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Composer Index – Alphabetical – P

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with P represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

Clemens non Papa, Jacobus (c1510/15-1555/6)
Cristo, Pedro de (c1550-1618)
Fernández Palero, Francisco (d1597)
Garsi da Parma, Santino (1542-1604)
Josquin des Prez (c1450/55-1521)
La Pierre, Paul de (1612-after 1690)
Matteo da Perugia (d?1418)
Pabst, Eugene (?-?)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706)
Pacini, Giovanni (1796-1867)
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1860-1941)
Padilla, José (1889-1960)
Padilla, Juan Gutiérrez de (c1590-1664)
Padovano, Annibale (1527-1575)
Paganini, Nicolò (1782-1840)
Paine, John Knowles (1839-1906)
Painter, Christopher (b1962)
Paisible, James (d1721)
Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816)
Paiva, Heliodoro de (1502-1552)
Paladilhe, Émile (1844-1926)
Palella, Antonio (1692-1761)
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (1525/6-1594)
Pallavacino, Carlo (1630-1688)
Palmer, Christopher (1946-1995)
Palmer, Clement Charlton (1871-1944)
Palmgren, Selim (1878-1951)
Palomo, Lorenzo (b1938)
Pang Vongtaradon, Saksri (b1974)
Pankhurst, Lucy (b1981)
Panufnik, Roxanna (b1968)
Panufnik, Sir Andrzej (1914-1991)
Paolo da Firenze (d1419)
Papa, Francesco (fl 1740-fl 1750)
Pappano, Sir Antonio
Paradies, Domenico (1707-1791)
Parish-Alvars, Elias (1808-1849)
Park, Owain (b1993)
Parker, Aaron (b1991)
Parker, Charlie (1920-1955)
Parker, Horatio (1863-1919)
Parker, Katharine (1886-1971)
Parker, Martin (fl1650?-1650)
Parratt, Sir Walter (1841-1924)
Parrott, Andrew (b1947)
Parry, Ben (b1965)
Parry, Sir Hubert (1848-1918)
Parsons, Robert (c1535-1572)
Parsons, William (fl1545-1563)
Pärt, Arvo (b1935)
Pasquini, Bernardo (1637-1710)
Passereau, Pierre (fl1509-1547)
Pastorius, Jaco (1951-1987)
Patterson, Paul (b1947)
Pauer, Ernst (1826-1905)
Paul, Justin (b1985)
Paulberg, Natasa (b?)
Paulus, Stephen (1949-2014)
Pavia, Isidore Leo (1875-1945)
Payen, Nicolas (c1512-after 24 April 1559)
Payne, Anthony (1936-2021)
Peacock, Adrian (b1962)
Pearce, Charles (1858-1928)
Pearsall, Robert Lucas (1795-1856)
Pedersen, Erling (b1944)
Peel, Graham (1877-1937)
Peerson, Martin (c1572-1651)
Peeters, Flor (1903-1986)
Peinado, Clara
Pellegrini, Domenico (dafter 1682)
Pembroke College Girls' Choir
Peñalosa, Francisco de (c1470-1528)
Penderecki, Krzysztof (1933-2020)
Pendleton, Edmund J (1899-1987)
Penn, Arthur (1875-1941)
Pepusch, Johann Christoph (1667-1752)
Peraza, Francisco de (1564-1598)
Percy, Heather (b?)
Perez, Davide (1711-1778)
Pergolesi, Giovanni (1710-1736)
Perkins, Laurence (b1954)
Perna, Dana (b1958)
Pernambuco, João (1883-1947)
Pérotin (fl c1200-1200)
Perren, Frederick (1943-2004)
Perrichon, Julien (1566-c1600)
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista (c1704-1766)
Pessard, Émile Louis Fortuné (1843-1917)
Peterson, Tom (b?)
Peterson, Vince
Petrali, Vincenzo (1830-1889)
Petri, Egon (1881-1962)
Petrie, Chris (b1987)
Pettman, Edgar (c1866-1943)
Pezold, Christian (1677-by 2 June 1733)
Pezzini, F (?-?)
