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9 Psalm Tunes (Tallis)
A Bellman's Song (Ravenscroft)
A Coy Joy (Dowland/Denoth)
A Fancie, BK46 (Byrd)
A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell (Byrd)
A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK25 (Byrd)
A fancy (Danyel)
A fancy (Dowland)
A fancy (Dowland/Denoth)
A fantasie (Dowland)
A French Ayre (Hume)
A Galliard, BK77 (Byrd)
A Galliarde Gygge, BK18 (Byrd)
A Gallyard by Mr Dan Bacheler (Bacheler)
A Gallyard upon the Gallyard before (Dowland)
A Gigg 'F. Tr.', BK22 (Byrd)
A ground for ye harpsicord (Anon/Simpson/Ng)
A Grounde, BK43 (Byrd)
A Grounde, BK86 (Byrd)
A Grounde, BK9 (Byrd)
A Horne Pipe, BK39 (Byrd)
A Jigge (Hume)
A Knell (Johnson)
A Lesson of Voluntarie, two parts in one in the 4th above, BK26 (Byrd)
A little pretty bonny lass (Farmer)
A mighty fortress (Luther/Rutter)
A new commandment (Tallis)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin and Galliard, BK33 (Byrd)
A Pavion and The Galliard to it, BK72 (Byrd)
A Pavion and The Galliard, BK23 (Byrd)
A Pavyn and Galliard, BK16 (Byrd)
A Preludium, BK116 EKM4 (Byrd)
A Sad Pavan for these distracted times (Tomkins)
A solfing song (Tallis)
A song called trumpets (Parsons)
A song of Mr Robert Parsons (Parsons)
A Souldiers Galliard (Hume)
A Souldiers Resolution (Hume)
A Spanish Humour 'The Lord Hayes' Favourite' (Hume)
A Verse of Two Parts, BK28 (Byrd)
A Volte (Sturt)
A Voluntarie, BK27 (Byrd)
A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell (Byrd)
A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK61 (Byrd)
Ab ortu solis (Byrd)
Above the stars my Saviour dwells (Tomkins)
Absterge Domine (Tallis)
Ad te clamamus (Tye)
Ad te levavi oculos meos (White)
Adhaesit pavimento (Mundy)
Adieu, adieu, my heartes lust (Cornysh Jr.)
Adieu, courage (Cornysh Jr.)
Adieu, sweet Amaryllis (Wilbye)
Adieu, ye city-prisoning towers (Tomkins)
Adiuva nos Deus
Adolescentulus sum ego (Mundy)
Aeterne rex altissime (Sheppard)
Afflicti pro peccatis nostris (Byrd)
Agnus Dei (Chirbury)
Agnus Dei 'Eructavit cor meum' (Driffelde)
Ah dear heart (Gibbons)
Ah silly soul (Byrd)
Ah, helpless wretch (Mundy)
Ah, Robin (Cornysh Jr.)
Air in G minor (Johnson)
Alack, when I look back (Byrd)
Aleph. Quomodo obscuratum est aurum
All as a sea (Byrd)
All creatures now (Bennet)
All in a garden greene, BK56 (Byrd)
All laud and praise (Ravenscroft)
All laud and praise (Weelkes)
All looks be pale (Campion)
All ye whom Love or Fortune hath betrayed (Dowland)
Alleluia – Ave Maria (Byrd)
Alleluia! I heard a voice (Weelkes)
Alleluia. And it came to pass
Alleluia. Ascendit Deus … Dominus in Sina (Byrd)
Alleluia. Ave Maria … in mulieribus. Alleluia. Virga Iesse (Byrd)
Alleluia. Cognoverunt discipuli (Byrd)
Alleluia. Cognoverunt discipuli (Byrd)
Alleluia. Ora pro nobis (Ludford)
Alleluia. Ora pro nobis (Tallis)
Alleluia. Senex puerum portabat (Byrd)
Alleluia. Veni, electa mea (Taverner)
Alleluia: per te Dei genitrix (Anon/Tallis)
Allmayne 'Hit it and take it' (Johnson)
Allmayne 'The Prince's Almain' (Johnson)
Alma proles / Christi miles (Cooke)
Alma redemptoris mater a 8 (Philips)
Almaine – Coranto
Alman in C major (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Alman in G 'The King's Jewel' (Gibbons)
Alman Tregian (Philips)
Alman, BK11 (Byrd)
Almand in G major (Taylor/Simpson)
Almande (Simpson)
Almande (Simpson)
Almande Tregian (Philips)
Almighty and everlasting God (Gibbons)
Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom (Tomkins)
Almighty God, which by the leading of a star (Bull)
Amarilli mia bella (Caccini/Lawrence-King)
Amavit eum Dominus (Tye)
An aged dame (Byrd)
An Alman, BK117 EKM30 (Byrd)
An Almane, BK89 (Byrd)
An earthly tree (Byrd)
And is it night? Are they thine eyes that shine? (Jones)
And the king was moved (Dering)
And they said one to another – Verily the Lord is risen (Anon/Schütz/Gardiner)
Anna mater matris Christi (Plummer)
Apparebit in finem (Byrd)
Aria (Philips/Simpson)
Aria del Gran Duca Ferdinando di Toscana (Cavalieri/Philips)
Aria 'Mrs Nichols Almand' (Dowland)
Arise, awake, awake (Morley)
Arise, O Lord, and hear (Tallis)
Arm, arm! the scouts are come in (Johnson)
As I walked forth, or The Deceased Maiden Lover (Johnson)
As it fell on Holie Eve (Holborne)
As Vesta was from Latmos hill descending (Weelkes)
Ascendit Christus super celos / Alma redemptoris mater (Forest)
Ascendit Deus (Philips)
Ascendit Deus (Philips)
Assumpta est Maria (Byrd)
Assumpta est Maria (Byrd)
Attendite (Peerson)
Attollite portas (Byrd)
Audivi vocem de caelo (Byrd)
Audivi vocem de caelo (Sheppard)
Audivi vocem de caelo (Tallis)
Audivi vocem de caelo (Taverner)
Author of Light (Campion)
Ave Dei Patris (Fayrfax)
Ave Jesu Christe (Philips)
Ave Maria (Byrd)
Ave Maria (Byrd)
Ave Maria (Parsons)
Ave Maria (Taverner)
Ave Maria, ancilla Trinitatis (Ludford)
Ave Maria, mater Dei (Cornysh Sr.)
Ave maris stella (Byrd)
Ave maris stella (Dunstaple)
Ave maris stella (Sheppard)
Ave regina caelorum (Philips)
Ave regina caelorum (Power)
Ave regina caelorum a 4 (Frye)
Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
Ave verum corpus (Dering)
Ave verum corpus (Philips)
Ave virgo gloriosa (Dering)
Ave, decus saeculi (Smert)
Ave, Dei patris filia (Tallis)
Ave, rosa sine spinis (Tallis)
Awake Sweet Love (Dowland/Denoth)
Awake, sweet love, thou art returned (Dowland)
Away with these self-loving lads (Dowland)
Ayre – Alman – Toy – Coranto – Mr Sanders His Delight (Gibbons)
Balla d'Amore (Tregian/Philips)
Barafostus Dreame (Tomkins)
Bassedance 'En vray amoure a 4, a 6' (Henry VIII/McGowan)
Bassedance 'Taunder nacken a 3' (Henry VIII)
Be laud to God the Father high
Be strong and of a good courage (Tomkins)
Beata Dei genitrix (Dunstaple)
Beata Dei genitrix a 8 (Philips)
Beata es, Virgo Maria (Byrd)
Beata es, Virgo Maria (Byrd)
Beata mater (Dunstaple)
Beata nobis gaudia (Sheppard)
Beata nobis gaudia (Sheppard)
Beata progenies (Power)
Beata viscera (Byrd)
Beata viscera (Byrd)
Beati estis (Philips)
Beati immaculati (Tallis)
Beati mundo corde (Byrd)
Beatus et sanctus (Mundy)
Beauty, since you so much desire (Campion)
Behold a wonder here (Dowland)
Behold it is Christ (Hooper)
Behold, the hour cometh (Tomkins)
Behold, thou hast made my days (Gibbons)
Benedicta et venerabilis – Virgo Dei genetrix (Byrd)
Benedicta et venerabilis (Byrd)
Benedictus (Tallis)
Benedictus Deus noster (Philips)
Benedictus Dominus (Philips)
Benedictus 'for trebles' (Mundy)
Blame not my cheeks (Campion)
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord (Gibbons)
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord (Tye)
Blessed are those that be undefiled (Tallis)
Blessed be the Lord God (Amner)
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel
Blessed be thy name (Tallis)
Blow out the trumpet in Sion (Peerson)
Blow thy horn, hunter (Cornysh Jr.)
