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Composer Index – Alphabetical – B

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with B represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

Audefroi le Bastart (fl1190-1230)
Babadjanian, Arno (1921-1983)
Babakhanian, Armen (b?)
Babell, William (1689-1723)
Babin, Victor (1908-1972)
Baccusi, Ippolito (c1550-1609)
Bacewicz, Grażyna (1909-1969)
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788)
Bach, Heinrich (1615-1692)
Bach, Johann Christian (1735-1782)
Bach, Johann Christoph (1642-1703)
Bach, Johann Ludwig (1677-1731)
Bach, Johann Michael (1648-1694)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Bache, Francis Edward (1833-1858)
Bacheler, Daniel (1572-1619)
Bachelet, Alfred (1864-1944)
Backhaus, Wilhelm (1884-1969)
Badajoz, João de (fl c1520-1520)
Badarzewska, Tekla (1834-1861)
Baigent, Bertie (b1995)
Bailly, Henri de (d1637)
Bain, James Leith Macbeth (1860-1925)
Bainton, Edgar (1880-1956)
Bairstow, Sir Edward Cuthbert (1874-1946)
Baker, David (b1931)
Baker, George (b1951)
Baker, Martin (b1967)
Balakirev, Mili (1837-1910)
Balbi, Ludovico (c1545-1604)
Baldassari, Pietro (c1683-c1768)
Baldwin, John (1560-1615)
Ball, Ernest R (1878-1927)
Ballard, Robert (c1575-after 1649)
Baltzar, Thomas (c1630-1663)
Banck, Carl (1809-1889)
Bang, Jan (b1968)
Banister, John (c1625-1679)
Banks, Paul (b?)
Bannan, Richard (b?)
Bantock, Sir Granville (1868-1946)
Barab, Seymour (b1921)
Barber, Graham (b?)
Barber, Samuel (1910-1981)
Barbingant (fl c1445-1460)
Bargiel, Woldemar (1828-1897)
Barié, Augustin (1883-1915)
Baring-Gould, Sabine (1834-1924)
Barley, Matthew (b1965)
Barlow, Jeremy (b?)
Barlow, Stephen (b1954)
Barnard, John (b1948)
Barnby, Sir Joseph (1838-1896)
Barnes, Tim (b1990)
Barnwell, Ysaÿe Maria (b1946)
Barrett, John (c1676-1719)
Barrett, Roger Keith 'Syd' (1946-2006)
Barri, Odoardo (1844-1920)
Barrière, Jean (1707-1747)
Barrow, Geoff (b1971)
Barry, Gerald (b1952)
Barsanti, Francesco (1690-1772)
Barshai, Rudolf (1924-2010)
Bartlett, Clifford (1939-2019)
Bartlett, Ethel (1896-1978)
Bartók, Béla (1881-1945)
Barua, Joi (b?)
Barvinsky, Vasyl (1888-1963)
Bassano, Augustine (?-1604)
Bassano, Giovanni (1560/1-1617)
Bassano, Jerome (1559-1635)
Bassi, James (b1961)
Bates, Django (b1960)
Bates, William (fl1750-1780)
Bath, Hubert (1883-1945)
Batiste, Antoine Édouard (1820-1876)
Battishill, Jonathan (1738-1801)
Battiwalla, Darius (b1966)
Bauer, Harold (1873-1951)
Baughen, Michael (b1930)
Bauldeweyn, Noel (c1480-1530)
Bax, Alessio (b1977)
Bax, Sir Arnold (1883-1953)
Bayco, Fredric (1913-1970)
Bayley, William (1810-1858)
Baynes, Sydney (1879-1938)
Bazelaire, Paul (1886-1958)
Beach, Amy (1867-1944)
Beal, Jeff (b1963)
Beamish, Sally (b1956)
Beatritz de Romans (?-?)
Beaver, Jack (1900-1963)
Bebey, Francis (1929-2001)
Beck, Franz Ignaz (1734-1809)
Becker, John Joseph (1886-1961)
Becucci, Ernesto (1845-1905)
Bedford, David (1937-2011)
Bednall, David (b1979)
Bedyngham, John (dc1459/60)
Beecham, Sir Thomas (1879-1961)
Beesly, Michael (1700-?)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Behnke, John A (b1953)
Behr, Franz (1837-1898)
Bell, Iain (b1980)
Bellini, Vincenzo (1801-1835)
Benda, Georg (1722-1795)
Bendel, Franz (1833-1874)
Bendinelli, Cesare (c1542-1617)
Benedict, Sir Julius (1804-1885)
Ben-Haïm, Paul (1897-1984)
Benjamin, Arthur (1893-1960)
Benjamin, George (b1960)
Bennet, John (1570-1615)
Bennett, George John (1863-1930)
Bennett, Mark (b?)
