Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

Hyperion offers both CDs, and downloads in a number of formats. The site is also available in several languages.

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[untitled] (Adams)
[untitled] (Black)
[untitled] (Black)
[untitled] (Chan)
[untitled] (Chance)
[untitled] (Crellin)
[untitled] (Elsley)
[untitled] (Gibson)
[untitled] (Hamilton)
[untitled] (Hindson)
[untitled] (Holowell)
[untitled] (Maschmeyer)
[untitled] (Mellos)
[untitled] (Sheppard)
[untitled] (Thompson)
[untitled] (Van Tiel/Le)
[untitled] (Walker)
[untitled] (Whitwell)
[untitled] (Wilcox)
[untitled] (Williams)
‘Tis the last rose of summer
… fiat mihi … (MacMillan)
… here in hiding … (MacMillan)
… which was the son of … (Pärt)
20 Ways to improve your life (Fox)
3 Motets (Roger-Ducasse)
A babe is born, Op 55 (Mathias)
A Blessing (Frances-Hoad)
A boy and a girl (Whitacre)
A Buddhist miniature (Tavener)
A Celtic Blessing (Todd)
A Charm Against The Bumble Bee
A child of God
A child's prayer (MacMillan)
A child's song (Kwakiutl – Kwakwaka'wakw)
A choral Amen (Rutter)
A choral fanfare (Rutter)
A Choral Fantasia, H177 Op 51 (Holst)
A Christmas Festival (Anderson)
A Clare Benediction (Rutter)
A clear midnight
A Colone (Xenakis)
A cradle song (Panufnik)
A cradle song (Tavener)
A crown of glory (Rutter)
A drop in the ocean (Ešenvalds)
A Farewell to Arms (Bennett)
A fifth of Beethoven (Beethoven/Murphy/Hug)
A flower given to my daughter
A flower remembered (Rutter)
A Funny fellow
A gallery carol (Anon/Jacques)
A gallery carol (Anon/Wells)
A gift so pure, life so precious
A glee for Winter
A Good-Night (Bennett)
A great and mighty wonder
A Hymn for St Cecilia (Howells)
A Hymn of St Columba (Britten)
A jubilant song (Clausen)
À la très chère, à la très belle
A Litany '1st version' (Walton)
A Litany '2nd version' (Walton)
A Litany '3rd version' (Walton)
A little child there is yborn
A long, sad tale
A lover's journey (Larsen)
A Maid peerless (Howells)
A maiden most gentle (Anon/Carter)
A Medieval Bestiary (Hughes)
A Meditation (Pott)
A merry Christmas (Anon/Gant)
A mighty fortress (Luther/Rutter)
A moon rising
A most peculiar man (Simon)
A new commandment
A new commandment (Tavener)
A New Song (MacMillan)
A New Year Carol (Howells)
A Night Curse
A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square (Sherwin/Bowen)
A north-country maid up to London had stray'd
A nun takes the veil 'Heaven-haven'
A peine défigurée
A Plastic Theatre (Marsh)
A plea for true wisdom and understanding
A poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree
A prayer of Saint Patrick (Rutter)
A Prayer to the Trinity (Burgon)
A quiet chamber (Peterson)
A Remembrance (Pott)
A rich brocade
A Rose Magnificat (Martin)
A rule of faith and a model of meekness
A Sequence for St Michael (Howells)
A shepherd's carol (Britten)
A ship with unfurled sails (Jackson)
A soldier's mother's lullaby (Ešenvalds)
A Song at evening (Bennett)
A song to the Lamb (Hancock)
A Spanish Carol (Anon/Carter)
A special appeal (MacMillan)
A spotless rose
A Spousal verse (Fox)
A star (Paulberg)
A Thanksgiving (Chilcott)
A Thousand Years (Pitts)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
A Time to Dance (Roth)
À toute âme qui pleure
A very handsome gentleman
A Virgin most pure (Anon/Cleobury)
A Virgin most pure (Anon/Wood)
A Way (Holowell)
A woman
A young Austrian went yodelling (Anon/Doughty)
A.M.D.G. (Britten)
Abandon entouré d'abandon
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Archer)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Cleobury)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Forshaw)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Pinel/Hancock)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Scott)
Abide with me – Eventide (Monk/Willcocks)
Abroad as I was walking, one evening in the spring
Absolon, my son (Rathbone)
Across oceans, ghosts will beckon
Adagio in G minor (Albinoni/Giazotto/Bullard)
Adagio mesto, Espressivo, Crescendo, Calmato, Adagio tranquillo …
Adam lay ibounden (Swayne)
Addenda to The Laws of Cricket
Adeste fideles (Wade/Gant)
Adeste fideles (Wade/Hill)
Adeste fideles (Wade/Willcocks)
Adonai ro-i, lo eḥsar
Adoro te (Pitts)
Adoro te devote (McDowall)
Adoro te, Op 31 (Villette)
Advent Antiphon (MacMillan)
Advent Antiphons (Chilcott)
Advent calendar (Ledger)
Advent prose (Weir)
Aeterna caeli gloria (Jackson)
Aeterna lux, divinitas
Aeternum (Jančevskis)
After the Mass (Anon/Duhig)
After Virtue (MacMillan)
Afton water
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei (Barber)
Agnus Dei (Kellam)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
Aguinaldo carols (Anon/Brandy/Choi)
Ah! mon Beau Laboureur
Aimhirgín (Antognini)
Airplane Cantata (Jackson)
aizmirsti manu vārdu
Alas, my love, ye do me wrong
Aleph. Quomodo obscuratum est aurum
Alive (Amewudah-Rivers)
All beings tremble before violence
All creatures of our God and King (Anon/Rutter)
All humankind would know its own lineage and stock
All in the April evening (Roberton)
All my hope on God is founded
All my hope on God is founded
All my hope on God is founded – Michael (Howells)
All my hope on God is founded – Michael (Howells/Rutter)
All of me (Legend/Gad/L'Estrange)
All shall be well (Marsh)
All that is good flies heavenwards
All the ends of the earth (Weir)
All they that see him laugh him to scorn (tenor)
All things are quite silent (Anon/Andrew)
All things bright and beautiful (Anon/Rutter)
All this night, Op 33 (Finzi)
All through the night (Anon/Roberton)
All we like sheep have gone astray
All wisdom cometh from the Lord (Mealor)
Alleluia (Antognini)
Alleluia (Thompson)
Alleluia, amen (Leighton)
Alleluia. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven
Alleluia. Beatus vir, Sanctus Martinus
Alleluia. For as many of you as were baptized
Alleluia. I heard a voice (Wheeler)
Alleluia. Magnus sanctus Paulus, vas electionis
Alleluia. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest
Alleluia. O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
Alleluia-Tropus (Pärt)
Alleluya, sing to Jesus
Alma (Lehrer/Whiteley)
Alma redemptoris mater (Bednall)
Alma redemptoris mater (McDowall)
Alma redemptoris mater (Northcott)
Almighty God, Father of Heaven
Almighty God, in whom we live and move
Alone (Whitacre)
Alone in the night
Alpha & Omega (MacMillan)
Amazing grace
Amazing grace (Anon/Cleobury)
Amazing grace (Anon/Forbes L'Estrange)
Amazing grace (Anon/Rutter)
Amazing grace (Ešenvalds)
Amen (Pitts)
Amen, amen, I say unto you
Amidst a sea of lights
Amore langueo (Pott)
An ancient woman, who has lived all seasons
An English Day-Book (Poston)
An Eriskay Love Lilt (Anon/Roberton)
An Irish Blessing (L'Estrange)
An rosen wyn (Anon/Monks)
And every stone shall cry (Chilcott)
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes
And he shall purify the sons of Levi
And Jesus himself began to be
And lo, the angel of the Lord (MacMillan)
And so it goes (Joel/Chilcott)
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude (soprano)
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam
And the Lord turned the captivity of Job
And the swallow (Shaw)
And there was war in heaven (Skempton)
And they brought unto him a penny
And they said one to another – Verily the Lord is risen (Anon/Schütz/Gardiner)
And with his stripes we are healed
Andrew Turner
Andy Flower Duet (Delibes/Stilgoe)
Angel (McLachlan/Treece)
Angel Song II (Todd)
Angeli canunt praecones nuper natum Dominum
Angeli, archangeli (Jackson)
Angelis suis Deus (Miškinis)
Angels from the realms of glory (Anon/Jacques)
Angels from the realms of glory (Anon/Shaw)
Angels we have heard on high (Anon/Choi)
Angels we have heard on high (Anon/Rutter)
Angelus ad virginem (Anon/Willcocks)
Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae
Angel-voices ever singing
Angularis fundamentum
Annie Laurie (Anon/Bowen)
Annunciation (Tavener)
Another golden afternoon
Another night upon that hill
Another photograph to put on a shelf
Anthony O'Daly
Antiphon (Britten)
Antiphon (Howells)
Anyone lived in a pretty how town
Apologie pro Poemate meo
Apple Blossom
April come she will (Simon/Lawson)
April rain song (Harris)
Ar zvaigžņu kluso gaismu (Jančevskis)
Arabesques (Marsh)
Arabesques (Marsh)
Arabesques (Marsh)
Arabesques (Marsh)
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Arise! arise! arise!
Arise, my love (Paulus)
Arise, shine (Rutter)
As earth’s pageant passeth by
As father Adam first was fool'd
As he was a-riding and a-riding one day
As I came through Sandgate
As I sat on a sunny bank 'I saw three ships' (Anon/Poston/Hyde)
As I walk (Sheppard/Neale)
As I was a-walking one morning in May
As I went out one May morning
As one sky
As one who has slept (Tavener)
As the angels stood
As the apple tree (Walker)
As truly as God is our Father (Mathias)
As with gladness, men of old
Ascending into heaven (Weir)
Ashes Dance Back (Harvey)
Ashita no uta 'Song for tomorrow' (Kinoshita)
Assumpta est Maria
At every instant
At last (Gordon/L'Estrange)
At that hour when all things have repose (Stephens)
At the last, tenderly
At the last, tenderly
Atsalums (Jančevskis)
Attende, Domine, Op 45 (Villette)
Auf ein altes Bild
Auld lang syne (Anon/Earley)
Auld lang syne (Anon/Forbes L'Estrange)
Aus tiefer Not, schrei' ich zu dir
Aussi bas que le silence
Autumn leaves (Kosma/Robertson)
Avaunt from us, false Bumble Bee
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Ave Maria (Biebl)
Ave Maria (Clements/Ravel)
Ave Maria (Gounod/Mawby)
Ave Maria (Jackson)
Ave Maria (Lauridsen)
Ave Maria (Łukaszewski)
Ave Maria (O'Regan)
Ave Maria (Vierne)
Ave Maria I (Dubra)
Ave Maria II (Miškinis)
Ave Maria III (Dubra)
Ave Maria III (Miškinis)
Ave maris stella
Ave maris stella (MacMillan)
Ave maris stella (Mealor)
Ave maris stella (Park)
Ave regina
Ave regina caelorum (Bednall)
Ave regina caelorum (Jackson)
Ave regina caelorum (Wright)
Ave verum corpus (Bingham)
Ave verum corpus (Mathias)
Ave verum corpus (Mawby)
Ave verum corpus (Mealor)
Ave verum corpus (O'Neill)
Ave verum corpus (Parry)
Ave verum corpus (Poulenc)
Ave verum corpus (Todd)
Ave verum, Op 3 (Villette)
Ave, dulcissima Maria (Lauridsen)
Awake, glad heart!
Awake, O north wind
Away in a manger
Away in a manger (Anon/Jacques)
Away in a manger (Bishop/Gant)
Away in a manger (Murray/Rutter)
Away vain world
Away with the music of Broadway
Away! away!
Aya! I don't care if you desert me
Ayihlome / Qula kwedini (Anon/Muyanga)
Bacchus, young Bacchus! good or ill betide
Bachbeat (Shlomo/Swingle)
Ballad of green Broom
Balulalow (Maw)
Banquet fugue
Batter my heart (Marsh)
Be an egg donor
Be like the bird (Betinis)
Be merciful unto me, O God, for man goeth about to devour me
Be not afeard (Rutter)
Be thou my vision (Rutter)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
Beasts of the Land!
Beati (Łukaszewski)
Beati quorum via (Park)
Beatus auctor saeculi (O'Regan)
Beatus vir (Łukaszewski)
Beautiful must be the mountains whence ye come
Beautiful, my delight
Beauty for ashes (Chilcott)
Beauty was that
Before Abraham was, I AM
Before me, careless, lying (Howells)
Before the thunder clap
Begin the Beguine (Porter/L'Estrange)
Behold a tender babe (Mealor)
Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow (soprano/tenor)
Behold now, praise the Lord (Martin)
Behold the day is nigh
Behold the Lamb of God
Behold! Happy is the man whom God correcteth
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son (alto)
Behold, O God our defender (Howells)
Behold, O God our defender (Scott)
Behold, the tabernacle of God (Rutter)
Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men
Believe in life
Belle et ressemblante
Belmont (Anon/Roberton)
Below thir stanes lie Jamie's banes
Beneath my palm tree, by the river side
Beneath thin blanket (Beal)
Beneath thy compassion (Mealor)
Benedic, anima mea, Domino
Benedicimus Deum caeli (MacMillan)
Benedicite, omnia opera (Archer)
Benedictio (Sisask)
Benedictus Deus (MacMillan)
Beowulf (Young)
Berliner Messe (Pärt)
Bethlehem, of noblest cities
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered (Rodgers/L'Estrange)
Beyond (Foss)
Beyond the sea (Trenet/L'Estrange)
Billie Jean (Jackson/Bradford/Johns)
Birthday madrigals (Rutter)
Birthday madrigals (Rutter)
Birthday Sleep (Tavener)
Black is the color (Anon/Chilcott)
Black is the colour of my true love's hair (Anon/Earley)
Bless O lord, this place
Bless the Lord, O my soul (Dove)
Bless'd Mary Magdalene (Anon/Gardiner)
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord
Blessed are the poor in spirit
Blessed be that Lady bright
Blessed be that maid Mary (Anon/Willcocks)
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord
Blessing (Mealor)
Blow away the morning dew (Anon/Langford)
Blow the trumpet in the new moon (MacMillan)
Blow up the trumpet in the new moon
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Blush, wretched man, blush!
Bó na leathadhairce (Anon/Earley)
Bobby Shaftoe (Anon/Carleston)
Bobby Shaftoe (Anon/Langford)
Body of the moon (Earley)
Bogoroditse Devo, raduysia 'Rejoice, O virgin Mother of God'
Bois meurtri
Boléro (Ravel/Bullard)
Bonie Wee Thing (Johnston)
Bread and roses (Fariña/Dale)
Breathe no more
Breathe on me, breath of God (Rorem)
Bright cap and streamers (Mawby)
Bright moonlight fills the trees
Bright star carol (Muhly)
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Bring us, O Lord (MacMillan)
Bring us, O Lord God
But these are they that forsake the Lord – For ye shall go out with joy
But those who hope in the Lord
But thou didst not leave his soul in hell (soprano/tenor)
But when Thou joinest with the Nine
But who may abide the day of his coming? (alto/bass)
By cool Siloam
By Strauss (Gershwin/Bennett)
By the time (Mika/Lawson)
By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept
By the waters of Buncrana
By the willows of the Eastern Gate
By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes
Ca' the yowes (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Caelos ascendit hodie (Park)
Caligaverunt oculi mei
Call me maybe (Jepsen/Newton-Rex)
Calm on the listening ear of night (Clausen)
Camina siempre adelante (Cortez)
Can I see another's woe
Can ye no' hush yer weepin', O?