Bon jour mon cueur (Lassus/Philips)
Bow thine ear (Byrd)
Break now, my heart, and die (Campion)
Bright Phoebus greets most clearly (Kirbye)
Bring away this sacred tree (Lanier)
Browning a 5 'The leaves be green' (Byrd)
Browning my dear (Woodcock)
Bull's goodnight (Bull)
Burial Service (Parsons)
Burst forth, my tears (Dowland)
But God once thee shall waste shall ’stroy and scrape by hand
But Mary stood without the sepulchre (Evangelist/Jesus/Mary Magdalene)
Caecilia virgo (Philips)
Call to remembrance, O Lord (Farrant)
Calleano custure me (Byrd)
Callino Casturame, BK35 (Byrd)
Calm was the air and clear the sky (Carlton)
Can doleful notes? (Danyel)
Can she excuse my wrongs? (Dowland)
Can she excuse my wrongs? (Dowland/Anon)
Candidi facti sunt Nazarei (Tallis)
Cantantibus organis Cecilia (Philips)
Cantate Domino (Byrd)
Canzon (Simpson)
Canzon (Simpson)
Caph. Omnis populus eius gemens
Captain Digorie Piper his Pavan and Galliard (Dowland)
Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Captain Humes Pavan (Hume)
Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
Captaine Digorie Piper his Pavan (Dowland)
Care-charming sleep (Johnson)
Carman's whistle (Johnson)
Carters, now cast down (Farnaby)
Célébrons la naissance (Tabourot/Warlock/Gant)
Cesar's Service (Amner)
Chi fara fed'al cielo (Striggio/Philips)
Christ rising (Tye)
Christ rising again (Tallis)
Christ rising again from the dead (Byrd)
Christe Jesu, pastor bone (Taverner)
Christe redemptor omnium (Sheppard)
Christe redemptor omnium a 4 (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies (White/Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies I (White)
Christe, qui lux es et dies I a 4 (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies II a 4 (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies III (White)
Christe, qui lux es et dies III a 4 (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies IV (White)
Christe, qui lux es et dies, BK121 EECM6/34 (Byrd)
Christi virgo dilectissima (Sheppard)
Christus factus est
Christus resurgens (Byrd)
Christus resurgens (Philips)
Christus resurgens (Tayler)
Christus resurgens (Tye)
Chromatic pavan and galliard 'Queen Elizabeth's' (Bull)
Cibavit eos (Byrd)
Circumdederunt me (Byrd)
Civitas sancti tui
Clarifica me, Pater I (Anon/Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater I, BK47 (Byrd)
Clarifica me, Pater II (Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater II, BK48 (Byrd)
Clarifica me, Pater III (Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater III, BK49 (Byrd)
Come again, sweet love doth now invite (Dowland)
Come away, come sweet love (Dowland)
Come away, Hecate (Johnson)
Come to me, grief, for ever (Byrd)
Come, blessed Byrd (Johnson)
Come, cheerful day (Campion)
Come, cheerful day, part of my life to me (Campion)
Come, gentle swains (Cavendish)
Come, heavy Sleep (Dowland)
Come, Holy Ghost
Come, Holy Ghost (Farmer)
Come, Holy Ghost, eternal God
Come, let's rejoice (Amner)
Come, sable night (Ward)
Come, you pretty false-eyed wanton (Campion)
Commandment Responses
Con amores, la mi madre (Anchieta/Chilcott)
Confitebor tibi Domine (Sheppard)
Consider, all ye passers by (Amner)
Constant Penelope (Byrd)
Constitues eos principes (Byrd)
Contristatus est David (Dering)
Cornish Dance (Brade)
Corranto, BK45 (Byrd)
Così morirò
Courante 'I care not for these ladies' (Campion/Praetorius)
Courante 'Mistris Winter's Jump' (Dowland/Praetorius)
Courantes 1 and 2 (Simpson)
Coy Daphne fled (Danyel)
Credo (Excetre)
Credo (Power)
Credo in unum Deum
Credo in unum Deum
Credo 'Opem nobis, o Thoma' (Power)
Credo quod redemptor (Parsons)
Cruel unkind (Ward)
Cunctis diebus (Byrd)
Dainty fine bird (Gibbons)
De la court (Parsons)
De la court (Parsons)
De lamentatione Jeremiae prophetae
De lamentatione Jeremiae prophetae
De lamentatione Jeremiae prophetae 'Lamentations' (Byrd)
Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again (Dowland)
Death hath deprived me (Weelkes)
Deliver me from mine enemies (Parsons)
Deliver me from mine enemies (Parsons)
Deliver me, O God (Bull)
Deo gratias (Byrd)
Derelinquat impius (Tallis)
Descendit de caelis (Byrd)
Deth (Hume)
Deus creator omnium
Deus misereatur (Sheppard)
Deus omnipotens (Peerson)
Deus tuorum militum I (Sheppard)
Did not you once, Lucinda, vow (Coleman)
Die not, fond man (Ward)
Dies dignus / Demon dolens / Iste confessor (Dunstaple)
Diffusa est gratia (Byrd)
Diffusa est gratia (Byrd)
Diliges Dominum (Byrd)
Discomfort them, O Lord (Tallis)
Divisions on John come kiss me now (Simpson)
Divisions on Paradetas (Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Divisions on Spagnoletta 'Improvisation' (Mudarra/Lawrence-King)
Divisions on the Dolorosa Pavan (A Kempis/Philips)
Divisions on the Spanish Pavan 'Improvisation' (Milán/Lawrence-King)
Do but note a wild and wanton herd
Do not repine, fair sun (Gibbons)
Dolorosa Pavan and Galliard (Philips)
Domine, exaudi orationem meam, inclina (Byrd)
Domine, non est exaltatum (White)
Domine, non sum dignus (Byrd)
Domine, quis habitabit? (Byrd)
Domine, quis habitabit? (Parsons)
Domine, quis habitabit? (Tallis)
Domine, quis habitabit? III (White)
Domine, salva nos (Byrd)
Dost thou withdraw thy grace? (Danyel)
Down, caitiff wretch (Ward)
Draw on, sweet night (Wilbye)
Drop not, mine eyes
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons)
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons/Forshaw)
Dum transisset Sabbatum (Tallis)
Dum transisset Sabbatum I (Sheppard)
Dum transisset Sabbatum I (Taverner)
Dum transisset Sabbatum I (Tye)
Dum transisset Sabbatum II (Sheppard)
Dum transisset Sabbatum II (Taverner)
Dum transisset Sabbatum II (Tye)
Dum transisset Sabbatum III (Tye)
Dum transisset Sabbatum IV (Tye)
Dum virgo Deum et hominem genuisti
E’en like the hunted hind the waterbrooks desire
Ecce advenit (Byrd)
Ecce non dormitabit
Ecce panis angelorum a 8 (Philips)
Ecce quam bonum (Byrd)
Ecce tempus idoneum (Tallis/Anon)
Ecce vicit Leo (Philips)
Ecce vicit Leo (Philips)
Ecce virgo concipiet (Byrd)
Ecce virgo concipiet (Byrd)
Ecce virgo concipiet (Byrd)
E'en like the hunted hind
Ego sum panis vivus (Byrd)
Eheu! They have taken Jesus (Morley/Gardiner)
Eliza is the fairest queen (Johnson)
Emendemus in melius (Byrd)
Eterne laudis lilium (Fayrfax)
Euge caeli porta (Tallis)
Ex eius tumba (Taverner)
Ex more docti mistico (Redford/Tallis/Anon)
Exaudiat te Dominus (White)
Expend, O Lord
Exsurge Christe (Mundy)
Exsurge, quare obdormis, Domine? (Byrd)
Eyes, look no more (Danyel)
Fac cum servo tuo (Byrd)
Facti sunt hostes eius in capite
Factum est silentium (Dering)
Factus est repente (Byrd)
Fain would I wed (Campion)
Fair Cytherea presents her doves (Lisley)
Fair nymphs I heard one telling (Farmer)
Fair Oriana, beauty's Queen (Sr.)