Bennett, Ned (b?)
Bennett, Sir Richard Rodney (1936-2012)
Bennett, Sir William Sterndale (1816-1875)
Bennett, Thomas Case Sterndale (1882-1944)
Benoit, Peter (1834-1901)
Ben-Tal, Oded (b1979)
Bentz Woods, Edna (fl1924-1924)
Berg, Alban (1885-1935)
Berger, Ludwig (1777-1839)
Bergman, Stefan (?1901-?)
Bergmann, Walter (1902-1988)
Berkeley, Michael (b1948)
Berkeley, Sir Lennox (1903-1989)
Berkowitz, Sol (b1922)
Berlin, Irving (1888-1989)
Berlin, Johan Daniel (1714-1787)
Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869)
Bernabei, Ercole (1622-1687)
Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio (1649-1732)
Bernard, Felix (1897-1944)
Bernart de Ventadorn (1125-1195)
Berners, Sir Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Lord (1883-1950)
Bernhard, Christoph (1628-1692)
Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990)
Bertalot, John (b1931)
Bertani, Lelio (1554-1612)
Berwald, Franz (1796-1868)
Besard, Jean-Baptiste (c1567-c1617)
Best, William Thomas (1826-1897)
Betinis, Abbie (b1980)
Bevan, David (1951-2021)
Bevan, Francis
Bevan, Maurice (1921-2006)
Bevan, Sydney (1838-1901)
Beyer, Franz (b1922)
Beznosiuk, Lisa (b?)
Biba, Otto (b1946)
Biber, Heinrich (1644-1704)
Biebl, Franz (1906-2001)
Bielby, Jonathan Leonard (b1944)
Bignold, Barrie (b?)
Binchois, Gilles (c1400-1460)
Binge, Ronald (1910-1979)
Bingham, Judith (b1952)
Birchall, Richard (b?)
Bird, William Hamilton (c1750-c1804)
Birtwistle, Sir Harrison (1934-2022)
Bishop, Henry (1786-1855)
Bishop, Sir Henry (1786-1855)
Bissill, Richard (b?)
Bizet, Georges (1838-1875)
Black, Colin (b?)
Blackford, Richard (b1954)
Blackwell, David (b1961)
Blair, Hugh (1864-1932)
Blake, Howard (b1938)
Blake, James (b1988)
Blanchet, Émile-Robert (1877-1943)
Blancks, Edward (c1550-1633)
Bland, James (1854-1911)
Blane, Ralph (1914-1995)
Blatchly, Mark (b1960)
Blázquez, Eladia (1931-2005)
Bliss, Julian (b1989)
Bliss, Sir Arthur (1891-1975)
Blitheman, John (c1525-1591)
Bloch, Ernest (1880-1959)
Blok-Wilson, Gerda (b1955)
Blondel de Nesle (fl1180-1200)
Blow, John (1649-1708)
Blumenfeld, Felix (1863-1931)
Boccherini, Luigi (1743-1805)
Bocchi, Lorenzo (fl1725-1725)
Boden, Mark David (b1986)
Boëllmann, Léon (1862-1897)
Boësset, Antoine (1586-1643)
Bogdanović, Dušan (b1955)
Bohlander-Green, Samuel
Böhm, Georg (1661-1733)
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de (1689-1755)
Bojesen, Michael (b1960)
Bolcom, William (b1938)
Bond, Capel (1730-1790)
Bonini, Pietro Andrea (c1550-c1605)
Bonis, Mel (1858-1937)
Bonnet, Joseph (1884-1944)
Bononcini, Giovanni (1670-1747)
Boothby, Richard (b?)
Borenstein, Nimrod (b1969)
Boretti, Giovanni Antonio (c1638-1672)
Borisovsky, Vadim (1900-1972)
Börjesson, Anders S (b1975)
Borodin, Alexander (1833-1887)
Bortkiewicz, Sergei (1877-1952)
Bortniansky, Dmitri (1751-1825)
Börtz, Daniel (b1943)
Borwick, Leonard (1868-1925)
Bosco Mwenda, Jean (1930-1990)
Bossi, Marco Enrico (1861-1925)
Bossinensis, Franciscus (fl1510-1510)
Botsford, George (1874-1949)
Boughton, Rutland (1878-1960)
Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918)
Boulanger, Nadia (1887-1979)
Bourgeois, Derek (1941-2017)
Bourgeois, Louis (c1510-1559)
Bowden, Don (1906-1966)
Bowen, Ruairi (b?)
