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*** Romanza (Moderato)
«General Lavine»—excentric: Dans le style et le mouvement d'un Cake-Walk
12 Studies for piano, Op 46 (Bowen)
15 Folk songs from the Eastern Counties (Vaughan Williams)
2 Aquarelles (Delius/Fenby)
2 Pierrot Pieces, Op 35 (Scott)
24 Caprices, Op 1 (Paganini/Bryan)
24 Preludes in all major and minor keys, Op 102 (Bowen)
4 Romantic Pieces, Op 75 (Dvořák/Isserlis)
5 Fantasiestücke, Op 5 (Coleridge-Taylor)
8 Part-songs, Op 127 (Stanford)
A bad boy and a good girl
A breath of our inspiration
A brewer without any barm
A British tar (Ralph/Boatswain/Boatswain's mate/Chorus/Narrator)
A Broken Arc (Somervell)
A brown bird singing (Wood)
A Celtic Symphony (Bantock)
A Ceremony of Carols, Op 28 (Britten/Harrison)
A Child's Garland of Songs, Op 30 (Stanford)
A Choral Fantasia, H177 Op 51 (Holst)
A Christmas Greeting, Op 52 (Elgar)
A Country Girl (Monckton)
A Cradle Song (Sheldon)
A day in the cornfield, I a-reapin'
A dead violet (Bridge)
A dirge (Bridge)
A Downland Suite (Ireland)
A fairy's love song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A fire of turf
A flaxen-headed cowboy / A flaxen-headed milkmaid
A flaxen-headed cowboy, as simple as may be
A good child
A grim old king
A Hebridean Sea-Reiver's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A Hebridean Symphony (Bantock)
A Hill Tune (Bax)
A ho hi … hirrum bo! Early sails she to the reiving
A Keltic Suite, Op 29 (Foulds)
A lady-witch there lived on Atlas mountain
A last year's rose
A lawyer he went out one day
A leaf from the sky
A Little Music
A London Overture (Ireland)
A London Symphony 'Symphony No 2 (1920)' (Vaughan Williams)
A London Symphony 'Symphony No 2 (1934)' (Vaughan Williams)
A Love Song
A Lullaby, Op 19 No 2 (Stanford)
A maid goin' to Comber her markets to larn
A many years ago (Buttercup/Chorus/Narrator)
A March-Jig 'Maguire's Kick'
A Moorside Suite (Holst)
A Mountain Mood 'Theme and Variations' (Bax)
A mummers' play
A north-country maid up to London had stray'd
A picture from the fortress wall
A pilgrim's chant
A Poet's Hymn
A Poison Tree
A Prayer of King Henry VI (Ley)
A Reel
A report song
A Romp (Finale)
A Runaway Girl (Monckton)
A Sea Symphony 'Symphony No 1' (Vaughan Williams)
A Second Set of Three Pieces for Chamber Organ (Wesley)
A Sheaf of Songs from Leinster, Op 140 (Stanford)
A Shropshire Lad (Somervell)
A Shropshire Lad 'Rhapsody for orchestra' (Butterworth)
A simple little string
A Slow Dance
A slumber vast and black
A soft day
A song for all seas, all ships (Moderato maestoso)
A Song of Agincourt, Op 168 (Stanford)
A Song of Battle
A Song of Shadows, Op 15 No 3 (Gibbs)
A Song of Sleep (Somerset)
A song of thanksgiving (Vaughan Williams)
A Song of Trust
A song without words, Op 13 No 1 (Sammons)
A Spinning Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A Spring Garland, Op 84 (Gibbs)
A thanksgiving
A Thirteenth-century Love Lilt (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A Village Romeo and Juliet (Delius)
A vision of aeroplanes (Vaughan Williams)
A voice in the wilderness, Op 77 (Elgar)
A Welcome March, Op 87 (Stanford)
A Welcome Song
A widow bird sate mourning (Lehmann)
A wind sways the pines
A young maid stood in her father's garden (Anon/Hughes)
Abel Wright
Abend, D645 (Schubert/Brown)
Aberystwyth 'Variations'
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Archer)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Cleobury)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Forshaw)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Pinel/Hancock)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Scott)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Willcocks)
Abroad as I was walking, one evening in the spring
Academic Festival Overture, Op 80 (Brahms/Lemare)
Ach bleib' bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV649 (Bach/Vaughan Williams)
Ach, I dunno (French)
Ach, neige
Adagio and Allegro for cello and piano, Op 70 (Schumann/Bliss)
Adagio in E major
Addenda to The Laws of Cricket
Adeste fideles (Wade/Novello)
Adieu, Madame, my mother dear, but and my sisters three, O!
Adoration (Bridge)
After a long lab'ring in the windy ways
After many a dusty mile
After the sea-ship, after the whistling winds
After this it was noised abroad
After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished
After you've gone (Creamer/Layton/Thornton)
Agamemnon (Brian)
Agnus Dei –
Ah, moon of my delight (Lehmann)
Ah, Sun-flower
Aignish on the machair (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Ailein Duinn 'A Harris Love Lament' (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Air and Dance (Delius/Grainger)
Air de Ballet, Op 17 No 2 (Sammons)
Aka tombo (Yamada/Chilcott)
Aka tombo (Yamada/Hough)
Alas Fra Giacomo too late! But follow me
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? (Taylor)
Album leaf, Op 22 (Matthay)
Albumleaf (Bowen)
Alister McAlpine's lament (Vaughan Williams)
All along the garden where the moonbeams glance
All creatures of our God and King
All creatures of our God and King
All creatures of our God and King – Lasst uns erfreuen (Vaughan Williams/Battiwalla)
All creatures of our God and King – Lasst uns erfreuen (Vaughan Williams/Cleobury)
All down Piccadilly
All in a garden green
All night under the moon (Bainton)
All people that on earth do dwell
All people that on earth do dwell
All people that on earth do dwell – Old Hundredth (Vaughan Williams)
All the dreaming is broken through
All the things you are (Kern/Chilcott)
All they that see him laugh him to scorn (tenor)
All things bright and beautiful (Monk)
All things that we clasp and cherish (Bridge)
All through the night there's a little brown bird singing
All we like sheep have gone astray
All women born are so perverse
Allegretto, Op 105 (Bowen)
Allegro appassionato (Bridge)
Allegro de concert (Bowen)
Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to heav'n and voices raise
Alleluia. I sing the birth
Alleluya, sing to Jesus
Alleluya, sing to Jesus
Alleluya, sing to Jesus – Hyfrydol (Prichard)
Alleluya, sing to Jesus – Hyfrydol (Prichard/Vaughan Williams/Cleobury)
Almayne, Op 71 (Gibbs)
Almond, wild almond (Peel)
Alone in the desert, alone, I'm alone
Alone to sacrifice Thou goest Lord
Along the field
Alphorn, TrV64 (Strauss/Bliss/Glynn)
Als ihr Geliebter schied
Altar dance and heavenly pavane
Amang the trees (Scott)
A-moaning thou, my own dear one
An acre of land (Vaughan Williams)
An apprentice angel (Scott)
An aside
An die Musik, D547 (Schubert/Moore)
An Eriskay love lilt (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An Eriskay Lullaby (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An Irish Idyll in Six Miniatures, Op 77 (Stanford)
An Irish Melody 'The Londonderry Air' (Bridge)
An island sheiling song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An old carol (Quilter)
An Oxford Elegy (Vaughan Williams)
And as Moses lifted up the serpent
And as they spake
And did those feet in ancient time
And did those feet in ancient time
And did those feet in ancient time
And every nymph of stream and spreading tree
And he came by her cabin to the west of the road, calling
And he came by her cabin to the west of the road, calling
And he shall purify the sons of Levi
And I saw a new heaven (Bainton)
And I saw another angel
And in that day it shall be said
And it came to pass
And it was so, that the Lord turned the captivity of Job (Narrator)
And old Silenus, shaking a green stick
And one of the malefactors
And sorrow and sighing shall flee away
And straightway Jesus constrained
And suddenly there came from heaven
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude (soprano)
And the Lord said to Satan (Narrator/Chorus/Satan)
And the ransomed of the Lord
And then she called out of the hollow turrets
And there came a messenger to Job, and said (Narrator/Shepherd Boy/Job/Satan/Chorus)
And they came to a place named Gethsemane
And very early in the morning
And when the day of Pentecost
And when they were come
And with his stripes we are healed
And yet I love her till I die
Andalucia Suite (Lecuona/Nash)
Andante in E flat major
Andantino in D flat 'Moonlight and Roses'
Andy Flower Duet (Delibes/Stilgoe)
Angel spirits of sleep
Angel spirits of sleep (Bainton)
Angels from the realms of glory (Anon/Shaw)
Angels from the realms of glory (Matthews)
Angels from the realms of glory (Smart/Cullen)
Angels from the realms of glory (Storace/Williams)
Angels, roll the rock away! (Taylor)
Angelus, Op 56 (Elgar)
Angel-voices ever singing
Angel-voices ever singing
Angel-voices ever singing – Angel Voices (Monk)
Angel-voices ever singing – Angel Voices (Monk/Cleobury)
Ann's cradle song, Op 20 No 1 (Gibbs)
Apollyon: The fight –
Après un rêve, Op 7 No 1 (Fauré/Isserlis)
Arab Love Song, Op 25 No 4 (Quilter)
Arabesque, Op 20 No 1 (Bowen)
Arabia (Browne)
Araby, Op 20 No 2 (Gibbs)
Are your minds set upon righteousness, O ye congregation?
Armida's garden (Parry)
Arrogant poppies (Gibbs)
As down by the shore I wander early at morn
As for the Gods of Heaven
As I walked out one fine summer's morning
As I walked out one morning
As I walked over London Bridge
As I walked through the wildness of this world I lighted on a certain place
As I was crossing Tanner's Hill
As I went down to Taunton Town
As I went out one May morning
As I went up a woodland walk
As torrents in summer
As with gladness, men of old
Ascribe unto the Lord
Ask me why I send you here
Asleep! O sleep a little while, white pearl!
Assemble, all ye maidens
At fall of glowing summer day
At last things came to an hubbub and great stir in the fair
At sea
At the last, tenderly
At the mid hour of night (Anon/Hullah)
At the mid hour of night (Anon/Stevenson)
At the name of Jesus
At the round earth's imagined corners
Aubade (Awake): Lento – Allegretto
Aubade, Op 4 (Sammons)
Auf ein altes Bild
Auftritt des Cléonte
Aus deinen Augen fliessen meine Lieder (Delius)
Autumn (Bridge)
Autumn Evening
Avalon (Jolson/DeSylva/Rose/Thornton)
Ave Maria (Clarke)
Ave Maria (Clements/Ravel)
Ave Maria (Gounod/Mawby)
Ave Maria (Schubert/Thomas)
Ave Maria! maiden mild!
Ave Maria, H49 (Holst)
Ave Maria, Op 2 No 2 (Elgar)
Ave maris stella, Op 2 No 3 (Elgar)
Ave Mary! – Look down, O Queen, on thy children lowly bending
Ave verum corpus, Op 2 No 1 (Elgar)
Avenging and bright (Anon/Stevenson)
Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion (Stainer)
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Archer)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Briggs)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Cullen)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Hawkesworth)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Lawson)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Llewellyn)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Moore)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Murray/Gant)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Quinney)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Rutter)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Short)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Willcocks)
Away in a manger (Bishop/Gant)
Away in a manger (Murray/Rutter)
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
Ay waukin, O (Scott)
Aye, my lad, I've borne my creel
Aylesbury Games (Boughton)
B for Barney (Anon/Hughes)
B.G.N. (Andante)
Babes in Toyland (Herbert/Langey)
Bacchus, young Bacchus! good or ill betide
Bagatelle (Ireland)
Bagatelle, Op 3 (Sammons)
Bal masqué
Ballade in C minor, Op 73 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Ballade No 2, Op 87 (Bowen)
Ballade: Moderato, ma sempre a piacere
Ballata and Ballabile, Op 160 (Stanford)
Ballerina (Ireland)
Ballet of the unhatched chicks
Barbara Allen (Anon/Quilter)
Barcarolle: Andante languido
Barwick Green
Bassoon Sonata in F (Hurlstone)
Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me
Be merciful unto me, O God, for man goeth about to devour me
Be strong and play the man
Be thou my judge, O Lord, for I have walked innocently
Beat! beat! drums! –
Beati quorum via
Beautiful bountiful Bertie
Beautiful up from the deeps of the solemn sea
Beckon to me to come
Bed in summer (Ireland)
Before Sleep
Behind the lines (Coles)
Behind the lines (Coles/Brabbins)
Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow (soprano/tenor)
Behold now, praise the Lord
Behold the Lamb of God
Behold, the sea itself
Believe me if all those endearing young charms (Anon/Moore/Stevenson)
Bells across the meadows (Ketèlbey)
Benbecula Bridal Procession (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Beneath my palm tree, by the river side
Benedictus, Op 37 No 3 (Mackenzie)
Berceuse (Ireland)
Berceuse, Op 6 (Sammons)
Berceuse, Op 83 (Bowen)
Bethlehem (Boughton)
Beyond the bar of fair Manaar
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bird of Love Divine (Wood)
Bird Songs at Eventide (Coates)
Birds at the Fairy Fulling (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Blackberry time
Blackmwore by the Stour (Vaughan Williams)
Bless this House (Brahe)
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Blessed are the pure in heart (Davies)
Blessed are they that alway keep judgment
Blessed are those that are undefiled in the way
Blessed be the God and Father (Wesley)
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Blessed be the Lord my strength
Blessed city, heavenly Salem (Bairstow)
Blessed is he that considereth the poor and needy
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
Blessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly
Blest are the pure in heart
Blest pair of sirens (Parry)
Blest pair of sirens (Parry/Cook)
Blest pair of sirens (Smith)
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Blow, blow, thou winter wind (Bridge)
Boer War Te Deum (Sullivan)
Bohemesque (Wolstenholme)
Bolero (Bowen)
Boléro (Ravel/Bullard)
Bonnie wee thing (Lehmann)
Bourrée, Op 12 (Sammons)
Bow down thine ear, O Lord, and hear me
Bowered on sloping hillsides rise
Bredon Hill
Bredon Hill and other songs (Butterworth)
Bridal Song
Brigg Fair 'An English Rhapsody' (Delius)
Bright is the ring of words
Bright is the ring of words
Brightest and best are the sons of the morning
Bring me a ball that's really old
Bring unto the Lord, O ye mighty
Bring unto the Lord, O ye mighty, bring young rams unto the Lord
Bring us in good ale, H131 (Holst)
Bring us, O Lord God (Harris)
Britannia 'A Nautical Overture', Op 52 (Mackenzie)
Brittany, Op 21 No 1 (Farrar)
Brouillards: Modéré
Brown is my love
Bruyères: Calme
Burns 'Second Scotch Rhapsody', Op 24 (Mackenzie)
Bushes and briars (Vaughan Williams)
Busy-ness!: Allegro molto
But he that over-rules all things so wrought it about that Christian for that time escaped his tormentors
But now my soul is poured out upon me (Job)
But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (soprano/tenor)
But we, with our dreaming
But when Thou joinest with the Nine
But who may abide the day of his coming? (alto/bass)
But, tell me (Buttercup/Boatswain)
By a bierside (Gibbs)
By a fountainside
By myself walking
By the sleepy lagoon (Coates)
By yon bonny banks and yon bonny braes
Bydlo 'A Polish Ox-cart'
C.A.E. (L'istesso tempo)
Ca' the yowes (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Cabbages, Cabeans and Carrots (Stanley/Allen)
Caelos ascendit hodie
Calling all workers (Coates)
Camel Caravan
Can I forget you, or will my heart remind me? (Kern/Chilcott)
Can I survive this overbearing (Ralph/Chorus/Dick/Josephine/Hebe/Boatswain)
Canope: Très calme et doucement triste
Cantilena for clarinet and orchestra 'Poem', Op 51 (Spain-Dunk)
Canzonetta, Op 20 (Sammons)
Caoine 'A Lament'
Capriccio in A major, Op 34 No 3 (Clementi)
Capriccio in B flat major, Op 17 (Clementi)
Capriccio in C major, Op 47 No 2 (Clementi)
Capriccio in E minor, Op 47 No 1 (Clementi)
Capriccio in F major, Op 34 No 4 (Clementi)
Capriccio. Allegretto 'To Dolly'
Caprice in E major, Op 22 (Bennett)
Caprice No 24 (Paganini/Skip Martin/Thornton)
Caractacus, Op 35 (Elgar)
Carefully on tiptoe stealing (Chorus/Dick/Captain)
Carillon, Op 75 (Elgar)
Carissima (Elgar)
Caristiona (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Caristiona (Bantock)
Carol of the bells (Leontovych/Roberts)
Cast me not away (Wesley)
Catacombae: Sepulchrum Romanum – Con mortuis in lingua mortua
Cavatina (Ireland)
Cavatina and Scherzino
Ce qu'a vu le vent d'ouest: Animé et tumultueux
Cello Concerto in D minor (Stanford)
Cello Concerto in E minor, Op 85 (Elgar)
Cello Concerto in G minor, Op 32 (Dietrich/Grützmacher)
Cello Sonata No 2 in F major, Op 123 (Saint-Saëns/Freeman-Attwood)
Cello Sonata, H125 (Bridge)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Fryer)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Fryer/Pienaar)
Chalk Farm to Camberwell Green (Monckton)
Chanson d'automne (Delius)
Chanson de matin, Op 15 No 2 (Elgar)
Chanson de nuit, Op 15 No 1 (Elgar)
Charles Augustus Fortescue. who always did what was right, and so accumulated an immense fortune (Lehmann)
Charming weather
Cherry Ripe (Bridge)
Cherry Ripe (Scott)
Chevy Chace (Macfarren)
Chieftain of Tyrconnell (Stanford)
Children's Corner, L119 (Debussy/Manson)
Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda. Group 3, H99 Op 26 No 3 (Holst)
Choral Song and Fugue (Wesley)
Choral Symphony No 1, H155 Op 41 (Holst)
Chords of heavy quality
Christ being raised from the dead (Jarvis)
Christ is our cornerstone
Christmas Carol (Davies)
Christmas Dance
Christus (Bantock)
Clair de lune
Clarinet Concerto in A minor, Op 80 (Stanford)
Clarinet Concerto in E flat major (Hook)
Clarinet Concerto No 2 in F major (Mahon)
Clarinet Quintet in F sharp minor, Op 10 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Clarinet Quintet in G major (Somervell)
Clarinet Sonata (Bax)
Closely let me hold thy hand
Cloud, if as thou dost melt
Cockaigne 'In London Town', Op 40 (Elgar)
Cold is the air
Come away, death
Come away, death
Come away, death (Dale)
Come away, death (Vaughan Williams)
Come down, O love divine
Come down, O Love divine
Come down, O Love divine – Down Ampney (Vaughan Williams)
Come down, O Love divine – Down Ampney (Vaughan Williams/Pinel)
Come Love, come Lord
Come o'er the sea (Anon/Stevenson)
Come to me in my dreams (Bridge)
Come to me in the silence of the night
Come you, Mary, Op 21 No 2 (Farrar)
Come! give it a lift, our old-time march-song
Come, all ye gallant seamen bold
Come, dearest heart, 'mid the flow'rs of June
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Attwood)
Come, labor on!
