Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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… from bursting suns escaping … (Mason)
2 Pieces for 4 Brothers (Davis)
24 Caprices, Op 1 (Paganini/Bryan)
A Christmas Carnival (Bissill)
A Christmas Overture (Hess)
A dream
A Gaelic blessing (Rutter)
A play
A prayer (Le Page)
A quiet stroll (Williams)
A remark you made (Sheppard)
A song about myself
A song my mother taught me
A sonnet
A Sudden Rainbow (Schwantner)
A suite
A thing of beauty
A young Austrian went yodelling (Anon/Doughty)
A young man who astonished a watchman
Absolved in the mirror
Açai Palm
Acid House
Adagio for strings, Op 11 (Barber)
After the blast of lighting from the East
Aftertones (Matthews)
Aggiacciato tremar trà nevi algenti
Air de diable
Air 'on the G string'
Air Waltz (Davis)
Airborne Dances (Davis)
Alceste (Lully/King)
All shod with steel
All the stars looked down (Rutter)
All they that see him laugh him to scorn (tenor)
Alla caccia, HWV79 (Handel/Bennett)
Allegro spiritoso (Senaillé/Perkins)
Alleluia. Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius
Alphabicycle order (Matthews)
Alpine Pastures (Ellis/Torch)
American Symphonette No 3 (Gould)
Aminte délaissée
Amor, Amor, Amor (Ruiz/Palmer)
An ending 'Ascent' (Eno/Le Page)
An English Mass (Howells)
An imperial elegy
An optical illusion
An ordinary Tuesday (Sheppard)
And he shall purify the sons of Levi
Andalucia Suite (Lecuona/Palmer)
Angel Tidings (Rutter)
Angels' Carol (Rutter)
Angels from the realms of glory (Smart/Cullen)
Anno (Davis)
Anstatt-dass Song
Antiphon (Walton)
Antique: Allegretto, un poco mosso
Apocalyptic primordial call
Apollon musagète (Stravinsky)
Apothéose: Poco meno mosso
Appalachian Spring Suite (Copland)
Appel interstellaire
Arboretum Suite (Davis)
Arco (Davis)
Are vé lo mes de maig (May)
Arise my beautiful shepherdess
Arrival of the guests
Artemis and Orion (Sheppard)
As an apple tree
As I drew nurture from my mother's breast
As I looked over the castle wall
as though birds (Ogonek)
Assez vu. La vision s’est rencontrée à tous les airs
Asyla, Op 17 (Adès)
At Friar Laurence's cell
Au couvent
Aubade (Poulenc)
Aubade héroïque (Lambert)
Augurs of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls) –
Ave Maria (Lamb)
Awake thou that sleepest
Baba Yaga (The hut on fowl's legs)
Baba Yaga, Op 56 (Liadov)
Bacchanalia of John of Kronstadt and Paraskeva Piatnitsa
Bacchus (Davis)
Balcony scene
Bali (Eichheim)
Ballade (Martin)
Ballade No 2 (Nenov)
Ballet of the unhatched chicks
Ballo (Matteis Jr./Chandler)
Be merciful unto me, O God
Be slowly lifted up, thou long black arm
Beachcomber (Richardson)
Beat! Beat! Drums!
Beatitudes of St Isaac the Syrian
Beautiful fresh flower (Anon/Grainger/Sculthorpe)
Before action
Begin the Beguine (Porter/Palmer)
Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow (soprano/tenor)
Behold, you are beautiful
Being beauteous: Lento ma comodo
Belle of the Ball (Anderson)
Billy the Kid Suite (Copland)
Birdflight (Gunning)
Bist du bei mir, BWV508 (Stölzel/Rutter)
Blake's Lullaby (Rutter)
Blaze away! (Holzmann)
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord
Blue notebook No 10
Boléro (Ravel)
Bone Palace ballet (Roth)
Bonny at morn (Anon/Perkins)
Born in a stable so bare
Bounce (Clowes)
Brahms, Op 21 (Adès)
Bright Phoebus (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
Brixton briefcase (Lee)
Brown leather sofa (Chadburn)
Bryce Canyon et les rochers rouge-orange
Buffalo Jump (Sheppard)
Bugles sang, saddening the evening air
Burg meiner Väter … O Vater der Güte ich stammle (Graf)
Burning hell
But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (soprano/tenor)
But today we collect ads (Sergeant)
But who may abide the day of his coming? (alto/bass)
By a bierside (Gurney/Howells)
By the Rio Grande they dance no sarabande
Bydlo (A Polish Ox-cart)
Ca' the yowes (Anon/MacLean/Bateman)
Caledonia (MacLean/Logan)
Calliope (Cooper)
Candlelight Carol (Rutter)
Canon and Gigue in D (Pachelbel/Brody/Reynolds)
Cantilena (Elms)
Canzona for brass (Simpson)
Capriccio (Stravinsky)
Capriol (Warlock)
Captured (Parker)
Carol of the Children (Rutter)
Carriage and Pair (Frankel)
Castor et Pollux (Rameau/Aareskjold/Bennett)
Catacombae. Sepulchrum Romanum
Catalonia (Reade/Gibson)
Cavalcade of youth (Beaver)
Ce qui est écrit sur les étoiles …
Ce sont des villes!