Fair Oriana, seeming to wink at folly (Jones)
Fair Orion, in the morn (Milton Sr.)
Fair, if you expect admiring (Campion)
Falla con misuras (Ebreo da Pesaro/Ashton)
Fancy (Blancks)
Fancy in C fa ut (Gibbons)
Fancy in Gamutt flatt (Gibbons)
Fansye (Newman)
Fantasia (Bull)
Fantasia (Farnaby)
Fantasia (Johnson)
Fantasia (Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Fantasia (Rosseter)
Fantasia a 4 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 4 No 1 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 2 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 3 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 4 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 5 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 6 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 1 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 10 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 11 'Cor mio' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 12 'Leggiadra sei' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 13 'Non fu senze' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 2 'La Rondinella' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 3 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 4 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 5 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 6 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 7 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 8 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 9 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 'Two parts in one in the fourth above' (Byrd)
Fantasia a 6 No 1 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 1 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 2 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 2 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 3 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 3 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 4 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 4 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 5 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 5 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 6 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 6 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 7 (Ward)
Fantasia for three trebles in G minor (Johnson)
Fantasia I a 3 (Byrd)
Fantasia I a 4 (Byrd)
Fantasia I a 6 'A song of two basses' (Byrd)
Fantasia II a 3 (Byrd)
Fantasia II a 6 (Byrd)
Fantasia III a 3 (Byrd)
Fantasia III a 4 (Byrd)
Fantasia III a 6 'To the vyolls' (Byrd)
Fantasia in G (Philips)
Fantasia 'Mr Dr Bull' (Bull)
Fantasia No 16 (Bull)
Fantasia No 46 (Byrd)
Fantasia No 6 (Dowland)
Fantasia No 7 (Dowland)
Fantasia, BK13 (Byrd)
Fantasia, BK62 (Byrd)
Fantasia, BK63 (Byrd)
Fantasias a 3 (Gibbons)
Fantasias a 3 'for great double bass' (Gibbons)
Fantasias a 4 'for the great double bass' (Gibbons)
Fantasies a 5 (Lupo)
Fantasies a 6 (Lupo)
Fantasies and Airs a 3 (Lupo)
Fantasies and Airs a 4 (Lupo)
Fantasy a 3 No 1 (Gibbons)
Fantasy a 3 No 2 (Gibbons)
Fantasy a 3 No 3 (Gibbons)
Fantasy a 3 No 4 (Gibbons)
Fantasy in A minor (Tallis)
Fantazia of foure parts (Gibbons)
Fantazia of foure parts (Gibbons)
Far from triumphing court (Dowland)
Farewell, fond youth (Jones)
Farnaby's Conceit (Farnaby)
Fece da voi partita (Philips)
Felix es, sacra Virgo (Byrd)
Felix es, sacra Virgo (Byrd)
Felix namque es (Byrd)
Felix namque II (Tallis)
Filiae Hierusalem (Sheppard)
Fine knacks for ladies (Dowland)
Fire, fire, fire! (Campion)
Flora gave me fairest flowers (Wilbye)
Flow not so fast, ye fountains (Dowland)
Flow, my tears, fall from your springs (Dowland)
Flow, O my tears (Dowland)
For why this Lord is God of might
Forgive me, Lord, my sin (Tallis)
Fortune (Dowland/Denoth)
Fortune my foe (Dowland)
Fortune my Foe, Farewell Delight, BK6 (Byrd)
Freno Tirsi il desio
From silent night (Dowland)
From the famous peak of Derby (Johnson)
From Virgin's womb this day (Byrd)
Full fathom five (Johnson)
Funeral sentences (Morley)
Fyer! Fyer! (Morley)
Gabrielem archangelum scimus
Galiardo Mistris Marye Brownlo, BK34 (Byrd)
Galliard – Coranto
Galliard (Philips)
Galliard (Philips)
Galliard (Simpson)
Galliard (Simpson)
Galliard (Simpson)
Galliard a 6 (Gibbons)
Galliard 'Coranto' (Bassano/Philips)
Galliard, 1580 (Philips)
Galliard, BK53 (Byrd)
Gaude gloriosa (Tallis)
Gaude Maria (Byrd)
Gaude martyr / Collaudemus venerantes / [Celestium contemplator] (Forest)
Gaude plurimum (Taverner)
Gaude virgo Christiphera (Sheppard)
Gaude virgo Katherina (Dunstaple)
Gaude virgo mater Christi (Cornysh Sr.)
Gaude virgo salutata / Gaude virgo singularis / Virgo mater comprobaris / Ave gemma celi (Dunstaple)
Gaude, gaude, gaude Maria (Sheppard)
Gaude, gaude, gaude Maria (Sheppard)
Gaude, gaude, gaude Maria (Sheppard)
Gaudeamus omnes (Byrd)
Gaudeamus omnes … Sanctorum omnium (Byrd)
Gaudeamus omnes in Domino (Byrd)
Gaudens gaudebo (Philips)
Get you hence (Johnson)
Giles Farnaby's Dream (Farnaby)
Give almes of thy goods (Tye)
Give ear, O Lord (Weelkes)
Give the king thy judgements (Weelkes)
Give the king thy judgements, O God (Rutter/Gibbons)
Gloria (Cooke)
Gloria (Dunstaple)
Gloria (Gervays)
Gloria a 3 (Power)
Gloria a 5 (Power)
Gloria 'Ad Thome memoriam' (Power)
Gloria in excelsis Deo (Weelkes)
Gloria Patri et Filio
Gloria tibi Trinitas (Anon/Tallis)
Gloria tibi Trinitas, BK50 (Byrd)
Gloriosae virginis (Power)
Glorious and powerful God (Gibbons)
Glory be to God on high
Glory be to God on high (Amner)
Glory be to God on high (Tomkins)
Glory to thee, my God, this night
Glory to thee, my God, this night (Tallis)
Go from my window (Anon/Dowland)
Go from my window (Collard)
Go from my window (Gibbons)
Go from my window, BK79 (Byrd)
Go nightly cares (Dowland)
Go, crystal tears (Dowland)
God grant with grace
God spake these words and said
Great king of gods (Gibbons)
Great Lord of Lords (Gibbons)
Great Service (Hooper)
Greensleeves (Cutting)
Grief keep within
Grief of my best love's absenting (Jones)
Gypseis Round, BK80 (Byrd)
Ha ha! This world doth pass (Weelkes)
Hac clara die turma (Ludford)
Hackney (Woodcock)
Haec dicit Dominus (Byrd)
Haec dies (Byrd)
Haec dies (Morley)
Haec dies quam fecit Dominus (Sheppard)
Hard by a crystal fountain (Morley)
Harding's Galliard, BK55 (Byrd)
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes
Hark! all ye lovely saints (Weelkes)
Hark! Alleluia (Morley)
Hark! Did ye ever hear so sweet a singing? (Hunt)
Hark! hark! the lark (Johnson)
Hark! Wot ye what? (Jones)
Harke, harke (Hume)
Have all our passions?