Come, lovely Name
Come, my way, my truth, my life
Come, O come, my life's delight
Come, O Sabean horde! Come, and destroy! (Satan/Chorus)
Come, rest in this bosom (Anon/Stevenson)
Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Come, ye thankful people, come
Come, ye thankful people, come
Come, ye thankful people, come – St George's Windsor (Elvey)
Come, ye thankful people, come – St George's Windsor (Elvey/Cleobury)
Comedy Overture (Ireland)
Comfort ye, my people (tenor)
Complete Service in F (Darke)
Concert Fantasia, Op 91 (Lemare)
Concert Fantasy on the tune 'Hanover', Op 4 (Lemare)
Concert Fantasy on themes from Die Fledermaus (Strauss Jr./Pavia)
Concert study for piano No 1 in G flat major, Op 9 No 2 (Bowen)
Concert study for piano No 2 in F major, Op 32 (Bowen)
Concertino for piano and string orchestra, Op 103 (Gibbs)
Concerto for flute and strings in D major (Boughton)
Concerto for oboe and strings No 1 in C (Boughton)
Concerto for string orchestra (Boughton)
Concerto for violin and string orchestra (Vaughan Williams)
Concerto in D major, Op 1 No 5 (Hook)
Concertstück (Cowen)
Concertstück in E minor (Macfarren)
Concertstück in the form of a Polonaise No 1, Op 80 (Lemare)
Confortare (Parratt)
Corde natus ex parentis 'Of the Father sole begotten' 'A Symphonic Poem', Op 27 (Pearce)
Coriolanus, Op 61 (Mackenzie)
Cornish Rhapsody (Bath)
Coronach (Attwood)
Coronation March, Op 65 (Elgar)
Coronation Te Deum (Parry/Ives)
Country life (Scott)
Coventry Carol (Anon/Shaw)
Cowslip time
Cradle Song
Cradle song (Bridge)
Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Nieper)
Cradle Song (Sammons)
Cranbrook (Clark)
Creation Symphony in C sharp minor (Wallace)
Creator of the starry height
Crimond (Irvine/Roberton)
Crossing the bar 'Sunset and evening star' (Parry)
Crowdiknowe (Scott)
Crown him with many crowns
Cruckhaun Finn (Anon/Hughes)
Cruelty has a human heart
Crug-y-bar 'Fantasia: Andante sostenuto'
Cuchullan's Lament
Culloden 'A country dance': Quick and merry
Cupid and Venus (Scott)
Cynara (Delius)
Daisies are our silver
Dale and Fell (Gibbs)
Damask roses
Dance Caprice, Op 15 (Sammons)
Dance of Job's comforters – Job's curse – A vision of Satan seated on God's throne
Dance of the headman and hobby-horse
Dance of the three girls
Dance of the three messengers
Dance of the witches
Dance of the youngest couple
Dance to your shadow (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Danger (Gibbs)
Danse macabre, Op 40 (Saint-Saëns/Lemare)
Danse nègre, Op 58 No 5 (Scott)
Danseuses de Delphes: Lent et grave
Dante and Beatrice (Bantock)
Darest thou now O soul
Darest thou now, O soul
Darest thou now, O soul (Vaughan Williams)
Dark brown is the river, golden is the sand
Dark red roses in a honeyed wind swinging
Das Bürger als Edelmann Suite, Op 60 (Strauss/Carey)
Dass du mich liebst, Op 4 No 3 (Stanford)
Daugher of Zeus
Dawn and evening (Bridge)
Day after day (Bridge)
Daybreak and Sunrise
Daydream (Satie/Rutter)
Dear Andy Flower
Dear Earth, near Earth, the clay that made us men
Dear harp of my country 'The Farewell to My Harp' (Anon/Stevenson)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Dear Lord and Father of mankind – Repton (Parry)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind – Repton (Parry/Scott)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind – Repton (Parry/Willcocks/Scott)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Parry/Chambers)
Dear thoughts are in my mind, and my soul soars enchanted
Dear, think not that they will forget you 'Her temple'
Dear, when I look into thine eyes (Bridge)
Dearly beloved (Kern/Chilcott)
Death in Love
Death in Love
Death of Oneiza: Appassionato con dolore
Death on the hills, Op 72 (Elgar)
Deep in my soul
Deliver me from mine enemies, O God
Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man
Demande et réponse
Demoiselle chic
Denn alles Fleisch es ist wie Gras
Denn es gehet dem Menschen
Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt
Denny's daughter
Deo gracias
Der alte Brummbär 'The old grumbler' 'Polka', Op 210 (Fučik/Perkins)
Der Schmetterling ist in die Rose verliebt, Op 4 No 6 (Stanford)
Des Menschen Seele
Des pas sur la neige: Triste et lent
Destiny (Baynes)
Devon, O Devon, in wind and rain
Diaphenia (Browne)
Die drei Schwestern
Die helle Sonne leuchtet
Die Könige
Die Mädchen mit den verbundenen Augen
Die Wellen blinken und fliessen dahin
Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz
Dirge for Fidele (Vaughan Williams)
Dirge for two veterans –
Dirge in woods
Disappointment (Stainer)
Dishevelled and in tears, go, song of mine
Divertissement, Op 36 (Parish-Alvars)
Diverus and Lazarus, H137 (Holst)
Domine, Jesu Christe
Don Quixote (Minkus/Hough)
Dona nobis pacem (Vaughan Williams)
Dona nobis pacem (Vaughan Williams/Rathbone)
Don't ever leave me (Kern/Chilcott)
Dorabella (Intermezzo: Allegretto)
Douze Pièces Nouvelles, Op 7 (Bonnet)
Down among the dead men
Down among the dead men (Vaughan Williams)
Down by the salley gardens (Anon/Hughes)
Down in the gleamy vale (Linley)
Down then came that maiden fair
Down with the rascal
Drake he's in his hammock and a thousand miles away
Dream children, Op 43 (Elgar)
Dreaming (Joyce)
Dreaming: Lento –
Dreams all too brief
Drei Kön’ge wandern aus Morgenland
Dremlen feygl (Yampolsky/Young)
Drink to me only with thine eyes (Anon/Quilter)
Drinking Song
Drop, drop, slow tears
Dry your sweet cheek (Stainer)
Duet for basset horns No 1 in F major (Mahon)
Duet for basset horns No 4 in B flat major (Mahon)
Dulcinea's variation
Duna (McGill)
During music
Dweller in my deathless dreams (Bridge)
E.D.U. Finale (Allegro – Presto)
Early one morning (Grainger/Tall)
Earth today rejoices, Alleluia
Earth's call 'A sylvan rhapsody' (Ireland)
Ecce sacerdos magnus (Elgar)
Echo (Somerset)
Echoes of a Waterfall. Caprice (Thomas)
E'en as a lovely flower (Bridge)
Eilean Shona (Holbrooke)
Ein Alphorn hör’ ich schallen
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op 45 (Brahms/Farrington)
Ein Schwanengesang (Farjeon/Lidström)
Eine Liebe im schottischen Hochlande (Lamond)
El paño moruno
Elegiac Trio (Bax)
Elegy (Coles)
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
Elihu's dance of youth and beauty
Ellen's Song (Attwood)
Elves, Op 17 (Matthay)
Empty vessel (Scott)
England, my England (Vaughan Williams)
English Lyrics II (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics III (Parry)
English Lyrics IV (Parry)
English Lyrics IV (Parry)
English Lyrics V (Parry)
English Lyrics V (Parry)
English Lyrics VI (Parry)
English Lyrics VI (Parry)
English Lyrics VI (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VII (Parry)
English Lyrics VIII (Parry)
English Lyrics VIII (Parry)
English Lyrics XI (Parry)
English May
English Motets, Op 135 (Stanford)
English Motets, Op 135 (Stanford)
English Motets, Op 135 (Stanford)
Enter Spring (Bridge)
Entflieh mit und sei mein Weib
Envoi. Andantino 'To Dolly'
Envoy (Coda)
Epic March (Ireland)
Epitaph on John Jayberd of Diss
Epitaph on Salathiel Pavy (Browne)
Erin! the smile and the tear in thine eyes (Anon/Stevenson)
Estaminet de Carrefour
Et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut
Eternal Father
Étude (Thomas)
Étude retrouvée (Debussy/Howat)
Études-tableaux, Op 39 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Evening Canticles in D (Brewer)
Evening Canticles in E major (Wesley)
Evening Hymn
Evening Hymn (Gardiner)
Evening Scene (Elgar)
Evening Service in A, Op 12 (Stanford)
Evening Service in B minor (Blair)
Evening Service in B minor, Op 6 (Noble)
Evening Service in D major (Dyson)
Evening Service in D major 'Great Service' (Parry)
Evening Service in E flat (Stanford)
Evening Service in G (Bairstow)
Evening Song
Ever let the fancy roam
Every valley shall be exalted (tenor)
Evil lost for ever
Ex ore innocentium (Ireland)
Except the Lord build the house
Exultate Deo (Wesley)
Faery Flout: Allegro giocoso
Fain would I change that note
Fain would I change that note
Fair daffodils (Bridge)
Fair daffodils, we weep to see
Fair house of joy
Fair house of joy
Fair in face (Willan)
Fair moon, to thee I sing (Captain/Narrator)
Faire is the heaven (Harris)
Fairies and Elves! Gone is the night
Fairies and giants
Fairy Dawn: Quasi allegro molto moderato
Fairy pipers: Allegretto
Fancy Dress (Gibbs)
Fancy Free (Swinstead)
Fancy's Knell
Fantaisie and Variations on Au clair de la lune, Op 48 (Clementi)
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, BWV537 (Bach/Elgar)
Fantasia and Fugue in G major (Parry)
Fantasia and ground bass (Dyson)
Fantasia and Toccata in D minor, Op 57 (Stanford)
Fantasia for four violas, Op 41 No 1 (Bowen)
Fantasia in G major 'Pièce d'orgue', BWV572 (Bach/Bax)
Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis (Vaughan Williams)
Fantasia on Christmas Carols (Vaughan Williams)
Fantasia on 'David of the White Rock' (Thomas)
Fantasie in C major, Op 17 (Schumann/Joseph James)
Fantasie Sonata in B major (Parry)
Fantastic in appearance
Fantasy for clarinet and string quartet No 1 in G minor (Stanford)
Fantasy for clarinet and string quartet No 2 in F major (Stanford)
Fantasy for Horn Quintet in A minor (Stanford)
Far are the shades of Arabia
Far I hear the galloping galley
Far, far from each other (Bridge)
Fare thee well, my sun and moon light
Fare you well, my dear, I must be gone
Farewell! I go to sleep; but when
Farewell, my own (Ralph/Josephine/Sir Joseph/Boatswain/Dick/Hebe/Buttercup/Chorus)
Farewell, thou art too dear for my possessing (Parry)
Farrucca (Falla/Walker)
Fear no more the heat o' the sun
Fear not, O land (Elgar)
Feasting I watch
Felix does not understand how people can imprison birds in cages
Festal Communion Service in B flat, Op 128 (Stanford)
Festival toccata (Fletcher)
Feuilles mortes: Lent et mélancolique
Fifine at the fair (Bantock)
Fill the bumper fair! (Anon/Stevenson)
Finale: Night stampede
Finlandia, Op 26 (Sibelius/Fricker)
Finlandia, Op 26 (Sibelius/Skinner)
Firmly I believe and truly
First love (Scott)
Five Characteristic Pieces, Op 93 (Stanford)
Five English folk songs (Vaughan Williams)
Five eyes, Op 15 No 2 or Op 9 No 3 (Gibbs)
Five Greek Folksongs (Bax)
Five Mystical Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Five o'clock foxtrot (Ravel/Palmer)
Five Partsongs from the Greek anthology, Op 45 (Elgar)
Five Pieces (Gardiner)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Poems of the Spirit (Bairstow)
Five Shakespeare Songs, Op 23 (Quilter)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs to poems by Thomas Hardy (Ireland)
Five Tudor Portraits. A Choral Suite in five movements (Vaughan Williams)
Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus (Vaughan Williams)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Five XVIth-century poems (Ireland)
Flora's Queen (Stainer)
Florine (Scott)
Flos Campi (Vaughan Williams)
Flourish for an Occasion (Harris)
Flower-girl's song
Flowing from the firmament
Fly envious Time, till thou run out thy race
Fly not yet (Anon/Stevenson)
Fly, singing bird, fly
For all the Saints who from their labours rest
For all the saints who from their labours rest
For all the Saints who from their labours rest – Engelberg (Stanford)
For all the saints who from their labours rest – Sine nomine (Vaughan Williams)
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass)
For brilliancy in passagework
For ever mine (Stanford)
For finger staccato
For her my heart was longing
For I hold that on the seas (Sir Joseph/Hebe/Chorus/Narrator)
For I know that Thou shalt bring me unto death (Job)
For in the wilderness shall waters break out
For lo, I raise up, Op 145 (Stanford)
For octave playing
For our heart shall rejoice in him
For pianissimo legato playing and melody
For she was beautiful
For the beauty of the earth
For the fallen
For the fallen
For the 'five fingers'
For the love of Jesus
For this mortal must put on immortality
For trills and tremolos
For unto us a child is born
For various pedal effects
For we are afar with the dawning
Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Fountain dance: Allegretto comodo
Fountain reverie (Fletcher)
Four Characteristic Pieces (Hurlstone)
Four Child Songs, Op 5 (Quilter)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Four Indian Love Lyrics (Woodforde-Finden)
Four Irish Dances (Stanford/Grainger)
Four Old English Carols, H82 (Holst)
Four Old English Lyrics (Delius)
Four Old English Lyrics (Delius)
Four Shakespeare Songs, Op 30 (Quilter)
Four Songs for a mad sea captain, Op 111 (Gibbs)
Four Songs of Mirza Schaffy, Op 2 (Quilter)
Four Songs, Op 14 (Quilter)
Four Songs, Op 14 (Quilter)
Four Studies in English Folk-song (Vaughan Williams/Stanton)
Four Verlaine Songs (Coles)
Fourteen Chorale Preludes (Parry)
Fra Giacomo (Coles)
Fragments from Hans Andersen, Op 58/61 (Bowen)
Friend o' mine (Sanderson)
Friendship in misfortune
Froissart, Op 19 (Elgar)
From Easter Day
From far, from eve and morning
From Jewish Life (Bloch/Palmer)
From the brake the nightingale sings exulting to the rose
From the eastern mountains
From the red rose (Stanford)
From the rising of the sun (Ouseley)
From the Scottish Highlands (Coles)
Frühling, Op 4 No 4 (Stanford)
Fugue (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Full day
Full fathom five
Funeral March in Honour of Beethoven (Webbe Jr.)
G.R.S. (Allegro di molto)
Gabriel's message (Anon/Pettman)
Galliard of the sons of the morning
Galway Bay (Colahan)
Gaspard de la nuit (Ravel/Goossens)
Gavotte: Quasi lento
Geistliches Lied, Op 30 (Brahms/Gardiner)
Gerontius (Dykes)
Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D705 (Schubert/Asti)
Giant Despair
Ging heut' morgen über's Feld
Give me my scallop-shell of quiet
Give sentence with me, O God, and defend my cause against the ungodly people
Give to God our thankful songs (Haydn/Gardiner)
Give to me the life I love
Give to me the life I love
Give unto the Lord, Op 74 (Elgar)
Gloria in excelsis
Glorious and powerful God
Glory be to God on high
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven!
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to Thee, Father!