Pfitzner, Hans (1869-1949)
Phibbs, Joseph (b1974)
Philipp, Isidore (1863-1958)
Philips, Peter (1560/1-1628)
Phillips, Peter (b?)
Phillips, Thomas (1735-1807)
Philp, James East (?-?)
Phinot, Dominique (c1510-c1556)
Piatigorsky, Gregor (1903-1976)
Piazzolla, Astor (1921-1992)
Picchi, Giovanni (1572-1643)
Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-c1638)
Picforth (fl c1580-1580)
Pick-Mangiagalli, Riccardo (1882-1949)
Pieczonka, Albert (1828-1912)
Pierné, Gabriel (1863-1937)
Pierpont, James Lord (1822-1893)
Pierson, Henry Hugo (1815-1873)
Pilkington, Francis (c1570-1638)
Pinel, Richard (b1984)
Pinto, George Frederick (1785-1806)
Pinto, Luís Álvares (1719-?1789)
Pinto, Octávio (1890-1950)
Piper, Charlie (b1982)
Pirani, Eugenio (1852-1939)
Pisendel, Johann Georg (1687-1755)
Pitts, Antony (b1969)
Pitts, John (b1976)
Pixell, John (1725-1784)
Pixis, Johann Peter (1788-1874)
Pizzetti, Ildebrando (1880-1968)
Plakidis, Pēteris (b1947)
Plant, Andrew (b?)
Planté, Francis (1839-1934)
Pletnev, Mikhail (b1957)
Plitmann, Hila (b1973)
Plummer, John (?c1410-c1484)
Poldini, Ede (1869-1957)
Poliziano, Angelo (1454-1494)
Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (c1653-1723)
Ponce, Manuel (1882-1948)
Ponniah, Ben (b1984)
Poole, Geoffrey (b1949)
Popper, David (1843-1913)
Popplewell, Richard (1935-2016)
Poppy, Andrew (b1954)
Porpora, Nicola (1686-1768)
Porta, Costanzo (1528-1601)
Porta, J de (?-?)
Porter, Cole (1891-1964)
Portugal, Marcos António (1762-1830)
Posse, Wilhelm (1852-1925)
Poston, Elizabeth (1905-1987)
Pott, Francis (b1957)
Potter, Cipriani (1792-1871)
Potts, Nigel (b?)
Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963)
Powell, Rosephayne (b?)
Powell, William C (b?)
Power, Leonel (d1445)
Praestholm, Christian (b1972)
Praetorius, Hieronymus (1560-1629)
Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
Prathivadi, Kethaki (b1998)
Prauliņš, Uģis (b1957)
Prendergast, William (1868-1933)
Press, Mikhail (1871-1938)
Preston, Simon (1938-2022)
Preti, Alfonso (fl1586-1592)
Preumayr, Frans (1782-1853)
Price, Florence (1887-1953)
Prichard, Rowland Huw (1811-1887)
Prima, Louis (1910-1978)
Primavera, Giovan Leonardo (c1540/45-after 1585)
Primrose, William (1904-1982)
Prioris, Johannes (fl c1485-1512)
Pritchard, Deborah (b1977)
Pritchard, Thomas Cuthbertson Leithead (1885-1960)
Proch, Heinrich (1809-1878)
Prokofiev, Gabriel (b1975)
Prokofiev, Serge (1891-1953)
Prooijen, Marijn van
Prota, Tommaso (?1727-after 1768)
Prowo, Pierre (1697-1757)
Pryor, Arthur (1870-1942)
Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924)
Puget, Paul (1848-1917)
Pugh, Jim (b?)
Pugno, Raoul (1852-1914)
Pulkingham, Betty (b1928)
Pullois, Jean (?-1478)
Purcell, Daniel (c1664-1717)
Purcell, Edward C (1853-1932)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695)
Purday, Charles Henry (1799-1885)
Puth, Charlie (b1991)
Putt, Alastair (b1983)
Pyamour, John (fl c1418-before March 1426)
Pycard (fl c1410-1410)
Pye, Kellow John (1812-1901)
Pykini (fl c1364-1389)
Pysing, William (c1599-1684)
Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann (1803-1883)
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