Cedar Breaks et le don de crainte
Celebra il Vilanel con balli e Canti Del felice
Celebration (after Billy's capture)
Cello Concerto (Adler)
Cello Concerto (Gunning)
Cello Concerto (Honegger)
Cello Concerto (Honegger/Maréchal)
Cello Concerto (Howells)
Cello Concerto (Prokofiev)
Cello Concerto (Walton)
Cello Concerto in A major (Dvořák/Raphael)
Cello Concerto in E minor, Op 58 (Prokofiev)
Cello Concerto No 2 in G major, Op 126 (Shostakovich)
Cello Sonata in C major, Op 119 (Prokofiev)
Chamber Symphony (Roslavets)
Chamber Symphony (Tchaikovsky)
Chamber Symphony, Op 110a (Shostakovich/Barshai)
Chamber Symphony, Op 118a (Shostakovich/Barshai)
Chanson dansée
Chant d'amour 1
Chants du Roussillon '5 Catalan folksongs' (Anon/Reade)
Checkmate. Ballet Suite (Bliss)
Child in a manger (Anon/Rutter)
Chillingham (Davis)
Chloé réapparaît
Chorale (Wallen)
Christ our Emmanuel (Rutter)
Christmas Carol Fantasy (Anon/Campbell)
Christmas Lullaby (Rutter)
Christmas Party (Hewitt Jones)
Christmas spirit (Curtis)
Christmas trees and boughs of holly
Cielito Lindo (Santos/Palmer)
Cinderella Suite No 1, Op 107 (Prokofiev)
Cinderella Suite No 2, Op 108 (Prokofiev)
Cinderella Suite No 3, Op 109 (Prokofiev)
Cinderella's Waltz
Circus World (Tiomkin)
Clarinet Concerto (Blake)
Clarinet Concerto (Copland)
Clarinet Concerto (Phibbs)
Clarity (Davis)
Clear in the darkness a light shines in Bethlehem
Coda: Apollon et les Muses
Comfort ye, my people (tenor)
Comptine d'un autre été, l'après-midi (Tiersen/Le Page)
Con mortuis in lingua mortua
Concertino for organ, strings and percussion (Petit)
Concertino for piano and orchestra (Honegger)
Concertino in G minor, Op 132 (Prokofiev)
Concerto for bassoon and small orchestra (Panufnik)
Concerto for cello and strings (Tabakova)
Concerto for french horns in F major, HWV331 (Handel/Bennett)
Concerto for guitar and orchestra (Adler)
Concerto for orchestra (Sessions)
Concerto for orchestra No 1 'Naughty limericks' (Shchedrin)
Concerto for piano and large orchestra (Bolcom)
Concerto for piano and orchestra No 1 (Adler)
Concerto for string orchestra (Bacewicz)
Concerto for string orchestra (Howells)
Concerto for two pianos and orchestra (McDonald)
Concerto for viola and strings (Tabakova)
Concerto for violin and orchestra (Adler)
Concerto funebre (Hartmann)
Concerto in D (Stravinsky)
Concerto movement for basset clarinet in D major (Süssmayr/Freyhan)
Concerto pathétique in E minor, S365b (Liszt/Reuss)
Concerto with echoes (Kernis)
Concerto-Rhapsody in B flat minor (Khachaturian)
Confessions (Muhly)
Confutatis maledictis
Contemplation Suite (Cooper)
Continuum (Cooper)
Continuum (Cooper)
Coral Suite (Davis)
Coronation Scot (Ellis)
Coronation Te Deum (Walton)
Cosmic rising
Country Dance
Crossing the Alps (Matthews)
Cyrano de Bergerac (Tiomkin)
Dance (Davis)
Dance Epilogue (Davis)
Dance Odyssey (Davis)
Dance of an ostracized imp (Curzon)
Dance of the five couples
Dance of the Workers
Dance of the young girls with lilies
Dance preludes (Lutosławski)
Dance Suite for orchestra and piano (Chisholm)
Dance with mandolins
Dance, when you’re broken
Dancing Folk (Davis)
Dancing lesson and Gavotte
Dancing Out of the Earth
Danse de Félicita et de Fabrino
Danse grotesque de Dorcon
Danse, L77 (Debussy/Ravel)
Danses 'Corps de ballet': Moderato
Daphnis et Chloé (Ravel)
Dark Iridescent
Dawn on the Moscow river
Daydream (Satie/Rutter)
De l'aube à midi sur la mer: Très lent
De matinet me vaig llevar (The nightingale's advice)
De profundis (Elms)
De profundis clamavi
Dead man's dump
Death of Juliet
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Denn alles Fleisch es ist wie Gras
Départ: Largo mesto
Der Graf von Gleichen, D918 (Schubert/Dünser)
Der Liebe himmlisches Gefühl, K119 (Mozart/Bliss)
Der Schwanendreher (Hindemith)
Der Sturm (Martin)
Des canyons aux étoiles … (Messiaen)
Des drôles très solides
Desires (Ashby)
Devant une neige un Être de Beauté
Développement de l'amour
Dialogue du vent et de la mer: Animé et tumultueux
Die Ballade vom angenehmen Leben
Dies irae
Dies natalis, Op 8 (Finzi)
Dirge for two veterans
Divertissement (Ibert)
Do not forsake me
Dog and frog
Domine Jesu Christe
Donkey Carol (Rutter)
Dormi, Jesu (Rutter)
Double Bass Concerto No 2 in D major (Dittersdorf/Nwanoku)
Dream Songs (Davis)
Dreamsongs (Kernis)
Drifting on winds and currents (Adler)
Drum & Bass
Duettino of Ivan and the Tsar Maiden
Dum Diane vitrea
Dying sun, shine warm a little longer!
Earth moon: Earthrise – The overview
Earth Suite (Tabakova)
Ebb of winter (Maxwell Davies)
Ebbing tides (Taplin)
Ecce homo
Ecce, chorus virginum
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op 45 (Brahms/Farrington)
El cant dels ocells 'The song of the birds' (Anon/Reade)
El Capitan (Sousa)
El Noi de la Mare 'The Son of the Virgin' (Anon/Rutter)
Elegy (Rosenzweig)
Elegy for a lost son (Sheppard)
Elegy for Lazarus
Elizabethan Masque (Bayco)
Elizabethan Serenade (Binge)
Ellie's theme (Sheppard)
Enceladus: Rows and rows of gigantic geysers
Energy (Simpson)
Entrance fanfare (Bullock)
Entre un groupe de jeunes filles costumées en bacchantes – Danse générale – Danse de Daphnis et Chloé – Danse de Dorcon – Danse finale: Bacchanale
Entrée de Félicita
Epilogue (Davis)
Equinox (Davis)
Eros and Psyche (Davis)
Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungen (Anon/Rutter)
Es muss sein(?) – Labyrinthus
Etenraku (Anon/Konoye)
Europa: Is there an ocean?