Cantate Domino
Cantate Domino
Cantate Domino
Cantate Domino (Łukaszewski)
Cantate Domino canticum novum
Canticle of Zachariah (MacMillan)
Canticles of Light (Chilcott)
Cantico del Sole (Walton)
Canticum novum (Antognini)
Cantique (Boulanger)
Cantos sagrados (MacMillan)
Cantos sagrados (MacMillan)
Care charminge sleepe (O'Regan)
Caritas abundat
Carmina mei cordis (Betinis)
Carol of the drum (Anon/Weston)
Carol of the Magi (Rutter)
Castissima virgo
Cecilia Virgo (Jackson)
Cecilia Virgo (MacMillan)
Cecit, hyems (Betinis)
Célébrons la naissance (Tabourot/Warlock/Gant)
Celestial bird (Panufnik)
Cells, planets (Lloyd/Peterson)
C'est la petit' fill' du Prince
C'est pourtant nous qui t'avons proposé
Changed (MacMillan)
Chanson à boire (Poulenc)
Chansons françaises (Poulenc)
Chcę wypowiedzieć bursztyn, a w ustach mam kalafonię
Cheek to cheek (Berlin/L'Estrange)
Chichester Psalms (Bernstein)
Chichester Service (Berkeley)
Chichester Service (Walton)
Child in a manger (Anon/Rutter)
Child of Heaven (Panufnik)
Child of wonder
Children are a heritage of the Lord (MacMillan)
Children, go! (Anon/Gilbert/Brown)
Chinese Proverb (Durant)
Chinook songs (Chinook)
Choir Concerto (Schnittke)
Choral (Milhaud)
Choral dances from Gloriana, 1954 version (Britten/Barley)
Choral dances from Gloriana, version 1954 (Britten)
Choral dances from Gloriana, version 1967 (Britten)
Choral et Fugue, Op 57 (Dupré)
Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda. Group 3, H99 Op 26 No 3 (Holst)
Choral improvisation sur le Victimae Paschali (Tournemire/Duruflé)
Choral Symphony (Jackson)
Choral Symphony No 1, H155 Op 41 (Holst)
Choral varié, Op 55 (Indy)
Choral 'Was Gott thut das ist wohlgethan'
Chorale (Wallen)
Chorale after an old French Carol (Britten)
Chorale Fantasia on Straf' mich micht in deinem Zorn, Op 40 No 2 (Reger)
Chorale Fantasy 'Amen, es werde wahr' (Eben)
Chorale for Organ and Brass (Harris)
Chorale from a Toy Shop '2016 version for strings' (Birtwistle)
Chorale from a Toy Shop '2016 version for winds' (Birtwistle)
Chorale Prelude on 'Down Ampney' (Sumsion)
Chorale Prelude on Rockingham (Leighton)
Chorale Preludes, Op 67 (Reger)
Chorals et Noëls, Op 93 (Guilmant)
Chorus of soldiers
Chosen (MacMillan)
Christ be with me, Christ within me
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is made the sure foundation – Westminster Abbey (Purcell/Cullen)
Christ is made the sure foundation – Westminster Abbey (Purcell/Robinson)
Christ is made the sure foundation – Westminster Abbey (Purcell/Rutter)
Christ is the morning star (Rutter)
Christ the apple tree (Scriven)
Christ the Lord is risen today (Anon/Rutter)
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me
Christ, my beloved
Christe qui splendor et dies
Christe redemptor omnium (Anon/Martin)
Christe redemptor omnium (Martin)
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn – Yorkshire 'Stockport' (Wainwright/Battiwalla)
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn – Yorkshire 'Stockport' (Wainwright/Cleobury)
Christmas Alphabet (Kaye/Loman)
Christmas Carol Fantasy (Anon/Campbell)
Christmas hope (Harrison)
Christmas night (Anon/Rutter)
Christ's Love (Burgon)
Christ's Nativity (Britten)
Christ's Nativity (Britten)
Christ's Nativity (Britten)
Christ's Nativity (Britten)
Christus est stella matutina (Todd)
Christus factus est (Ward)
Christus vincit (Anon/Baker)
Christus vincit (MacMillan)
Cik naksnīnas pret ziemeli
Circlesong (Chilcott)
Claro Abril resplandeçio (Anon/Richards/Gabbitas)
Clear and gentle stream
Clic, clac, dansez sabots
Close now thine eyes
Clothes make no sound when I tread ground
Cloud, if as thou dost melt
Cloudburst (Whitacre)
Coffee with Borges (Kahane)
Colossal orb of space
Columba aspexit (O'Regan)
Come all you worthy gentlemen (Anon/Halsey)
Come in. Stoop down through
Come let us pity not the dead (Burgon)
Come listen in the silence of the moment
Come my swete, come my flower
Come out, Lazar (Spicer)
Come to me (Antognini)
Come with me, under my coat
Come ye lofty, come ye lowly (Hancock)
Come, come, let's away
Come, Holy Ghost (Harvey)
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Come, let us build us a city and a tower
Come, my soul (Howells)
Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Come, ye thankful people, come
Comfort ye, my people (tenor)
Comme la paix entre Dieu et les hommes
Con amores, la mi madre (Anchieta/Chilcott)
Concerto Grosso fatto per la notte di natale in G minor 'Christmas Concerto', Op 6 No 8 (Corelli/Eteson)
Concord, Concord is here
Confirma hoc, Deus
Contemplation of the earth seen from space
Contre qui, rose
Corpus Christi (Warlock)
Corpus Christi Carol (Maw)
Country girls
Courting is a pleasure (Anon/Earley)
Coventry Antiphon (Howells)
Coventry Carol (Anon/Halsey)
Coventry Carol (Anon/Shaw)
Coventry Carol (Anon/Smith)
Creator alme siderum (Gyger)
Creator of the starry height
Creator of the stars of night (Anon/Scott)
Credo / I believe (Kastelic)
Credo in unum Deum
Credo in unum Deum
Creep afore ye gang (Howells)
Creole love call (Ellington/Kuhn)
Cricket Tea Towel 'The Ins and Outs of Cricket' (Anon/The London Quartet)
Cricket Theme Medley (Anon/L'Estrange)
Crimond (Irvine/Roberton)
Crocodile rock (John/Jackman)
'Cross Country (Sheppard)
Crucem tuam adoramus, Domine
Crux fidelis (MacDonald)
Cry me a river (Hamilton/L'Estrange)
Crystal points tug on million year filaments
Cuando yo muera quiero tus manos en mis ojos
Cuckoo in the Pear-Tree
Cum vidisset Jesus (MacMillan)
Da Christus geboren war
Da pacem Domine
Da pacem, Domine (Pärt)
Da Vinci Requiem (McDowall)
Dadl dau (Anon/Webber)
Dallas Service (Howells)
Dance there
Dance to your daddy (Anon/Byram-Wigfield)
Dance, clarion air (Tippett)
Danny boy (Anon/Earley)
Danny boy (Anon/Knight)
Danny boy (Anon/L'Estrange)
Darest, O soul (Valverde)
Darkling I listen
Darkness and I are one, and wind
Darkness was covered by darkness in the beginning
Das Glas gefüllt! der Nordwind brüllt
Das verlassene Mägdlein
Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Dashing away with the smoothing iron (Anon/Byrt)
Data est mihi (MacMillan)
Day, you have bruised and beaten me down
Daylight declines (Łukaszewski)
Days glowing on the outside with sunshine
De grandes cuillers de neige
De profundis (Pärt)
De Spiritu Sancto (Edwards)
De ton rêve trop plein
De tous les printemps du monde
De Virgin Mary (Anon/Sargent)
Dear Andy Flower
Dear dark head
Dear friends
Dear heart, why will you use me so? (Trumbore)
Dear thoughts are in my mind
Dear thoughts are in my mind
Death be not proud (Burgon)
Death be not proud (Williams)
Deck the hall with boughs of holly (Anon/Halsey)
Deck the hall with boughs of holly (Anon/Langford)
Deck the hall with boughs of holly (Anon/Rutter)
Deep Blue 'Arcade Fire' (Neufeld)
Deep in my soul
Deep river
Deep river (Anon/Hancock)
Deep river (Anon/Lawson)
Deep river (Anon/Luboff)
Delicious times
Denn alles Fleisch es ist wie Gras
Deo gracias!
Depi maten m’leve m’ape monte desann
Der Gärtner
Des Menschen Seele
Deshil Holles Eamus
Desire came then in the beginning
Det är en ros utsprungen
Deus est caritas (Panufnik)
Deus in adiutorium meum … (Britten)
Deus misereatur
Deus misereatur
Deus, Deus meus
Deus, portus pacis (McDowall)
Dialogo and Quodlibet (Marsh)
Did the king in his cardboard house?
Did the starlight find thee?
Dido's lament (Purcell/Bullard)
Die Allmacht, D875a (Schubert/Hoorickx/Knothe)
Die ganze Welt hast du uns überlassen 'Blues Chorale' (Kiefer)
Die Könige
Die Nacht ist kommen
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Halsey)
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Llewellyn)
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Rice)
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Wilberg)
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Willcocks)
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Wood)
Distant, a family travels
Dithyrambe, D47 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Dixit autem Dominus ad Abram
Do not stand at my grave
Do not stand at my grave and weep
do re mi fa so la si …
Do you remember an Inn?
Do you remember the night?
Domine Jesu Christe
Domine, non secundum peccata nostra (MacMillan)
Dominus dabit benignitatem (MacMillan)
Domus infelix est (MacMillan)
Don't let go (Barnwell)
Don't run low
Dopo la vittoria (Pärt)
Dorchester Canticles (O'Regan)
Dormi, dormi (Anon/Turner)
Dost thou not love me?
Down by the riverside (Anon/Rice)
Down by the salley gardens (Anon/Carleston)
Down by the sally gardens
Down in yon forest there stands a hall
Down the ages a song has echoed
Down with love (Arlen/Langford)
Downing Service (Chilcott)
Draw on, sweet night
Dream Angus (Anon/Roberton)
Dreams all too brief
Drei Kön’ge wandern aus Morgenland
Drink to me only with thine eyes (Anon/Roberton)
Drop down ye heavens (Lloyd)
Drop, drop slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears (Shephard)
Dúlamán (Anon/Earley)
Dum complerentur
Dum transisset Sabbatum (Finnissy)
Dum transisset Sabbatum (Harvey)
Duo Seraphim (Dubra)
Early one morning (Anon/L'Estrange)
Early one morning (Anon/Parry)
Earth and Sky (Roth)
Earthrise (Roth)
Ecce beatam lucem (Dove)
Ecce lignum Crucis (Chapple)
Ecce quomodo moritur
Ecce venio cito (Jackson)
Echo Carol (Wilby)
Eclipse (Parry)
Edington Service (Bingham)
ego sitienti dabo de fonte aquae vivae gratis
Eheu! They have taken Jesus (Morley/Gardiner)
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op 45 (Brahms/Farrington)
Ein Kindlein in der Wiegen (Anon/Halsey)
Eixa nit és nit de vetlla
Eixanit és nit de vetlla
El Niño querido (Anon/Richards/Gabbitas)
Elegy (Whelan)
Ely Canticles (Parry)
En chantant les servantes s'élancent
En la Macarenita (Anon/Chilcott)
En rentrant de l'école
En une seule fleur
Encircled (Todd)
Endless border (Hansson)
Eonia (Tavener)
Epiphany Carol (L'Estrange)
Epitaph on John Jayberd of Diss
Eres … (Rodrigues)
Es geht daher des Tages Schein
Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungen (Anon/Rutter)
Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen (Praetorius/Pedersen)
Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen (Praetorius/Sandström)
Es sind doch selig alle, die
Esta noche nace un Niño
Esta noche 'This night' (Anon/Rutter)
Et vidi angelum (Galvani)
Eternal God (Rutter)
Even after all this time
Even such is time
Even such is time (Howells)
Even these shining veins
Evening (Ešenvalds)
Evening Canticles in G major (Parry)
Evening Hymn
Evening Hymn (Leighton)
Evening prayer (Marsh)
Evening Service in G (Jackson)
Evening Song
Evening stars (Warland)
Evensong (Paulus)
Ever let the fancy roam
Every morning on the radio the news comes
every single thing sings
Every stone shall cry (Todd)
Every valley shall be exalted (tenor)
Everyone sang
Everyone sang (Bednall)
Everyone suddenly burst out singing
Ev'ry face is in you, ev'ry voice, ev'ry sorrow in you
Ev'ry time I feel the spirit
Ev'ry time we say goodbye (Porter/Bennett)
Ev'ry time we say goodbye (Porter/L'Estrange)
Ev'ry time we say goodbye (Porter/Newton-Rex)
Except the Lord build the house
Exhortation and Kohima (Tavener)
Experience (Einaudi/Lawson)
Exult us in your love (Todd)
Exultate Deo (Howells)
Exultate Deo (Poulenc)
Factus est repente (MacMillan)
Fade far away
Fair daffodils, we weep to see
Fairy song
Fall, leaves, fall
Fancies (Rutter)
Fancies (Rutter)
Fancies (Rutter)
Fancies (Rutter)
Fancies (Rutter)
Fantasie Choral No 1 in D flat major (Whitlock)
Fantasie und Fuge über den Choral Ad nos, ad salutarem undam, S259 (Liszt/Busoni)
Far from here, away to the east
Fare Well (Thompson)
Fare you well, my dear, I must be gone
Farewell! I go to sleep; but when
Farewell! Shepherds all
Farewell,my brother (Navajo)
Fascinating rhythm (Gershwin/Chilcott)
Fatamorgana 'Mirage' (Plakidis)
Father, hear the prayer we offer
Fecit potentiam
Feel the spirit (Anon/Rutter)
Felix namque es … (Dubra)
Festival Te Deum, Op 28 (Mathias)
Fever (Cooley/Davenport/Foggitt)
Fifty ways to leave your lover (Simon/Jackman)
Figure humaine (Poulenc)
Final dance of homage
Fire, fire!