Bowen, York (1884-1961)
Bowens, Reginald (b1987)
Bowers-Broadbent, Christopher (b?)
Bowie, David (1947-2016)
Boyce, William (1711-1779)
Boykin, B E (b1989)
Boyle, George Frederick (1886-1948)
Boyle, Ina (1889-1967)
Boyle, Malcolm (1902-1976)
Bozzi, Paolo (c1550-1628)
Brabbins, Martyn (b1959)
Brachlianoff, Arcady (1912-2001)
Brade, William (1560-1630)
Bradford, Harry (b?)
Brady, Owen (b?)
Brahe, May Hannah (1885-1956)
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
Brandy, Jerry (b?)
Bratton, John W (1867-1947)
Braun, Carl (1788-1835)
Braun, Yehezkel (1922-2014)
Braunfels, Walter (1882-1954)
Bray, Charlotte (b1982)
Bremner, Rory (b1961)
Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio (c1690-1758)
Bretón, Tomás (1850-1923)
Bréville, Pierre de (1861-1949)
Brewer, Sir Herbert (1865-1928)
Brian, Havergal (1876-1972)
Bridge, Frank (1879-1941)
Bridge, Frederick (1844-1924)
Briggs, David (b1962)
Briggs, Kerensa (b1991)
Briquet (fl c1420-1420)
Brito, Estêvão de (c1575-1641)
Brittain, Daniel (b?)
Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976)
Brockway, Oliver Michael (b?)
Brodsky, Nicholas (1905-1958)
Brody, Teodora (b1967)
Brollo, Bartolomeus (fl1430-1450)
Bronsart von Schellendorf, Hans (1830-1913)
Brooks, James (1760-1809)
Brophy, Gerard (b1953)
Broström, Tobias (b1978)
Brown, Alan (b?)
Brown, Arthur Henry (1830-1926)
Brown, Eddie (b?)
Brown, Henry Albert (c1864-1925)
Brown, Mark (b1941)
Brown, Timothy (b1946)
Browne, John (fl c1490-1490)
Browne, William Denis (1888-1915)
Bruce, David (b1970)
Bruch, Max (1838-1920)
Bruck, Arnold von (?1500-1554)
Bruckner, Anton (1824-1896)
Bruerton, Christopher (b?)
Brüll, Ignaz (1846-1907)
Brumel, Antoine (c1460-1512/13)
Bruna, Pablo (1611-1679)
Brunning, John (b1954)
Brunt, Kieran (b?)
Bryars, Gavin (b1943)
Bryne, Albertus (c1621-1668)
Bublé, Michael (b1975)
Bucalossi, Ernest (1863-1933)
Bucher, Matthias (b1988)
Buck, Dudley (1839-1909)
Buck, Sir Percy Carter (1871-1947)
Buckley, David (b1976)
Bukinik, Mikhail (1872-1953)
Bulakhov, Pyotr Petrovich (1822-1885)
Bulhakov, Konstantin (1812-1862)
Bull, John (?1562/3-1628)
Bullard, Alan (b1947)
Bullard, Tom (b?)
Bullock, Sir Ernest (1890-1979)
Bülow, Hans von (1830-1894)
Bunting, Edward (1773-1843)
Buonamente, Giovanni (d1642)
Bürde, Jeannette Antonie (1799-?)
Burgess, Joby (b?)
Burgon, Geoffrey (1941-2010)
Burke, Johnny (1908-1964)
Burleigh, Harry Thacker (1866-1949)
Burney, Charles (1726-1814)
Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Burton, James (b1974)
Bush, Geoffrey (1920-1998)
Busnois, Antoine (c1430-1492)
Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)
Büsser, Henri (1872-1973)
Butterworth, George (1885-1916)
Butts, Thomas (?-?)
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c1637-1707)
Byram-Wigfield, Timothy (b1963)
Byrchmore, Ruth (b1966)
Byrd, William (1539/40-1623)
Byrt, Dr John (1940-2021)
Byttering, Thomas[?] (fl c1410-1420)
Charles the Bold (1433-1477)
Díaz Bessón, Gabriel (before 1590-1638)
Esquivel, Juan (c1560-before 1630)
Gace Brulé (c1160-after 1213)
Giraut de Bornelh (c1140-1200)
Hildegard of Bingen, Saint (1098-1179)
Vincenet du Bruecquet (dbefore 1480)
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