Evening prayer (Beaser)
Every valley shall be exalted (tenor)
Evocation of the Ancestors –
Exaudi orationem meam
Façade. Ballet suite (Walton)
Façade. Ballet suite (Walton/Palmer)
Faded by rage, Aphrodite sends
Faint with love
Fair Albion (Hawes)
Fairtrade? (Witter-Johnson)
Fairy grandmother and fairy Winter
Fairytale Sleighride (Saunders)
Fandango frívolo (Elms)
Fanfare for a newborn child (Suckling)
Fanfare: Maestoso
Fantaisie (Hüe)
Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, BWV537 (Bach/Elgar)
Fantasie in C major, Op 17 (Schumann/Joseph James)
Far away, far away shines a light
Fast blues: Allegro
Feeling the chill (Gordon)
Festival of the Workers Suite (McDonald)
Festive Overture, Op 96 (Shostakovich)
Festus (Elms)
Finale: Scherzo – Nocturne – Scherzo
Finale: The Holy City
Five Fragments, Op 42 (Shostakovich)
Five meditations for orchestra (Rutter)
Five Melodies, Op 35bis (Prokofiev/Swensen)
Flare (Marsh)
Flatiron Copse
Flēotan (Piper)
Floating Dreamsongs
Flute Concerto (Ibert)
Flute Concerto (Rouse)
Flying down to Rio (Youmans/Palmer)
Folk dance
Fool's Paradise (Talbot)
For an unknown soldier (Dove)
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass)
For J L
For unto us a child is born
Four Baritone Songs (Gipps/Williams)
Four Walt Whitman Songs (Weill)
Frail skies (Campbell)
Frenesi (Domínguez/Palmer)
Friar Laurence
From all the jails the boys and girls
From the True Edge of the Great World (Chisholm)
Frontiers (Davis)
Fugue (Rosenzweig)
Fugue in B flat major
Fugue in D major
Further public festivities
Galitsin's journey
Game of Abduction –
Gånglåt fran Äppelbo (Anon/Perkins)
Ganymede: Magnetic forces and colossal discoveries
Geistliches Lied, Op 30 (Brahms/Gardiner)
Geme la tortorella
Gemini (Davis)
Gethsemane: Shards
Gethsemani (De Sabata)
Giant (Tiomkin)
Girls in grey (Williams)
Giunt' è la Primavera e festosetti
Gloria (Poulenc)
Gloria (Rutter)
Glorification of the Chosen One –
Glory be to God on high
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to God in the highest
Gnossienne No 1 (Satie/Corp)
Gnossienne No 2 (Satie/Corp)
Gnossienne No 3 (Satie/Corp)
Go forth into the world (Rutter)
Goblin Market (Kernis)
God be in my head (Forsdyke)
God of strength
God save the King
God's creation
Going through the hills on a night all starry
Gold und Silber (Lehár)
Good people all, this Christmas time
Gospel of St John
Gracieux fils de Pan!
Granular fragments (Moriarty)
Green grow the rashes (Anon/MacLean/Logan)
Große Fantasie 'Wanderer', D760 Op 15 (Schubert/Joseph James)
Große Fantasie 'Wanderer', S366 (Liszt/Schubert/Tamir)
Ground O (Beaser)
Guillemont to Ginch
Guitar Concerto (Beaser)
Guitar Concerto (Davis)
Guitarre, Op 28 (Lalo/Pierné)
Gun battle
Guns of Navarone (Tiomkin)
Gypsy dance
Hail, veil of the temple
Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
Halo (Maistorovici)
Harmony in the mist
Have you heard the sound of the angel voices
Have you heard the story that they’re telling ’bout Bethlehem
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd (alto/soprano)
Heiland Harry (Anon/MacLean/Bateman)
Henry V (Walton/Wills)
Heroes (Bowie/Eno/Le Page)
Herr, lehre doch mich
Hesychast meditation
High Heels (Duncan/Trebilcock)
High Noon (Tiomkin)
Hippolyte et Aricie (Rameau/Aareskjold/Bennett)
His yoke is easy and his burthen is light
Hitchcock Suite (Tiomkin)
Holding back (MacLean/Logan)
Holiday for strings (Rose)
Holy is the true light
Holy Mary
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts
Homage fanfare – Acclamations (Bullock)
Horace victorieux (Honegger)
Horn Concerto (Matthews)
Horn Concerto in E flat major, K370b (Mozart/Roberts)
Horn Concerto No 1 in D major, K412 (Mozart/Roberts)
Horoscope. Ballet Suite (Lambert)
Hostias et preces tibi
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach (soprano)
How do you capture the wind on the water?
How hard the year dies: no frost yet
How like an Angel came I down!
How long
Humoresque (Howell)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Gál)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Hallén)
Hungarian Dances, WoO1 (Brahms/Schmeling)
Hymn to Cypris
Hymnus (Sheppard)
Hymnus Paradisi (Howells)
Hypothetically murdered, Op 31a (Shostakovich/McBurney)
I am the song – Birth
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty
I found the man grown to a dwarf
I heard a voice from heaven
I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano)
I know there is a man for me, I know
I plant some flowers without you
I pray (Mealor/Campbell)
I seem to see how the reader
I sing of a maiden (Rutter)
I will lift up mine eyes (Rutter)
I wonder as I wander (Rutter)
Iamiam rident prata
Ibéria: Le matin d'un jour de fête
If (Nyman/Keenan)
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels
If you know not
Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit
I'll walk with God (Brodsky/Keenan)
I'm homesick for my hills again
Images (Debussy)
Imagination,—lifting up itself
In all towns and villages both far and near
In Exile (Sumsion)
In Flanders (Gurney/Howells)
In party mood (Strachey)
In semine durat genus / The race continues in the seed
In this valley of dying stars (Shin)
In time of daffodils (Metcalf)
Incentive (McCormack)
Inferno (Davis)
Intercession in Late October
Into beauty
into the open … (Gruber)
Introduction à la vie joyeuse
Introduction et Danse religieuse
Invention (primarily in 2 parts)
Invierno porteño
Invisible Mosaic II (Kernis)
Io: Celestial tug of war
It seemed that out of battle I escaped
J'ai seul la clef de cette parade sauvage
Jamaican Rumba (Benjamin)
Japanese Nocturne
Jardin du sommeil d'amour
Jaunting Car
Jesu Joy – Crucifixus
Jesu, my love, my joy, my rest
Jesus Child (Rutter)
Jesus having risen from the tomb
Jeux de vagues: Allegro
Jeux d'eau (Ravel/Viacava)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Campbell)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Gould)
Johnny Marks Medley (Marks/Bateman)
Joie du sang des étoiles
Joie et Paix sur Toi Israël!