Gnossienne No 1 (Satie/Corp)
Gnossienne No 1 (Satie/Le Page)
Gnossienne No 2 (Satie/Corp)
Gnossienne No 3 (Satie/Corp)
Go happy rose, and interwove
Go not, happy day (Bridge)
Go thou on before us
Go, for they call you, Shepherd, from the hill
Go, little boat (Kern/Chilcott)
Go, lovely rose, Op 24 No 3 (Quilter)
Go, song of mine, Op 57 (Elgar)
Goal and wicket
God and the universe
God be in my head (Davies)
God be merciful unto us, and bless us
God be with our boys tonight (Sanderson)
God bless the time when cowslips grow
God of the golden bow
God so loved the world
God so loved the world (Williams/Stainer)
God standeth in the congregation of princes
God's Garden (Lambert)
Golden slumbers kiss your eyes
Goldenhair (Bridge)
Good Friday
Good Friday Music
Good-bye to love (Grainger/Gibbs)
Goodmorrow (Elgar)
Goyescas, o Los majos enamorados (Granados/Bartlett/Robertson)
Grand March from Aïda (Verdi/Lemare/Herrick)
Grande fantaisie et variations de bravoure sur des motifs italiens (Parish-Alvars)
Grandes Études de Paganini, S141 (Liszt/Paganini/Taylor)
Grania and Diarmid, Op 42 (Elgar)
Grant, O Lord, to our most blessed Patriarch
Great god of love (Pearsall)
Great hail! we cry to the comers
Great is the Lord and highly to be praised
Great is the Lord, Op 67 (Elgar)
Great things (Ireland)
Great things (Ireland/Williams)
Greater love hath no man (Ireland)
Greensleeves (Vaughan Williams)
Gretchens Bitte 'Gretchen im Zwinger', D564 (Schubert/Britten)
Große Fantasie 'Wanderer', D760 Op 15 (Schubert/Joseph James)
Guide me, O thou great redeemer
Guide me, O thou great redeemer
Guide me, O thou great redeemer – Cwm Rhondda (Hughes)
Guide me, O thou great redeemer – Cwm Rhondda (Hughes/O'Donnell)
Gymnopédie No 2 (Satie/Corp)
Gypsy Songs, Op 55 (Dvořák/Hough)
H.D.S.-P. (Allegro)
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths
Hail, gladdening Light
Hail, men-o'-war's men – I’m called Little Buttercup (Buttercup/Narrator)
Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
Handelian Rhapsody (Scott/Grainger)
Hardanger (Bax)
Hark what a sound, and too divine for hearing
Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells
Hark! I hear the tramp of thousands
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Battiwalla)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Cleobury)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Cummings)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Ledger)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Llewellyn)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Rutter/Willcocks)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Tarney)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Willcocks)
Hark, my soul, how everything
Harp Quintet (Bax)
Harry the tailor
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days? (Chorus)
Hast thou seen that lordly castle?
Have mercy upon me, O God
Have you seen but a white lily grow?
Hawthorn Time (Ireland)
He is gone on the mountain
He listlessly stood by the wall
He made himself of no reputation
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd (alto/soprano)
he was born in Ballytearim where there's little work to do
He was cut off out of the land of the living (soprano/tenor)
He who binds himself with joy
He who would valiant be
He will swallow up death in victory
He wishes for the cloths of heaven (Yeats)
Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness
Hear my crying, O God
Hear my law, O my people
Hear my prayer, O God
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and consider my desire
Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer
Hear my words, ye people (Parry)
Hear my words, ye people (Parry/Ives)
Hear our hymn, O Goddess
Hear the call!
Hear the right, O Lord
Hear, O thou Shepherd of Israel
Hearken to me gentlemen
Hears not my Phillis (Rogers)
Heart of Fire-love (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Heart's Ease (Bridge)
Heart's haven
Heart's haven
Heart's music (Vaughan Williams)
Helena Variations (Bantock)
Help me, Lord, for there is not one godly man left
Henry King, who chewed little bits of string, and was early cut off in dreadful agonies (Lehmann)
Henry V Overture (Vaughan Williams)
Her song
Heraclitus, Op 110 No 4 (Stanford)
Here comes the falcon for the bride
Herefordshire Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Herefordshire Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Halsey)
Here's the old man
Heroic Epilogue: Allegro moderato
Herr, lehre doch mich
Herr, schicke was du willt
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Horne)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Whittaker)
Hey, ho, the wind and the rain
Hidden Love
Hidden treasure
Hierusalem (Dyson)
Hills of the north, rejoice
Hills of the north, rejoice
Hills of the north, rejoice – Little Cornard (Shaw)
Hills of the north, rejoice – Little Cornard (Shaw/Cullen)
His yoke is easy and his burthen is light
HMS Pinafore, or The lass that loved a sailor (Sullivan)
Hold not thy tongue, O God of my praise
Hold! – Pretty daughter of mine (Captain/Chorus/Ralph/Josephine/Boatswain/Dick/Hebe/Sir Joseph/Narrator)
Holy is the true light (Harris)
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! – Nicaea (Dykes)
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! – Nicaea (Dykes/Cleobury)
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! – Nicaea (Dykes/Pinel/Vivian)
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts
Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Home they brought her warrior dead
Home, sweet home 'Caprice', RO117 Op 51 (Bishop/Gottschalk)
Homeward bound
Hommage à S Pickwick Esq PPMPC: Grave
Hope and love (Shield)
Hope the hornblower (Ireland)
Hör mein Bitten, Op posth. (Mendelssohn/Lapwood)
Hornpipe from Watermusic (Handel/Grainger)
Hornpipe: Rollicking, but not too fast
Horrible is the end of th' unrighteous generation (Smith)
Hosanna to King David's son 'Hosannah' (Taylor)
How beauteous are their feet (Stanford)
How beauteous are their feet 'Zion' (Matthews)
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach (soprano)
How beautiful they are (Spirit Voices)
How beautiful upon the mountains
How calm, how constant are the hills!
How calmly the evening (Elgar)
How dear to me the hour (Anon/Stevenson)
How doth the city sit solitary
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, for ever
How mighty are the Sabbaths
How oft along the woodland way
How should a man be just with God? (Job)
How should I your true love know?
How sweet the answer Echo makes (Anon/Stevenson)
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
How they so softly rest (Willan)
Hoyda, jolly Rutterkin, hoyda!
Hug ò in ò! When winds do blow, sea reivers know the maddening music
Hugh the Drover (Vaughan Williams)
Humoreske, Op 13 No 2 (Sammons)
Humoresque: Presto
Hungarian March
Hungry waters (Scott)
Hymn for a child
Hymn for a musician
Hymn of the Travellers
Hymn to Aphrodite
Hymn to the Dawn
Hymn to the stars
Hymn to the Waters
Hymn Tune Prelude on Song 13 (Gibbons/Vaughan Williams)
Hypochondriacus (Gibbs)
I beheld her, beautiful as a dove (Willan)
I beheld then that he came to the foot of the hill Difficulty
I believe in one God
I bind unto myself today
I came forth from the mouth of the Most High
I cling and swing
I cried unto the Lord with my voice
I dal a du vil, I dal a du ho ro
I deal with the thing that is lawful and right
I got me flowers
I had a dream last night
I hate them that imagine evil things
I have a bonnet trimmed with blue (Anon/Hughes)
I have been there before, O my love!
I have had enough of women, and enough of love
I have no name: I am but two days old
I have prayed for thee
I have trod the upward and the downward slope
I have trod the upward and the downward slope
I have twelve oxen (Ireland)
I heard a voice from heaven (Stanford)
I heard the voice of Jesus say
I heard you singing (Coates)
I know my soul hath power to know all things
I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano)
I know where I'm goin' (Anon/Hughes)
I liken my love to a gossamer afloat in the summer air
I love a lass (Dumbiedykes)
I love my love
I loved thee once, Atthis, long ago
I met at eve the Prince of Sleep
I mind the day
I must go down to the seas again
I must go down to the seas again
I once loved a boy and a bold Irish boy
I once was a bold fellow
I said, I will take heed to my ways
I sang that song on Sunday
I sat down under his shadow (Bairstow)
I saw a fair mayden sytten and sing
I saw a maiden (Anon/Pettman)
I saw the Lord (Stainer)
I see again the hills and valleys glowing
I sing of a maiden
I sing of a maiden that is makeless (Bax)
I sing the birth (Elgar)
I sow'd the seeds of love
I vow to thee, my country
I waited patiently for the Lord
I wander thro' each charter'd street
I wander through the woodlands
I was a baby not so very long ago
I was angry with my friend
I was glad (Parry)
I was glad (Parry/Ives)
I was glad when they said unto me
I was glad when they said unto me
I was not sorrowful 'Spleen'
I was weary
I went then, till I came to the Delectable Mountains
I went to sea as bold as A B
I wha aince in Heaven's heicht (Scott)
I will alway give thanks unto the Lord
I will cry unto God with my voice
I will give thanks unto thee, Lord, with my whole heart
I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord
I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will love thee, O Lord
I will love thee, O Lord my strength
I will magnify thee, O God my King
I will magnify thee, O Lord, for thou hast set me up
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will walk on the earth
I will walk with my love (Anon/Hughes)
I woke before the morning, I was happy all the day
I won't dance (Kern/Chilcott)
I won't dance (Kern/L'Estrange)
I-Brasîl (Delius)
Ich fühle Deinen Odem
Ich hab' ein glühend Messer
Ich halte ihr die Augen zu, Op 7 No 5 (Stanford)
Ich lieb' eine Blume, Op 7 No 1 (Stanford)
Ich reit' ins finstre Land hinein
Ich stand in dunklen Träumen
Ich wandte mich, und sahe an alle
I'd fain ask you a this, but in pops a that
Idyll 'Love scene': Larghetto
Idyll. Allegretto 'To K.M.'
Idylle de printemps (Delius)
If girls and boys were asked what joys
If I could choose (Bridge)
If music be the food of love (Clifton)
If the Lord had not helped me (Bairstow)
If the Lord himself had not been on our side
If the Lord himself had not been on our side
If the Lord himself had not been on our side
If there were dreams to sell (Ireland)
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth
If thou would'st ease thine heart
If truth in hearts that perish
If we believe that Jesus died (Goss)
If we must part (Ireland)
Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit
Il pleure dans mon cœur (Delius)
Il vecchio castello
I'll be near my journey's end
I'll sing thee songs of Araby (Clay)
I'm a decent good Irish body (Anon/Hughes)
I'm a little Yorkshire lass
Im Tiroler Wirsthaus (Scott)
I'm what folks call a 'Johnnie', of the title I'm proud
Images II, L120 (Debussy/Matthews)
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Imperial March, Op 32 (Elgar)
Imperial March, Op 32 (Elgar/Martin)
Impromptu (Elgar)
Improvisation: Andante
In a dream, I spake
In a gondola
In a monastery garden (Ketèlbey)
In a monastery garden (Ketèlbey/Ware)
In a Persian market (Ketèlbey)
In a shady nook one moonlit night
In blackberry time herself and me
In boyhood
In Brittany the churches all day are open wide
In Caesarea Philippi
In dreams
In dreams
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Culloton)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Halsey)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Hyde)
In dulci jubilo, BWV729 (Bach/Berners)
In exitu Israel (Wesley)
In Exitu Israel 'Psalm 114' (Bairstow)
In far-off Malta
In Gethsemane
In grüner Landschaft Sommerflor
In haven
In Jewry is God known
In London here the streets are grey, and grey the sky above
In Memoriam – Titanic
In memoriam (Bax)
In moonlight 'Canto popolare' (Elgar)
In my happy childhood hours
In my sage moments
In pride, high, leapest thou
In prison (Keel)
In Scarlet Town, where I was born
In Smyrna (Elgar)
In summer time I foot the turf
In summertime on Bredon
In summertime on Bredon
In summertime on Bredon (Peel)
In the bleak mid-winter (Darke)
In the bleak mid-winter (Darke/Bevan)
In the bleak mid-winter (Darke/Bullard)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/Gjeilo)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/Jackson)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/L'Estrange)
In the bleak mid-winter (Holst/Wilberg)
In the forest before dawn
In the Garden of the Seraglio
In the highlands, Op 9 (Gibbs)
In the Lord put I my trust
In the morning
In the shadows (Finck)
In the South 'Alassio', Op 50 (Elgar)
In the tower of Magdala
In thee is gladness
In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust
In time of tumult (Scott)
In valleys of springs of rivers
In youth is pleasure, H76 (Holst)
Incidental music from Macbeth (Bantock)
Infant Joy
Intermezzo, Op 21 (Sammons)
Intermezzo: Open country
Into her keeping (Bridge)
Into my heart an air that kills
Introduction and Allegro (Walthew)
Introduction and Allegro, Op 47 (Elgar)
Introduction and Andante
Introduction and Polonaise brillante in C major, Op 3 (Chopin/Bliss)
Introduction et rondo capriccioso, Op 28 (Saint-Saëns/Bryan)
Introduction. The powers of evil: Mesto e lugubre
Invocation, H75 Op 19/2 (Holst)
Irish Rhapsody No 3, Op 137 (Stanford)
Irish skies
Irmelin Prelude (Delius)
Irmelin Rose
Is it nothing to you?
Is my team ploughing?
Is my team ploughing?
Is my team ploughing?
Is thy strength so small? Fear not the lions
Islay Reaper's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Isle of my Heart (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Isobel (Bridge)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Battiwalla)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Cleobury)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Willcocks)
It came upon the midnight clear (Willis/Rice)
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord
It is a thing most wonderful
It is a thing most wonderful
It is not mine to sing the stately grace
It is only a tiny garden (Wood)
It sometimes comes into my head
It was a comely young lady fair
It was a lover and his lass
It was in the prime of the sweet springtime
It was what you bore with you, woman
It's oh to be a wild wind
Iudex crederis esse venturus. Adagio molto solenne e religioso
I've told ev'ry little star (Kern/Chilcott)
Jane Scroop, Her Lament for Philip Sparrow
Je descendis dans mon jardin (Scott)
Jeanie Deans (MacCunn)
Jerusalem (Parry)
Jerusalem (Parry/Stilgoe)
Jerusalem (Parry/Thalben-Ball)
Jerusalem (Parry/Wicks)
Jerusalem the Golden
Jerusalem the Golden (Spark)
Jessie (Knyvett)
Jesu, grant me this, I pray (Gibbons/Bairstow)
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesu, the very thought of thee
Jesu, Thou the Virgin-born
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluya!
Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them'
Jesus, friend of little children
Jewish Song
Jimbo's Lullaby
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Campbell)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Langford)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Parry)
Job (Parry)
Job (Vaughan Williams)
Johnnie came from London town
Johnny Doyle (Anon/Hughes)
Johnny I hardly knew ye (Anon/Hughes)
Jolly Rutterkin
Journey's End
Journey's End
Journey's end (Bridge)
Joy to the world (Anon/Rider)
Joy, shipmate, joy!
Joyful, joyful, we adore thee
Juanita (Norton)
Jubelouvertüre (Weber/Best)
June (Quilter)
Jupiter – The bringer of jollity
Just as I am, without one plea
Just as the tide was flowing
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling
Justorum animae
Kang, kang, kang ki ki kang kang
Kashmiri Song
Keep off the grass
Keltic Lament
Kind Captain (Dick/Captain)
Kindly, kindly, kindly
King Estmere, H70 (Holst)
King of Glorie, King of Peace
King of glory, King of peace (Candlyn)
Kirsteen (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Kishmul's Galley
Kishmul's Galley (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Kitri's variation
Komm, süsser Tod, BWV478 (Bach/Bridge)
La belle dame sans merci (Parry)
La belle dame sans merci (Stanford)
La caprice de Nanette
La captive 'Orientale', Op 12 (Berlioz/Manze)
La cathédrale engloutie: Profondément calme
La chasse, Op 16 (Clementi)
La damnation de Faust, Op 24 (Berlioz/Best)
La danse de Puck: Capricieux et léger
La fantastique
La fille aux cheveux de lin: Très calme et doucement expressif
La lune blanche (Delius)
La Mandoline, Op 84 (Parish-Alvars)
La mer est plus belle que les cathédrales, L85 No 1
La pauvre fleur disait au papillon céleste
La Puerta del Vino: Mouvement de Habanera
La sérénade interrompue: Modérément animé
La tarantelle frétillante
La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune: Lent
Lad and lass thegither
Lady on the silver throne (Goodhart)
Lady, when I behold the roses sprouting
Lament for two violas (Bridge)
Lament: Adagio non troppo e ben marcato
Land of Heart's Desire (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Land of the mountain and the flood (MacCunn)
Larghetto ma appassionato
Lass dich nur nichts nicht dauren mit trauren
Last night by the sheiling was Mhairi, my beloved
Last night I lay a-sleeping
Last night the air was cold and still
Last night, ah, yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine
Late at night alone in the sheiling
Laura Valse (Elgar)
Lawn, as white as driven snow (Linley)
Lay a garland (Pearsall)
Lay a garland on my hearse
Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit (Delius)
Le drapeau belge, Op 79 (Elgar)
Le gibet
Le papillon et la fleur, Op 1 No 1 (Fauré/Richards)
Le son du cor s'afflige vers les bois, L85 No 2
Le vent dans la plaine: Animé
Lead me, Lord, in thy righteousness
Lead, kindly Light
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
Lean close thy cheek (Bridge)
Lean out of the window
L'échelonnement des haies, L85 No 3
Legend (Bax)
Legend (Ireland)
Legend 'The Crown of roses'
Les collines d'Anacapri: Très modéré
Les donneurs de sérénades
Les fées sont d'exquises danseuses: Rapide et léger
Les grands vents venus d'outremer
Les sanglots longs
Les soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon, L150 (Debussy/Matthews)
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir: Modéré
Les tierces alternées: Modérément animé
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Bairstow)
Let all the world in ev’ry corner sing
Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing
Let Beauty awake
Let Beauty awake
Let charming beauty's health go round
Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered
Let my complaint come before thee
Let the day perish wherein I was born (Job)
Let thy loving mercy come also unto me
Let us break their bonds asunder
Let us lift up our heart (Wesley)
Let us with a gladsome mind
Let's begin (Kern/Chilcott)
Let's dance the jig
Liebesleid (Kreisler/Bryan)
Liebesträume – 3 Notturnos für das Pianoforte, S541 (Liszt/Robertson)
Liebst du um Schönheit
Lied der Jungfrau
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Mahler/Matthews)
Lieder und Gesänge IV, Op 96 (Schumann/Bliss)
Life is a milliner's show
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim
Lift up thy voice, O son of man, and cry (Chorus)
Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Light leaves whisper, H20 (Holst)
Light of my soul (Pearsall)
Light of the World
Light staccato chords
Lighten our darkness (Stanford)
Like as a ship (Stainer)
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks
Like the rosy norther glow
Limmerich ohne Worte, Op 372 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
Limoges, the Market Place
Linden Lea (Vaughan Williams)
Litany of the Passion
Little Fugue in G minor, BWV578 (Bach/Borwick)
Little grey home in the West (Löhr)
Little white star on the mountain heather
Live for ever, glorious Lord (Dyson)
Liza Ann
Lo! Christ the Lord is born (Elgar)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending (Madan/Miller/Wesley)
Lo! Star-led chiefs
Loch Broom Love Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Loch Leven Love Lament (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Loch Lomond (Vaughan Williams)
London Bridge
London Landmarks (Wood)
London Suite (Coates)
Lonely I wander through scenes of my childhood
Look not in my eyes
Look not in my eyes
Lookin' back
Lord Jesus, think on me
Lord Maxwell's goodnight (Grainger/Tall)
Lord of the bygone centuries
Lord Randall (Anon/Scott)
Lord! Come away!
