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Composer Index – Alphabetical – C

An alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers beginning with C represented on this website.
(Composers with very unusual 'surnames' may appear under more than one letter entry.)

Almuc de Castelnau (?-?)
Anthonello de Caserta (fl1390-1410)
Cabezón, Antonio de (1510-1566)
Cabezón, Hernando de (1541-1602)
Cable, Howard (b1920)
Caccini, Giuliano (1546-1618)
Cadenet (d?1325)
Cadman, Charles Wakefield (1881-1946)
Caesar, Anthony (b1924)
Cage, John (1912-1992)
Cahn, Sammy (1913-1993)
Cailliet, Lucien (1891-1985)
Calace, Raffaele (1863-1934)
Caldara, Antonio (1670-1736)
Calloway, Cab (1907-1994)
Cambell, Colin (b?)
Cameron, David (b1937)
Cameron, John (fl1856-1856)
Camidge, Matthew (1764-1844)
Camm, Cheryl (b1964)
Campbell, Ewan (b?)
Campbell, Paul (b?)
Campbell, Richard (b?)
Campbell, Sidney (1909-1974)
Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844)
Campion, Thomas (1567-1620)
Campkin, Alexander (b1984)
Candlyn, T Frederick H (1892-1964)
Canteloube, Joseph (1879-1957)
Capel, John Mais (1862-1931)
Capirola, Vincenzo (1474-after 1548)
Caplet, André (1878-1925)
Cara, Marchetto (c1470-?1525)
Carcassi, Matteo (1792-1853)
Cardon, Jean-Baptiste (1760-1803)
Cardoso, Jorge (b1949)
Cardoso, Manuel (1566-1650)
Cardot (c1380-1470)
Carenza, Alais, Iselda
Carey, Henry (c1690-1743)
Carey, Mariah (b1969)
Carissimi, Giacomo (1605-1674)
Carleston, Stephen (b?)
Carleston, Tim (b?)
Carlson, David (b1952)
Carlsson, Andreas (b1973)
Carlton, Richard (c1558-?1638)
Carmichael, Howard Hoagland (1899-1981)
Carolan, Turlough (1670-1738)
Caroso, Fabritio (c1527-c1605)
Caroubel, Pierre Francisque (d1611)
Carpenter, Gary (b1951)
Carpenter, John Alden (1876-1951)
Carr, Michael (1905-1968)
Carrara, Cristian (b1977)
Carreira, António (c1515-c1590)
Carrington, Simon (b1942)
Carrington, Simon (b1966)
Carter, Andrew (b1939)
Carter, Charles Thomas (c1735-1804)
Carter, Elliott (1908-2012)
Carter, Sydney (1915-2004)
Carvor, Robert (c1484/7-after 1567)
Caryll, Ivan (1861-1921)
Casals, Pablo (1876-1973)
Casella, Alfredo (1883-1947)
Castegren, Nils
Castello, Dario (fl1610-1620)
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895-1968)
Castro y Malagaray, Juan de (c1572-1632)
Castrovillari, Daniele da (1613-1678)
Catherine, Georges (1872-1958)
Catoire, Georgy (1861-1926)
Caustun, Thomas (c1522-1569)
Cavaccio, Giovanni (c1556-1626)
Cavalieri, Emilio de' (c1550-1602)
Cavalli, Francesco (1602-1676)
Cavendish, Michael (c1565-1628)
Cazzati, Maurizio (1620-1677)
Ceballos, Rodrigo de (c1530-1581)
Cecere, Carlo (1706-1761)
Celis, Juan de (d1695)
Cesaris, Johannes (fl1406-1417)
Cesti, Antonio (1623-1669)
Chabrier, Emmanuel (1841-1894)
Chadburn, Leo (b?)
Chadwick, George (1854-1931)
Challinor, Frederick Arthur (1866-1952)
Chambers, Herbert Arthur (1880-1967)
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion (1601/2-1672)
Chaminade, Cécile (1857-1944)
Champion, Greg (b?)
Champion, Jacques (?-in or after 1535)
Champion, Nicolas (fl1526-1526)
Chan, Lyle (b?)
Chance, Alice (b1994)
Chandler, Adrian (b1974)
Chang, Alan (b1979)
Chanler, Theodore (1902-1961)
Chapman Campbell, Alexander (b?)
Chapman, Edward (1902-1981)
Chapple, Brian (b1945)
Charke, Richard (c1709-c1738)
Charles the Bold (1433-1477)
Charles, Ernest (1895-1984)
Charlton, Alan (1970-2018)
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704)
Chasins, Abram (1903-1987)
Chastelain de Couci (c1165-1203)
Chausson, Ernest (1855-1899)
Chédeville, Nicolas (1705-1782)
Chelkauskas, Juozas (?-?)
Cherkassky, Shura (1909-1995)
Chernov, Konstantin (1865-1937)
Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842)
Chesnokov, Pavel (October 1877-1944)
Chilcot, Thomas (c1700-1766)
Chilcott, Bob (b1955)
Child, William (1606-1697)
Chilingirian, Levon (b?)
Chirbury, [? Robert] (? c1380-1454)
Chisholm, Erik (1904-1965)
Chivers, Chris (b1967)
Choi, Saunder (b1988)
Choisnel, Gaston (1857-1921)
Chopin, Frédéric (1810-1849)
Chowhan, Pam
Christian, Charlie (1916-1942)
Christopher, Jacob (b?)
Chung, Lucille (b?)
