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Composer Index – Alphabetical – M

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with M represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

Castro y Malagaray, Juan de (c1572-1632)
Etienne de Meaux (fl1250-1250)
Francesco Canova da Milano (1497-1543)
Karlsen, Kjell Mørk (b1947)
Léonin 'Magister Leoninus' (fl1150s-c1201)
Mac Domhnaill, Adhamhnán (b?)
Mac Domhnaill, Seán Clárach (1691-1754)
MacColl, Ewan (1915-1989)
MacCunn, Hamish (1868-1916)
MacDonald, Colin (b?)
Macdonald, Don (b1966)
MacDonald, Ralph (1944-2011)
MacDonald, Sarah (b1968)
MacDowell, Edward (1860-1908)
Macfarlane, Malcolm (?-?)
Macfarren, Sir George (1813-1887)
Macfarren, Walter (1826-1905)
Machaut, Guillaume de (c1300-1377)
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell (1847-1935)
Mackerras, Sir Charles (1925-2010)
Mackey, John (b1973)
Maclagan, Archbishop William Dalrymple (1826-1910)
MacMillan, Sir James (b1959)
Maconchy, Elizabeth (1907-1994)
Macpherson, Charles (1870-1927)
Macque, Giovanni de (?1548/50-1614)
Madan, Martin (1725-1790)
Madden, Richard (b1953)
Maessens, Pieter (c1505-1562)
Magalhães, Filipe de (c1563-1652)
Magin, Milosz (1929-1999)
Magnard, Albéric (1865-1914)
Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911)
Mahon, John (c1748-1834)
Mainerio, Giorgio (c1535-1582)
Maio, Giovan Tomaso di (c1500-1563)
Maistorovici, Vlad (b1985)
Majo, Giuseppe de (1697-1771)
Major, John (?-?)
Makaroff, Mia (b1970)
Makor, Andrej (b1987)
Malats, Joaquín (1872-1912)
Malcolm, George (1917-1997)
Maldere, Pierre van (1729-1768)
Malotte, Albert Hay (1895-1964)
Malzew, Stefan (b1964)
Mana-Zucca (1885-1981)
Manchicourt, Pierre de (c1510-1564)
Mancini, Curzio (c1553-after 1611)
Mancini, Francesco (1672-1737)
Mandyczewski, Eusebius (1857-1929)
Mann, Arthur Henry (1850-1929)
Manners, David (b1975)
Mansfield, Purcell James (1889-1968)
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko (b1963)
Manz, Paul (1919-2009)
Manzanero, Armando (b1935)
Manze, Andrew (b1965)
Marais, Marin (1656-1728)
Marcello, Alessandro (1684-1750)
Marcello, Benedetto (1686-1739)
Marchant, Sir Stanley Robert (1883-1949)
Marchbank, Peter (b1943)
Marchetti, Fermo Dante (1876-1940)
Marder, Marc (b1955)
Maréchal, Maurice (1892-1964)
Maren, Artie (b?)
Marenzio, Luca (1553/4-1599)
Marianelli, Dario (b1963)
Marie de Dregnau de Lille (?-?)
Marín, José (?1619-1699)
Marini, Biagio (1594-1663)
Marini, Francesco Maria (fl 1637-1637)
Markevitch, Dimitry (1923-2002)
Marks, Johnny (1909-1985)
Marlow, Richard (1939-2013)
Marlowe, Louis (b?)
Marmén, Johannes (b1980)
Marr, Johnny (b1963)
Marsh, Joanna (b1970)
Marsh, John (1752-1828)
Marsh, William (fl1816-1816)
Marshall, Philip (1921-2005)
Marshall, Wayne (b1961)
Marson, George (c1573-1632)
Marston, Nicholas (b?)
Martín y Soler, Vicente (1754-1806)
Martin, Frank (1890-1974)
Martin, Hugh (1914-2011)
Martin, Manu (b?)
Martin, Matthew (b1976)
Martin, Max (b1971)
Martin, Ray (1918-1988)
Martin, Sir George Clement (1844-1916)
Martini, Jean-Paul-Égide (1741-1816)
Martinů, Bohuslav (1890-1959)
Martucci, Giuseppe (1856-1909)
Marx, Joseph (1882-1964)
Marx, Richard (b1963)
Maschmeyer, Natalie (b?)
