Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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7 Airs & Fantasias (Pitts)
A Celebrated Concerto (Roseingrave)
A Coy Joy (Dowland/Denoth)
A Fancie, BK46 (Byrd)
A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell (Byrd)
A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK25 (Byrd)
A fancy (Dowland)
A fancy (Dowland/Denoth)
A fantasie (Dowland)
A French Ayre (Hume)
A Galliard, BK77 (Byrd)
A Galliarde Gygge, BK18 (Byrd)
A Gallyard by Mr Dan Bacheler (Bacheler)
A Gallyard upon the Gallyard before (Dowland)
A Gigg 'F. Tr.', BK22 (Byrd)
A ground for ye harpsicord (Anon/Simpson/Ng)
A Grounde, BK43 (Byrd)
A Grounde, BK86 (Byrd)
A Grounde, BK9 (Byrd)
A Horne Pipe, BK39 (Byrd)
A Jigge (Hume)
A Lesson of Voluntarie, two parts in one in the 4th above, BK26 (Byrd)
A New Ground (Purcell)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin and Galliard, BK33 (Byrd)
A Pavion and The Galliard to it, BK72 (Byrd)
A Pavion and The Galliard, BK23 (Byrd)
A Pavyn and Galliard, BK16 (Byrd)
A Preludium, BK116 EKM4 (Byrd)
A Sad Pavan for these distracted times (Tomkins)
A Second Set of Three Pieces for Chamber Organ (Wesley)
A Souldiers Galliard (Hume)
A Souldiers Resolution (Hume)
A Verse of Two Parts, BK28 (Byrd)
A Volte (Sturt)
A Voluntarie, BK27 (Byrd)
A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell (Byrd)
A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK61 (Byrd)
Academic Festival Overture, Op 80 (Brahms/Lemare)
Ach bleib' bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV649 (Bach/Vaughan Williams)
Aileen Aroon (Anon/Cunningham)
Air 1: Gentle interweaving
Air tendre
Air, with five variations 'The harmonious blacksmith'
All faces shall gather blackness
All in a garden greene, BK56 (Byrd)
Alleluia: per te Dei genitrix (Anon/Tallis)
Alleluyas (Preston)
Allemande in B flat major (Roseingrave)
Allmayne 'Hit it and take it' (Johnson)
Allmayne 'The Prince's Almain' (Johnson)
Alman in G 'The King's Jewel' (Gibbons)
Alman, BK11 (Byrd)
Almande Tregian (Philips)
Almaygne and Corrant (Strengthfield)
Amarilli mia bella (Caccini/Lawrence-King)
Amazing Grace
An Alman, BK117 EKM30 (Byrd)
An Almane, BK89 (Byrd)
An die Musik, D547 (Schubert/Moore)
And there went out another horse that was red
Andante and variations in G major, K501 (Mozart/Nield)
Andante in E flat major
Anon in love (Walton)
Ar hyd y nos 'All through the night' (Anon/Drake)
Arcadia (Davis)
Arched bridge
Aria del Gran Duca Ferdinando di Toscana (Cavalieri/Philips)
Arirang (Anon/Hough)
Arise, O God
Ascensio (Cooper)
Aurea hora (Cooper)
Autese boli, bundoo!
