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Artist Index – Singers – Tenors

An alphabetical listing of all tenors represented on this website.

Abril, Vicente (tenor)
Adam, Krystian (tenor)
Agnew, Paul (tenor)
Ainsley, John Mark (tenor)
Aisher, Peter (tenor)
Akselberg, Fredrik (tenor)
Alden, Ben (tenor)
Aler, John (tenor)
Allen, David Rayvern (tenor)
Amako, Hiroshi (tenor)
Andersen, Stig (tenor)
Apalaghie, Dan (tenor)
Armstrong, Alan (tenor)
Ashford, William (tenor)
Atkins, Thomas (tenor)
Atkinson, Daniel (tenor)
Atkinson, Lynton (tenor)
Auchincloss, Daniel (tenor)
Auty, Peter (tenor)
Badley, Paul (tenor)
Bagnall, David (tenor)
Bailey, Robin (tenor)
Balkwill, William (tenor)
Balla, Jason (tenor)
Banks, Barry (tenor)
Barrett, Philip (tenor)
Barwood, Simon (tenor)
Baxter, Josh (tenor)
Beal, Daniel (tenor)
Beale, Matthew (tenor)
Beatty, Gerald (tenor)
Beddoe, James (tenor)
Beekman, Marcel (tenor)
Begley, Kim (tenor)
Belcyr, Marcin (tenor)
Bell, Michael (tenor)
Bentley-Angell, Paul (tenor)
Berridge, Simon (tenor)
Beston, Simon (tenor)
Beuron, Yann (tenor)
Bezdüz, Bülent (tenor)
Bindley, Justin (tenor)
Bjarnason, Finnur (tenor)
Black, Richard (tenor)
Blake, William (tenor)
Bland, Dominic (tenor)
Bode, Simon (tenor)
Boden, Samuel (tenor)
Bolds, DeMarcus (tenor)
Bonthrone, Liam (tenor)
Bostridge, Ian (tenor)
Bott, Archie (tenor)
Bottone, Bonaventura (tenor)
Bowden, Jonathan (tenor)
Bowen, Christopher (tenor)
Bowen, Gwilym (tenor)
Bowen, John (tenor)
Bowen, Ruairi (tenor)
Bowley, John (tenor)
Boyes, Sean (tenor)
Bradford, Harry (tenor)
Breakwell, Ben (tenor)
Breen, Kevin (tenor)
Breslik, Pavol (tenor)
Brough, Harvey (tenor)
Brown, Jonathan (tenor)
Buchanan, Archie (tenor)
Budd, Jeremy (tenor)
Bungard, Jonathan (tenor)
Burden, Andrew (tenor)
Burden, William (tenor)
Burges, Daniel (tenor)
Burt, Robert (tenor)
Busfield, Ronan (tenor)
Busher, Andrew (tenor)
Busiakiewicz, Robert (tenor)
Butler, Richard (tenor)
Butt Philip, David (tenor)
Butterfield, Peter (tenor)
Capalbo, Leonardo (tenor)
Carey, Alastair (tenor)
Carlisle, Joshua (tenor)
Carwood, Andrew (tenor)
Catling, Ashley (tenor)
Cave, Philip (tenor)
Chalford Gilkes, Simon (tenor)
Christopher, Jacob (tenor)
Christos, Jon (tenor)
Clapham, John (tenor)
Clark, Benjamin (tenor)
Clark, Christopher (tenor)
Clayton, Allan (tenor)
Cleveman, Lars (tenor)
Coldstream, Bene't (tenor)
Collins, Mervyn (tenor)
Condry, David (tenor)
Conrad, Andreas (tenor)
Contaldo, Valerio (tenor)
Cookson, Brian (tenor)
Cooter, Josh (tenor)
Cornwell, Joseph (tenor)
Corr, Declan (tenor)
Covey-Crump, Rogers (tenor)
Crocker, Christian (tenor)
Crook, Howard (tenor)
Cunningham, Edward (tenor)
Curtis, Fearghal (tenor)
Cutting, Guy (tenor)
Cviic, Stephen (tenor)
Daniels, Charles (tenor)