Maskats, Arturs (b1957)
Mason, Christian (b1984)
Mason, William (1829-1908)
Massaino, Tiburtio (c1550-1609)
Massenet, Jules (1842-1912)
Matheus de Sancto Johanne (fl1365-?1389)
Mathias, William (1934-1992)
Matičič, Janez (b1926)
Matos Rodríguez, Gerardo (1897-1948)
Matteis, Nicola (c1678-1737)
Matteis, Nicola (d1695)
Matteo da Perugia (d?1418)
Matthay, Tobias (1858-1945)
Matthews, Colin (b1946)
Matthews, David (b1943)
Matthews, William (1759-1830)
Maunder, John Henry (1858-1920)
Maunder, Richard (b?)
Maurício, José (1752-1815)
Maw, Nicholas (1935-2009)
Mawby, Colin (1936-2019)
Mawson, James (b?)
Maxwell Davies, Sir Peter (1934-2016)
Maybrick, Michael (1844-1913)
Mayerl, Billy (1902-1959)
Maylath, Henry (1827-1883)
Mayo, Christopher (b1980)
Mayone, Ascanio (c1565-1627)
Mays, Lyle (b1953)
McAnally, Shane (b1974)
McArthur, Edwin (1907-1987)
McBroom, Amanda (b1947)
McBurney, Gerard (b1954)
McCabe, John (1939-2015)
McCarthy, James (b1979)
McCarthy, John (b1961)
McCartney, Paul (b1942)
McCormack, Andrew (b1978)
McDonald, Harl (1899-1955)
McDowall, Cecilia (b1951)
McEwen, Sir John (1868-1948)
McGarr, Peter (b1953)
McGill, Josephine (1877-1919)
McGlynn, Michael (b1964)
McGonigal, Dominic (b?)
McGowan, Keith (b?)
McKay, Albert (b1948)
McKevitt, Donna (b1970)
McKie, Sir William (1901-1984)
McLachlan, Sarah (b1968)
McLaughlin, John (b1942)
McMillan, Ian (b?)
McPhee, George (?-?)
McVicar, George (?-?)
McVie, Christine (b1943)
Meakins, Vaughan (b?)
Mealor, Paul (b1975)
Mednikoff, Nikolai (1890-1942)
Medtner, Nikolai (1880-1951)
Meeropol, Abel (1903-1986)
Méhul, Etienne-Nicolas (1763-1817)
Melachrino, George (1909-1965)
Melani, Alessandro (1639-1703)
Melani, Jacopo (1623-1676)
Melcer-Szczawinski, Henryk (1869-1928)
Melgás, Diogo Dias (1638-1700)
Mellos, Aristea (b1987)
Mendelssohn, Fanny (1805-1847)
Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
Mendes, Manuel (c1547-1605)
Mendoza, Quirino (1865-1957)
Menter, Sophie (1846-1918)
Merbecke, John (c1510-c1585)
Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele (1795-1870)
Mercure d'Orléans (fl c1590-c1619)
Mercury, Freddie (1946-1991)
Meredith, Anna (b1978)
Merrick, Frank (1886-1981)
Merula, Tarquinio (1594/5-1665)
Merulo, Claudio (1533-1604)
Messager, André (1853-1929)
Messerer, Henri (1838-1923)
Messiaen, Olivier (1908-1992)
Mestre, Melani (b1976)
Metcalf, John (b1946)
Metcalfe, John (b1964)
Metheny, Pat (b1954)
Meyer, Philippe-Jacques (1737-1819)
Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791-1864)
Michael, George (b1963)
Michałowski, Aleksander (1851-1938)
Michi, Orazio (1594/5-1641)
Middleton, Hubert Stanley (1890-1959)
Migliacci, Franco (b1930)
Mika (b1983)
Mikhailovsky, Viktor (b?)
Mikhashoff, Yvar (1941-1993)
Milán, Luys (c1500-after 1560)
Milford, Robin (1903-1959)
Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974)
Militon (?-?)