Firmly I believe and truly
First Day (Parry)
First sermon
First, April, she with mellow showers
Five Childhood lyrics (Rutter)
Five Childhood lyrics (Rutter)
Five Childhood lyrics (Rutter)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five Epigrams (Maw)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Motets (Saxton)
Five Traditional Songs (Anon/Rutter)
Five Tudor Portraits. A Choral Suite in five movements (Vaughan Williams)
Fix on one star, at last
Fljótavík 'Sigur Rós' (Jónsi/Georg Hólm/Kjartan Sveinsson/Lawson)
Flow gently
Flower garland (McGarr)
Flowing from the firmament
Flying Robert
Folk song
Footsteps (Park)
For as the rain (Hansson)
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass)
For peace (Todd)
For the beauty of the earth (Rutter)
For the fallen (Blatchly)
For the fallen (Guest)
For the fallen (Park)
For the fruits of his creation
For thee I shall not die
For unto us a child is born
For us no starlight stilled the April fields
For you Beowulf, I present my sword
For you, there'll be no more crying
Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Forget you (Green/Newton-Rex)
Four American Carols (Bennett)
Four Anthems (Howells)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Jolly Bowlers (The Yetties)
Four Motets (Copland)
Four Poems of Thomas Campion (Bennett)
Four Songs from the British Isles (Tippett)
Four songs of love (Sandström)
Four Songs, Op 13 (Barber)
Fourteen Chorale Preludes (Parry)
Fret not thyself because of the ungodly
Fröhliche Weihnacht überall (Anon/Bucher)
From all points of the southern sky
From childhood’s hour I have not been
From fen and meadow
From harmony, from Heav’nly harmony
From needing danger, to be good
From off your face, into the winds of winter
From springs of bounty
From sweet lovely Derry for fair London town
From the Bible to the popular song
From the sea
Fsem tem, kto vniknet
Full fathom five
Full fathom five
Full many a year in middle row
Funeral Ikos (Tavener)
Furusato (Chilcott)
Gabriel's message (Anon/Clements)
Gabriel's message (Anon/Pettman)
Gabriel's message (Anon/Willcocks)
Gagòt (Guillaume)
Gather round, sit down and hear our story
Gaudete (Anon/Cullen)
Gaudete (Anon/Jenkins)
Gaudete (Anon/Kay)
Gaudete (Anon/Kay/Gabbitas)
Gaudete (Anon/Neaum/Rutter)
Geantraí (McGlynn)
Gedichte von Eduard Mörike (Wolf/Gottwald)
Geistliches Lied, Op 30 (Brahms/Gardiner)
Gentle lady, do not sing (Geter)
Geocentric (Marsh)
Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D705 (Schubert/Asti)
Get happy (Arlen/Hart/Rice)
Give all to love
Give me justice (MacMillan)
Give me strength (Sioux – Lakota)
Give me the wings of faith to rise
Give us grace (Forbes L'Estrange)
Give us the wings of faith (Bullock)
Give us this day (Swingle)
Give your sperm a life
Given, not lent
Gleams of a remoter world (Bingham)
Gloria (Chilcott)
Gloria in excelsis (Antognini)
Gloria Patri (Dubra)
Gloria, Christo paremur cantica
Gloria, Gloria (Bennett)
Glorious in Heaven (Whitlock)
Glorious is the crown
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Glorious things of thee are spoken – Abbot's Leigh (Taylor)
Glorious things of thee are spoken – Abbot's Leigh (Taylor/Cleobury)
Glory be to God on high
Glory be to thee, O Lord, glory be to thee
Glory Hallelujah to duh newbo'n King (Anon/Powell/Powell)
Glory of architect, glory of painter, and sculptor, and bard
Glory to God in the highest
Glory to the Father
Glory to thee, my God, this night
Gloucester Service (Howells)
Go forth in peace (Forbes L'Estrange)
Go thou on before us
Go, lovely Rose
Go, tell it on the mountain (Anon/Rutter)
God be in my head (Bingham)
God be in my head (Briggs)
God be in my head (Edwards)
God be in my head (Hill)
God be in my head (Howells)
God be in my head (L'Estrange)
God be in my head (Parry)
God be in my head (Radcliffe)
God be in my head (Rutter)
God be merciful unto us
God be merciful unto us, and bless us
God is light (McDowall)
God of the golden bow
God rest ye merry, gentlemen (Anon/Høybye)
God rest you merry, gentlemen (Anon/Keating)
God rest you merry, gentlemen (Anon/Llewellyn)
God rest you merry, gentlemen (Anon/Rutter)
God rest you merry, gentlemen (Anon/Willcocks)
God so loved the world (Todd)
God's grandeur
God's grandeur (Leighton)
Golden slumbers
Golden slumbers (Parry)
Good ale
Good Christian men, rejoice (Anon/Rutter)
Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!
Good counsel (Howells)
Good neighbor, tell me why that sound
Good night, dear heart (Forrest)
Good people all, this Christmas time
Good people all, this Christmas time
Good people all, this Christmas time
Gotcha (Scott/Riley)
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost – Guildford Cathedral (Ives)
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost – Lake MacDonald (Archer)
Grandmother moon (Daley)
Grant, O Lord, to our most blessed Patriarch
Gratias tibi (O'Regan)
Great Hall
Great is thy faithfulness
Greater love
Greensleeves (Anon/Chilcott)
Greensleeves (Anon/Webber)
Grendel is coming!
Gross ist Jehova, der Herr! Denn Himmel
Gur e mo ghille dubh-dhonn (Anon/Earley)
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Haec dies (Howells)
Hail Queen of Heaven
Hail to the speaker and to him who listens!
Hail! blessed virgin Mary (Anon/Wood)
Hail, gladdening light
Hail, gladdening Light (Briggs)
Hail, Queen of Heaven (Dubra)
Hajej, nynel, Ježíšku (Anon/Halsey)
Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
Handmade proverbs (Takemitsu)
Happy choristers of air
Happy the man (Chilcott)
Hark how the choir of angels sings
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Battiwalla)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Cleobury)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Cummings)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Ledger)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Llewellyn)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Rutter/Willcocks)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Tarney)
Hark! the herald angels sing – Mendelssohn (Mendelssohn/Willcocks)
Harvest (Bingham)
Hast thou not known?
Haste on, my joys!
Hateful little king!
Have mercy on us, O my Lord
Have ye not known?
Hay, ay
He came flying upon the wings of the wind
He is dead and gone, lady
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd (alto/soprano)
He spar'd not his own son
He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn (tenor)
He was a most peculiar man
He was cut off out of the land of the living (soprano/tenor)
He who would valiant be
He will come like last leaf’s fall
He’d have given me rolling lands
Hear my crying, O God (Clucas)
Hear my prayer, O Lord
Hear our hymn, O Goddess
Hear the voice of the Bard
Heav'nly harmony (Panufnik)
Heliseb väljadel (Sisask)
Help us, O Lord
Helplessly hoping (Stills/Lawson)
Hence, rude Winter! crabbed old fellow
Her sacred spirit soars (Whitacre)
Here beings the story
Here is the ring I have made for My Lady Poverty
Here lies, now a prey to insulting neglect
Here we bring new water from the well so clear
Here we come a-wassailing (Anon/Halsey)
Herefordshire Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Herefordshire Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Halsey)
Herr Santiagu
Herr, lehre doch mich
Herr, wie du willst, so schick's mit mir
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Whittaker)
Hey there you shattered in a thousand pieces
Hey, there! Hoop-la!
Hide and seek (Heap/Gabbitas)
High Flight (Chilcott)
Hildegard Triptych (Ferko)
Hills of the North (Howells)
Hinunter ist der Sonne Schein
His left hand
His mercy endureth for ever (Weir)
His yoke is easy and his burthen is light
Hodie Christus natus est
Hodie Christus natus est (Dubra)
Holy Day, Holy Day come in the twinkle of
Holy Father, great Creator (Williams)
Holy Spirit, ever dwelling
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! – Nicaea (Dykes/Cleobury)
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! – Nicaea (Dykes/Pinel/Vivian)
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts
Honey pie (Lennon/McCartney/Hart)
Honor, virtus et potestas
Hope is the thing with feathers (Antognini)
hope, faith, life, love
Hör mein Bitten, Op posth. (Mendelssohn/Lapwood)
Horizons (van Dijk)
Hoshi ga akizu ni mawaru no wa
Hotaru no Kikari (Anon/Forbes L'Estrange)
House of Winter (Maxwell Davies)
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach (soprano)
How beloved is your dwelling place
How can we call someone evil?
How dear to me (Hancock)
How fair and how pleasant (Skempton)
How fair is thy love (Skempton)
How far is it to Bethlehem? (Anon/Rice)
How great our joy (Anon/Rutter)
How great thou art (Hine)
How long will I love you? (Scott/Bruerton)
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord?
How long, how long
How shall I know where I should go?
How shall I sing that majesty
How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
How shall we sing salvation’s song?
How will I drag my feet to her now?
Howl ye
Hoyda, jolly Rutterkin, hoyda!
Hrothgar's sermon
Hum hum, ha rim
Hunan blentyn, ar fy mynwes
Hunan blentyn, ar fy mynwes
hush now for soon will come our grey angel
Hushabye mountain (Sherman/Sherman/Morgan)
Hwæt! A dream came to me at deep midnight
Hwaet! Listen
Hymn for a musician
Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God
Hymn of the Travellers
Hymn to Gaia I (Roth)
Hymn to Gaia II (Roth)
Hymn to St Alfege (Panufnik)
Hymn to the creator of light
Hymn to the Creator of Light (Rutter)
Hymn to the Dawn
Hymn to the Eternal Flame
Hymn to the Mother of God
Hymn to the stars
Hymn to the Trinity (Jackson)
Hymn to the Waters
Hymne (Williams)
Hymne à la Vierge, Op 24 (Villette)
Hymne au soleil (Boulanger)
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear
I ain’t got long to stay here
I am a specialist in weight loss
I AM Alpha and Omega
I am an expert in relationships
I am an orphan girl
I am changed (Todd)
I am fast
I am here
I am in need of music that would flow
I am not God nor His messenger
I am sitting here wanting memories to teach me
I AM the Bread of Life
I am the bread of life (Toolan/Pulkingham)
I am the day (Dove)
I AM the Door – I AM the Good Shepherd
I am the heart that houses the cone
I AM the Light of the World
I am the song
I AM the True Vine
I am the true vine (Pärt)
I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life
I am with you always (Rutter)
I am woman
I am your Mother (MacMillan)
I and the Father are one
I believe in springtime (Rutter)
I bind unto myself today
I bring you my body, darling dear
I brought my great carriage
I cannot get to my love if I would dee
I cannot get to my love, if I would dee
I cannot see
I carry your heart (Young)
I danced in the morning when the world was begun
I Dreamt a Dream! what can it mean?
I found night (Koppin)
I gaze upon you and the sun grows large
I get around 'The Beach Boys' (Wilson/Love/Roberts)
I give you a new commandment
I got a robe
I got it from Agnes (Lehrer/Sawyer)
I have desired to go
I have desired to go
I have loved flowers that fade
I have no name
I have seen death so often
I heard a voice from heaven
I heard Him playing on His flute
I heard the voice of Jesus say (Devor)
I held him and would not let him go
I hide myself
I know that my Redeemer liveth (soprano)
I know where I'm going
I know, you get colder in the winter
I lifted mine eyes to heaven
I look from afar
I love all beauteous things (Howells)
I love my friends
I love my love
I love my love (Anon/Lawson)
I love the Lord (Harvey)
I love you night and day
I met a man the other day
I met a traveller from an antique land
I miss the revelry, I miss the firelight
I missed him when the sun began to bend
I must not think of thee
I my Best-Beloved's am (Rutter)
I note the obvious differences
I obey thee, O Lord (Lacrimosa)
I praise the tender flower
I really have a yen
I rejoiced that they said to me
I saw a maiden (Anon/Pettman)
I saw a star slide down the sky
I saw a star slide down the sky
I saw Eternity the other night
I saw Eternity the other night (MacMillan)
I saw her in the morning climbing the steeps
I saw him standing (Moore)
I saw seven angels
I saw three ships (Anon/Battiwalla)
I saw three ships (Anon/Bowens)
I saw three ships (Anon/Gant)
I saw three ships (Anon/Ledger)
I saw three ships (Anon/Marshall)
I saw three ships (Anon/O'Donnell)
I saw three ships (Anon/Preston)
I saw three ships (Anon/Rutter)
I saw three ships (Anon/Willcocks)
I saw you under the fig tree
I see fields
I shall not die for thee
I should be glad of loneliness
I sing of a maiden (Willis)
I sing of a mayden (Chilcott)
I sow'd the seeds of love
I take thee (Marsh)
i thank You God for most this amazing day
I thought I had forgotten
I wandered lonely as a cloud (Dale)
I want to be with someone
I was browsing at the newsstand and I saw you
I was glad when they said unto me
I was startled by the squawk
I was there (Hisaishi)
I will lift up mine eyes (Briggs)
I will lift up mine eyes (Lauridsen)
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will light a candle (Todd)
I will not listen to thy chant
I will sing about a fish
I will sing with the spirit (Rutter)
i will wade out
I wish I were on yonder hill
I wonder as I wander
I wonder as I wander (Anon/Carter)
I wonder as I wander (Anon/Clements)
I wonder as I wander (Anon/Rudoi)
I wonder as I wander (Park)
I wonder as I wander (Rütti)
I would be true (Anon/Rutter)
I would like to make a special appeal
I, too, saw God through mud—
I’m afraid
Ich dank dir schon durch deinen Sohn
Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern
Ienac mana setina
Iesus! Christus! Iesus! Natus!
If along the highroad
If I can help somebody (Androzzo/Gibbs)
If I profane with my unworthiest hand … (Larsen)
If I speak with the tongues of men
If I take the wings of the morning
If the mind is sinful
If thou chance for to find
If we shadows have offended
If ye love me (Mealor)
If ye love me (White/Tallis)
If you visit American city
Igitur egressus Jacob
Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit
Ikon of the Nativity (Tavener)
Il est né, le divin enfant (Anon/Halsey)
Il est né, le divin enfant (Anon/Llewellyn)
Il nome del bel fior
Il s'en va loin de la terre
I'll make a song of Hambledon
I'll sing you a song and it's not very long
Illumina nos
I'm a train (Hammond/Knight)
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
I'm lonesome since I cross'd the hill
Im Treibhaus
I'm yours (Mraz/Lawson)
Imagine where this dove will go
Immensity cloistered in thy dear womb
Immortal Bach (Bach/Nystedt)
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
In a dark and distant year
In a dark and distant year
In a short time
In beauty may I walk (Dove)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Culloton)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Halsey)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Hyde)
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Thiel)
In every heart there is a room
In excelsis gloria (Mathias)
In Jewry is God known
In memoriam
In memoriam (Plakidis)
In my little picture frame (Ešenvalds)
In pace (Clausen)
In paradisum
In paradisum (Forshaw)
In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
In remembrance
In seventeen hunder' and forty nine
In six days God created the world
In splendoribus sanctorum (MacMillan)
In supremae nocte cenae
In the beginning (Copland)
In the bleak midwinter
In the bleak mid-winter (Bennett)
In the deepest reaches of the lake
In the end there is not nothing
In the gardens of God, in the daylight divine
In the hour of my distress
In the house made of dawn (Navajo)
In the Land of Uz (Weir)
In the lowlands
In the midst of thy temple (Martin)
In the name of the Father
In the still garden
In the submerged world of the sea
In the year 1962
In this most joyful night
In this place (Todd)
In you, O woman full of grace
In youth is pleasure (Howells)
Indecent, self-soiled, bilious
Infant holy, infant lowly (Hancock)
Infant joy
Inheritance (Howells)
Innkeepers cheat us, the English steal
Interlude for Harp
Interlude: The fight
Into thy hands (Dove)
Inviolata, Op 66 (Villette)
Invocation (MacMillan)
Iona Boat Song (Anon/Roberton)
Ireland you're my home (O'Neill/Earley)
Irish wren song (Howells)
Is it gold that you bring?