Autumn (Anon/Isserlis)
Ave Maria (Schubert/Thomas)
Awake Sweet Love (Dowland/Denoth)
Awake, my soul
Ayre – Alman – Toy – Coranto – Mr Sanders His Delight (Gibbons)
Bagatelles (Rawsthorne)
Ballet of the unhatched chicks
Barafostus Dreame (Tomkins)
Be contented, O my soul
Behold a pale horse
Berbers (Gough)
Berimbau (Gough)
Between (Jack)
Betwixt (Jack)
Black and Blue (Jack)
Blackfriars (Meredith)
Blessed be he that taketh their children
Bleu Céleste (Jack)
Blow the wind southerly (Anon/Hough)
Bon jour mon cueur (Lassus/Philips)
Brandenburg Concerto No 2 in F major, BWV1047 (Bach/Goossens)
Bridge of sighs
Bring me the sunset in a cup
Bull Finch in F major
Bull's goodnight (Bull)
But when I sleep (Elias)
Bydlo 'A Polish Ox-cart'
Calleano custure me (Byrd)
Callino Casturame, BK35 (Byrd)
Can she excuse my wrongs? (Dowland/Anon)
Canary Bird in C minor
Canción y Danza I
Cantabile (Briggs)
Canto (Panufnik)
Capriccio in A major, Op 34 No 3 (Clementi)
Capriccio in B flat major, Op 17 (Clementi)
Capriccio in C major, Op 47 No 2 (Clementi)
Capriccio in E minor, Op 47 No 1 (Clementi)
Capriccio in F major, Op 34 No 4 (Clementi)
Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Captain Humes Pavan (Hume)
Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
Carillon (Mathias)
Carman's whistle (Johnson)
Catacombae: Sepulchrum Romanum – Con mortuis in lingua mortua
Celebrated Lesson for the harpsichord (Scarlatti/Roseingrave)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Fryer)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Fryer/Pienaar)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Jacobson)
Chaconne in G major, HWV435 version 4 (Handel)
Chaconne in G major, HWV435 version 5 (Handel)
Chant (Tavener)
Chi fara fed'al cielo (Striggio/Philips)
Choral Song and Fugue (Wesley)
Christe, qui lux es et dies, BK121 EECM6/34 (Byrd)
Christus (Pott)
Chromatic pavan and galliard 'Queen Elizabeth's' (Bull)
Cielito Lindo (Santos/Hough)
Clarifica me, Pater I (Anon/Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater I, BK47 (Byrd)
Clarifica me, Pater II (Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater II, BK48 (Byrd)
Clarifica me, Pater III (Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater III, BK49 (Byrd)
Clear sight shall never man have
Colimaçon (O'Regan)
Concert Fantasy on themes from Die Fledermaus (Strauss Jr./Pavia)
Concerto in G major, HWV487 (Handel)
Corranto, BK45 (Byrd)
Così morirò
Country Dance (Lawes)
Dance Suite (Rawsthorne)
Dande kala
Danse barbaro (Murray)
Danse des papillons
Danza de la luna (Roth)
Das alte Jahr vergangen ist, BWV614 (Bach/Bliss)
Das alte Lied (Love/Hough)
De la court (Parsons)
De profundis
Deem tere na?
Der arme Irische Junge 'The poor Irish boy' (Anon/Cunningham)
Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich, BWV605 (Bach/Lambert)
Deth (Hume)
Did not you once, Lucinda, vow (Coleman)
Dil me danme lea re
Divertissement, Op 36 (Parish-Alvars)
Divided sons, fight on
Divisions on a ground (Tollett)
Divisions on Paradetas (Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Divisions on Spagnoletta 'Improvisation' (Mudarra/Lawrence-King)
Divisions on the Spanish Pavan 'Improvisation' (Milán/Lawrence-King)
Dreams of Derry (Spicer)
Duet for basset horns No 1 in F major (Mahon)
Duet for basset horns No 4 in B flat major (Mahon)
Duo for two bass viols No 1 in D minor (Locke)
Duo for two bass viols No 2 in D major (Locke)
Duo for two bass viols No 3 in C minor (Locke)
Duo for two bass viols No 4 in C major (Locke)
Ecce tempus idoneum (Tallis/Anon)
Elegy (Thalben-Ball)
Epilogue (Sheppard)
Étude de concert (Hough)
Ex more docti mistico (Redford/Tallis/Anon)
Fain would I change that note
Falling (Talbot)
Fancy in C fa ut (Gibbons)
Fancy in Gamutt flatt (Gibbons)
Fansye (Newman)
Fantaisie and Variations on Au clair de la lune, Op 48 (Clementi)