Danskin, Colin (tenor)
Darnell, Jason (tenor)
Davies, Maldwyn (tenor)
Davies, Robert (tenor)
Davis, Oliver (tenor)
Davislim, Steve (tenor)
Davoren, Peter (tenor)
De Blois, Peter (tenor)
de la Paz, Alberto (tenor)
De Tommaso, Freddie (tenor)
de Winter, David (tenor)
Deery, Joseph (tenor)
Del Pozo, Rodrigo (tenor)
Denys, Tore Tom (tenor)
Dobell, Mark (tenor)
Dodson, Alan (tenor)
Dourish, Mark (tenor)
Dressel, Samuel (tenor)
Dürmüller, Jörg (tenor)
Dyble, Jake (tenor)
Edgar-Wilson, Richard (tenor)
Edgeler, James (tenor)
Elgr, Ladislav (tenor)
Ellicott, Joshua (tenor)
Ellinwood Jr, Carl (tenor)
Elliott, Alasdair (tenor)
Elliott, Paul (tenor)
Elsley, Owen (tenor)
English, Jon (tenor)
Eteson, Richard (tenor)
Evans, Peter (tenor)
Evans, Wynford (tenor)
Fernández-Rueda, Francisco (tenor)
Ferros, Xavier (tenor)
Finnis, Jerome (tenor)
Firth, Robin (tenor)
Fisher, Alessandro (tenor)
Fleetwood Smyth, Ben (tenor)
Flinn, Benedict (tenor)
Ford, Bruce (tenor)
Foster-Carter, Tom (tenor)
Fouchécourt, Jean-Paul (tenor)
Fröhlich, Bernd Oliver (tenor)
Fujita, Blayne (tenor)
Gallimore, James (tenor)
Gant, Andrew (tenor)
Gant, James (tenor)
Gardner, Edward (tenor)
Genz, Christoph (tenor)
Gilchrist, James (tenor)
Gillett, Christopher (tenor)
Giustiniani, Anicio Zorzi (tenor)
Goater, Edward (tenor)
Golding, Miles (tenor)
Gonçalves, Almeno (tenor)
Goulder, Jack (tenor)
Gray, Jeffrey (tenor)
Green, Alan (tenor)
Gregory, Julian (tenor)
Groves, Paul (tenor)
Haidar, Haitham (tenor)
Hall, Peter (tenor)
Halton, Jonah (tenor)
Hammond, Mark (tenor)
Hancock, Joseph (tenor)
Harrold, Steven (tenor)
Harte, John (tenor)
Hartmann, Will (tenor)
Hawgood, Anthony (tenor)
Heppner, Ben (tenor)
Hetherington, Xavier (tenor)
Hickey, Alexander (tenor)
Hill, Martyn (tenor)
Hoare, Peter (tenor)
Hobbs, Thomas (tenor)
Honeyman, Ian (tenor)
Hounsell, Mark (tenor)
Howard, Matthew (tenor)
Hudson, John (tenor)
Hughes, Edward (tenor)
Hulett, Benjamin (tenor)
Hume, Alexander (tenor)
Humphries, Rob (tenor)
Hymas, Benedict (tenor)
Hymas, Hugo (tenor)
Hymel, Bryan (tenor)
Ingram, Henry (tenor)
Inns, Archie (tenor)
Irwin, Simon (tenor)
Ives, Bill (tenor)
Jackson, Stuart (tenor)
Jākobsons, Egils (tenor)
Jeffcoate, Laurence (tenor)
Jeffes, Stephen (tenor)
Jenkins, Neil (tenor)
Jenkins, Sam (tenor)
Johnson, Anthony (tenor)
Johnson, Ben (tenor)
Johnston, Robert (tenor)
Jones, Frederick (tenor)
Jones, Peter (tenor)
Jones, Simon (tenor)
Jovanovich, Brandon (tenor)
Joyner, William (tenor)
Jupp, Alexander (tenor)
Kambo, Gopal (tenor)
Keay, Nicholas (tenor)
Keen, Stuart (tenor)
Kelly, Thomas (tenor)
Kendall, William (tenor)
Kennedy, Andrew (tenor)
King, Andrew (tenor)
King, Andrew Peter (tenor)
Kirk, Vernon (tenor)
Knight, David (tenor)
Knight, Jonathan (tenor)