Is you is or is you ain't my baby (Jordan/Austin/Oxley)
Isn't she lovely (Wonder/Bradford)
It burns in the void
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Battiwalla)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Cleobury)
It came upon the midnight clear (Anon/Sullivan/Willcocks)
It came upon the midnight clear (Willis/Rice)
It is a thing most wonderful
It is a thing most wonderful
It is a thing most wonderful – Herongate 'In Jesse's City' (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
It is always dangerous to draw too precise parallels
It was happy and delightful one midsummer's morn
It was in ten sixty-six
It was just the right moment for a speech
It’s been a long time
It’s very clear
Italienisches Liederbuch (Wolf/Gottwald)
It's a new world (Arlen/Bennett)
It's de-lovely (Porter/L'Estrange)
It's sand, man! (Lewis/Hendricks/Lambert/Swingle)
Iustorum animae (Martin)
Iustus ut palma (Mawby)
I've got the world on a string (Arlen/L'Estrange)
I've got you under my skin (Porter/L'Estrange)
J'ai une telle conscience de ton
Jane Scroop, Her Lament for Philip Sparrow
Jazz Missa Brevis (Todd)
Jerusalem … The Lord is good
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu dulcis memoria (Pott)
Jesu Kreuz, Leiden und Pein
Jesu that dost in Mary dwell
Jesu, dulcis memoria, Op 78 (Villette)
Jesu, grant me this, I pray
Jesu, grant me this, I pray (Gibbons/Bairstow)
Jesu, grant me this, I pray (Robinson)
Jesu, grant me this, I pray (Whitlock)
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesu, swete sone dere!
Jesu, the very thought of thee
Jesum tradidit impius
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! – Easter Hymn (Anon/Battiwalla)
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! – Easter Hymn (Anon/Ledger)
Jesus Christ is risen to-day, Alleluya!
Jesus College Service, Op 53 (Mathias)
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesu's lyfelyne
Jesus sprach zu einigen
Jesus, my leman
Jesus, springing (Chilcott)
Jiggery Pokery (Hannon/Walsh)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Campbell)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Langford)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Parry)
Jolly old Saint Nicholas 'Christmas time' (Anon/Doughty)
Jolly Rutterkin
Joseph was an old man
Joseph was an old man
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Joy to the world (Anon/Cullen)
Joy to the world (Anon/Halsey)
Joy to the world (Anon/Keyte/Parrott)
Joy to the world (Anon/Lawson)
Joy to the world (Anon/Llewellyn)
Joy to the world (Anon/Rutter)
Joys Seven (Anon/Cleobury)
Jubilate (Roth)
Jubilate (Walton)
Jubilate Deo
Jubilate Deo (Antognini)
Jubilate Deo (Dearnley)
Jubilate Deo (Hancock)
Jubilate Deo (MacMillan)
Jubilate Deo (Mealor)
Jubilate Deo in E flat (Britten)
Jubilate Deo, Op 90 No 2 (Mathias)
Jubilate in C (Britten)
Judah and Jerusalem, fear not
Judas mercator pessimus (Park)
Judge eternal (Hancock)
Julebudet dem, der bygge (Hartmann/Holten)
Just before it falls asleep
Just the way you are (Joel/Whiteley)
Justorum animae (Park)
Kang, kang, kang ki ki kang kang
Kanon Pokajanen (Pärt)
Kas kaiteja man dziedat? –
Keep me as the apple of an eye (Cox)
Kelele (Kidjo/Young)
Kindle the gift of God (Hancock)
King Arthur (Anon/Roberton)
King David (Howells/Farrington)
King Herod and the Cock (Walton)
King Jesus hath a garden (Anon/Llewellyn)
King of Glory, King of Peace
King Ra
Kleine Choralpartita über O Jesu, all mein Leben bist du (Eben)
Knephas (Xenakis)
Komm, süsser Tod!
Koorlangka Children (Sheppard)
Kuovsakasah reukarih tåkko teki
Kyrie eleison
La bell' si nous étions
La blanche neige
La bonne neige
La filadora (Anon/Richards)
La lluvia … Ojos de agua de sombra
La lumière (Clausen)
La menace sous le ciel rouge
La musique (Jackson)
La nuit le froid la solitude
La petite fille sage
La rose complète
Là-bas dans cette plaine (Anon/Chilcott)
L'Adieu des Bergers à la Sainte Famille (Les Bergers)
Lady, when I behold the roses sprouting
Lamb of God
Lament (Pott)
Lamentationes (Łukaszewski)
Lamentations for Holy Saturday Lectio II (Lobo/Bevan)
Lamorna (Anon/Richards)
Land of my fathers (Anon/Manners)
Land of sunshine (Sheppard)
Lass dich nur nichts nicht dauren mit trauren
Lassie, wad ye loe me? (MacMillan)
Last night I had that dream again
Later, the Cid lay down
Laudate Dominum (Antognini)
Laudate Dominum (Burgon)
Laudibus in sanctis (Prauliņš)
Launch your career
Lay that burden down
Lazarus is dead
Le chien perdu
Le coucou c'est un bel oiseau
Le hérisson
Le jour m'étonne et la nuit me fait peur
Le petit garçon malade
Le tombeau de Titelouze '16 Chorals sur des Hymnes liturgiques', Op 38 (Dupré)
Lead me, Lord (Todd/Bible)
Lead, kindly Light (Rutter)
Leaf from leaf Christ knows (Weir)
Ledutiņi, bāleliņi, mūs’ jūriņu sasaldē
Legend of the walled-in woman (Ešenvalds)
Legend 'The Crown of roses'
Lemady: Maying Song
L'enfance du Christ, Op 25 (Berlioz/Bruerton)
Leonardo dreams of his flying machine (Whitacre)
Les anges dans nos campagnes (Anon/Gant)
Les chansons des roses (Lauridsen)
Les douze Noëls (Daquin/Wright)
Les sirènes (Boulanger)
Les tisserands
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger be put away
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Let all mortal flesh keep silence – Picardy (Anon/Campbell)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence – Picardy (Anon/Cleobury)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Anon/Rutter)
Let all the world in every corner sing
Let all the world in every corner sing
Let down the bars, O death
Let fall the windows of mine eyes (Mealor)
Let him kiss me
Let my prayer be set forth (Middleton)
Let the child be born
Let the people praise you (L'Estrange)
Let the rain kiss you
Let the starry host proclaim
Let them love
Let us be like
Let us break their bonds asunder
Let us invoke Christ (Grier)
Let us tell you of the hall, you've heard?
Let's misbehave (Porter/L'Estrange)
Letters to Lindbergh (Bennett)
L'habitant de Saint Barbe (Anon/Chilcott)
Li soleus qui en moi luist est mes deduis
Libera me
Libera me, Domine
Lift up your heads, O ye gates
Light beyond shadow, joy beyond tears
Lighten mine eyes (Hansson)
Lighten our darkness (L'Estrange)
Lighten our darkness (Parry)
Lighting the way (Todd)
Like a cherry tree
Like a mighty river flowing
Like an eagle that hovers o’er its young
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks (Muhly)
Like as the waves
Like you can (Holowell)
Lillian Thomson (Stilgoe)
Lisa lân (Anon/Webber)
Listen sweet dove (Ives)
Listen to us now, listen
Listening to your labored breath
Lit by holy fire (Grier)
Litany to the Holy Spirit (Hurford)
Litany to the Holy Spirit (Ponniah)
Little fly
Little Foo
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep (Anon/Battiwalla)
Little lamb, who made thee?
Little you, looking up (Trumbore)
Littlemore Tractus (Pärt)
Liubov sviataya 'Sacred love'
Lo let a glass be raised
Lo! God is here! (Moore)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending
Lo! He comes with clouds descending
Lo! He comes with clouds descending – Helmsley (Olivers/Robinson)
Lo! He comes with clouds descending – Helmsley (Olivers/Rutter)
Lob Gott getrost mit singen
Loch Lomond (Anon/Overton)
Locus iste (O'Regan)
Locus iste (Percy)
Long Road (Ešenvalds)
Look at the world (Rutter)
Look down, O Lord (Seers)
Look good, feel great
Look in thy glass
Look to the day (Rutter)
Lord Jesus Christ
Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of all hopefulness – Slane (Anon/Routley)
Lord of all hopefulness – Slane (Anon/Routley/Cleobury)
Lord of the Dance (Anon/Carter)
Lord of the Dance (Anon/Rutter)
Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided
Lord, have mercy
Lord, I call upon thee
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, what is man? (Holloway)
Lorica (McGlynn)
Louange à l'éternité de Jésus (Messiaen/Gottwald)
Love bade me welcome (Tavener)
Love bade me welcome (Williams)
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love endureth (Panufnik)
Love incorruptible (McDowall)
Love is here to stay (Gershwin/Bennett)
Love of the Father
Love offerings
Love unknown
Love, the God eternal (Foss)
Lovely tear of lovely eye (Chilcott)
Love's Tempest
Luceat eis (Takach)
Lugums naktij 'Prayer to the night' (Maskats)
Lulajże, Jezuniu (Chilcott)
Lullaby (Birtwistle)
Lullaby (Tippett)
Lullabye 'Goodnight, my angel' (Joel)
Lullay mine liking (Bennett)
Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child
Lully, lullay – The faucon hath borne my make away
Lully, lullay, lully, lullay
Lumen (McKevitt)
Lumen de lumine (Newton-Jackson/Carvor)
Lute-book lullaby (L'Estrange)
Lux aeterna
Lux aeterna
Lux aeterna
Lux aeterna (Antognini)
Lux aeterna (Fissinger)
Lux aeterna (Ligeti)
Lux aeterna (MacMillan)
Lux aurumque (Whitacre)
Lux mortuorum (Jackson)
Lux, calida gravisque, pura velut aurum
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi
Magnetic poetry
Magni Regis, magne miles Elphege
Magnificat (Anon/Bevan/Baker)
Magnificat (Burgon)
Magnificat (Pärt)
Magnificat (Rutter)
Magnificat (Swayne)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (Harvey)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (MacMillan)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (Tavener)
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (Weir)
Magnificat anima mea Dominum
Magnificat quarti toni (Bevan)
Magnificat septimi toni (Bevan)
Magnificat, Op 36 (Finzi)
Maha Maya (Tavener)
Maids to bed and cover coal
Make we joy now in this fest (Walton)
Make you feel my love (Dylan/Carleston)
Make you feel my love (Dylan/L'Estrange)
Making waves (Chilcott)
Man born of desire
Man unkind
Manifesto (Lang)
Man's drive to explore and exploit
Many pretty flowers, red, blue, and yellow
Marahi (Harvey)
Margoton va t'a l'iau
Maria durch ein' Dornwald ging (Anon/Lawson)
Maria I
Marriage to my Lady Poverty (Chilcott)
Mary had a baby (Anon/Sargent)
Mary Hynes
Mary, Mother of God's dear child (Anon/Jorda)
Masked by these bare shadows
Mass (MacMillan)
Mass (Maxwell Davies)
Mass for double choir (Martin)
Mass in A minor (Holst)
Mass in five parts (Pott)
Mass in G (Poulenc)
Mass of Blessed John Henry Newman (MacMillan)
Mass of St Edward the Confessor (MacMillan)
Mass of the Children (Rutter)
Mass of the Holy Spirit (Thompson)
Massage, medication
Master of Music (Hession)
Master-piece (Drayton)
Mater amabilis (Jančevskis)
Mater Patris / Sancta Dei genitrix (Obrecht/Weller)
Matthew, Mark and Luke and John
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Mattins Responsory (Palestrina/Willcocks)
Mature composer seeks work
Maxwelton’s braes are bonnie
May a place be set
May God be gracious to us
May the Lord bless you and keep you
May the Lord show his mercy upon you
May the road rise to meet you
May the road rise to meet you
May the road rise to meet you
May there be peace, may I bring peace
May these vows and this marriage be blessed
Mé gaoth ar muir
Meanwhile, for nine nights Hermod rode
Medea (Xenakis)
Media vita (Briggs)
Meet you in the maze (Blake)
Memento mei, Domine
Men and Angels (Roth)
Men marching
Merton College Service (Ešenvalds)
Messe basse (Fauré)
Messe Cum jubilo, Op 11 (Duruflé)
Messe pour Notre-Dame (Briggs)
Messe solennelle (Langlais)
Messiah, HWV56 (Handel/Goossens/Beecham)
Metachoral in blue (Marsh)
Meza virinš
Michael, Archangel, of the King of Kings
Midnight's bell
Mine is a long, sad tale
Minnesang (Schnittke)
Minnie the moocher (Calloway/Newton-Rex)
Miri it is – Sumer is icumen in (Anon/Lamb)
Miryam's Lullaby (Pitts)
Miserere (MacMillan)
Miserere mei (Dubra)
Miserere mei, Deus (Allegri/Roberts)
Miserere mei, Deus (Malcolm)
Miserere, my maker
Misericordiae Domini
Missa Ad praesepe (Malcolm)
Missa Ad praesepe (Malcolm/Baker)
Missa Aedis Christi (Howells)
Missa brevis (Bennett)
Missa brevis (Bernstein)
Missa brevis (Dove)
Missa brevis (Hansson)
Missa brevis (Harvey)
Missa brevis (MacMillan)
Missa brevis (Walton)
Missa brevis 'Awake my soul' (Bingham)
Missa brevis, Op 50 (Leighton)
Missa brevis, Op 64 (Mathias)
Missa canonica (Holloway)
Missa de Spiritu Sancto (Dubra)
Missa del Cid (Weir)
Missa Dunelmi (MacMillan)
Missa Festiva, Op 62 (Peeters)
Missa parvula (Maxwell Davies)
Missa Resurrectionis (Hancock)
Missa Rigensis (Prauliņš)
Missa Salve regina (Langlais)
Missa Scaramella (Obrecht/Fitch)
Missa Trinitatis Sanctae (Grier)
Missa Triueriensis (Jackson)
Missa Wellensis (Tavener)
Mistress Anne
Mistress of night watching down on me
Misty (Garner/Johns)
Mitte manum tuam (MacMillan)
MLK (U2/Chilcott)
Mnogaya lieta 'Many years' (Bortniansky/Phillips)
Mo Ghille Mear (Mac Domhnaill/Earley)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Cleobury)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Lawson)
Moder, if hi dar the telle
Molitva 'Prayer'
Momiji 'Maple leaves'
Mon arc-en-ciel d'amour
Monday's child
Montagnarde (Anon/Chilcott)
Morning and Evening
Morning Canticles (Leighton)
Morning has broken
Morning Hymn
Mother and child (Tavener)
Mother, is this the darkness of the end?
