen
Nun will die Sonn' so hell aufgehn
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis in B flat (Wood)
Nunc dimittis, H127 (Holst)
Nunc per voces
Nur Mut!
Nur wer die Liebe kennt 'Impromptu', D513a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Nursery Suite (Elgar)
Nyne otpushchaeshi
O be joyful in God, all ye lands
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
Ô blanche Tyndaris, les Dieux me sont amis
O boizinho de chumbo
O Brighde! 'Tis seaward, the dreamland, the youth land
O cachorrinho de borracha
O Caledonia! stern and wild
O camundongo de massa
O can ye sew cushions? (Anon/Bantock)
O canto do cisne negro (Villa-Lobos)
O Cavalinho de pau
O' Ciranda, O' Cirandinha: Circle dance
O clap your hands 'Psalm 47' (Vaughan Williams)
O come you good people that go out a-tripping
O come, O come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel – Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Hill)
O come, O come, Emmanuel – Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/O'Donnell)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Arnold)
O cysne (Barreto/Lidström)
O dance of love
Ô doux printemps d’autrefois, vertes saisons
O dry those tears! (Riego)
O Earth, lie heavily upon her eyes
O fair, O lovely, As the sweet apple
O father, father build me a boat (Anon/Hughes)
Ô floraison divine du lilas
O for a closer walk with God
O for the wings of a dove
O gatinho de papelão
O give thanks unto the Lord and call upon his Name
O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious
O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious
O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious
O gladsome light, O grace
O glaube, mein Herz!
O God my heart is ready, my heart is ready
O God, our help in ages past
O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance
O God, thou art my God
O God, wherefore art thou absent from us so long
O Gott, du frommer Gott!
O happy eyes, Op 18 No 1 (Elgar)
O have mercy Lord on me
O hearken thou, Op 64 (Elgar)
O hearken, you whose heart is faint and wilted!
O heartling of my heart (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
O Himmel! Kannst du mir so freundlich lächeln? … Mein Weib, o Gott, mein süßer Knabe (Graf)
O holy night (Adam/Battiwalla)
O holy night (Adam/Cullen)
O holy night (Adam/Rutter)
O how amiable (Vaughan Williams)
O how amiable are the dwellings
O how glorious is the kingdom (Harwood)
O Jesus, I have promised
O Jesus, I have promised
O Jesus, I have promised – Day of rest (Elliott)
O Jesus, I have promised – Wolvercote (Ferguson)
Ô joie de mon âme
Ô joie de mon âme
Ô joie de mon âme
O lady, this is thy own true love
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV656 (Bach/Borwick)
Ô l'heure douce! Ô l'exquise seconde
O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!
O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!, S540b (Liszt/Howard)
O lieber Künstler sei ermahnt
Ô lion, malheureuse image
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Armstrong)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Dunachie)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Garrard)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Marlow)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Simcock)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Tarney)
O living will (Stanford)
O lobinho de vidro
O Lord God of my salvation
O Lord, in me there lieth naught
O Lord, thy word endureth for ever in heaven
O Love, I complain
O lovely night! (Ronald)
O Matko Źródło Wszechmiłości
O men from the fields
O men from the fields 'Cradle song' (Anon/Hughes)
O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde gross, BWV622 (Bach/Reger)
O Menschen, die ihr täglich sündigt
O mio babbino caro
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine (Dale)
O mistress mine (Morley/Grainger)
O mistress mine! (Farrar)
Ô mon bel inconnu (Hahn)
Ô mon cher rouet, ma blanche bobine
Ô mort, poussière d'étoiles
O Most High
O most I loved her pretty eyes
O most merciful (Wood)
O never say that I was false of heart
Ô Nuit! que j'aime ton mystère
O passarinho de pano
O perfect Love (Burleigh)
O Polichinelo
O praise God in his holiness
O praise God in his holiness
O praise God in his holiness (Dyson)
O praise the Lord of heav'n
O praise the Lord, for it is a good thing to sing praises unto our God
O praise ye the Lord!
Ô premier rossignol qui viens
O Quell, was strömst du rasch und wild 'Die Blume und der Quell', D874 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
O radiant Luminary of light interminable
Ô rêveuse, pour que je plonge
O Röschen rot
O Sabbath rest of Galilee!
O salutaris hostia
O salutaris hostia (Elgar)
O salutaris hostia I (Elgar)
O salutaris hostia II (Elgar)
O salutaris hostia III (Elgar)
O salutaris hostia in D major (Saint-Saëns)
O schneller, mein Ross (Delius)
O Schröpferschwarm, o Händlerkreis
O Shenandoah I love your daughter
O sing unto the Lord a new song
O sing unto the Lord a new song
O sleep thou heav’n-born treasure, thou
O snow, which sinks so light
O sons and daughters (Davies)
O spiritual pilgrim, H188 (Holst)
O streamlet, swiftly flowing
O süßer Mai!
O swallow, swallow
O taste and see (Vaughan Williams)
O Tebe raduetsya 'All of creation rejoices in you', Op 15 No 11 (Chesnokov)
O that I were as in the months past (Job)
O that it were so! (Bridge)
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto)
O thou, the central orb (Wood)
O Thou, whose mighty palace roof doth hang
O tico tico tá, tá outra vez aqui
O Tod, wie bitter bist du
Ô toi que berce un rêve enchanteur
O Ursinho de algodão
O Värmeland, thou fairest, thou best beloved land
O vast Rondure, swimming in space
Ô Vénus, au charmant visage
O vos omnes (Casals)
O vos omnes (Vaughan Williams)
O wärst du mein!
O wha my babie-clouts will buy (Scott)
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms?
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms?
O what their joy and their glory must be (Harris)
O where hae ye been, Lord Randall, my son?
O Wild West Wind
O worship the king
O ye priests
O, Bozhe moy! 'Oh, my God!'
O, chì, chì mi na mòrbheanna (Cameron/MacMillan)
O, men from the fields!
O, posmotri! kak mnogo margaritok 'Oh, see how many daisies'
O, schmäht des Lebens Leiden nicht!
O’er the mountain towards the west
Oben in dem Birnenbaum
Oboe Concerto in A minor (Vaughan Williams)
Oboe Quartet No 1 (Boughton)
Oboe Quintet (Bax)
Oboe Sonata in D major, Op 166 (Saint-Saëns)
Oboymi, potseluy 'Embrace, kiss' (Balakirev)
Obsession passée, Op 6 (Alexandrov)
Och jungfrun hon går i ringen (Alfvén/Bruerton)
Oculi omnium (Wood)
Ode on a Grecian Urn: Chorus
Oedipus Rex (Stravinsky)
Of a Rose I Sing a Song (Bax)
Of one that is so fair and bright, H130 (Holst)
Offrande (Hahn)
Offrande (Séverac)
Offre un encens modeste aux Lares familiers
Oft am langen Tage
Oft denk' ich, sie sind nur ausgegangen
Oh fair enough are sky and plain
Oh maiden, my maiden
Oh see how thick the goldcup flowers
Oh swan of slenderness, dove of tenderness
Oh the green hills o’ Somerset
Oh the old ship laughs as she takes the water
Oh! les filles! Venez, les filles aux voix douces!
Oh! ma petite princesse de clarté
Oh! mi babbino caro (Puccini/Gottwald)
Oh! ne murmurez pas son nom!
Oh! quand je dors
Oh! quand la Mort, que rien ne saurait apaiser
Oh! quantio t’amo e quantio
Oh! weep for those (Nathan/Isserlis)
Oh! We're off to the fair now the lot of us together
Oh! would that I again (Effie)
Oh, breathe not his name (Anon/Moore/Hughes)
Oh, brother, hear the bells, Saint Basil's bells tolling
Oh, farewell to you my Nancy, ten thousand times adieu
Oh, sweet Rose Marie, it's easy to see
Oh, the sudden wings arising from the ploughed fields brown
Oh, when I marry my blushing bride
Oh, when I was in love with you
Oi, terve! tumma, vieno tähtiilta
Oiseaux tristes
Olas gigantes
Old man river (Kern/Bowen)
Old Stormy he is dead and gone
Old-English popular music (Grainger)
Omar Khayyám (Bantock)
Ombre amene, amiche piante 'La serenata', D990f (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Omens and Oracles (Ives)
On a time the amorous Silvy
On Betelgeuse the gold leaves hang in golden aisles
On Christmas night all Christians sing
On entend un chant sur l'eau
On hearing the first cuckoo in spring
On his farm lived a bonder free
On my way to work one summer day
On sunny days in our backyard
On Surrey Hills, Op 30 (Matthay)
On the banks of the Wabash, far away (Dresser)
On the beach at night alone (Largo sostenuto)
On the Counter (Ives)
On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me
On the idle hill of summer
On the idle hill of summer
On Time, Op 142 (Stanford)
On Wenlock Edge
Ona kak polden' khorosha 'She is as beautiful as noon'
Ona zadumalas’ 'Lost in dreams'
Once in autumn
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's City
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Hewitt Jones)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Ashby)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Cleobury)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/O'Donnell)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Wells)
Once in royal David's City – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks/Cleobury)
Once in the dear dead days beyond recall
Once in the window of a ham and beef shop
Once there dwelt a little maiden
Once, as I remember (Anon/Wood)
Once, Paumanok
Ondine: Scherzando
Ondine: Scherzando
One Alone (Romberg)
One day there sand a little bird
One evening just at sunset we laid him in the grave
One flame-winged brought a white-winged harp-player
One flame-winged brought a white-winged harp-player
One moment past our bodies cast no shadow on the plain
One more day, my John (Grainger)
One morning in the month of May
One thing I'd know
Oneiza's theme: Moderato sostenuto
Õnnis on inimene
Onward the tiger and the leopard pants
Ophelia's Song: Andantino con moto
Or forced them all to flee
Oranger dont la voûte épaisse
Orchestral Suite No 1 in F sharp minor, Op 19 (Dohnányi/Heifetz)
Orchestral Suite No 3 in D major, BWV1068 (Bach/Siloti)
Orfeo ed Euridice (Gluck/Friedman)
Orfeo ed Euridice (Gluck/Kreisler)
Organ Sonata in G major, Op 28 (Elgar)
Organ Sonata No 1 in C sharp minor, Op 5 (Harwood)
Organ Sonata No 1 in D minor, Op 42 (Guilmant)
Organ Sonata No 5 in C minor, Op 80 (Guilmant)
Organ Sonata No 7 in F major, Op 89 (Guilmant)
Organ Symphony No 1 in C minor, Op 13 No 1 (Widor)
Organ Symphony No 2 in D major, Op 13 No 2 (Widor)
Organ Symphony No 3 in E minor, Op 13 No 3 (Widor)
Organ Symphony No 4 in F minor, Op 13 No 4 (Widor)
Organ Symphony No 5 in F minor, Op 42 No 1 (Widor)
Organ Symphony No 6 in G minor, Op 42 No 2 (Widor)
Organ Symphony No 7 in A minor, Op 42 No 3 (Widor)
Organ Symphony No 8 in B major, Op 42 No 4 (Widor)
Oriental dance, Op 2 No 2 (Rachmaninov)
Oriental procession
Oriental sketch (Rachmaninov)
Oriental sketch (Rachmaninov/Heifetz)
Orpheo Melody (Gluck/Sgambati)
Orpheus 'Ballet in three Scenes' (Stravinsky)
Orpheus with his lute (Vaughan Williams)
Osen 'Autumn', Op 27 No 2 (Arensky)
Oskolki 'Fragments' (Rachmaninov)
Ostrovok 'The islet'
Ostrovok 'The islet', Op 17 No 1 (Taneyev)
Ot yunosti moyeya 'From my youth'
Otce náš 'Our Father' (Janáček)
Otche nash
Otche nash 'Our Father'
Otche nash 'Our Father' (Kedrov)
Otche nash 'Our Father', Op 22 No 7 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Otche nash 'Our Father', Op 9 No 3 (Golovanov)
Otche nash 'The Lord's Prayer: Our Father in heaven'
Oublie, ô Pholoé, la lyre et les festins
Oui, j’irai dans l’ombre terreuse
Our Father
Our Miss Gibbs (Monckton)
Out at sea, fair is she
Out of doors, Sz81 (Bartók)
Out of the deep
Out of the deep have I called unto thee
Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord
Outward bound
Ouvertüre 'Aus dem schottischen Hochlande', Op 4 (Lamond)
Over hill, over dale
Over the mountain passes
Over the mountains (Anon/Quilter)
Over the quiet hills
Overture – Davy Crockett – Battle – Epilogue
Overture 'Die Meistersinger' (Wagner/Lemare/Westbrook/Herrick)
Overture in F minor (Sibelius)
Overture in the style of a tragedy, Op 90 (Stanford)
Overture on Three Russian Themes (Balakirev)
Overture 'The Comedy of Errors' (Coles)
Overture to a Greek Tragedy (Bantock)
Overture to an Unwritten Tragedy (Parry)
Overture to 'Die Meistersinger' (Wagner/Lemare)
Overture to Die Meistersinger (Wagner/Ronald)
Overture to 'Esther', Op 8 (Albert)
Overture to The barber of Seville (Rossini/Runswick)
Owls, an Epitaph
På drivans snö där glimmar
På silvermolnets kant satt aftonstjärnan
Paean 'Passacaglia' (Bax)
Pagan Symphony (Bantock)
Paganini (Lehár)
Pageant of Empire (Elgar)
Pale hands I loved beside the Shalimar
Palms of glory, raiment bright
Palmsonntagmorgen (Reger)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Gant)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Hough)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Rutter)
Panis angelicus (Villa-Lobos)
Panno słodka racz mozołem
Pantomime, L47 (Debussy)
Pantomime: Lento
Papillon, Op 77 (Fauré)
Papillons (Rosenthal)
Par saint Gille
Par un souris l'Amour surpris
Parade (Satie)
Parade der Zinnsoldaten (Jessel)
Parade with presents: Alla marcia (after Op 57 No 20)
Paraphrase on Tchaikovsky's Flower Waltz (Tchaikovsky/Grainger)
Parce que le Seigneur est très élevé
Paris (Wood)
Parsifal and the Flower Maidens
Partita in D minor (Parry)
Partita No 1 in B minor, BWV1002 (Bach/Friedman)
Partita No 1 in B minor, BWV1002 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Partita No 2 in D minor, BWV1004 (Bach/Busoni)
Partita No 2 in D minor, BWV1004 (Bach/Messerer)
Partita No 3 in E major, BWV1006 (Bach/Friedman)
Partita No 3 in E major, BWV1006 (Bach/Rachmaninov)
Partita No 3 in E major, BWV1006 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Parysatis (Saint-Saëns)
Pa's bank (Lehmann)
Pas d'action
Pas d'action
Pas de caractère, Op 68 (Glazunov)
Pas de deux
Pas de deux from Divertimento (Stravinsky/Dushkin/Rostropovich)
Pas de deux. Adagio
Pas de deux: Adagio
Pas de quatre. Dance of the Four Swans (Tchaikovsky/Wild)
Pas des Amphores
Pasquinade 'Caprice', RO189 Op 59 (Gottschalk/Weigand)
Passacaglia '44 variations, cadenza and fugue on the opening of Schubert's 'Unfinished' Symphony' (Godowsky)
Passacaglia and Fugue on BACH, Op 150 (Karg-Elert)
Passacaglia in C minor, BWV582 (Bach/Albert)
Passacaglia in C minor, BWV582 (Bach/Catoire)
Passacaglia in C minor, BWV582 (Bach/Szántó)
Passacaglia in E flat minor, Op 6 (Dohnányi)
Passacaille, Op 130 (Chaminade)
Passepied: Allegro vivacissimo
Passing by (Purcell/Cockram)
Pastoral 'Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit'
Pastoral 'Prelude': Allegretto con moto abbandonamente
Pastorale (Roger-Ducasse)
Pastorale (Stravinsky)
Pastorale 'Hungarian Christmas Song' (Dohnányi)
Pastorale, Op 114 (Chaminade)
Pastorale: Andante con moto
Pastorale: Andante quasi Allegretto
Pater noster (Stanford)
Pater noster (Villa-Lobos)
Pater noster 'Latin version' (Stravinsky)
Pater noster 'Slavonic version' (Stravinsky)
Patiently smiling
Pavane de la belle au bois dormant
Pavane of the sons of the morning
Pavane pour une infante défunte (Ravel)
Pavane, Op 50 (Fauré)
Paysage (Hahn)
Paysage sentimental, L55 (Debussy)
Paysage triste
Paysages (Bloch)
Peace I leave with you (Beach)
Peacock Pie 'Suite for string orchestra and piano' (Gibbs)
Pearl of sweet Ceylon
Pease porridge hot
Pêcheurs de nuit
Pécorée de Calabre
Peer Gynt, Op 23 (Grieg/Siem)
Peer of gods he seems
Pelléas and Mélisande Suite (Wallace)
Pelleas and Melisande, Op 46 (Sibelius)
Pelléas et Mélisande, L93 (Debussy)
Pelléas et Mélisande, Op 80 (Fauré)
Pelléas et Mélisande, Op 80 (Fauré/Koechlin)
Pendant qu’ils étaient partis pour la guerre
Pénélope (Fauré)
Pensé que yo sabría
Pensée capricieuse, Op 9 (Sammons)
Pensée de Leopold Auer (Achron)
Pensée musicale (Ronald)
Pensiero (Bridge)
Peregi verbunk 'Pereg recruiting dance', Op 40 (Weiner)
Perpetuum mobile, BV293 (Busoni)
Perpetuum mobile: Allegro
Perpetuum mobile: Presto
Personent hodie (Anon/Holst)
Personnages à longues oreilles
Pesn' Presvyatïya Bogoroditsï 'Song of the Most Holy Theotokos' 'Magnificat', Op 93 (Cui)
Pesni i plyaski smerti 'Songs and dances of death' (Musorgsky/Shostakovich)
Pesnya Zyuleyki 'Zuleika's song', Op 26 No 4 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Petit adagio
Petit aubade (Wurmser)
Petit cheval, qui m'es si cher, va promptement!