Have mercy upon me, O God (Byrd)
Have with yow to Walsingame, BK8 (Byrd)
He father is to fatherless
He whose desires are still abroad (Danyel)
He whose desires are still abroad (Danyel)
Hear my prayer (Byrd)
Hear the voice and prayer (Tallis)
Hear, O Lord (Amner)
Hearken ye nations (Hooper)
Hearken, all ye people (Stonnard)
Heigh ho holiday (Holborne)
Hence stars, too dim of light (East)
Her rosy cheeks, her ever smiling eyes (Campion)
Heth. Peccatum peccavit Jerusalem
Hide not thou thy face (Farrant)
His golden locks Time hath to silver turned (Dowland)
His Humour (Farnaby)
His Rest (Farnaby)
Historia der Auferstehung Jesu Christi (Schütz/Gardiner)
Hodie beata virgo Maria (Byrd)
Hodie concepta est (Philips)
Hodie nobis caelorum rex (Tallis)
Hodie nobis caelorum rex (Taverner)
Hodie nobis de caelo (Philips)
Hodie Simon Petrus (Byrd)
Holy Lord God Almighty (Parsons)
Holy, holy, holy, Lord
Homo quidam fecit coenam (Tallis)
Honor, virtus et potestas (Tallis)
Hope of my heart (Ward)
Hora nona (Peerson)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Gibbons)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Gibbons)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Weelkes)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Weelkes)
Hostis Herodes impie (Sheppard)
How long shall mine enemies? (Byrd)
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord (Ward)
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord for ever
How vain the toils (Byrd)
Hugh Ashton's Grownde, BK20 (Byrd)
Humour, say what mak'st thou here (Dowland)
Hymn Tune Prelude on Song 13 (Gibbons/Vaughan Williams)
I am melancholy (Hume)
I believe in one God
I believe in one God
I call and cry to thee (Tallis)
I care not for these ladies (Campion)
I die whenas I do not see (Danyel)
I have entreated (Ward)
I look from afar
I must complain (Dowland)
I saw my lady weep (Dowland)
I was not wearier (Lanier)
I will give laud (Byrd)
I will not leave you comfortless (Byrd)
I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live (Amner)
I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously (Amner)
Iam Christus astra ascenderat
Iam Christus astra ascenderat
Iam lucis orto sidere (Redford/Anon/Tallis)
If heaven's just wrath (Ward)
If I could shut the gate (Danyel)
If King Manasses (Weelkes)
If my complaints could passions move (Dowland)
If my complaints, or Pyper's Galliard, BK118 EKM26 (Byrd)
If the deep sighs (Ward)
If thou long'st so much to learn (Campion)
If women could be fair (Byrd)
If ye be risen again with Christ (Gibbons)
If ye love me (Tallis)
If ye love me (White/Tallis)
Impetum fecerunt unanimes (Sheppard)
In a merry May morn (Nicholson)
In aeternum (Mundy)
In darkness let me dwell (Dowland)
In ieiunio et fletu (Tallis)
In manus tuas I (Sheppard)
In manus tuas II (Sheppard)
In manus tuas III (Sheppard)
In manus tuas, Domine (Byrd)
In manus tuas, Domine (Tallis)
In nomine (Baldwin)
In nomine (Picforth)
In nomine (White)
In nomine a 4 (Taverner)
In nomine a 4 (Tye)
In nomine a 4 (Weelkes)
In nomine a 4 No 1 (Tallis)
In nomine a 4 No 2 (Tallis)
In nomine a 5 (Tye)
In nomine a 5 (Ward)
In nomine a 5 No 1 (Gibbons)
In nomine a 5 No 2 (Gibbons)
In nomine a 5 No 3 (Gibbons)
In nomine a 5 No 3 (Parsons)
In nomine a 6 (Tye)
In nomine a 6 No 1 (Ferrabosco Jr.)
In nomine a 6 No 1 (Ward)
In nomine a 6 No 2 (Ferrabosco Jr.)
In nomine a 6 No 2 (Ward)
In nomine 'Beleve me' (Tye)
In nomine 'Blameles' (Tye)
In nomine 'Crye' (Tye)
In nomine 'Farewell my good I. forever' (Tye)
In nomine 'Follow me' (Tye)
In nomine 'Free from all' (Tye)
In nomine 'Howld fast' (Tye)
In nomine I a 4 (Byrd)
In nomine I a 5 (Weelkes)
In nomine 'I come' (Tye)
In nomine II a 4 (Byrd)
In nomine II a 5 (Weelkes)
In nomine II a 5 'On the sharp' (Byrd)
In nomine III a 5 (Byrd)
In nomine in 11/4 (Bull)
In nomine IV a 5 (Byrd)
In nomine IV a 7 (Parsons)
In nomine 'My deathe bedde' (Tye)
In Nomine Pavan (Strogers)
In nomine 'Rachell's weepinge' (Tye)
In nomine 'Re la re' (Tye)
In nomine 'Report' (Tye)
In nomine 'Round' (Tye)
In nomine 'Saye so' (Tye)
In nomine 'Seldom sene' (Tye)
In nomine 'Surrexit non est hic' (Tye)
In nomine through all the parts (Ferrabosco Jr.)
In nomine 'Trust' (Tye)
In nomine V a 5 (Byrd)
In nomine V a 7 (Parsons)
In nomine 'Weepe no more Rachell' (Tye)
In pace (Blitheman)
In pace, in idipsum (Sheppard)
In pace, in idipsum (Tallis)
In pace, in idipsum (Taverner)
In te Domine speravi (Mundy)
In terrors trapp'd (Hunnis)
In thee, O Lord (Ravenscroft)
Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae prophetae
Incipit lamentatio Jeremiae prophetae
Infelix ego (Byrd)
Intrada (Simpson)
Iste confessor (Anon/Tallis)
It fell on a summer's day (Campion)
It is to me a right great joy (Henry VIII)
It was a time when silly bees could speak (Dowland)
Ite caldi sospiri (Jones)
Iusti in perpetuum vivent (Sheppard)
Iustorum animae (Byrd)
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jesu fili Dei (Smert/Trouluffe)
Jesu salvator saeculi (Tallis)
Jesu salvator saeculi, redemptis (Sheppard)
Jesu salvator saeculi, redemptis (Sheppard)
Jesu salvator saeculi, verbum (Sheppard)
Jesu, grant me this, I pray (Gibbons/Bairstow)
Jhon come kisse me now, BK81 (Byrd)
Joy that alone, with better bays
Joyne hands (Morley)
Jubilate Deo omnis terra (Philips)
Judah and Jerusalem, fear not
Know you not (Tomkins)
Kyrie (Ludford)
Kyrie eleison
Kyrie 'Orbis factor' (Mundy)
Kyrie 'Orbis factor' (Tye)
Kyrie rex genitor
Kyrie 'So ys emprentid' (Frye)
La Volta L. Morley, BK90 (Byrd)
La Volta, BK91 (Byrd)
Laboravi in gemitu meo (Peerson)
Laboravi in gemitu meo (Weelkes)
Lachrimae (Dowland)
Lachrimae Amantis
Lachrimae Pavan (Dowland/Denoth)
Lachrimae to the Consort (Dowland/Morley)
Lachrimae Tristes
Lady Hunsdon's Almaine (Dowland)
Lady Montegle's Paven, BK75 (Byrd)
Lady Rich, her Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Laetania (Byrd)
Laetentur caeli (Byrd)
Lamentations a 5 (White)
Lamentations a 6 (White)
Lamentations for Holy Saturday Lectio II (Lobo/Bevan)
Lamentations of Jeremiah I (Tallis)
Lamentations of Jeremiah I (Tallis)
Lamentations of Jeremiah II (Tallis)
Lamentations of Jeremiah II (Tallis)
Lasso vita mia (Dowland)
Latus eius
Laudate Dominum (Tallis)
Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes (Byrd)
Laudate nomen Domini (Tye)
Laudem dicite Deo (Sheppard)
Laudem dicite Deo (Sheppard)
Laudibus in sanctis (Byrd)
Lawdes Deo (Tye)
Le souvenir de vous me tue (Morton)
Leave prolonging thy distress (Campion)
Leroy Kyrie (Taverner)
Lessons for 1, 2 & 3 viols (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Let God arise
Let God arise (Ward)
Let God arise in majesty
Let not Chloris think (Danyel)
Let thee always the people praise … All folk rejoice
Levavi oculos meos (Peerson)
Levemus corda (Byrd)
Libera me, Domine (Parsons)
Libera nos (Tallis)
Libera nos, salva nos I (Sheppard)
Libera nos, salva nos I (Sheppard)
Libera nos, salva nos II (Sheppard)
Libera nos, salva nos II (Sheppard)
Life (Hume)
Lightly she whipped o'er the dales (Mundy)
Like as the doleful dove (Tallis)
Like as the lute delights (Danyel)
Like two proud armies (Weelkes)
Litania duodecima (Philips)
Litany (Tallis)
Long live fair Oriana (Gibbons)
Look and bow down (Byrd)
Loquebantur variis linguis (Tallis)
Lord Hay's Masque (Campion)
Lord Souch his Galliard (Dowland)
Lord Strang's March (Dowland/Denoth)
Lord Willobies Welcome Home 'Rowland', BK7 (Byrd)
Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake (Farrant)
Lord, grant grace (Gibbons)
Lord, have mercy upon us
Lord, have mercy upon us
Lord, let thy servant now depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Lord, to thee I make my moan (Byrd)
Loth to depart (Dowland)
Love of the Father
Loves Farewell (Hume)
Loves Pastime (Hume)
Lulla, lulla la, lulla, lullaby
Lullabie (Holborne)
Lullaby 'My sweet little baby' (Byrd)
Lumen de lumine (Newton-Jackson/Carvor)
M John Langton Pavan (Dowland)
M. Buctons Galiard
Magnificat (Cornysh Sr.)