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
Lord, her watch thy church is keeping
Lord, how are they increased that trouble me
Lord, I am not high minded
Lord, I call upon thee (Bairstow)
Lord, I will mean an speak thy praise
Lord, let me know mine end
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, remember David and all his trouble
Lord, remember David: and all his trouble
Lord, thou art become gracious unto thy land
Lord, thou hast been our refuge
Lord, thou hast been our refuge (Bairstow)
Lord, thou hast been our refuge 'Psalm 90' (Vaughan Williams)
Lord, thou hast given me a cell
Lord, Who hast made us for Thine own
Lotus Land, Op 47 No 1 (Scott)
Loughareema! Lies so high among the heather
Lourd on my hert (Scott)
Love and friendship
Love bade me welcome
Love calls through the summer night (Quilter)
Love came down at Christmas (Hann/Barber)
Love came down at Christmas (Morris/Cleobury)
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/Cleobury)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/Frogatt)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/O'Donnell)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Blaenwern (Rowlands/Robinson)
Love divine, all loves excelling – Hyfrydol (Prichard/Rutter)
Love gave I to thee, my lover
Love is a bable
Love is a rose (Bridge)
Love is a sickness full of woes (Ireland)
Love of Alba (Scott)
Love on my heart
Love to his singer held a glistening leaf
Love to his singer held a glistening leaf
Love wakes and weeps (Webbe Jr.)
Love went a-riding (Bridge)
Love, could I only tell thee (Capel)
Love, if you knew the light (Lehmann)
Love, Op 18 No 2 (Elgar)
Love, sweet love
Loveliest of trees
Loveliest of trees
Love's garden of roses (Wood)
Love's last gift
Love's last gift
Love's minstrels
Love's minstrels
Love's Philosophy
Love's Philosophy, Op 3 No 1 (Quilter)
Love's Tempest
Lowly, laid in a manger
Lucy Long 'Song, with original variations' (Godfrey)
Lullaby (Gibbs)
Lullaby (Sammons)
Lullaby No 1 (Clarke)
Lullaby. Andantino 'To Maude'
Lullay my liking, H129 (Holst)
Lyric Movement, H191 (Holst)
Macbeth (Sullivan)
Mae 'nghariad i'n Fenws
Magnificat (Bax)
Magnificat (Vaughan Williams)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in D minor (Walmisley)
Magnificat for eight-part chorus in B flat, Op 164 (Stanford)
Maiden crowned with glossy blackness
Mai-Dun (Ireland)
Man born of desire
Man that is born of a woman (Wesley)
Man that is born of woman is of few days (Job)
Mandoline, L43
Mannin veen (Vaughan Williams)
Mantle of blue (Bridge)
Many a time have they fought against me
Many waters cannot quench love
March in D major (Elgar)
March of the Templars, Op 56 (Benedict/Best)
March: Scorched earth
Marche funèbre d'une marionnette (Gounod/Perkins)
Marche héroïque (Brewer)
Marche héroïque in D major, Op 74 (Lemare)
Marche moderne, Op 2 (Lemare)
Marry me now (Anon/Hughes)
Mars – The bringer of war
Mass in G minor (Vaughan Williams)
Mass in G minor (Vaughan Williams/Jacobson)
Mater ora filium (Bax)
Mater ora filium (Wood/Oxley)
Matin provençal
Matthew, Mark and Luke and John
Maud (Somervell)
Méditation (Massenet/Bryan)
Méditation sur le premier prélude de piano de J S Bach 'Ave Maria' (Gounod/Hough)
Meeting at night
Megan's Daughter 'Merch Megan' (Thomas)
Mein schöner Stern!
Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, BWV648 (Bach/Ireland)
Melody (Bowen)
Melody for the C string, Op 51 No 2 (Bowen)
Melody for the G string, Op 47 (Bowen)
Men and brethren
Merciless Beauty (Vaughan Williams)
Mercury – The winged messenger
Messiah, HWV56 (Handel/Goossens/Beecham)
Might I in thy sight appear (Wesley)
Milkwort and bog-cotton (Scott)
Mina (Elgar)
Mine end is come
Miniature Suite for string orchestra and piano (Rootham)
Miniature Suite in C major, Op 14 (Bowen)
Minnespiel, Op 101 (Schumann/Bliss)
Minstrels: Modéré
Minuet (Bach/Petri)
Minuet (Purcell/Cortot)
Minuet of the sons of Job and their wives
Minuet triste, Op 17 No 1 (Sammons)
Miracle of St Basil
Mistletoe (Gibbs)
Mnogaya lieta 'Many years' (Bortniansky/Phillips)
Monday, Tuesday (Anon/Hughes)
Moon soon sets now
Moon, Moon, mischief-making Moon!
Moonstruck (Scott)
More fond than Cushat Dove
Morning and Evening
Morning Song 'Maytime in Sussex' (Bax)
Morning, Communion and Evening Service in A flat major, Op 6 (Harwood)
Morning, Communion and Evening Service in B flat, Op 10 (Stanford)
Morning, Communion and Evening Service in G, Op 81 (Stanford)
Morpheus (Clarke)
Mother and child (Ireland)
Mother Machree (Olcott/Ball)
Moths and butterflies (Dance): Allegretto
Moto perpetuo
Mountain Lovers (Squire)
Moy Mell (Bax)
Muse of the golden throne
Music everywhere 'Rediffusion March' (Coates)
Music, when soft voices die (Bairstow)
Music, when soft voices die (Bridge)
Music, when soft voices die, Op 25 No 5 (Quilter)
Musical Characteristics, Op 19 (Clementi)
My babe on a curling green wave
My cinnamon tree
My dearest heart (Sullivan)
My faint spirit is sitting in the light
My fair
My gallant crew, good morning – I am the Captain of the Pinafore (Captain/Chorus)
My God, my God, look upon me
My God, my King, with joyful view (Shield)
My God, who makes the sun to know
My heart is like a singing bird (Parry)
My heart sheweth me the wickedness of the ungodly
My life's delight
My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land, Op 18 No 3 (Elgar)
My love is fair (Leslie)
My love's an arbutus (Stanford)
My Mother (Miss L H of Liverpool)
My mother was a western woman
My Native Heath (Wood)
My pent-up tears oppress my brain (Bridge)
My proper Bess
My song is love unknown
My song is love unknown
My song is love unknown
My song is love unknown – Love Unknown (Ireland)
My song is love unknown – Love Unknown (Ireland/Cleobury)
My song is love unknown – Love Unknown (Ireland/Vivian)
My song shall be alway of the loving-kindness of the Lord
My song shall be of mercy and judgement'
My soul cleaveth to the dust
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul hath longed for thy salvation
My soul is an enchanted boat (White)
My soul is weary of my life (Job)
My soul, there is a country
My star
My sweetheart's like Venus (Anon/Holst)
My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky
My true love hath my heart
My voice shalt thou hear betimes, O Lord
My wife's a wanton wee thing (Scott)
Myn lyking (Terry)
Nacht und Träume, D827 (Schubert/Isserlis)
Nay but you, who do not love her
Near to Banbridge town, in the County Down
Nearer, my God, to thee
Neglected moon! (Gibbs)
Neig' schön' Knospe Dich zu mir
Neighbours, wherefore are you come?
Neptune – The mystic
Neptune – The mystic
Never mind the why and wherefore (Captain/Sir Joseph/Josephine/Chorus/Narrator)
Never weather-beaten sail
Next thy Tasso's ardent numbers
Nie ma czego trzeba 'Faded and vanished', Op 74 No 13 (Chopin/Isserlis)
Night Fancies (Dale)
Night lies on the silent highways (Bridge)
Nightfall (Gibbs)
Nightfall in winter
Nights of gladness (Ancliffe)
Nimrod (Adagio)
Nimrod (Adagio)
No leaflet stirs upon the silent shore
No longer mourn for me
No star in all the world until you came
No star is o'er the lake
No star is o'er the lake
Noblest, I pray Thee
Noche de paz (Gruber/Burton)
Nocturne and Scherzo (Vaughan Williams)
Nocturne in E flat major, Op 9 No 2 (Chopin/Bliss)
None but the lonely heart, Op 6 No 6 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Nonet (Bax)
Nonet in B flat major (Parry)
Norfolk Rhapsody No 1 (Vaughan Williams)
Normandy 'Symphonic Variations' (Somervell)
North Country Sketches (Delius)
Now chimney tops and gables
Now Christ thee save
Now gently sinks the sun to rest
Now give three cheers – I am the monarch of the sea (Sir Joseph/Hebe/Chorus)
Now in these fairylands
Now in thy splendour go before us
Now is Christ risen from the dead (Fawcett)
Now sleeps the crimson petal
Now sleeps the crimson petal, Op 3 No 2 (Quilter)
Now thank we all our God
Now that my love lies sleeping
Now the day is over
Now what is he after below in the street
Now when Job's friends heard of all this evil (Narrator)
Now, listener, I have told my dream to thee
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland/Grainger)
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis, H127 (Holst)
Nursery Suite (Elgar)
O be joyful in God, all ye lands
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O Brighde! 'Tis seaward, the dreamland, the youth land
O Caledonia! stern and wild
O can ye sew cushions? (Anon/Bantock)
O clap your hands (Stainer)
O clap your hands 'Psalm 47' (Vaughan Williams)
O clap your hands together, all ye people
O come you good people that go out a-tripping
O come, all ye faithful
O come, let us sing unto the Lord
O come, O come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel – Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Hill)
O come, O come, Emmanuel – Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/O'Donnell)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Arnold)
O consider mine adversity and deliver me
O dance of love
O do well unto thy servant
O Earth, lie heavily upon her eyes
O fair, O lovely, As the sweet apple
O father, father build me a boat (Anon/Hughes)
O for a closer walk with God
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O for the wings of a dove
O give thanks unto the Lord (Wesley)
O give thanks unto the Lord and call upon his Name
O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious
O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious
O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious
O gladsome light, O grace
O God my heart is ready, my heart is ready
O God, our help in ages past
O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance
O God, thou art my God
O God, thou hast cast us out
O God, wherefore art thou absent from us so long
O happy eyes, Op 18 No 1 (Elgar)
O happy fair! (Bishop)
O hear ye this, all ye people
O hearken thou, Op 64 (Elgar)
O heartling of my heart (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
O holy night (Adam/Battiwalla)
O holy night (Adam/Cullen)
O holy night (Adam/Rutter)
O how amiable (Vaughan Williams)
O how amiable are the dwellings
O how glorious is the kingdom (Harwood)
O Jesus, I have promised
O Jesus, I have promised
O Jesus, I have promised – Day of rest (Elliott)
O Jesus, I have promised – Wolvercote (Ferguson)
O lady, this is thy own true love
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV656 (Bach/Borwick)
O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Armstrong)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Dunachie)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Garrard)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Marlow)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Simcock)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Tarney)
O living will (Stanford)
O Lord God of my salvation
O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth
O Lord, in me there lieth naught
O Lord, my God (Wesley)
O Lord, thou art my God (Wesley)
O Lord, thou hast searched me out and known me
O Lord, thy word endureth for ever in heaven
O Lord, what is man! (Haydn/Gardiner)
O Love, I complain
O lovely night! (Ronald)
O may we thus insure
O men from the fields
O men from the fields 'Cradle song' (Anon/Hughes)
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine (Addison)
O mistress mine (Dale)
O mistress mine (Morley/Grainger)
O mistress mine! (Farrar)
O most I loved her pretty eyes
O never say that I was false of heart
O perfect Love (Barnby)
O praise God in his holiness
O praise God in his holiness
O praise God in his holiness (Dyson)
O praise the Lord of heav'n
O praise the Lord, for it is a good thing to sing praises unto our God
O praise the Lord, laud ye the Name of the Lord
O praise ye the Lord!
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem
O radiant Luminary of light interminable
O salutaris hostia (Elgar)
O salutaris hostia I (Elgar)
O salutaris hostia II (Elgar)
O salutaris hostia III (Elgar)
O saviour of the world (Ouseley)
O schneller, mein Ross (Delius)
O sing unto me roundelaie (Wesley)
O sing unto the Lord a new song
O sleep thou heav’n-born treasure, thou
O snow, which sinks so light
O sons and daughters (Davies)
O spiritual pilgrim, H188 (Holst)
O streamlet, swiftly flowing
O strength and stay upholding all creation
O swallow, swallow
O talk not to me of my country's delights
O taste and see (Vaughan Williams)
O that I were as in the months past (Job)
O that it were so! (Bridge)
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto)
O thou who camest from above
O Thou, whose mighty palace roof doth hang
O Tod, wie bitter bist du
O vast Rondure, swimming in space
O vos omnes (Vaughan Williams)
O wha my babie-clouts will buy (Scott)
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms?
O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms?
O what their joy and their glory must be (Harris)
O where hae ye been, Lord Randall, my son?
O Wild West Wind
O worship the king
O worship the Lord
O ye priests
O, chì, chì mi na mòrbheanna (Cameron/MacMillan)
O, men from the fields!