Miller, Edward (1735-1807)
Milligan, Spike (1918-2002)
Mills, Frederick Allen (1869-1948)
Mills, Irving (1894-1985)
Mills, Kerry (1869-1948)
Milner, Anthony (1925-2002)
Milstein, Nathan (1904-1992)
Milton, John (c1563-1647)
Minkus, Ludwig (1826-1917)
Minot, Adolf (?-?)
Miškinis, Vytautas (b1954)
Misraki, Paul (1908-1998)
Miss L H of Liverpool (?-?)
Mitchell, Joni (b1943)
Mizell, Alphonso (1943-2011)
Młynarski, Emil (1870-1935)
Modugno, Domenico (1928-1994)
Moeran, Ernest John (1894-1950)
Moffat, Alfred (1866-1950)
Mold, Simon (b1957)
Molinari, Bernardino (1880-1952)
Molinaro, Simone (c1565-1615)
Molins, P des (fl 1350-1350)
Molloy, James Lynam (1837-1909)
Mompou, Federico (1893-1987)
Monckton, Lionel (1861-1924)
Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de (1711-1772)
Monk, Edwin George (1819-1900)
Monk, Thelonious (1917-1982)
Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
Monks, Christopher (b?)
Monnikendam, Marius (1896-1977)
Monro, George (1680-1731)
Montague, Stephen (b1943)
Monte, Philippe de (1521-1603)
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643)
Montgomery, Jessie (b1981)
Montsalvatge, Xavier (1912-2002)
Moody, Ivan (1964-2024)
Moore, Dudley (1935-2002)
Moore, Gerald (1899-1987)
Moore, Philip (b1943)
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852)
Morago, Estêvão Lopes (c1575-after 1630)
Morales, Cristóbal de (c1500-1553)
Morata, Ginés de (fl1550-1550)
Moray, Jim (b1981)
Moret, Niel (1878-1943)
Morgan, Blake (b?)
Morgan, Thomas (fl1691-1699)
Morgan-Williams, Bethan (b1992)
Moriarty, James (b?)
Moritz, Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel (1572-1632)
Morley, Thomas (1557/8-1602)
Morley, William (d1721)
Mornington, Garret Wesley (1735-1781)
Moroder, Giorgio (b1940)
Morricone, Ennio (b1928)
Morris, Reginald Owen (1886-1948)
Morris, Stephen (b1957)
Morrison, Sir George Ivan (b1945)
Mortelmans, Lodewijk (1868-1952)
Morton, Robert (c1430-after 13 March 1479)
Moruja, Fernando (1960-2004)
Moscheles, Ignaz (1794-1870)
Mosolov, Alexander (1900-1973)
Mosonyi, Mihály (1815-1870)
Mossman, Donald Wyndham Cremer (b1913)
Moszkowski, Moritz (1854-1925)
Mothersole, Wilfred John (1898-1992)
Moulinié, Étienne (1599-1676)
Moult, Daniel (b?)
Moulu, Pierre (?1484-c1550)
Mouton, Hubert (1872-1954)
Mouton, Jean (before 1459-1522)
Mozart, Franz Xaver (1791-1844)
Mozart, Leopold (1719-1787)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Mraz, Jason (b1977)
Muczynski, Robert (1929-2010)
Mudarra, Alonso (c1510-1580)
Muffat, Georg (1653-1704)
Muhly, Nico (b1981)
Muir, Lewis F (?-?)
Muldowney, Dominic (b1952)
Mulet, Henri (1878-1967)
Mundy, James (1907-1983)
Mundy, John (c1555-1630)
Mundy, William (c1529-1591)
Murcott, Dominic (b1965)
Murdoch, William (1888-1942)
Murphy, Walter (b1952)
Murray, Alan Robert (1890-1952)
Murray, James Ramsey (1841-1905)
Murray, T K (b1965)
Murrill, Herbert (1909-1952)
Muset, Colin (fl c1200-1250)
Musgrave, Thea (b1928)
Musgraves, Kacey (b1988)
Musorgsky, Modest (1839-1881)
Musto, John (b1954)
Muyanga, Neo (b?)
Mvula, Laura (b1987)
Myaskovsky, Nikolai (1881-1950)
Myddleton, W H (c1858-1917)
Mykietyn, Paweł (b1971)
Mysliveček, Josef (1737-1781)
Vianna da Motta, José (1868-1948)
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