Magnificat (Parsons)
Magnificat (White)
Magnificat a 4 – Nesciens mater (Taverner)
Magnificat a 4 (Tallis)
Magnificat a 4 (Taverner)
Magnificat a 5 (Tallis)
Magnificat a 5 (Tallis)
Magnificat a 5 (Taverner)
Magnificat a 6 (Taverner)
Magnificat 'in medio chori' (Mundy)
Maids to bed and cover cole
Make ye joy to God all the earth (Byrd)
Man blest no doubt
Man born of man (Allain/Farrant)
Manus tuae fecerunt me (White)
Maria plena virtute (Fayrfax)
Mark how the blushful morn
Martin said to his man (Ravenscroft)
Martyr Dei qui unicum (Sheppard)
Mask 'Welcome home' (Gibbons)
Mass for five voices (Byrd)
Mass for four voices (Byrd)
Mass for four voices (Byrd)
Mass for four voices (Tallis)
Mass for three voices (Byrd)
Mater Christi sanctissima (Taverner)
Mater Patris / Sancta Dei genitrix (Obrecht/Weller)
Mattins Responsory (Palestrina/Willcocks)
Media vita (Sheppard)
Melancholy Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Memento, salutis auctor (Byrd)
Memor esto verbi tui (Mundy)
Migravit Juda propter afflictionem
Mihi autem nimis (Tallis)
Miserere a 4 (Byrd)
Miserere I, BK66 (Byrd)
Miserere II, BK67 (Byrd)
Miserere mei, Deus (Allegri/Roberts)
Miserere mei, Deus (Byrd)
Miserere mei, Deus (Tye)
Miserere mei, Deus (White)
Miserere mihi Domine (Byrd)
Miserere nostri (Tallis)
Missa Albanus (Fayrfax)
Missa Cantate (Sheppard)
Missa Cantate (Sheppard)
Missa Corona spinea (Taverner)
Missa Da gaudiorum premia (Dunstaple)
Missa Da gaudiorum premia (Dunstaple)
Missa Euge bone (Tye)
Missa Euge bone (Tye)
Missa Flos regalis (Frye)
Missa Gloria tibi Trinitas (Taverner)
Missa Mater Christi sanctissima (Taverner)
Missa Nobilis et pulchra (Frye)
Missa O Michael (Taverner)
Missa Puer natus est nobis (Tallis)
Missa Puer natus est nobis (Tallis)
Missa Salve intemerata (Tallis)
Missa Sancti Wilhelmi devotio 'Small Devotion' (Taverner)
Missa Scaramella (Obrecht/Fitch)
Missa Sine nomine (Frye)
Missa Summe Trinitati (Frye)
Missa Videte miraculum (Ludford)
Mister Dowland's Midnight (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistress Anne Grene her Leaves be Green (Danyel)
Mistress Nichols' Almaine (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistress White's Nothing (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistress, since you so much desire (Campion)
Mistresse Nichols Almand
Monsieur's Almain (Danyel)
Monsieur's Alman I, BK87 (Byrd)
Monsieur's Alman II, BK88 (Byrd)
Monsieur's Alman III, BK44 (Byrd)
Most clear of colour (Fayrfax)
Mount up, my soul (Ward)
Move now with measured sound (Campion)
Mr Confess's Coranto (Campion)
Mr Holborn's Last Will and Testament (Holborne)
Mrs M E her funeral tears for the death of her husband (Danyel)
Mrs Winter's Jump (Dowland)
Mrs Winter's Jump (Dowland/Denoth)
Mulieres sedentes (Peerson)
Multa flagella peccatoris
My beloved spake, and said unto me (Tomkins)
My bonny lass she smileth (Morley)
My breast I'll set (Ward)
My choice is made (Pilkington)
My complaining is but feigning (Jones)
My grief (Bull)
My Lady Hunssdon's Puffe (Dowland/Denoth)
My Lady Nevell's Grownde, BK57 (Byrd)
My Lord Is Hence Removed (Amner)
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Dowland)
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Dowland/Denoth)
My self (Bull)
My shepherd is the living Lord (Tomkins)
My soul cleaveth to the dust (Tallis)
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My soul doth magnify the Lord
My sweetest Lesbia (Campion)
My tears instead of meat both day and night they were
My thoughts are wing'd with hopes (Dowland)
My voice and vow thou wilt allow
Myn hertis lust (Bedyngham)
Natus est nobis hodie (Anon/Tallis)
Ne irascaris, Domine (Byrd)
Ne perdas cum impiis (Byrd)
Ne proiicias nos in tempore senectutis
Nesciens mater virgo virum
Never weather-beaten sail (Campion)
No object dearer (Ward)
No, let chromatic tunes
Nobodyes Gigge (Farnaby)
Noli claudere aures tuas
Nolite fieri (Peerson)
Nolo mortem peccatoris (Morley)
Non vos relinquam (Byrd)
Not every one that saith unto me (Tallis)
Now each creature (Handford)
Now each flowery bank of May (Gibbons)
Now hath Flora robbed her bowers (Campion)
Now I come (Hume)
Now is the month of maying (Morley)
Now the earth, the skies, the air (Danyel)
Now what is Love? (Jones)
Now, oh now I needs must part – The Frog Galliard (Dowland)
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland)
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland/Grainger)
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis
Nunc dimittis (Byrd)
Nunc dimittis (Tye)
Nunc dimittis a 5 (Tallis)
Nunc dimittis 'in medio chori' (Mundy)
Nunc scio vere (Byrd)
O all true faithful hearts (Gibbons)
O be joyful in the Lord
O beatum et sacrosanctum diem (Philips)
O benigna quae sola
O bone Jesu (Parsons)
O Christ who art the light and day
O clap your hands (Gibbons)
O come in one to praise the Lord
O come, let us sing unto the Lord
O come, let us sing unto the Lord
O crux splendidior (Philips)
O dear life, when may it be (Byrd)
O do well unto thy servant (Tallis)
O Domine Jesu Christe (Peerson)
O gloriosa Domina (Byrd)
O God Be Merciful Unto Us, and Bless Us (Sheppard)
O God give ear and do apply (Byrd)
O God of gods (Hooper)
O God that guides the cheerful sun (Byrd)
O God the Father of heav’n
O God the Father of heav’n
O God, the heathen are come (Tomkins)
O God, the King of Glory (Gibbons)
O God, the proud are risen against me (Byrd)
O God, the proud are risen against me (Tomkins)
O how amiable are thy dwellings (Weelkes)
O Jonathan (Weelkes)
O Lord, arise (Weelkes)
O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Tallis)
O Lord, in thee is all my trust (Tallis)
O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not (Gibbons)
O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not (Gibbons)
O Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth (Byrd)
O Lord, open thou our lips
O Lord, open thou our lips
O Lord, open thou our lips
O Lord, rebuke me not (Byrd)
O Lord, the maker of all thing (Mundy)
O Lord, the world's Saviour (Mundy)
O Lord, thou hast dealt graciously (Deane)
O lux beata Trinitas (Byrd)
O lux beata Trinitas (Tye)
O magnum misterium (Byrd)
O Maria salvatoris (Browne)
O Maria, Deo grata (Fayrfax)
O mistress mine (Morley/Grainger)
O Mistris myne, I must, BK83 (Byrd)
O nata lux (Sixten/Tallis)
O nata lux de lumine (Tallis)
O nata lux de lumine (Tallis)
O nata lux de lumine (Tallis/Forshaw)
O Praise the Lord II (Tallis)