Ciampi, Francesco (?c1690-after 1764)
Ciconia, Johannes (c1335-1411)
Cima, Gian Paolo (c1570-c1622)
Cimarosa, Domenico (1749-1801)
City Waites, The (?-?)
Clapton, Eric (b1945)
Clare, Alan (1921-1993)
Clark, Brian (b?)
Clark, Richard (1780-1856)
Clark, Thomas (1775-1859)
Clarke, Jeremiah (1670-1707)
Clarke, Rebecca (1886-1979)
Clausen, René (b1953)
Clay, Frederic (1838-1889)
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus (c1510/15-1555/6)
Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832)
Clements, Jim (b1983)
Cleobury, Stephen (1948-2019)
Clerk, John (1676-1755)
Cleve, Johannes de (1528/9-1582)
Cliffe, Frederic (1857-1931)
Clifton, John (1781-1841)
Clowes, Trish (b1984)
Clucas, Humphrey (b1941)
Coates, Eric (1886-1957)
Cobbold, William (1560-1639)
Cochrane, Peggy (1902-1988)
Cocker, Norman (1889-1953)
Cockram, Edward Purcell (1853-1932)
Codax, Martin (fl1230-1230)
Cohen, Harriet (1895-1967)
Coke, Roger Sacheverell (1912-1972)
Colahan, Dr Arthur (1885-1952)
Cole, Elliot (b1984)
Coleman, Cy (1929-2004)
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875-1912)
Coles, Cecil (1888-1918)
Colista, Lelio (1629-1680)
Colla, John (b1952)
Collier, Jacob (b1994)
Collin, June (b?)
Collins, Anthony (1893-1963)
Colombani, Oratio (c1550-1595)
Colonna, Giovanni Paolo (1637-1695)
Comeau, Ben (b?)
Comeau, Paul (b1958)
Compère, Loyset (c1445-1518)
Confrey, Zez (1895-1971)
Connick, Harry (b1967)
Connolly, Sarah (b1963)
Connor, Tommie (1904-1993)
Conradi, August (1821-1873)
Constable, Robert (b1947)
Conti, Francesco (1681-1732)
Conus, Julius (1869-1942)
Converse, C C (1832-1918)
Conway, Eoin (b?)
Cook, Daniel (b1979)
Cook, John (1918-1984)
Cooke, Arnold (1906-2005)
Cooke, Benjamin (1734-1793)
Cooke, John? (c1385-?1442)
Cooke, Phillip (b1980)
Cooke, Robert (1768-1814)
Cooley, Eddie (bc1930)
Cooper, Julie (b1964)
Coots, John Frederick (1897-1985)
Copeland, Stewart (b1952)
Čopi, Ambrož (b1973)
Copland, Aaron (1900-1990)
Coprario, John (c1570-1626)
Corbett, William (c1675-1748)
Corder, Frederick (1852-1932)
Cordier, Baude (fl1410-1410)
Corea, Chick (b1941)
Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713)
Corfe, Joseph (1740-1820)
Corigliano, John (b1938)
Cornago, Johannes (fl c1455-1485)
Cornelius, Peter (1824-1874)
Cornysh, William (d1523)
Cornysh, William (dc1502)
Corp, Ronald (b1951)
Correa de Arauxo, Francisco (1584-1654)
Cortez, Alberto (1940-2019)
Corti, Mario (1882-1957)
Cortot, Alfred (1877-1962)
Costa, Gasparo (fl1580-1590)
Cosyn, Benjamin (c1570-after 1652)
Cotes, Ambrosio (c1550-1603)
Couperin, François (1668-1733)
Couperin, Louis (c1626-1661)
Couperin, Marc Roger Normand (1663-1734)
Courcelle, Francisco (1705-1778)
Coward, James (1824-1880)
Coward, Sir Noël (1899-1973)
Cowell, Henry (1897-1965)
Cowen, Sir Frederic Hymen (1852-1935)
Cox, Neil (b1955)
Cózatl, Jorge (b?)
Craen, Nicolaus (?-1507)
Cramer, Johann Baptist (1771-1858)
Cranford, William (fl1613-fl1621)
Craxton, Harold (1885-1971)
Creamer, Henry (1879-1930)
Crecquillon, Thomas (c1505-c1557)
Crellin, Naomi (b?)
Cressonnois, Jules (1823-1883)
Cristo, Pedro de (c1550-1618)
Croce, Giovanni (c1557-1609)
Croft, William (1678-1727)
Crooke, Sidney (?-?)
Crotch, William (1775-1847)
Cruft, Adrian (1921-1987)
Crüger, Johannes (1598-1662)
Crumb, George (1929-2022)
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik (1775-1838)
Cruttwell-Reade, Ninfea (b1989)
Cui, César (1835-1918)
Cullen, Joseph (b?)
Culloton, Matthew (b1976)
Cummings, William Hayman (1831-1915)
Cunningham, Bridget (b?)
Curtis, Ian (1956-1980)
Curzon, Frederic (1899-1973)
Cutler, Joe (b1968)
Cutting, Francis (c1550-1595/6)
Czerny, Carl (1791-1857)
Cziffra, György (1921-1994)
Guyot, Jean (?1520-1588)
Hermannus Contractus (1013-1054)
Iseut de Capio (?-?)
La Comtesse de Die (fl1190?-1190)
López Capillas, Francisco (1614-1674)
Lupi da Caravaggio, Livio (fl1607-1607)
Rodrigues Coelho, Manuel (c1555-1635)
Sabicas (1912-1990)
Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975)
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