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Composer Index – Alphabetical – G

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with G represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

Denis Le Grant (d1352)
Ernoul le vielle de Gastinois (fl c1280-1280)
Gabbitas, Christopher (b1979)
Gablenz, Jerzy (1888-1937)
Gabriel de Texerana (?1480-1528)
Gabriel, Virginia (1825-1877)
Gabrieli, Andrea (c1510-1586)
Gabrieli, Giovanni (c1554/7-1612)
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip (1878-1936)
Gace Brulé (c1160-after 1213)
Gad, Tobias (b1968)
Gade, Niels Wilhelm (1817-1890)
Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591)
Gallagher, Noel (b1967)
Galli, Antonius (d1565)
Gallo, Domenico (fl1745-1755)
Galvani, Marco (b1994)
Gamble, Kenny (b1943)
Ganglberger, Johann Wilhelm (1876-1938)
Gant, Andrew (b?)
Ganz, Rudolph (1877-1972)
Gara, Jeremy (b?)
Garbon, Lucien (b?)
Garcia, Eduardo (b?)
Garcia, José Maurício Nunes (1767-1830)
Gardane, Antonio (1509-1569)
Gardel, Carlos (1887-1935)
Gardiner, Henry Balfour (1877-1950)
Gardiner, Sir John Eliot (b1943)
Gardiner, William (1770-1853)
Gardner, John (1917-2011)
Garland, Tim (b1966)
Garner, Erroll (1923-1977)
Garrard, Timothy (b?)
Garrett, George Mursell (1834-1897)
Garsi da Parma, Santino (1542-1604)
Garth, John (1722-1810)
Garthwaite, Joel (b?)
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo (c1553/4-1609)
Gauntlett, Henry John (1805-1876)
Gautier de Dargies (c1165-after 1236)
Gay, John (1685-1732)
Geehl, Henry (1882-1961)
Geist, Christian (c1640-1711)
Gelineau, Joseph (1920-2008)
Geminiani, Francesco (1687-1762)
Gendron, Maurice (1920-1990)
Georg Hólm (b1976)
George-Hainl, François (1807-1876)
Gerarde, Dericke (1485-1580)
Geraso (fl 1700-fl 1720)
German, David (b1954)
German, Edward (1862-1936)
Germani, Fernando (1906-1998)
Gernsheim, Friedrich (1839-1916)
Gershwin, George (1898-1937)
Gershwin, Ira (1896-1983)
Gervaise, Claude (fl1540-1560)
Gervays (fl c1400-1400)
Gesualdo, Carlo (c1561-1613)
Geter, Damien (b?)
Giacobbi, Girolamo (1567-1628)
Giacomelli, Geminiano (c1692-1740)
Gianoncelli, Bernardo (fl1650-1650)
Giardini, Felice (1716-1796)
Giay, Giovanni Antonio (1690-1764)
Giazotto, Remo (1910-1998)
Gibbons, Beth (b1965)
Gibbons, Christopher (1615-1676)
Gibbons, Ellis (1573-1603)
Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625)
Gibbs, Alan (b1932)
Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong (1889-1960)
Gibbs, Joseph (1698-1788)
Gibbs, Stacey V (b1962)
Gibson, Bob (1931-1996)
Gibson, Josephine (b?)
Gibson, Tim (b?)
Gieseking, Walter (1895-1956)
Gigout, Eugène (1844-1925)
Giguère, Patrick (b?)
Gilbert, Joe (b?)
Giles, Thomas (?-?)
Gill, Harry (1897-1987)
Gillis, Don (1912-1978)
Gimpel, Jakob (1906-1989)
Ginastera, Alberto (1916-1983)
Ginzburg, Grigory (1904-1961)
Ginzburg, Lev Solomonovich (1907-1981)
Giorgi, Giovanni (d1762)
Giovannelli, Ruggiero (c1560-1625)
Giovanni da Cascia (fl 1340-1350)
Gippenbusch, Jacob (1612-1664)
Gipps, Ruth (1921-1999)
Giraut de Bornelh (c1140-1200)
Gismonti, Egberto (b1947)
Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829)
Giustinian, Leonardo (c1383-1446)
Gjeilo, Ola (b1978)
Gladwin, Thomas (c1710-?1799)
Glass, Philip (b1937)
Glasser, Stanley (b1926)
Glazunov, Alexander (1865-1936)
Gleichmann, William (?-?)