Jolly old Saint Nicholas 'Christmas time' (Anon/Doughty)
Joseph's carol (Rutter)
Juliet alone
Juliet the young girl
Juliet the young girl
Jumping Bean (Farnon)
Juventus (De Sabata)
Kalon (Blackford)
Khovantchina (Musorgsky/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Khovantchina (Musorgsky/Stokowski)
Kikimora, Op 63 (Liadov)
Klag-Lied, BuxWV76b (Buxtehude/Gordon)
Kleine Dreigroschenmusik (Weill)
Knights Templar in the temple church
Kolïbel'naya 'Lullaby'
Konzertmusik, Op 48 (Hindemith)
Koong Shee (Howell)
Kora Song
Kreegi vihik 'Kreek's Notebook' (Kõrvits)
Kyrie eleison: Chant
L’homme armé
La belle Damnée de Chez Maxim's
La captive 'Orientale', Op 12 (Berlioz/Manze)
La Cucaracha (Anon/Atmajian)
La finta giardiniera, K196 (Mozart/Isserlis)
La grive des bois
La mer, L111 (Debussy)
La notte di Plàton (De Sabata)
La Paloma (Iradier/Atmajian)
La Primavera (McCabe)
La rotta (Anon/Le Page)
La Senna festeggiante, RV693 (Vivaldi/King)
La Statira (Albinoni/Bennett)
La valse (Ravel)
La Verità nell'Inganno (Caldara/Matteis Jr./Chandler)
Lacrimosa (Maskats)
Lacrymosa: Stabat Mater
Lady of Spain (Evans/Hartley/Warner)
Lament for Jerusalem
Lament for Pasiphaë
Lament with variations
Lamia (Howell)
L'apothéose de Molière, Op 286 (Milhaud)
Larghetto and Allegro for two pianos and orchestra in E flat major (Mozart/Lev)
Las cuatro estaciones porteñas (Piazzolla)
Lass dich nur nichts nicht dauren mit trauren
Last door of light (Maxwell Davies)
Lazarus Requiem (Hawes)
Le Bœuf sur le Toit, Op 58 (Milhaud)
Le carnaval d'Aix, Op 83b (Milhaud)
Le carnaval de Londres, Op 172 (Milhaud)
Le combat
Le consolateur facétieux
Le cossyphe d'Heuglin
Le roi nu (Françaix)
Le tombeau de Couperin (Ravel)
Leçon de Félicita
Left hand singing
Lenda üles kurbtusest
Les amours ont chassé l'amour
Les Baricades Mistérieuses
Les biches (Poulenc)
Les bosquets de Cythère (Françaix)
Les chars d'argent et de cuivre
Les Contrastes 'Grand Duo', Op 115 (Moscheles/Lev/Levanon)
Les demoiselles de la nuit (Françaix)
Les illuminations, Op 18 (Britten)
Les Indes galantes (Rameau/Bennett)
Les jeunes filles attirent Daphnis – Danse générale
Les larcins galants
Les malheurs de Sophie (Françaix)
Les orioles
Les patineurs (Waldteufel)
Les ressuscités et le chant de l'étoile Aldébaran
Let us break their bonds asunder
Let us sleep now …
Lever du jour – Daphnis cherche Chloé et il rêve d'elle – Daphnis et Chloé miment l'aventure de Pân et de Syrinx
Liber scriptus
Libertango (Piazzolla/Knigge)
Liberty (Davis)
Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Lift up your hearts
Light Iridescent
Light of Christ
Like Snow
Lim Fantasy of Companionship (Martin)
Lim Fantasy of Companionship (Martin/Barua)
Lim Fantasy of Companionship (Martin/Danziger)
Lim Fantasy of Companionship (Martin/Eymard)
Limoges, the market place
Listen to the reeds as they sway apart
Little Serenade (Tomlinson)
Little Suite (Duncan/Trebilcock)
Londonderry Air (Anon/Knigge)
Long and weary was the journey
Long time ago in Bethlehem
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace
Losing things
Lost Lake (Davis)
Louisiana Story – Acadian Songs and Dances (Thomson)
Louisiana Story – Suite (Thomson)
Love abide (Panufnik)
Love abide (Panufnik)
Love came down at Christmas (Rutter)
Love is the master
Love's echo
Lugete, o Veneres Cupidinesque
Lullaby (Sheppard)
L'ultimo balleto: Aria per li Mascari
Lux aeterna
Lux aeterna
Lux aeterna (Lauridsen)
Ma kiitlen ükspäinis neist verisist haavust
Mahámátar (Tavener)
Maiden's round dance and quadrille
Man lebt nur einmal (Adler)
Man of Sorrows (Tsontakis)
Manhattan Beach (Sousa)
Many waters
March for one
March of the Bowmen
Marche des combattants
Marche funèbre d'une marionnette (Gounod/Perkins)
Marching Strings (Ross/Martin)
Marine: Allegro con brio
Mary Queen of Scots (MacLean/Logan)
Mary Theotokos
Mary's boy child (Hairston/Rutter)
Mary's Lullaby (Rutter)
Masquerade Suite (Khachaturian)
Mass of the angels (Panufnik)
Media morte in vita sumus (Simpson)
Meeting of Tybalt and Mercutio
Mélodie: Moderato con moto
Melody on the move (Richardson/Hanmer)
Mercure (Satie)
Messiah, HWV56 (Handel/Goossens/Beecham)
Mexican dance and finale
Mid-Winter (Chilcott)
Mid-Winter Songs (Lauridsen)
Min HaAyara 'From the Shtetl' (Braun)
Mini Stories (Hallgrímsson)
Minu hing, oh ole rõõmus
Miranda: Monolithic cliff
Miri it is – Sumer is icumen in (Anon/Lamb)
Miroirs (Ravel/Grainger)
Mishima – Closing
Miss Melanie (Binge)
Missa Mirabilis (Hough)
Missa Sabrinensis (Howells)
Missa solemnis, Op 123 (Beethoven/Busoni)
Mist-covered mountains (Anon/Perkins)
Morning dance
Morpheus (Davis)
Mother and child (Tavener/Barley)
Mother of God
Mountain hemlock
Mountain Songs (Davis)
Move him into the sun
Movements (Stravinsky)
Mr Ben Jonson's Pleasure: At a leisurely pace
Musa venit carmine
Music for Strings, Trumpets and Percussion (Bacewicz)
Musical Box (Davis)
Mystery of the nothingness of God
Mystic Circle of the Young Girls –
Mystical love song of the Sufis
Mystical navigation
Naissance d'Apollon
Narcissus and Echo (Davis)
Nativity Carol (Rutter)
Nazareno (Golijov/Grau)
Nella Fantasia (Morricone/Keenan)
New Jerusalem: Upanishad hymn
New worlds – High flight
Night on Bare Mountain (Musorgsky/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Night Seasons (Dale)
Night voyage (Gunning)
Niobe (Blackford)
No man's land (Matthews)
Noche española
Noel! (Elms)
Nola 'A silhouette' (Arndt/Zamecnik)
Non che non sei capace, K419 (Mozart/Bliss)
'None', said the other
Now the bright morning star
Now the holly bears a berry
Nowell! A babe is born