Fantasia (Bull)
Fantasia (Farnaby)
Fantasia (Hely)
Fantasia (Johnson)
Fantasia (Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Fantasia (Rosseter)
Fantasia 1: Clockwork 5/4
Fantasia in G (Philips)
Fantasia in G major 'Pièce d'orgue', BWV572 (Bach/Bax)
Fantasia 'Mr Dr Bull' (Bull)
Fantasia No 16 (Bull)
Fantasia No 46 (Byrd)
Fantasia No 6 (Dowland)
Fantasia No 7 (Dowland)
Fantasia, BK13 (Byrd)
Fantasia, BK62 (Byrd)
Fantasia, BK63 (Byrd)
Fantasy in A minor (Tallis)
Fantazia of foure parts (Gibbons)
Fantazia of foure parts (Gibbons)
Farewell, ghostly friend
Farnaby's Conceit (Farnaby)
Fast Dance
Fece da voi partita (Philips)
Felix namque II (Tallis)
Fiddlelicks (Davis)
Fiesta! (Farrington)
Five Short Pieces (Whitlock)
Five Waltzes (Britten)
Flat bridge
Flight (Davis)
Fling (Jack)
Flute Sonata in D major, HWV378 (Handel)
Folk Tune
Folkish Fancy (Walker)
For a nation is come up
Fortune (Dowland/Denoth)
Fortune my foe (Dowland)
Fortune my foe (Gough)
Fortune my Foe, Farewell Delight, BK6 (Byrd)
Freno Tirsi il desio
Fugue in E major, HWV612 (Handel)
Fugue in F major
Fugue in F major, HWV611 (Handel)
Fugue in G major
Fugue or Voluntary No 1 in G minor, HWV605 (Handel)
Fugue or Voluntary No 2 in G major, HWV606 (Handel)
Fugue or Voluntary No 3 in B flat major, HWV607 (Handel)
Fugue or Voluntary No 4 in B minor, HWV608 (Handel)
Fugue or Voluntary No 5 in A minor, HWV609 (Handel)
Fugue or Voluntary No 6 in C minor, HWV610 (Handel)
Full, empty (Barley)
Funeral March in Honour of Beethoven (Webbe Jr.)
Galiardo Mistris Marye Brownlo, BK34 (Byrd)
Galilean Moons (Cooper)
Galliard (Philips)
Galliard, BK53 (Byrd)
Gamelan (Gough)
Gaudeamus in loci pace (MacMillan)
Gid a Shumba
Giles Farnaby's Dream (Farnaby)
Gloria tibi Trinitas (Anon/Tallis)
Gloria tibi Trinitas, BK50 (Byrd)
Go from my window (Collard)
Go from my window, BK79 (Byrd)
Good Friday Music
Grand March from Aïda (Verdi/Lemare/Herrick)
Grande fantaisie et variations de bravoure sur des motifs italiens (Parish-Alvars)
Grandes Études de Paganini, S141 (Liszt/Paganini/Taylor)
Greensleeves (Anon/Britten/Barley)
Greensleeves (Cutting)
Ground in C (Blow)
Ground in G minor (Blow)
Ground in Gamut (Purcell)
Gypseis Round, BK80 (Byrd)
Gypsy Songs, Op 55 (Dvořák/Hough)
Harding's Galliard, BK55 (Byrd)
Harke, harke (Hume)
Have with yow to Walsingame, BK8 (Byrd)
Hello young lovers (Rodgers/Hough)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Hess)
Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV147 (Bach/Horne)
Herzlich tut mich verlangen, BWV727 (Bach/Walton)
Hi bibbi mon karalla
His Humour (Farnaby)
His Rest (Farnaby)
Homage (Goossens)
Home (Chapman Campbell)
Home, sweet home 'Caprice', RO117 Op 51 (Bishop/Gottschalk)
Honeyed words (Meredith)
Hornpipe from Watermusic (Handel/Grainger)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Gibbons)
How Hill (Hawes)
Hugh Ashton's Grownde, BK20 (Byrd)
Hungarian March
Hymn Tune Prelude on Song 13 (Gibbons/Vaughan Williams)
I am melancholy (Hume)
I gave her cakes and I gave her ale
I was in the spirit on the Lord's day
Iam lucis orto sidere (Redford/Anon/Tallis)
Ich bin ein guter Hirt, BWV85 (Bach/Foss)
Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV639 (Bach/Barley)
If my complaints, or Pyper's Galliard, BK118 EKM26 (Byrd)
Il vecchio castello
Im Dorfe (Wardener)
Images (Park)
Improvisation (Barley)
In dulci jubilo, BWV729 (Bach/Berners)
In nomine (Picforth)
In nomine (White)
In one little time may heaven be won and lost
In paradisum
Intermezzo (Briggs)
Introduction (Roseingrave)
Is this he that was transfigured
Iste confessor (Anon/Tallis)
Jerusalem the Golden (Spark)
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Jesus nahm zu sich die Zwölfe, BWV22 (Bach/Cohen)
Jhon come kisse me now, BK81 (Byrd)
Jubelouvertüre (Weber/Best)
Kan ja kia
Keyboard Suite in E minor (Loeillet)
Kia kam keea dil ne?