Move him into the sun (Chilcott)
Mu isamaa on minu arm (Ernesaks)
Mura Matsuri 'Village festival'
Music 'An ode' (Parry)
Music for the star of the sea (Metcalf)
Musica Dei donum (Rutter)
My agaran rosen wyn mar whek mar dek del dyfhy
My beloved is gone down (Skempton)
My beloved spake (Anderson)
My beloved spake (Hadley)
My Child, do not forget my teaching
My dancing day (Bennett)
My darling dear
My dear men, my brothers in arms
My Dove (Pitts)
My funny valentine (Rodgers/L'Estrange)
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
My God, who makes the sun to know
My hair started to fall out
My heart aches
My heart is like a singing bird (Rimkus)
My heart! Cheerly!
My heart's in the highlands (Parry)
My home town (Lehrer/Carleston)
My house shall be called an house of prayer for all people
My Lagan love (Anon/Drayton)
My Lord God
My Lord has come (Todd)
My lord has gone
My Lord is gone away
My love is like a red, red rose (Anon/Clements)
My love is like a red, red rose (Anon/Ešenvalds)
My lovely one, Op 27 No 1 (Finzi)
My own love said to me, My mother won't mind
My people what have I done to you?
My prayer (Chilcott)
My proper Bess
My song is love unknown
My song is love unknown (Pott)
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My spirit sang all day
My spirit sang all day (Parry)
My sweetheart's like Venus (Anon/Holst)
My true love hath my heart
My young love said to me
Mysterium Christi (Filsell)
Mystery of love (Stevens/Bowen)
Nakts …
Nativity (Lavino)
Nennen korori yo okorori yo
Never ending story (Moroder/Forsey/Bowen)
Never extinguished (Holowell)
Never seek to tell thy love (Roberts)
Never weather-beaten saile
New College Service (Howells)
New College Service (L'Estrange)
New Year Carol (Bennett)
Newborn (Pueblo)
Newsreel – Narration
Next thy Tasso's ardent numbers
Night and day (Porter/L'Estrange)
Night Prayer (Ešenvalds)
Night prayer (Park)
Night with the eyes of a horse that trembles in the night
Nightfall in Skye (Roberton)
Nigra sum (Casals)
Nimmer, das glaubt mir, erscheinen die Götter
Nit de vetlla (Anon/Richards)
Nit de vetlla (Anon/Richards/Gabbitas)
Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika (Sontonga/Muyanga)
No more sorrow (Todd)
No night could be darker than this night
No star is o'er the lake
Noche de paz (Gruber/Burton)
Nocturnes (Clausen)
Nocturnes (Lauridsen)
Nocturnes (Lauridsen)
Nocturnes (Lauridsen)
Noël nouvelet (Anon/Halsey)
Noël nouvelet (Anon/Lawson)
Noël nouvelet (Anon/Söderberg)
None other lamb (Todd)
Nonsense Madrigals (Ligeti)
Nonsense Madrigals (Ligeti)
Nonsense Madrigals (Ligeti)
Nonsense Madrigals (Ligeti)
Nonsense Madrigals (Ligeti)
Northern Lights (Ešenvalds)
Nos galan (Anon/Rutter)
Not no faceless Angel (Jackson)
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us
Notre Père d'Aix, Op 75 (Villette)
Notre Père, Op 14 (Duruflé)
Nous ne nous voyons plus dans la même lumière
Nova! Nova! (Chilcott)
Nova! Nova! (Farrington)
Now I have known, O Lord (Jackson)
Now Robin likes in his last lair
Now sleeps the crimson petal
Now sleeps the crimson petal (Mealor)
Now sleeps the crimson petal (Mealor)
Now thank we all our God
Now thank we all our God
Now thank we all our God
Now thank we all our God
Now thank we all our God – Nun danket (Mendelssohn/Scott)
Now thank we all our God – Nun danket alle Gott (Crüger/Battiwalla/Lang)
Now thank we all our God – Nun danket alle Gott (Crüger/Cleobury)
Now the green blade riseth (Anon/Chilcott)
Now the holly bears a berry
Now the holly bears a berry as white as the milk
Now the white-flowering days
Now when Jesus was in Bethany
Nowell sing we (Anon/Cleobury)
Nox, et tenebrae, et nubila
Nuits (Xenakis)
Nullus liber homo capiatur
Nun danket alle Gott (Crüger/Rutter)
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis (Bednall)
Nunc dimittis (Howells)
Nunc dimittis (Łukaszewski)
Nunc dimittis (Pärt)
Nunc dimittis (Semple)
Nunc dimittis servum tuum
Nunc dimittis tertii toni (Malcolm)
Nunc dimittis, version 1979 (Burgon)
O admirabile commercium
O Adonai
O Adonai
O Adonaï
O Adonai (Williams)
O all ye works of the Lord
O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord
O Antiphons (Łukaszewski)
O Autumn
O be joyful in the Lord
O be joyful in the Lord
O be joyful in the Lord (Filsell)
O be joyful in the Lord (Rutter)
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O bone Jesu
O bone Jesu
O Brother Green O come to me
O can ye sew cushions
O can ye sew cushions? (Anon/Bantock)
O clap your hands (Rutter)
O Clavis David
O Clavis David
O Clavis David
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Cleobury)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Cullen)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Ledger)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Rutter)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Rutter/Willcocks)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Willcocks)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Willcocks/Robinson/Hill)
O come, let us sing unto the Lord (Lauridsen)
O come, O come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel
O come, O come, Emmanuel – Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Halsey)
O come, O come, Emmanuel – Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Hill)
O come, O come, Emmanuel – Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/O'Donnell)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Anon/Carter)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Arnold)
O come, O come, Emmanuel!
O Deus, ego amo te
O Doctor optime
O Doctor optime (Jackson)
O dreadful death, come, make an end!
O Emmanuel
O Emmanuel
O Emmanuel
O for a draught of vintage
O for the wings of a dove
O frondens virga (Hildegard/Foss)
O give thanks unto the Lord
O give thanks unto the Lord (MacMillan)
O give thanks unto the Lord and call upon his Name
O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious
O God, enfold me in the sun (Leighton)
O God, I love thee
O God, our help in ages past
O God, our help in ages past
O God, our help in ages past
O God, our help in ages past
O God, our help in ages past
O God, our help in ages past – St Anne (Croft/Cleobury)
O God, our help in ages past – St Anne (Croft/Pinel)
O God, our help in ages past – St Anne (Croft/Rutter)
O God, wherefore art thou absent from us so long
O Great Spirit (Dakota)
O guiding night (Williams)
O hearken thou (Panufnik)
O heavenly word (Anon/Bojesen)
O holy city, seen of John (Howells)
O holy night (Adam/Battiwalla)
O holy night (Adam/Cullen)
O holy night (Adam/Rutter)
O Holy of Holies (Pitts)
O holy virgin! clad in purest white
O if I were a baron’s heir
O isplendor (Moody)
O Jesu, nomen dulce (Harvey)
O joy at that discovery!
O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world
O lift your little pinkie
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Armstrong)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Dunachie)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Garrard)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Marlow)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Simcock)
O little town of Bethlehem – Forest Green 'The ploughboy's dream' (Anon/Vaughan Williams/Tarney)
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
O Lord our Governor (Hawes)
O Lord, how manifold are thy works
O Lord, I am not haughty (Bednall)
O Lord, open thou our lips
O Lord, open thou our lips
O Lord, our Governor, how excellent is thy name
O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation
O Lord, support us (Briggs)
O Love (Pitts)
O love, 'tis a calm starry night (Anon/Hadley)
O lovely England, whose ancient peace
O lux beata Trinitas (Jančevskis)
O lux beata Trinitas (Todd)
O magnum misterium, Op 53 (Villette)
O magnum mysterium (Antognini)
O magnum mysterium (Boykin)
O magnum mysterium (Lauridsen)
O magnum mysterium (Marsh)
O magnum mysterium (Miškinis)
O man, make your chrysalis
O merry rang the hymn
Ô mes très chers frères
O mistress mine (Morley/Grainger)
O my deir heart, young Jesus sweit
O my Luve’s like a red, red rose
O my night love!
O my people, what have I done to you?
O nata lux
O nata lux (Kennedy)
O nata lux (Walker)
O nata lux de lumine
O nata lux de lumine (Lapwood)
O nata lux de lumine (Parry)
O nata lux de lumine (Tallis/Forshaw)
O Oriens
O Oriens
O Oriens
O Pavitel' sushchevo fsevo
O praise God in his holiness
O praise the Lord of heaven
O praise the Lord of heaven (Rutter)
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem
O priest of matchless renown
O quam amabilis es, Op 71 (Villette)
O quam mirabilis (Moody)
O quam suavis est, Op 76 (Villette)
O radiant dawn (MacMillan)
O Radix Jesse
O Radix Jesse
O Radix Jesse
O Rex gentium
O Rex gentium
O Rex gentium
O Robin? ... Cock Robin? …
O sacrum convivium
O sacrum convivium (Jackson)
O sacrum convivium (Messiaen)
O sacrum convivium (Miškinis)
O sacrum convivium, Op 27 (Villette)
O salutaris hostia
O salutaris hostia (Ešenvalds)
O salutaris hostia, Op 21 (Villette)
O Sapientia
O Sapientia
O Sapientia
O saviour of the world
O saviour of the world (Williams)
O Shenandoah, I long to see you
O shining light (Metcalf)
O shout to the Lord in triumph
O sing unto God
O sing unto the Lord a new song
O sing unto the Lord a new song
O sleep thou heav’n-born treasure, thou
O Sweet and luminous Bird
O take me to your arms, love
O Tannenbaum (Anon/Gant)
O Tannenbaum (Anon/Halsey)
O Tannenbaum (Anon/L'Estrange)
O Tannenbaum (Anon/Rutter)
O that we were there! (Tavener)
O the cuckoo she's a pretty bird
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto)
O Thou, whose mighty palace roof doth hang
O to make the most jubilant song
Ô toute belle Vierge Marie
O vera digna hostia (O'Regan)
O virgo virginum (L'Estrange)
O virtus sapientiae
O vos imitatores (Hildegard/Short)
O vos omnes
O vos omnes
O vos omnes (Casals)
O vos omnes (Woolf)
O waly, waly
O waly, waly (Anon/Bannan)
O waly, waly (Anon/Turner)
O Wild West Wind
O Wisdom of God (Pitts)
O worship the king
O worship the King
O worship the king – Hanover (Croft/Quinney/Gray)
O worship the King – Hanover (Croft/Scott)
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!
O ye apostles, assembled here from the ends of the earth
O you who are asleep
O, chì, chì mi na mòrbheanna (Cameron/MacMillan)
Oborozukiyo 'Blurred moon'
Oculi omnium (Chilcott)
Oculi omnium (L'Estrange)
Oculus non vidit (Dubra)
Ode on a Grecian Urn: Chorus
Ode to a Nightingale (Todd)
Odpływ (Jančevskis)
Oedipus Rex (Lehrer/Carleston)
Oer yw'r gwr sy'n methu caru
Of a rose, a lovely rose
Of all the beasts, the flying creatures known to us as birds
Of fair girls the loveliest
Of the animals named by Adam
Of the Father's heart begotten (Anon/Halsey)
Of the Father's heart begotten (Anon/Willcocks)
Of the offspring of the gentleman
Oh day, Yonder come day
Oh how oft do my thoughts in their fancy take flight
Oh my heart! Wake, oh wake!
oh pristine example (Nunn)
Oh the summertime is coming
Oh! Hush thee, my baby, the night is behind us
Oh! I can't sit down (Gershwin)
Oh, all the money that e'er I had
Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
Oh, farewell to you my Nancy, ten thousand times adieu
Okayannïy i ubogiy cheloveche! 'O miserable and wretched man!'
On a henpecked country squire
On a summer night (Searle)
On a winter night
On another's sorrow (Blackford)
On Christmas night all Christians sing
On Christmas night all Christians sing
On Christmas night all Christians sing
On Christmas night all Christians sing
On eagles' wings (L'Estrange)
On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
On the death of Robert Ruisseaux
On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me
On the sky-hid uplands of Kansu
Once I had a sprig of thyme
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's City
Once in royal David's city
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Hewitt Jones)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Ashby)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Cleobury)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/O'Donnell)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Wells)
Once in royal David's City – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks)
Once in royal David's city – Irby (Gauntlett/Mann/Willcocks/Cleobury)
Once, as I remember (Anon/Wood)
One dark night
One day (Legrand/Bennett)
One equal music (MacMillan)
One foot in Eden still, I stand (Maw)
One last breath
One of the crowd went up
One of these nights about twelve o' clock
One star, at last (Maxwell Davies)
One thing have I desired (Howells)
One's-self I sing
Only a singing bird
Only in sleep (Ešenvalds)
Onward the tiger and the leopard pants
Open my wings
Open thou mine eyes (Rutter)
Orbis patrator optime (Jackson)
Orphan Girl (Graham/Earley)
Os mutorum (MacMillan)
Our faith is a light (Bingham)
Our Father, which art in Heaven
Our Father, which art in heaven
Our Father, which art in heaven
Our Father, which art in heaven
Our Father, who art in heaven
Our Father, who art in heaven
Our Father, who art in heaven
Our Father, who art in heaven
Our fathers whose creative will asked
Our Lady's song (Maw)
Our present Charter (Muhly)
Our revels now are ended
Our yoke hangs upon the stable wall
Out in the bushlands
Out on the open road
Outside the Eastern Gate
Over hill, over dale
Over the sea to Skye (Tippett)
Over the wave (Ojibwa)
Overture to The barber of Seville (Rossini/Runswick)
Owe no man anything but to love one another
Owls, an Epitaph
Oxen of the sun (Desmond)
Ozymandias (Recknell)
Pace (Wallen)
Pan fo'r stormydd garwa'n curo (Williams)
Pan fyddwyn rhodio gyda’r hwyr
Pange lingua
Pange lingua (Chilcott)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Gant)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Rutter)
Panis angelicus (L'Estrange)
Panis angelicus, Op 80 (Villette)
Par une nuit nouvelle
Pascha nostrum immolatus est (MacMillan)
Passion and Resurrection (Moody)
Passion Music (Todd)
Passion Music (Todd)
Passion Music (Todd)
Passion Music (Todd)
Passion Music (Todd)
Passion Music (Todd)
Pastoral Hymn
Pater noster
Pater noster (Clausen)
Pater noster (Miškinis)
Pater noster, qui es in caelis / Lord, make me a channel of your peace
Path of Miracles (Talbot)
Peace (Antognini)
Peace (Bignold)
Peace upon you, Jerusalem (Pärt)
Peat Fire Smooring Prayer (Anon/Roberton)
Penny Lane (Lennon/McCartney/Chilcott)
Perfect love (Hawes)
Perish the day when I was born
Personent hodie (Anon/Gant)
Personent hodie (Anon/Holst)
Personent hodie (Anon/Rutter)
Peter's denial
Petites voix (Poulenc)
Philia (Treece)
Philippe, qui videt me (Brumel/Weller)
Phoenix (Gjeilo)
Phos hilaron
Piano Concerto No 21 in C major, K467 (Mozart/Rathbone)
Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu (Boulanger)
Piezas sacras (Moruja)
Pifa 'Pastoral Symphony'
Pilgrim Jesus (Chilcott)
Pilons l'orge
Placare Christe servulis
Placebo! Who is there, who?