Nox perpetua
Nun laube, Lindlein, laube!: Sehr ruhig
Nüüd ole, Jeesus, kiidetud
O Albion (Adès)
O blessed paradise, pray for me
O Domine Jesu Christe
O Himmel! Kannst du mir so freundlich lächeln? … Mein Weib, o Gott, mein süßer Knabe (Graf)
O holy night (Adam/Battiwalla)
O holy night (Adam/Cullen)
O lamb of God
O my dove
O Narcissus Love flowering ‘round you
O nata lux
O Psyche Beautiful soul
O the high valley, the little low hill
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto)
O, I'll go walking
Oblivion (Piazzolla/Garcia)
Oboe Concerto in C major (Cimarosa/Benjamin)
Oh võta, armas Jeesus, vastu mult –
Oh, that he, that he would kiss
Ojos del cielo (Siem)
Old Sir Faulk
Omao, leiothrix, elepaio, shama
On a Spring note (Torch)
On mountain side I lost my heart
On the nature of daylight (Richter)
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary
One ever hangs where shelled roads part
One for the star in the sky over Bethlehem
Orchestral Suite No 1 in F sharp minor, Op 19 (Dohnányi/Heifetz)
Orchestral Suite No 3 in D major, BWV1068 (Bach/Siloti)
Orchids in the moonlight (Youmans/Palmer)
Oriental Impressions (Eichheim)
Orpheus' Comet (Tabakova)
Ossianic lay
Otoño porteño
Our Father
Out of the deep
Out there, we've walked quite friendly up to Death
Outside the gates of paradise
Ouverture a 5 in D (Böhm/Holman)
Ouverture anacréontique (Françaix)
Ouverture: Largo – Presto – Adagio – Presto
Over the fence
Over the hills and far away (Anon/Bennett)
Overture – Davy Crockett – Battle – Epilogue
Overture-Suite in D major (Brescianello/Chandler)
Ovod 'The gadfly', Op 97a (Shostakovich)
Pantomime: Lento
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Finnis)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Goves)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Matthews)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Mayo)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Sammoutis)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Semmens)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Wardener)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Winters)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Yiu)
Panufnik Variations (Panufnik/Young)
Paper dances (Elms)
Parade (Satie)
Parade: Alla marcia
Paradise haunts … (Metcalf)
Parallels I (Nesbit)
Parallels II (Nesbit)
Partita for orchestra (Walton)
Pas d'action
Pas de châle
Pas de deux
Pas de deux: Adagio
Pašona kolo (Anon/Knigge)
Passacaglia: Theme and Variations – Fugato – Coda (Scherzando)
Pavane pour un Génie vivant (Françaix)
Pavane, Op 50 (Fauré)
Peaches en regalia (Zappa/Askin)
Peanut Vendor (Simons/Alexander)
Pearl of Freedom (Marsh)
Perfida (Domínguez/Atmajian)
Perpetual Emotion
Personent hodie (Anon/Holst)
Pesni i plyaski smerti 'Songs and dances of death' (Musorgsky/Shostakovich)
Peter and the Wolf, Op 67 (Prokofiev)
Petite chanson dansée
Petite suite (Borodin/Glazunov)
Phrase: Lento ed estatico
Piano Concerto (Barry)
Piano Concerto (Goss)
Piano Concerto (Khachaturian)
Piano Concerto (Nenov)
Piano Concerto (Tippett)
Piano Concerto in D minor (Howell)
Piano Concerto No 1 'Pìobaireachd' (Chisholm)
Piano Concerto No 2 (Shchedrin)
Piano Concerto No 2 'Hindustani' (Chisholm)
Piano Concerto No 2 in B flat major, Op 19 (Beethoven/Hough)
Piano Concerto No 2 in G major, Op 44 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Piano Concerto No 2 in G major, Op 44 (Tchaikovsky/Siloti)
Piano Concerto No 2 in G minor, Op 16 (Prokofiev)
Piano Concerto No 3 in C major, Op 26 (Prokofiev)
Piano Concerto No 5 (Shchedrin)
Piano Concerto No 5 in G major, Op 55 (Prokofiev)
Piano Concerto No 6 in B flat major, K238 (Mozart/Hewitt)
Piano Concerto, FP146 (Poulenc)
Piano Sonata in C sharp minor 'Moonlight', Op 27 No 2 (Beethoven/Brody/Reynolds)
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Leonard)
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Ravel)
Pictures from the Crimea (Musorgsky/Goehr)
Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu Domine
Pièce (Fauré/Perkins)
Pièces de clavecin Book 2 (Couperin/Le Page)
Pièces en concert (Couperin/Bazelaire)
Pifa 'Pastoral Symphony'
Plaisir d'amour (Martini/Berlioz/Manze)
Platée (Rameau/Aareskjold/Bennett)
Plink, plank, plunk! (Anderson)
Pluto – The Renewer (Matthews)
Poème (Canteloube)
Poinciana (Simon/Atmajian)
Polaris 'Voyage for orchestra' (Adès)
Polkovodets 'The field-marshal'
Pollys Lied
Polovtsian Dances and Suite from Prince Igor (Borodin/Glazunov/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Pomona (Lambert)
Popular Song
Popule meus (Tavener)
Port a beul
Portrait of a flirt (Farnon)
Portuguese Party (Vinter)
Postlude 'Monsieur Croche' (Matthews)
Power Among Men – Fugues and Cantilenas (Thomson)
Pozières: The Moulin
P-p-paranoia (Ward)
Prairie night (Card game at night)
Praise the Lord, O my soul (Rutter)
Prélude à la nuit
Prelude and Fugue, Op 29 (Britten)
Prelude in B minor, BWV855a (Bach/Siloti/Le Page)
Prelude in D minor
Prelude 'The Bells' (Tchaikovsky/Klimov)
Prelude, Fugue and Riffs (Bernstein)
Prélude, Fugue et Postlude (Honegger)
Preparations for the ball
Primavera porteña
Primordial call
Prize Fight (Lambert)
Procession of the Oldest and Wisest One
Processional and Prelude: Jerusalem the blessed
Processional on Tu es Petrus (MacMillan)
Prologue (Sheppard)
Promenade 'Walking the dog' (Gershwin/Berkowitz)
Psalm 150
Psalm of creation
Puffin' Billy (White)
Pulcinella Suite (Stravinsky)
Pushing up through smoke
Pyramid song (Radiohead/Le Page)
Quanta qualia (Hawes)
Qué li darem a n'el Noi de la Mare?
