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[untitled] (Barley/Joseph)
… depart in peace … (Tavener)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Prokofiev)
203085 Pte Joe Wood
24 Preludes and Fugues, Op 87 (Shostakovich/Campbell)
4 Romantic Pieces, Op 75 (Dvořák/Isserlis)
A birthday (Hawes)
A boy and a girl (Whitacre/Burgess)
A chantar m'er (La Comtesse de Die/Wishart)
A Division on a Ground (Banister)
A Division on a Ground (Eccles II)
A Division to a Ground (Eccles II)
A fancy (Danyel)
A fine lady
A Ground (Eccles II)
A kiss, Op 15 (Venables/Lloyd)
A Knell (Johnson)
A little jazz Mass (Chilcott)
A Little Waltz
A Persistent Illusion (Wagstaff)
A Queen's Fanfare (Walton)
A Second Set of Three Pieces for Chamber Organ (Wesley)
A small quartet (Fitkin)
A solfing song (Tallis)
A song called trumpets (Parsons)
A Song for Kate (Bevan Baker)
A song of Mr Robert Parsons (Parsons)
A Spanish Humour 'The Lord Hayes' Favourite' (Hume)
A summer day
A thousand sev'ral ways I tried, Z359 (Purcell)
Adagio and Allegro for cello and piano, Op 70 (Schumann/Bliss)
After the rain (Hawes)
Agios o Theos
Ah silly soul (Byrd)
Ah! cruel nymph!, Z352 (Purcell)
Ah, how pleasant 'tis to love, Z353 (Purcell)
Air in C major No 1 (Lawes)
Air in C major No 2 (Lawes)
Air in C minor No 1 (Lawes)
Air in C minor No 2 (Lawes)
Air in G minor (Johnson)
Akhmatova Songs (Tavener)
Algal Bloom
All as a sea (Byrd)
All Roads (Simcock)
All shall be well
Allegro spiritoso (Senaillé/Perkins)
Almain (Hely)
Almaine – Coranto
Alman (Lawes)
Alman 'Aria' (consort version)
Alman in C major (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Alman in D major 'for the Violins of 2 Trebles' (Lawes)
Alman in D minor (Webster)
Alman Tregian (Philips)
Almand in G major (Taylor/Simpson)
Almande (Simpson)
Almande (Simpson)
Along the field as we came by
Amavit eum Dominus (Tye)
Amidst the shades and cool refreshing streams, Z355 (Purcell)
Amintas, to my grief I see, Z356 (Purcell)
Amintor, heedless of his flocks, Z357 (Purcell)
Among angels (Todd)
An absence of heart (Wright)
An aged dame (Byrd)
An autumn meditation
An earthly tree (Byrd)
An invite to eternity
An Ode upon dedicating a building to Shakespeare (Arne)
An Òg-Mhadainn (Sweeney)
And when I die
Andalucia Suite (Lecuona/Nash)
Andante – Allegro – Adagio – Allegro
Andante and Scherzo (Simaku)
Andante in E flat major
Angel in dark green (Cooper)
Anno Epilogue (Davis)
Another small quartet (Fitkin)
Arcadiana (Adès)
Are vé lo mes de maig (May)
Aria (Philips/Simpson)
Aria del Gran Duca Ferdinando di Toscana (Cavalieri/Philips)
Aria in F major, HWV410 (Handel)
Aria in F major, HWV411 (Handel)
Aria 'Mrs Nichols Almand' (Dowland)
Around three corners (Panufnik)
As it fell on Holie Eve (Holborne)
As on Euphrates' shady banks (Blow)
Ascension (Hawes)
Ask me to love no more, Z358 (Purcell)
Asphalt cocktail (Mackey/Bliss/Burgess)
Attendite (Peerson)
Audiotectonics III (Fairclough)
Auf dem Wasser zu singen
Aung-ze Paing-ze
Awake, awake, my Lyre! 'A Supplication' (Blow)
Ayre from 'Little Consort' Suite in G minor (Locke)
Bacchus is a pow'r divine, Z360 (Purcell)
Balancing the books (Nyman/Boothby)
Balla d'Amore (Tregian/Philips)
Ballad of the army carts
Barbara’s jig – Kenny MacDonald’s jig – Joseph MacDonald’s jig (Anon/Johnstone/MacDonald)
Bash peace (Bedford)
Bassedance 'En vray amoure a 4, a 6' (Henry VIII/McGowan)
Bassedance 'Taunder nacken a 3' (Henry VIII)
Bassoon Sonata (Bennett)
Batalla de octavo tono (Ximénez/Roberts)
Beauty no other thing is than a beam
Because I liked you better
Begin the Song! (Blow)
Begin to Charm, and as thou strok’st mine ears
Bell Pavan in A minor (Jenkins)
Beneath a dark and melancholy grove, Z461 (Purcell)
Between friends (Dove)
Beware, poor shepherds 'The Caution', Z361 (Purcell)
Birdsong (Ashton)
Black Mrs Behemoth
Blest be those sweet Regions (Clarke)
Blest pair of sirens (Smith)
Blue (Davis)
Blue shades (Ticheli/Bliss/Burgess)
Blue water … a clear moon
Bogle move (Prokofiev)
Boris Pasternak
Born upon an angel's breast
Bring gentlest thoughts, that into language glide
Browning a 5 'The leaves be green' (Byrd)
Browning my dear (Woodcock)
Brussels Fanfare (Patterson)
Bulstrode Whitelocke's Coranto
Bute Cello Duets (Davis)
By a wall the stranger now calls his
By harmony's entrancing power
By hours we all live here
By the lake
Canciones de clarines (Anon/Roberts)