Komm, süsser Tod, BWV478 (Bach/Bridge)
Komm, süsser Tod, BWV478 (Bach/Stevenson)
Kontakion 'Grant repose' (Anon/Isserlis)
Ky bashud! O ky bashud!
Kyrie (Wilson)
La chasse, Op 16 (Clementi)
La damnation de Faust, Op 24 (Berlioz/Best)
La Mandoline, Op 84 (Parish-Alvars)
La Volta L. Morley, BK90 (Byrd)
La Volta, BK91 (Byrd)
Lachrimae (Dowland)
Lachrimae Amantis
Lachrimae Pavan (Dowland/Denoth)
Lachrimae Tristes
Lady Montegle's Paven, BK75 (Byrd)
Lady Rich, her Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Lady, when I behold the roses
Lascia ch'io pianga
Laudes (Pott)
Laus Deo (Harvey)
Le Ruisseau (Cochrane)
Leaving Plymouth (Gough)
Let all mortal flesh keep silent
Ley chila re
Liebesträume – 3 Notturnos für das Pianoforte, S541 (Liszt/Robertson)
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV731 (Bach/Cohen)
Life (Hume)
Like a rainbow (Chilcott)
Lilliburlero, Z646 (Anon/Purcell)
Limoges, the Market Place
Line dance
Linnet in C major
Little Fugue in G minor, BWV578 (Bach/Borwick)
Londonderry Air (Anon/Hough)
Lord Strang's March (Dowland/Denoth)
Lord Willobies Welcome Home 'Rowland', BK7 (Byrd)
Lord, thou hast been our refuge
Loth to depart (Dowland)
Loves Farewell (Hume)
Loves Pastime (Hume)
Lullaby (Hough)
M. Buctons Galiard
Maio Santiago Fogo (Gough)
March and Canzona, Z860 (Purcell)
March of the Templars, Op 56 (Benedict/Best)
March 'On Ilkley Moor'
Marigold (Mayerl)
Mask 'Welcome home' (Gibbons)
Mass (Bingham)
Mass for four voices (Byrd)
Matilda's Rhumba (Anon/Hough)
Matilda's Waltz (Anon/Hough)
Méditation sur le premier prélude de piano de J S Bach 'Ave Maria' (Gounod/Hough)
Mein Gott, wie lang, ach lange?, BWV155 (Bach/Cohen)
Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn, BWV648 (Bach/Ireland)
Melancholy Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Mera mutchelli!
Messiah, HWV56 (Handel/Walsh)
Minuet (Bach/Petri)
Minuet (Purcell/Cortot)
Minuet in G minor, HWV434/4 (Handel/Kempff)
Minuetto in A flat (Pinto)
Miserere I, BK66 (Byrd)
Miserere II, BK67 (Byrd)
Mister Dowland's Midnight (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistress Anne Grene her Leaves be Green (Danyel)
Mistress Nichols' Almaine (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistress White's Nothing (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistresse Nichols Almand
Miwok Indians (Gough)
Monsieur's Almain (Danyel)
Monsieur's Alman I, BK87 (Byrd)
Monsieur's Alman II, BK88 (Byrd)
Monsieur's Alman III, BK44 (Byrd)
Mooni bibbi nochare
Moors (Gough)
Morlake Ground (Blow)
Moscow Nights (Solovyov-Sedoy/Hough)
Motion detector (Talbot)
Mournful song 'Under the little apple tree' (Anon/Isserlis)
Mr Confess's Coranto (Campion)
Mr Holborn's Last Will and Testament (Holborne)
Mrs Winter's Jump (Dowland)
Mrs Winter's Jump (Dowland/Denoth)
Mun shuma
Musical Characteristics, Op 19 (Clementi)
Mutru be khoosh nuwa bego
My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
My grief (Bull)
My Lady Hunssdon's Puffe (Dowland/Denoth)
My Lady Nevell's Grownde, BK57 (Byrd)
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Dowland)
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Dowland/Denoth)
My love in her attire
My self (Bull)
Nacht und Träume, D827 (Schubert/Isserlis)
Nativity Dances (Ridout)
Nature boy (Ahbez/Hough)
Natus est nobis hodie (Anon/Tallis)
Niccolo's Waltz (Hough)
Nie ma czego trzeba 'Faded and vanished', Op 74 No 13 (Chopin/Isserlis)
Nobodyes Gigge (Farnaby)
None but the lonely heart, Op 6 No 6 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Now I come (Hume)
Now, as though God were sighing
Now, oh now I needs must part – The Frog Galliard (Dowland)
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland/Grainger)
O do not look
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig, BWV656 (Bach/Borwick)
O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!