Queen Bean
Raag Bhairavi (Khan/Trainer)
Raging night drowns dark’ning day
Rainbow cloud higher and higher
Rapsodie espagnole (Ravel)
Rapsodie espagnole, S254 (Liszt/Busoni)
Rawhide (Tiomkin)
Recordare Jesu pie
Red trees, blue sky, dead leaves
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
Relâche (Satie)
Rending of the veil of the temple: Maya Atma
Requiem (Borodin/Stokowski)
Requiem (Ives)
Requiem (Rutter)
Requiem aeternam
Requiem aeternam
Requiem aeternam
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Druce)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Finnissy)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin/Beyer)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Maunder)
Requiescant in pace
Resisey laila 'Out of the dark' (Shalit)
Revealing (Giguère)
Rêverie (Douma)
Rhapsody in blue (Gershwin/Grofé)
Rhapsody: Recitativo stromentato
Rhythm on rails (Williams)
Ring of Kerry (Hope)
Ring the bells (Larsen/Bateman)
Ripples (Sheppard)
Ritual Action of the Ancestors –
Robin Hood Suite (Curzon)
Romanza: Andante poco moto
Romeo and Juliet (Lambert)
Romeo and Juliet before parting
Romeo and Juliet Suite No 1, Op 64bis (Prokofiev)
Romeo and Juliet Suite No 2, Op 64ter (Prokofiev)
Romeo and Juliet, Op 64 (Prokofiev)
Rondeau for horn and orchestra in E flat, K371 (Mozart/Roberts)
Rondes de printemps
Rouge et noir (Hartley)
Rough Music (Gruber)
Royauté: Allegro maestoso
Rude awakening! (Yarde)
Sacrificial Dance
Sailing by (Binge)
Sakura (Gynn)
Sanctus – I will lift up mine eyes
Sans Day Carol (Rutter)
Saxophone Concerto (Prokofiev)
Scènes de ballet (Stravinsky)
Schelomo (Bloch)
Scherzo in B flat major (Musorgsky/Rimsky-Korsakov)
Scherzo in C minor, WoO2
Schindler's List main theme (Williams)
Schola Missa de angelis (Panufnik)
Scoot (Morgan-Williams)
Scotch Rhapsody
Scuola di Ballo (Françaix)
Search for Paradise (Tiomkin)
Second Amen (Rutter)
Sed signifer sanctus
See the child that Mary bore
See there he comes
Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herrn sterben
Semele, HWV58 (Handel/Rutter)
Serenada 'Serenade'
Sérénade (Françaix)
Serenade (Warlock)
Seven halos
Seven Halts on the Somme (Pritchard)
Seven Last Words from the Cross (MacMillan)
Shakespeare Scenes (Saxton)
She moved through the fair (Anon/Rutter)
She tells her love while half asleep
Shepherd's Pipe Carol (Rutter)
Shine out, fair sun
Shoals (Davis)
Siciliano (Dexter)
Siesta (Walton)
Silent night! holy night!
Silent, so silent now
Silver bells (Livingston/Cullen)
Simple gifts (Anon/Knigge)
Since by man came death
Sinfonia da Requiem, Op 20 (Britten)
Sinfonia in B major, Op 8 (Brahms/Swensen)
Sinfonia No 1 (Walker)
Sinfonia No 2 (Walker)
Sinfonia No 3 (Walker)
Sinfonia No 4 'Strands' (Walker)
Sinfonia No 5 'Visions' (Walker)
Sinfonia, Op 67 (Matthews)
Sinfonietta (Bacewicz)
Sinfonietta (Poulenc)
Sinfonietta for string orchestra (Tchaikovsky)
Sing O the wild wood, the green holly
Sing this night, for a boy is born in Bethlehem
Singing lesson
Six Études for strings and organ (Tchaikovsky)
Skyspace (Pritchard)
Skyward (Davis)
Sleep 1 (Clowes)
Sleep 2 (Gordon)
Sleep softly (Le Page)
Slow blues: Andante –
Smert. He has a strange taste in his mouth. It is death
So Abram rose, and clave the wood
Solace (Davis)
Somewhere in my memory (Williams)
Sonar (Davis)
Sonata for flute and piano (Poulenc/Berkeley)
Sonata in A minor 'F-A-E' (Brahms/Swensen)
Sonata in A minor 'F-A-E' (Schumann/Swensen)
Sonatine (Ravel/Rutter)
Song of Songs
Song of the mavis
Songs of separation (Simon)
Sorochinskaya yarmarka 'Sorotchinsky fair' (Musorgsky/Liadov)
Sotto dura Staggion dal Sole accesa
Sound the flute!
South of the border (Kennedy/Palmer)
Souvenir d'un lieu cher, Op 42 (Tchaikovsky/Lascae)
Speranza (Turnage)
Spindrift (Ashton)
Spiral (Davis)
Spiral (Putt)
Spitfire Prelude and Fugue (Walton)
Spring 1
Spring Rounds –
Spring Symphony, Op 44 (Britten)
Spring Symphony, Op 44 (Britten)
Spring Symphony, Op 44 (Britten)
Ständchen (Heykens)
Star Carol (Rutter)
Starburst (Montgomery)
Steal away (Anon/Dunstall)
Stirring suddenly from long hibernation
Street in a frontier town
Strike, Life, a happy hour, and let me live
String Quartet No 3 'Mishima' (Glass/Le Page)
Su hooleks ennast annan ma
Subtile tendresse
Sudden squall, sudden shadow (Winters)
Suite antique (Rutter)
Suite for jazz band No 1 (Shostakovich)
Suite for string orchestra (Shalit)
Summae Trinitati (MacMillan)
Summer Day, Op 65b (Prokofiev)
Suo gân (Anon/Innes)
Surely he hath borne our griefs
Suzi's carol (Rutter)
Sweet dreams form a shade
Sweet Infancy!