Plaisir d'amour (Martini/Richards)
Plaisir n'ai plus (Cruttwell-Reade)
Planctus David (Fitch)
Planning the tournament
Plastic snaps its fingers
Please to not betray
Plebs angelica (Finnissy)
Plebs angelica (Tippett)
Plop fall the plums
Poems of Sara Teasdale 'Constellation' (Ticheli)
Poisoning pigeons in the park (Lehrer/Whiteley)
Pokayannïy stih 'A verse of repentance'
Pollution (Lehrer/Lilburn)
Pomiluy mya, Bozhe, pomiluy mya
Popular song
Pour les funérailles d'un soldat (Boulanger)
Praise (Mealor)
Praise (Mealor)
Praise (Mealor)
Praise (Mealor)
Praise (Tabakova)
Praise the Lord of heaven
Praise the Lord, for he is good
Praise the Lord, O my soul
Praise the Lord, ye servants
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the holiest in the height – Gerontius (Dykes/Archer)
Praise to the holiest in the height – Gerontius (Dykes/Cullen)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – Lobe den Herren (Anon/O'Donnell)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – Lobe den Herren (Anon/Scott)
Praise ye the Lord (Harvey)
Praise ye the Lord (Rutter)
Praise, my soul
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Battiwalla)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Cleobury)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven – Praise, my soul (Goss/Tysoe)
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven!
Praised be the God of love
Praised be the God of love
Prayer I
Praying (Sebert/Joslyn/Lewis/Abraham/Dale)
Preces and Responses (Howells)
Preces and Responses (Tavener)
Precious moment
Prélude, Adagio et Choral varié sur le thème du 'Veni Creator', Op 4 (Duruflé)
Prelude. Invocation to Pan: Chorus
Presentation of Hrunting
Pretty Bess
Prière pour Marie (Park)
Proactive, professional
Prophetiae Sibyllarum (Tymoczko)
Protestant Chorales (Eben)
Psalm (Hancock)
Psalm 10:1 (Jung)
Psalm 102 'Domine, exaudi' (Tranchell)
Psalm 104 'Benedic, anima mea' (Bevan/Parratt)
Psalm 105 'Confitemini Domino' (Ouseley/Ley)
Psalm 108:2 – Psalm 100
Psalm 113 'Laudate pueri' (Vann)
Psalm 115 'Non nobis, Domine' (Knight)
Psalm 117 'Laudate Dominum' (Dearnley)
Psalm 121
Psalm 121 (Anon/Forshaw)
Psalm 121 'Levavi oculos' (Howells)
Psalm 121 'Levavi oculos' (Rose)
Psalm 122 'Laetatus sum' (Howells)
Psalm 131 – Psalm 133:1
Psalm 136 'Confitemini' (Bielby)
Psalm 137 'Super flumina' (Lang)
Psalm 141 'Domine, clamavi' (Bertalot)
Psalm 148 'Laudate Dominum' (Robinson)
Psalm 150 (Rutter)
Psalm 21 (Bevan)
Psalm 22:21 (Jung)
Psalm 23
Psalm 23 (Gelineau)
Psalm 23, D706 (Schubert/Rutter)
Psalm 23:1-4 – Psalm 2:1-4 – Psalm 23:5-6
Psalm 27 'Dominus illuminatio' (Hopkins/Wolstenholme)
Psalm 30 'Exaltabo te, Domine' (Scott)
Psalm 37 'Noli aemulari' (Howells)
Psalm 50 'Deus deorum' (Thalben-Ball)
Psalm 56 'Miserere mei, Deus' (Bayley/Thalben-Ball)
Psalm 6 (Frances-Hoad)
Psalm 67 (Ešenvalds)
Psalm 74 'Ut quid, Deus?' (Smart/Noble)
Psalm 76 'Notus in Judaea' (Ashfield)
Psalm 81 'Exultate Deo' (Goodenough/Willcocks)
Psalm 99 'Dominus regnavit' (Day)
Psalm 99 'Dominus regnavit' (Whitlock)
Psalm of the soil (Snider)
Psalmfest (Rutter)
Psalm-Preludes Set 2 (Howells)
Psalmus 102 (Łukaszewski)
Psaume CXXIX 'De profundis version' (Grunenwald)
Puer nobis (Bennett)
Puirt a' bheul (Anon/Runswick)
Put your head, darling
Quand tu dors près de moi (Auric/Langford)
Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence (Poulenc)
Quatre motets sur des thèmes grégoriens, Op 10 (Duruflé)
Quatre petites prières de Saint François d'Assise (Poulenc)
Que le daremos al Niño chiquito?
Quelle est cette odeur agréable? (Anon/Halsey)
Quelle est cette odeur agréable? (Anon/Hawkesworth)
Quelle est cette odeur agréable? (Anon/Willcocks)
Quem pastores laudavere (Anon/Short)
Quem pastores laudavere (Bassi)
Qui meditabitur (MacMillan)
Quia fecit mihi magna
Quick! we have but a second (Anon/Stanford)
Quiet stream (Westbrooke)
Quis color ille vadis, seras cum propulit umbras
Quittez, pasteurs (Anon/Rutter)
Quizás, quizás, quizás (Farrés/Young)
Quomodo obtexit caligine in furore
Rain has fallen all the day (Desmond)
Rainbow (Musgraves/Hemby/McAnally/Dunachie)
Recessit pastor noster
Recipe for love (Connick/Rice)
Regina caeli
Regina caeli
Regina caeli (Antognini)
Regis regum rectissimi
Reincarnations, Op 16 (Barber)
Rejoice and be merry in songs and in mirth
Rejoice and be merry in songs and in mirth
Rejoice and sing (Rutter)
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano)
Rejoice, the Lord is king!
Rejoice, ye dead, where'er your spirits dwell
Reliable, efficient
Remember me (Chilcott)
Remembered love (Hill)
Remembrance (Antognini)
Remembrance (Todd)
Renouncement (Forshaw)
Requiem (Chilcott)
Requiem (Daley)
Requiem (Howells)
Requiem aeternam
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
Requiem aeternam I
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Druce)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Finnissy)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin/Beyer)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Maunder)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Süssmayr/Levin)
Requiem, Op 9 (Duruflé)
Responsoria tenebrae (Łukaszewski)
Resurrection (Tavener)
Returning, wander weary
Revelation Window (Hughes)
Rex gloriae, Op 83 (Mathias)
Rhythm of life (Coleman/Knight)
Riant du ciel et des planètes
Riddle song
Ride on! ride on in majesty!
Right here waiting (Marx/Whiteley)
Ringleted youth of my love
Rise to the challenge
Rise up
Rise up shepherd, and follow (Anon/Rutter)
Rise up, shepherd, and follow
Rise up, shepherd, and follow (Anon/Davis)
Rising, as darkness falls
Rivers of light (Ešenvalds)
Rosa mystica
Rosa sine spina (Pott/Burns)
Rousing song
Rows of white stones each of them wearing a name
Royal from day one
Ruchill Linn (Jackson)
Run, shepherds, run! (Dove)
Running Set: Spring
Rustics and fishermen
Sa may bahay ang aming bati – Maligaya, maligayang Pasko kayo’y bigyan
Sa nuit d'été
Sabran'je pesen sikh, gde kazhdyj stikh
Saint Thomas Service (Hancock)
Sainte-Chapelle (Whitacre)
Salisbury Service (Stephens)
Salut, Dame sainte
Salutation angélique, Op 20 (Villette)
Salvator mundi
Salvator mundi, Domine (Hopkins)
Salve regina (Dale)
Salve regina (Hansson)
Salve regina (Jackson)
Salve regina (Miškinis)
Salve regina (Northcott)
Salve regina (Panufnik)
Salve regina (Pärt)
Salve regina (Poulenc)
Salve regina 2 (Jackson)
Salve regina, Op 5 (Villette)
Sancte Deus (Jackson/Tallis)
Sanctum est verum lumen (Jackson)
Sanctus (Gjeilo)
Sanctus and Benedictus (Pitts)
Sans Day Carol (Anon/Halsey)
Sans Day Carol (Anon/Humphris)
Say ye to the righteous
Scapulis suis (Malcolm)
Scarborough Fair (Anon/Gabbitas)
Scarborough Fair (Anon/Roberts)
Schuon Hymnen (Tavener)
Scots song (MacMillan)
Scudding clouds of crimson flush
'Sé mo laoch mo ghille mear
Sea change (Bennett)
Sea change (Bennett)
Sea change (Bennett)
Sea pearl
Searching for lambs (Anon/Rutter)
Seaside rendezvous (Mercury/Hart)
Second sermon
Sedebit Dominus Rex (MacMillan)
See how the moon has risen
See that I am God (Wallen)
See you again (Khalifa/Puth/Gabbitas)
See, amid the winter's snow
Seeds in flight
Seigneur, je vous en prie
Seinte Mari moder milde (MacMillan)
Sej trud, shto natchinal ja s upavan'jem
Selig sind die Toten, die in dem Herrn sterben
Sept Chansons (Poulenc)
Sept Chansons (Poulenc)
Sequence: In Parenthesis (Park)
Sequitur trigintale
Serenades (Bennett)
Serenity (MacMillan)
Serment (Xenakis)
Sermons and devotions (Bennett)
Set me as a seal (Briggs)
Set me as a seal upon thine heart (Muhly)
Set me as a seal upon your heart
Seven Letters (Pitts)
Seven O Antiphons (Miškinis)
Seven poems of Robert Bridges, Op 17 (Finzi)
Seven Sacred Motets (Finnissy)
Seven sweet singing birds up in a tree
Seven trumpets (Young)
Shakespeare Sonnets (Łukaszewski)
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Shame on Beowulf
Shared Ground (Roth)
Sharks gotta swim, and bats gotta fly
She (Mvula/Rudoi/Foss)
She is the sky of the sun
She looks into and beyond my soul
She moved thro' the fair (Anon/Young)
She moved through the fair (Anon/Runswick)
She walks in beauty (Hession)
She was a working girl
Shedding her light on human habitations this
Shenandoah (Anon/Chilcott)
Shenandoah (Anon/Chilcott)
Shenandoah (Anon/Erb)
Shepherds, called by angels
Shepherds, in the field abiding (Anon/Willcocks)
She's always a woman (Joel/Lawson)
She's like the swallow (Anon/Chapman)
She's like the swallow (Anon/Chilcott)
She's my girl (Lehrer/Brittain)
Shestnadtsat Pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen Songs for children', Op 54 (Tchaikovsky/Lubbock)
Short Mass (Burgon)
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Shout joy! (Kellogg)
Shu is away
Shûnya (Tavener)
'Sí do Mhamó í (Anon/Earley)
Si je pourrais avec mes mains brûlantes
Sibylla Baltimoris
Sicut aquilae (Long)
Silent lay the sapphire ocean
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! holy night!
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Cleobury)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Cullen)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Darlington)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Pembroke College Girls' Choir)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rathbone)
Silent night! holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Silent night! holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Since by man came death
Since we parted (Panufnik)
Since your limbs were laid out
Sing a song of sixpence
Sing for the morning’s joy, Cecilia, sing
Sing joyfully to God our strength
Sing lullaby!
Sing the colour of peace (Chilcott)
Sing to the moon (Mvula)
Sing we merrily unto God our strength
Sing we merrily unto God our strength
Sing we of the blessed Mother
Sing ye praises to our king
Sing, mortals! (Bliss)
Sing, my soul, his wondrous love (Rorem)
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Sint lumbi (Weeks)
Sion me receptet illa
Sitivit anima mea (Martin)
Sitivit anima mea (Nunn)
Siúil a Rún (Anon/McGlynn)
Six Choral Folksongs, H136 (Holst)
Skylark (Carmichael/Rutter)
Sleep (Whitacre)
Sleep my baby on my bosom
Sleep tonight and may your dreams be realised
Sleep, my springbok baby
Sleep, oh babe, for the red bee hums
Sleep, sleep, happy child
Sleigh ride (Anderson)
Slow train (Swann/Langford)
Snow (Parry)
Snowbirds (Head)
So far away, far away
So that is my story
So they gave their bodies (Aston)
So you, O man, the eyes of whose heart are darkened
So ys emprinted (Frye/Wickham)
Soeur Alma, dormez-vous?
Soft comes the morning
Softly (Todd)
Softly through the winter's darkness shines a light
Soir sur la plaine (Boulanger)
Sol Justitiae (Roth)
Solfeggio (Pärt)
Some folks' lives roll easy (Simon/Jackman)
Some say, Love, it is a river
Some talk of Alexander
Somerset Wassail (Anon/Rutter)
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Somewhere over the rainbow (Arlen/Lumsden)
Somewhere over the rainbow (Arlen/Richardson)
Soneto de la noche
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Song and Bacchanal
Song for Athene (Tavener)
Song for Athene (Tavener/Rose)
Song for bringing a child into the world (Seminole)
Song 'I gaze upon you' (Jackson)
Song of June (Harvey)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of Songs
Songbird (McVie/Ashby)
Songs for Seven Storeys (Chilcott)
Songs of Courtship (Bevan Baker)
Songs of magical creatures (Todd)
Songs of peace (Todd)
Sonne der Gerechtigkeit
Sonnet XXVII (Parry)
Soon must I sing with rejoicing
Soon to be born … I am alpha and o, and omega
Sophisticated lady (Ellington/Bennett)
Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing
Spirit here that reignest!