Oboe Concerto in A minor (Vaughan Williams)
Oboe Quartet No 1 (Boughton)
Oboe Quintet (Bax)
Ode on a Grecian Urn: Chorus
Of a Rose I Sing a Song (Bax)
Of one that is so fair and bright, H130 (Holst)
Of unrecorded name
Oh fair enough are sky and plain
Oh joy, oh rapture unforeseen (Josephine/Hebe/Ralph/Dick/Captain/Chorus/Buttercup/Sir Joseph)
Oh see how thick the goldcup flowers
Oh swan of slenderness, dove of tenderness
Oh the green hills o’ Somerset
Oh the old ship laughs as she takes the water
Oh! weep for those (Nathan/Isserlis)
Oh! We're off to the fair now the lot of us together
Oh! would that I again (Effie)
Oh, breathe not his name (Anon/Moore/Hughes)
Oh, brother, hear the bells, Saint Basil's bells tolling
Oh, farewell to you my Nancy, ten thousand times adieu
Oh, the sudden wings arising from the ploughed fields brown
Oh, when I marry my blushing bride
Oh, when I was in love with you
Old man river (Kern/Bowen)
Old Simon the cellarer keeps a rare store
Omar Khayyám (Bantock)
On a time the amorous Silvy
On Betelgeuse the gold leaves hang in golden aisles
On Christmas night all Christians sing
On hearing the first cuckoo in spring
On Richmond Hill there lives a lass
On Surrey Hills, Op 30 (Matthay)
On the beach at night alone (Largo sostenuto)
On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me
On the idle hill of summer
On the idle hill of summer
On Time, Op 142 (Stanford)
On Wenlock Edge
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's City
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Hewitt Jones)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Ashby)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Cleobury)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/O'Donnell)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Wells)
Once in royal David's City – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks/Cleobury)
Once in the window of a ham and beef shop
Once there dwelt a little maiden
Once, Paumanok
Ondine: Scherzando
One day there sand a little bird
One flame-winged brought a white-winged harp-player
One flame-winged brought a white-winged harp-player
One morning in the month of May
One thing I'd know
Oneiza's theme: Moderato sostenuto
Onward the tiger and the leopard pants
Onward, Christian soldiers
Or forced them all to flee
Organ Sonata in G major, Op 28 (Elgar)
Organ Sonata No 1 in C sharp minor, Op 5 (Harwood)
Orpheus with his lute (Sullivan)
Orpheus with his lute (Vaughan Williams)
Our bugles sung truce, for the night cloud had lower'd
Our Father
Our Miss Gibbs (Monckton)
Out at sea, fair is she
Out of the deep
Out of the deep have I called unto thee
Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord
Outward bound
Ouvertüre 'Aus dem schottischen Hochlande', Op 4 (Lamond)
Over hill, over dale
Over the bright blue sea
Over the mountain passes
Over the mountains (Anon/Quilter)
Over the quiet hills
Overture 'Die Meistersinger' (Wagner/Lemare/Westbrook/Herrick)
Overture in the style of a tragedy, Op 90 (Stanford)
Overture 'The Comedy of Errors' (Coles)
Overture to a Greek Tragedy (Bantock)
Overture to an Unwritten Tragedy (Parry)
Overture to 'Die Meistersinger' (Wagner/Lemare)
Overture to Die Meistersinger (Wagner/Ronald)
Overture to The barber of Seville (Rossini/Runswick)
Owls, an Epitaph
Paean 'Passacaglia' (Bax)
Pagan Symphony (Bantock)
Pageant of Empire (Elgar)
Pale hands I loved beside the Shalimar
Palestine (Crotch)
Palms of glory, raiment bright
Panis angelicus (Franck/Gant)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Hough)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Rutter)
Paris (Wood)
Parsifal and the Flower Maidens
Partita in D minor (Parry)
Pa's bank (Lehmann)
Pas de quatre (Lutz)
Passepied: Allegro vivacissimo
Passing by (Purcell/Cockram)
Pastoral 'Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit'
Pastorale: Andante con moto
Pater noster (Stanford)
Pavane of the sons of the morning
Peacock Pie 'Suite for string orchestra and piano' (Gibbs)
Pearl of sweet Ceylon
Peer Gynt, Op 23 (Grieg/Siem)
Peer of gods he seems
Pelléas and Mélisande Suite (Wallace)
Pensée capricieuse, Op 9 (Sammons)
Pensée musicale (Ronald)
Pensiero (Bridge)
Personent hodie (Anon/Holst)
Petite Chanson (Sammons)
Petite suite de concert, Op 77 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Phantasie in E minor, Op 34 (Bowen)
Phantasie Trio in C minor 'Piano Trio No 1' (Bridge)
Phantasy in F major, Op 54 (Bowen)
Phantasy Piano Quartet in F sharp minor (Bridge)
Phantasy Quintet (Vaughan Williams)
Phillis is my only joy (Hobbs)
Phoebe sat, sweet she sat
Piano Concerto in A major, Op 15 (Tovey)
Piano Concerto in A minor 'Highland' (Somervell)
Piano Concerto in C major (Clementi)
Piano Concerto in C minor 'original 1904 version' (Delius)
Piano Concerto in C minor, Op 45 (Benedict)
Piano Concerto in D minor (Wood)
Piano Concerto in E flat major (Ireland)
Piano Concerto in E flat major, Op 89 (Benedict)
Piano Concerto in E major, Op 18 (Bache)
Piano Concerto in F sharp major (Parry)
Piano Concerto No 1 in D minor, Op 1 (Bennett)
Piano Concerto No 1 in G major, Op 59 (Stanford)
Piano Concerto No 1 'The Song of Gwyn ap Nudd', Op 52 (Holbrooke)
Piano Concerto No 2 in B flat major, Op 19 (Beethoven/Hough)
Piano Concerto No 2 in D minor (Potter)
Piano Concerto No 2 in E flat major, Op 4 (Bennett)
Piano Concerto No 2 in G major, Op 44 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Piano Concerto No 3 in C minor, Op 9 (Bennett)
Piano Concerto No 3 in G minor 'Fantasia', Op 23 (Bowen)
Piano Concerto No 4 in A minor, Op 88 (Bowen)
Piano Concerto No 4 in E major (Potter)
Piano Concerto No 4 in F minor, Op 19 (Bennett)
Piano Quartet in A flat major (Parry)
Piano Quintet (Erlanger)
Piano Quintet in A minor, Op 84 (Elgar)
Piano Quintet in C minor (Vaughan Williams)
Piano Quintet in C minor, Op 20 (Dunhill)
Piano Quintet in D minor, Op 25 (Stanford)
Piano Quintet in G minor, Op 1 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Piano Quintet, H49a (Bridge)
Piano Sonata in A flat major, WO13 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 1 No 5 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 10 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 2 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 25 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 33 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 50 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 1 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 10 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 12 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 13 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 2 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 24 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 24 No 2 Op 41 No 2 Op 47 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 25 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 46 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 8 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 9 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B minor, Op 40 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 2 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 20 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 25 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 33 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 34 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 37 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 7 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 9 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C sharp minor 'Moonlight', Op 27 No 2 (Beethoven/Bowen)
Piano Sonata in C sharp minor 'Moonlight', Op 27 No 2 (Beethoven/Brody/Reynolds)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 10 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 25 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 37 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 40 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D minor (Dale)
Piano Sonata in D minor, Op 50 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 1 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 11 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 12 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 12 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 23 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 23 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 41 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 7 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 8 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 9 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E major, Op 1 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 1 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 12 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 13 No 5 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 23 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 24 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 26 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 33 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, WO3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F minor, Op 13 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F sharp minor, Op 25 No 5 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 1 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 25 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 37 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 40 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, WO14 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor 'Didone abbandonata', Op 50 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor, Op 34 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor, Op 7 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor, Op 8 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata No 1 in B minor, Op 6 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 2 in B flat minor, Op 36 (Rachmaninov/Osborne)
Piano Sonata No 2 in C sharp minor, Op 9 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 3 in D minor, Op 12 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 5 in F minor, Op 72 (Bowen)
Piano Sonata No 6 in B flat minor, Op 160 (Bowen)
Piano Trio No 1 in E minor (Parry)
Piano Trio No 2 (Bridge)
Piano Trio No 2 in B minor (Parry)
Piano Trio No 3 in G major (Parry)
Pibroch 'Suite for violin and orchestra', Op 42 (Mackenzie)
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Leonard)
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Wills)
Pièce (Fauré/Perkins)
Pierrot of the Minute 'A comedy overture to a dramatic phantasy of Ernest Dowson' (Bantock)
Pifa 'Pastoral Symphony'
Pink Lady Waltz (Caryll/Higgs)
Piping down the valleys wild
Placebo! Who is there, who?
Plaisir d'amour (Martini/Berlioz/Manze)
Plantation Dance, Op 24 (Sammons)
Plead thou my cause, O Lord
Pleading, Op 48 (Elgar)
Pleading, Op 48 (Elgar)
Poëme in D major (Erlanger)
Poëme pastoral (Massenet/Hough)
Poèmes d'automne, Op 3 (Bonnet)
Polka mélancolique
Polonia, Op 76 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D major, Op 39 No 1 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D major, Op 39 No 1 (Elgar/Lemare)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D major, Op 39 No 1 (Elgar/Wills)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 2 in A minor, Op 39 No 2 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 3 in C minor, Op 39 No 3 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 3 in C minor, Op 39 No 3 (Elgar/Farrington)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 4 in G major, Op 39 No 4 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 4 in G major, Op 39 No 4 (Elgar/Sinclair)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 4 in G major, Op 39 No 4 (Elgar/Wills)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 5 in C major, Op 39 No 5 (Elgar)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 5 in C major, Op 39 No 5 (Elgar/Farrington)
Pomp and Circumstance March No 6 (Elgar/Payne)
Ponder my words, O Lord
Possession (Smyth)
Postlude 'Jerusalem on high' (Steggall)
Praise the Lord, my soul (Wesley)
Praise the Lord, O my soul
Praise the Lord, O my soul (Goss)
Praise the Lord, O my soul, while I live will I praise the Lord
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height – Chorus angelorum (Somervell)
Praise to the holiest in the height – Gerontius (Dykes/Archer)
Praise to the holiest in the height – Gerontius (Dykes/Cullen)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Battiwalla)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Cleobury)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Tysoe)
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven!
Pray that Jerusalem
Prayer to the Father of Heaven (Vaughan Williams)
Preamble. Allegro 'To Gwen'
Prelude and Fugue in C minor (Vaughan Williams)
Prelude for Lent, Op 10 No 2 (King)
Prelude in B minor, BWV855a (Bach/Siloti/Le Page)
Prelude in C minor 'Marnic' (Buck)
Prelude on Three Welsh Hymn Tunes (Vaughan Williams)
Prelude to The Eumenides (Wallace)
Prelude to The Meistersinger from Nürnberg (Wagner/Gould/Williams)
Prelude, Andante and Finale, Op 112 (Gibbs/Ashmore)
Prelude. Allegro 'To Maude'
Prelude. Invocation to Pan: Chorus
Prelude: Presto scherzoso – Allegro maestoso
Préludes I, L125 (Debussy/Matthews)
Préludes II, L131 (Debussy/Matthews)
Preludes, Op 32 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Preserve me, O God, for in thee have I put my trust
Pretty Bess
Prince Madoc's Farewell (Stanford)
Processional (Bantock)
Processional to Calvary
Prospero (Corder)
Proud Maisie
Prunella (Dale)
Psalm 1 'Beatus vir, qui non abiit' (Elgar)
Psalm 10 'Ut quid, Domine?' (Attwood)
Psalm 10 'Ut quid, Domine?' (Attwood/Stainer)
Psalm 10 'Ut quid, Domine?' (Stainer)
Psalm 100 'Jubilate Deo' (Attwood)
Psalm 101 'Misericordiam et iudicium' (Nicholson)
Psalm 104 'Benedic, anima mea' (Bevan/Parratt)
Psalm 105 'Confitemini Domino' (Ouseley/Ley)
Psalm 106 'Confitemini Domino' (Stewart)
Psalm 107 'Confitemini Domino' (Bairstow)
Psalm 107 'Confitemini Domino' (Bairstow)
Psalm 108 'Paratum cor meum' (Hurford/Stewart/Harrison/Harrison)
Psalm 109 'Deus, laudem' (Turle)
Psalm 11 'In Domino confido' (Elvey)
Psalm 110 'Dixit Dominus' (Turle)
Psalm 112 'Beatus vir' (Jacobs)
Psalm 115 (Elvey)
Psalm 118 'Confitemini Domino' (Gray/Wesley)
Psalm 119: 105-112 'Lucerna pedibus meis' (Ouseley)
Psalm 119: 113-120 'Iniquos odio habui' (Oakeley)
Psalm 119: 121-128 'Feci iudicium' (Goss)
Psalm 119: 129-136 'Mirabilia' (Coward)
Psalm 119: 137-144 'Iustus es, Domine' (Hopkins)
Psalm 119: 153-160 'Vide humilitatem' (Walmisley)
Psalm 119: 169-176 'Appropinquet deprecatio' (Goss)
Psalm 119: 17-24 'Retribue servo tuo' (Garrett)
Psalm 119: 1-8 'Beati immaculati' (Pye)
Psalm 119: 25-32 'Adhaesit pavimento' (Stewart)
Psalm 119: 41-48 'Et veniat super me' (West)
Psalm 119: 57-64 'Portio mea, Domine' (Attwood)
Psalm 119: 73-80 'Manus tuae fecerunt me' (Skeats Sr.)
Psalm 119: 81-88 'Defecit anima mea' (Gauntlett)
Psalm 119: 89-96 'In aeternum, Domine' (Armes)
Psalm 12 'Salvum me fac' (Goss)
Psalm 120 'Ad Dominum' (Stewart)
Psalm 121 'Levavi oculos' – Requiem aeternam (Davies)
Psalm 121 'Levavi oculos' (Davies)
Psalm 122 'Laetatus sum' (Atkins)
Psalm 122 'Laetatus sum' (Martin)
Psalm 123 'Ad te levavi oculos meos' (Crotch)
Psalm 123 'Ad te levavi oculos meos' (Palmer)
Psalm 124 'Nisi quia Dominus' (Crotch)
Psalm 124 'Nisi quia Dominus' (Garrett)
Psalm 125 'Qui confidunt' (Lloyd)
Psalm 126 'In convertendo' (Garrett)
Psalm 127 'Nisi Dominus' (Goss)
Psalm 128 'Beati omnes' (Goss)
Psalm 129 'Saepe expugnaverunt' (Walmisley)
Psalm 13 'Usquequo, Domine?' (Stewart)
Psalm 130 'De profundis' (Davies)
Psalm 130 'De profundis' (Macpherson)
Psalm 131 'Domine, non est' (Rodgers)
Psalm 132 (Crotch)
Psalm 132 'Memento, Domine' (Maunder/Edwards)
Psalm 134 'Ecce nunc' (Turle)
Psalm 135 'Laudate nomen' (Elvey)
Psalm 138 'Confitebor tibi' (Ley)
Psalm 138 'Confitebor tibi' (Turle)
Psalm 139 'Domine, probasti' (Skeats Jr.)
Psalm 14 'Dixit insipiens' (Attwood)
Psalm 14 'Dixit insipiens' (Stanford)
Psalm 140 'Eripe me, Domine' (Camidge/Elvey)
Psalm 142 'Voce mea ad Dominum' (Stewart)
Psalm 143 'Domine, exaudi' (Hervey)
Psalm 144 'Benedictus Dominus' (Monk)
Psalm 145 'Exaltabo te, Domine' (Hanforth)
Psalm 146 'Lauda, anima mea' (Monk)
Psalm 147 'Laudate Dominum' (Stanford)
Psalm 148
Psalm 148 'Laudate Dominum' (Stanford)
Psalm 149 'Cantate Domino' (Stanford)
Psalm 150 'Laudate Dominum' (Stanford)
Psalm 150 'Laudate Dominum' (Talbot)
Psalm 16 'Conserva me, Domine' (Havergal)
Psalm 17 'Exaudi, Domine' (Turle)
Psalm 18 'Diligam te, Domine' (Gauntlett/Hine)
Psalm 18 'Diligam te, Domine' (Smart)
Psalm 18 'Diligam te, Domine' (Walmisley)
Psalm 18 'Diligam te, Domine' (Walmisley/Wesley/Smart/Robinson)
Psalm 18 'Diligam te, Domine' (Wesley)
Psalm 19 'Caeli enarrant' (Walmisley)
Psalm 21 'Domine, in virtute tua' (Goss)
Psalm 22 'Deus, Deus meus' (Smart)
Psalm 22 'Deus, Deus meus' (Wesley)
Psalm 22 'Deus, Deus meus' (Wesley/Smart)
Psalm 23 'Dominus pastor meus' (Goss)
Psalm 23 'Dominus pastor meus' (Stewart)
Psalm 23, D706 (Schubert/Rutter)
Psalm 24 'Domini est terra' (Barnby)
Psalm 25 'Ad te, Domine, levavi' (Turle)
Psalm 26 'Iudica me, Domine' (Sinclair)
Psalm 27 'Dominus illuminatio' (Hopkins)
Psalm 27 'Dominus illuminatio' (Hopkins/Wolstenholme)
Psalm 27 'Dominus illuminatio' (Wolstenholme)
Psalm 28 'Ad te, Domine' (Hopkins)
Psalm 29 'Afferte Domino' (Attwood)
Psalm 29 'Afferte Domino' (Ley)
Psalm 3 'Domine, quid multiplicati?' (Hopkins)
Psalm 30 'Exaltabo te, Domine' (Lloyd)
Psalm 30 'Exaltabo te, Domine' (Lloyd/Scott)
Psalm 31 'In te, Domine, speravi' (Lloyd)
Psalm 33 'Exultate, iusti' (Turle)
Psalm 34 'Benedicam Domino' (South)
Psalm 35 'Iudica, Domine' (Stonex)
Psalm 36 'Dixit iniustus' (Hopkins)
Psalm 36 'Dixit iniustus' (Stewart)
Psalm 36 'Dixit iniustus' (Stewart/Hopkins)
Psalm 38 'Domine, ne in furore' (Barnby)
Psalm 39 'Dixi, custodiam' (Atkins)
Psalm 4 'Cum invocare' (Elvey)
Psalm 40 'Exspectans exspectavi' (Harwood)
Psalm 41 'Beatus qui intelligit' (Stainer)
Psalm 42 'Quemadmodum' (Wesley)
Psalm 42 'Quemadmodum' (Wesley/Anon)
Psalm 43 'Iudica me, Deus' (Wesley)
Psalm 43 'Iudica me, Deus' (Wesley/Anon)
Psalm 44 'Deus, auribus' (Barnby)
Psalm 44 'Deus, auribus' (Barnby/Anon)
Psalm 47 'Omnes gentes, plaudite' (Davy)
Psalm 48 'Magnus Dominus' (Goss)
Psalm 49 'Audite haec, omnes' (Walmisley)
Psalm 5 'Verba mea auribus' (Davies)
Psalm 51 'Miserere mei, Deus' (Bairstow)
Psalm 52 'Quid gloriaris?' (Scaife)
Psalm 52 'Quid gloriaris?' (Stewart)
Psalm 53 'Dixit insipiens' (Attwood)
Psalm 55 'Exaudi, Deus' (Foster)
Psalm 55 'Exaudi, Deus' (Foster/Martin)
Psalm 55 'Exaudi, Deus' (Martin)
Psalm 56 'Miserere mei, Deus' (Bayley)
Psalm 56 'Miserere mei, Deus' (Bayley/Thalben-Ball)
Psalm 57 'Miserere mei, Deus' (Hopkins)
Psalm 58 'Si vere utique' (Wesley)
Psalm 59 'Eripe me de inimicis' (Stanford)
Psalm 60 'Deus, repulisti nos' (Goss)
Psalm 60 'Deus, repulisti nos' (Goss/Stewart/Harrison/Harrison)
Psalm 60 'Deus, repulisti nos' (Harrison)
Psalm 61 'Exaudi, Deus' (Stewart)
Psalm 63 'Deus, Deus meus' (Atkins)
Psalm 64 'Exaudi, Deus' (Bennett)
Psalm 65 'Te decet hymnus' (Hopkins)
Psalm 66 'Jubilate Deo' (Atkins)
Psalm 67 'Deus misereatur' (Luard-Selby)
Psalm 68 'Exurgat Deus' (Crotch/Smart)
Psalm 69 'Salvum me fac' (Barnby/Attwood)
Psalm 73 'Quam bonus Israel!' (Crotch/Ouseley)
Psalm 74 'Ut quid, Deus?' (Smart/Noble)
Psalm 75 'Confitebimur tibi' (Lloyd)
Psalm 76 'Notus in Iudaea' (Nicholson)
Psalm 77 'Voce mea ad Dominum' (Stainer)
Psalm 78 'Attendite, popule' (Mann/Stanford/Barnby/Atkins)
Psalm 79 'Deus, venerunt' (Stewart)
Psalm 80 'Qui regis Israel' (Atkins)
Psalm 81 'Exultate Deo' (Goodenough/Willcocks)
Psalm 82 'Deus stetit' (Parratt)
Psalm 84 'Quam dilecta!' (Parry)
Psalm 85 'Benedixisti, Domine' (Parratt)
Psalm 86
Psalm 86 'Inclina, Domine' (Turle)
Psalm 88 'Domine Deus' (Prendergast)
Psalm 89 'Misericordias Domini' (Anon/Norris/Russell/Battishill)
Psalm 9 'Confitebor tibi' (Attwood)
Psalm 9 'Confitebor tibi' (Stainer)
Psalm 9 'Confitebor tibi' (Stainer/Attwood)
Psalm 90 'Domine, refugium' (Mann)
Psalm 91 'Qui habitat' (Alcock)
Psalm 91 'Qui habitat' (Davies)
Psalm 92 'Bonum est confiteri' (Crotch)
Psalm 93 'Dominus regnavit' (Macfarren)
Psalm 94 'Deus ultionum' (Clark/Woodward)
Psalm 95 'Venite, exultemus' (Crotch)
Psalm 97 'Dominus regnavit' (Stainer)
Püppchen klein, püppchen mein
Purest and highest
Purse and Scrip
Put me not to rebuke, O Lord, in thine anger
Quatre mélodies de Verlaine (Debussy/Holloway)
Queen Alexandra Memorial Ode (Elgar)
Quejas, o La maja y el ruiseñor
Quick darts an eagle throuh the skies
Quick! we have but a second (Anon/Stanford)
Quintet in D major (Vaughan Williams)
R.B.T. (Allegretto)
Reade me, reade me dear brother
Reconciliation –
Red roses and red noses (Berners)
Refrain, audacious tar (Josephine/Ralph/Chorus)
Reiselied (Mendelssohn/Asti)
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous
Rejoice the Lord is king! (Handel/Wesley)
Rejoice, ye dead, where'er your spirits dwell
Remember (Ireland)
Remember, O Lord, what is come upon us (Walmisley)
Repent and be baptized
Requiem, Op 63 (Stanford)
Requiescat (Butterworth)
Rest (Vaughan Williams)
Resurgam (Grace)
Return, O holy Dove, return!