Petit poucet
Petite Chanson (Sammons)
Petite suite (Borodin/Glazunov)
Petite suite de concert, Op 77 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Petite suite, L71 (Debussy)
Petite suite, L71 (Debussy/Büsser)
Petite suite, L71 (Debussy/Choisnel)
Petite symphonie à cordes (Ravel/Barshai)
Petite Valse 'Nachspiel zu den drei vergessenen Walzer', S695e (Liszt/Howard)
Petite Valse, Op 36 (Glazunov)
Petrushka (Stravinsky)
Petrushka '1947 version' (Stravinsky)
Petrushka's cell
Pflicht und Liebe, D467 (Schubert/Friedländer)
Phantasie aus Don Juan (Mahler)
Phantasie in E minor, Op 34 (Bowen)
Phantasie Trio in C minor 'Piano Trio No 1' (Bridge)
Phantasy in F major, Op 54 (Bowen)
Phantasy Piano Quartet in F sharp minor (Bridge)
Phantasy Quintet (Vaughan Williams)
Phantoms of the future, spectres of the past
Phidylé (Duparc)
Phil the Fluter's Ball (French)
Philis (Séverac)
Philosophes rêveurs qui pensez tout savoir
Phoebe sat, sweet she sat
Phrygian Mode: Con moto disinvolto et grazioso
Piano Concerto for the left hand in D major (Ravel)
Piano Concerto in A major (Hill)
Piano Concerto in A major (Vianna da Motta)
Piano Concerto in A major, Op 15 (Tovey)
Piano Concerto in A minor 'Highland' (Somervell)
Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 16 (Grieg)
Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 17 (Paderewski)
Piano Concerto in B flat minor, Op 27 (Fuchs)
Piano Concerto in B major, Op 57 (Scholz)
Piano Concerto in B minor, Op 3 (Moszkowski)
Piano Concerto in C major, Op 39 (Busoni)
Piano Concerto in C minor 'original 1904 version' (Delius)
Piano Concerto in C minor 'Patético' (Granados/Mestre)
Piano Concerto in C minor, Op 12 (Pierné)
Piano Concerto in C sharp minor, Op 30 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Piano Concerto in C sharp minor, Op 45 (Beach)
Piano Concerto in D flat major, Op 25 (Gablenz)
Piano Concerto in D flat major, Op 6 (Sinding)
Piano Concerto in D major, Op 27 (Alnaes)
Piano Concerto in D minor (Boyle)
Piano Concerto in D minor (Wood)
Piano Concerto in E flat major (Ireland)
Piano Concerto in E flat major (Massenet)
Piano Concerto in E flat major, Op 31 (Pfitzner)
Piano Concerto in E flat major, Op 36 (Draeseke)
Piano Concerto in E flat major, Op 60 (Żeleński)
Piano Concerto in E major (Hahn)
Piano Concerto in E major, Op 59 (Moszkowski)
Piano Concerto in F minor, Op 114 (Reger)
Piano Concerto in F minor, Op 16 (Henselt/Zadora)
Piano Concerto in F minor, Op 2 (Arensky)
Piano Concerto in F sharp major (Parry)
Piano Concerto in F sharp minor, Op 10 (Bronsart)
Piano Concerto in F sharp minor, Op 20 (Scriabin)
Piano Concerto in G major (Ravel)
Piano Concerto in G minor, Op 10 (Oswald)
Piano Concerto No 1 in A minor 'Concierto fantástico', Op 78 (Albéniz/Bretón)
Piano Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 15 (MacDowell)
Piano Concerto No 1 in B flat major, Op 16 (Bortkiewicz)
Piano Concerto No 1 in B flat minor, Op 1 (Stenhammar)
Piano Concerto No 1 in B flat minor, Op 32 (Scharwenka)
Piano Concerto No 1 in B minor, Op 2 (Albert)
Piano Concerto No 1 in C minor, Op 33 (Medtner)
Piano Concerto No 1 in D major, Op 17 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Concerto No 1 in E flat minor, Op 4 (Lyapunov)
Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor (Melcer)
Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor (Sauer)
Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor, Op 10 (Wiklund)
Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor, Op 11 (Chopin/Balakirev)
Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor, Op 5 (Dohnányi)
Piano Concerto No 1 in F major, Op 10 (Brüll)
Piano Concerto No 1 in F minor, Op 39 (Widor)
Piano Concerto No 1 in F minor, Op 92 (Glazunov)
Piano Concerto No 1 in F sharp minor, Op 1 (Balakirev)
Piano Concerto No 1 in F sharp minor, Op 1 (Rachmaninov)
Piano Concerto No 1 in F sharp minor, Op 3 (Stojowski)
Piano Concerto No 1 in F sharp minor, Op 72 (Reinecke)
Piano Concerto No 1 in G major, Op 59 (Stanford)
Piano Concerto No 1 in G minor (Elmas)
Piano Concerto No 1 in G minor, Op 43 (Różycki)
Piano Concerto No 1 'The Song of Gwyn ap Nudd', Op 52 (Holbrooke)
Piano Concerto No 2 (Różycki)
Piano Concerto No 2 in A flat major 'Prologue, Scherzo and Variations', Op 32 (Stojowski)
Piano Concerto No 2 in B flat major, Op 19 (Beethoven/Hough)
Piano Concerto No 2 in B major, Op 100 (Glazunov)
Piano Concerto No 2 in B minor, Op 17 (Wiklund)
Piano Concerto No 2 in B minor, Op 42 (Dohnányi)
Piano Concerto No 2 in C major, Op 24 (Brüll)
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor (Melcer)
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor (Sauer)
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor, Op 18 (Rachmaninov)
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor, Op 50 (Medtner)
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor, Op 56 (Scharwenka)
Piano Concerto No 2 in C minor, Op 77 (Widor)
Piano Concerto No 2 in D minor (Elmas)
Piano Concerto No 2 in D minor, Op 23 (MacDowell)
Piano Concerto No 2 in D minor, Op 23 (Stenhammar)
Piano Concerto No 2 in E flat major, Op posth. (Balakirev/Lyapunov)
Piano Concerto No 2 in E flat minor, Op 31 (Napoleão)
Piano Concerto No 2 in E major, Op 12 (Albert)
Piano Concerto No 2 in E major, Op 38 (Lyapunov)
Piano Concerto No 2 in E minor, Op 120 (Reinecke)
Piano Concerto No 2 in F minor (Dubois)
Piano Concerto No 2 in G major, Op 44 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Piano Concerto No 2 in G major, Op 44 (Tchaikovsky/Siloti)
Piano Concerto No 2 in G minor, Op 22 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Concerto No 3 in C major, Op 144 (Reinecke)
Piano Concerto No 3 in C major, Op 144 (Reinecke)
Piano Concerto No 3 in C sharp minor, Op 80 (Scharwenka)
Piano Concerto No 3 in D minor, Op 30 (Rachmaninov)
Piano Concerto No 3 in E flat major, Op 29 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Concerto No 3 in E major, Sz119 (Bartók)
Piano Concerto No 3 in E minor, Op 60 (Medtner)
Piano Concerto No 3 in G minor 'Fantasia', Op 23 (Bowen)
Piano Concerto No 4 in A minor, Op 88 (Bowen)
Piano Concerto No 4 in B minor, Op 254 (Reinecke)
Piano Concerto No 4 in C minor, Op 44 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Concerto No 4 in F minor, Op 82 (Scharwenka)
Piano Concerto No 4 in G minor, Op 40 (Rachmaninov)
Piano Concerto No 5 in F major, Op 103 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Concerto No 9 in E flat major 'Jeunehomme', K271 (Mozart/Busoni)
Piano Quartet in A flat major (Parry)
Piano Quartet in A minor, Op 1 (Suk)
Piano Quartet in A minor, Op 31 (Catoire)
Piano Quartet in A minor, Op 67 (Turina)
Piano Quartet in B flat major, Op 41 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Quartet in C minor, Op 13 (Strauss)
Piano Quartet in C minor, Op 61 (Żeleński)
Piano Quartet in F major, Op 37 (Scharwenka)
Piano Quartet No 1 in C minor, Op 15 (Fauré)
Piano Quartet No 2 in G minor, Op 45 (Fauré)
Piano Quartet No 3 in G major (Hahn)
Piano Quintet (Erlanger)
Piano Quintet in A minor (Price)
Piano Quintet in A minor, Op 14 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Quintet in A minor, Op 84 (Elgar)
Piano Quintet in C major, Op posth. (Medtner)
Piano Quintet in C major, Sz23 (Bartók)
Piano Quintet in C minor (Friedman)
Piano Quintet in C minor (Vaughan Williams)
Piano Quintet in C minor, Op 20 (Dunhill)
Piano Quintet in C minor, Op 35 (Różycki)
Piano Quintet in C minor, Op 42 (Vierne)
Piano Quintet in D major, Op 51 (Arensky)
Piano Quintet in D minor, Op 25 (Stanford)
Piano Quintet in E minor, Op 41 (Pierné)
Piano Quintet in F major, Op 12 (Harty)
Piano Quintet in F sharp minor (Hahn)
Piano Quintet in F sharp minor, Op 67 (Beach)
Piano Quintet in G minor (Bruch)
Piano Quintet in G minor, Op 1 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Piano Quintet in G minor, Op 30 (Taneyev)
Piano Quintet in G minor, Op 8 (Suk)
Piano Quintet No 1 (Bloch)
Piano Quintet No 1 in C minor, Op 1 (Dohnányi)
Piano Quintet No 1 in D minor, Op 89 (Fauré)
Piano Quintet No 2 (Bloch)
Piano Quintet No 2 in C minor, Op 115 (Fauré)
Piano Quintet No 2 in E flat minor, Op 26 (Dohnányi)
Piano Quintet, H49a (Bridge)
Piano Sonata (Griffes)
Piano Sonata '1.X.1905, From the street' (Janáček)
Piano Sonata in A flat major, Op 12 (Stenhammar)
Piano Sonata in A major (Hill)
Piano Sonata in B flat minor (Balakirev)
Piano Sonata in C major, D840 (Schubert/Bolcom)
Piano Sonata in C sharp minor 'Moonlight', Op 27 No 2 (Beethoven/Bowen)
Piano Sonata in C sharp minor 'Moonlight', Op 27 No 2 (Beethoven/Brody/Reynolds)
Piano Sonata in D minor (Dale)
Piano Sonata in E flat minor (Dukas)
Piano Sonata in E flat minor, Op 21 (Paderewski)
Piano Sonata in E minor (Godowsky)
Piano Sonata in G minor (Stenhammar)
Piano Sonata No 1 (Roslavets)
Piano Sonata No 1 in B flat minor, Op 74 (Glazunov)
Piano Sonata No 1 in B minor, Op 6 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 1 in C sharp minor, Op 6 (Scharwenka)
Piano Sonata No 1 in D minor, Op 28 (Rachmaninov)
Piano Sonata No 1 in F minor, Op 6 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 10, Op 70 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 2 (Roslavets)
Piano Sonata No 2 'Concord' (Ives)
Piano Sonata No 2 in B flat minor 'original version', Op 36 (Rachmaninov)
Piano Sonata No 2 in B flat minor, Op 36 (Rachmaninov)
Piano Sonata No 2 in B flat minor, Op 36 (Rachmaninov/Osborne)
Piano Sonata No 2 in C sharp minor, Op 60 (Bortkiewicz)
Piano Sonata No 2 in C sharp minor, Op 9 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 2 in E flat major, Op 36 (Scharwenka)
Piano Sonata No 2 in E minor, Op 75 (Glazunov)
Piano Sonata No 2 in G sharp minor 'Sonata-Fantasy', Op 19 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 3 in D minor, Op 12 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 3 in F sharp minor, Op 23 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 3, Op 18 (Alexandrov)
Piano Sonata No 4 in F sharp major, Op 30 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 4, Op 19 (Alexandrov)
Piano Sonata No 5 (Roslavets)
Piano Sonata No 5 in F minor, Op 72 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 5, Op 53 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 6 in B flat minor, Op 160 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 6, Op 62 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 7 'Messe blanche', Op 64 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 8, Op 66 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata No 9 'Messe noire', Op 68 (Scriabin)
Piano Sonata, Op 1 (Berg)
Piano Sonata, Sz80 (Bartók)
Piano Trio (Ravel)
Piano Trio in C minor (Rimsky-Korsakov/Steinberg)
Piano Trio in C minor, Op 5 (Bruch)
Piano Trio in D major, Op 22 (Taneyev)
Piano Trio in D minor, Op 120 (Fauré)
Piano Trio in F minor, Op 14 (Catoire)
Piano Trio in G major, L5 (Debussy)
Piano Trio No 1 in C minor, Op 38 (Grechaninov)
Piano Trio No 1 in D minor, Op 32 (Arensky)
Piano Trio No 1 in E minor (Parry)
Piano Trio No 1 in F major, Op 18 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Trio No 1 in F sharp minor, Op 1 (Scharwenka)
Piano Trio No 1, Op 35 (Turina)
Piano Trio No 2 (Bridge)
Piano Trio No 2 in A minor, Op 45 (Scharwenka)
Piano Trio No 2 in B minor (Parry)
Piano Trio No 2 in E minor, Op 92 (Saint-Saëns)
Piano Trio No 2 in F minor, Op 73 (Arensky)
Piano Trio No 2 in G major, Op 128 (Grechaninov)
Piano Trio No 3 in G major (Parry)
Pibroch 'Suite for violin and orchestra', Op 42 (Mackenzie)
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Leonard)
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Ravel)
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Wills)
Pictures from the Crimea (Musorgsky/Goehr)
Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu
Pièce (Fauré/Perkins)
Pièce en forme de habanera (Ravel)
Pièce en forme de habanera (Ravel/Bazelaire)
Pièce en forme de habanera (Ravel/Catherine)
Pièce en forme de habanera (Ravel/Dumesnil)
Pièce en forme de habanera (Ravel/Hoérée)
Pièce héroïque in D minor, Op 128 (Bossi)
Pièce in D minor (Rachmaninov)
Pièce pour l'œuvre du Vêtement du blessé 'Page d'album', L141 (Debussy)
Pièce pour piano 'Morceau de concours', L117 (Debussy)
Pièce romantique, Op 9 No 1 (Chaminade)
Pièces dans différents styles, Op 44 (Guilmant)
Pièces de fantaisie – Suite 3, Op 54 (Vierne)
Pièces de fantaisie – Suite 4, Op 55 (Vierne)
Pièces en concert (Couperin/Bazelaire)
Pièces humoristiques, Op 87 (Chaminade)
Pièces romantiques, Op 55 (Chaminade)
Pierrette – Air de ballet, Op 41 (Chaminade)
Pierrot of the Minute 'A comedy overture to a dramatic phantasy of Ernest Dowson' (Bantock)
Pierrot, L30 (Debussy)
Pierrot, qui n’a rien d’un Clitandre
Pifa 'Pastoral Symphony'
Pillow Dance: Allegretto
Pink Lady Waltz (Caryll/Higgs)
Piping down the valleys wild
Píseň lásky: Allegro non troppo lento
Píseň lásky: Allegro non troppo lento
Pit where the buffalo cooled his hide
Pizzicato: Allegretto
Placare Christe servulis
Placebo! Who is there, who?
Placet futile
Placet futile
Placící fontána 'The weeping fountain'
Plainte d'amour 'Mazurka in F sharp minor, Op 6 No 1' (Chopin/Viardot)
Plaisir d'amour (Martini/Berlioz/Manze)
Plantation Dance, Op 24 (Sammons)
Plantation Medley (Foster/Bland/Anon/Weigand)
Platz da!
Play Song: Allegro non troppo
Pleading, Op 48 (Elgar)
Pleading, Op 48 (Elgar)
Please, kind sir, can I come in?
Pleurez, pleurez mes yeux
Pleurons nos chagrins, chacun le nôtre
Pleurs d'or, Op 72 (Fauré)
Plus de fois, dans tes bras charmants
Po utru, na zare 'In the morning, at daybreak'
Po zarostlém chodníčku 'On the overgrown path', JW VIII/17 (Janáček)
Po zarostlém chodníčku 'On the overgrown path', JW VIII/17 (Janáček/Štedron)
Poco agitato
Poème (Canteloube)
Poème ailé
Poème de Mai, Op 67 No 1 (Moszkowski)
Poème des montagnes, Op 15 (Indy)
Poème d'un jour, Op 21 (Fauré)
Poème élégiaque, Op 12 (Ysaÿe)
Poème héroïque, Op 33 (Dupré)
Poëme in D major (Erlanger)
Poème languide: Pas vite
Poëme pastoral (Massenet/Hough)
Poème satanique, Op 36 (Scriabin)
Poëme symphonique in D minor, Op 37 (Pierné)
Poème tragique, Op 34 (Scriabin)
Poème, Op 41 (Scriabin)
Poème: Allegretto, avec grâce et douceur
Poème: Lento
Poème-nocturne, Op 61 (Scriabin)
Poèmes d'automne, Op 13 (Koechlin)
Poèmes d'automne, Op 3 (Bonnet)
Poèmes hongrois, Op 27 (Hubay)
Poèmes provençales, Op 127 (Chaminade)
Pohádka 'A Tale' (Janáček)
Pohjola's daughter, Op 49 (Sibelius)
Poissons d'or
Pojďte namí!
Polichinelle (Kreisler)
Polish carillon (Janotha)
Polka de W R (Behr/Rachmaninov)
Polka in F sharp minor (Balakirev)
Polka mélancolique
Polka-Miniature, Op 6 No 2 (Sapellnikoff)
Polkovodets 'The field-marshal'
Polonaise in C sharp minor, Op 12 (Scharwenka)
Polonaise in F minor, Op 42 (Scharwenka)
Polonia, Op 76 (Elgar)
Polovtsian Dances and Suite from Prince Igor (Borodin/Glazunov/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D major, Op 39 No 1 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D major, Op 39 No 1 (Elgar/Lemare)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D major, Op 39 No 1 (Elgar/Wills)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 2 in A minor, Op 39 No 2 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 3 in C minor, Op 39 No 3 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 3 in C minor, Op 39 No 3 (Elgar/Farrington)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 4 in G major, Op 39 No 4 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 4 in G major, Op 39 No 4 (Elgar/Sinclair)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 4 in G major, Op 39 No 4 (Elgar/Wills)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 5 in C major, Op 39 No 5 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 5 in C major, Op 39 No 5 (Elgar/Farrington)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 6 (Elgar/Payne)
Ponder my words, O Lord
Popular Brazilian children's songs (Villa-Lobos/Novaes)
Por una cabeza (Gardel/Babakhanian)
Pora! 'It is time'
Portrait—Joh. Str.
Possession (Smyth)
Potkal sem mladou cigánku
Poules et coqs
Poupée valsante
Pour ce que Plaisance est morte
Pour invoquer Pan, dieu du vent d'été
Pour le jour des Hyacinthies
Pour le jour des rois (Séverac)
Pour le piano, L95 (Debussy)
Pour l'égyptienne
Pour les accords
Pour l'indépendence des doigts
Pour que la nuit soit propice
Pour que le vent te les apporte
Pour que ton rire claire, jeune, tendre et léger
Pour remercier la pluie au matin
Praeludium (Sibelius)
Praeludium and Allegro (Kreisler)
Praeludium: Allegro vivace
Praesepe (Villa-Lobos)
Praise the Lord, O my soul
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height – Chorus angelorum (Somervell)
Praise to the holiest in the height – Gerontius (Dykes/Archer)
Praise to the holiest in the height – Gerontius (Dykes/Cullen)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Praise ye and bless ye the Lord
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Battiwalla)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Cleobury)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Tysoe)
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven!
Praised be all those who pardon one another
Pray that Jerusalem
Prayer to the Father of Heaven (Vaughan Williams)
Preamble. Allegro 'To Gwen'
Preghiera per gl'innocenti: Molto largo
Prelude (chromatic)
Prélude (Ravel)
Prelude (Roslavets)
Prélude (Samazeuilh)
Prélude à la nuit
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, L87 (Debussy)
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, L87 (Debussy/Ravel)
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, L87 (Debussy/Sachs)
Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, L87 (Debussy/Walter)
Prelude and Canon: Lento – Un poco più lento – Molto tranquillo – Risoluto, non troppo vivace – Allegro molto
Prelude and Fugue in A major, BWV536 (Bach/Albert)
Prelude and Fugue in B major, Op 99 No 2 (Saint-Saëns)
Prelude and Fugue in C major, Op 109 No 3 (Saint-Saëns)
Prelude and Fugue in C minor (Vaughan Williams)
Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV532 (Bach/Albert)
Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV532 (Bach/Busoni)
Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV532 (Bach/Reger)
Prelude and Fugue in D minor 'Fiddle', BWV539 (Bach/Goedicke)
Prelude and Fugue in D minor, Op 109 No 1 (Saint-Saëns)
Prelude and Fugue in D minor, Op 62 (Glazunov)
Prelude and Fugue in E flat major 'St Anne', BWV552 (Bach/Busoni)
Prelude and Fugue in E flat major 'St Anne', BWV552 (Bach/Reger)
Prelude and Fugue in E flat major, Op 99 No 3 (Saint-Saëns)
Prelude and Fugue in E flat minor, Op 6 (Sgambati)
Prelude and Fugue in E major, Op 99 No 1 (Saint-Saëns)
Prelude and Fugue in E minor (Glazunov)
Prelude and Fugue in E minor 'The wedge', BWV548 (Bach/Reger)
Prelude and Fugue in F minor, BWV534 (Bach/Albert)
Prelude and Fugue in G major, BWV541 (Bach/Albert)
Prelude and Fugue in G major, BWV541 (Bach/Goedicke)
Prelude and Fugue in G major, Op 109 No 2 (Saint-Saëns)
Prelude and two Mazurkas, Op 25 (Glazunov)
Prélude et Chanson
Prélude et étude en arpèges, BV297 (Busoni)
Prélude et nocturne pour la main gauche seule, Op 9 (Scriabin)
Prélude et Ronde des princesses (Stravinsky)
Prelude exotique, Op 10 No 2 (Isserlis)
Prelude for Lent, Op 10 No 2 (King)
Prélude humoresque
Prelude in A major
Prelude in B minor, BWV855a (Bach/Siloti)
Prelude in B minor, BWV855a (Bach/Siloti/Le Page)
Prelude in C minor 'Marnic' (Buck)
Prelude in D minor
Prélude in D minor
Prelude in D minor, Op posth. (Rachmaninov)
Prelude in E major
Prelude in F major (Rachmaninov)
Prelude in F major (Saint-Saëns)
Prelude in F sharp minor
Prelude in G minor
Prelude No 2, Op 49 (Calace)
Prelude on Three Welsh Hymn Tunes (Vaughan Williams)
Prelude to The Eumenides (Wallace)
Prelude to The Meistersinger from Nürnberg (Wagner/Gould/Williams)
Prelude, Andante and Finale, Op 112 (Gibbs/Ashmore)
Prelude, Op 13 (Achron)
Prelude, Op 2 No 1 (Rachmaninov)
Prelude, Op 52 (Hasselmans)
Prélude. Allegro
Prelude. Allegro 'To Maude'
Prelude. Invocation to Pan: Chorus