Splendor and honor and kingly power are yours
Spring grass
Spring Offensive
Spring rain (Ešenvalds)
Spring Sonnets (Parry)
Spring, the sweet spring
Sshhh … shun a mun
St Aidan's Prayer (Panufnik)
St Anne (Croft/Scott)
St Chad (Dearnley)
St Cuthbert (Todd)
St Davids Service (Briggs)
St George's Windsor Service (Howells)
St John Passion (Chilcott)
St John's Service (Anderson)
St John's Service (Dove)
St John's Service (Weir)
St Patrick's Breastplate (Anon/Stanford)
St Patrick's Magnificat (MacMillan)
St Paul's Service (Howells)
St Valentine's day
Stabant autem iuxta crucem
Stabat mater
Stand by me (King/Stoller/De-Lisser/Whiteley)
Standing as I do before God (McDowall)
Stardust (Davis)
Stars (Ešenvalds)
Stars over snow
Stars, you are the heavens’ flock
Steady, warrior take strength, wisdom
Steal away
Steal away (Anon/Blackwell)
Steal away (Anon/Brown)
Steal away (Anon/Chilcott)
Steal away (Anon/Dunstall)
Steal away (Anon/Gibbs)
Steal away to Jesus (Anon/Roberton)
Stetit Angelus (Dubra)
Still, still, still (Anon/Chilcott)
Still, still, still (Anon/Gant)
Still, still, still (Anon/Humble)
Still, still, still (Anon/L'Estrange)
Still, still, still (Anon/Rutter)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Blatchly)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Bowers-Broadbent)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Halsey)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Harris)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Ledger)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Roberts)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Stillness interrupted, kneeling, waiting
Stimmung 'Singcircle version' (Stockhausen)
Stond wel, moder, under rode (Smith)
Stop it, Aggers! (Bremner)
Storm (Weir)
Strange fruit (Meeropol/Gibbs)
Stretched out on the grass
Sucking cider through a straw
Summa (Pärt)
Summer ends now; now, barbarous in beauty, the stooks arise
Summer song (Inuit)
Sun and Moon and Stars (Whelan)
Sun Soul (Parry)
Sun stone
Sun, Moon, Sea and Stars (Chilcott)
Sunayama (Nakayama/Christopher)
Sunayama 'Sand moutain'
Sunrise in your heart (Tavener)
Suo gân (Anon/Bowen)
Suo gân (Anon/Guest)
Suo gân (Anon/Young)
Sure on this shining night
Surely he hath borne our griefs
Surely there is a vein for the silver
Surge amica mea (Antognini)
Surrexit Dominus (Briggs)
Susanni (Corp)
Sussex Carol (Anon/Halsey)
Sussex Carol (Anon/Ledger)
Sussex Carol (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Sussex Carol (Anon/Willcocks)
Svyati (Tavener)
Swansea Town
Swansongs (Chilcott)
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright
Sweet dreams form a shade
Sweet flag and cuckoo flower
Sweet Kitty (Anon/Webber)
Sweet song
Sweet Suffolk Owl
Sweet Virgin of Guadalupe
Sweet was the song
Sweet was the song the virgin sang
Sweet was the song the virgin sang 'Lute-book lullaby' (Anon/Shaw)
Sweetest of sweets (Howells)
Swete Jesu (Maw)
Swifter far than summer's flight
Swimming over London (Chilcott)
Swing low, sweet chariot (Anon/Knight)
Swing low, sweet chariot (Anon/Newton-Rex)
Swing low, sweet chariot (Anon/Roberton)
Szczo to za prediwo 'What a surprise' (Anon/Barvinsky)
Takeda lullaby (Anon/Ives)
Tango with God (Barnwell)
Tantum ergo
Tantum ergo (Laloux)
Tantum ergo (Séverac)
Tantum ergo (Todd)
Tantum ergo (Vierne)
Tantum ergo, Op 55 (Fauré)
Te Deum
Te Deum
Te Deum (Burgon)
Te Deum (Jackson)
Te Deum (Kelly)
Te Deum (MacMillan)
Te Deum in C (Britten)
Te Deum laudamus
Te Deum laudamus
Te Deum laudamus (Briggs)
Te Deum laudamus (Leighton)
Te Deum laudamus (Sumsion)
Te Deum 'St Mary Redcliffe' (Howells)
Te Lucis ante terminum
Te lucis ante terminum
Te lucis ante terminum
Te lucis ante terminum
Te lucis ante terminum (Anon/Forshaw)
Te lucis ante terminum I (Tallis/Forshaw)
Te vigilans oculis
Tears in heaven (Clapton/Recknell)
Tell me where is fancy bred
Tell me where is the road
Tell me, lovely shepherd
Tell me, who do you call duh Wonduhful Counselor?
Tell us, thou clear and heavenly tongue
Tell you I will
Telling (Grime)
Tempi (Simpson)
Tempus adest floridum (Anon/Gant)
Ten Chorale Preludes (Eben)
Tenebrae factae sunt
Tenebrae factae sunt
Tenebrae factae sunt
Thanks be to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ
That lonesome road (Taylor/Carrington)
That which remains (Ramsey)
That winter love spoke and we raise no objection, at
That's not cricket (Dietz/Schwartz)
The agony in the garden
The Alphabet
The Angel (Antognini)
The angel Gabriel (Anon/Gant)
The angel Gabriel (Anon/Halsey)
The angel Gabriel (Maw)
The angel Gabriel from Heaven came
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
The Angels (Harvey)
The apple tree (Bennett)
The armed man (Jackson)
The Assumption
The astronomer (Yanesh)
The Aviary (Bennett)
The Ballad of Nornagest (Anon/Brunt)
The Ballade of sweet William (Bennett)
The Banks o' Doon (Anon/Roberton)
The banks of my own lovely Lee (Anon/Webber)
The Barmy Army (Stilgoe)
The battle comes
The Beasts of the Air
The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes (Mealor)
The Beatitudes (Pärt)
The bell doth toll
The Bellman’s Song
The bellman's song
The bereaved swan
The Bermudas
The best is yet to come (Coleman/L'Estrange)
The Bird of Morn
The bird's lament
The bold grenadier
The boy visits the dragon's cave
The Bridal Chamber (Tavener)
The British grenadiers
The button (Jančevskis)
The carriageway
The cherry tree carol (Anon/Cleobury)
The cherry tree carol (Anon/Willcocks)
The choice
The Christ Child (Todd)
The Christ child's lullaby (Anon/Gant)
The Cid ordered his knights to assemble
The Circus (Deazley)
The cloths of heaven (Dale)
The cock has crowed
The coolin'
The Corpus Christi Carol
The Cricketers of Hambledon (Warlock)
The crucifixion
The Crucifixion
The cuckoo
The cuckoo sat in the old pear-tree
The darkness is no darkness with thee
The Dashing White Sargeant (Anon/Roberton)
The day is done (Paulus)
The day is gone, and I give Thee thanks, O Lord
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Archer)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Battiwalla)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Rutter)
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended – St Clement (Scholefield/Scott)
The Death of Balder (Hughes)
The deer's cry (Pärt)
The deposition from the Cross
The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom (Levine)
The drowned lovers (Bingham)
The dying soldier (Anon/Short)
The early nightingale
The ears of Mr Tuer (Deazley)
The earthly rose (Ešenvalds)
The Edinburgh Te Deum (MacMillan)
The elements (Lehrer/Whiteley)
The enormous need
The evening hangs beneath the moon
The Evening Star
The Evening Watch (Rowarth)
The falcon (Rutter)
The falling star
The falling star
The faucon hath born my mak away
The fear of the Lord (Howells)
The First and Last (Pitts)
The first blossom was the best blossom
The first good joy our Mary had
The first good joy that Mary had
The First Nowell (Anon/Rice)
The First Nowell / Mary's Child (Stainer/Ainger/Llewellyn)
The First Nowell / Mary's Child (Stainer/Llewellyn)
The First World (Burgon)
The First World (Burgon)
The fleecy care (Anon/Gant)
The Flower (Roth)
The Food of Love, Book 2 (Carpenter)
The Founder's prayer (Tavener)
The Fountain
The Future
The gallant weaver (MacMillan)
The Garden
The Gartan Mother's Lullaby (Anon/Earley)
The gift of each day
The gift to be simple (Anon/Chilcott)
The girl I left behind me
The God of Abraham praise
The gods and goddesses gathered
The green and salty days (Allan)
The ground lies hard beneath the frozen sleet
The growing limbs of God the Son
The heart-in-waiting (Chilcott)
The heavenly aeroplane (Rutter)
The heavens' flock (Ešenvalds)
The helmet now an hive for bees becomes
The Herdmaiden's Song (Anon/Roberton)
The holly and the ivy
The holly and the ivy (Anon/Cullen)
The holly and the ivy (Anon/Davies)
The holly and the ivy (Anon/Halsey)
The holly and the ivy (Anon/Nixon)
The hours of sleepy night
The house of the mind (Howells)
The I AM Sayings of Jesus (Pitts)
The infant
The infant king (Anon/Willcocks)
The infinite dwelling
The isle is full of noises
The Isle of Mull (Anon/Roberton)
The keel row
The King and the Robin (Moore)
The King of Blis (Rutter)
The King of Love my shepherd is (Anon/Rutter)
The lady is a tramp (Rodgers/L'Estrange)
The Lamb (Tavener/Rose)
The lamps may be different, but the light is the same
The lark
The lark in the clear air (Anon/Carleston)
The lark in the clear air (Anon/Carter)
The last invocation
The last invocation
The last invocation (Thompson)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Lynch)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Moore/L'Estrange)
The last supper
The lazy man (Anon/Chilcott)
The letter from Pluto
The Lily of Heaven (Leech)
The linden tree carol (Anon/Cleobury)
The linden tree carol (Anon/Jacques)
The little green lane (Anon/Lovatt)
the littlest bird
The Lobster Quadrille
The long and waving line of the blue hills
The long day closes (Sullivan/Lawson)
The Lord be with you
The Lord be with you
The Lord gave the word
The Lord is good (McDowall)
The Lord is King
The Lord is King, be the people never so unpatient
The Lord is my light and my salvation
The Lord is my light and my salvation
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord will surely come (Hancock)
The Lord, even the most mighty God, hath spoken
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd
The Lord's my shepherd – Crimond (Irvine/Grant/Ross)
The Lord's my shepherd – Crimond (Irvine/Pritchard)
The Lord's Prayer (Forbes L'Estrange)
The Lord's Prayer (Hawes)
The Lord's Prayer (L'Estrange)
The Lord's Prayer (Park)
The Lord's Prayer (Parry)
The Lord's Prayer (Pitts)
The Lord's Prayer (Tavener)
The Lord's Prayer (Tavener/Rose)
The Lord's Prayer (Williams)
The Lord's Prayer '1982' (Tavener)
The Lotus Lovers (Paulus)
The magi
The maid of Culmore (Anon/Whyms)
The man who spills his soup (Anon/McMillan)
The manger
The Masochism Tango (Lehrer/Carleston)
The Masque begins
The miller of Dee
The Modern Man I sing (Chilcott)
The Nativity (Hawes)
The neighbors of Bethlehem
The new moon (Ešenvalds)
The night is come like to the day
The night is endless
The Nine Gifts (Chilcott)
The noise of a multitude
The Noonday Heat
The oak and the ash (Anon/Bairstow)
The oaks
The owl
The owl and the pussy-cat
The oxen
The panther
The paper reeds by the brooks
The Parting Glass (Anon/Earley)
The peace of God (Rutter)
The Peaceable Kingdom (Thompson)
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (bass)
The phoenix
The Pilgrimes Travels (Bingham)
The Preces and Responses (Leighton)
The Preces and Responses (Radcliffe)
The Preces and Responses (Rose)
The prettiest girl that ever I saw
The problem is all inside your head, she said to me
The Quest (Rutter)
The Reluctant Dragon (Rutter)
The Reproaches (Mawby)
The Reproaches (Sanders)
The resurrection
The road climbs through changing land
The road home (Paulus)
The rose (McBroom/Raine)
The Rose (Todd)
The royal banners forward go (Harvey)
The Rules of Cricket 'A Psalm Chant' (Havergal/The London Quartet)
The runner
The Sacred Veil (Whitacre)
The Sacred Veil (Whitacre)
The Sacred Veil (Whitacre)
The sailor and young Nancy (Anon/Moeran)
The Scribe (Howells)
The Seal Lullaby (Whitacre)
The sealing of the tomb
The seasons of his mercies
The Second Coming (Tavener)
The seeds of stars (Chilcott)
The Selwyn Service (Mealor)
The seven joys of Mary (Anon/Whitehead)
The seven last words from the cross
The seventh angel (Bednall)
The shadows (Howells)
The Shepheardes calender (Bingham)
The Shepherd (Bingham)
The shepherds
The shepherd's cradle song (Leuner/Macpherson)
The ship carol
The Shower
The silver swan
The Skye Boat Song (Anon/Earley)
The soldier
The Song of the Birds (Anon/Ribo)
The song of the blacksmith
The song of the mad prince
The Song sung true (Weir)
The souls of the righteous (Lewis)
The souls of the righteous (Pott)
The Source (Tippett)
The spirit breathes (Park)
The Spirit of Tallis (Tallis/Monks)
The sprig of thyme
The Sprig of Thyme (Anon/Rutter)
The Sprig of Thyme (Anon/Rutter)
The star
The stars in their courses (McCarthy)
The Star-Song (Dove)
The stolen child (Whitacre)
The succession of the four sweet months
The Summer Cloud's Awakening (Harvey)
The Summer Game (Lloyd Webber)
The summer is coming (Howells)
The sun felt strong and bold upon my shoulder
The sun has long been set
The sun nevers says (Forrest)
The sun whose rays are all ablaze (Sullivan/Chilcott/Gabbitas)
The sun's beams are running out (Comanche) – We wait in the darkness (Iroquois)
The Sussex mummer's Christmas carol (Anon/Grainger/Perna)
The tablet of your heart (Panufnik)
The Three Kings
The Three Kings
The Three Ravens (Anon/Chapman)
The Tiger (Tavener)
The tournament
The tower (Marsh)
The Traveller (Roth)
The tree (Harvey)
The tree of life
The tree of life my soul hath seen
The tree of life my soul hath seen
The trial
The true light (Weir)
The trumpet shall sound (bass)
The truth untold 'BTS' (Aoki/Newton-Rex)
The Tunning of Elinor Rumming
The turtle dove (Anon/Lawson)
The turtle dove (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
The Twelve (Walton)
The twelve days of Christmas (Anon/Austin/Humphris)
The twelve days of Christmas (Anon/Carter)
The twelve days of Christmas (Anon/Gant)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Anon/Keating)
The twelve days of Christmas (Anon/Roberts)
The Uncreated Eros (Tavener)
The unthrift sun shot vital gold
The urchins' dance
The Vatican Rag (Lehrer/Brittain)
The Vauday Part Songs (Hawes)
The veil opens
The villagers and St George arrive
The virgin and child (Anon/Eriksson)
The virgin martyrs
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (Anon/Rutter)
The Virgin of the Rocks
The Voice of the Bard (Jackson)
The warm treacle day dissolves
The water is wide (Anon/Lawson)
The water is wide, I cannot get o’er
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
The water of Tyne (Anon/Poston)
The waves come rolling
The wee cooper o' Fife (Anon/Roberton)
The Weeping babe (Tippett)
The Westminster Service (Martin)
The whale
The widow bird
The Wiener Schnitzel Waltz (Lehrer/Carleston)
The willow tree
The Winchester Service (Howells)
The wind that shakes the barley (Johnston)
The Windhover (Tippett)
The wings of the wind (Park)
The winter it is past (Hughes)
The woman with the alabaster box (Pärt)
The world is charged (Marsh)
The world is charged with the grandeur of God
The world is charged with the grandeur of God
The world on fire (Cooke)
The world, the clustering spheres
The wraggle taggle gypsies, O! (Anon/Brittain)
The wraggle taggle gypsies, O! (Anon/Webber)
The Yorkshire Wassail (Anon/Humphris)
Thee will I love (Howells)
Thee, God, I come from, to thee go
Their cord extended across
Their sound is gone out into all lands
Then I heard the singing (Hansson)
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth
Then Jesus went with them
Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (alto)
Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind
Then went the Pharisees
Then, her hands extended and her eyes fixed on the sky
Then, through thy Temple wide, melodious swells
There are marvellous things said
There came from France
There comes a ship farr sailing then
There is a funny fellow
There is a garden in her face
There is a green hill far away