Caneuon Cymru (Petrie)
Cantate Domino (Hawes)
Cantator and Amanda (Panufnik)
Canzon (Simpson)
Canzon (Simpson)
Capriccio (Elias)
Caprice No 24 (Paganini/Skip Martin/Thornton)
Captain Digorie Piper his Pavan and Galliard (Dowland)
Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
Captaine Digorie Piper his Pavan (Dowland)
Carbon copy (Burgess/Fairclough)
Cast me not, Lord (Lawes)
Castell Dolbadarn (Metcalf)
Castellain sunshine (Joseph)
Catch (Duddell)
Cease, anxious world, your fruitless pain, Z362 (Purcell)
Cease, warring thoughts (Lawes)
Celia's fond, too long I've lov'd her, Z364 (Purcell)
Cello Suite No 6 in D major, BWV1012 (Bach/Fryer/Pienaar)
Chaconne a 4 in G major (Blow)
Chaconne 'two in one upon a ground' from Dioclesian (Purcell/Withy)
Chacony in G minor, Z730 (Purcell)
Chamber Music V (Britten)
ChangeUp (Prokofiev)
Chants du Roussillon '5 Catalan folksongs' (Anon/Reade)
Cheap Attraction (Jack)
Chloe found Amyntas lying all in tears 'Rondelay' (Blow)
Chopcherry (Warlock)
Chosen Tune
Christe redemptor omnium a 4 (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies I a 4 (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies II a 4 (Byrd)
Christe, qui lux es et dies III a 4 (Byrd)
Christus resurgens (Tye)
Cibell in C, Z678 (Purcell)
Clarinet Quintet (Cooke)
Clarinet Quintet (Maconchy)
Come then, with tuneful breath and string
Come to me in the silence of the night
Come to me, grief, for ever (Byrd)
Commentary on BWV562 (Finnissy)
Concerto for french horns in F major, HWV331 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in A major, Op 6 No 11 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in A minor, Op 6 No 4 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in B flat major, Op 6 No 7 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in B minor, Op 6 No 12 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in C minor, Op 6 No 8 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in D major, Op 6 No 5 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in D minor, Op 6 No 10 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in E minor, Op 6 No 3 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in F major, Op 6 No 2 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in F major, Op 6 No 9 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in G major, Op 6 No 1 (Handel)
Concerto grosso in G minor, Op 6 No 6 (Handel)
Concerto in A minor / A major, Op 2 No 5 (Stanley)
Concerto in B flat major, Op 2 No 6 (Stanley)
Concerto in B minor, Op 2 No 2 (Stanley)
Concerto in D major, Op 2 No 1 (Stanley)
Concerto in D minor, Op 2 No 4 (Stanley)
Concerto in G major, Op 2 No 3 (Stanley)
Consorts to the organ Set 1 in G minor (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 10 in C minor (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 2 in A minor (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 3 in C minor (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 4 in C major (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 4 in F major (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 5 in G minor (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 6 in F major (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 7 in B flat major (Lawes)
Consorts to the organ Set 7 in C major (Lawes)
Constant Penelope (Byrd)
Conversations (Bliss)
Cool is the autumn wind
Corant I (Lawes)
Corant II (Lawes)
Corinna is divinely fair, Z365 (Purcell)
Cornish Dance (Brade)
Country dance
Courage (Chapman Campbell)
Courantes 1 and 2 (Simpson)
Cupid, the slyest rogue alive, Z367 (Purcell)
Curtain Tune in C major (Locke)
Curtain Tune in D major (Locke)
Cymon and Iphigenia (Arne)
Dance (Chapman Campbell)
Dance of the dragonfly (Tippett)
Dance play (Hayes)
Dancing in the spirit (Jegede)
Darkness (Cooper)
Das klinget so herrlich, das klinget so schön
De la court (Parsons)
De matinet me vaig llevar (The nightingale's advice)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Parry/Chambers)
Deep in my soul (Friend/Haywood)
Definitely disco (Poppy)
Denn es gehet dem Menschen
Dew Point
Diaphanousphere (Pankhurst)
Diódia 'String Quartet No 3' (Tavener)
Distil (Fitkin)
Diversions, Op 63 (Berkeley)
Divisions in F major (Withy)
Divisions on a ground (Tollett)
Divisions on John come kiss me now (Simpson)
Divisions on the Dolorosa Pavan (A Kempis/Philips)