Prélude. Moderato agitato
Prelude: A Hymn to Nature
Prélude: Allegretto moderato
Prelude: Allegro
Prélude: Allegro appassionato
Prélude: Andante
Prélude: Bruscamente irato
Prélude: Con bravura
Prelude: Lento
Prélude: Lugubre
Prelude: Night (abridged)
Prelude: Presto scherzoso – Allegro maestoso
Prélude: Sauvage, belliqueux
Prélude: Violent, très accentué
Preludes and Fugues, Op 7 (Dupré)
Préludes et Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, S171d (Liszt/Howard)
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy)
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy/Gleichmann)
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy/Gottwald)
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy/Matthews)
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy/Roques)
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy/Rostropovich)
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy/Stokowski)
Préludes II, L131 (Debussy)
Préludes II, L131 (Debussy/Grainger)
Préludes II, L131 (Debussy/Matthews)
Preludes, Op 17 (Palmgren)
Preludes, Op 23 (Rachmaninov)
Preludes, Op 32 (Rachmaninov)
Preludes, Op 32 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Preludes, Op 32 (Rachmaninov/Heifetz)
Preludio a un altro giorno (Pizzetti)
Preludio 'Allegro festivo' (Busoni)
Preludio sinfonico (Puccini)
Preludio sinfonico 'original version' (Puccini/Rizzi)
Preludio 'without the third finger, Moderato alla breve' (Busoni)
Premier album de Lilian, Op 139 (Koechlin)
Première Mazurka, Op 21 (Saint-Saëns)
Première rapsodie, L124 (Debussy)
Première valse, Op 83 (Durand)
Premières valses (Hahn)
Premonitions (Ives)
Prépare-toi, faible cœur
Près de la mer 'Six Esquisses', Op 52 (Arensky)
Près du Berceau, Op 58 No 3 (Moszkowski)
Près du pêcheur qui ruisselle
Pretty Bess
Příhody lišky Bystroušky 'The cunning little vixen', JW I/9 (Janáček)
Priidite poklonimsya
Priidite, poklonimsya 'Come, let us worship', Op 11 (Kalinnikov)
Priidite, poklonimsya 'The Little Entrance: Come, let us worship'
Prima verba
Primavera: Vivace
Primula Veris: Con moto
Prince Madoc's Farewell (Stanford)
Princesse! à jalouser le destin d’une Hébé
Princesse! à jalouser le destin d'une Hébé
Principium sapientiae
Prinsessen, EG133 (Grieg)
Printemps qui commence
Prise au piège
Prison, Op 83 No 1 (Fauré)
Pro defunctis
Procession of the Oldest and Wisest One
Procession of the victors
Processional (Bantock)
Processional. Let there be Light (Ives)
Profil 'Chopin'
Prokhodyat dni 'The days pass'
Prole do bebê 1 (Villa-Lobos)
Prole do bebê 2 (Villa-Lobos)
Prologo, BV279 (Busoni)
Proses lyriques, L90 (Debussy)
Prositelnaya Ekteniya 'Litany of Supplication'
Prospero (Corder)
Proud Maisie
Provençaux, le soleil d'ici
Prunella (Dale)
Psalm 1 'Beatus vir, qui non abiit' (Elgar)
Psalm 101 'Misericordiam et iudicium' (Nicholson)
Psalm 104 'Benedic, anima mea' (Bevan/Parratt)
Psalm 105 'Confitemini Domino' (Ouseley/Ley)
Psalm 106 'Confitemini Domino' (Stewart)
Psalm 107 'Confitemini Domino' (Bairstow)
Psalm 107 'Confitemini Domino' (Bairstow)
Psalm 108 'Paratum cor meum' (Hurford/Stewart/Harrison/Harrison)
Psalm 118 'Confitemini Domino' (Gray/Wesley)
Psalm 119: 25-32 'Adhaesit pavimento' (Stewart)
Psalm 119: 89-96 'In aeternum, Domine' (Armes)
Psalm 120 'Ad Dominum' (Stewart)
Psalm 121 'Levavi oculos' – Requiem aeternam (Davies)
Psalm 121 'Levavi oculos' (Davies)
Psalm 122 'Laetatus sum' (Atkins)
Psalm 122 'Laetatus sum' (Martin)
Psalm 123 'Ad te levavi oculos meos' (Palmer)
Psalm 125 'Qui confidunt' (Lloyd)
Psalm 13 'Usquequo, Domine?' (Stewart)
Psalm 130 'De profundis' (Davies)
Psalm 130 'De profundis' (Macpherson)
Psalm 132 'Memento, Domine' (Maunder/Edwards)
Psalm 138 'Confitebor tibi' (Ley)
Psalm 14 'Dixit insipiens' (Stanford)
Psalm 142 'Voce mea ad Dominum' (Stewart)
Psalm 143 'Domine, exaudi' (Hervey)
Psalm 145 'Exaltabo te, Domine' (Hanforth)
Psalm 147 'Laudate Dominum' (Stanford)
Psalm 148
Psalm 148 'Laudate Dominum' (Stanford)
Psalm 149 'Cantate Domino' (Stanford)
Psalm 150
Psalm 150 'Laudate Dominum' (Stanford)
Psalm 150 'Laudate Dominum' (Talbot)
Psalm 23 'Dominus pastor meus' (Stewart)
Psalm 23, D706 (Schubert/Rutter)
Psalm 23, Op 14 (Zemlinsky)
Psalm 26 'Iudica me, Domine' (Sinclair)
Psalm 27 'Dominus illuminatio' (Hopkins/Wolstenholme)
Psalm 27 'Dominus illuminatio' (Wolstenholme)
Psalm 29 'Afferte Domino' (Ley)
Psalm 30 'Exaltabo te, Domine' (Lloyd)
Psalm 30 'Exaltabo te, Domine' (Lloyd/Scott)
Psalm 31 'In te, Domine, speravi' (Lloyd)
Psalm 34 'Benedicam Domino' (South)
Psalm 36 'Dixit iniustus' (Stewart)
Psalm 36 'Dixit iniustus' (Stewart/Hopkins)
Psalm 39
Psalm 39 'Dixi, custodiam' (Atkins)
Psalm 40
Psalm 40 'Exspectans exspectavi' (Harwood)
Psalm 5 'Verba mea auribus' (Davies)
Psalm 51 'Miserere mei, Deus' (Bairstow)
Psalm 52 'Quid gloriaris?' (Scaife)
Psalm 52 'Quid gloriaris?' (Stewart)
Psalm 55 'Exaudi, Deus' (Foster)
Psalm 55 'Exaudi, Deus' (Foster/Martin)
Psalm 55 'Exaudi, Deus' (Martin)
Psalm 56 'Miserere mei, Deus' (Bayley/Thalben-Ball)
Psalm 59 'Eripe me de inimicis' (Stanford)
Psalm 61 'Exaudi, Deus' (Stewart)
Psalm 63 'Deus, Deus meus' (Atkins)
Psalm 64 'Exaudi, Deus' (Bennett)
Psalm 66 'Jubilate Deo' (Atkins)
Psalm 67 'Deus misereatur' (Luard-Selby)
Psalm 74 'Ut quid, Deus?' (Smart/Noble)
Psalm 75 'Confitebimur tibi' (Lloyd)
Psalm 76 'Notus in Iudaea' (Nicholson)
Psalm 78 'Attendite, popule' (Mann/Stanford/Barnby/Atkins)
Psalm 79 'Deus, venerunt' (Stewart)
Psalm 80 'Qui regis Israel' (Atkins)
Psalm 81 'Exultate Deo' (Goodenough/Willcocks)
Psalm 82 'Deus stetit' (Parratt)
Psalm 84 'Quam dilecta!' (Parry)
Psalm 85 'Benedixisti, Domine' (Parratt)
Psalm 86
Psalm 88 'Domine Deus' (Prendergast)
Psalm 90 'Domine, refugium' (Mann)
Psalm 91 'Qui habitat' (Alcock)
Psalm 91 'Qui habitat' (Davies)
Psalm 96 'Cantate Domino' (Gray)
Psaume XLVII, Op 38 (Schmitt)
Psyche (Paladilhe)
Puces, amis, amantes même
Puisque j'ai mis ma lèvre (Fauré)
Puisque j'ai mis ma lèvre (Hahn)
Puisque l'aube grandit
Puisque mai tout en fleurs dans les prés nous réclame
Puisqu'ici-bas toute âme
Puisqu'ici-bas toute âme
Puisqu'ici-bas toute âme, Op 10 No 1 (Fauré)
Pulcinella Suite (Stravinsky)
Pulcinella Suite (Stravinsky/Pienaar)
Püppchen klein, püppchen mein
Purest and highest
Purse and Scrip
Pust' otsvuchit 'Music, when soft voices die', Op 17 No 3 (Taneyev)
Pustoye vï serdechnïm tï 'Instead of a formal you'
Pustoye vï serdechnïm tï 'Instead of a formal you'
Quaint name –
Quand je baise, pâle de fièvre
Quand je chemine, le soir
Quand je fus pris au pavillon
Quand je fus pris au pavillon
Quand je mourrai, que l’on me mette
Quand je partis, j'avais pour mie
Quand la fleur du soleil, la rose de Lahor
Quand la nuit n'est pas étoilée (Hahn)
Quand le soir est venu, que tout est calme enfin
Quand reverrai-je, hélas! (Caplet)
Quand tu nageois emmy Syrènes et Tritons, gente naïde au corps souëf
Quand tu plonges tes yeux dans mes yeux
Quant j'ai ouy le tabourin
Quasi valse, Op 47 (Scriabin)
Quatre Études, Op 41 (Arensky)
Quatre mélodies de Verlaine (Debussy/Holloway)
Quatre mélodies, Op 22 (Koechlin)
Quatre mélodies, Op 22 (Koechlin)
Quatre Mélodies, Op 35 (Koechlin)
Quatre Morceaux pour piano, Op 26 (Stojowski)
Quatre morceaux, Op 12 (Catoire)
Quatre morceaux, Op 25 (Arensky)
Quatre morceaux, Op 3 (Bortkiewicz)
Quatre morceaux, Op 34 (Catoire)
Quatre morceaux, Op 4 (Medtner)
Quatre morceaux, Op 51 (Scriabin)
Quatre morceaux, Op 56 (Scriabin)
Quatre morceaux, Op 65 (Bortkiewicz)
Quatre Motets, Op 9 (Dupré)
Quatre Poèmes d'E Haraucourt, Op 7 (Koechlin)
Quatre préludes, Op 17 (Catoire)
Quatre préludes, Op 22 (Scriabin)
Quatre préludes, Op 31 (Scriabin)
Quatre préludes, Op 33 (Scriabin)
Quatre préludes, Op 37 (Scriabin)
Quatre préludes, Op 39 (Scriabin)
Quatre préludes, Op 48 (Scriabin)
Quatre Tableaux fantastiques 'Suite No 3', Op 23 (Achron)
Quatrième valse, Op 91 (Chaminade)
Que me fait toute la terre
Que tu es simple et claire
Queen Alexandra Memorial Ode (Elgar)
Quejas, o La maja y el ruiseñor
Quejas, o La maja y el ruiseñor
Quel galant m'est comparable?
Quel galant m'est comparable?
Quel galant m'est comparable?
Quell' innocente figlio 'Aria dell' angelo', D17 No 1 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Quell' innocente figlio 'Aria dell' angelo', D17 No 2 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Quellen rauschen, Lüfte schweigen
Quelques aspects de 'Nous n'irons plus au bois' parce qu'il fait un temps insupportable
Qui confidunt in Domino
Quick darts an eagle throuh the skies
Quick! we have but a second (Anon/Stanford)
Quid sum miser?
Quintet in B flat major (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Quintet in D major (Vaughan Williams)
Quinteto em forma de chôros (Villa-Lobos)
Quitte ta musette
Quoique tes yeux ne la voient pas
Quoy qu'on tient belles langagières
R.B.T. (Allegretto)
Raduytesya, pravednii, o Gospode 'Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous', Op 25 No 6 (Chesnokov)
Rakastava, Op 14 (Sibelius)
Ramble on Love from Der Rosenkavalier (Strauss/Grainger)
Ramure aux rumeurs amollies
Rapsodia española, Op 70 (Albéniz)
Rapsodia sinfónica (Turina)
Rapsodie d'Auvergne for piano and orchestra, Op 73 (Saint-Saëns)
Rapsodie espagnole (Ravel)
Rapsodie espagnole, S254 (Liszt/Busoni)
Rapsodie in E minor (Lazzari)
Rawhide (Tiomkin)
Reade me, reade me dear brother
Recessional (Grainger)
Récitatif et Air
Recitativo and Scherzo, Op 6 (Kreisler)
Reconciliation –
Recuerdos de la Alhambra (Tárrega/Ricci)
Red Dog
Red roses and red noses (Berners)
Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada 'A line of flying clouds', Op 42 No 3 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Reflets dans l'eau
Reflets dans l'eau
Regina caeli
Regret, L59 (Debussy)
Reiselied (Mendelssohn/Asti)
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
Rejoice, ye dead, where'er your spirits dwell
Relâche (Satie)
Remember (Ireland)
Remembrance (Ives)
Réminiscences de "Don Juan" de Mozart – Grande fantaisie, S418 (Liszt/Mozart/Wong)
Réminiscences de La juive – Fantaisie brillante sur des motifs de l'opéra de Halévy, S409a (Liszt/Halévy/Wong)
Renaissance (Godowsky)
Renouveau (Séverac)
Repent and be baptized
Requiem (Borodin/Stokowski)
Requiem, Op 144b (Reger)
Requiem, Op 48 (Fauré)
Requiem, Op 48 (Fauré)
Requiem, Op 54 (Saint-Saëns)
Requiem, Op 63 (Stanford)
Requiescat (Butterworth)
Rest (Vaughan Williams)
Resurgam (Grace)
Return, O holy Dove, return!
Reue: Langsam, getragen
Rêve d'amour, Op 5 No 2 (Fauré)
Rêve d'enfant, Op 10 (Sammons)
Rêve d'enfant, Op 14 (Ysaÿe)
Réveille-toi, réveille-toi, perdrix mignonne
Réveille-toi, réveille-toi, perdrix mignonne
Réveille-toi, réveille-toi, perdrix mignonne
Revelge (Mahler)
Rêverie (Balakirev)
Rêverie (Douma)
Rêverie (Hahn)
Rêverie (Saint-Saëns)
Reverie d'Amour, Op 20 No 2 (Bowen)
Rêverie du soir à Blidah
Rêverie orientale
Reverie 'The God of love my Shepherd is'
Rêverie, L3 (Debussy)
Rêverie, L76 (Debussy)
Rêverie, Op 24 (Glazunov)
Rêverie, Op 36 No 2 (Moszkowski)
Rêves (Ravel)
Revive Szegedin! – Marche hongroise de Szabadi, orchestrée par Massenet, S572 (Liszt/Szabadi/Massenet)
Rêvons, c'est l'heure (Massenet)
Revyot li zver v lesu glukhom 'The cry of an animal in the forest depths'
Reynardine (Anon/Hughes)
Rhapsodie-Études, Op 42 (Holbrooke)
Rhapsody for violin and piano No 1, Sz86 (Bartók)
Rhapsody for violin and piano No 2, Sz89 (Bartók)
Rhapsody in G minor (Bowen)
Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini, Op 43 (Rachmaninov)
Rhapsody on Ukrainian Themes, Op 28 (Lyapunov)
Rheinlegendchen (Mahler)
Ride of the Valkyries
Rigaudon: Allegro con brio
Říkadla 'Nursery rhymes' (Janáček)
Říkadla 'Nursery rhymes', JW V/16 (Janáček)
Ringel, ringel Reih’n!
Rípa se vdávala 'The beetroot got married'
Rires dans du soleil
Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing his praise without delays
Rise up, my love, my fair one (Willan)
Ritournelle (Séverac)
Ritual Action of the Ancestors –
Rókatánc 'Fox dance'
Roma divina, a te sul Campidoglio
Roman Sketches, Op 7 (Griffes)
Romance (German)
Romance (La Forge)
Romance (Vaughan Williams)
Romance and Pastorale (Vaughan Williams)
Romance de Mignon (Duparc)
Romance du soir, Op 118 (Saint-Saëns)
Romance in A major (Bowen)
Romance in A major (Hahn)
Romance in A minor (Scriabin)
Romance in A minor, Op 42 (Bruch)
Romance in A minor, Op posth. (Rachmaninov)
Romance in D flat major (Bowen)
Romance in D flat, Op 42 (Grünfeld)
Romance in D major, Op 137 (Chaminade)
Romance in D major, Op 23 (Szymanowski)
Romance in E flat, Op 8 No 2 (Rachmaninov/Siloti)
Romance lyrique (Kodály)
Romance No 1 in G flat major, Op 35 No 2 (Bowen)
Romance No 2 in F major, Op 45 (Bowen)
Romance sans paroles, Op 21 (Durey)
Romance, JW VII/3 (Janáček)
Romance, L53 (Debussy)
Romance, L56 (Debussy)
Romance, Op 37 (Saint-Saëns)
Romance, Op 37 (Saint-Saëns/Bryan)
Romance, Op 62 (Elgar)
Romance, Op 69 (Fauré)
Romance, Op 85 (Bruch)
Romance. Andante espressivo 'To Gwen'
Romance: Andante con moto
Romance: Mary and the sailor
Romance: Sostenuto e con molto espressione
Romances sans paroles, Op 76 (Chaminade)
Romances, L65 (Debussy)
Romanian Folk Dances, Sz56 (Bartók)
Romanian Folk Dances, Sz56 (Bartók/Brody/Reynolds)
Romanian Folk Dances, Sz56 (Bartók/Horsch)
Romanian Rhapsodies, Op 11 (Enescu/Brody/Reynolds)
Romantic Episodes, Op 88 (Alexandrov)
Romantic Sketches for the Young, Op 54 (Medtner)
Romantisches Klavierkonzert in E major (Marx)
Romanza: Andante mosso
Romanza: Andante poco moto
Romanza: Larghetto
Romanza: Meditamente
Romanza: Poco adagio
Romanze in E flat major, Op 20 (Stojowski)
Romanze, D144 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Romanze, Op 35 (MacDowell)
Romanze, Op 45 No 1 (Grünfeld)
Romanzero, Op 33 (Scharwenka)
Romanzo, di Central Park (Ives)
Ronde des fantômes
Rondeau, L17 (Debussy)
Rondel chinois, L11 (Debussy)
Rondel I
Rondes de printemps
Rondo alla Zingarese (Dohnányi)
Rondo for cello and orchestra in F major (Stanford)
Rondò veneziano (Pizzetti)
Ronsard à son âme (Ravel)
Room-music tit-bits (Grainger)
Room-music tit-bits (Grainger/Stockmeier)
Rosamunde, Fürstin von Zypern, D797 (Schubert/Fischhof)
Rosamunde, Fürstin von Zypern, D797 (Schubert/Godowsky)
Rose im Schnee
Rose Marie (Friml)
Rosenlied, Op 50 No 6 (Sibelius)
Roses ardentes
Roses of Picardy (Wood)
Rote Rosen, TrV119 (Strauss)
Rough wind, that moanest loud
Roumanian Air and Gipsy Dance, Op 23 (Sammons)
Round my Indiana homestead wave the cornfields
Roza 'The rose'
Roztrhané kalhoty 'Ripped trousers'
Rudepoema (Villa-Lobos)
Ruhe, meine Seele!
Rumanian Folk Dances, Sz56 (Bartók/Herrick)
Rumanian Folk Dances, Sz56 (Bartók/Székely)
Rumanian Whirling Dance: Allegro
Ruralia hungarica, Op 32a (Dohnányi)
Ruralia hungarica, Op 32c (Dohnányi)
Russian dance
Russian Dance, Op 7 (Isserlis)
Russian Easter Festival Overture, Op 36 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Russian maiden's song
Russian Rhapsody, Op 14 (Schulz-Evler)
Russian Rhapsody, Op posth. (Rachmaninov)
Russian Round-Dance 'A Tale'
Russian Tale: Allegro sostenuto
Rustle of Spring
Ruthenian Kolomejka: Allegro – Meno mosso – Tempo I
S Bohem, rodný kraju
S’asseoir tous deux au bord d’un flot qui passe
Sabbath morning at sea
Sabre en main
Saché-je d’où provient, sirènes, votre ennui
Sacred mountain
Sacrificial Dance
Sadko, Op 5 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Sag es nicht
Säg hvarför är du så ledsen i dag
Sailing homeward (Gibbs)
Sailing with thee thro' seas of Erin
Saint Basil walks along the road
Sainte (Ravel)
Sainte Vierge Marie, ayez pitié des gens
Saint-Eflam et le Roi Arthur
Saisons (Glazunov/Hamelin)
Sally in our alley (Bridge)
Saltarelle carnavalesque, Op posth. (Ysaÿe)
Saltarelle, Op 74 (Saint-Saëns)
Salut d'amour, Op 12 (Elgar)
Salve regina (Puccini)
Salvum fac populum tuum, Op 84 (Widor)
Samson et Dalila – Grand Fantasy (Saint-Saëns/Luigini)
Samson et Dalila, Op 47 (Saint-Saëns)
Sanctify us by thy goodness
Sanctuary of the heart 'Méditation religieuse' (Ketèlbey)
Sandman's Song and Evening Prayer (Humperdinck)
Sången, Op 44 (Stenhammar/Pienaar)
Sankt Michael, Op 88 No 3 (Strauss)
Sans que nulle part je séjourne
Santa Chiara 'Palm Sunday: Naples' (Ireland)
Sapientia foris praedicat
Sapphic Poem (Bantock)
Sappho (Bantock)
Saraband 'Helen' (Vaughan Williams)
Saraband of the Sons of God
Sarabande et rigaudon, Op 93 (Saint-Saëns)
Sarabande in D major 'Offertoire' (Saint-Saëns)
Sarabande: Adagio
Sarabande: Andante
Sash dance: Allegro
Satan's dance of triumph
Saturn – The bringer of old age
Satyre und Nymphen, Op 18 (Juon)
Satyricon (Ireland)
Saugefleurie, Op 21 (Indy)
Säusle, liebe Myrthe!
Säv, säv, susa, Op 36 No 4 (Sibelius)
Save us, O Lord (Bairstow)
Savitri, H96 Op 25 (Holst)
Say who is this?
Scaramouche et Pulcinella
Scaramouche et Pulcinella
Scena e canto gitano
Scenes adapted from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress (Vaughan Williams)
Scènes de ballet (Stravinsky)
Scènes de la csárda No 1, Op 9 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 10 'Szalatnai emlék', Op 69 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 11 'Szomorúfüz hervadt lombja', Op 82 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 12 'Piczi tubiczám', Op 83 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 13, Op 102 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 14 'On the themes of Lavotta', Op 117 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 2 'Kis furulyám', Op 13 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 3 'Maros vize', Op 18 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 4 'Hejre Kati', Op 32 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 5 'Hullámzó Balaton', Op 33 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 6 'Sárga cserebogár', Op 34 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 7 'Kosuth nóta', Op 41 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 8 'Azt mondják', Op 60 (Hubay)
Scènes de la csárda No 9 'Czinka Panna nótája', Op 65 (Hubay)
Scenes from my childhood are with me
Scenes from Parsifal (Wagner/Williams)
Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op 30 (Elgar)
Schatzwalzer, Op 418 (Strauss Jr./Dohnányi)
Scheherazade, Op 35 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Scheiden und Meiden (Mahler)
Schelomo (Bloch)
Scher, Op 42 (Achron)
Scherzino: Allegretto con mosso
Scherzo (Stravinsky)
Scherzo (Vaughan Williams)
Scherzo fantastique (Stravinsky)
Scherzo 'founded on an English folksong': Allegro moderato
Scherzo from A Midsummer Night's Dream (Mendelssohn/Warren)
Scherzo in A minor (Coles)
Scherzo in B flat major (Musorgsky/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Scherzo in C major
Scherzo in C minor, WoO2
Scherzo in G major, Op 4 (Scharwenka)
Scherzo in G minor, Op 49 No 2 (Bossi)
Scherzo infernale: Prestissimo possibile
Scherzo No 1 in B minor (Balakirev)
Scherzo, H19a (Bridge)
Scherzo, Op 46 (Scriabin)
Scherzo: Sehr lebhaft
Scherzo: The brumbies
Scherzo: The waves (Allegro brillante)
Scherzo: Vivace
Scherzo: Vivace e fantastico
Scherzo-Caprice in D major, Op 25 (Pierné)
Scherzo-Étude, Op 67 (Pirani)
Scherzo-Valse, Op 148 (Chaminade)
Scherzo-Valse, Op 40 (Moszkowski)
Schlaf' wohl, du Himmelsknabe du
Schlagende Herzen
Schlechtes Wetter
Schlichte Weisen, Op 21 (Strauss)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlichte Weisen, Op 76 (Reger)
Schlummerlied, Op 7 No 6 (Stanford)
Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV654 (Bach/Reger)
Schneewalzer (Koschat)
Schneewalzer (Koschat/Richards)
Schön ist die Welt (Lehár)
Schön Rosmarin
Schon sank die Sonne nieder
Schön sind, doch kalt die Himmelssterne
Schon winkt der Wein im gold'nen Pokale
Schottish-Chôro (Villa-Lobos)
Schwanengesang, D744 (Schubert/Lidström)
Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV36 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Scotch Strathspey and Reel
Scots! Wha hae wi' Wallace bled
Scottish Concerto, Op 55 (Mackenzie)
Scottish Fantasy in E flat major, Op 46 (Bruch)
Se replier toujours sur soi-même, si morne!
Se replier toujours sur soi-même, si morne!