Knight, William (tenor)
Kobow, Jan (tenor)
Koek, Daniel (tenor)
Kunde, Gregory (tenor)
Künne, Thomas (tenor)
Laing, Stuart (tenor)
Lajtkep, Tomáš (tenor)
Langridge, Johnny (tenor)
Langridge, Philip (tenor)
Langston, Timothy (tenor)
Lawford, Philip (tenor)
Le Brocq, Mark (tenor)
Leach, Felix (tenor)
Lee, Colin (tenor)
Lee, Simon (tenor)
Lee, William (tenor)
Lemmings, Christopher (tenor)
Lewis, Daniel (tenor)
Lewis, Keith (tenor)
Lewis, Richard (tenor)
Lielauss, Didzis (tenor)
Linley, Arthur (tenor)
Lister, Clifford (tenor)
Long, Matthew (tenor)
Lowe, Adrian (tenor)
Lowe, David (tenor)
Lyon, Edward (tenor)
Mac Master, John (tenor)
MacDougall, Charles (tenor)
MacDougall, Jamie (tenor)
Mace, Robin (tenor)
Macfarlane, Robert (tenor)
Mach, Sebastian (tenor)
Mackenzie, Neil (tenor)
Mackie, Neil (tenor)
MacLeod-Jones, Iain (tenor)
Madden, Nicholas (tenor)
Matheson-Bruce, Graeme (tenor)
Maxwell-Hyde, Jonny (tenor)
McAnerney, Andrew (tenor)
McCarthy, Patrick (tenor)
McKinney, Matthew (tenor)
McVeigh, John (tenor)
Meli, Francesco (tenor)
Melnik, Maxime (tenor)
Mercer, Christopher (tenor)
Meyn, Norbert (tenor)
Micklethwaite, James (tenor)
Milhofer, Mark (tenor)
Milne, Iain (tenor)
Milner, Howard (tenor)
Mingay-Smith, Robert (tenor)
Missin, William (tenor)
Morss, Thomas (tenor)
Morton, Peter (tenor)
Morton, Richard (tenor)
Müller, Rufus (tenor)
Mulroy, Nicholas (tenor)
Murgatroyd, Andrew (tenor)
Murphy, Glenn (tenor)
Murray, Robert (tenor)
Naish, Paul (tenor)
Nardone, Peter (tenor)
Natale, Carlos (tenor)
Navarro Colorado, Jorge (tenor)
Negri, Louis (tenor)
Nehaul, Christopher (tenor)
Neill, Stuart (tenor)
Nicoll, Harry (tenor)
Nishibun, Alexander (tenor)
Nixon, Leigh (tenor)
Norman, Daniel (tenor)
Norris, David (tenor)
Norriss, Matthew (tenor)
North, Peter (tenor)
O'Donovan, Ciarán (tenor)
O'Gorman, Christopher (tenor)
Oke, Alan (tenor)
O'Neill, Maximilian (tenor)
O'Neill, Simon (tenor)
Osborn, John (tenor)
Ovenden, Jeremy (tenor)
Oxley, James (tenor)
Padmore, Mark (tenor)
Page, Teehan (tenor)
Palmer, Christopher (tenor)
Parker, Keith (tenor)
Parr, Toby (tenor)
Parrott, Andrew (tenor)
Parry, Ben (tenor)
Partridge, Ian (tenor)
Patel, Roshan (tenor)
Pearce, Johathan (tenor)
Pérez, David (tenor)
Perkins, Thomas (tenor)
Petryka, Jan (tenor)
Phillips, Tom (tenor)
Phoenix, Paul (tenor)
Pickering, Martin (tenor)
Pinkstone, Richard (tenor)
Player, Adam (tenor)
Podger, Julian (tenor)
Polenzani, Matthew (tenor)
Pooley, George (tenor)
Popov, Andrei (tenor)
Pott, Jack Anthony (tenor)
Potter, John (tenor)
Pozo, Rodrigo del (tenor)
Prégardien, Christoph (tenor)
Pritchard, Nicholas (tenor)
Prunell-Friend, Agustin (tenor)
Putt, Alastair (tenor)
Quirke, Benedict (tenor)
Rashbrook, Roy (tenor)
Raskin, Tom (tenor)
