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Composer Index – Alphabetical – L

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with L represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

Audefroi le Bastart (fl1190-1230)
Denis Le Grant (d1352)
Johannes de Lymburgia (fl1400-1440)
La Comtesse de Die (fl1190?-1190)
La Forge, Frank (1879-1953)
La Hèle, George de (1547-1586)
La Montaine, John (1920-2013)
La Pierre, Paul de (1612-after 1690)
La Rue, Pierre de (c1452-1518)
Labunski, Felix (1892-1979)
Lachner, Franz Paul (1803-1890)
Lack, Graham (b1954)
Lacoste, Louis (c1675-c1750)
Laitman, Lori (b1955)
Lalande, Michel-Richard de (1657-1726)
Lalo, Édouard (1823-1892)
Laloux, Fernand (1901-1970)
Lamb, Ben (b?)
Lambe, Walter (c1450-c1500)
Lambert, Constant (1905-1951)
Lambert, Dave (1917-1966)
Lambert, Edward Frank (1868-1925)
Lamond, Frederic (1868-1948)
Lampe, Jens Bodewalt (1869-1929)
Lampe, John Frederick (1702/3-1751)
Lancaster, David (b1960)
Landini, Francesco (c1325-1397)
Landowska, Wanda (1879-1959)
Lane, Alan (1932-2002)
Lane, Jonathan (b1958)
Lane, Philip (b1950)
Lang, Craig Sellar (1891-1971)
Lang, David (b?)
Langdon, John (b?)
Langdon, Richard (1729-1803)
Langey, Otto (1851-1922)
Langford, Gordon (1930-2017)
Langgaard, Rued (1893-1952)
Langlais, Jean (1907-1991)
Langley, John
Langley, Robin (b?)
Lanier, Nicholas (1588-1666)
Lanquetuit, Marcel (1894-1985)
Lantins, Hugo de (fl 1420-1430)
Lapwood, Anna (b1995)
Larsen, Libby (b1950)
Lascae, Alexandru (1942-2009)
Lassen, Eduard (1830-1904)
Lassus, Orlande de (1530/32-1594)
Lauridsen, Morten (b1943)
Lauro, Antonio (1917-1986)
Lavallée, Calixa (1842-1891)
Lavino, James (b1973)
Lawes, Henry (1596-1662)
Lawes, William (1602-1645)
Lawrence-King, Andrew (b?)
Lawson, Geoff (b?)
Lawson, Ian (b1955)
Lawson, Philip (b1957)
Layton, Stephen (b1966)
Layton, Turner (1894-1978)
Lazzari, Ferdinando (1678-1754)
Lazzari, Sylvio (1857-1944)
Le Beau, Luise Adolpha (1850-1927)
Le Jeune, Claude (1528/30-1600)
Le Page, David (b1971)
Le Rouge, Guillaume (fl c1450-1465)
Le, Rex (b?)
Leach, Jimmy (b?)
Leach, Rachel (b1973)
Lebègue, Nicolas (c1631-1702)
Lebertoul, Franchois (fl 1409-?1428)
Leclair, Jean-Marie (1697-1764)
Lecocq, Charles (1832-1918)
Lecuona, Ernesto (1895-1963)
Ledger, Sir Philip (1937-2012)
Lee, Joanna (b1982)
Lee, Trey (b1973)
Leech, Owen (b1971)
Lefébure-Wély, Louis-James-Alfred (1817-1870)
Legend, John (b1978)
Legrand, Michel (1932-2019)
Legrant, Johannes (fl c1420-1440)
Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626-1690)
Lehár, Franz (1870-1948)
Lehmann, Liza (1862-1918)
Lehrer, Tom (b1928)
Leighton, Kenneth (1929-1988)
Leite, António da Silva (1759-1833)
Lekeu, Guillaume (1870-1894)
Lemare, Edwin (1865-1934)
Lennon, John (1940-1980)
Leo, Leonardo (1694-1744)
Leonard, Lawrence (1923-2001)
Leoni, Leone (c1550-1627)
Léonin 'Magister Leoninus' (fl1150s-c1201)
Leonore d'Este (1515-1575)
Leontovych, Mykola (1877-1921)
Leopold, Bohuslav (1888-1956)
Leopold, Rudolf (b1954)
Leschetizky, Theodor (1830-1915)
Leslie, Henry (1822-1896)
Lessmann, Otto (1844-1918)
L'Estrange, Alexander (b1974)
L'Estrange, Harry (b2008)
Leuner, Karl (?-?)