Rêve d'enfant, Op 10 (Sammons)
Reverie d'Amour, Op 20 No 2 (Bowen)
Reverie 'The God of love my Shepherd is'
Reynardine (Anon/Hughes)
Rhapsodie-Études, Op 42 (Holbrooke)
Rhapsody in G minor (Bowen)
Rich and rare were the gems she wore (Anon/Stevenson)
Righteous art thou, O Lord
Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing his praise without delays
Rise up, my love, my fair one (Willan)
Rock of ages, cleft for me
Romance (German)
Romance (Vaughan Williams)
Romance and Pastorale (Vaughan Williams)
Romance in A major (Bowen)
Romance in D flat major (Bowen)
Romance in G flat major, Op 48 No 3 (Parish-Alvars)
Romance No 1 in G flat major, Op 35 No 2 (Bowen)
Romance No 2 in F major, Op 45 (Bowen)
Romance, Op 37 (Saint-Saëns/Bryan)
Romance, Op 62 (Elgar)
Romance. Andante espressivo 'To Gwen'
Romance: Mary and the sailor
Romanian Folk Dances, Sz56 (Bartók/Brody/Reynolds)
Romanian Rhapsodies, Op 11 (Enescu/Brody/Reynolds)
Romanza: Poco adagio
Rondo for cello and orchestra in F major (Stanford)
Rondo in B flat major, WO8 (Clementi)
Rondo on God rest you merry, gentlemen (Wesley)
Room! Room! For Flora’s Queen!
Roses of Picardy (Wood)
Rough wind, that moanest loud
Roumanian Air and Gipsy Dance, Op 23 (Sammons)
Rumanian Folk Dances, Sz56 (Bartók/Herrick)
Sabbath morning at sea
Sailing homeward (Gibbs)
Sailing with thee thro' seas of Erin
Saint Basil walks along the road
Sally in our alley (Bridge)
Salut d'amour, Op 12 (Elgar)
Sanctuary of the heart 'Méditation religieuse' (Ketèlbey)
Santa Chiara 'Palm Sunday: Naples' (Ireland)
Sapphic Poem (Bantock)
Sappho (Bantock)
Saraband 'Helen' (Vaughan Williams)
Saraband of the Sons of God
Sarabande und Chaconne über Themen aus dem Singspiel Almira, S181 (Liszt/Handel)
Satan's dance of triumph
Saturn – The bringer of old age
Satyricon (Ireland)
Save me, O God
Save us, O Lord (Bairstow)
Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise
Savitri, H96 Op 25 (Holst)
Say to them of a fearful heart
Say who is this?
Scenes adapted from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress (Vaughan Williams)
Scenes from Parsifal (Wagner/Williams)
Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op 30 (Elgar)
Scherzo (Vaughan Williams)
Scherzo 'founded on an English folksong': Allegro moderato
Scherzo in A minor (Coles)
Scherzo, H19a (Bridge)
Scherzo: The brumbies
Scherzo: The waves (Allegro brillante)
Schlummerlied, Op 7 No 6 (Stanford)
Schneewalzer (Koschat/Richards)
Scots! Wha hae wi' Wallace bled
Scottish Concerto, Op 55 (Mackenzie)
Se replier toujours sur soi-même, si morne!
Sea birds are asleep
Sea drift (Delius)
Sea fever (Ireland)
Sea fever (Ireland/Williams)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Pictures, Op 37 (Elgar)
Sea Wandering (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Seacht bpaidreacha fo’ seacht
Sea-longing (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser/Bantock)
Searching for lambs
Seated one day at the organ
Sechs Gesänge, Op 13 (Zemlinsky/Austin)
Sechs Lieder, Op 13 (Schumann/Bliss)
See! with what constant motion
See! with what constant motion
See, amid the winter's snow
Seek first the Kingdom of God
Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herrn sterben
Sequitur trigintale
Serenade (Bowen)
Sérénade de Printemps, Op 5 (Sammons)
Serenade for strings, Op 20 (Elgar)
Serenade in F major 'Nonet', Op 95 (Stanford)
Serenade No 1 (Drdla/Hazell)
Serenade to Music (Vaughan Williams)
Serenade, H23 (Bridge)
Serious Dance, Op 51 No 2 (Bowen)
Service in B flat major (Stainer)
Service in C major, Op 115 (Stanford)
Service in D (Bairstow)
Service in F (Dyson)
Service in F, Op 36 (Stanford)
Set free Thy people, set free Thy servants
Seven Danish Songs (Delius)
Seven Danish Songs (Delius)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Elizabethan Lyrics, Op 12 (Quilter)
Seven Partsongs, H162 Op 44 (Holst)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Severn Suite, Op 87 (Elgar/Farrington)
Severn Suite, Op 87 (Elgar/Geehl)
Shakespeare's Kingdom
She borrowed some of her mother's gold
She hath grown cold, whose kindness won me to her
She is far from the land (Anon/Stevenson)
She is far from the land (Lambert)
She is my love beyond all thought
She is watching by the poplars
She lived beside the Anner (Anon/Hughes)
She moved thro' the fair (Anon/Hughes)
She sent one after King Estmere
She sleeps so lightly, that in trembling fear
She weeps over Rahoon (Hughes)
Sheep may safely graze (Bach/Petri)
Sheik of Araby (Synder/Smith/Wheeler/Thornton)
Shepherd Fennel's Dance (Gardiner)
Shepherd's song
Shestnadtsat Pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen Songs for children', Op 54 (Tchaikovsky/Lubbock)
Short Sonata in C sharp minor, Op 35 No 1 (Bowen)
Should I long that dark were fair?
Shy One (Clarke)
Si morne
Sie kam zum Schloss gegangen
Siegfried Idyll, WWV103 (Wagner/Lemare)
Siegfried's Rhine-Journey (Wagner/Gould/Williams)
Siete canciones populares españolas (Falla/Le Page)
Sigh no more, ladies
Silence and Music (Vaughan Williams)
Silent lay the sapphire ocean
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Cleobury)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Cullen)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Darlington)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Pembroke College Girls' Choir)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rathbone)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Silent night! holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Silent noon
Silent noon
Silent noon
Silent noon
Silent, oh Moyle! be the roar of thy water 'The Song of Fiionnulala' (Anon/Stevenson)
Silver, Op 30 No 2 (Gibbs)
Simon the Cellarer (Hatton)
Since by man came death
Since I from love
Sinfonia antartica 'Symphony No 7' (Vaughan Williams)
Sing we and chaunt it (Pearsall)
Sing we merrily unto God our strength
Sir Roger de Coverley (Bridge)
Sir William Wallace 'Symphonic Poem No 5' (Wallace)
Sir, you are sad! (Buttercup/Captain)
Sister Helen 'Symphonic Poem No 3' (Wallace)
Six Choral Folksongs, H136 (Holst)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six Choruses, H186 Op 53 (Holst)
Six English folk songs (Vaughan Williams)
Six Irish Fantasies for violin and piano, Op 54 (Stanford)
Six Monothemes, Op 13 (Matthay)
Six morceaux, Op 19 (Tchaikovsky/Langley)
Six Pieces, Op 23 (Holbrooke)
Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Butterworth)
Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Butterworth/Williams)
Six Studies in English Folk Song (Vaughan Williams)
Skazka o Tsare Saltane 'The Tale of Tsar Saltan' (Rimsky-Korsakov/Runswick)
Skye Water-Kelpie's Lullaby (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Skylark and nightingale
Sleep for the day is done (Effie)
Sleep, darling, sleep, the daylight
Sleeping Beauty Paraphrase (Tchaikovsky/Pabst/Hough)
Sleeps the noon in the deep blue sky (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Sleigh ride (Anderson/Vaughan Williams/Rice)
Sleigh ride (Delius)
Slow, slow, freah fount, keep time with my salt tears
Slumber scene: Moderato
Smiles, then kisses (Ancliffe)
Smilin' through (Penn)
Smoke gets in your eyes (Kern/Chilcott)
Smoking Cantata (Elgar)
So early in the morning, O: – (Bridge)
So hath your beauty
So many true princesses who have gone
So perverse (Bridge)
So shall my walk be close with God
So thou liftest thy divine petition
So we'll go no more a-roving (White)
So white, so soft, so sweet is she
Soft music (Walker)
Solemn March: Adagio molto, tempo di marcia solenne
Solemn Melody (Davies/West)
Solitude, Op 73 No 6 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Solveig's song
Some are laughing, some are weeping
Some ask'd me where the rubies grew
Some people praise red noses
Somerset Pastoral (Boughton)
Sometimes she is a child within mine arms
Sometimes she is a child within mine arms
Somewhere a voice is calling (Tate)
Somewhere a voice is calling (Tate/Hough)
Sonata for clarinet and piano, Op 129 (Stanford)
Sonata for two pianos (Bax)
Sonata in A minor 'F-A-E' (Brahms/Bliss)
Sonata in D minor (Glinka/Bliss)
Sonata in D, Op 4 No 4 (Herschel)
Sonata in G, Op 28 (Elgar)
Sonata No 2 'Eroica' (Stanford)
Sonata No 2, Op 87a (Elgar/Atkins)
Sonata No 2, Op 87a (Elgar/Carey)
Sonatina in C major, Op 36 No 1 (Clementi)
Sonatina in C major, Op 36 No 3 (Clementi)
Sonatina in D major, Op 36 No 6 (Clementi)
Sonatina in F major, Op 36 No 4 (Clementi)
Sonatina in G major, Op 36 No 2 (Clementi)
Sonatina in G major, Op 36 No 5 (Clementi)
Sonatine (Ravel/Rutter)
Song (Bowen)
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Song and Bacchanal
Song to the Seals (Bantock)
Song to the Seals (Bantock/Hough)
Songe d'Automne (Joyce)
Songs from The Princess, Op 20a (Holst)
Songs my mother taught me
Songs of a Roving Celt, Op 157 (Stanford)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of Erin, Op 76 (Stanford)
Songs of Faith, Op 97 (Stanford)
Songs of Faith, Op 97 (Stanford)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of the Sea, Op 91 (Stanford)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams/Douglas)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Pott)
Sonnet 'When most I wink' (Bridge)
Sore sea-longing in my heart
Sorrow and joy
Sorry her lot (Josephine/Narrator)
Sospiri, Op 70 (Elgar)
Sospiri, Op 70 (Elgar/Quinney)
Sound drum and trumpet play
Sound sleep (Vaughan Williams)
Souvenir 'Valse'
Spanish Serenade, Op 23 (Elgar)
Speak to me, my love! (Bridge)
Speak, music, Op 41 No 2 (Elgar)
Spirit here that reignest!
Spirit, leave thine house of clay! (Fawcett)
Spleen (Ireland)
Spring Fire (Bax)
Spring is here
Spring Song, H104 No 2 (Bridge)
Spring sorrow (Ireland)
Spring will not wait
Spurn Point
St Denio 'Scherzo: Allegro vivace'
St Patrick's Breastplate (Anon/Stanford)
St Paul (Mendelssohn/Best)
Stand face to face, friend
Star of God (Coates)
Star that bringest home the bee
Stars of the summer night!
Sterne mit den gold'nen Füsschen, Op 4 No 1 (Stanford)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Blatchly)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Bowers-Broadbent)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Halsey)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Ledger)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Roberts)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Stille Tränen
Strengthen ye the weak hands (Harris)
Strew no more red roses (Bridge)
Strike! Seraphs, strike your harps of gold 'A New Christmas Piece' (Fawcett)
String Quartet in A major 'On Greek Folk Songs' (Boughton)
String Quartet in B flat major (Marsh)
String Quartet in C minor (Vaughan Williams)
String Quartet in C minor, Op 3 No 6 (Shield)
String Quartet in E flat major (Wesley)
String Quartet in E minor, Op 83 (Elgar)
String Quartet in F major 'From the Welsh Hills' (Boughton)
String Quartet in G minor, L91 (Debussy/Morton)
String Quartet No 1 in G major, Op 44 (Stanford)
String Quartet No 2 in A minor (Vaughan Williams)
String Quartet No 2 in A minor, Op 45 (Stanford)
String Quartet No 4, H188 (Bridge)
String Quintet in E minor (Bridge)
String Quintet No 1 in F major, Op 85 (Stanford)
String Sextet in E flat major (Bridge)
Studies in the form of a Suite, Op 16 (Matthay)
Such a starved bank of moss
Suite bergamasque, L82 (Debussy/Rutter)
Suite de ballet (Vaughan Williams)
Suite for organ, violin and cello, Op 149 (Rheinberger/Carey)
Suite for Strings (Gibbs)
Suite for viola and small orchestra (Vaughan Williams)
Suite for violin and orchestra, Op 32 (Stanford)
Suite in D minor, Op 28 (Bowen)
Suite Mignonne, Op 39 (Bowen)
Suite No 2, Op 30 (Bowen)
Suite popular Española (Falla/See-Schierenberg)
Summer Eve
Summer is y' coming in (Pearsall)
Summer Landscape (Delius)
Summer night (Gibbs)
Summer night on the river
Summer Nights
Summer schemes
Summer sunset (Quilter)
Sun dance: Presto
Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
Sure a terrible time I was out o' the way
Surely he hath borne our griefs
Sursum Corda, Op 11 (Elgar)
Sussex Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Swansea Town
Sweep thy faint strings, Musician
Sweet and low
Sweet baby, sleep; what ails my dear?