Swiss Yodelling Song
Symphony (Bacewicz)
Symphony in A major (Berwald/Druce)
Symphony in B flat (Tippett)
Symphony in D major, D615 (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony in D major, D708a (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony in G major (Françaix)
Symphony 'Mathis der Maler' (Hindemith)
Symphony No 1 (Adler)
Symphony No 1 (Ives)
Symphony No 1 (Simpson)
Symphony No 1 (Tippett)
Symphony No 1 in B flat minor (Walton)
Symphony No 1 in F minor, Op 10 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 10 (Gunning)
Symphony No 10 (Mahler)
Symphony No 10 (Panufnik)
Symphony No 10 (Simpson)
Symphony No 10 in D major, D936a (Schubert/Newbould)
Symphony No 10 in E minor, Op 93 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 11 (Simpson)
Symphony No 12 (Gunning)
Symphony No 15 in A major, Op 141 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 2 (Adler)
Symphony No 2 (Gunning)
Symphony No 2 (Ives)
Symphony No 2 (McDonald)
Symphony No 2 (Simpson)
Symphony No 2 (Tippett)
Symphony No 2 (Walton)
Symphony No 2 in C minor (Bruckner/Payne)
Symphony No 3 (Simpson)
Symphony No 3 (Tippett)
Symphony No 3 in C minor, Op 44 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No 4 (Ives)
Symphony No 4 (MacMillan)
Symphony No 4 (Simpson)
Symphony No 4 (Tippett)
Symphony No 4 in C major, Op 112 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No 4 in C minor, Op 43 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 5 (Gunning)
Symphony No 5 (Simpson)
Symphony No 5 in B flat major, Op 100 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No 5 in D minor, Op 47 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 5½ 'A Symphony for Fun' (Gillis)
Symphony No 6 (Adler)
Symphony No 6 (Gunning)
Symphony No 6 (Simpson)
Symphony No 6 in B minor, Op 54 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 6 in E flat minor, Op 111 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No 7 (Gunning)
Symphony No 7 (Simpson)
Symphony No 7 in C sharp minor, Op 131 (Prokofiev)
Symphony No 7 'Leningrad', Op 60 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 8 (Simpson)
Symphony No 8 in C minor, Op 65 (Shostakovich)
Symphony No 8 'Sinfonia votiva' (Panufnik)
Symphony No 8, Op 131 (Matthews)
Symphony No 9 (Simpson)
Symphony No 9 in E flat major, Op 70 (Shostakovich)
Symphony of Psalms (Stravinsky)
Symphony-Concerto in E minor, Op 125 (Prokofiev)
Tabarinage (Docker)
Tales 'A folklore symphony' (Simon)
Talking with my father (MacLean/Logan)
Tambor en blanco y negro
Te decet hymnus
Te Deum (Rutter)
Te re rem: Ecstatic chant
Tempus est iocundum
Tesoro mio! (Becucci)
Tevot (Adès)
The Age of Anxiety 'Symphony No 2' (Bernstein)
The Alamo (Tiomkin)
The Archangel Gabriel's number
The Arkansas Traveller 'Old Fiddlers' Breakdown' (Anon/Guion/Schmid)
The armed man
The arrival of the lorry
The Art of Dancing (Young)
The Bird Actors (Lambert)
The birds in the spring (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
The block (Simon)
The Boulevardier (Curzon)
The call
The calligrapher's manuscript (Kaner)
The Carioca (Youmans/Palmer)
The Carousel Waltz (Rodgers/Walker)
The centre of the universe
The Christ-child lay on Mary’s lap
The Conquest of Ireland (Barry)
The death of Ivan Ilyich (Tavener)
The death of Tybalt
The Devil's Galop (Williams)
The dormition
The Duke's command
The elephant and the moth (Gordon)
The fall of the leaf, Op 20 (Finzi)
The field 'Landscape'
The fight
The First Nowell (Anon/Gould)
The Four Poster (Tiomkin)
The Four Seasons Recomposed (Richter)
The Four Temperaments (Simpson)
The Gadfly Suite, Op 97a (Shostakovich/Hazell)
The gael (MacLean/Logan)
The garden
The girl from Corsica (Duncan/Trebilcock)
The gospel of St John
The Grand Mine
The Great Gate of Kiev
The Great Sacrifice: Introduction –
The incarnation
The infinite ocean (Davis)
The John 'Duke' Wayne march
The King's Herald (Howells)
The Kiss of the Earth
The Lady in Red (Wrubel/Palmer)
The lament of the Mother of God at the cross
The lark in the morning (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
The last farewell
The last rose of summer (Anon/Cambell)
The last sunbeam lightly falls
The Left-Hander (Shchedrin)
The legend of the Arkansas traveller (McDonald)
The Lent lily
The Little Humpbacked Horse (Shchedrin)
The Lord gave the word
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord's prayer
The Magic Island
The Montagues and the Capulets
The Moons Symphony (Falkenberg)
The most wonderful birthday of all (Davis)
The nativity of the Mother of God
The nightingale (Anon/Rachimov)
The nurse
The Nutcracker Suite, Op 71a (Tchaikovsky/Campbell)
The Old Castle (Il vecchio castello)
The Old Clockmaker (Williams)
The open prairie again
The Peanut Polka (Farnon)
The people continue to make merry
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (bass)
The Plow that Broke the Plains – Suite (Thomson)
The Poet in Exile (Arlen)
The poets are waiting
The protecting veil (Tavener)
The pulley
The quarrel
The Rapture: Danza
The Raven (Dubensky)
The resurrection
The Rio Grande (Lambert)
The Rite of Spring (Stravinsky)
The river bed
The robin's petition (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
The Rock (Howell)
The Runaway Rocking-Horse (White)
The Salutation: Aria
The Sea of Time and Space (Le Page)
The ship sails north
The Song of Songs (Arlen)
The soul rests eternal (Sheppard)
The Storm on the Heath
The street awakens
The Sucrerie: Longueval