O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not (Gibbons)
O Lord, support us all the day long
O Mensch, bewein' dein' Sünde gross, BWV622 (Bach/Howells)
O Mistris myne, I must, BK83 (Byrd)
O quam gloriosum est regnum, EKM48 (Byrd)
O stay, sweet love
O ye tender babes (Tallis)
O! yaar O!
Of Elutropia (Elias)
Oliver Cromwell (Anon/Britten/Barley)
On Falla (Hough)
Organ Variations on 'O Lord in Thee' (Amner)
Oriens … (Semple)
Oriental (Jack)
Orlando Sleepeth (Dowland/Denoth)
Osmanthus Romp (Hough)
Ouwal keh mura buh isht razee kurdi
Overture 'Die Meistersinger' (Wagner/Lemare/Westbrook/Herrick)
Overture to 'Die Meistersinger' (Wagner/Lemare)
Overture to Die Meistersinger (Wagner/Ronald)
Paean (Leighton)
Panis angelicus (Franck/Hough)
Parapraxis (Frost)
Parludam, BK115 EKM3 (Byrd)
Parsifal and the Flower Maidens
Parson's In nomine, BK51 (Byrd/Parsons)
Partita (Hough)
Passacaglia (Walton)
Passamezzo Pavan and Galliard (Philips)
Pavan (Philips)
Pavan (Weelkes)
Pavan and Galliard 'Bray', BK59 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Doloroso Tregian' (Philips)
Pavan and Galliard 'Eccho', BK114 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Johnson's Delighte', BK5 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Lord Salisbury' (Gibbons)
Pavan and Galliard Pagget (Philips)
Pavan and Galliard 'Ph. Tr.', BK60 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Quadran', BK70 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Sir William Petre', BK3 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'The Earle of Salisbury', BK15 (Byrd)
Pavan in C major (Danyel)
Pavana (Tomkins)
Pavana and Galiarda, BK4 (Byrd)
Pavana and Galliarda, BK52 (Byrd)
Pavana and Galliarde the vi 'Kinbrugh Good', BK32 (Byrd)
Pavana Lachrymae, BK54 (Byrd)
Paven and Galiard, BK100 EKM10 (Byrd)
Paven and Galiard, BK73 (Byrd)
Pavin 'M. Orlando Gibbons' (Gibbons)
Pavin, BK76 (Byrd)
Piano Sonata (Simpson)
Piano Sonata in A flat major, WO13 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 1 No 5 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 10 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 2 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 25 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 33 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in A major, Op 50 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 1 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 10 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 12 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 13 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 2 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 24 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 24 No 2 Op 41 No 2 Op 47 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 25 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 46 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 8 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B flat major, Op 9 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in B minor, Op 40 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 2 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 20 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 25 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 33 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 34 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 37 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 7 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in C major, Op 9 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 10 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 25 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 37 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D major, Op 40 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in D minor, Op 50 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 1 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 11 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 12 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 12 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 23 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 23 