Lev, Tomer (b1967)
Levanon, Aryeh (1932-2023)
Leveridge, Richard (1670/1-1758)
Levin, Robert (b1947)
Levine, Alexander (b1955)
Levy, Alexandre (1864-1892)
Lewis, Al (?-?)
Lewis, Ed (1909-1985)
Lewis, Geraint (b1958)
Lewis, Huey (b1950)
Lewis, Ryan (b1988)
Ley, Henry George (1887-1962)
Lhéritier, Jean (c1480-after 1551)
Liadov, Anatol (1855-1914)
Lidarti, Christian Joseph (1730-1795)
Liddell, Claire (b?)
Lidström, Mats (b1959)
Liebermann, Lowell (b1961)
Ligeti, György (1923-2006)
Lilburn, Tom (b?)
Limbrick, Simon (b?)
Lincke, Paul (1866-1946)
Lindberg, Oskar (1887-1955)
Lindley, Simon (b?)
Lindpaintner, Peter von (1791-1856)
Lindsay, Peter (b?)
Linley, Thomas (1733-1795)
Linley, Thomas (1756-1778)
Linley, William (1771-1835)
Lintinen, Kirmo (b1967)
Lisley, John (fl c1600-fl c1600)
Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)
Litaize, Gaston (1909-1991)
Litolff, Henry Charles (1818-1891)
Livingston, Jay (1915-2001)
Livingston, Jerry (1909-1987)
Llewellyn, William (b1925)
Llobet, Miguel (1878-1938)
Lloyd Webber, Andrew (b1948)
Lloyd Webber, William (1914-1982)
Lloyd, Charles Harford (1849-1919)
Lloyd, Erika
Lloyd, Graham J (b?)
Lloyd, Richard (b1933)
Lobanova, Marina (b?)
Lobo de Mesquita, José Joaquim Emerico (1746-1805)
Lobo, Alonso (1555-1617)
Lobo, Duarte (c1565-1646)
Locatelli, Pietro (1695-1764)
Locke, Joe (b1959)
Locke, Matthew (c1621/3-1677)
Lockhart, Charles (1745-1815)
Lockhart, Eugene (1891-1957)
Loeillet, Jean Baptiste (1680-1730)
Loes, Harry Dixon (1892-1965)
Loewe, Carl (1796-1869)
Löhr, Hermann (1871-1943)
Loman, Jules (b?)
Lonati, Carlo Ambrogio (c1645-c1710/15)
Long, Ashley John (b1986)
Long, James (b1987)
Longas, Federico (1893-1968)
López Capillas, Francisco (1614-1674)
Lopez, Antonio (?-?)
Loqueville, Richard (d1418)
Lord, Jon (1941-2012)
Lotter, Adolf (1871-1942)
Lotti, Antonio (1667-1740)
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, Prince (1772-1806)
Lourié, Arthur Vincent (1892-1966)
Lovatt, Samuel Ernest (1877-1954)
Love, Henry (1895-1976)
Love, Michael (b1941)
Løvland, Rolf (b1955)
Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg, Prince Carl Friedrich von (1783-1849)
Luard-Selby, Bertram (1853-1918)
Lubbe, Gareth (b?)
Lubbock, Jeremy (b?)
Luboff, Norman (1917-1987)
Luca, Dani
Ludford, Nicholas (c1490-1557)
Luigini, Alexandre (1850-1906)
Łukaszewski, Paweł (b1968)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687)
Lumsden, Andrew (b1962)
Lupi da Caravaggio, Livio (fl1607-1607)
Lupi, Johannes (c1506-1539)
Lupo, Joseph (c1537-1616)
Lupo, Thomas (1571-1627)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Lutosławski, Witold (1913-1994)
Lutyens, Elisabeth (1906-1983)
Lutz, Wilhelm Meyer (c1829-1903)
Lyapunov, Sergei Mikhailovich (1859-1924)
Lyatoshinsky, Boris (1895-1968)
Lynch, Graham (b1957)
Lynch, Vincent (b?)
Lyon, Meyer (1751-1797)
Marie de Dregnau de Lille (?-?)
Primavera, Giovan Leonardo (c1540/45-after 1585)
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