Sweet cyder is a great thing
Sweet cyder is a great thing
Sweet day
Sweet was the song the virgin sang 'Lute-book lullaby' (Anon/Shaw)
Sword Dance
Sylvia (Delibes/Hough)
Symphonic Dances, Op 45 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Symphonic study in C minor 'Falstaff', Op 68 (Elgar)
Symphony in A major (Berwald/Druce)
Symphony in A major, Op 3 (Lamond)
Symphony in D major, D615 (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony in D major, D708a (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony in D minor, M48 (Franck/Johnson)
Symphony in G minor, Op 35 (Lemare)
Symphony No 1 in A flat major, Op 55 (Elgar)
Symphony No 1 in D minor 'The Gothic' (Brian)
Symphony No 10 in D major, D936a (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony No 12 (Brian)
Symphony No 2 in C minor (Bruckner/Payne)
Symphony No 2 in E flat major, Op 63 (Elgar)
Symphony No 3 in B minor (Boughton)
Symphony No 3 in C minor, Op 88 (Elgar/Payne)
Symphony No 3 in C sharp minor (Brian)
Symphony No 3 'Pastoral' (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 4 in F minor (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 41 in C major 'Jupiter', K551 (Mozart/Clementi)
Symphony No 5 in A major (Wesley)
Symphony No 5 in D major (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 6 in E minor (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 6 'Sinfonia tragica' (Brian)
Symphony No 8 in D minor (Vaughan Williams)
Symphony No 9 in E minor (Vaughan Williams)
Take heed, young heart (Gibbs)
Take, O take those lips away
Take, O take those lips away
Tarantella (Farjeon)
Tarry Trowsers (Vaughan Williams)
Te Deum
Te Deum
Te Deum and Benedictus, Op 34 (Elgar)
Te Deum in F (Ireland)
Te Deum in G (Vaughan Williams)
Te Deum laudamus. Allegro moderato
Te lucis ante terminum
Teach me, O Lord (Attwood)
Tears, idle tears
Tears, idle tears (Bridge)
Tell me not, sweet, I am unkind
Tell me the stories of Jesus
Tell out, my soul
Tell you I will
Ten Blake Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Ten Compositions for organ (Grace)
Terly, terlow
Thalaba sets out again on his mighty quest: Poco allegro
Thanks be to God (Dickson/Brahe)
The adoration
The adoration of the crucified
The Adoration of the Magi (Stephens/Earley/Anon/Yeats)
The advent
The agony
The Ancient Vesper Hymn 'Theme, variations and fugue' (Spark)
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The Angel of Death has been abroad – O man greatly beloved
The Angel's Farewell
The Angel's farewell
The angel's song
The Apostles, Op 49 (Elgar)
The appeal of the crucified
The aquiline snub, Op 375 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
The Arcadians (Monckton)
The arming of Christian
The Art of Fugue, BWV1080 (Bach/Tovey/Simpson)
The Aspidistra (Clarke)
The ballad of Semmerwater (Gibbs)
The Banks of Green Willow 'Idyll' (Butterworth)
The Bard of Armagh (Anon/Hughes)
The beautiful city of Sligo (Anon/Stanford)
The bee (Bridge)
The bells of San Marie (Ireland)
The bells, Op 14 No 2 (Gibbs)
The birch tree (Gibbs)
The bird of popular song
The Bird's Story
The birks of Endermay: Andante
The Birlinn of the White Shoulders (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser/Bantock)
The Black Joke with 21 Variations, WO2 (Clementi)
The Black Loorgin 'A Hebridean Seafaring Song' (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Blackbird
The blind boy
The blue bird, Op 119 No 3 (Stanford)
The bold unbiddable child
The boy from Ballytearim
The boy guessed right
The boys are up the woods with day
The branch, the mighty branch behold 'Nativity' (Marsh)
The brewer
The Bridesmaid's Song
The cage without birds (Frances-Hoad/Schumann)
The Call
The Carman's Whistle 'Air and Variations', BK36 (Byrd/Grainger)
The Carnival 'Fantasia' (Hume/Perkins)
The Carter (Vaughan Williams)
The castle by the sea (Stainer)
the chapel of my childhood
The Cheviot Hills (Robson)
The Church's one foundation
The Cingalee (Monckton)
The Circus Girl (Monckton)
The cloths of heaven (Dunhill)
The cloud-capp'd towers
The clown's songs from 'Twelfth night', Op 65 (Stanford)
The cockle gatherer (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The compleat virtuoso, Op 366 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
The Contrabandista, or The Law of the Ladrones (Sullivan)
The Coolin of Rhum (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The cork leg (Anon/Hughes)
The country lover (Peel)
The Cricket on the Hearth, Op 62 (Mackenzie)
The Crone's Creel (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Crucifixion (Stainer)
The Cyprian Goddess (Bantock)
The dark-eyed sailor
The dawn
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Archer)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Battiwalla)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Rutter)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Scott)
The Death Farewell (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The death of Faithful
The Death of the common soldier (Webbe Jr.)
The deep recesses of her odorous dwelling
The deeps have music soft and low
The Deil o' Bogie (Scott)
The Delectable Mountains
The Desert (Emanuel)
The Devon maid (Bridge)
The Devout Lover (White)
The Dew Fairy (Bridge)
The discreet hint (Scott)
The Divine Image
The Doge's March
The Dowie Dens o' Yarrow (MacCunn)
The Dream of Gerontius (Elgar/Brewer)
The Dream of Gerontius, Op 38 (Elgar)
The Dream-City
The early morning
The earth is the Lord's, and all that therein is
The eemis stane (Scott)
The emigrant (Hook)
The Encounter
The Evening Star (Coleridge-Taylor)
The Evening Watch, H159 Op 43 No 1 (Holst)
The explorers (Grave e molto adagio – Andante con moto)
The face of the Lord (Wesley)
The fair
The Fairy Lough
The Fairy Tree (O'Brien)
The faithful bird 'y Deryn Pur' (Sammons)
The Faithful Lover
The faithless shepherdess
The falling star (Anon/Stanford)
The Fanaid grove (Anon/Hughes)
The fields are full (Gibbs)
The First Nowell / Mary's Child (Stainer/Ainger/Llewellyn)
The First Nowell / Mary's Child (Stainer/Llewellyn)
The flight of the bumblebee
The flocks of my master are blessed of God (Shepherd Boy)
The flooded stream (Gibbs)
The Floral Bandit
The folks who live on the hill (Kern/Chilcott)
The fool hath said in his heart
The fool hath said in his heart
The foolish body hath said in his heart
The Foresters, or Robin Hood and Maid Marian (Sullivan)
The forgotten rite (Ireland)
The Fountain
The fountains mingle with the river
The fountains mingle with the river
The fourth of August
The garland
The Gartan Mother's Lullaby (Anon/Hughes)
The Gate
The Geisha (Jones)
The Geisha (Monckton)
The Geisha (Philp)
The Girls of Gottenberg (Monckton)
The Glens of Antrim, Op 174 (Stanford)
The God of Gods, the Lord, hath call'd (Foster)
The Golden Goose, H163 (Holst)
The Golden Legend (Sullivan)
The golden ray
The golden treasure
The Goose Dance
The Goslings (Bridge)
The Grasshopper's Dance (Bucalossi)
The Great Gate of Kiev
The Green Hills o' Somerset (Coates)
The half-moon westers low
The happy tramp
The hardy Norse-woman, Op 365 (Drofnatski/Stanford)
The hardy tin soldier
The harp that once, thro' Tara's halls (Anon/Stevenson)
The Harper (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Haunted Ballroom (Toye)
The heart's desire (Ireland)
The heavens declare the glory of God
The Herald (Elgar)
The hills (Ireland)
The holly and the ivy (Anon/Davies)
The Holy Boy (Ireland)
The Holy Boy (Ireland)
The Holy Boy (Ireland/Cameron)
The Holy City (Adams/Maybrick)
The Homeward Way
The hours creep on apace (Josephine/Narrator)
The house of Life (Vaughan Williams)
The house of Life (Vaughan Williams/Williams)
The Human Organ
The Hundredth Psalm (Vaughan Williams)
The Hundredth Psalm (Vaughan Williams/Douglas)
The Huntsmen: Allegro
The Hut on Fowl's Legs 'Baba Yaga'
The Hymn of Jesus, Op 37 (Holst)
The I heard sounds of merriment and junketing
The Immortal Hour (Boughton)
The infinite shining heavens
The infinite shining heavens
The innumerable Christ (Scott)
The journey (Ireland)
The joy of earth (Boyle/Williams)
The King shall rejoice in thy strength, O Lord
The Kingdom
The Kingdom, Op 51 (Elgar)
The lads in their hundreds
The lads in their hundreds
The Lake in the Mountains (Vaughan Williams)
The lake lay blue below the hill
The Lamb
The Lamentation (Bairstow)
The lamplighter
The land of lost content (Ireland)
The lark ascending (Vaughan Williams)
The lark ascending (Vaughan Williams/Bryan)
The lark in the clear air (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
The Lass of Richmond Hill (Hook)
The last ecstasy of faith and love: Pesante e risoluto
The last invocation (Bridge)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Moore/L'Estrange)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Moore/Stevenson)
The last sunbeam
The last sunbeam
The last time I saw Paris (Kern/Chilcott)
The Lawyer
The Lay of the Last Minstrel (MacCunn)
The Leaping Galley (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Lent Lily
The Leprechaun's Dance
The leprehaun (Anon/Joyce/Hughes)
The Light of Life, Op 29 (Elgar/Scott)
The Lily of a Day (Lehmann)
The little bells (Scherzino): Allegro molto
The little grey bonnet
The little red lark (Stanford)
The lonely stranger
The long day closes (Sullivan)
The long day closes (Sullivan/Lawson)
The Lord gave the word
The Lord God planted a garden
The Lord hath been mindful of us
The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth
The Lord is King and hath put on glorious apparel
The Lord is King, the earth may be glad thereof
The Lord is my Light (Allitsen)
The Lord is my light and my salvation
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd (Stanford)
The Lord of life my shepherd is
The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants
The Lord said unto my Lord
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd – Brother James' Air (Bain/Archer)
The Lord's my shepherd – Crimond (Irvine/Grant/Ross)
The Lord's my shepherd – Crimond (Irvine/Pritchard)
The Lost Chord (Sullivan)
The lover's ghost
The mad prince (Gibbs)
The magpie's nest (Anon/Hughes)
The Maid of the Mountains (Fraser-Simson)
The Maid of the Mountains (Tate)
The majesty of the divine humiliation
The man in the moon (Scott)
The March of Spring
The March of the Toys
The marsh-king's daughter
The Mating Dance
The meeting of the waters (Anon/Moore/Stevenson)
The mellow touch of music most doth wound
The Merchant of Venice (Rosse)
The merry doll: Allegro molto
The Messenger Boy (Monckton)
The metal pig
The Minstrel
The Minstrel-Boy (Anon/Stevenson)
The moon has set
The moon on the one hand, the dawn on the other
The Morning of the Year, H164 (Holst)
The Mother of God (Yeats)
The Mousmé (Monckton)
The Mummer's Play
The music makers, Op 69 (Elgar)
The mystery of intercession
The next day they took him in to the armoury
The next market day (Anon/Hughes)
The Nightingale (Ralph/Chorus/Buttercup/Narrator)
The nightingale has a lyre of gold (Delius)
The North Wind (Parry)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Sutherland)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Sutherland/Pletnev)
The Nutcracker Suite, Op 71a (Tchaikovsky/Campbell)
The oak and the ash (Anon/Bairstow)
The odour from the flower is gone
The Old Brigade (Barri/Slater)
The old fisherman (Scott)
The old house (O'Connor)
The old superb
The old turf fire (Anon/Hughes)
The Oliver Theme (Bax)
The one hope
The only child
The Orchid (Monckton)
The Overlanders (Ireland/Mackerras)
The oxen (Gibbs)
The Palace Beautiful
The Passing of Beatrice 'Symphonic Poem No 1' (Wallace)
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (bass)
The Pibroch
The Pilgrim's Progress (Vaughan Williams/Palmer)
The Piper
The Planets, H125 Op 32 (Holst)
The Planets, H125 Op 32 (Holst/Matthews)
The plough boy (Shield/Britten)
The Plough boy / The Milkmaid (Shield)
The Poet's Song
The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree
The primrose (Bridge)
The primrose in the sheäde do blow
The Prince of Sleep (Elgar)
The Prince of Sleep (Elgar/Matthews)
The Princess look'd forth from her maiden bow'r
The Prodigal Son (Sullivan)
The Quaker Girl (Monckton)
The Quaker Girl (Monckton)
The Railway Children (Grieg/Rutter)
The rain had fallen, the Poet arose
The rain it raineth every day
The Rapid Stream (Elgar)
The rat
The Reiving Ship (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The rejected lover (Gibbs)
The Reveille, Op 54 (Elgar)
The Ride-by-Nights: Con brio
The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth
The roadside fire
The roadside fire
The Roadside Fire
The royal banners forward go
The Rules of Cricket 'A Psalm Chant' (Havergal/The London Quartet)
The Runaway Girl (Monckton/Kiefert)
The sacred flame (Ireland)
The sad doll: Andantino
The sailor man
The salley gardens
The sauchs in the Reuch Heuch Hauch (Scott)
The saucy bold robber
The scapegoat
The Sea Reivers (Bantock)
The seal man (Clarke)
The seal man (Clarke/Williams)
The seeds of love (Vaughan Williams)
The serious doll: Andantino
The sheep-bell tolleth curfew-time
The Shepherd
The Shepherd
The shepherd's cradle song (Leuner/Macpherson)
The shepherds of the delectable mountains (Vaughan Williams)
The Ship at Sea (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Ship o' the Fiend (MacCunn)
The ship went on with solemn face
The Shop Girl (Monckton)
The Shower
The sigh that heaves the grasses
The singers are before the altar
The sky is up above the roof
The sleeping beauty (Gibbs)
The sly cigarette
The Snow
The snowdrop, or summer-geck
The Soldier's Dream (Attwood)
The soldier's return
The Soldier's Tent (Parry)
The Song of Songs (Bantock)
The song of the blacksmith
The Songs of Today (Bennett)
The souls of the righteous (Vaughan Williams)
The Spanish Gypsy, Op 1 (Stanford)
The Spanish Lady (Anon/Hughes)
The Spirit of England, Op 80 (Elgar)
The Spirit of England, Op 80 (Elgar/Grace)
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit of the Spring
The splendour falls
The splendour falls (Gibbs)
The splendour falls on castle walls (Delius)
The Spring has come (White)
The spring time of the year
The Star of the County Down (Anon/Hughes)
The steadfast shepherd (Hook)
The stolen heart (Anon/Stanford)
The street sounds to the soldiers' tread
The stuttering lovers (Anon/Hughes)
The sun goeth down
The sun is at rest
The sun whose rays are all ablaze (Sullivan/Chilcott/Gabbitas)
The Sunken Garden: Tranquillo ma non troppo lento
The sweet season
The swimmer
The tame bear: Allegro moderato
The Teddy Bears' Picnic (Bratton/Saddler)
The Temple Bell
The Three Kings
The Three Kings
The threefold terror of love; a fallen flare
The Throstle (White)
The tiger-lily (Gibbs)
The toil of day is ebbing, the quiet comes again
The Tomb (Stanford)
The Toreador (Monckton)
The tragedy of that moment
The trellis
The Trial
The Triumph of Victoria (Parratt)
The trumpet shall sound (bass)
The trumpeter (Dix)
The truth sent from above (Vaughan Williams)
The truth sent from above (Vaughan Williams/Park)
The truth sent from above (Vaughan Williams/Robinson)
The Tunning of Elinor Rumming
The turtle dove (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
The twelve days of Christmas (Anon/Austin/Humphris)
The Uncanny Mannikin of the Cattlefold (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The unthrift sun shot vital gold
The vagabond
The vagabond
The vagabond (Ireland)
The vain desire
The valley and the hill
The valley lay smiling before me 'The Song of O'Ruark, Prince of Breffni' (Anon/Stevenson)
The violets blue (Bridge)
The voice of joy
The voice of nature
The wagon (passes): Allegretto
The walk to the Paradise Garden
The Wand of Youth Suite No 1, Op 1a (Elgar)
The Wand of Youth Suite No 2, Op 1b (Elgar)
The Wanderer (Elgar)
The wanderer (Gibbs)
The wanderer's song
The wanton God: Rondo
The War March of the Priests from Athalie (Mendelssohn/Best)
The warm sun is falling
The Washington Post (Sousa/Winter)
The Wasps (Vaughan Williams)
The watergaw (Scott)
The Way
The Way to Polden 'An ambling tune', Op 76 (Bowen)
The way you look tonight (Kern/Chilcott)
The way you look tonight (Kern/Rutter)
The wealthy Banker sits behind
The weary wave o' Tyne: Slow and sad
The wee man (Scott)
The west wind
The Whistler and his Dog (Pryor)
The wild bears: Presto
The Wild Swan (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The wilderness (Wesley)
The wilderness and the solitary place
The willow song
The wind was rising easterly, the morning sky was blue
The windmill
The winter is gone (Vaughan Williams)
The Witch of Atlas (Bantock)
The Witchery Milking Croon (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Woodland Stream (Elgar)
The worst of it
The Wren’s nest (Scott)
The year's at the spring
The yellow poplar leaves have strown
Their sound is gone out into all lands
Then bespake her father dear
Then gathered the chief priests and Pharisees
Then King Estmere he took his harp
Then shall God also confess that thine own right hand can save thee (Chorus/Narrator/Job)
Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (alto)
Then they that gladly received his word
Then, through thy Temple wide, melodious swells
There are fairies at the bottom of our garden (Lehmann)
There are seven that pull the thread
There be none of Beauty's daughters, Op 24 No 1 (Quilter)
There came an image in Life's retinue
There came an image in Life's retinue
There is a bird on yonder tree
There is a green hill far away
There is a green hill far away
There is a green hill far away – Horsley (Horsley)
There is a green hill far away – Horsley (Horsley/Scott)
There is a lady sweet and kind
There is a lady sweet and kind
There is an old belief
There is sweet music
There once was a little boy who went to school
There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse
There was a King in days of old, many treasures rare he owned
There was a man in the land of Uz (Narrator/Job)
There was a tree
There was a young lady from Norway
There was an old man of the isles
There was an old man with a nose
There were shepherds abiding in the field (Jarman)
There were shepherds, abiding in the field (soprano)
There’s a spot in me heart which no colleen may own
There's a Friend for little children
There's a girl you may have met
There's a little brown road windin' over the hill
There's a Yorkshire town, very bleak and brown
There's none to soothe (Anon/Smith)
There's sorrow on the wind, my grief
These are they that follow the Lamb (Goss)
These dusky evenings in December
They are at rest (Elgar)
They had no vision amazing
They had not ridden scarce a mile
They platted a crown of thorns
They shall grow not old
They that put their trust in the Lord
They that wait upon the Lord
They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace (Fraser-Simson)
Thine eyes so bright (Leslie)
Thine eyes still shined for me
Things are seldom what they seem (Buttercup/Captain/Narrator)
Things lovelier
Think no more, lad
Think no more, lad
Think no more, lad, laugh, be jolly
This have I done for my true love, H128 (Holst)
This is the day the Lord hath made (Greatorex)
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This shall ye have of mine hand
This worldes joie (Bax)
Thou art my portion, O Lord
Thou judge of quick and dead
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (tenor)
Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour (Anon/Kitson/Hyde)
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace (Wesley)
Thou, Almighty Lord
Thou, O God, art praised in Sion
Thou, O Lord God, art the thing
Thoughts have wings (Lehmann)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Three Chorale Fantasias (Parry)
Three Elizabethan Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Elizabethan Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Folk dances (Boughton)
Three hymns for chorus and orchestra, Op 36a (Holst)
Three Hymn-Studies on Ancient Sarum Melodies, Op 25 (Pearce)
Three Idylls, H67 (Bridge)
Three Introits or Short Anthems (Bairstow)
Three Kings from Persian lands afar
Three Kings from Persian lands afar
Three Kings of Orient (Hopkins/Rutter)
Three Motets, Op 38 (Stanford)
Three Organ Pieces, H56 (Bridge)
Three Pieces, H63 (Bridge)
Three Preludes founded on Welsh Hymn Tunes (Vaughan Williams)
Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes 'Household Music' (Vaughan Williams)
Three Rhapsodies (Dyson)
Three Romances, Op 22 (Schumann/Bliss)
Three Shakespeare Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Shakespeare Songs, Op 6 (Quilter)
Three Shelley Songs (Delius)
Three sketches (Brewer)
Three Songs (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs to poems by Thomas Hardy (Ireland)
Three Songs without Words for oboe quartet (Boughton)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Threnody and Scherzo (Bax)
Threnody for Walter de la Mare (Gibbs)
Thrills (Ancliffe)
Through bushes and through briars
Through bushes and through briars (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Through bushes and through briars I lately took my way
Through the Ivory Gate
Through the sunny garden
Thus saith the Lord of hosts (bass)
Thy hand in mine (Bridge)
Thy hand, O God, has guided
Thy hand, O God, has guided
Thy hand, O God, has guided – Thornbury (Harwood)
Thy hand, O God, has guided – Thornbury (Harwood/Battiwalla)
Thy hands have made me and fashioned me
Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (soprano/tenor)
Thy testimonies are wonderful
Thy word is a lantern unto my feet
Tigaree torum orum (Anon/Hughes)
Till I wake
Time to go (Sanderson)
Tintagel (Bax)
Tipperary 'Five Variations' (Goodhart)
'Tis awful silence then again
'Tis believed that this harp 'The Origin of the Harp' (Anon/Stevenson)
'Tis but a week (Bridge)
'Tis only no harm to know it, you know (Shield)
'Tis said, she was first changed into a vapour
'Tis spring; come out to ramble
'Tis the last rose of summer
'Tis the last rose of summer (Anon/Stevenson)
'Tis the long blue head o' Garron from the sea
'Tis time, I think, by Wenlock town
'Tis young men and maidens all
Titania (Gibbs)
To a Lady (Scott)
To a wild rose
To Althea, from prison
To be sung of a summer night on the water I
To daffodils
To Eire (Bax)
To Gratiana dancing and singing (Browne)
To Gratiana dancing and singing (Browne/Williams)
To her beneath whose steadfast star (Elgar)
To induce lateral freedom of hand and arm
To Lucasta, on going to the wars
To Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love
To my humble supplication
To one who passed whistling through the night (Gibbs)
To the heart of youth the world is a highwayside
To the heart of youth the world is a highwayside
To the Rose, Op 19 No 3 (Stanford)
To the soul
To those she saw most beautiful
To women
To you, consummate drinkers, though little be your drought
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV565 (Bach/Cortot/Hough)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, Op 98 (Lemare)
Toccata di Concerto, Op 59 (Lemare)
Toccata in A minor, Op 155 (Bowen)
Toccata in B flat major, Op 11 No 2 (Clementi)
Toll the bell
Tom Leminn (Stanford)
Tom o' Bedlam (Gibbs)
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
Tony, from America
Toward the Unknown Region (Vaughan Williams)
Tragödie, Op 14 No 5 (Stanford)
Transformation Music
Tread lightly, she is near
Trio Sonata No 12 in G major (Boyce/Craxton)
Troisième Choral, M40 (Franck/Hough)
Trottin' to the fair
Troyte (Presto)
True-hearted was he, the sad swain o' the Yarrow
Truly God is loving unto Israel
Trumpeter, what are you sounding now?