O quam glorifica (Fowler)
O quam gloriosum (Byrd)
O quam gloriosum est regnum, EKM48 (Byrd)
O quam suavis (Byrd)
O quam suavis est a 8 II (Philips)
O quam suavis est a 8 II (Philips)
O quam suavis est I (Philips)
O regina mundi clara (Browne)
O rex gloriae (Peerson)
O rosa bella (Bedyngham)
O sacred and holy banquet (Tallis)
O sacrum convivium (Byrd)
O sacrum convivium (Tallis)
O salutaris hostia (Tallis)
O salutaris hostia a 4 (Byrd)
O salutaris hostia a 6 (Byrd)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Amner)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O splendor gloriae (Taverner)
O that most rare breast (Byrd)
O visit thou our minds and hearts
O Wilhelme, pastor bone (Taverner)
O ye little flock (Amner)
O ye tender babes (Tallis)
O you, that heare this voyce (Hagley/Byrd)
Oculi omnium (Byrd)
Oft have I sigh'd (Campion)
Oft have I tender'd (Ward)
Oh, let us howl (Johnson)
Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus (Tye)
Omnes gentes, plaudite manibus (Tye)
Omnes persecutores eius
On a time in summer season (Jones)
Once did I serve a cruel heart (Jones)
Optimam partem elegit (Byrd)
Optimam partem elegit (Byrd)
Organ Variations on 'O Lord in Thee' (Amner)
Orlando Sleepeth (Dowland/Denoth)
Our Father, which art in heaven
Our Father, which art in heaven
Out from the deep (Tallis/Parsons)
Out from the vale (Ward)
Out of the deep (Byrd)
Out of the deep (Morley)
Out of the deep (Tomkins)
Out of the orient, crystal skies (Byrd)
Paduan (Dowland)
Paduan (Simpson)
Paduana (Simpson)
Paget Pavan and Galliard (Philips)
Pange lingua (Byrd)
Panis sancte, panis vive (Philips)
Parludam, BK115 EKM3 (Byrd)
Parson's In nomine, BK51 (Byrd/Parsons)
Pasameza (Simpson)
Paschal Kyrie (Sheppard)
Passamezzo Pavan (Philips)
Passamezzo Pavan and Galliard (Philips)
Pastime with good companie 'The King's ballad' (Henry VIII)
Pater fili paraclete (Peerson)
Pavan – Coranto
Pavan (Farmer)
Pavan (Holborne)
Pavan (Philips)
Pavan (Philips)
Pavan (Weelkes)
Pavan a 6 (Gibbons)
Pavan and Galliard (Bassano/Philips)
Pavan and Galliard (Morley/Philips)
Pavan and Galliard a 5 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard a 6 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Bray', BK59 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Doloroso Tregian' (Philips)
Pavan and Galliard 'Eccho', BK114 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard in F (Philips)
Pavan and Galliard 'Johnson's Delighte', BK5 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Lord Salisbury' (Gibbons)
Pavan and Galliard Pagget (Philips)
Pavan and Galliard 'Ph. Tr.', BK60 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Quadran', BK70 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Sir William Petre', BK3 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'The Earle of Salisbury', BK15 (Byrd)
Pavan in C major (Danyel)
Pavan in C major (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Pavan 'Lord Salisbury' (Gibbons)
Pavan No 3 (Weelkes)
Pavan on Susanna un jour (Lupo/Lassus)
Pavan, 1580 (Philips)
Pavana (Tomkins)
Pavana and Galiarda, BK4 (Byrd)
Pavana and Galliarda, BK52 (Byrd)
Pavana and Galliarde the vi 'Kinbrugh Good', BK32 (Byrd)
Pavana Lachrymae, BK54 (Byrd)
Pavans a 3 (Lupo)
Paven and Galiard, BK100 EKM10 (Byrd)
Paven and Galiard, BK73 (Byrd)
Pavin 'M. Orlando Gibbons' (Gibbons)
Pavin, BK76 (Byrd)
Peascod time 'The hunt's up' (Gibbons)
Peccantem me quotidie (Byrd)
Peccantem me quotidie (Parsons)
Peccavi super numerum (Byrd)
Peccavimus cum patribus nostris (Tye)
Peccavimus cum patribus nostris (Tye)
Philippe, qui videt me (Brumel/Weller)
Phyllis, I fain would die now (Morley)
Plorans plorabit (Byrd)
Plorans ploravit in nocte
Plus j'ay le monde regardé (Morton)
Portio mea (White)
Post partum (Byrd)
Praeludium to the Fancie, BK12 (Byrd)
Praise our Lord, all ye Gentiles (Byrd)
Praise the Lord, O my soul (Ward)
Praise the Lord, O my soule (Jeffreys)
Pray we that Christ the saviour
Prayer is an endless chain
Preces and Responses (Byrd)
Preces and Responses I (Tallis)
Preces and Responses II (Tallis)
Preco preheminencie / Precurscor premittitur / Inter natos mulierum (Dunstaple)
Prelude 1
Prelude and Goodnight Ground a 5 (Byrd)
Prelude and Ground 'The Queen's Goodnight' (Byrd)
Preludium (Dowland)
Preludium (Dowland/Denoth)
Preludium (Gibbons)
Preludium, BK1 (Byrd)
Preludium, BK24 (Byrd)
Prevent us, O Lord (Byrd)
Proportions to the minim (Baldwin)
Propter veritatem et mansuetudinem (Byrd)
Psalm 13 'Usquequo, Domine?' (Croft/Tomkins)
Psalm 13 'Usquequo, Domine?' (Tomkins)
Puer natus est nobis (Byrd)
Purge me, O Lord (Tallis)
Quaesumus omnipotens et misericors Deus (Tye)
Qualis est dilectus (Forest)
Quam pulchra es (Dunstaple)
Que pourroit plus (Morton)
Queen Elisabeth, her Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Quem terra, pontus, aethera (Byrd)
Quemadmodum (Taverner)
Qui cognoscis occulta cordis
Qui passe, for my Ladye Nevell, BK19 (Byrd)
Quick, quick, away, dispatch! (East)
Quid vobis videtur (Peerson)
Quis est homo? (Byrd)
Quod chorus vatum (Tallis)
Quodcumque ligaveris (Byrd)
Quomodo cantabimus (Byrd)
Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo
Quotiescunque manducabitis (Byrd)
Recordare, Domine (Byrd)
Redemptor mundi
Reges Tharsis et insulae (Sheppard)
Reges Tharsis et insulae (Sheppard)
Regina caeli (Byrd)
Regina caeli (White)
Regina caeli a 8 (Philips)
Rejoice unto the Lord (Byrd)
Remember not, O Lord God (Tallis)
Remember, O thou man (Ravenscroft)
Responsum accepit Simeon (Byrd)
Rest awhile, you cruel cares (Dowland)
Retire, my troubled soul (Ward)
Retribue servo tuo (Parsons)
Ricercar (Simpson)
Ricercar on Bonny sweet Robin (Simpson)
Rorate caeli (Byrd)
Rorate caeli (Byrd)
Rosa (Danyel)
Rossamond (Hume)
Round about her charret (Gibbons)
Round about in a fair ring (Bennet)
Round Battle Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Rubum quem (Tye)
Sacerdotes Domini (Byrd)
Sacred End Pavan and Galliard (Morley)
Sacris solemniis (Byrd)
Sacris solemniis (Sheppard)
Salvator mundi I (Tallis)
Salvator mundi I, BK68 (Byrd)
Salvator mundi II (Tallis)
Salvator mundi II, BK69 (Byrd)
Salvator mundi, Domine (Sheppard)
Salvator mundi, Domine (Tallis)
Salvatoris mater pia / O Georgi Deo care / [Benedictus Mariae Filius] (Damett)
Salve intemerata virgo (Tallis)
Salve mater Domini / Salve templum gratie (Sturgeon)
Salve porta paradisi (Damett)
Salve regina
Salve regina (Cornysh Sr.)