Se tu m'ami, se sospiri (Pergolesi/Zadora)
Se, Marie, hvad jeg bringer 'See, Marie, what I am bringing'
Sea birds are asleep
Sea Chanty Settings (Grainger)
Sea drift (Delius)
Sea fever (Ireland)
Sea fever (Ireland/Williams)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea slumber-song
Sea Wandering (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Seacht bpaidreacha fo’ seacht
Sea-longing (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser/Bantock)
Search for Paradise (Tiomkin)
Searching for lambs
Sechs Gesänge, Op 13 (Zemlinsky/Austin)
Sechs Kleine Klavierstücke, Op 19 (Schoenberg)
Sechs Lieder aus Julius Wolff's Tannhäuser, Op 12 (Sjögren)
Sechs Lieder aus Lotusblättern, Op 19 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder für eine Singstimme mit Klavier (Walter)
Sechs Lieder, Op 13 (Schumann/Bliss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 17 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 17 (Strauss/Gieseking)
Sechs Lieder, Op 17 (Strauss/Godowsky)
Sechs Lieder, Op 37 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 37 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 37 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 37 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 37 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 48 (Grieg)
Sechs Lieder, Op 48 (Grieg)
Sechs Lieder, Op 48 (Grieg)
Sechs Lieder, Op 48 (Grieg)
Sechs Lieder, Op 48 (Grieg)
Sechs Lieder, Op 48 (Grieg)
Sechs Lieder, Op 56 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 56 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 56 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 56 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 67 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 67 (Strauss)
Sechs Lieder, Op 68 (Strauss)
Second album de Lilian, Op 149 (Koechlin)
Second concert study 'Flying feet'
Second Modern Suite, Op 14 (MacDowell)
Seconda Mazurka di Tirindelli, variata da F Liszt, S573a (Liszt/Tirindelli)
Sed iuvat interia tanti primordia partus
Sedel medvid' na kolodi 'The bear sat on a tree trunk'
Sedmdesát tisíc je nás 'Seventy thousand are there of us'
See the angel flying, silently soaring
See! with what constant motion
See! with what constant motion
See, amid the winter's snow
Seek first the Kingdom of God
Seele, vergiss sie nicht
Seguidilla murciana
Séguidille, L44 (Debussy)
Segunda danza española
Sehnsucht, Op 50 No 2 (Sibelius)
Seht den Felsenquell
Seht den Felsenquell
Seht mir doch mein schönes Kind!
Sei Pezzi (Respighi)
Seid gegrüßt, ihr grünen Hallen
Seid ihr von Sinnen
Seis canciones castellanas (Guridi)
Seitdem dein Aug' in meines schaute
Selbstgefühl (Mahler)
Selig durch die Fluren gehn
Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herrn sterben
Senke, strahlender Gott
Sensommarnätter 'Nights of Late Summer', Op 33 (Stenhammar)
Sentiers où l’herbe se balance
Sentimentals (Grainger)
Sept Chansons pour Gladys, Op 151 (Koechlin)
Sept Improvisations, Op 150 (Saint-Saëns)
Sept préludes, Op 17 (Scriabin)
Sept Rondels, Op 8 (Koechlin)
Septet in E flat major, Op 65 (Saint-Saëns)
Sequitur trigintale
Séraphine (Hahn)
Serbate, o Dei custodi, D35 No 3 (Schubert/Orel)
Serbian Dance: Allegro molto
Serenada 'Serenade'
Serenade (Bowen)
Sérénade (Duparc)
Sérénade (Hillemacher/Hillemacher)
Sérénade à la lune (Pugno)
Serenade aus Don Juan (Mahler)
Sérénade de Don Juan (Mozart/Backhaus)
Sérénade de Méphistophélès
Sérénade de Printemps, Op 5 (Sammons)
Serenade 'Deh vieni alla finestra' from Mozart's Don Giovanni (Busoni)
Sérénade d'hiver (Saint-Saëns)
Sérénade espagnole, Op 150 (Chaminade)
Sérénade florentine (Duparc)
Serenade for string trio in C major, Op 10 (Dohnányi)
Serenade for strings (Suk)
Serenade for strings, Op 20 (Elgar)
Serenade for the doll
Serenade for the doll
Serenade for violin and piano, Op 70 (Scharwenka)
Sérénade grotesque (Ravel)
Sérénade in A major, Op 22 (Ysaÿe)
Serenade in A major, Op 3 No 2 (Suk)
Serenade in A minor, Op 75 (Bruch)
Serenade in B, Op 32 (Grünfeld)
Sérénade in D major, Op 29 (Chaminade)
Serenade in E flat major, Op 7 (Strauss)
Serenade in F major 'Nonet', Op 95 (Stanford)
Sérénade 'Le bourgeois gentilhomme' (Fauré)
Serenade No 1 (Drdla/Hazell)
Serenade to Music (Vaughan Williams)
Sérénade toscane, Op 3 No 2 (Fauré)
Serenade, H23 (Bridge)
Sérénade, L29 (Debussy)
Serenade, Op 17 (Achron)
Sérénade, Op 98 (Fauré)
Serenata (Albert)
Serenata Española
Serenata Española
Serenata napoletana, Op 24 No 2 (Sgambati)
Serenata: Andante calmo
Serenity (Ives)
Serious Dance, Op 51 No 2 (Bowen)
Serranas de Cuenca
Service in C major, Op 115 (Stanford)
Service in D (Bairstow)
Service in F (Dyson)
Service in F, Op 36 (Stanford)
Ses yeux 'Polka de concert', RO235 Op 66 (Gottschalk/Napoleão dos Santos)
Set free Thy people, set free Thy servants
Seule (Hahn)
Seule!, Op 3 No 1 (Fauré)
Seuls tous deux, ravis, chantants!
Seven Danish Songs (Delius)
Seven Danish Songs (Delius)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Partsongs, H162 Op 44 (Holst)
Seven Short Pieces for the Cultivation of Polyphonic Playing, BV296 (Busoni)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Severn Suite, Op 87 (Elgar/Farrington)
Severn Suite, Op 87 (Elgar/Geehl)
Sevilliana 'Fantasía', Op 29 (Turina)
Sex digte af Henrik Ibsen 'Six poems by Henrik Ibsen', Op 25 (Grieg)
Sex digte af Henrik Ibsen 'Six poems by Henrik Ibsen', Op 25 (Grieg/Lidström)
Sextet for piano, clarinet, horn and string trio in C major, Op 37 (Dohnányi)
Shakespeare's Kingdom
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (Aikin)
Shall I compare thee?, Op 1 No 1 (Kelly)
Shall we gather at the river
Shaller Brown you're goin' ter leave me
She borrowed some of her mother's gold
She hath grown cold, whose kindness won me to her
She is far from the land (Lambert)
She is my love beyond all thought
She is watching by the poplars
She lived beside the Anner (Anon/Hughes)
She moved thro' the fair (Anon/Hughes)
She sent one after King Estmere
She sleeps so lightly, that in trembling fear
She weeps over Rahoon (Hughes)
Sheep may safely graze
Sheep may safely graze
Sheep may safely graze (Bach/Petri)
Shéhérazade (Ravel)
Sheik of Araby (Synder/Smith/Wheeler/Thornton)
Shepherd Fennel's Dance (Gardiner)
Shepherd's Hey
Shepherd's song
Shest Romansov 'Six Romances', Op 16 (Tchaikovsky/Rachmaninov)
Shestnadtsat Pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen Songs for children', Op 54 (Tchaikovsky/Lubbock)
Shestopsalmie: Slava v vyshnikh Bogu
Short Sonata in C sharp minor, Op 35 No 1 (Bowen)
Should I long that dark were fair?
Shy One (Clarke)
Shylock, Op 57 (Fauré)
Shylock, Op 57 (Fauré/Boëllmann)
Si j'étais le Zéphyr ailé
Si j'étais, ô mon amoureuse
Si la voix d'un enfant peut monter jusqu'à vous
Si l'on avait l'audace d'aller chez vous
Si mes vers avaient des ailes (Hahn)
Si mes vers avaient des ailes (Hahn)
Si mes vers avaient des ailes (Hillemacher/Hillemacher)
Si morne
Si morne! (Ravel)
Si tes pas t'ont conduit vers l'heureuse vallée
Si tu demandes quelque soir
Si tu le veux
Si tu veux savoir, ma belle
Si tu veux, Mignonne (Massenet)
Si vous me disiez que la terre
Si vous n'avez rien à me dire (Saint-Saëns)
Sicilienne, Op 78 (Fauré)
Sie hüpfte mit mir auf grünem Plan
Sie in jedem Liede, D896a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Sie ist dahin, die Maienlieder tönte
Sie kam zum Schloss gegangen
Sie tanzt
Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss
Sie wissen’s nicht
Sieben Gesänge aus dem Spanischen Liederbuch, Op 21 (Jensen/Zadora)
Sieben Lieder (Zemlinsky)
Sieben Lieder (Zemlinsky)
Sieben Lieder (Zemlinsky)
Siegfried Idyll, WWV103 (Wagner/Lemare)
Siegfried's Rhine-Journey (Wagner/Gould/Williams)
Siete canciones populares españolas (Falla/Gottschick)
Siete canciones populares españolas (Falla/Halffter)
Siete canciones populares españolas (Falla/Le Page)
Siete canciones populares españolas (Falla/Maréchal)
Sigh no more, ladies
S'il est un charmant gazon
S'il est un charmant gazon
S'il est vrai, Chloris, que tu m'aimes
Silence and Music (Vaughan Williams)
Silence ineffable de l'heure
Silence, come first: I see a sleeping swan
Silent lay the sapphire ocean
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Cleobury)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Cullen)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Darlington)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Pembroke College Girls' Choir)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rathbone)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Silent night! holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Silent noon
Silent noon
Silent noon
Silent noon
Silver Spring, Op 6 (Mason)
Silver, Op 30 No 2 (Gibbs)
Simchas Torah
Simvol very: Veruyu 'The Creed: I believe in one God'
Since by man came death
Since I from love
Sinfonia antartica 'Symphony No 7' (Vaughan Williams)
Sinfonia in B major, Op 8 (Brahms/Swensen)
Sinfonietta 'Sokol Festival', JW VI/18 (Janáček)
Sing to me, sing, Op 48 (Homer)
Sing we merrily unto God our strength
Sing-übungen, D619 (Schubert/Roblou)
Sinnspruch, TrV239 (Strauss)
Sir Roger de Coverley (Bridge)
Sir William Wallace 'Symphonic Poem No 5' (Wallace)
Siren' 'Lilacs'
Siren' 'Lilacs'
Sirenengespeel en gezang 'Sirens playing and singing'
Sirocco, joli vent chaud
Sister Helen 'Symphonic Poem No 3' (Wallace)
Six Caprices, Op 43 (Arensky)
Six Choral Folksongs, H136 (Holst)
Six choruses for mixed voices, Op 40 (Chesnokov)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six Concert Études, Op 28 (Dohnányi)
Six dukes went afishin' (Grainger)
Six English folk songs (Vaughan Williams)
Six épigraphes antiques, L139 (Debussy)
Six Études pour la main gauche seule, Op 135 (Saint-Saëns)
Six Études, Op 111 (Saint-Saëns)
Six Études, Op 52 (Saint-Saëns)
Six Études, Op 52 (Saint-Saëns/Ysaÿe)
Six Fables de La Fontaine (Lecocq)
Six Irish Fantasies for violin and piano, Op 54 (Stanford)
Six Mélodies, Op 31 (Koechlin)
Six Monothemes, Op 13 (Matthay)
Six morceaux, Op 19 (Tchaikovsky/Langley)
Six morceaux, Op 6 (Catoire)
Six morceaux, Op 81 (Moszkowski)
Six morceaux, Op 83 (Moszkowski)
Six Piano pieces, Op 41 (Dohnányi)
Six Pieces, Op 15 (Moszkowski)
Six Pieces, Op 23 (Holbrooke)
Six Pieces, Op 32 (Sinding)
Six Pieces, Op 41 (Dohnányi)
Six Pièces, Op 53 (Arensky)
Six poèmes en musique, Op 3 No 3 (Magnard)
Six Preludes, Op 1 (Alexandrov)
Six préludes, Op 13 (Scriabin)
Six Preludes, Op 66 (Bortkiewicz)
Six Rondels, Op 1 (Koechlin)
Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Butterworth)
Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Butterworth/Williams)
Six Songs, Op 1 (Mendelssohn/Lidström)
Six Studies in English Folk Song (Vaughan Williams)
Six Waltzes, Op 28 (Scharwenka)
Skazka '1915' (Medtner)
Skazka 'Fairy Tale', Op 6 (Isserlis)
Skazka o Tsare Saltane 'The Tale of Tsar Salatan' (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Skazka o Tsare Saltane 'The Tale of Tsar Saltan' (Rimsky-Korsakov/Rachmaninov)
Skazka o Tsare Saltane 'The Tale of Tsar Saltan' (Rimsky-Korsakov/Runswick)
Skazka o Tsare Saltane 'The Tale of Tsar Saltan' (Rimsky-Korsakov/Strimer)
Skazka: Allegretto capriccioso, con molto tenerezza
Skazki, Op 14 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 20 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 26 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 34 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 35 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 42 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 48 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 51 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 8 (Medtner)
Skazki, Op 9 (Medtner)
Skogen står tyst, himlen är klar
Skye Water-Kelpie's Lullaby (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Skylark and nightingale
Slava Otsu – Edinorodnyy Syne 'Second Antiphon: Glory be to God the Father'
Slava Otsu 'Glory be to the Father' (Golovanov)
Slava v vïshnih Bogu 'Glory be to God'
Slave Song (Riego)
Slavonic Dances, Op 72 (Dvořák/Kreisler)
Slavoslovie velikoe: Slava v vyshnikh Bogu
Sleep for the day is done (Effie)
Sleep, darling, sleep, the daylight
Sleep, my puppy: Andantino (after Op 57 No 11)
Sleeping Beauty Paraphrase (Tchaikovsky/Pabst/Hough)
Sleeps the noon in the deep blue sky (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Sleigh ride (Anderson/Vaughan Williams/Rice)
Sleigh ride (Delius)
Slovakian Song 1: Molto moderato
Slow March (Ives)
Slow, slow, freah fount, keep time with my salt tears
Slugging a Vampire (Ives)
Slumber scene: Moderato
Smiles, then kisses (Ancliffe)
Smilin' through (Penn)
Smoke gets in your eyes (Kern/Chilcott)
Smoking Cantata (Elgar)
Snegurochka's Aria
Snovideniye 'A dream', Op 17 No 3 (Arensky)
Snurretoppen 'The Spinning Top': Presto
So early in the morning, O: – (Bridge)
So hath your beauty
So like a flower, thy little four-year face in its pure freshness
So many true princesses who have gone
So perverse (Bridge)
So shall my walk be close with God
So we'll go no more a-roving (White)
So white, so soft, so sweet is she
Sœur des Sœurs tisseuses de violettes
Soft music (Walker)
Sogno d'or (Puccini)
Soir, Op 83 No 2 (Fauré)
Soirée de Vienne, Op 56 (Strauss Jr./Grünfeld)
Soirée d'hiver
Soirée en mer (Saint-Saëns)
Sois le bienvenue, rouge automne
Sois sage, ô ma Douleur, et tiens-toi plus tranquille
Sokol Fanfare (Janáček)
Soldatenlied, TrV66 (Strauss)
Soldier, soldier (Grainger)
Soldier's Song: Maestoso
Sole e amore (Puccini)
Soleil d'automne
Soleils couchants 'Paysages tristes' (Séverac)
Solemn March: Adagio molto, tempo di marcia solenne
Solemn Melody (Davies/West)
Soliloque et forlane (Hahn)
Solitude, Op 73 No 6 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Solo de concert, Op 35 (Pierné)
Solo de concours, Op 10 (Rabaud)
Solöga 'Sun-eye'
Soluppgång, Op 37 No 3 (Sibelius)
Solveig's song
Some are laughing, some are weeping
Some ask'd me where the rubies grew
Some folks (Foster/Weigand)
Some people praise red noses
Somerset Pastoral (Boughton)
Sometimes she is a child within mine arms
Sometimes she is a child within mine arms
Somewhere a voice is calling (Tate)
Somewhere a voice is calling (Tate/Hough)
Sommarcroquiser 'Summer sketches', Op 11 (Seymer)
Sommarnatten 'Idyll No 1' (Rangström)
Son 'A dream'
Son 'A dream'
Sonata eroïca, Op 94 (Jongen)
Sonata for cello and piano in F sharp minor, Op 46 (Pierné)
Sonata for cello and piano, Op 66 (Koechlin)
Sonata for clarinet and piano, Op 129 (Stanford)
Sonata for flute and piano, Op 52 (Koechlin)
Sonata for flute, viola and harp, L145 (Debussy)
Sonata for Piano and Violin (Walter)
Sonata for solo violin No 1 in G minor, Op 27 No 1 (Ysaÿe)
Sonata for solo violin No 2 in A minor, Op 27 No 2 (Ysaÿe)
Sonata for solo violin No 3 in D minor 'Ballade', Op 27 No 3 (Ysaÿe)
Sonata for solo violin No 4 in E minor, Op 27 No 4 (Ysaÿe)
Sonata for solo violin No 5 in G major, Op 27 No 5 (Ysaÿe)
Sonata for solo violin No 6 in E major, Op 27 No 6 (Ysaÿe)
Sonata for solo violin, Sz117 (Bartók)
Sonata for two flutes, Op 75 (Koechlin)
Sonata for two pianos (Bax)
Sonata for two pianos and percussion, Sz110 (Bartók)
Sonata for violin and harpsichord No 5 in F minor, BWV1018 (Bach/Siloti)
Sonata for violin and piano in C major (Hahn)
Sonata in A flat major
Sonata in A minor 'F-A-E' (Brahms/Bliss)
Sonata in A minor 'F-A-E' (Brahms/Swensen)
Sonata in A minor 'F-A-E' (Schumann/Swensen)
Sonata in A minor, Op 30 (Medtner)
Sonata in B flat minor 'Sonata Romantica', Op 53 No 1 (Medtner)
Sonata in B major, Op 9 (Bortkiewicz)
Sonata in C major
Sonata in C minor, Op 21 (Chaminade)
Sonata in D minor (Glinka/Bliss)
Sonata in D minor 'Sonata-Elegy'
Sonata in E flat major, BWV1031 (Bach/Friedman)
Sonata in E flat major, BWV1031 (Bach/Siloti)
Sonata in E flat minor (Scriabin)
Sonata in E minor 'Night Wind', Op 25 No 2 (Medtner)
Sonata in F minor 'No 1' (Tchaikovsky/Howard)
Sonata in F minor 'Sonata Minacciosa', Op 53 No 2 (Medtner)
Sonata in F minor, Op 5 (Medtner)
Sonata in F sharp minor, Op 10 (Albert)
Sonata in G minor 'Il trillo del Diavolo', Bg5 (Tartini/Kreisler)
Sonata in G minor, Op 22 (Medtner)
Sonata in G minor, Op 23 (Lindberg)
Sonata in G, Op 28 (Elgar)
Sonata No 1 in G minor, BWV1001 (Bach/Godowsky)
Sonata No 2 'Eroica' (Stanford)
Sonata No 2 in A minor, BWV1003 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Sonata No 2 in A minor, BWV1003 (Bach/Siloti)
Sonata No 2, Op 87a (Elgar/Atkins)
Sonata No 2, Op 87a (Elgar/Carey)
Sonata No 3 in C major, BWV1005 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Sonata on the 94th Psalm (Reubke/Stradal)
Sonata tragica in C minor: Allegro risoluto
Sonata, Op 8 (Kodály)
Sonata-Ballada in F sharp major, Op 27 (Medtner)
Sonata-Reminiscenza in A minor: Allegretto tranquillo
Sonata-Skazka in C minor, Op 25 No 1 (Medtner)
Sonate-fantaisie in G sharp minor, Op posth. (Scriabin)
Sonate-Idylle in G major, Op 56 (Medtner)
Sonaten-Triade, Op 11 (Medtner)
Sonatina (Glazunov)
Sonatina (Kodály)
Sonatina 'ad usum infantis Madeline M* Americanae', BV268 (Busoni)
Sonatina brevis 'in signo Joannis Sebastiani Magni', BV280 (Busoni)
Sonatina 'in diem nativitatis Christi MCMXVII', BV274 (Busoni)
Sonatina No 1 in F major 'Aus der Werkstatt eines Invaliden' (Strauss)
Sonatina No 2 in E flat major 'Happy workshop' (Strauss)
Sonatina seconda, BV259 (Busoni)
Sonatina, BV257 (Busoni)
Sonatina, Sz55 (Bartók)
Sonatine (Ravel)
Sonatine (Ravel/Rutter)
Sonatine bureaucratique (Satie)
Sonatine in E minor, Op 52 No 1 (Scharwenka)
Sonatine, Op 25 (Durey)
Sonatine, Op 30 (Tournier)
Song (Bowen)
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Song and Bacchanal
Song of the Hussites
Song of the Volga Boatmen (Stravinsky)
Song of the Volga boatmen, Op 97 (Glazunov)
Song to the Seals (Bantock)
Song to the Seals (Bantock/Hough)
Song without words (Rachmaninov)
Songe d'Automne (Joyce)
Songs from The Princess, Op 20a (Holst)
Songs my mother taught me
Songs my mother taught me (Ives)
Songs of a Roving Celt, Op 157 (Stanford)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of Erin, Op 76 (Stanford)
Songs of Faith, Op 97 (Stanford)
Songs of Faith, Op 97 (Stanford)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of the North (Grainger)
Songs of the Sea, Op 91 (Stanford)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams/Douglas)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs! Visions of my homeland
Songs, Op 21 (Rachmaninov)
Songs, Op 21 (Rachmaninov/Heifetz)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Bax)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Conus)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Kocsis)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Pott)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Potts)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Press)
Sonnet 'Doux fut le trait' (Caplet)
Sonnet 'When most I wink' (Bridge)
Sons de carrilhões (Pernambuco/Denoth)
Sopra l'acqua indormenzada
Sore sea-longing in my heart
Sorochinskaya yarmarka 'Sorotchinsky fair' (Musorgsky/Liadov)
Sorochinskaya yarmarka 'Sorotchinsky fair' (Musorgsky/Rachmaninov)
Sorrow and joy
Sorrow: Lento, poco rubato
Sospiri, Op 70 (Elgar)
Sospiri, Op 70 (Elgar/Quinney)
Souhait, L18 (Debussy)
Soulève ta paupière close
Sound drum and trumpet play
Sound sleep (Vaughan Williams)
Soupir (Duparc)
Soupir (Hillemacher/Hillemacher)
Sous bois
Sous les ifs noirs qui les abritent
Souvenir de Varsovie, Op 14 (Achron)
Souvenir de Venise (Massenet)
Souvenir de Vienne (La Forge)
Souvenir d'un lieu cher, Op 42 (Tchaikovsky/Lascae)
Souvenir russe, Op 9 (Isserlis)
Souvenir 'Valse'
Souvenirs de Bayreuth (Fauré/Messager)
Spanisches Ständchen
Spanish Dance
Spanish Dance No 1
Spanish Dances, Op 54 (Popper)
Spanish Serenade, Op 23 (Elgar)
Spasenie sodelal 'Salvation is created', Op 25 No 5 (Chesnokov)
Speak to me, my love! (Bridge)
Speak, music, Op 41 No 2 (Elgar)
Spiel der Wellen
Spielmann und Zither, TrV58 (Strauss)
Spillemænd 'Minstrels'
Spilleværket 'The Musical Clock': Allegretto scherzando
Spirit here that reignest!
