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Composer Index – Alphabetical – K

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with K represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

A Kempis, Nicolaus (c1600-1676)
Guibert Kaukesel (fl c1230-1255)
Kabalevsky, Dmitri (1904-1987)
Kachelmeier, Linda (b1965)
Kahane, Gabriel (b1981)
Kalabis, Viktor (1923-2006)
Kalianov, S (?-?)
Kalinnikov, Viktor (1870-1927)
Kalivoda, Jan Křtitel Václav (1801-1866)
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich (1785-1849)
Kálmán, Emmerich (1882-1953)
Kaner, Matthew (b?)
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo (c1580-1651)
Kapustin, Nikolai (1937-2020)
Karg-Elert, Sigfrid (1877-1933)
Karłowicz, Mieczysław (1876-1909)
Karlsen, Kjell Mørk (b1947)
Kassia (810-by 867)
Kastalsky, Aleksandr (November 1856-1926)
Kastelic, Matej (b1994)
Kats-Chernin, Elena (b1957)
Kaufmann, Armin (1902-1980)
Kay, Brian (b1944)
Kaye, Buddy (1918-2002)
Keane, Robert (b1948)
Kearns, Benedict (b?)
Keating, Geoffrey (b?)
Kedrov, Nikolay (1871-1940)
Keel, James Frederick (1871-1954)
Keen, Marta (b?)
Keenan, Andrew (b?)
Kellam, Ian (b1933)
Keller, Gottfried (d before 25 November 1704)
Kellogg, Daniel (b1976)
Kelly, Bryan (b1934)
Kelly, Frederick Septimus (1881-1916)
Kemp, Will (?-?)
Kempff, Wilhelm (1895-1991)
Kennedy, Jimmy (1902-1984)
Kennedy, Piers Connor (b1991)
Kennedy-Fraser, Marjorie (1857-1930)
Kerll, Johann Caspar (1627-1693)
Kern, Jerome (1885-1945)
Kernis, Aaron Jay (b1960)
Ketèlbey, Albert W (1875-1959)
Key, Joseph (d1784)
Keyte, Hugh (b?)
Khachaturian, Aram (1903-1978)
Khalifa, Wiz (b1987)
Khan, Amjad Ali (b1945)
Khan, Kadar (b?)
Khan, Sultan (1940-2011)
Khan, Wajahat (b1969)
Kidjo, Angélique (b1960)
Kiefer, Hans-Martin (b1956)
Kiefert, Carl (c1855-1937)
Kiel, Friedrich (1821-1885)
Kilpinen, Yrjö (1892-1959)
Kindler, Hans (1892-1949)
King, Ben E (1938-2015)
King, Oliver (1855-1923)
King, Robert (b1960)
Kinoshita, Makiko (b1956)
Kirbye, George (c1565-1634)
Kirchner, Theodor Fürchtegott (1823-1903)
Kirkor, Georg (1910-1980)
Kirkpatrick, William James (1838-1921)
Kit and the Widow
Kitson, Charles Herbert (1874-1944)
Kjartan Sveinsson (b1978)
Klein, Gideon (1919-January 1945)
Kleinheinz, Karl Xaver (1765-1832)
Klimov, Pyotr (b1970)
Klingenstein, Bernhard (1545/6-1614)
Knecht, Justin Heinrich (1752-1817)
Knigge, Max (b1984)
Knight, Gerald Hocken (1908-1979)
Knight, Peter (1917-1985)
Knight, Richard (b?)
Knothe, Dietrich (b?)
Knotts, David (b1972)
Knowles, Brian (b1946)
Knüpfer, Sebastian (1633-1676)
Knyvett, William (1779-1856)
Koch, Johannes H E
Kocher, Conrad (1786-1872)
Kocián, Jaroslav (1883-1950)
Kocsis, Zoltán (1952-2016)
Kodály, Zoltán (1882-1967)
Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950)
Komitas, Vardapet (1869-1935)
Kondo, Koji (b1961)
Konoye, Hidemaro (1898-1973)
Koppin, Connor (b1991)
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (1897-1957)
Kõrvits, Tõnu (b1969)
Koschat, Thomas (1845-1914)
Koshkin, Nikita (b1956)
Kosma, Joseph (1905-1969)
Kotecha, Savan (b?)
Kovacs, Stephen (1907-1964)
Kozeluch, Leopold (1747-1818)
Kramer, Arthur Walter (1890-1969)
Krása, Hans (1899-1944)
Kreek, Cyrillus (1889-1962)
Kreisler, Fritz (1875-1962)
Kreisler, Hugo (1884-1929)
Krenek, Ernst (1900-1991)
Kress, Georg Philipp (1719-1779)
Kreutzer, Conradin (1780-1849)
Kreutzer, Rodolphe (1766-1831)
Krieger, Johann (1652-1735)
Krieger, Johann Philipp (1649-1725)
Krommer, František (1759-1831)
Krov, Josef Theodor (1797-1859)
Krufft, Nikolaus von (1779-1818)
Kuhn, Paul (1928-2013)
Kuhnau, Johann (1660-1722)
Kullak, Theodor (1818-1882)
Kurtág, György (b1926)
Snider, Sarah Kirkland (b?)
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