Salve regina (Philips)
Salve regina (Wylkynson)
Salve regina a 4 (Byrd)
Salve regina a 5 (Byrd)
Salve regina I (Browne)
Salve regina, vita, dulcedo (Philips)
Salve sancta parens (Byrd)
Salve sancta parens (Byrd)
Salve scema sanctitatis / Salve salus servulorum / Cantant celi agmina laudes (Dunstaple)
Salve sola Dei genetrix (Byrd)
Sancta Maria, succurre miseris (Bedyngham/Frye)
Sancta Maria, succurre miseris (Dunstaple)
Sancte Dei pretiose (Sheppard)
Sancte Deus
Sancte Deus (Jackson/Tallis)
Sancte Deus (Tallis)
Sancte et misericors Salvator
Sanctus (Power)
Sanctus (Soursby)
Sanctus and Benedictus 'Regnum mundi' (Driffelde)
Say dear, when will your frowning leave (Weelkes)
Say, Love, if ever thou didst find (Dowland)
Scottish Dance (Brade/McGowan)
Second Dance of the Lords' Masque (Campion)
Second Dirge Anthem – Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts, Z58b (Morley/Purcell)
Second Service (Gibbons)
Second Service (Sheppard)
Second Service (Sheppard)
Second Verse Service (Amner)
Sed tu Domine
See, see, mine own sweet jewel (Morley)
See, see, the Word is incarnate (Gibbons)
Sellinger's Rownde, BK84 (Byrd)
Semper Dowland semper dolens
Semper Dowland semper dolens (Dowland)
Senex puerum portabat (Byrd)
Senex puerum portabat (Byrd)
Sermone blando a 3 (Byrd)
Sermone blando angelus (Tallis)
Sermone blando II a 4 (Byrd)
Service for trebles (Weelkes)
Shall I come, sweet love? (Campion)
Shall I strive with words to move? (Dowland)
Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (Dowland)
Short Almain 'Tinternell' (Holborne)
Short Service (Weelkes)
Short Service 'Dorian' (Tallis)
Shows and nightly revels (Lupo)
Sicut audivimus (Byrd)
Siderum rector (Byrd)
Sing and glorify (Tallis)
Sing joyfully (Byrd)
Sing joyfully (Mundy)
Sing unto God (Tomkins)
Sing unto the Lord (Gibbons)
Sing, O Heav'ns (Amner)
Sing, shepherds all, and in your roundelays (Nicolson)
Sir George Whitehead his Almaine (Dowland)
Sir Henry Guilford his Almaine (Dowland)
Sir Henry Umptons Funerall
Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall (Dowland)
Sir John Smith his Almaine (Dowland)
Sir John Smith, his Almain (Dowland/Denoth)
Sir John Souch his Galiard
Sir Thomas Collier his Galliard (Dowland)
Sit fast (Tye)
Sive vigilem (Mundy)
Sleep, wayward thoughts (Dowland)
So God our guide shall bless us wide
So parted you (Campion)
So ys emprinted (Frye)
So ys emprinted (Frye/Wickham)
Solemnis urgebat dies (Parsons)
Solemnis urgebat dies (Tallis)
Solve, iubente Deo (Byrd)
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (Dowland)
Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (Dowland)
'Sound the trumpet'
Southerne's Pavan and Galliard (Morley)
Speciosa facta es (Dunstaple)
Speciosus forma – Eructavit – Lingua mea (Byrd)
Spem in alium (Tallis)
Spem in alium (Tallis)
Spiritus Sanctus procedens I (Sheppard)
Spiritus Sanctus procedens II (Sheppard)
Stabat iuxta (Browne)
Stabat mater (Browne)
Stabat mater (Cornysh Sr.)
Stay, cruel, stay! (Danyel)
Stella celi extirpavit (Cooke)
Sub Arturo plebs / Fons citharizancium / [In omnem terram] (Alanus)
Sub Arturo plebs / Fons citharizancium / In omnem terram (Alanus)
Submit yourselves one to another (Sheppard)
Such foolish spite can bide no sight
Superno nunc emittitur (Bedyngham)
Surgens Jesus (Philips)
Suscepimus Deus (Byrd)
Suscipe quaeso Domine (Tallis)
Suzanna (Dowland)
Sweet Kate (Jones)
Sweet Philomel (Ward)
Sweet, stay awhile, why will you rise? (Dowland)
Tarleton's Resurrection (Dowland/Denoth)
Te Deum
Te Deum
Te Deum
Te Deum
Te Deum
Te Deum (Sheppard)
Te Deum (Taverner)
Te Deum 'for meanes' (Tallis)
Te Deum 'for trebles' (Mundy)
Te lucis a 4 (Byrd)
Te lucis ante terminum I (Tallis)
Te lucis ante terminum I (Tallis/Forshaw)
Te lucis ante terminum II (Tallis)
Teach me, O Lord (Byrd)
Tell me, dearest (Johnson)
Tell me, true love (Dowland)
Tell mee, Daphne (Farnaby)
Terra tremuit (Byrd)
The Barley Break, BK92 (Byrd)
The Battell, BK94 (Byrd)
The Battle Galliard (Dowland)
The bells, BK38 (Byrd)
The Bull Masque (Bull)
The Cadua (Bateman)
The Carman's Whistle 'Air and Variations', BK36 (Byrd/Grainger)
The Carman's Whistle, BK36 (Byrd)
The cradle (Holborne)
The cypress curtain of the night (Campion)
The Duke of Holstones Almayne (Hume)
The Earle of Essex Galiard
The eighte pavian, BK17 (Byrd)
The fall of the leaf (Peerson)
The fauns and satyrs tripping (Tomkins)
The fifte pavian and galliarde, BK31 (Byrd)
The First Pavan and Galliard (Byrd)
The firste pavian and galliarde, BK29 (Byrd)
The fourth pavian and galliarde, BK30 (Byrd)
The French Coranto, BK21a (Byrd)
The Frog Galliard (Dowland)
The Frog Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
The Galliard for the Victorie, BK95 (Byrd)
The Ghost, BK78 (Byrd)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (Deane)
The Great Service (Byrd)
The hunt is up (Bennet)
The Hunt's Up, BK40 (Byrd)
The King of Denmark, his Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
The King of Denmarks Galiard
The King of Denmark's Health (Hume)
The King's Hunt (Bull)
The Lady Oriana (Wilbye)
The leaves be greene (Danyel)
The leaves bee greene (Inglot)
The Litany 'for trebles' (Parsons)
The Lord be with you
The Lord be with you
The Lord be with you
The Lord be with you
The Lord's Prayer (Merbecke)
The Lord's Prayer (Stone)
The Marche before the Battell, BK93 (Byrd)
The Marigold (Lanier)
The Mayden's Songe, BK82 (Byrd)
The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)
The Most High and Mightie Christianus the fourth King of Denmarke, his Galliard (Dowland)
The most sacred Queen Elizabeth, her galliard (Dowland)
The New-Yeares Gift (Holborne)
The Noble Man (Johnson)
The nymphs and shepherds danced (Marson)
The nynth pavian and galliarde, the Passinge mesures, BK2 (Byrd)
The nynth pavian and galliarde, the Passinge mesures, BK2 (Byrd)
The Old Medley (Johnson)
The Passymeasures Galliard (Danyel)
The Preces (Tomkins)
The Primrose (Peerson)
The Prince's Alman (Johnson)
The Prince's Coranto (Johnson)
The Queenes Alman, BK10 (Byrd)
The Queen's Command (Gibbons)
The Responses (Smith/Stone)
The Responses (Tomkins/Farmer)
The Satyrs Dance (Johnson)
The sea is his, his work of hands
The Second French Coranto, BK21b (Byrd)
The Second Ground, BK42 (Byrd)
The second pavian and galliarde, BK71 (Byrd)