Spirto gentil, dal carcere
Spleen (Ireland)
Spleen, Op 51 No 3 (Fauré)
Spoon River
Sports et divertissements (Satie)
Sprællemanden 'The Jumping Jack': Poco allegretto
Spraw niech płaczę z Tobą razem
Spring Fire (Bax)
Spring is here
Spring Rounds –
Spring Song, H104 No 2 (Bridge)
Spring sorrow (Ireland)
Spring will not wait
Spring, Op 57 (Palmgren)
Spurn Point
St Denio 'Scherzo: Allegro vivace'
St Patrick's Breastplate (Anon/Stanford)
Stabat mater, Op 53 (Szymanowski)
Stambogsrim 'Album lines'
Stand face to face, friend
Ständchen (Heykens)
Star of God (Coates)
Star that bringest home the bee
Stará bába carovala 'The old woman was making magic'
Starke Einbildungskraft (Mahler)
Stars of the summer night!
Štěbetaly jak laštovičky
Stell auf den Tisch die duftenden Reseden
Stempenyu Suite (Achron)
Stern der Liebe, Glanzgebilde
Sterne mit den gold'nen Füsschen, Op 4 No 1 (Stanford)
Stick dance: Allegro moderato
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Blatchly)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Bowers-Broadbent)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Halsey)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Harris)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Ledger)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Roberts)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Stille Tränen
Stille vor dem Sturm
Stille, träumende Frühlingsnacht
Stiller Gang
Stimmungen 'Moods', Op 73 (Grieg)
Stimmungen 'Moods', Op 73 (Grieg/Achron)
Stimmungsbilder, Op 1 (Medtner)
Storiella d'amore (Puccini)
Strastnaya Sed'mitsa 'Holy Week', Op 58 (Grechaninov)
Strengthen ye the weak hands (Harris)
Strew no more red roses (Bridge)
String Octet in B flat major, Op posth. (Bruch)
String Quartet in A major 'On Greek Folk Songs' (Boughton)
String Quartet in A major, Op 2 (Strauss)
String Quartet in A minor (Kreisler)
String Quartet in C minor (Vaughan Williams)
String Quartet in C minor, Op 35 (Chausson/Indy)
String Quartet in D minor 'Voces intimae', Op 56 (Sibelius)
String Quartet in D minor, Op 12 (Vierne)
String Quartet in D minor, Op 49 (Różycki)
String Quartet in E minor (Fauré)
String Quartet in E minor, Op 83 (Elgar)
String Quartet in F major (Ravel)
String Quartet in F major 'From the Welsh Hills' (Boughton)
String Quartet in G minor, L91 (Debussy)
String Quartet in G minor, L91 (Debussy/Guilmant)
String Quartet in G minor, L91 (Debussy/Morton)
String Quartet No 1 in C major, Op 37 (Szymanowski)
String Quartet No 1 in C minor, Op 9 (Bruch)
String Quartet No 1 in D major, Op 35 (Indy)
String Quartet No 1 in F major, Op 1 (Harty)
String Quartet No 1 in G major, Op 44 (Stanford)
String Quartet No 1 in G minor, Op 27 (Grieg)
String Quartet No 1 'The Kreutzer Sonata', JW VII/8 (Janáček)
String Quartet No 1, Op 2 (Kodály)
String Quartet No 1, Sz40 Op 7 (Bartók)
String Quartet No 14 in D minor 'Death and the Maiden', D810 (Schubert/Mahler)
String Quartet No 2 in A minor (Vaughan Williams)
String Quartet No 2 in A minor, Op 35 (Arensky)
String Quartet No 2 in A minor, Op 45 (Stanford)
String Quartet No 2 in A minor, Op 5 (Harty)
String Quartet No 2 in D flat major, Op 15 (Dohnányi)
String Quartet No 2 in E major, Op 10 (Bruch)
String Quartet No 2 in F major (Grieg)
String Quartet No 2 'Intimate letters', JW VII/13 (Janáček)
String Quartet No 2, Op 10 (Kodály)
String Quartet No 2, Op 10 (Schoenberg)
String Quartet No 2, Op 10 (Schoenberg)
String Quartet No 2, Op 56 (Szymanowski)
String Quartet No 2, Sz67 Op 17 (Bartók)
String Quartet No 3 in A minor, Op 33 (Dohnányi)
String Quartet No 3, Sz85 (Bartók)
String Quartet No 4, H188 (Bridge)
String Quartet No 4, Sz91 (Bartók)
String Quartet No 5, Sz102 (Bartók)
String Quartet No 6, Sz114 (Bartók)
String Quartet, Op 3 (Berg)
String Quintet in A minor, Op posth. (Bruch)
String Quintet in E flat major, Op posth. (Bruch)
String Quintet in E minor (Bridge)
String Quintet No 1 in F major, Op 85 (Stanford)
String Sextet in E flat major (Bridge)
String Trio in B minor (Taneyev)
String Trio in D major (Taneyev)
String Trio in E flat major, Op 31 (Taneyev)
String Trio, Op 45 (Schoenberg)
Studie 'Hommage à Chopin'
Studies in the form of a Suite, Op 16 (Matthay)
Studies on Chopin's Études (Godowsky)
Stürze zu Boden, schwülstige Stolze!
Su 'l mar la navicella
Sub tuum praesidium (Villa-Lobos)
Such a starved bank of moss
Sugubaya Ekteniya 'Augmented Litany'
Suite algérienne, Op 60 (Saint-Saëns)
Suite bergamasque, L82 (Debussy)
Suite bergamasque, L82 (Debussy/Caplet)
Suite bergamasque, L82 (Debussy/Dutilleux)
Suite bergamasque, L82 (Debussy/Roelons)
Suite bergamasque, L82 (Debussy/Rostropovich)
Suite bergamasque, L82 (Debussy/Rutter)
Suite bizarre 'Cycles des rythmes, Suite No 4', Op 41 (Achron)
Suite 'Dans la montagne' (Canteloube)
Suite d'après des thèmes, fragments et morceaux de Giambatista Pergolesi (Stravinsky)
Suite de ballet (Vaughan Williams)
Suite de concert, Op 28 (Taneyev)
Suite de piano (Chaminade)
Suite Fantastique for piano and orchestra, Op 7 (Schelling)
Suite for organ, violin and cello, Op 149 (Rheinberger/Carey)
Suite for piano and string orchestra in F minor (Dubois)
Suite for solo cello No 1 (Bloch)
Suite for solo cello No 2 (Bloch)
Suite for solo cello No 3 (Bloch)
Suite for solo violin No 1 (Bloch)
Suite for solo violin No 2 (Bloch)
Suite for Strings (Gibbs)
Suite for strings and organ, P58 (Respighi)
Suite for trumpet and piano (Chabrier/Pienaar)
Suite for two pianos No 1, Op 15 (Arensky)
Suite for two pianos No 2 'Silhouettes', Op 23 (Arensky)
Suite for two pianos No 3 'Variations', Op 33 (Arensky)
Suite for two pianos No 4, Op 62 (Arensky)
Suite for viola and small orchestra (Vaughan Williams)
Suite for violin and orchestra, Op 32 (Stanford)
Suite for violin and orchestra, Op 5 (Hubay)
Suite for violin and piano No 1 in D major, Op 11 (Goldmark)
Suite for voice and violin (Villa-Lobos)
Suite from Petrushka (Stravinsky)
Suite from The Firebird (Stravinsky)
Suite from The Miraculous Mandarin, Op 19 (Bartók)
Suite hébraïque (Bloch)
Suite in B flat major, Op 4 (Strauss)
Suite in D minor, Op 28 (Bowen)
Suite in E minor (Rameau/Godowsky)
Suite in the olden style, Op 24 (Dohnányi)
Suite italienne (Stravinsky)
Suite latine, Op 86 (Widor)
Suite Mignonne, Op 39 (Bowen)
Suite nach altem Stil, Op 24 (Dohnányi)
Suite No 1 'en style ancien', Op 21 (Achron)
Suite No 1 'Fantaisie-tableaux', Op 5 (Rachmaninov)
Suite No 2, Op 17 (Rachmaninov)
Suite No 2, Op 17 (Rachmaninov)
Suite No 2, Op 22 (Achron)
Suite No 2, Op 30 (Bowen)
Suite on the name 'SASCHA', Op 2 (Glazunov)
Suite polonaise No 2, Op 31 (Blumenfeld)
Suite popular Española (Falla/See-Schierenberg)
Suite pour le piano, Op 90 (Saint-Saëns)
Suite sans esprit de suite, Op 89 (Schmitt)
Suite, Op 10 (Sinding)
Suite, Op 45 (Nielsen)
Suite, Sz62 Op 14 (Bartók)
Sumerki 'Twilight'
Sumerki 'Twilight', Op 24 No 4 (Medtner)
Summer Eve
Summer Landscape (Delius)
Summer night (Gibbs)
Summer night on the river
Summer Nights
Summer schemes
Summer sunset (Quilter)
Sun dance: Presto
Sunrise (Ives)
Sur l’eau bleue et profonde
Sur la luzerne en fleur assise
Sur la mer les crépuscules tombent
Sur la mer voilée
Sur le lac bordé d’azalée
Sur l'eau (Hahn)
Sur l'herbe (Ravel)
Sur ton sein pâle mon cœur dort
Sur un lys pâle mon cœur dort
Sure a terrible time I was out o' the way
Surely he hath borne our griefs
Surge, aquilo
Surgi de la croupe et du bond
Surrexit a mortuis, Op 23 No 3 (Widor)
Sursum Corda, Op 11 (Elgar)
Sussex Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Suzette et Suzon (Saint-Saëns)
Svanen (Crusell/Lidström)
Svanen (Ehrström/Lidström)
Svanen speglas re’ni sundet
Svarta rosor, Op 36 No 1 (Sibelius)
Svatojanské mušky
Svete tihiy 'Gladsome light'
Svete tihiy 'Radiant light' (Chesnokov)
Svete tihiy 'Radiant Light' (Kalinnikov)
Svete tikhii
Svete tikhiy 'Radiant light', Op 73 (Kastalsky)
Svyétye tíkhii 'Hail, gladdening light'
Swan Lake Suite, Op 20a (Tchaikovsky/Lidström)
Swansea Town
Swedish Dances, Op 63 (Bruch)
Swedish Polka (Alfvén)
Sweep thy faint strings, Musician
Sweet and low
Sweet baby, sleep; what ails my dear?
Sweet cyder is a great thing
Sweet cyder is a great thing
Sweet day
Sweet was the song the virgin sang 'Lute-book lullaby' (Anon/Shaw)
Swimmers (Ives)
Swineherd's Song
Sword Dance
Sýček neodletěl!
Sylvia (Delibes/Hough)
Sylvia (Delibes/Zadora)
Sylvia (Speaks)
Sylvie, Op 6 No 3 (Fauré)
Symfonisk Suite 'Symphonic Suite', Op 8 (Nielsen)
Symphonic Dances, Op 45 (Rachmaninov)
Symphonic Dances, Op 45 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Symphonic Fantasia and Fugue, Op 57 (Reger)
Symphonic Interlude from Rédemption, M52 (Franck/Roth)
Symphonic Poem 'Russia' (Balakirev)
Symphonic Poem 'Tamara' (Balakirev)
Symphonic study in C minor 'Falstaff', Op 68 (Elgar)
Symphonie concertante in B flat minor, Op 8 (Enescu)
Symphonie gothique 'Organ Symphony No 9', Op 70 (Widor)
Symphonie romane 'Organ Symphony No 10', Op 73 (Widor)
Symphonie-Passion, Op 23 (Dupré)
Symphonische Metamorphosen Johann Strauss’scher Themen (Godowsky/Strauss Jr.)
Symphony in A major (Berwald/Druce)
Symphony in A major (Saint-Saëns)
Symphony in A major, Op 3 (Lamond)
Symphony in B flat major (Zemlinsky)
Symphony in B minor 'Polonia', Op 24 (Paderewski)
Symphony in D major, D615 (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony in D major, D708a (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony in D minor (Zemlinsky)
Symphony in D minor, M48 (Franck/Johnson)
Symphony in F major 'Urbs Roma' (Saint-Saëns)
Symphony in G minor, Op 35 (Lemare)
Symphony in three movements (Stravinsky)
Symphony No 1 (Ives)
Symphony No 1 in A flat major, Op 55 (Elgar)
Symphony No 1 in C major (Balakirev)
Symphony No 1 in C minor, Op 4 (Magnard)
Symphony No 1 in D major (Mahler)
Symphony No 1 in D major 'From my homeland', Op 52 (Bortkiewicz)
Symphony No 1 in D minor 'The Gothic' (Brian)
Symphony No 1 in D minor, Op 13 (Rachmaninov)
Symphony No 1 in D minor, Op 14 (Vierne)
Symphony No 1 in E flat major, Op 2 (Saint-Saëns)
Symphony No 1 in E major, Op 26 (Scriabin)
Symphony No 1 in E minor, Op 39 (Sibelius)
Symphony No 1 in F minor, Op 15 (Szymanowski)
Symphony No 1 in G minor, Op 7 (Nielsen)
Symphony No 1 'La nuit des tropiques', RO5 (Gottschalk/Napoleão dos Santos)
Symphony No 10 (Mahler)
Symphony No 10 in D major, D936a (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony No 12 (Brian)
Symphony No 2 (Ives)
Symphony No 2 in A minor, Op 55 (Saint-Saëns)
Symphony No 2 in B flat major, Op 19 (Szymanowski)
Symphony No 2 in C minor (Bruckner/Payne)
Symphony No 2 in C minor 'Resurrection' (Mahler)
Symphony No 2 in C minor, Op 29 (Scriabin)
Symphony No 2 in D major, Op 43 (Sibelius)
Symphony No 2 in D minor (Balakirev)
Symphony No 2 in E flat major, Op 55 (Bortkiewicz)
Symphony No 2 in E flat major, Op 63 (Elgar)
Symphony No 2 in E major, Op 6 (Magnard)
Symphony No 2 in E minor, Op 20 (Vierne)
Symphony No 2 in E minor, Op 27 (Rachmaninov)
Symphony No 2 'The Four Temperaments', Op 16 (Nielsen)
Symphony No 3 in A minor, Op 44 (Rachmaninov)
Symphony No 3 in B flat major 'Song of the Night', Op 27 (Szymanowski)
Symphony No 3 in B flat minor, Op 11 (Magnard)
Symphony No 3 in B minor (Boughton)
Symphony No 3 in C major, Op 52 (Sibelius)
Symphony No 3 in C minor 'Le divin poème', Op 43 (Scriabin)
Symphony No 3 in C minor 'Organ', Op 78 (Saint-Saëns)
Symphony No 3 in C minor, Op 88 (Elgar/Payne)
Symphony No 3 in C sharp minor (Brian)
Symphony No 3 in D minor (Mahler)
Symphony No 3 in F sharp minor, Op 28 (Vierne)
Symphony No 3 'Pastoral' (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 3 'Sinfonia espansiva', Op 27 (Nielsen)
Symphony No 3 'The Camp Meeting' (Ives)
Symphony No 4 (Ives)
Symphony No 4 in A minor, Op 63 (Sibelius)
Symphony No 4 in C sharp minor, Op 21 (Magnard)
Symphony No 4 in F minor (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 4 in G major (Mahler)
Symphony No 4 in G major (Mahler/Stein)
Symphony No 4 in G minor, Op 32 (Vierne)
Symphony No 4 'Le poème de l'extase', Op 54 (Scriabin)
Symphony No 4 'Symphonie concertante', Op 60 (Szymanowski)
Symphony No 4 'The inextinguishable', Op 29 (Nielsen)
Symphony No 5 in A minor, Op 47 (Vierne)
Symphony No 5 in C sharp minor (Mahler)
Symphony No 5 in C sharp minor (Mahler/Hewitt)
Symphony No 5 in D major (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 5 in E flat major, Op 82 (Sibelius)
Symphony No 5, Op 50 (Nielsen)
Symphony No 6 in A minor (Mahler)
Symphony No 6 in B minor, Op 59 (Vierne)
Symphony No 6 in D minor, Op 104 (Sibelius)
Symphony No 6 in E minor (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 6 'Sinfonia semplice' (Nielsen)
Symphony No 6 'Sinfonia tragica' (Brian)
Symphony No 7 in C major, Op 105 (Sibelius)
Symphony No 7 in E minor (Mahler)
Symphony No 8 in D minor (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 8 in E flat major (Mahler)
Symphony No 9 in D major (Mahler)
Symphony No 9 in E minor (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony of Psalms (Stravinsky)
Syncopation (Kreisler)
Syrinx (Debussy)
Szczo to za prediwo 'What a surprise' (Anon/Barvinsky)
Ta černá cigánka –
Ta rose de pourpre, à ton clair soleil
Taaveti laulud (Kreek)
Tabatière à musique
Tableaux de voyage, Op 33 (Indy)
Tag- und Nachtstücke, Op 44 (Braunfels)
Tak neskonale úzko
Take heed, young heart (Gibbs)
Take me in a Taxi, Joe (Scott)
Take, O take those lips away
Take, O take those lips away
Tale of the Elves: Con moto flessibile
Tali modulo
Tambourin chinois, Op 3 (Kreisler)
Tandis que je cueillais un suave baiser des lèvres
Tango (Stravinsky/Babin)
Tango (Stravinsky/Dushkin)
Tannhäuser (Wagner/Schulz)
Tantris le Bouffon
Tantum ergo
Tantum ergo
Tantum ergo (Séverac)
Tantum ergo (Vierne)
Tantum ergo, Op 18 No 1 (Widor)
Tantum ergo, Op 55 (Fauré)
Tantum ergo, Op 68 (Bonis)
Tanz: Schwedisch
Tapiola, Op 112 (Sibelius)
Tarantella (Farjeon)
Tarantella in A minor
Tarantella, Op 27 No 2 (Moszkowski)
Tarantella: Presto appassionato
Tarantelle styrienne 'Danse', L77 (Debussy)
Tarde, uma nuvem roséa lenta e transparente (Lo at midnight clouds are slowly passing)
Tarentelle de César Cui, S482 (Liszt/Cui)
Tarentelle in A minor, Op 6 (Saint-Saëns)
Tarentelle, Op 10 No 2 (Fauré)
Tarry Trowsers (Vaughan Williams)
Te Deum
Te Deum
Te Deum and Benedictus, Op 34 (Elgar)
Te Deum in F (Ireland)
Te Deum in G (Vaughan Williams)
Te Deum laudamus. Allegro moderato
Te lucis ante terminum
Te lucis ante terminum
Te voilà, rire du printemps!
Te voilà, rire du Printemps!
Tears, idle tears
Tears, idle tears (Bridge)
Teasing Song 1: Andante
Tebe poem 'We hymn thee', Op 2 (Kalinnikov)
Tebe poem 'We hymn thee', Op 7 (Kalinnikov)
Tebe poem 'We praise you'
Tebe poem 'We praise you' (Chesnokov)
Tell me not, sweet, I am unkind
Tell me the stories of Jesus
Tell me, Star, whose wings of light
Tell out, my soul
Tell you I will
Tema med variationer 'Theme and Variations', Op 40 (Nielsen)
Temná noc! Starý hejtman hledá stopu vlcí 'A dark night! The old Captain searches for the wolf's trail'
Tempo rubato
Temps de neige (Séverac)
Temps nouveau
Ten Blake Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Ten Compositions for organ (Grace)
Ten easy pieces (Bartók)
Ten Preludes, Op 2 (Isserlis)
Ten Preludes, Op 33 (Bortkiewicz)
Tender Reproach 'Prelude': Allegretto, molto tranquillo e commodo
Terly, terlow
Terpsichorean Vindobona
Terra e mare (Puccini)
Terrasses du palais: Calmato
Tes beaux yeux sont las, pauvre amante!