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 41 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 7 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 8 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E flat major, Op 9 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in E major, Op 1 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 1 No 4 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 12 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 13 No 5 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 23 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 24 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 26 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, Op 33 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F major, WO3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F minor, Op 13 No 6 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in F sharp minor, Op 25 No 5 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 1 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 25 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 37 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, Op 40 No 1 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G major, WO14 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor 'Didone abbandonata', Op 50 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor, Op 34 No 2 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor, Op 7 No 3 (Clementi)
Piano Sonata in G minor, Op 8 No 1 (Clementi)
Piar mera soon
Pictures from an exhibition (Musorgsky/Wills)
Pie Jesu
Ponticelli (Roth)
Postlude 'Jerusalem on high' (Steggall)
Praeludium to the Fancie, BK12 (Byrd)
Prelude (Briggs)
Prelude in G (Blow)
Prelude to The Meistersinger from Nürnberg (Wagner/Gould/Williams)
Preludium (Dowland)
Preludium (Dowland/Denoth)
Preludium (Gibbons)
Preludium, BK1 (Byrd)
Preludium, BK24 (Byrd)
Processional (Mathias)
Queen Elisabeth, her Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Qui passe, for my Ladye Nevell, BK19 (Byrd)
Quo e? fera que sutke
Radetzky Waltz (Hough)
Railroad rhythm (Mayerl)
Reflection (Wilder/Goldsmith/Hough)
Remember me (Lopez/Anderson-Lopez/Hough)
Remember us also, O Lord
Rewannah kisty
Rhapsody No 4 (Howells)
Riggadoon, Z653 (Purcell)
Rinaldo, HWV7a (Handel/Babell)
Romance in G flat major, Op 48 No 3 (Parish-Alvars)
Romance 'Jeux interdits' (Anon/Drake)
Rondo in B flat major, WO8 (Clementi)
Rondo in E flat (Pinto)
Rondo on God rest you merry, gentlemen (Wesley)
Rosa (Danyel)
Rossamond (Hume)
Round Battle Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Round O (Purcell)
Rustic bridge
Sacred Sounds (Shearing)
Sakia! Fusul beharust
Salvator mundi I, BK68 (Byrd)
Salvator mundi II, BK69 (Byrd)
Sanctify us by thy goodness
Saraband – Minuet – Air (Purcell/Hess)
Saraband (Hely)
Sarabande und Chaconne über Themen aus dem Singspiel Almira, S181 (Liszt/Handel)
Scenes from Parsifal (Wagner/Williams)
Second Dance of the Lords' Masque (Campion)
See what his love can do
Sefauchi's Farewell, Z656 (Purcell)
Sellinger's Rownde, BK84 (Byrd)
Semper Dowland semper dolens
Semper Dowland semper dolens (Dowland)
Sett No 1 in D minor 'Suite' (Blow)
Sett No 3 in A minor 'Suite' (Blow)
Sheep may safely graze (Bach/Petri)
Shisheh bur shrub
Short Almain 'Tinternell' (Holborne)
Siegfried Idyll, WWV103 (Wagner/Lemare)
Siegfried's Rhine-Journey (Wagner/Gould/Williams)
Sir Henry Umptons Funerall
Sir John Smith, his Almain (Dowland/Denoth)
Sir John Souch his Galiard
Six Double Fugues for the Organ and Harpsicord (Roseingrave)
Sleep, wayward thoughts (Dowland)
Sleeping Beauty Paraphrase (Tchaikovsky/Pabst/Hough)
So fair and bright (Chilcott)
Sola (Adès)
Soliloquoy (Sheppard)
Solitude, Op 73 No 6 (Tchaikovsky/Hough)
Sonata for a harpsichord with double keys in G major, HWV579 (Handel)
Sonata for four violins and continuo (Croft)
Sonata in G minor, HWV580 (Handel)
Sonatina in C major, Op 36 No 1 (Clementi)
Sonatina in C major, Op 36 No 3 (Clementi)
Sonatina in D major, Op 36 No 6 (Clementi)
Sonatina in F major, Op 36 No 4 (Clementi)
Sonatina in G major, Op 36 No 2 (Clementi)
Sonatina in G major, Op 36 No 5 (Clementi)
Songs my mother taught me
Soonre mashukan! be wufa!
Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (Dowland)
Species (Fitkin)
Spell (Barley)
Spring (Bevan Baker)
Spring breeze prelude (Yu-Hsien/Hough)
St Paul (Mendelssohn/Best)
Street song 'The grey eagle' (Anon/Isserlis)
Stride Dance
Suite in C minor 'Partita', HWV444 (Handel)
Suite in E minor, HWV438 (Handel)
Suite in G major, HWV441 (Handel)
Suite No 1 in A major, HWV426 (Handel)
Suite No 1 in E flat major (Roseingrave)
Suite No 14 in G major, HWV441 (Handel)
Suite No 2 in C minor (Roseingrave)
Suite No 2 in F major, HWV427 (Handel)
Suite No 3 in D minor (Roseingrave)
Suite No 3 in D minor, HWV428 (Handel)
Suite No 4 in A minor (Purcell)
Suite No 4 in C (Blow)
Suite No 4 in E minor, HWV429 (Handel)
Suite No 4 in F major (Roseingrave)
Suite No 5 in C major, Z666 (Purcell)
Suite No 5 in E major, HWV430 (Handel)
Suite No 5 in F minor (Roseingrave)
Suite No 6 in E minor (Roseingrave)
Suite No 6 in F sharp minor, HWV431 (Handel)
Suite No 7 in G major (Roseingrave)
Suite No 7 in G minor, HWV432 (Handel)
Suite No 8 in F minor, HWV433 (Handel)
Suite No 8 in G minor (Roseingrave)
Suite Osmanthus (Hough)
Susha myra bear
Sylvia (Delibes/Hough)
Symphony in D minor, M48 (Franck/Johnson)
Tarleton's Resurrection (Dowland/Denoth)
Tell mee, Daphne (Farnaby)
Terra incognita (Gough)
The Ancient Vesper Hymn 'Theme, variations and fugue' (Spark)
The Barley Break, BK92 (Byrd)
The Battell, BK94 (Byrd)
The Battle Galliard (Dowland)
The bells, BK38 (Byrd)
The Bird Fancyer's Delight (Walsh)
The Black Joke with 21 Variations, WO2 (Clementi)
The bright field
The Carman's Whistle 'Air and Variations', BK36 (Byrd/Grainger)
The Carman's Whistle, BK36 (Byrd)
The Carousel Waltz (Rodgers/Hough)
The cities are burned and consumed from the earth
The dreaming (Barley)
The Duke of Holstones Almayne (Hume)
The Earle of Essex Galiard
The eighte pavian, BK17 (Byrd)
The fall of the leaf (Peerson)
The fifte pavian and galliarde, BK31 (Byrd)
The firste pavian and galliarde, BK29 (Byrd)
The fourth pavian and galliarde, BK30 (Byrd)
The French Coranto, BK21a (Byrd)
The Frog Galliard (Dowland)
The Frog Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
The Galliard for the Victorie, BK95 (Byrd)
The Ghost, BK78 (Byrd)
The Grasshopper
The Great Gate of Kiev
The Hunt's Up, BK40 (Byrd)
The Hut on Fowl's Legs 'Baba Yaga'
The King of Denmark, his Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
The King of Denmarks Galiard
The King's Hunt (Bull)
The leaves be greene (Danyel)
The leaves bee greene (Inglot)
The Lord awoke as one that sleepeth
The Lord is my shepherd
The Marche before the Battell, BK93 (Byrd)
The Mayden's Songe, BK82 (Byrd)
The most sacred Queen Elizabeth, her galliard (Dowland)
The Noble Man (Johnson)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Sutherland)
The Nutcracker and I (Tchaikovsky/Sutherland/Pletnev)
The nynth pavian and galliarde, the Passinge mesures, BK2 (Byrd)
The nynth pavian and galliarde, the Passinge mesures, BK2 (Byrd)
The Old Medley (Johnson)
The Oriental Miscellany (Bird)
The Primrose (Peerson)
The Queenes Alman, BK10 (Byrd)
The Queen's Command (Gibbons)
The salley gardens (Anon/Britten/Barley)
The salley gardens (Anon/Britten/Siem)
The Second French Coranto, BK21b (Byrd)
The Second Ground, BK42 (Byrd)
The second pavian and galliarde, BK71 (Byrd)
The seventh pavian, Canon 2 parts in 1, BK74 (Byrd)
The Shoemaker's Wife (Dowland/Denoth)
The silver swan (Gibbons/Lidström)
The Song of the Birds (Anon/Beamish)
The Spanish Main (Gough)
The Spanish Pavan (Robinson)
The Spirit of Gambo (Hume)