Dolorosa Pavan and Galliard (Philips)
Down, caitiff wretch (Ward)
Draw near, you lovers, Z462 (Purcell)
Dreaming of Li Bai
Dreams (Chapman Campbell)
Duet for basset horns No 1 in F major (Mahon)
Duet for basset horns No 4 in B flat major (Mahon)
Duet suite (Corea/Carrington)
Dum transisset Sabbatum I (Tye)
Dum transisset Sabbatum II (Tye)
Dum transisset Sabbatum III (Tye)
Dum transisset Sabbatum IV (Tye)
Duo (Bevan Baker)
Duo (Elias)
Duo for two bass viols No 1 in D minor (Locke)
Duo for two bass viols No 2 in D major (Locke)
Duo for two bass viols No 3 in C minor (Locke)
Duo for two bass viols No 4 in C major (Locke)
Dvustishie 'Couplet'
Ecce sacerdos magnus (MacMillan)
Echo (Cooper)
Echo No 1 in D minor (Webster)
Echo No 2 in G major (Webster)
Echolalia (Leach)
Eclogue (Bevan Baker/Osborne)
Eight Poems of Li-Po (Lambert)
El cant dels ocells 'The song of the birds' (Anon/Reade)
Elegy (Finzi)
Elthe to phos to alithinon
En famille
Estampie on 'Vide miser et iudica' (Anon/Wishart)
Et … (tango mortale)
Eurostar Fanfare (Patterson)
Evening bells
Evensong (Hall)
Every day (Davis)
Façade (Walton)
Fain would I wed (Campion)
Fair one, when you were here, I filled the house with flowers
Falla con misuras (Ebreo da Pesaro/Ashton)
Fancy (Blancks)
Fantasia a 4 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 4 No 1 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 2 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 3 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 4 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 5 (Ward)
Fantasia a 4 No 6 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 1 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 10 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 11 'Cor mio' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 12 'Leggiadra sei' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 13 'Non fu senze' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 2 'La Rondinella' (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 3 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 4 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 5 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 6 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 7 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 8 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 No 9 (Ward)
Fantasia a 5 'Two parts in one in the fourth above' (Byrd)
Fantasia a 6 No 1 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 1 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 2 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 2 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 3 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 3 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 4 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 4 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 5 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 5 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 6 (Gibbons)
Fantasia a 6 No 6 (Ward)
Fantasia a 6 No 7 (Ward)
Fantasia and Corant in D minor (Locke)
Fantasia for three trebles in G minor (Johnson)
Fantasia I a 3 (Byrd)
Fantasia I a 4 (Byrd)
Fantasia I a 6 'A song of two basses' (Byrd)
Fantasia II a 3 (Byrd)
Fantasia II a 6 (Byrd)
Fantasia III a 3 (Byrd)
Fantasia III a 4 (Byrd)
Fantasia III a 6 'To the vyolls' (Byrd)
Fantasia No 1 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 10 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 11 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 12 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 13 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 14 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 15 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 16 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 17 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 2 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 3 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 4 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 5 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 6 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 7 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 8 (Jenkins)
Fantasia No 9 (Jenkins)
Fantasia Suite in A minor (Jenkins)
Fantasia Suite in C major (Jenkins)