Tes yeux sont doux comme ceux d’une fille
Tesoro mio! (Becucci)
Testament (Duparc)
Těžko sa mi oře
Thalaba sets out again on his mighty quest: Poco allegro
Thanks be to God (Dickson/Brahe)
The adoration
The Adoration of the Magi (Stephens/Earley/Anon/Yeats)
The advent
The Alamo (Tiomkin)
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The Angel of Death has been abroad – O man greatly beloved
The Angel's Farewell
The Angel's farewell
The angel's song
The Apostles, Op 49 (Elgar)
The aquiline snub, Op 375 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
The Arcadians (Monckton)
The Arkansas Traveller 'Old Fiddlers' Breakdown' (Anon/Guion/Schmid)
The arming of Christian
The Art of Fugue, BWV1080 (Bach/Tovey/Simpson)
The Aspidistra (Clarke)
The Bagpipe: Allegro molto – Variation on No 36: Allegro molto
The Ballad of Blaník (Janáček)
The ballad of Semmerwater (Gibbs)
The Banks of Green Willow 'Idyll' (Butterworth)
The Bard of Armagh (Anon/Hughes)
The battle of Kerzhenets
The beaches of Lukannon
The beautiful city of Sligo (Anon/Stanford)
The bee (Bridge)
The Beggar 'Tale': Narrante
The bells of San Marie (Ireland)
The bells, Op 14 No 2 (Gibbs)
The birch tree (Gibbs)
The bird of popular song
The Bird's Story
The Birlinn of the White Shoulders (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser/Bantock)
The Black Loorgin 'A Hebridean Seafaring Song' (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Blackbird
The blind boy
The blue bird, Op 119 No 3 (Stanford)
The bold unbiddable child
The boy from Ballytearim
The boy guessed right
The boys are up the woods with day
The brewer
The bridegroom's house
The Bridesmaid's Song
The bumblebee
The Cage (Ives)
The cage without birds (Frances-Hoad/Schumann)
The Call
The Canticle of the Sun, Op 123 (Beach)
The Caravan: Lento (after Op 57 No 18)
The Carman's Whistle 'Air and Variations', BK36 (Byrd/Grainger)
The Carnival 'Fantasia' (Hume/Perkins)
The Carter (Vaughan Williams)
The Celestial Country (Ives)
the chapel of my childhood
The Cheviot Hills (Robson)
The Children's Hour (Ives)
The Christmas Tree, Op 21 (Rebikov)
The Cingalee (Monckton)
The Circus Band (Ives)
The Circus Girl (Monckton)
The cloths of heaven (Dunhill)
The cloud-capp'd towers
The clown's songs from 'Twelfth night', Op 65 (Stanford)
The cockle gatherer (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Collection (Ives)
The compleat virtuoso, Op 366 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
The conjuring trick
The Coolin of Rhum (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The cork leg (Anon/Hughes)
The country lover (Peel)
The Cricket on the Hearth, Op 62 (Mackenzie)
The Crone's Creel (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The crowds
The Cyprian Goddess (Bantock)
The Dance of the Blessed Spirits
The dark-eyed sailor
The dawn
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Archer)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Battiwalla)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Rutter)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Scott)
The Death Farewell (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The death of Faithful
The death of Melisande
The deep recesses of her odorous dwelling
The deeps have music soft and low
The Deil o' Bogie (Scott)
The Delectable Mountains
The departure of the bride
The Devon maid (Bridge)
The Devout Lover (White)
The Dew Fairy (Bridge)
The discreet hint (Scott)
The Divine Image
The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Op 31 (Rachmaninov)
The Doge's March
The dove descending breaks the air (Stravinsky)
The Dowie Dens o' Yarrow (MacCunn)
The Dream of Gerontius (Elgar/Brewer)
The Dream of Gerontius, Op 38 (Elgar)
The Dream-City
The dying swan 'Romance poétique', RO76 Op 100 (Gottschalk/Lidström)
The early morning
The eemis stane (Scott)
The enchanted lake, Op 62 (Liadov)
The Encounter
The Eternal Gospel (Janáček)
The Evening Star (Coleridge-Taylor)
The Evening Watch, H159 Op 43 No 1 (Holst)
The Excursions of Mr Brouček (Janáček/Zahrádka/Smolka)
The explorers (Grave e molto adagio – Andante con moto)
The fair
The fair
The Fairy Lough
The Fairy Tree (O'Brien)
The Fairy's Kiss (Stravinsky)
The faithful bird 'y Deryn Pur' (Sammons)
The Faithful Lover
The faithless shepherdess
The fall of love
The fall of the stone
The falling star (Anon/Stanford)
The Fanaid grove (Anon/Hughes)
The Fiddler's Child (Janáček)
The fields are full (Gibbs)
The First Nowell / Mary's Child (Stainer/Ainger/Llewellyn)
The First Nowell / Mary's Child (Stainer/Llewellyn)
The flight of the bumblebee
The flight of the bumblebee
The flight of the bumblebee
The flight of the bumblebee
The flight of the swallow
The flocks of my master are blessed of God (Shepherd Boy)
The flooded stream (Gibbs)
The Floral Bandit
The folks who live on the hill (Kern/Chilcott)
The fool hath said in his heart
The forgotten rite (Ireland)
The Fountain
The Fountain of the Acqua Paola: Allegro moderato
The fountains mingle with the river
The fountains mingle with the river
The Four Poster (Tiomkin)
The fourth of August
The garland
The Gartan Mother's Lullaby (Anon/Hughes)
The Gate
The Geisha (Jones)
The Geisha (Monckton)
The Geisha (Philp)
The Girls of Gottenberg (Monckton)
The Glens of Antrim, Op 174 (Stanford)
The Golden Goose, H163 (Holst)
The golden ray
The golden treasure
The Goose Dance
The Goslings (Bridge)
The Grasshopper's Dance (Bucalossi)
The Great Gate of Kiev
The Great Gate of Kiev
The Great Sacrifice: Introduction –
The Great Sacrifice: Introduction –
The Greatest Man (Ives)
The Green Hills o' Somerset (Coates)
The Gum-Suckers
The gypsy girls' dance
The gypsy's wedding day
The half-moon westers low
The happy tramp
The hardy Norse-woman, Op 365 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
The hardy tin soldier
The Harper (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Haunted Ballroom (Toye)
The heart's desire (Ireland)
The Herald (Elgar)
The High and the Mighty (Tiomkin)
The hills (Ireland)
The holly and the ivy (Anon/Davies)
The Holy Boy (Ireland)
The Holy Boy (Ireland)
The Holy Boy (Ireland/Cameron)
The Holy City (Adams/Maybrick)
The Homeward Way
The Housatonic at Stockbridge (Ives)
The house of Life (Vaughan Williams)
The house of Life (Vaughan Williams/Williams)
The Human Organ
The Hundredth Psalm (Vaughan Williams)
The Hundredth Psalm (Vaughan Williams/Douglas)
The hunter in his career
The Huntsmen: Allegro
The Hut on Fowl's Legs 'Baba Yaga'
The Hymn of Jesus, Op 37 (Holst)
The I heard sounds of merriment and junketing
The Immortal Hour (Boughton)
The infinite shining heavens
The infinite shining heavens
The innumerable Christ (Scott)
The Inuit
The John 'Duke' Wayne march
The journey (Ireland)
The joy of earth (Boyle/Williams)
The King’s three blind daughters
The Kingdom
The Kingdom, Op 51 (Elgar)
The Kiss of the Earth
The Kiss of the Earth: Introduction –
The lads in their hundreds
The lads in their hundreds
The Lake at Evening: Tranquillo e dolce
The Lake in the Mountains (Vaughan Williams)
The lake lay blue below the hill
The Lamb
The Lamentation (Bairstow)
The lamplighter
The land of lost content (Ireland)
The Lark (Glinka/Balakirev)
The lark ascending (Vaughan Williams)
The lark ascending (Vaughan Williams/Bryan)
The lark in the clear air (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
The last ecstasy of faith and love: Pesante e risoluto
The last invocation (Bridge)
The Last Reader (Ives)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Moore/L'Estrange)
The Last sleep of the Virgin, from Vierge (Massenet)
The last sunbeam
The last sunbeam
The last time I saw Paris (Kern/Chilcott)
The Lawyer
The Lay of the Last Minstrel (MacCunn)
The Leaping Galley (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Legend of the invisible city of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya – Suite (Rimsky-Korsakov)
The Lent Lily
The Leprechaun's Dance
The leprehaun (Anon/Joyce/Hughes)
The Light of Life, Op 29 (Elgar/Scott)
The Light that is Felt (Ives)
The Lily of a Day (Lehmann)
The little bells (Scherzino): Allegro molto
The little grey bonnet
The little nigar 'Cake-walk', L122 (Debussy)
The little red lark (Stanford)
The little shepherd
The little shepherd
The Little Silver Ring (Chaminade)
The lonely brook in the forest
The lonely stranger
The long day closes (Sullivan/Lawson)
The Lord gave the word
The Lord God planted a garden
The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth
The Lord is my Light (Allitsen)
The Lord is my light and my salvation
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd (Stanford)
The Lord of life my shepherd is
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd – Brother James' Air (Bain/Archer)
The Lord's my shepherd – Crimond (Irvine/Grant/Ross)
The Lord's my shepherd – Crimond (Irvine/Pritchard)
The Lord's Prayer
The love song of Har Dyal (Grainger)
The lover's ghost
The mad prince (Gibbs)
The Magic Violin: Tempo cangiando, abbandonamente
The magpie's nest (Anon/Hughes)
The Maid of the Mountains (Fraser-Simson)
The Maid of the Mountains (Tate)
The man I love (Gershwin/Grainger)
The man in the moon (Scott)
The March of Spring
The March of the Toys
The March of the Toys
The marsh-king's daughter
The Mating Dance
The mellow touch of music most doth wound
The Merchant of Venice (Rosse)
The merry doll: Allegro molto
The merry king
The Messenger Boy (Monckton)
The metal pig
The Minstrel
The Miraculous Mandarin, Op 19 (Bartók)
The moon has set
The moon on the one hand, the dawn on the other
The moor's cell
The Morning of the Year, H164 (Holst)
The Mother of God (Yeats)
The Mousmé (Monckton)
The mummers
The Mummer's Play
The music makers, Op 69 (Elgar)
The naiads
The New River (Ives)
The next day they took him in to the armoury
The next market day (Anon/Hughes)
The Night Winds: Presto fuggevole
The nightingale and The two sisters
The nightingale has a lyre of gold (Delius)
The North Wind (Parry)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Esipoff)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Grainger)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Pletnev)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Sutherland)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Sutherland/Pletnev)
The Nutcracker Suite, Op 71a (Tchaikovsky/Campbell)
The Nutcracker Suite, Op 71a (Tchaikovsky/Pletnev)
The oak and the ash (Anon/Bairstow)
The Oceanides, Op 73 (Sibelius)
The odour from the flower is gone
The Old Brigade (Barri/Slater)
The Old Castle (Il vecchio castello)
The old fisherman (Scott)
The old house (O'Connor)
The Old Man and the Sea (Tiomkin)
The old superb
The old turf fire (Anon/Hughes)
The Oliver Theme (Bax)
The one hope
The only child
The only son
The Orchid (Monckton)
The Organ Grinder 'Tale': Allegro assai
The Overlanders (Ireland/Mackerras)
The oxen (Gibbs)
The Palace Beautiful
The Passing of Beatrice 'Symphonic Poem No 1' (Wallace)
The People of the Eastern Ice, they are melting like the snow
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (bass)
The peora hunt
The Pibroch
The Pilgrim's Progress (Vaughan Williams/Palmer)
The Piper
The Planets, H125 Op 32 (Holst)
The Planets, H125 Op 32 (Holst/Matthews)
The plough boy (Shield/Britten)
The Poet's Song
The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree
The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree
The power of love
The power of love (Grainger)
The Prima Ballerina (Zadora)
The primrose (Bridge)
The primrose in the sheäde do blow
The Prince of Sleep (Elgar)
The Prince of Sleep (Elgar/Matthews)
The Princess look'd forth from her maiden bow'r
The Quaker Girl (Monckton)
The Quaker Girl (Monckton)
The Railway Children (Grieg/Rutter)
The rain had fallen, the Poet arose
The rain it raineth every day
The Rapid Stream (Elgar)
The rat
The Reiving Ship (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The rejected lover (Gibbs)
The Reveille, Op 54 (Elgar)
The Ride-by-Nights: Con brio
The Rite of Spring (Stravinsky)
The Rite of Spring (Stravinsky)
The Rival Brothers (Grainger)
The roadside fire
The roadside fire
The Roadside Fire
The royal banners forward go
The Rules of Cricket 'A Psalm Chant' (Havergal/The London Quartet)
The Runaway Girl (Monckton/Kiefert)
The running of shindand (Grainger)
The sacred flame (Ireland)
The sad doll: Andantino
The sailor man
The salley gardens
The Salon
The Satisfied Lover (Schoenberg)
The sauchs in the Reuch Heuch Hauch (Scott)
The saucy bold robber
The scapegoat
The Sea Reivers (Bantock)
The seal man (Clarke)
The seal man (Clarke/Williams)
The seeds of love (Vaughan Williams)
The See'r (Ives)
The serious doll: Andantino
The sheep-bell tolleth curfew-time
The Shepherd
The Shepherd
The shepherd's cradle song (Leuner/Macpherson)
The shepherds of the delectable mountains (Vaughan Williams)
The Ship at Sea (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Ship o' the Fiend (MacCunn)
The ship went on with solemn face
The Shop Girl (Monckton)
The Shower
The shrove-tide fair
The Side Show (Ives)
The sigh that heaves the grasses
The Silver Cascade
The singers are before the altar
The sky is up above the roof
The sleep that flits on baby's eyes (Carpenter)
The sleeping beauty (Gibbs)
The sly cigarette
The Snow
The snow is dancing
The snow is dancing
The Snow Maiden (Rimsky-Korsakov)
The snowdrop, or summer-geck
The soldier's return
The soldier's tale (Stravinsky)
The soldier's tale (Stravinsky)
The Soldier's Tent (Parry)
The Song of Songs (Bantock)
The Song of the Birds (Anon/Casals)
The song of the blacksmith
The Songs of Today (Bennett)
The souls of the righteous (Vaughan Williams)
The South Wind (Ives)
The Spanish Gypsy, Op 1 (Stanford)
The Spanish Lady (Anon/Hughes)
The spirit is too weak – mortality
The Spirit of England, Op 80 (Elgar)
The Spirit of England, Op 80 (Elgar/Grace)
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit of the Spring
The splendour falls
The splendour falls (Gibbs)
The splendour falls on castle walls (Delius)
The sprig of thyme (Grainger/Perna)
The Spring has come (White)
The spring time of the year
The Star of the County Down (Anon/Hughes)
The stolen heart (Anon/Stanford)
The stranger's grave (Harty)
The street sounds to the soldiers' tread
The stuttering lovers (Anon/Hughes)
The sun goeth down
The sun is at rest
The sun whose rays are all ablaze (Sullivan/Chilcott/Gabbitas)
The Sundowners (Tiomkin)
The Sunken Garden: Tranquillo ma non troppo lento
The sunset burns along the hill
The Sussex mummer's Christmas carol (Anon/Grainger)
The Sussex mummer's Christmas carol (Anon/Grainger/Perna)
The swan (Stebbins/Lidström)
The sweet season
The sweetest flow'r that blows
The swimmer
The tame bear: Allegro moderato
The Teddy Bears' Picnic (Bratton/Saddler)
The Tempest Suite No 2, Op 109 (Sibelius)
The Temple Bell
The Things our Fathers Loved (Ives)
The three blind sisters
The Three Kings
The Three Kings
The Three Ravens (Grainger)
The threefold terror of love; a fallen flare
The Throstle (White)
The tiger-lily (Gibbs)
The toil of day is ebbing, the quiet comes again
The Tomb (Stanford)
The Top: Allegro (after Op 57 No 8)
The Toreador (Monckton)
The tragedy of that moment
The trellis
The Trial
The Triumph of Victoria (Parratt)
The trumpet shall sound (bass)
The trumpeter (Dix)
The truth sent from above (Vaughan Williams)
The truth sent from above (Vaughan Williams/Park)
The truth sent from above (Vaughan Williams/Robinson)
The Tunning of Elinor Rumming
The turtle dove (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
The twelve days of Christmas (Anon/Austin/Humphris)
The Uncanny Mannikin of the Cattlefold (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The unthrift sun shot vital gold
The vagabond
The vagabond
The vagabond (Ireland)
The vain desire
The Vale of Dreams: Sognando
The valley and the hill
The violets blue (Bridge)
The voice of joy
The voice of nature
The wagon (passes): Allegretto
The walk to the Paradise Garden
The Wand of Youth Suite No 1, Op 1a (Elgar)
The Wand of Youth Suite No 2, Op 1b (Elgar)
The Wanderer (Elgar)
The wanderer (Gibbs)
The wanderer's song
The warm sun is falling
The warriors (Grainger)
The Washington Post (Sousa/Winter)
The Wasps (Vaughan Williams)
The watergaw (Scott)
The Way
The Way to Polden 'An ambling tune', Op 76 (Bowen)
The way you look tonight (Kern/Chilcott)
The way you look tonight (Kern/Rutter)
The wealthy Banker sits behind
The weary wave o' Tyne: Slow and sad
The wedding feast
The wee man (Scott)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 1, BWV846-869 (Bach/Grainger)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 1, BWV846-869 (Bach/Reger)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 1, BWV846-869 (Bach/Villa-Lobos)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 2, BWV870-893 (Bach/Grainger)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 2, BWV870-893 (Bach/Reger)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 2, BWV870-893 (Bach/Villa-Lobos)
The west wind
The Whistler and his Dog (Pryor)
The White Peacock: Languidamente e molto rubato
The wild bears: Presto
The Wild Swan (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The wilderness and the solitary place
The willow song
The wind was rising easterly, the morning sky was blue
The windmill
The winter is gone (Vaughan Williams)
The Witch of Atlas (Bantock)
The Witchery Milking Croon (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Woodland Stream (Elgar)
The World's Wanderers (Ives)
The worst of it
The Wren’s nest (Scott)
The year's at the spring
The year's at the spring
The yellow poplar leaves have strown
The young May moon is beaming, love
Thee I love
Their sound is gone out into all lands
Theme and Pharaoh's procession
Theme and variations in C sharp minor, Op 55 (Medtner)
Theme and variations, Op 72 (Glazunov)
Thème cracovien varié
Thème et variations, Op 73 (Fauré)
Thème varié (Hüe)
Thème Varié in A major, Op 89 (Chaminade)
Thème Varié, Op 97 (Saint-Saëns)
Then bespake her father dear
Then gathered the chief priests and Pharisees
Then King Estmere he took his harp
Then shall God also confess that thine own right hand can save thee (Chorus/Narrator/Job)
Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (alto)
Then the swift plunge into the cool green dark
Then they that gladly received his word
Then, through thy Temple wide, melodious swells
There are fairies at the bottom of our garden (Lehmann)
There are seven that pull the thread
There be none of Beauty's daughters, Op 24 No 1 (Quilter)
There came an image in Life's retinue
There came an image in Life's retinue
There comes o'er the valley a shadow
There is a bird on yonder tree
There is a green hill far away
There is a lady sweet and kind
There is a lady sweet and kind
There is an old belief
There is sweet music
There once was a little boy who went to school
There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse
There was a King in days of old, many treasures rare he owned
There was a man in the land of Uz (Narrator/Job)
There was a tree
There was a young lady from Norway
There was an old man of the isles
There was an old man with a nose
There were shepherds, abiding in the field (soprano)
There were three ravens sat on a tree
There’s a spot in me heart which no colleen may own
There's a convict more in the Central Jail
There's a girl you may have met
There's a little brown road windin' over the hill
There's a shadow on the grass
There's a time in many a life
There's a Yorkshire town, very bleak and brown
There's sorrow on the wind, my grief
These dusky evenings in December
They are at rest (Elgar)
They are there! (Ives)
They gave the word for the band to play
They had no vision amazing
They had not ridden scarce a mile
They platted a crown of thorns
They shall grow not old
They that put their trust in the Lord
They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace (Fraser-Simson)
Thine eyes still shined for me
Things lovelier
Think no more, lad
Think no more, lad
Think no more, lad, laugh, be jolly
Thirteen Pieces, Op 76 (Sibelius)
This have I done for my true love, H128 (Holst)
This is my song, O God of all the nations
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This joyful Eastertide (Wood)
This sanctuary of my soul
This shall ye have of mine hand
This worldes joie (Bax)
Thoreau (Ives)
Those evening bells (Ives)
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (tenor)
Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour (Anon/Kitson/Hyde)
Thou, Almighty Lord
Though Itchen flows apart the Thames
Thoughts have wings (Lehmann)
Three Albumleaves, BV289 (Busoni)
Three Browning Songs, Op 44 (Beach)
Three Burlesques, Sz47 Op 8c (Bartók)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Three Chorale Fantasias (Parry)
Three Compositions (Roslavets)
Three easy pieces (Stravinsky)
Three Elizabethan Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Elizabethan Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Etudes (Roslavets)
Three Études, Op 31 (Glazunov)
Three Fantasies, Op 11 (Stenhammar)
Three Folk dances (Boughton)
Three Hungarian Folksongs from the Csík District, Sz35a (Bartók)
Three Hungarian Folksongs from the Csík District, Sz35a (Bartók/Horsch/Luca)
Three Hungarian Folk-Tunes, Sz66 (Bartók)
Three hymns for chorus and orchestra, Op 36a (Holst)
Three Hymn-Studies on Ancient Sarum Melodies, Op 25 (Pearce)
Three Idylls, H67 (Bridge)
Three Introits or Short Anthems (Bairstow)
Three Kings from Persian lands afar
Three Kings from Persian lands afar
Three Kings of Orient (Hopkins/Rutter)
Three Late Fragments (Sibelius/Virtanen)
Three Mazurkas, Op 64 (Bortkiewicz)
Three Miniatures, Op 42 (Glazunov)
Three Motets, Op 38 (Stanford)
Three Nocturnes (Rachmaninov)
Three Organ Pieces, H56 (Bridge)
Three Paganini Caprices, Op 40 (Szymanowski)
Three Piano pieces, Op 47 (Grünfeld)
Three Pieces (Harty)
Three pieces for clarinet (Stravinsky/Horsch)
Three Pieces, H63 (Bridge)
Three Pieces, Op 11 (Liadov)
Three Pieces, Op 23 (Dohnányi)
Three Pieces, Op 57 (Liadov)
Three Preludes (Griffes)
Three Preludes founded on Welsh Hymn Tunes (Vaughan Williams)
Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes 'Household Music' (Vaughan Williams)
Three Preludes, Op 36 (Liadov)
Three Rhapsodies (Dyson)
Three Romances, Op 22 (Schumann/Bliss)
Three Romances, Op 22 (Schumann/Swensen)
Three Rondos on Slovak folk tunes, Sz84 (Bartók)
Three Shakespeare Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Shakespeare Songs, Op 6 (Quilter)
Three Shelley Songs (Delius)
Three Singular Pieces, Op 44 (Dohnányi)
Three sketches (Brewer)
Three Songs (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three songs of war (Ives)
Three Songs to poems by Thomas Hardy (Ireland)
Three Songs without Words for oboe quartet (Boughton)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Studies, Op 31 (Alexandrov)
Three Tone-Pictures, Op 5 (Griffes)
Threnody (Labunski)
Threnody and Scherzo (Bax)
Threnody for Walter de la Mare (Gibbs)
Thrills (Ancliffe)
Through bushes and through briars
Through bushes and through briars (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Through bushes and through briars I lately took my way
Through the Ivory Gate
Through the sunny garden
Throw the ball
Thus saith the Lord of hosts (bass)
Thy hand in mine (Bridge)
Thy hand, O God, has guided
Thy hand, O God, has guided
Thy hand, O God, has guided – Thornbury (Harwood)
Thy hand, O God, has guided – Thornbury (Harwood/Battiwalla)
Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (soprano/tenor)
Tï i vï 'You and Thou'
Tï i vï 'You and Thou', Op 27 No 3 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
Tico Tico (Abreu/Atmajian)
Tico Tico (Abreu/Parker/Horsting)
Tico tico no fubá (Abreu/Esteban)
Tief ist die trauer die mich umdüstert
Tief von fern
Tierces majeures chromatiques
Tigaree torum orum (Anon/Hughes)
Tiger! Tiger!
