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Composer Index – Alphabetical – W

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with W represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

Bentz Woods, Edna (fl1924-1924)
Lloyd Webber, William (1914-1982)
Wachtmann, C (fl1868-1868)
Wade, John Francis (c1711-1786)
Wagner, Ernst David (1806-1883)
Wagner, Franz (1870-1929)
Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)
Wainwright, John (1723-1768)
Wainwright, Robert (1748-1782)
Wakefield, Anthony (b1942)
Waldteufel, Émile (1837-1915)
Waley-Cohen, Freya (b1989)
Walker, Dan (b?)
Walker, Don (1907-1989)
Walker, Ernest (1870-1949)
Walker, George (1922-2018)
Walker, Lucy (b1998)
Walker, Robert (b1946)
Walker, Timothy (b?)
Wallace, William (1860-1940)
Wallace, William Vincent (1812-1865)
Wallen, Errollyn (b1958)
Wallfisch, Elizabeth (b?)
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood (1814-1856)
Walsh, John (c1665-1736)
Walsh, Thomas (b?)
Walter, Bruno (1876-1962)
Walter, David (b1958)
Walters, David (b?)
Walthew, Richard Henry (1872-1951)
Walton, Sir William (1902-1983)
Ward, Duncan (b?)
Ward, Joanna (b1998)
Ward, John (c1589-1638)
Wardener, Max de (b1972)
Ware, Hugh (b?)
Warland, Dale (b1932)
Warlock, Peter (1894-1930)
Warner, Ken (1902-1988)
Warnow, Harry (1908-1994)
Warrell, Arthur (1882-1939)
Warren, Huw (b1962)
Warren, Samuel Prowse (1841-1915)
Wassenaer, Unico Wilhelm, Graf van (1692-1766)
Watkins, Huw (b1976)
Watson, Sydney (1903-1991)
Watts, Tim (b1979)
Waxman, Franz (1906-1967)
Weaver, John (b1937)
Webb, Alex (b?)
Webbe, Samuel (1740-1816)
Webbe, Samuel (c1770-1843)
Webber, Geoffrey (b?)
Weber, Ben (1916-1979)
Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826)
Webern, Anton (1883-1945)
Webster, Maurice (fl1621-1636)
Weckmann, Matthias (?1616-1674)
Weeks, James (b1978)
Weelkes, Thomas (1576-1623)
Weigand, George (1946-1999)
Weigl, Joseph (1766-1846)
Weill, Kurt (1900-1950)
Weinberger, Jaromír (1896-1967)
Weiner, Leó (1885-1960)
Weir, Judith (b1954)
Weiss, George David (1921-2010)
Weiss, Silvius Leopold (1686-1750)
Weissenberg, Alexis (1929-2012)
Weitz, Guy (1883-1970)
Weldon, John (1676-1736)
Weller, Philip (1958-2018)
Wells, Robert (1922-1998)
Wells, Robin (b?)
Went, Johann (1745-1801)
Wentink, Gwyneth (b1981)
Wert, Giaches de (1535-1596)
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Wesley, Samuel (1766-1837)
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810-1876)
West, Hezekiah (d1826)
West, John Ebenezer (1863-1929)
Westbrook, William Joseph (1831-1894)
Westbrooke, Sophie (b?)
Westhoff, Johann Paul von (1656-1705)
Weston, Rachel (b?)
Weyrauch, August Heinrich von (1788-1865)
Wheeler, Francis (?-?)
Wheeler, Janet (b?)
Whelan, Bill (b1950)
Whitacre, Eric (b1970)
Whitbourn, James (b?)
White, Edward (1910-1994)
White, John (b?)
White, Maude Valérie (1855-1937)
White, Maurice (1941-2016)
White, Philip J (b?)
White, Robert (c1538-November 1574)
Whitehead, William (b1970)
Whiteley, Simon (b?)
Whithorne, Emerson (1884-1958)
Whitlock, Percy (1903-1946)
Whittaker, William Gillies (1876-1944)
Whitwell, Sally (b?)
Whyms, Kevin (b?)
Wickham, Edward (b?)
Wicks, Joseph (b1993)
Widmann, Jörg (b1973)
Widor, Charles-Marie (1844-1937)
Wiedermann, Bedrich Antonín (1883-1951)
Wielhorsky, Count Michael Jurjew (1788-1856)
Wieniawski, Henryk (1835-1880)
Wieniawski, Józef (1837-1912)
Wiersinga, Erwin (b1962)
Wiklund, Adolf (1879-1950)
Wilberforce, Richard (b1984)
Wilberg, Mack (b1955)
Wilby, Philip (b1949)
Wilbye, John (1574-1638)
Wilcox, Felicity (b?)
Wild, Earl (1915-2010)
Wilder, Philip van (c1500-1554)
Wilhelmj, August (1845-1908)
Wilkinson, Stephen (b1919)
Willaert, Adrian (c1490-1562)
Willan, Healey (1880-1968)
Willcocks, Jonathan (b1953)
Willcocks, Sir David Valentine (1919-2015)
Williams, Adrian (b1956)
Williams, Charles (1893-1978)
Williams, Chris (b1986)
Williams, Derek (b1945)
Williams, John (b1932)
Williams, John Raymond (1928-2018)
Williams, Llŷr (b1976)
Williams, Robert (1782-1818)
Williams, Roderick (b1965)
Williams, Thomas (1807-1894)
Williamson, James (b1984)
Williamson, Magnus (b1967)
Williamson, Malcolm (1931-2003)
Willis, Alison (b1971)
Willis, Allee (b1947)
Willis, Richard Storrs (1819-1900)
Wills, Arthur (b1926)
Willson, Robert Meredith (1902-1984)
Wilson, Brian (b1942)
Wilson, Christian (b1980)
Wilson, John (1595-1674)
Wilson, Sandy (1924-2014)
Wilton, Charles Henry (1761-?)
Wiltzie, Adam (b1969)
Wingfield, Paul (b?)
Winter, Aubrey (1870-1955)
Winters, Elizabeth (b1979)
Wise, Michael (c1647-1687)
Wishart, Peter (1921-1984)
Wishart, Stevie (b1959)
Withers, Bill (1938-2020)
Withy, Francis (d1727)
Witter-Johnson, Ayanna (b?)
Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903)
Wolff, Max (1885-1954)
Wollston, Silas (b?)
Wolstenholme, William (1865-1931)
Wonder, Stevie (b1950)
Wood, Arthur (1875-1953)
Wood, Charles (1866-1926)
Wood, Haydn (1882-1959)
Wood, Hugh (b1932)
Wood, Roy (b1946)
Woodcock, Clement (c1540-1589)
Woodcock, Robert (1690-1728)
Woodforde-Finden, Amy (1860-1919)
Woodhouse, Charles (1879-1939)
Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
Woodward, Richard (1744-1777)
Woolf, Alex (b1995)
Wright, Geoffrey (1912-2010)
Wright, Lewis (b?)
Wright, Neil (b1956)
Wrubel, Allie (1905-1973)
Wulstan, David (1937-2017)
Wurmser, Lucien (1877-1967)
Wylkynson, Robert (c1475/80-1515)
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