The secret sins (Mundy)
The seventh pavian, Canon 2 parts in 1, BK74 (Byrd)
The Shoemaker's Wife (Dowland/Denoth)
The Shoemaker's Wife 'A Toy' (Dowland)
The silver swan (Gibbons)
The silver swan (Gibbons)
The silver swan (Gibbons/Lidström)
The silver swan 'Round' (Gibbons)
The Spanish Pavan (Robinson)
The Spirit of Gambo (Hume)
The Spirit of Tallis (Tallis/Monks)
The Tempest (Johnson)
The Temporiser (Johnson)
The Third French Coranto, BK21c (Byrd)
The third pavian and galliard, BK14 (Byrd)
The three ravens (Anon/Ravenscroft)
The Trumpetts
The Virgin's Muse (Hume)
The Witches' Dance (Johnson)
The Witty Wanton (Johnson)
The woods so wild (Gibbons)
The world encompassed (Drake)
Then David mourned (Tomkins)
Then David mourned (Tomkins)
Then shall his ire speak all in fire
There is none, o none but you (Campion)
There were three ravens sat on a tree
Therefore these men so wicked then
Think'st thou then by thy feigning (Dowland)
Think'st thou to seduce me then? (Campion)
Third Service 'Great' (Tomkins)
This day Christ was born 'A Carroll for Christmas Day' (Byrd)
This is a joyful, happy holy day (Ward)
This is the record of John (Gibbons)
This sweet and merry month of May (Byrd)
Thou art O Sp’rit the comforter
Thou God of wisdom (Gibbons)
Thou malice lovedst to wrye above all goodness walk
Thou pretty bird, how do I see (Danyel)
Thou wast, O God, and thou wast blest (Tallis)
Though Amaryllis dance (Byrd)
Though you are young and I am old (Campion)
Though your strangeness frets my heart (Jones)
Thule, the period of cosmography (Weelkes)
Thus Bonny-boots the birthday celebrated (Holmes)
Tibi laus, tibi gloria (Philips)
Tickell, tickell (Hume)
Time stands still (Dowland)
Time stands still (Dowland)
Time, cruel Time (Danyel)
Time, that leads the fatal round (Lupo)
Time's eldest son, Old Age (Dowland)
Timete Dominum – Venite ad me (Byrd)
Tinckeldum, twinckeldum (Hume)
Tirsi morir volea (Marenzio/Philips)
'Tis late and cold (Johnson)
To ask for all thy love (Dowland)
To God on high be praise, the Father first of might
To shorten winter's sadnesse (Weelkes)
Tobacco, tobacco (Hume)
Tollite portas – Ave Maria (Byrd)
Tollite portas (Byrd)
Tomorrow the fox will come to town (Ravenscroft)
Too much I once lamented (Tomkins)
Tota pulchra es (Park/Mouton)
Tota pulchra es (White)
Touch me lightly (Hume)
Tribue, Domine (Byrd)
Tribulatio proxima est (Byrd)
Tribulationes civitatum (Byrd)
Tristitia et anxietas (Byrd)
Tristitia vestra (Philips)
Triumph now with joy and mirth (Giles)
Tu es pastor ovium (Byrd)
Tu es Petrus (Byrd)
Tu es Petrus (Philips)
Tune thy music to thy heart (Campion)
Turn our captivity, O Lord (Byrd)
Tutte le vecchie (Maio/Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Una sañosa porfía (Knotts/Encina)
Unam petii a Domino (Byrd)
Uncertain turns of thought
Une jeune fillette (Bacheler)
Unquiet thoughts (Dowland)
Unto the hills mine eyes I lift (Byrd)
Upon In nomine (Baldwin)
Upon my lap my sovereign sits (Peerson)
Ut eruas nos a malis
Ut re mi fa sol la (Parsons)
Ut, mi, re, BK65 (Byrd)
Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La, The playnesong … by a second Person, BK58 (Byrd)
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, BK64 (Byrd)
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, BK64 (Byrd)
Vain, all our life I (Sheppard)
Vain, all our life II (Sheppard)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Anon/Philips)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Philips)
Veni Sancte Spiritus / Veni creator Spiritus (Dunstaple)
Veni, redemptor gentium (Anon/Tallis)
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Byrd)
Venite, exsultemus Domino (Byrd)
Venus' Birds (Bennet)
Verbum caro factum est (Sheppard)
Verily, verily I say unto you (Tallis)
Verse of three parts (Tomkins)
Vesper Responsory (Palestrina/Dearnley)
Vide, Domine, afflictionem (Byrd)
Videte miraculum (Mundy)
Videte miraculum (Tallis)
Vigilate (Byrd)
Viri Galilaei (Byrd)
Visita quaesumus, Domine (Byrd)
Voluntarie I (Weelkes)
Voluntarie II (Weelkes)
Voluntary (Bryne)
Voluntary 24 (Tomkins)
Voluntary 28 (Tomkins)
Voluntary No 1 (Cosyn)
Voluntary No 3 (Cosyn)
Vox Patris caelestis (Mundy)
Vultum tuum (Byrd)
Vultum tuum (Byrd)
Walsingham (Bull)
Walsingham (Dowland)
Walsingham (Johnson)
We praise thee, O Father (Gibbons)
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
We praise thee, O God
Weep forth your tears (Ward)
Weep you no more (Dowland)
Weep, O mine eyes (Bennet)
Weep, weep Britons (Cranford)
Weep, weep mine eyes (Wilbye)
Welcome, black night … Cease these false sports (Dowland)
Western Wynde Mass (Sheppard)
Western Wynde Mass (Taverner)
Western Wynde Mass (Tye)
What delight can they enjoy (Danyel)
What if a day (Dowland/Denoth)
What if I never speed? (Dowland)
What is our life? (Gibbons)
What joy so true (Weelkes)
What then is love but mourning? (Rosseter)
When David heard (Tomkins)
When David heard (Tomkins)
When David heard (Weelkes)
When David Heard that Absalon was Slain (East)
When Jesus sat at meat (Nicholson)
When Jesus went into Simon the Pharisee's house (Tallis)
When shall my sorrowful sighing slack (Tallis)
Where the bee sucks (Johnson)
Where the blind and wanton boy (Byrd)
Wherewithal shall a young man (Tallis)
Who ever thinks or hopes of love for love (Dowland)
Who likes to love (Byrd)
Who liveth so merry (Ravenscroft)
Who made thee Hob? (Byrd)
Whoop, do me no harm, good man (Gibbons)
Why aske you (Farnaby)
Why brag’st in malice high, O thou in mischief stout?
Why canst thou not? (Danyel)
Why fum’th in fight the Gentiles spite
Why stays the bridegroom to invade (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Will said to his mammy (Jones)
Will yow walke the woods so wylde, BK85 (Byrd)
Wilson's Wilde, BK37 (Byrd)
Wilt thou, unkind, thus reave me of my heart? (Dowland)
Wipe away my sins (Tallis)
With all our hearts and mouths (Tallis)
With angel's face and brightness (Norcombe)
With wreaths of rose and laurel (Cobbold)
Woe is me (Tomkins)
Woefully arrayed (Cornysh Jr.)
Woo her, and win her (Campion)
Wooddy-Cock (Farnaby)
Worster Brawls (Tomkins)
Would my conceit that first enforced my woe (Dowland)
Ye sacred Muses (Byrd)
Yield unto God the mighty Lord (Caustun)
You meaner beauties of the night (East)
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