Til hende stod mine tanker 'My thoughts were with her'
Til våren
Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, Op 28 (Strauss)
Till I wake
Time to go (Sanderson)
Tintagel (Bax)
Tipperary 'Five Variations' (Goodhart)
'Tis awful silence then again
'Tis but a week (Bridge)
'Tis said, she was first changed into a vapour
'Tis spring; come out to ramble
Tis the day of Resurrection (Wood)
'Tis the last rose of summer
'Tis the long blue head o' Garron from the sea
'Tis time, I think, by Wenlock town
'Tis young men and maidens all
Titania (Gibbs)
Tmavá olšinka –
To a Lady (Scott)
To a Water-Lily
To a wild rose
To Althea, from prison
To be sung of a summer night on the water I
To brune Øjne 'Two brown eyes'
To daffodils
To Edith (Ives)
To Eire (Bax)
To Gratiana dancing and singing (Browne)
To Gratiana dancing and singing (Browne/Williams)
To her beneath whose steadfast star (Elgar)
To induce lateral freedom of hand and arm
To Lucasta, on going to the wars
To Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love
To my humble supplication
To one who passed whistling through the night (Gibbs)
To the Evening Star
To the heart of youth the world is a highwayside
To the heart of youth the world is a highwayside
To the Rose, Op 19 No 3 (Stanford)
To the soul
To those she saw most beautiful
To women
To you, consummate drinkers, though little be your drought
Toccata and Fugue
Toccata and Fugue in D minor 'Dorian', BWV538 (Bach/Albert)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV565 (Bach/Busoni)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV565 (Bach/Cortot/Hough)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV565 (Bach/Friedman)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV565 (Bach/Grainger)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV565 (Bach/Reger)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, Op 98 (Lemare)
Toccata and Fugue in F major, BWV540 (Bach/Albert)
Toccata d'après le 5e Concerto
Toccata di Concerto, Op 118 No 5 (Bossi)
Toccata di Concerto, Op 59 (Lemare)
Toccata in A minor, Op 155 (Bowen)
Toccata in fourths, Op 10 No 1 (Isserlis)
Toccata in G flat major, Op 13 (Godowsky)
Toccata in G major (Dubois)
Toccata pour grand orgue in D flat, Op 104 (Jongen)
Toccata 'Preludio, Fantasia, Ciaccona', BV287 (Busoni)
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major, BWV564 (Bach/Busoni)
Toccata, Op 39 (Chaminade)
Toccata, Op 7 No 3 (Barié)
Toccata: Allegro
Tolerance (Ives)
Toll the bell
Tolle Gesellschaft
Tom Leminn (Stanford)
Tom o' Bedlam (Gibbs)
Tom Sails Away (Ives)
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
Ton âme est un lac d'amour
Tonadillas en estilo antiguo (Granados)
Tongataboo: Allegro
Tony, from America
Tosca Symphonic Suite (Puccini/Rizzi)
Totenfeier (Mahler)
Tournez, tournez, bons chevaux de bois
Tournez, tournez, bons chevaux de bois
Tournoiement 'Songe d'opium'
Tous deux
Tout est ravi quand vient le Jour
Tout est sombre … Lorsque je n'étais qu'une enfant
Tout gai!
Tout gai!
Tout gai!
Toute, avec sa robe et ses fleurs
Toutes les fleurs de mon jardin sont roses
Toward the Unknown Region (Vaughan Williams)
Toy Soldiers' March (Kreisler)
Tragédie, L12 (Debussy)
Tragödie, Op 14 No 5 (Stanford)
Tragoedie-Fragment in A minor: Andantino con moto
Traits chromatiques
Tra-li-la … A menina es ga niçada, magriça
Transcription of Largo al factotum from Il Barbiere di Seviglia by Rossini (Ginzburg/Rossini)
Transformation Music
Transylvanian Dance 'Ardeliana': Allegro moderato – Più moderato
Traum durch die Dämmerung
Traum und Erwachen: Sehr rasch
Träume, träume, du mein süsses Leben
Träume, träume, du mein süßes Leben!
Traumgekrönt (Marx)
Travï odetï perlami 'Pearls adorn the grass'
Tre canti (Pizzetti)
Tre Klaverstykker 'Three Piano Pieces', Op 59 (Nielsen)
Tre Preludii Sinfonici per L'Edipo Re di Sofocle (Pizzetti)
Tre vocalizzi, Op 55 (Castelnuovo-Tedesco/Corti)
Tread lightly, she is near
Trees (Rasbach)
Tremble argenté, tilleul, bouleau
Tres poemas, Op 81 (Turina)
Tres sacrae cantiones (Gesualdo/Stravinsky)
Trhám ji jak malinu 'I pick it like a raspberry'
Triakontameron (Godowsky)
Triakontameron (Godowsky/Heifetz)
Tribute to Foster (Foster/Grainger)
Trio élégiaque No 1 in G minor (Rachmaninov)
Trio élégiaque No 2 in D minor, Op 9 (Rachmaninov)
Trio for oboe, clarinet and bassoon (Villa-Lobos)
Trio Sonata in E minor, BWV528 (Bach/Stradal)
Trio Sonata No 12 in G major (Boyce/Craxton)
Trionfo della vita 'Phantasiestück', Op 76 (Wagner)
Tripatos (Ravel)
Triptyque, Op 136 (Saint-Saëns)
Tristesse d'Olympio (Fauré)
Tristesse, Op 104 (Chaminade)
Tristesse, Op 6 No 2 (Fauré)
Trisviatoye 'The Thrice-Holy', Op 7 (Shvedov)
Trittico botticelliano, P151 (Respighi)
Triumphal March (Hollins)
Triumphal March, Op 40 (Glazunov)
Trois Airs de Ballet (Pugno)
Trois Ballades de François Villon, L126 (Debussy)
Trois beaux oiseaux du Paradis
Trois beaux oiseaux du Paradis
Trois Chansons de Charles d'Orléans, L99 (Debussy)
Trois chansons de France, L115 (Debussy)
Trois chansons de France, L115 (Debussy)
Trois Danses anciennes, Op 95 (Chaminade)
Trois Études de concert, Op 24 (Moszkowski)
Trois études, Op 65 (Scriabin)
Trois Improvisations (Boulanger)
Trois Improvisations, Op 2 (Medtner)
Trois jours de vendange (Hahn)
Trois Mélodies, L85 (Debussy)
Trois Morceaux Poétiques, Op 42 (Moszkowski)
Trois morceaux, Op 2 (Catoire)
Trois morceaux, Op 2 (Scriabin)
Trois morceaux, Op 31 (Medtner)
Trois morceaux, Op 45 (Scriabin)
Trois morceaux, Op 48 (Leschetizky)
Trois morceaux, Op 49 (Glazunov)
Trois morceaux, Op 49 (Scriabin)
Trois morceaux, Op 52 (Scriabin)
Trois morceaux, Op 73 (Moszkowski)
Trois morceaux, Op 86 (Moszkowski)
Trois morceaux, Op 87 (Moszkowski)
Trois Motets, W99 (Jongen)
Trois Mouvements de Petrushka (Stravinsky)
Trois Nocturnes, L98 (Debussy)
Trois Nocturnes, L98 (Debussy/Ravel)
Trois Nouvelles pièces, Op 87 (Widor)
Trois Poèmes d'amour (Satie)
Trois Poèmes de Mallarmé, L135 (Debussy)
Trois Poèmes de Mallarmé, L135 (Debussy/Gottwald)
Trois Poèmes de Pétrone, Op 15 (Durey)
Trois préludes, Op 35 (Scriabin)
Trois Préludes, Op 84 (Chaminade)
Trois Rhapsodies sur des cantiques bretons, Op 7 (Saint-Saëns)
Trois romances sans paroles, Op 17 (Fauré)
Trois tableaux symphoniques d'après La foi, Op 130 (Saint-Saëns)
Troisième Choral, M40 (Franck/Hough)
Troisième étude orientale (en quartes) (Szántó)
Troisième valse brillante, Op 80 (Chaminade)
Tropar: Dnes spasenie miru byst
Trost im Unglück (Mahler)
Trottin' to the fair
Troyte (Presto)
Trumpeter, what are you sounding now?
Try again, Johnnie
Tryst 'In fountain court'
Tsarskosel'skaya statuya 'The fountain statue at Tsarskoye Selo', Op 57 No 17 (Cui)
Tsarskoselskaya statuya 'The statue at Tsarskoye Selo'
Tu crois au marc de café
Tu croyais le tenir
Tu dors, Daphnis
Tu es petra et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus te
Tu es Petrus, Op 23 No 2 (Widor)
Tu es telle qu'un fleur
Tu m'as donné un coussin de soie
Tu pupila es azul
Tu t’acharnes sur la beauté
Tuba Tune (Cocker)
Tuileries. Children quarrelling after play
Tuileries: Children quarrelling after play
Tunes from the 18th Century (Bauer)
Tunes we heard in 'ninety two', soft and sweet
Turandots Frauengemach (Intermezzo)
Turkish March
Turn back, O man
Turn you to the stronghold
Turquie 'Trois morceaux de piano', Op 18 (Blanchet)
Tutto è sciolto (Ireland)
Tvoy nezhnïy smekh 'Your tender laughter'
Twelfth Night, Op 40 (Mackenzie)
Twelve Impressions (Godowsky)
Twelve Pieces, Op 10 (Bonnet)
Twelve Short Pieces (Parry)
Twelve Songs, H174 (Holst)
Twelve Welsh Folk Songs, H183 (Holst)
Twenty-four Preludes in all the keys for pianoforte, Op 163 (Stanford)
Twenty-four Preludes in all the keys for pianoforte, Op 179 (Stanford)
Twenty-four Preludes, Op 28 (Chopin/Casals)
Twice a week the winter through
Twilight Fancies
Twilight Hills
Two ancient liturgical melodies 'Veni Creator Spiritus & Veni Emmanuel' (Anon/Stokowski)
Two Anthems, Op 37 (Stanford)
Two Carols, H91 (Holst)
Two Choral Songs, Op 71 (Elgar)
Two Choral Songs, Op 73 (Elgar)
Two Compositions (Roslavets)
Two Eastern Pictures, H112 (Holst)
Two Elegiac Melodies, Op 34 (Grieg)
Two English Folksongs (Vaughan Williams)
Two English Idylls (Butterworth)
Two Hebrew Pieces, Op 35 (Achron)
Two Heroic Ballads (Bantock)
Two Little Flowers, and dedicated to them (Ives)
Two little sausages
Two Mazurkas, Op 62 (Szymanowski)
Two Motets, Op 65 (Fauré)
Two Nocturnes, Op 5 (Scriabin)
Two Organ Pieces, Op 83 (Lemare)
Two Parisian Sketches (Fletcher)
Two Partsongs, Op 26 (Elgar)
Two Pastels, Op 44 (Achron)
Two piano pieces, Op 12 (Gabrilowitsch)
Two Pieces (Bloch)
Two Pieces for cello and piano, Op 2 (Rachmaninov)
Two Pieces for cello and piano, Op 2 (Rachmaninov/Mikhailovsky)
Two Pieces for small orchestra (Delius)
Two Pieces for violin and piano, Op 6 (Rachmaninov)
Two Pieces, Op 22 (Glazunov)
Two Pieces, Op 24 (Liadov)
Two Pieces, Op 58 (Medtner)
Two Poems (Roslavets)
Two Polish Dances, Op 29 (Scharwenka)
Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor
Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor (Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle)
Two Prelude-improvisations (Glazunov)
Two Psalms, H117 (Holst)
Two Psalms, H117 (Holst)
Two Romances, Op 50 (Reger)
Two September Songs, Op 18 (Quilter)
Two Slants 'Christian and Pagan' (Ives)
Two Songs 1920 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1920 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Two unaccompanied partsongs (Delius)
Tzigane 'Rapsodie de concert' (Ravel)
U moyego okna 'Before my window'
Über allen Gipfeln
Über allen Zauber Liebe, D682 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Über Wiesen und Felder ein Knabe ging
Übers Niederträchtige
Uist Cattle Croon (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Ullapool Sailor's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Um der fallenden Ruder Spitzen
Um Mitternacht
Um Mitternacht (Mahler)
Um schlimme Kinder artig zu machen (Mahler)
Un cyclone?
Un enfant court
Un grand sommeil noir
Un grand sommeil noir (Ravel)
Un grand sommeil noir (Ravel/Holloway)
Un grand sommeil noir (Ravel/Holloway)
Un grand sommeil noir (Ravel/Holloway)
Un jupon serré sur les hanches
Un nimbo de gloria
Un poco mosso
Un portrait en musique de la Marquise de Blocqueville, S190 (Liszt/Planté)
Un rêve (Séverac)
Un sonnet d'amour
Un vago mormorío mi giunge
Un vieux faune de terre cuite
Una vieja vale un real
Und dann nicht mehr, Op 87 No 3 (Strauss)
Und der Nachbarssohn, der Ruprecht
Und gestern hat er mir Rosen gebracht (Marx)
Und kehrt er einst heim
Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen
Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen
Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen
Und nun ade, mein herzallerliebster Schatz!
Und wärst du mein Weib und wärst du mein Lieb
Und was die Sonne glüht
Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen
Under himlens purpurbrand
Under strandens granar, Op 13 No 1 (Sibelius)
Under the deodar
Under the greenwood tree
Under the greenwood tree
Une aube affaiblie
Une barque sur l'océan
Une châtelaine en sa tour …, Op 110 (Fauré)
Une chauve-souris donna tête baissée
Une flûte invisible (Saint-Saëns)
Une fois, terrassé par un puissant breuvage
Une jeune pucelette
Une larme (Musorgsky/Kindler)
Une lumière irréelle enveloppe le paysage – Danse lente et mystérieuse – Daphnis se prosterne suppliant
Une nuit ténébreuse
Une revue (Hahn)
Une Sainte en son auréole
Une voix dans le désert, Op 77 (Elgar)
Ungarische Fantasie, Op 55 (Grünfeld)
Ungarische Zigeunerweisen 'Konzert im ungarischen Styl', S714 (Menter/Liszt/Tchaikovsky)
Unruhe Zweifel: Sehr aufgeregt
Uns bleibt ein Erdenrest (Chorus/Mulier Samaritana/Doctor Marianus)
Unser Feind ist, grosser Gott
Unter den Linden
Until (Sanderson)
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes
Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks
Unto Thy word so tuned let me be
Unto us a boy is born (Anon/Shaw)
Unto you that fear his name
Up on the housetop (Hanby/Campbell)
Up! good Christen folk (Anon/Woodward)
Uranus – The magician
Urbi Venetiae, in laude sancti sui presidis
Urlicht (Mahler)
Urny s vodoy uroniv 'The girl has dropped the urn'
Uti vår hage (Alfvén/Bruerton)
Už mladé vlaštúvky –
Uzh tï, niva moya 'O you, my grain-field'
Uznik 'The Prisoner', Op 20 No 4 (Grechaninov)
V al'bome 'In an album', Op 49 No 4 (Arensky)
V mire net nichego 'There is nothing'
V mladenchestve moyom ona menya lyubila 'When I was a child she loved me'
V mladenchestve moyom ona menya lyubila 'When I was a child she loved me'
V mlhách 'In the mists' (Janáček)
V pláči
V poledne: Moderato
V poryve nezhnosti serdechnoy 'In moments to delight devoted', Op 26 No 1 (Rimsky-Korsakov)
V roztoužení: Allegro non troppo
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar/Williams)
Vainly awaiting, some beguiling
Vair me o rovan o, vair me o rovan ee
Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés en pure perte
Valet will ich dir geben, BWV736 (Bach/Reger)
Valiant-for-Truth (Vaughan Williams)
Valley of the bells
Vals 'The waltz'
Valse (Jongen)
Valse aimable
Valse caprice, Op 33 (Chaminade)
Valse caprice, Op 37 (Zabel)
Valse caressante: Tempo lento di Valzer
Valse d'Adèle pour la main gauche seul par Géza Zichy 'Transcription brillant 2 mains par F. Liszt', S456 (Liszt/Zichy)
Valse de concert (La Forge)
Valse de concert d'après la Suite en forme de valse de J. de Végh, S430 (Liszt/Végh)
Valse de salon, Op 43 (Glazunov)
Valse folle (Massenet)
Valse gracieuse
Valse harmonique (Bowen)
Valse in A flat major, Op 38 (Scriabin)
Valse in D flat major (Scriabin)
Valse in F minor, Op 1 (Scriabin)
Valse in G sharp minor (Scriabin)
Valse lent
Valse lente
Valse lente
Valse lente (Pugno)
Valse mélancolique
Valse mignonne
Valse mignonne, Op 104 (Saint-Saëns)
Valse mignonne, Op 142 No 2 (Karg-Elert)
Valse noble
Valse nonchalante, Op 110 (Saint-Saëns)
Valse oubliée No 1, S215/1 (Liszt/Hubay)
Valse pour les enfants (Stravinsky)
Valse romantique (Szymanowski)
Valse romantique, L79 (Debussy)
Valse romantique, Op 115 (Chaminade)
Valse sentimentale
Valse septembre (Godin/Brown/Lotter)
Valse tendre, Op 119 (Chaminade)
Valse triste, Op 44 No 1 (Sibelius)
Valse, Op 34 No 1 (Moszkowski)
Valse, Op 36 (Catoire)
Valse: ma mie quie danse (Presto)
Valse-ballet 'Sixième valse', Op 112 (Chaminade)
Valse-Caprice for piano and strings 'Wedding Cake', Op 76 (Saint-Saëns)
Valse-caprice in A major, Op 31 (Scharwenka)
Valse-caprice No 1 in A major, Op 30 (Fauré)
Valse-caprice No 2 in D flat major (Taneyev/Balakirev)
Valse-caprice No 2 in D flat major, Op 38 (Fauré)
Valse-caprice No 3 in G flat major, Op 59 (Fauré)
Valse-caprice No 4 in A flat major, Op 62 (Fauré)
Valse-Caprice 'Soirées de Vienne d'après Schubert No 6', S427 No 6 (Liszt/Oistrakh)
Valses nobles (Dohnányi)
Valses nobles et sentimentales (Ravel)
Valses nobles, D969 (Schubert/Dohnányi)
Valses poéticos (Granados)
Van de helden 'Of the heroes'
Van Dieman's Land
Vánek: Andante, quasi allegretto
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: End of scene
Var det en dröm?, Op 37 No 4 (Sibelius)
Våren flyktar hastigt, Op 13 No 4 (Sibelius)
Variation 'Ballerina': Andantino
Variation d'Apollon
Variationen und Fuge über ein Originalthema, Op 18 (Nicodé)
Variations (Vaughan Williams)
Variations and Fugue on a theme of EG, Op 4 (Dohnányi)
Variations and Fugue on a theme of Georg Philipp Telemann, Op 134 (Reger)
Variations and Fugue on a theme of Johann Sebastian Bach, Op 81 (Reger)
Variations and Fugue on an original theme in A minor, Op 11 (Paderewski)
Variations and Fugue on an original theme in E flat minor, Op 23 (Paderewski)
Variations and fugue on Heil dir im Siegerkranz (Reger)
Variations de concert sur l'hymne portugais, RO290 Op 91 (Gottschalk/Napoleão dos Santos)
Variations de concert, Op 1 (Bonnet)
Variations et Fugue sur un thème original, Op 42 (Stojowski)
Variations for orchestra 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar)
Variations for orchestra 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar/Harris)
Variations for orchestra 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar/John)
Variations for piano, Op 27 (Webern)
Variations for piano, Op 48 (Scharwenka)
Variations for two pianos on a theme of Beethoven, Op 35 (Saint-Saëns)
Variations in E minor (Joachim)
Variations on a Hungarian Folksong, Op 29 (Dohnányi)
Variations on a Polish folk theme, Op 51 (Liadov)
Variations on a Rococo theme, Op 33 (Tchaikovsky/Malzew)
Variations on a Russian folk tune, Op 10 No 12 (Carcassi/Walker)
Variations on a theme by C H, Op 57 (Scharwenka)
Variations on a theme by Glinka, Op 35 (Liadov)
Variations on a theme by Mlle Egorova (Scriabin)
Variations on a theme of Chopin, Op 22 (Rachmaninov)
Variations on a theme of Corelli, Op 42 (Rachmaninov)
Variations on a theme of Corelli, Op 42 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Variations on a theme of Haydn, Op 56a (Brahms/Rogg)
Variations on an original theme 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar/Wills)
Variations on Old Folks at Home (Buck)
Variations on 'The Carnival of Venice' (Posse)
Variations sur un thème hongrois, Op 72 (Hubay)
Variations sur un vieux Noël, Op 20 (Dupré)
Variations-Studie nach Mozart I (Busoni)
Världen är så stor, så stor
Vas pretiosum labia scientiae
Vašek, pašek, bubeník
Vašek, pašek, bubeník 'Vašek, pašek, the drummer'
Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV760 (Bach/Rummel)
Večerní nálada: Andante espressivo
Vecheri Tvoeya taynïya 'Of thy mystical supper'
Ved Gjætle-Bekken 'By the Gjætle brook'
Veilles-tu, ma senteur de soleil?