Try again, Johnnie
Tryst 'In fountain court'
Tuba Tune (Cocker)
Tuileries: Children quarrelling after play
Turn back, O man
Turn thy face from my sins (Attwood)
Turn you to the stronghold
Tutto è sciolto (Ireland)
Twelfth Night, Op 40 (Mackenzie)
Twelve Monferrinas, Op 49 (Clementi)
Twelve Pieces, Op 10 (Bonnet)
Twelve Short Pieces (Parry)
Twelve Songs, H174 (Holst)
Twelve Welsh Folk Songs, H183 (Holst)
Twenty-four Preludes in all the keys for pianoforte, Op 163 (Stanford)
Twenty-four Preludes in all the keys for pianoforte, Op 179 (Stanford)
Twice a week the winter through
Twilight Fancies
Twilight Hills
Two Anthems, Op 37 (Stanford)
Two Carols, H91 (Holst)
Two Choral Songs, Op 71 (Elgar)
Two Choral Songs, Op 73 (Elgar)
Two Eastern Pictures, H112 (Holst)
Two English Folksongs (Vaughan Williams)
Two English Idylls (Butterworth)
Two Heroic Ballads (Bantock)
Two little sausages
Two Organ Pieces, Op 83 (Lemare)
Two Parisian Sketches (Fletcher)
Two Partsongs, Op 26 (Elgar)
Two Pieces for small orchestra (Delius)
Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor
Two Psalms, H117 (Holst)
Two Psalms, H117 (Holst)
Two September Songs, Op 18 (Quilter)
Two Songs 1920 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1920 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Two unaccompanied partsongs (Delius)
Uist Cattle Croon (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Ullapool Sailor's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Un grand sommeil noir
Un grand sommeil noir (Ravel/Holloway)
Un grand sommeil noir (Ravel/Holloway)
Un sonnet d'amour
Und kehrt er einst heim
Und morgen wird die Sonne wieder scheinen
Und was die Sonne glüht
Under the deodar
Under the greenwood tree
Under the greenwood tree
Une nuit ténébreuse
Une voix dans le désert, Op 77 (Elgar)
Until (Sanderson)
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes
Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my strength
Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks
Unto thee, O Lord, will I lift up my soul
Unto Thy word so tuned let me be
Unto us a boy is born (Anon/Shaw)
Unto you that fear his name
Up on the housetop (Hanby/Campbell)
Up! good Christen folk (Anon/Woodward)
Uranus – The magician
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar/Williams)
Vainly awaiting, some beguiling
Vair me o rovan o, vair me o rovan ee
Valiant-for-Truth (Vaughan Williams)
Valse gracieuse
Valse harmonique (Bowen)
Valse septembre (Godin/Brown/Lotter)
Van Dieman's Land
Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair: End of scene
Variations (Vaughan Williams)
Variations de concert, Op 1 (Bonnet)
Variations for orchestra 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar)
Variations for orchestra 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar/Harris)
Variations for orchestra 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar/John)
Variations on a Minuet by Mr Collick, WO5 (Clementi)
Variations on a Russian folk tune, Op 10 No 12 (Carcassi/Walker)
Variations on a theme of Corelli, Op 42 (Rachmaninov/Filsell)
Variations on Adeste fideles (Adams)
Variations on Adeste fideles in A major (Webbe Jr.)
Variations on an original theme 'Enigma', Op 36 (Elgar/Wills)
Variations on Batti batti from Mozart's Don Giovanni, WO10 (Clementi)
Variations on the Psalm Tune 'Windsor' (Macfarren)
Variazioni di bravura on a theme by Rossini (Potter)
Vena comes, born of light
Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Gant)
Venus – The bringer of peace
Verdun 'Solemn March and Heroic Epilogue', Op 151 (Stanford)
Vesper Voluntaries, Op 14 (Elgar)
Vexilla regis (Ireland)
Vexilla regis prodeunt
Vier ernste Gesänge, Op 121 (Brahms/Bliss)
Vier Lieder, Op 27 (Strauss/Bliss/Glynn)
Vier Lieder, Op 96 (Brahms/Lemare)
Villon 'Symphonic Poem No 6' (Wallace)
Viola Concerto (McEwen)
Viola Concerto in C minor, Op 25 (Bowen)
Viola Concerto in G minor (Forsyth)
Viola Sonata (Clarke)
Viola Sonata No 1 in C minor, Op 18 (Bowen)
Viola Sonata No 2 in F major, Op 22 (Bowen)
Violin Concerto in B minor, Op 61 (Elgar)
Violin Concerto in C sharp minor, Op 32 (Mackenzie)
Violin Concerto in D major, Op 74 (Stanford)
Violin Concerto in D minor (Cliffe)
Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 17 (Erlanger)
Violin Concerto in G minor (Somervell)
Violin Concerto in G minor, Op 80 (Coleridge-Taylor)
Violin Concerto No 2 in D major (Wesley)
Violin Sonata (Bridge)
Violin Sonata in A minor (Vaughan Williams)
Violin Sonata in B minor, Op 7 (Bowen)
Violin Sonata in D major (Parry)
Violin Sonata in E minor, Op 112 (Bowen)
Violin Sonata in E minor, Op 82 (Elgar)
Violin Sonata No 1 in D major, Op 11 (Stanford)
Violin Sonata No 1 in D minor (Ireland)
Violin Sonata No 2 in A major, Op 70 (Stanford)
Violin Sonata No 2 in A minor (Ireland)
Violin Sonata No 2 in E minor, Op 108 (Fauré/Freeman-Attwood)
Violin Sonata No 3 in A minor, WoO27 (Schumann/Isserlis)
Violin Sonata No 3 in D minor, Op 108 (Brahms/Lemare)
Voiles: Modéré
Vox dicentis: Clama (Naylor)
W.M.B. (Allegro di molto)
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV645 (Bach/Bantock)
Waltz of the flowers
Ward the Pirate (Vaughan Williams)
Warm whisp'ring through the slender olive trees
Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? (Mendelssohn/Asti)
Was this the face that launched a thousand ships?
Was weiss ein nie geküsster Rosenmund (Kálmán/Hough)
Wash me throughly from my wickedness (Wesley)
Wassail song
Watching the Wheat 'Bugeilio'r gwenith gwyn' (Thomas)
Water Scenes, Op 13 (Nevin/Myddleton)
Wather's o' Moyle an' the white gulls flyin'
We are the music makers
We have a gospel to proclaim
We have heard with our ears, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise Thee, O God
We sail the ocean blue
We sing the praise of him who died
We three kings of orient are (Hopkins/Neary)
We trusted that it had been He
We wandered on a Mayday morning
We will remember them
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/Warrell)
Weary wind of the west (Elgar)
Wedding and brief happiness of love: Meno mosso
Weep with me all ye that read
Weep you no more sad fountains
Weep you no more, sad fountains
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Atkins)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Atkins/Park)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Layton)
Welcome be thou, heavenly king
Well met, well met my own true love
We'll to the woods no more
We'll to the woods no more (Ireland)
We'll to the woods no more (Ireland)
Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen redete
Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht
What art thou thinking of? (Ireland)
What can it be? (Jeanie)
What does little birdie say?
What dost thou here, Christian?
What have I done for you, England?
What is that? … Nothing
What is the sorrow of the wind, Isobel?
What is this lovely fragrance? (Anon/Willan)
What part of dread eternity
What shall I your true love tell? (Bridge)
What the bee is to the floweret (Anon/Stevenson)
What wealth of rapture
What will they give me, when journey’s done?
What will they give me, when journey's done?
Wheesht, wheesht (Scott)
When a bad, bad boy like me
When comes my Gwen
When daffodils begin to peer
When daffodils begin to peer
When do I see thee most, beloved one?
When do I see thee most, beloved one?
When first we met
When Harry the tailor was twenty years old
When I am dead, my dearest (Ireland)
When I am old (Ireland)
When I marry Amelia
When I survey the bright celestial sphere
When I was a lad (Sir Joseph/Chorus)
When I was in trouble I called upon the Lord and he heard me
When I was one-and-twenty
When I was one-and-twenty
When I was one-and-twenty (Gibbs)
When I would muse in boyhood
When icicles hang by the wall
When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes (Parry)
When Israel came out of Egypt
When Jesus Christ was yet a child
When Jesus therefore saw his mother
When Johnny comes marching home (Lemare)
When lads were home from labour
When love was a stranger
When Love with unconfined wings
When Mary thro' the garden went
When morning gilds the skies
When Shakespeare came to London
When swallows dart from cottage eves
When that I was and a little tiny boy
When that I was and a little tiny boy
When the children go to play
When the lad for longing sighs
When the lights go rolling round the sky (Ireland)
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion
When through life unblest we rove (Anon/Moore/Hughes)
When weary wretches sink to sleep
When wedding fiddles are a-playing
When you are happy, friend o’ mine
When you are old and gray (Bridge)
When, cruel fair one, I am slain
Whence came ye, jolly Satyrs, whence came ye?
Whence! Andante delicato
Whenever the moon and the stars are set
Where are the boys of the old Brigade
Where be you going, you Devon maid?
Where corals lie
Where go the boats?
Where is it that our soul doth go? (Bridge)
Where she lies asleep (Bridge)
Where'er my bitter teardrops fall (Bridge)
Whether I find thee
While London's fast asleep (Dacre)
While shepherds watched
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Foster)
While that the sun with his beams hot
White in the moon the long road lies
Whither must I wander?
Whither must I wander?
Whither shall I go
Who can dwell with greatness! (Parry)
Who can express the noble acts of the Lord?
Who is Silvia?
Who is there? Whence come ye?
Who is this fair one?
Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? (Chorus)
Who my heart has free from sorrow deep unbound
Who shut up the sea with doors? (Chorus)
Who stole my heart away? (Kern/Chilcott)
Who will walk with thee, Kirsteen
Who would shepherds pipe, Op 21 No 3 (Farrar)
Who would true valour see
Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the most High
Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the most High
Whoso dwelleth under the defence of the Most High
Why boastest thou thyself, thou tyrant?
Why boastest thou thyself, thou tyrant?
Why died I not from the womb? (Job)
Why do the nations so furiously rage together? (bass)
Why o'er the dark'ning hill-slopes
Why should I sit and sigh, puin' bracken, puin' bracken
Why so pale and wan?
Why standest thou so far off, O Lord?
Why was I born? (Kern/Chilcott)
Wie des Mondes Abbild zittert, Op 7 No 2 (Stanford)
Wie ist es denn, dass trüb und schwer
Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen
Will my tiny spark of being wholly vanish in your deeps and heights?
Will you come homeward from the hills of Dreamland?
Willow, willow, willow (Parry)
Wilt thou disannul judgment? (Chorus)
Windy Nights
Winter (Gardiner)
Winter wakeneth all my care
Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV740 (Bach/Whittaker)
Wir wandelten, wir zwei zusammen
With perfume heavily laden the roses droop their heads
With proud thanksgiving
With rue my heart is laden
With rue my heart is laden
With short, sharp, violent lights made vivid
Wither's Rocking Hymn (Vaughan Williams/Bruerton)
Within his car, aloft, young Bacchus stood
Within the woodlands, flow'ry gladed
Woodland love: Romance
Woodland Sketches, Op 51 (MacDowell/Woodhouse)
Word over all, beautiful as the sky
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain – Amen
Ye balmy breezes, gently blow (Shield)
Ye choirs of New Jerusalem
Ye choirs of New Jerusalem, Op 123 (Stanford)
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright – Darwall's 148th (Darwall/Gray)
Ye little birds that sit and sing
Ye shepherds, give ear to my lay
Ye that have spent the silent night
Yea, cast me from heights
Yes! the Redeemer rose (Taylor)
Yesterdays (Kern/Pappano)
Yesterdays/They didn't believe me (Kern/Chilcott)
Yo ho, little girls, yo ho!
You are the evening cloud floating in the sky of my dreams
You couldn't stop a lover (Anon/Hughes)
You have shown my mystery
You smile upon your friend today
You that have spent the silent night
Young Venevil
Your eyën two
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hearts are lifted up
You're taking such good care of me
Youth and love
Youth and love
You've had lots of songs about roses
You've heard of me, of course
Ysobel (Andantino)
Yuuyake koyakeno akatombo
Zeinab's theme: Molto più lento
Zigeunerweisen, Op 20 (Sarasate/Hazell)
Zut, zut, zut (Elgar)
Zwölf Gedichte aus 'Liebesfrühling', Op 12 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Gedichte von Justinus Kerner, Op 35 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Grosvenor)
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