The sun is shining, the grass is green
The Sundowners (Tiomkin)
The Toy Trumpet (Scott/Warnow/Lane)
The true suffragette is a warrior
The trumpet shall sound (bass)
The Ugly Duckling, Op 18 (Prokofiev)
The universe a river of light
The vanishing mahogany of the Amazon
The veil between worlds (Davis)
The Veil of the Temple (Tavener)
The very best time of year (Rutter)
The water garden (Davis)
The Watermill (Binge)
The water's tears (Gordon)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 1, BWV846-869 (Bach/Villa-Lobos)
The well-tempered Clavier Book 2, BWV870-893 (Bach/Villa-Lobos)
The Westminster Waltz (Farnon)
The wind on the downs
Theatreland (Strachey/Bowden)
Their sound is gone out into all lands
There is a flower (Rutter)
There was a child
There were shepherds, abiding in the field (soprano)
There will come (Dale)
Therma (Mayo)
These little Limbs
They sang that when she waved her wings
This is a sacred city, built of marvellous earth
This love will carry (MacLean/Logan)
This mortal man (Davis)
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (tenor)
Though like the wanderer, sun gone down
Three Divertissements (Howell)
Three Mobiles (Metcalf)
Three pieces in old style (Górecki)
Three Romances, Op 22 (Schumann/Swensen)
Thrice-Holy Hymn: Resurrection
Through the sunny garden
Thus saith the Lord of hosts (bass)
Thy perfect love (Rutter)
Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (soprano/tenor)
Till tomorrow (MacLean/Logan)
Timber & Steel
Tintinnabulum (Sheppard)
Tiresias (Lambert)
Titan: Equatorial dunes and methane monsoons
Tmesis (El-Turk)
To an early daffodil
To his love
Toccata festiva, Op 36 (Barber)
Totenfeier (Mahler)
Touch her soft lips and part
Toward sunrise, Op 117 (Matthews)
Transition to the field
Trauermusik (Hindemith)
Trio Sonata in G major, HWV399 (Handel/Bennett)
Tristes apprêts
Trois Nocturnes, L98 (Debussy)
Trônes Wood
Tu es Petrus (MacMillan)
Tuileries. Children quarrelling after play
Turangalîla-Symphonie (Messiaen)
Turning away (MacLean/Logan)
Two ancient liturgical melodies 'Veni Creator Spiritus & Veni Emmanuel' (Anon/Stokowski)
Two Orchestral Interludes, Op 19e (Milford)
Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor (Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle)
Tybalt and Mercutio fight
Un beau matin, chez un peuple fort doux
Une Cantate de Noël (Honegger)
Une larme (Musorgsky/Kindler)
Une lumière irréelle enveloppe le paysage – Danse lente et mystérieuse – Daphnis se prosterne suppliant
Up on the housetop (Hanby/Campbell)
Upon my bed at night
Valley of the bells
Vanity Fair (Collins)
Variation 'Ballerina': Andantino
Variation d'Apollon
Variationen 'Seid ihr nicht der Schwanendreher?': Mäßig schnell
Venus in furs (Reed/Le Page)
Verano porteño
Veris gratia, Op 6 (Leighton)
Versuchung des heiligen Antonius
Very dark am I
Via Crucis (Łukaszewski)
Victory Boogie-Woogie
Vien con nuova orribil guerrra
Villes: Allegro energico
Viola Concerto (Barry)
Viola Concerto (Kernis)
Viola Concerto (MacMillan)
Viola Concerto (Walton)
Viola Concerto, Op 37 (Rózsa)
Violin Concerto (Adams)
Violin Concerto (Chisholm)
Violin Concerto (Gunning)
Violin Concerto (Harris)
Violin Concerto in D major, BWV1053 (Bach/Debretzeni)
Violin Concerto in D major, Op 61 (Beethoven/Widmann)
Violin Concerto in D minor, BWV1052 (Bach/Fischer/Debretzeni)
Violin Concerto No 1 in D major, Op 19 (Prokofiev)
Violin Concerto No 2 in G minor, Op 63 (Prokofiev)
Violin Concerto, Op 14 (Barber)
Violin Concerto, Op 24 (Rózsa)
Vir dolorum, tanquam oves erravimus
Visions (Rutter)
Visions of St Anne (Elms)
Voix très lointaines – Danse guerrière: Animé et très rude – Bryaxis ordonne d'amener la captive
Volcano (Simpson)
Vortex (Simpson)
Voyager (Davis)
Wake up! (Simon)
Waking in the land of Pan
Walking in the air (Blake)
Waltz memories
Waltz of the flowers
Waltz on the ice
War broke: and now the Winter of the world
War Requiem, Op 66 (Britten)
War Silence (Carrara)
Warlencourt Ridge
Water Scenes, Op 13 (Nevin/Myddleton)
Water Variations (Davis)
We are all the same
We praise thee, O God
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/Warrell)
Wein, Weib und Gesang, Op 333 (Strauss Jr./Berg)
Wenn nachts das Gespenst erscheint
Wexford Carol (Anon/Earley)
What God is, we do not know
What is that coming?
What is this lovely fragrance? (Anon/Willan)
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
What sweeter music? (Rutter)
What they sell in the stores nowadays
When a knight won his spurs (Anon/Lamb)
When God at first made man
When I was no older than the clouds
When it's darkest, a prayer for the dawn
When the leaves had forsaken the trees
Where is the home I seek
Where'er you walk
While the king
White and green
White Christmas (Berlin/Cullen)
Who owns the mountain?
Why do the nations so furiously rage together? (bass)
Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen
Wild Wood Carol (Rutter)
Will you see the infancy of this sublime and celestial greatness?
William of Barbary (Anon/Moray)
Winds of change (Davis)
Winter Bonfire, Op 122 (Prokofiev)
With shouts and squeals
Women at munition making
Wonder: Arioso
Wonderland Suite (Rissmann)
Woodland Revel (Melachrino)
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain – Amen
You mantle yourself in light
Your Grief can be the garden of compassion
Zion Park et la cité céleste
Zoroastre (Rameau/Bennett)
Zwischen Berg und tiefem Tal: Langsam
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