Ray, Tyler (tenor)
Rayfield, Benjamin (tenor)
Rees, Andrew (tenor)
Reese, James (tenor)
Rensburg, Kobie van (tenor)
Rhodes, Iain (tenor)
Rice, Tim (tenor)
Richardson-Eames, Cameron (tenor)
Ring, Gavan (tenor)
Robbins, Richard (tenor)
Roberts, Jamie (tenor)
Roberts, Marcus (tenor)
Robertson, Nicolas (tenor)
Robson, Tom (tenor)
Roden, Anthony (tenor)
Rodríguez Otero, Carlos (tenor)
Rolfe Johnson, Anthony (tenor)
Rowntree, Richard (tenor)
Rzempołuch, Jacek (tenor)
Sabbatini, Giuseppe (tenor)
Sadnik, Roman (tenor)
Salmon, Philip (tenor)
Sanderson, Michael (tenor)
Sandy, Matthew (tenor)
Savage, Issachah (tenor)
Schade, Michael (tenor)
Schend, Austin (tenor)
Scholtz, Paul (tenor)
Schreier, Peter (tenor)
Schulz, Achim (tenor)
Semerád, Vojtěch (tenor)
Semishkur, Sergey (tenor)
Senanayake, Jaliya (tenor)
Sheffield, Philip (tenor)
Shorter, Robert (tenor)
Siegel, Gerhard (tenor)
Simcock, Guy (tenor)
Simpson, Edwin (tenor)
Skelton, Stuart (tenor)
Smith, Angus (tenor)
Smith, Bradley (tenor)
Smith, Matthew (tenor)
Spence, Nicky (tenor)
Spence, Toby (tenor)
Spyres, Michael (tenor)
Staples, Andrew (tenor)
Stenger, Gene (tenor)
Stilgoe, Richard (tenor)
Stimpert, Philip (tenor)
Stocker, Julian (tenor)
Stockwell, Ewan (tenor)
Storey, Ian (tenor)
Stoughton, Jonathan (tenor)
Sweeney, Shane (tenor)
Tantsits, Peter (tenor)
Tarver, Kenneth (tenor)
Tassell, Greg (tenor)
Taylor, Ethan (tenor)
Taylor, Joseph (tenor)
Thomas, Elgan Llŷr (tenor)
Thompson, Adrian (tenor)
Timchenko, Alexander (tenor)
Tindall, Paul (tenor)
Todd, Nicholas (tenor)
Tomsons, Valdis (tenor)
Tortise, Andrew (tenor)
Toscano, Luís (tenor)
Towers, William (tenor)
Townsend, Antony (tenor)
Treharne, Arwel (tenor)
Treseder, Gareth (tenor)
Trevelyan-Jones, Warren (tenor)
Tritschler, Robin (tenor)
Tusa, Andrew (tenor)
Unwin, William (tenor)
Vale, Nathan (tenor)
van Rensburg, Kobie (tenor)
van Stade, Koen (tenor)
Vine, Matthew (tenor)
Vinke, Stefan (tenor)
Vitulskis, Merūnas (tenor)
Walker, Dan (tenor)
Walker, Thomas (tenor)
Wall, Simon (tenor)
Walsh, Dominic (tenor)
Ward, Adrian (tenor)
Ward, Toby (tenor)
Waters, Mark (tenor)
Watkin, Toby (tenor)
Watkins, Louis (tenor)
Watson, Christopher (tenor)
Way, James (tenor)
West, Kevin (tenor)
White, Robert (tenor)
Wicks, Joseph (tenor)
Widdowson, Alan (tenor)
Wiederspan, Ethan (tenor)
Wilde, Jack (tenor)
Wilde, Mark (tenor)
Wilder, Zachary (tenor)
Wildes, Declan (tenor)
Williams, Joel (tenor)
Wilson, Elias (tenor)
Wilson, Nicholas (tenor)
Wilson, Richard (tenor)
Wingfield, Benjamin (tenor)
Winstone, Oliver (tenor)
Woodmansey, Andrew (tenor)
Wookey, Simon (tenor)
Wootton, Douglas (tenor)
Wright, Stuart (tenor)
Yeats, Andrew (tenor)
Zvīgulis, Mārtiņš (tenor)
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