Glière, Reinhold (1875-1956)
Glinka, Mikhail (1804-1857)
Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von (1714-1787)
Glynn, Christopher (b1974)
Godard, Benjamin (1849-1895)
Godefroid, Félix (1818-1897)
Godefroy de St Victoire (fl1170-1190)
Godfrey, Fred (1837-1882)
Godin, Felix (c1864-1925)
Godowsky, Leopold (1870-1938)
Goedicke, Alexander (1877-1957)
Goehr, Alexander (b1932)
Goehr, Walter (1903-1960)
Goetz, Hermann (1840-1876)
Goldmark, Karl (1830-1915)
Goldschmidt, Adalbert von (1848-1906)
Goldschmidt, Otto (1829-1907)
Goldstein, Mikhail (1917-1989)
Golijov, Osvaldo (b1960)
Golovanov, Nikolay (January 1891-1958)
Gombert, Nicolas (c1495-c1560)
Gomes, André da Silva (1752-1844)
Gontier de Soignies (dfl before 1220)
Goodall, Howard (b1958)
Goodenough, Robert Philip (c1776-1826)
Goodhart, Arthur Murray (1866-1941)
Goodman, Alice (b1958)
Goodman, Benny (1909-1986)
Goodwin, Ron (1925-2003)
Goodwin, Starling (d1774)
Goossens, Sir Eugene (1893-1962)
Gordon, David (b1965)
Gordon, Geoffrey (b1968)
Gordon, Mack (1904-1959)
Gordon, Michael (b1956)
Gordy, Berry (b1929)
Górecki, Henryk (1933-2010)
Gorton, William (d1711)
Goss, Sir John (1800-1880)
Goss, Stephen (b1964)
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829-1869)
Gottschick, Sebastian (b1959)
Gottwald, Clytus (1925-2023)
Goudimel, Claude (c1514-1572)
Gough, Orlando (b1953)
Gould, Glenn (1932-1982)
Gould, Morton (1913-1996)
Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)
Goves, Larry (b1980)
Gowers, Patrick (1936-2014)
Grabbe, Johann (1585-1655)
Grabu, Louis (fl1665-1694)
Grace, Harvey (1874-1944)
Graham, Brendan (b1945)
Grainger, Percy (1882-1961)
Granados, Enrique (1867-1916)
Granata, Giovanni Battista (dc1684)
Grandi, Alessandro (1575/80-1630)
Grant, David (1833-1893)
Grau Vegara, Francisco (1947-2019)
Grau, Gonzalo (b?)
Graun, Carl Heinrich (1704-1759)
Gray, Alan (1855-1935)
Greatorex, Thomas (1758-1831)
Greatorex, Walter (1877-1949)
Grechaninov, Aleksandr Tikhonovich (1864-1956)
Green, Alwyn (b?)
Green, CeeLo (b1974)
Green, Philip (1911-1982)
Greene, Maurice (1696-1755)
Gregorio, Joseph (b?)
Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste (1741-1813)
Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)
Grier, Francis (b1955)
Griffes, Charles Tomlinson (1884-1920)
Grigny, Nicolas de (1672-1703)
Grime, Helen (b1981)
Gritton, Peter (b1963)
Groeger, Bertrand (b1963)
Grofé, Ferde (1892-1972)
Grossi, Andrea (fl1680-1690)
Grossin, Estienne (fl 1418-1421)
Grosvenor, Benjamin (b1992)
Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787-1863)
Gruber, HK (b1943)
Grunenwald, Jean-Jacques (1911-1982)
Grünfeld, Alfred (1852-1924)
Grützmacher, Friedrich (1832-1903)
Guadagni, Gaetano (1728-1792)
Guami, Gioseffo (c1540-1611)
Guarnieri, Mozart Camargo (1907-1993)
Guastavino, Carlos (1912-2000)
Gubaidulina, Sofia (b1931)
Guédron, Pierre (c1570-c1620)
Guerau, Francisco (?1659-?1715)
Guerrero, Francisco (1528-1599)
Guest, Douglas (1916-1996)
Guest, George (1924-2002)
Guetta, David (b1967)
Gui d'Ussel (c1170-before 1225)
Guibert Kaukesel (fl c1230-1255)
Guido of Arezzo (991/2-after 1033)
Guillaume, Sydney (b?)
Guillou, Jean (b1930)
Guilmant, Alexandre (1837-1911)
Guion, David Wendell de Fentresse (1892-1981)
Guiot de Dijon (fl1215-1225)
Guiraud, Ernest (1837-1892)
Gulda, Friedrich (1930-2000)
Gunning, Christopher (1944-2023)
Guridi, Jesús (1886-1961)
Gurney, Ivor (1890-1937)
Gussago, Cesario (fl1599-1612)
Guyot, Jean (?1520-1588)
Gyger, Elliott (b1968)
Gynn, Eloise Nancie (b1985)
Gyrowetz, Adalbert (1763-1850)
Legrant, Johannes (fl c1420-1440)
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