The Third French Coranto, BK21c (Byrd)
The third pavian and galliard, BK14 (Byrd)
The Trumpetts
The War March of the Priests from Athalie (Mendelssohn/Best)
The Wasp
The woods so wild (Gibbons)
Ther is no rose of swych vertu. Instrumental realization (Anon/Wishart)
There they lie huddled
This day
Threnos (Tavener)
Tia Maria (Jack)
Tickell, tickell (Hume)
Timefolding (Barley)
Tinckeldum, twinckeldum (Hume)
Tirsi morir volea (Marenzio/Philips)
To couple is a custom
Toccata (Hawes)
Toccata (Pitts)
Toccata (Pott)
Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV565 (Bach/Cortot/Hough)
Toccata in B flat major, Op 11 No 2 (Clementi)
Toccata Prelude – Sarabande – Minuet (Purcell/Henderson)
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major, BWV564 (Bach/Hess)
Toccatina (Vallier)
Toom ko sum shouta
Touch me lightly (Hume)
Transformation Music
Tre Laude Dolce (Bryars)
Trio Sonata No 12 in G major (Boyce/Craxton)
Troisième Choral, M40 (Franck/Hough)
Trumpet Tune, called The Cibell (Purcell)
Trust (Chapman Campbell)
Tuba Tune (Lang)
Tuileries: Children quarrelling after play
Tutte le vecchie (Maio/Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Twelve Monferrinas, Op 49 (Clementi)
Twelve Short Pieces and a Full Voluntary (Wesley)
Twilight (Walker)
Two Insect Pieces (Britten)
Two Polish Jews, one rich, the other poor
Tyger! (Jack)
Un regalo (Simpson)
Une jeune fillette (Bacheler)
Unravelling (Barley)
Unveil (Waley-Cohen)
Ut, mi, re, BK65 (Byrd)
Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La, The playnesong … by a second Person, BK58 (Byrd)
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, BK64 (Byrd)
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, BK64 (Byrd)
Variations on a Minuet by Mr Collick, WO5 (Clementi)
Variations on a Russian folk tune, Op 10 No 12 (Carcassi/Walker)
Variations on Adeste fideles (Adams)
Variations on Batti batti from Mozart's Don Giovanni, WO10 (Clementi)
Variations on the Psalm Tune 'Windsor' (Macfarren)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Philips)
Veni, redemptor gentium (Anon/Tallis)
Verse of three parts (Tomkins)
Vier Lieder, Op 96 (Brahms/Lemare)
Violin Sonata No 3 in D minor, Op 108 (Brahms/Lemare)
Vocalise-étude (Messiaen/Lapwood)
Voluntarie I (Weelkes)
Voluntarie II (Weelkes)
Voluntary (Bryne)
Voluntary 24 (Tomkins)
Voluntary 28 (Tomkins)
Voluntary in A (Blow)
Voluntary in A minor (Locke)
Voluntary in C major, Z717 (Purcell)
Voluntary in D minor (Blow)
Voluntary in D minor (Blow)
Voluntary in D minor (Locke)
Voluntary in D minor, Op 5 No 5 (Stanley)
Voluntary in D minor, Z718 (Purcell)
Voluntary in F major (Locke)
Voluntary in G major, Z720 (Purcell)
Voluntary in G minor
Voluntary No 1 (Cosyn)
Voluntary No 3 (Cosyn)
Voluntarys and Fugues made on purpose for the Organ or Harpsicord (Roseingrave)
Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV645 (Bach/Bantock)
Wake Up! (Jack)
Walsingham (Bull)
Walsingham (Dowland)
Walsingham (Johnson)
Water Music (Handel)
Weep not for me, O mother
What if a day (Dowland/Denoth)
Whoop, do me no harm, good man (Gibbons)
Why aske you (Farnaby)
Will yow walke the woods so wylde, BK85 (Byrd)
Wilson's Wilde, BK37 (Byrd)
Wir glauben all an einen Gott, BWV740 (Bach/Whittaker)
Wir wandelten, wir zwei zusammen
Wooddy-Cock (Farnaby)
Worster Brawls (Tomkins)
Ya laum, ya laum
Yesterday I was at work teaching Christ to lift his cross
Ypakoë (Tavener)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Grosvenor)
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