Velichit dusha moya Gospoda
Velikaya Ekteniya 'The Great Litany'
Veloce e leggiero (Busoni)
Vem styrde hit din väg?, Op 90 No 6 (Sibelius)
Vena comes, born of light
Venetsiya noch'yu, Op 9 No 1 (Taneyev)
Venez! Venez! enfants de la Romagne
Venezia 'Chansons en dialecte vénitien' (Hahn)
Venezia 'Chansons en dialecte vénitien' (Hahn)
Venezia 'Chansons en dialecte vénitien' (Hahn)
Venezia 'Chansons en dialecte vénitien' (Hahn)
Venezia 'Chansons en dialecte vénitien' (Hahn)
Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Gant)
Veni, creator spiritus
Venus – The bringer of peace
Vêpres de commun des fêtes de la Sainte-Vierge, Op 18 (Dupré)
Verbe égal au Très-Haut
Verbe égal au Très-Haut, notre unique espérance
Verdun 'Solemn March and Heroic Epilogue', Op 151 (Stanford)
Vergessene Weisen 'Forgotten Melodies', Op 38 (Medtner)
Vergessene Weisen 'Forgotten Melodies', Op 39 (Medtner)
Vergessene Weisen 'Forgotten Melodies', Op 40 (Medtner)
Verklärte Nacht, Op 4 (Schoenberg)
Verlorne Müh (Mahler)
Verlust: Andante
Vers la flamme 'Poème', Op 72 (Scriabin)
Verset in E minor (Saint-Saëns)
Verset in F major (Saint-Saëns)
Veruyu 'The Creed'
Vesenneye uspokoyeniye 'Spring Solace', Op 28 No 5 (Medtner)
Vesenniye vodï 'Spring waters'
Veslemøy 'Little maid'
Vesper Voluntaries, Op 14 (Elgar)
Veux-tu qu’au beau pays des rêves
Veux-tu, au nom des Nymphes
Vexilla regis (Ireland)
Vexilla regis prodeunt
Vi gik en dejlig vårdag 'We walked one lovely spring day'
Vibraciones del Alma, Op 45 (Yuste)
Vieil homme aux mains nues
Vieilles Chansons (Saint-Saëns)
Vienna Waltz (Zadora)
Viennese Dance No 2, on motifs by Eduard Gärtner (Friedman)
Viens tout près et chante
Viens! – une flûte invisible
Viens! C'est le jour d'un Dieu
Vier adlige Rosse
Vier Albumblätter, Op 28 (Grieg)
Vier ernste Gesänge, Op 121 (Brahms/Bliss)
Vier letzte Lieder, Op posth. (Strauss/Roth)
Vier letzte Lieder, Op posth. (Strauss/Wolff)
Vier Lieder, Op 27 (Strauss)
Vier Lieder, Op 27 (Strauss)
Vier Lieder, Op 27 (Strauss)
Vier Lieder, Op 27 (Strauss/Bliss/Glynn)
Vier Lieder, Op 27 (Strauss/Reger)
Vier Lieder, Op 36 (Strauss)
Vier Lieder, Op 36 (Strauss)
Vier Lieder, Op 36 (Strauss)
Vier Lieder, Op 96 (Brahms/Lemare)
Vier Lyrische Fragmente, Op 23 (Medtner)
Vile potabis
Villanelle (Dukas)
Villon 'Symphonic Poem No 6' (Wallace)
Vinden och trädet (Rangström)
Vingt-quatre préludes, Op 11 (Scriabin)
Viola Concerto (McEwen)
Viola Concerto in C minor, Op 25 (Bowen)
Viola Concerto in G minor (Forsyth)
Viola Concerto, Sz120 (Bartók/Serly)
Viola d'amour
Viola Sonata (Clarke)
Viola Sonata No 1 in C minor, Op 18 (Bowen)
Viola Sonata No 2 in F major, Op 22 (Bowen)
Violetas (Sagreras/Denoth)
Violin Concerto in A major, Op 101 (Reger)
Violin Concerto in A major, Op 8 (Karłowicz)
Violin Concerto in A minor, Op 54 (Arensky)
Violin Concerto in A minor, Op 82 (Glazunov)
Violin Concerto in B minor, Op 17 (Jongen)
Violin Concerto in B minor, Op 61 (Elgar)
Violin Concerto in C major, Op 30 (Moszkowski)
Violin Concerto in C sharp minor, Op 32 (Mackenzie)
Violin Concerto in D major, Op 35a (Busoni)
Violin Concerto in D major, Op 61 (Beethoven/Widmann)
Violin Concerto in D major, Op 74 (Stanford)
Violin Concerto in D minor (Cliffe)
Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 14 (Fauré)
Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 17 (Erlanger)
Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 47 (Sibelius)
Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 61 (Lyapunov)
Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 8 (Strauss)
Violin Concerto in G major, Op 95 (Scharwenka)
Violin Concerto in G minor (Somervell)
Violin Concerto in G minor, Op 22 (Stojowski)
Violin Concerto in G minor, Op 80 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Violin Concerto No 1 (Roslavets)
Violin Concerto No 1 in A major, Op 20 (Saint-Saëns)
Violin Concerto No 1 in A minor 'Dramatique', Op 21 (Hubay)
Violin Concerto No 1 in D minor, Op 11 (Młynarski)
Violin Concerto No 1 in G minor, Op 26 (Bruch)
Violin Concerto No 2 (Roslavets)
Violin Concerto No 2 in C major, Op 58 (Saint-Saëns)
Violin Concerto No 2 in D major, Op 16 (Młynarski)
Violin Concerto No 2 in D minor, Op 44 (Bruch)
Violin Concerto No 2 in E major, Op 90 (Hubay)
Violin Concerto No 2, Sz112 (Bartók)
Violin Concerto No 3 in B minor, Op 61 (Saint-Saëns)
Violin Concerto No 3 in D minor, Op 58 (Bruch)
Violin Concerto No 3 in G minor, Op 99 (Hubay)
Violin Concerto No 4 in A minor 'All'antica', Op 101 (Hubay)
Violin Sonata (Bridge)
Violin Sonata in A major (Pizzetti)
Violin Sonata in A minor (Vaughan Williams)
Violin Sonata in B minor (Respighi)
Violin Sonata in B minor, Op 7 (Bowen)
Violin Sonata in C sharp minor, Op 21 (Dohnányi)
Violin Sonata in D major (Parry)
Violin Sonata in D minor (Respighi)
Violin Sonata in D minor, Op 2 (Scharwenka)
Violin Sonata in D minor, Op 9 (Szymanowski)
Violin Sonata in E minor, Op 112 (Bowen)
Violin Sonata in E minor, Op 82 (Elgar)
Violin Sonata in G minor, L148 (Debussy)
Violin Sonata in G minor, Op 23 (Vierne)
Violin Sonata No 1 (Bloch)
Violin Sonata No 1 in A major (Ravel)
Violin Sonata No 1 in A major, Op 13 (Fauré)
Violin Sonata No 1 in B minor, Op 21 (Medtner)
Violin Sonata No 1 in C sharp minor (Bréville)
Violin Sonata No 1 in D major, Op 11 (Stanford)
Violin Sonata No 1 in D major, Op 9 (Weiner)
Violin Sonata No 1 in D minor (Ireland)
Violin Sonata No 1 in D minor, Op 75 (Saint-Saëns)
Violin Sonata No 1 in F major, Op 8 (Grieg)
Violin Sonata No 2 in A major, Op 70 (Stanford)
Violin Sonata No 2 in A minor (Ireland)
Violin Sonata No 2 in E flat major, Op 102 (Saint-Saëns)
Violin Sonata No 2 in E minor, Op 108 (Fauré)
Violin Sonata No 2 in E minor, Op 108 (Fauré/Freeman-Attwood)
Violin Sonata No 2 in F sharp minor, Op 11 (Weiner)
Violin Sonata No 2 in G major (Ravel)
Violin Sonata No 2 in G major 'Sonata espagnola', Op 82 (Turina)
Violin Sonata No 2 in G major, Op 13 (Grieg)
Violin Sonata No 2 'Poème mystique' (Bloch)
Violin Sonata No 2, Op 6 (Enescu)
Violin Sonata No 3 in A minor, WoO27 (Schumann/Isserlis)
Violin Sonata No 3 in C minor, Op 45 (Grieg)
Violin Sonata No 3 in D minor, Op 108 (Brahms/Lemare)
Violin Sonata No 3 in E minor 'Sonata Epica', Op 57 (Medtner)
Violin Sonata No 3, Op 25 (Enescu)
Violin Sonata 'Torso' (Enescu)
Violin Sonata, JW VII/7 (Janáček)
Violin Sonata, JW VII/7 (Janáček)
Violons dans le soir (Saint-Saëns)
Vir sapiens
Vision 'Étude', Op 8 (Catoire)
Visions, Op 111 (Alexandrov)
Vítaj, Janíčku –
Vitrail (Durosoir)
Vivace con fuoco
Vivace moderato, con precisione (Busoni)
Vlcí stopa 'The wolf's trail' (Janáček)
Vo tsarstvii tvoem 'Third Antiphon: In your kingdom'
Vo tsarstvii Tvoyem 'In thy kingdom'
Vocalise No 13 (Fauré)
Vocalise No 2 'Aria' (Roussel/Hoérée)
Vocalise No 20 (Fauré)
Vocalise No 21 (Fauré)
Vocalise No 22 (Fauré)
Vocalise No 24 (Fauré)
Vocalise No 29 (Fauré)
Vocalise No 7 (Fauré)
Vocalise No 9 (Fauré)
Vocalise-étude (Fauré)
Vocalise-étude en forme de Habanera (Ravel)
Voice in the Wilderness (Bloch)
Voice les cors qui sonnent l'amour
Voici des fruits, des fleurs
Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches
Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches
Voici des fruits, des fleurs, des feuilles et des branches
Voici l’heure bientôt
Voici la fine sauterelle
Voici l'orme qui balance
Voici que les jardins de la Nuit vont fleurir
Voici ton Jean, ton Jean, ô! Marguerite
Voici venir les temps où vibrant sur la tige
Voici venir les temps où vibrant sur la tige
Voilà Silvandre et Lycas et Myrtil
Voiles: Modéré
Voiles: Modéré
Voix très lointaines – Danse guerrière: Animé et très rude – Bryaxis ordonne d'amener la captive
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her
Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her, BWV606 (Bach/Reger)
Vom künftigen Alter, Op 87 No 1 (Strauss)
Von den Freuden und Leidenschaften
Von den sieben Zechbrüdern
Von der Jugend
Von der Wissenschaft
Von dunklem Schleier umsponnen
Von Händlern wird die Kunst bedroht
Von jetzt an will ich deine Schwester sein
Von meinem Auge wird es klar
Vond Dag 'Hurtful day'
Vor der Arbeit: Allegretto molto tranquillo
Voskresenie Khristovo videvshe
Voskreseniye Hristovo videvshe 'Having beheld the resurrection of Christ'
Vospominaniye 'Recollection' 'Suite', Op 71 (Arensky)
Votre âme est un paysage choisi
Votre âme est un paysage choisi
Votre âme est un paysage choisi
Votre âme est un paysage choisi
Vous me demandez de me taire
Vox dicentis: Clama (Naylor)
Voyageur, où vas-tu, marchant
Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op 59 (Grechaninov)
Vzbrannoy voevode
Vzbrannoy voyevode 'To thee, victorious leader'
Vzpomínky: Andante con moto quasi improvisando
W.M.B. (Allegro di molto)
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV645 (Bach/Bantock)
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV645 (Bach/Busoni)
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV645 (Bach/Friedman)
Waiting for the Robert E Lee (Muir/Weigand)
Walachian Dance: Comodo – Più lento – Tempo I – Più mosso
Waldung, sie schwankt heran (Chorus)
Walking (Ives)
Walking Tune
Wallenstein, Op 12 (Indy)
Waltz (The ballerina and the moor)
Waltz from Delibes' Coppélia (Dohnányi)
Waltz in A minor, KKIVb/11 (Chopin/Spacht)
Waltz in D flat major 'Minute', Op 64 No 1 (Chopin/Spacht)
Waltz in E flat major, Op 1 (Sapellnikoff)
Waltz in E minor, KKIVa/15 (Chopin/Ysaÿe)
Waltz No 4 in B flat major (Balakirev)
Waltz of the flowers
Waltzes on the theme 'SABELA', Op 23 (Glazunov)
Walzermasken (Godowsky)
Wanderers Gemütsruhe
Wanderung neben dem Bache
Wandl' ich im Wald des Abends
Ward the Pirate (Vaughan Williams)
Warm whisp'ring through the slender olive trees
Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? (Mendelssohn/Asti)
Warum so spät erst, Georgine?
Warum? (Isserlis)
Was bluten muß?
Was frag ich nach der Welt, BWV94 (Bach/Rummel)
Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV99 (Bach/Rummel)
Was heulst du?
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!, BWV208 (Bach/Friedman)
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!, BWV208 (Bach/Grainger)
Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd!, BWV208 (Bach/Howe)
Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?
Was weiss ein nie geküsster Rosenmund (Kálmán/Hough)
Was willst du, fremder Mensch?
Wassail song
Watching the Wheat 'Bugeilio'r gwenith gwyn' (Thomas)
Watchman! (Ives)
Water Scenes, Op 13 (Nevin/Myddleton)
Wather's o' Moyle an' the white gulls flyin'
We are the music makers
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise Thee, O God
We sing the praise of him who died
We three kings of orient are (Hopkins/Neary)
We trusted that it had been He
We wandered on a Mayday morning
We will remember them
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/Warrell)
We’re sitting in the opera house
Weary wind of the west (Elgar)
Wedding and brief happiness of love: Meno mosso
Wedding procession – Tartar invasion
Wedding Song: Adagio
Weep with me all ye that read
Weep you no more sad fountains
Weep you no more, sad fountains
Weihnachtsgefühl, TrV198 (Strauss)
Weihnachtslied, TrV2 (Strauss)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Atkins)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Atkins/Park)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Layton)
Weil' auf mir (Ives)
Weil ich dich nicht legen kann
Wein, Weib und Gesang
Wein, Weib und Gesang, Op 333 (Strauss Jr./Berg)
Weine, weine, weine nur nicht
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV12 (Bach/Rummel)
Weisser Jasmin
Weißt du die Rose, die du mir gegeben?
Weite Wiesen im Dämmergrau
Welcome be thou, heavenly king
Well met, well met my own true love
We'll to the woods no more
We'll to the woods no more (Ireland)
We'll to the woods no more (Ireland)
Wenn …
Wenn dein Mütterlein
Wenn die kleinen Kinder beten
Wenn die Linde blüht
Wenn Du es wüßtest
Wenn es stürmt auf den Wogen
Wenn hell die liebe Sonne lacht
Wenn ich dich frage, dem das Leben blüht
Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen redete
Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
Wenn nur ein Traum das Leben ist
Wenn sanft du mir im Arme schliefst
Wenn sanft du mir im Arme schliefst
Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein 'Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit', BWV668 (Bach/Reger)
Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? (Mahler)
Wer hat's gethan?, TrV142 (Strauss)
Wer ist denn draußen und wer klopfet an
Wer lieben will, muss leiden
Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende
Wer wird von der Welt verlangen
Werther (Massenet)
West London (Ives)
What a friend we have in Jesus
What art thou thinking of? (Ireland)
What can it be? (Jeanie)
What does little birdie say?
What dost thou here, Christian?
What have I done for you, England?
What is that? … Nothing
What is the sorrow of the wind, Isobel?
What is this lovely fragrance? (Anon/Willan)
What of the hunting, hunter bold?
What part of dread eternity
What shall I your true love tell? (Bridge)
What wealth of rapture
What will they give me, when journey’s done?
What will they give me, when journey's done?
Wheesht, wheesht (Scott)
When a bad, bad boy like me
When comes my Gwen
When daffodils begin to peer
When daffodils begin to peer
When do I see thee most, beloved one?
When do I see thee most, beloved one?
When first we met
When gently blows the South Wind
When Harry the tailor was twenty years old
When I am dead, my dearest (Ireland)
When I am old (Ireland)
When I marry Amelia
When I survey the bright celestial sphere
When I was in trouble I called upon the Lord and he heard me
When I was one-and-twenty
When I was one-and-twenty
When I was one-and-twenty (Gibbs)
When I would muse in boyhood
When icicles hang by the wall
When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes (Parry)
When Israel came out of Egypt
When Jesus Christ was yet a child
When Johnny comes marching home (Lemare)
When lads were home from labour
When Love with unconfined wings
When Mary thro' the garden went
When Shakespeare came to London
When stars are in the quiet skies (Chadwick)
When stars are in the quiet skies (Ives)
When swallows dart from cottage eves
When that I was and a little tiny boy
When that I was and a little tiny boy
When the children go to play
When the lad for longing sighs
When the lights go rolling round the sky (Ireland)
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion
When through life unblest we rove (Anon/Moore/Hughes)
When weary wretches sink to sleep
When wedding fiddles are a-playing
When you are happy, friend o’ mine
When you are old and gray (Bridge)
When you come to the end of a perfect day
When, cruel fair one, I am slain
Whence came ye, jolly Satyrs, whence came ye?
Whence! Andante delicato
Whenever the moon and the stars are set
Where are the boys of the old Brigade
Where be you going, you Devon maid?
Where corals lie
Where go the boats?
Where is it that our soul doth go? (Bridge)
Where she lies asleep (Bridge)
Where the eagle (Ives)
Where'er my bitter teardrops fall (Bridge)
Whether I find thee
While London's fast asleep (Dacre)
While shepherds watched
While that the sun with his beams hot
Whistling Rufus (Mills/Mills/Crooke)
White in the moon the long road lies
Whither must I wander?
Whither must I wander?
Whither shall I go
Who can dwell with greatness! (Parry)
Who is Silvia?
Who is Silvia? (Wood)
Who is there? Whence come ye?
Who is this fair one?
Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? (Chorus)
Who my heart has free from sorrow deep unbound
Who shut up the sea with doors? (Chorus)
Who stole my heart away? (Kern/Chilcott)
Who will walk with thee, Kirsteen
Who would shepherds pipe, Op 21 No 3 (Farrar)
Who would true valour see
Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the most High
Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the most High
Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the Most High
Why boastest thou thyself, thou tyrant?
Why boastest thou thyself, thou tyrant?
Why died I not from the womb? (Job)
Why do the nations so furiously rage together? (bass)
Why doesn’t one, two, three
Why o'er the dark'ning hill-slopes
Why should I sit and sigh, puin' bracken, puin' bracken
Why so pale and wan?
Why was I born? (Kern/Chilcott)
Wie des Mondes Abbild zittert, Op 7 No 2 (Stanford)
Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb?
Wie Felsenabgrund mir zu Füßen (Pater profundus)
Wie ist es denn, dass trüb und schwer
Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen
Wie soll ich's bergen, wie soll ich's tragen
Wie sollten wir geheim sie halten
Wie stark du bist!
Wiegenlied, TrV59 (Strauss)
Wild is the Wind (Tiomkin)
Will my tiny spark of being wholly vanish in your deeps and heights?
Will you come homeward from the hills of Dreamland?
Will you remember? 'Sweetheart'
Will-o'-the-Wisp 'Feux Follets' (Hasselmans)
Willow, willow (Grainger)
Willow, willow, willow (Parry)
Wilt thou disannul judgment? (Chorus)
Windy Nights
Winter (Gardiner)
Winter wakeneth all my care
Winterlied (Mahler)
Winterlied, D242a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Winterreigen 'Ten Bagatelles', Op 13 (Dohnányi)
Winterreise, D911 (Schubert/Godowsky)
Winterreise, D911 (Schubert/Lee)
Winterreise, TrV4 (Strauss)
Wir beide wollen springen, TrV175 (Strauss)
Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV29 (Bach/Dupré)
Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV29 (Bach/Saint-Saëns)
Wir eilen mit schwachen
Wir genießen die himmlischen Freuden
Wir gingen durch die stille, milde Nacht
Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV740 (Bach/Whittaker)
Wir glauben an einen Gott
Wir haben ein Bett, wir haben ein Kind
Wir haben im Lärm der Menge
Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal, BWV146 (Bach/Rummel)
Wir schreiten in goldener Fülle
Wir senkten die Wurzeln in Moos und Gestein
Wir sind bei den Göttern
Wir sind durch Not und Freude
Wir wandelten, wir zwei zusammen
With perfume heavily laden the roses droop their heads
With proud thanksgiving
With rue my heart is laden
With rue my heart is laden
With short, sharp, violent lights made vivid
Wither's Rocking Hymn (Vaughan Williams/Bruerton)
Within his car, aloft, young Bacchus stood
Within the woodlands, flow'ry gladed
Wo bleibt Elektra?
Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen (Mahler)
Wohin? and Die Forelle (Schubert/Grünfeld)
Wohlan die Zeit ist kommen
Wolke und Quelle, D896b (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Woodland love: Romance
Woodland Sketches, Op 51 (MacDowell)
Woodland Sketches, Op 51 (MacDowell/Woodhouse)
Word over all, beautiful as the sky
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain – Amen
Wozu noch, Mädchen, soll es frommen
Wunst I had a sprig of thyme
Xenion, TrV282 (Strauss)
Y a des arbres, des maisons
Ya lask tvoikh strashus' 'I fear thy kisses' (Arensky)
Ya na dudochke igrayu 'I play a reed-pipe'
Ya perezhil svoi zhelan'ya 'I have outlived my aspirations', Op 3 No 2 (Medtner)
Ya videl smert' 'I have seen death', Op 27 No 6 (Arensky)
Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon
Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon
Ye choirs of New Jerusalem, Op 123 (Stanford)
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright – Darwall's 148th (Darwall/Gray)
Ye little birds that sit and sing
Ye that have spent the silent night
Yea, cast me from heights
Yellow Leaves (Ives)
Yeshchyo v polyakh beleyet sneg 'The fields are still whitened with snow'
Yesterdays (Kern/Pappano)
Yesterdays/They didn't believe me (Kern/Chilcott)
Yevreyskaya melodiya 'Hebrew melody' (Balakirev)
Yithgaddal weyithkaddash scheméh rabba
Yo ho, little girls, yo ho!
You are my heart's delight
You are the evening cloud floating in the sky of my dreams
You couldn't stop a lover (Anon/Hughes)
You have shown my mystery
You smile upon your friend today
You that have spent the silent night
Young Venevil
Your eyën two
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hearts are lifted up
You're taking such good care of me
Youth and love
Youth and love
You've had lots of songs about roses
You've heard of me, of course
Ysobel (Andantino)
Yuuyake koyakeno akatombo
Yver, vous n'estes qu'un villain
Yvonne en visite! (Albéniz)
Zaklinaniye 'Invocation' 'The call', Op 29 No 7 (Medtner)
Zápisník zmizelého 'The diary of one who disappeared', JW V/12 (Janáček)
Záře od milého
Zbiór spiewów polskich – Kompozycji Fryderyka Chopina, S480 (Chopin/Liszt/Rosenthal)
Zdes' khorosho 'Here it is good'
Zeinab's theme: Molto più lento
Zeit, Verkündigerin der besten Freuden
Zéphyr, L19 (Debussy)
Zhelaniye 'Desire'
Zig et zag et zig, la mort cri en cadence
Zigeunerweisen, Op 20 (Sarasate/Harris/Howard)
Zigeunerweisen, Op 20 (Sarasate/Hazell)
Zimni put' 'Winter journey', Op 32 No 4 (Taneyev)
Zlatá ulicka 'Golden Street'
Ztratil sem kolíček
Zu Hirsau in den Trümmern
Zu Strassburg auf der Schanz (Mahler)
Zu Tanze, zu Sprunge 'Pan's dancing song'
Zugemessne Rhythmen, TrV269 (Strauss)
Zum Schlafen
Zur Nacht
Zur Rosenzeit
Zur weißen Gans sprach einst vertraulich eine graue
Zut, zut, zut (Elgar)
Zwei Elegien, Op 59 (Medtner)
Zwei Erzählungen am Klavier 'Legends', Op 5 (Scharwenka)
Zwei Fantasiestücke, Op 17 (MacDowell)
Zwei Gänse
Zwei Klavierstücke, Op 65 (Scharwenka)
Zwei Lieder auf Texte von Heinrich Heine (Zemlinsky)
Zwei Lieder, Op 26 (Strauss)
Zwei Stimmungen, Op 32 (Achron)
Zwei Stimmungen, Op 36 (Achron)
Zwei Studien zu Tristan und Isolde (Wagner/Gottwald)
Zwei Tage reichen sich die Hand—der eine schied
Zwiegespräch: Nicht schnell
Zwischen Mohn und Rittersporn
Zwischen zwei Nächten
Zwölf Gedichte aus 'Liebesfrühling', Op 12 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Gedichte von Justinus Kerner, Op 35 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Debussy)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Grosvenor)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Joachim)
Zyczenie 'The Maiden's Wish'
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