There is a green hill far away
There is a green hill far away
There is a green hill far away – Horsley (Horsley/Scott)
There is hope for a tree if it be cut down
There is no rose (Pott)
There is sweet music
There stood in heaven a linden tree
There was a jolly miller once
There was a man in the Land of Uz
There was a tree
There was a wee copper wha lived in Fife
There was an old man liv'd out in the wood
There was an old man of the Isles
There was no being or non-being then
There was once a great King Ra
There were shepherds, abiding in the field (soprano)
There were three gypsies a-come to my door
There were three gypsies a-come to my door
There were three rav'ns sat on a tree
There will be rest (Ticheli)
There will be stars
There will come soft rains (Dale)
There will come soft rains (Ešenvalds)
There will come soft rains (Koppin)
There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium
Therefore come they, the crowding maidens
There's a star in the east on Christmas morn
There's a wideness in God's mercy
There's music in my heart all day
These hours (Cruft)
These three (Bennett)
These tokens of our love receiving
They mourn for their lord
They put the prisoner
They say into your early life romance came
They shall grow not old
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
They that put their trust in the Lord (Orr)
They will rise (Dove)
Thine be the glory
Thine be the glory
Thine be the glory – Maccabaeus (Handel/Battiwalla)
Thine be the glory – Maccabaeus (Handel/Cleobury)
Think of how God loves you (MacMillan)
Thíos cois na toinne
Third sermon
this brightening silence (Allan)
This Infant is enthroned in straw
This is the day (Rutter)
This is the truth sent from above
This is the truth sent from above
This is the work of Christ (Williams)
This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless
This joyful Eastertide (Anon/Cullen)
This little light of mine (Loes/Gibbs)
This love between us goes back to the first humans
This Marriage (Whitacre)
This morning, Spring appeared and though well known
This world from (Burgon)
Thomas gemma Cantuarie primula
Those tender words (Antognini)
Thou fair-haired angel of the evening
Thou knowest my lying down
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (tenor)
Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness
Thou that makest the outgoings of the morning
Thou wast not born for death
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour (Anon/Kitson/Hyde)
Thou, my love, art fair (Chilcott)
Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever
Though the seas threaten
Three Antiphons (Tavener)
Three Carols, Op 58 (Anon/Gardner)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Dyson)
Three Choral Hymns (Vaughan Williams)
Three Chorale Fantasias (Parry)
Three Choruses from Tsar Feodor Ioannovich (Sviridov)
Three Easter Anthems (Pitts)
Three Fables (Lancaster)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Hymns (Maw)
Three Hymns (Maw)
Three Hymns (Maw)
Three Kings from Persian lands afar
Three Kings from Persian lands afar
Three Kings of Orient (Hopkins/Rutter)
Three Latin Motets (Birtwistle)
Three Latin motets (McDowall)
Three New Motets 'in memoriam Thomas Tallis' (Stucky)
Three Sacred Songs (Head)
Three Shakespeare Sonnets (Tavener)
Three Songs of Fantasy (Head)
Three Songs of Praise (Whitacre)
Three Swans (Hughes)
Three Swans (Hughes)
Three Swans (Hughes)
Three Whitman settings (Clausen)
Thus saith the Lord of hosts (bass)
Thy Kingdome come, O God
Thy rebuke hath broken his heart (soprano/tenor)
Tï, liubov sviataya 'Thou, O sacred love'
Tidings (Todd)
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
Time for a celebration
Time is endless (Miškinis)
Time Piece (Patterson)
Timor et tremor
'Tis awful silence then again
'Tis the last rose of summer
To all men else uncouth
To be Certain of the Dawn (Paulus)
To be sung on the water
To daffodils
To give unto them beauty for ashes
To Morning (Jackson)
To my brother (Gregorio)
To my successor (MacMillan)
To seek where shadows are (Mealor)
To serve (Hancock)
To share, two share
Toccata aeronautica
Toccata, Chorale and Fugue, Op 16 (Jackson)
Toi ma patiente
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Anon/Halsey)
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Anon/Rutter)
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Anon/Willcocks)
Tonight eternity alone (Clausen)
Tormented by visions of flight and falling
Tota pulchra es
Tota pulchra es (MacMillan)
Tota pulchra es (Park/Mouton)
Totus tuus, Op 60 (Górecki)
Touch her soft lips (Walton/Chilcott)
Tous les droits
Tout puissant, très saint
Town and Country
Tradiderunt me
Transiens (Pitts)
Tremunt videntes angeli (MacMillan)
Tres sacrae cantiones (Gesualdo/Stravinsky)
Tribute to Caesar (Pärt)
Tricksters (Bingham)
Trigai gwraig bur gysglyd gynt
Trinity Fauxbourdons (Park)
Trinity Service (Antognini)
Trinity Te Deum (Ešenvalds)
Triodion (Pärt)
Tristis est anima mea
Trois beaux oiseaux du Paradis
Troisième Choral, M40 (Franck/Hough)
Truly I tell you (Weir)
Truro Service (Jackson)
Tu claustra stirpe regia (O'Regan)
Tu es Petrus
Tu es Petrus (Grunenwald)
Tu es Petrus, Op 29 (Villette)
Tuksnešu karstos puteklos
Tune me, O Lord (L'Estrange)
Turn our captivity (Pott)
'Twas in the moon of winter time (Anon/Rutter)
'Twas on a Monday morning
'Twas on a Monday morning
'Twas the first test of the Ashes series 1993
Twelfth Night
Two Choral Fanfares (Hughes)
Two Choral Fanfares (Hughes)
Two Choral Songs, Op 71 (Elgar)
Two Choral Songs, Op 73 (Elgar)
Two Chorale Fantasies (Eben)
Two Choruses, Op 8 (Barber)
Two Choruses, Op 8 (Barber)
Two Dreams and Little Bat
Two falling stars
Two Hymns to Mary (Burgon)
Two Hymns to the Mother of God (Tavener)
Two Latin motets (Maxwell Davies)
Two Lenten Motets (Łukaszewski)
Two Motets (Hawley)
Two Motets (Hawley)
Two Pieces, Op 42 (Barber)
Two Pieces, Op 42 (Barber)
Two worlds, come and walk in two worlds
Ubi caritas (Dubra)
Ubi caritas (Ešenvalds)
Ubi caritas (Gjeilo)
Ubi caritas (Mealor)
Ubi caritas (Panufnik)
Ubi caritas et amor
Ubi caritas et amor (Lauridsen)
Ubi flumen praesulis (Jackson)
umi wa araumi mukoo wa sado yo
Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle (Anon/Rutter)
Un pobre pagès tenia una filla
Un soir de neige (Poulenc)
Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen
Under the bower of night
Under the dark trees, there he stands
Under the greenwood tree
Underneath the stars (Rusby)
Une gente bergère (Anon/Richards)
Unending love (Panufnik)
Unferth's row
Until the daybreak
Unto the Birth-giver of God
Unto the hills 'Wadhurst' (Tippett)
Unto Thy word so tuned let me be
Unto us a boy is born (Anon/Shaw)
Unto us a child is born
Unto us is born a son (Anon/Halsey)
Unto us is born a son (Anon/Willcocks)
Up on the housetop (Hanby/Campbell)
Up! good Christen folk (Anon/Woodward)
Upheld by stillness (Park)
Upon a bank with roses set about
Upon your heart (Daley)
Urah, hȧnevel, v'chinor!
V B nimble, V B quick
Vair me o rovan o – When I'm lonely dear white heart
Valparaiso (Sting/Lawson)
Vanity of vanities (Comeau)
Vast ocean of light (Dove)
Vedere, il corpo della Luna
Vena comes, born of light
Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Helmore/Gant)
Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Lawson)
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Rutter)
Verily I say unto you
Veritas mea (Malcolm)
Verses (Bennett)
Vertue (Weir)
Vesper Responsory (Palestrina/Dearnley)
Vexilla regis (Briggs)
Videns Dominus (MacMillan)
Videte miraculum (Finnissy)
Vidi speciosam (Todd)
Viens par le pré (Anon/Chilcott)
Vinea mea electa
Virgencita (Pärt)
Virgin of Guadalupe
Viri Galilaei (Gowers)
Visions (Cole)
Vocal ensemble for hire
Voices of Nature 'Golosa prirodi' (Schnittke)
Waking from sleep so long
Walk down that lonesome road all by yourself
Walking in the snow (Howells)
Walking the red road (Chilcott)
Walking tracks of Country
Wan swan on the lake
Wanting memories (Barnwell)
War (Antognini)
Was it light that spake from the darkness
Was lebet (Anon/Scott)
Wassail, and wassail, all over the town!
Watch with me (Bingham)
Water Lilies (Bingham)
Water Night (Whitacre)
Water o' Tyne (Anon/Plant)
Way down to Lamorna
Waye not his cribb
We are (Chilcott)
We believe
We decamped Oh homeland
We do homage to Thy pure image
We here (Holowell)
We plough the fields and scatter
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We rode all night through fields of darkness
We the spurned animals full of sensations
We three kings of orient are (Hopkins/Neary)
We toast the days (Kachelmeier)
We who are left, how shall we look again?
We will all go together when we go (Lehrer/Lilburn)
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/Gant)
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/L'Estrange)
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/Rutter)
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/Short)
We wish you a merry Christmas (Anon/Warrell)
We’ve been a while a-wandering
Weary with toil
Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed
Weather report (Chilcott)
Wedding Canticle (Rutter)
Wedding Song 'My Lord is all aglow'
Weighing the earth (Marsh)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Atkins)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Atkins/Park)
Weihnachtslieder, Op 8 (Cornelius/Layton)
Welcome Jesu
Welcome to earth, Thou noble guest
Well the sky is finally open
Wells Jubilate (Rutter)
Wells Service (Bingham)
Wer weiss, wie nahe mir mein Ende
Were I at the Moss House where the birds do increase
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there? (Anon/Roberton)
Wessex (Surplice/Caesar)
Westminster Mass (Panufnik)
Westminster Service (Howells)
Wexford Carol (Anon/Earley)
Wexford Carol (Anon/Rugen)
Wexford Carol (Anon/Rutter)
What a friend we have in Jesus
What a wonderful world (Thiele/Weiss/Bradford)
What child is this? (Anon/Chilcott)
What child is this? (Anon/Rutter)
What did you say – they found another one?
What is that? … Nothing
What is this lovely fragrance? (Anon/Willan)
What love is this of thine? (Leighton)
What lovely things Thy hand hath made
What man is he that feareth the Lord? (MacMillan)
What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
What shall we do with the drunken sailor? (Anon/Bowen)
What shall we give to the child? (Anon/Ribo)
What sweeter music (Bennett)
What sweeter music (Todd)
What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose
What would I do without your smart mouth?
What's this morn's bright eye to me
When (Jančevskis)
When Christmas bells are swinging above the fields of snow
When Cid saw this
When Criste was borne, an angell bright
When daisies pied and violets blue
When David heard (Whitacre)
When David heard that Absolon was slain
When dawn broke on Hrothgar's Hall
When he shall die
When I am grown
When I awoke, the glancing day looked gay
When I consider your heavens
When I fall in love (Young/Carleston)
When I fall in love (Young/L'Estrange)
When I heard the learn’d astronomer
When I lie where shades of darkness
When I see on rood (Barlow)
When I survey the bright celestial sphere
When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross – Rockingham (Miller/Guest)
When I survey the wondrous cross – Rockingham (Miller/Pinel)
When I survey the wondrous cross – Rockingham (Miller/Rutter)
When I was king
When icicles hang (Rutter)
When icicles hang (Rutter)
When icicles hang (Rutter)
When icicles hang by the wall
When Israel was a child (Hawes)
When Jesus Christ was yet a child
When maidens are young
When Planets first their stately measures trod
When she loved me (Newman/Kearns)
When she loved me (Newman/Lawson)
When the clock strikes twelve
When the darkness is round me
When the earth stands still (Macdonald)
When the rain comes tumbling down
When the saints go marching in
When we sing (Powell)
When wedding fiddles are a-playing
When you attend a funeral
When you went down to Bethlehem
Whence came ye, jolly Satyrs, whence came ye?
Whence is that goodly fragrance flowing (Anon/Barber)
Whence this whole creation has arisen
Whenever there is birth or death
Where can we walk and make our feet belong?
Where Cart rins rowin to the sea
Where dips the rocky highland
Where Lagan stream sings lullaby
Where sunless rivers weep
Wherefore tonight so full of care
Whether it's dusk or dawn's first light
While by the sheep we watched at night
While shepherds watched
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
While shepherds watched their flocks by night – Winchester (Anon/Cleobury)
While shepherds watched their flocks by night – Winchester (Anon/Marston/Hyde)
While the moon her watch is keeping
While you here do snoring lie
Whilst shepherds watched their flocks by night
White Christmas (Berlin/Rice)
White-flowering days, Op 37 (Finzi)
Who are these angels? (MacMillan)
Who can sail without the wind? (Ešenvalds)
Who goes there, brushing through the dark drenched Spring?
Who is this whose ignorant words cloud my design?
Who killed cock robin? (Dove)
Who really knows, who can declare?
Who shall separate us? (MacMillan)
Who, my friend, make this river flow?
Who's there? Sneaker!
Whosoever of you would be great among you
Why do the nations so furiously rage together? (bass)
Why should it be that they have feathers now
Why these bitter words of the dying?
Why trouble ye the woman?
Wi' a hundred pipers (Anon/Mansfield)
Widdicombe Fair (Anon/Langford)
Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen
Wild mountain thyme (Anon/Conway)
Will you walk a little faster?
Will you, nill you
Willow song
Winchester Te Deum (Rutter)
Windy nights
Wings of the morning (Rutter)
Winter Heavens (Jackson)
Winter nights
Winter nights
Winter Song
Winter wakeneth all my care
Winterlied, D242a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
With a lily in your hand
Within and without
Within his car, aloft, young Bacchus stood
Without arms or charm of culture
Without love we may not live
Woe unto them
Woes him se man to pon leof
Wohlauf, die ihr hungrig seid
Worcester Service (Kennedy)
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain – Amen
Wymondham Chants (Poole)
Yanomami, Op 47 (Nobre)
Yaqui song (Yaqui)
Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon
Ye elves of hills, brooks
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright – Darwall's 148th (Darwall/Gray)
Ye holy angels bright – Darwall's 148th (Darwall/Scott)
Ye sacred Muses (MacMillan)
Ye shall have a song
Yes he is Time
Yes. Why do we all, seeing a soldier, bless him?
Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney/Chilcott)
Yet if his Majesty, our sovran Lord
Yonder come day (Anon/Rudoi)
You (Larsen)
You and I will touch the sun
You are one in Christ Jesus (Hancock)
You are with me always
You can close your eyes (Taylor/Lawson)
You feel like home
You have search’d me, Lord, and you know me
You have two sides
You know me (Arakelyan)
You rise, I fall
You sons of Adam, you daughters of Eve
You want
You will be found (Paul)
You would certainly hear such harmony
Young Love lies dreaming
Your eyes, your hands, your breasts
Your gentleness, O God of grace
Zadok the Priest (Lawes/Gant)
Zelda's lullaby (Kondo/Clements)
Zen love song (Panufnik)
Zwei Beter (Pärt)
Zwei Studien zu Tristan und Isolde (Wagner/Gottwald)
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