Fantasia Suite in D major (Jenkins)
Fantasia Suite in E minor (Jenkins)
Fantasia Suite in F major for 2 violins, 2 bass viols and continuo (Jenkins)
Fantasia Suite in F major for 3 violins, bass viols and continuo (Jenkins)
Fantasias a 3 (Gibbons)
Fantasias a 3 'for great double bass' (Gibbons)
Fantasias a 4 'for the great double bass' (Gibbons)
Fantasies a 5 (Lupo)
Fantasies a 6 (Lupo)
Fantasies and Airs a 3 (Lupo)
Fantasies and Airs a 4 (Lupo)
Fantasy a 3 No 1 (Gibbons)
Fantasy a 3 No 2 (Gibbons)
Fantasy a 3 No 3 (Gibbons)
Fantasy a 3 No 4 (Gibbons)
Fantasy a 5 No 4 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy a 6 No 4 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy for horn, Op 88 (Arnold)
Fantasy for oboe, Op 90 (Arnold)
Fantasy No 1 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 1 in G major (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 10 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 10 in E minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 11 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 11 in G minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 12 in A minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 12 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 13 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 14 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 15 in D major (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 16 in D major (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 17 in C major (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 2 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 2 in G minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 3 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 3 in G minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 5 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 5 in G minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 6 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 6 in G minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 7 in A minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 7 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 8 in A minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 8 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 9 in C minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy No 9 in D minor (Jenkins)
Fantasy Trio (Lloyd Webber)
Far in a western brookland
Farewell, all joys, Z368 (Purcell)
Farewell, ye rocks, ye seas and sands, Z463 (Purcell)
Fear not
Festival Suite, Op 97 (Milford)
Find only joy
Fire & flow (Wright)
Fivatak (Prokofiev)
Five Bagatelles (Elias)
Five Short Pieces (Tippett)
Flute Sonata in A minor 'Halle Sonata No 1', HWV374 (Handel)
Flute Sonata in B minor 'Halle Sonata No 3', HWV376 (Handel)
Flute Sonata in B minor, HWV367b (Handel)
Flute Sonata in D major, HWV378 (Handel)
Flute Sonata in E minor 'Halle Sonata No 2', HWV375 (Handel)
Flute Sonata in E minor, HWV359b (Handel)
Flute Sonata in E minor, HWV379 (Handel)
Flute Sonata in G major, HWV363b (Handel)
Flute Sonata, Op 121 (Arnold)
Flute Sonatina, Op 19 (Arnold)
Flux (Long)
Fly swift, ye hours, Z369 (Purcell)
Folk music 'Daithi's dumka' (Cutler)
For His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts (Locke/Roberts)
For His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts 'Pavane-Almand a 6' (Locke)
Forever (Witter-Johnson)
Fortuna (Wright)
Fortune my foe (Dowland)
Four in the morning
Four sketches (Jacob)
Fox-trot 'Old Sir Faulk'
Frensham Pond 'Aquarelle' (Lloyd Webber)
Frolic and free (Arne)
From Albert to Bapaume
From silent shades 'Bess of Bedlam', Z370 (Purcell)
From the famous peak of Derby (Johnson)
From Virgin's womb this day (Byrd)
Fugue in C major
Galliard – Coranto
Galliard (Philips)
Galliard (Simpson)
Galliard (Simpson)
Galliard (Simpson)
Galliard (Webster)
Galliard a 6 (Gibbons)
Galliard 'Coranto' (Bassano/Philips)
Galliard in B flat major after Bocquet (Webster)
Galliard, 1580 (Philips)
Gardener Janus catches a naiad
Gentle shepherds, you that know 'Pastoral Elegy on the Death of Mr John Playford', Z464 (Purcell)
Gharnati (Jones)
Glass (Fitkin)
Gloria Patri et Filio (Lawes)
Gloria Patri, qui creavit nos (Blow)
Gloriette (Hawes)
Go from my window (Gibbons)
Go, little book, Op 18 (Milford)
Go, perjur'd man, and if thou ere return 'The Curse' (Blow)
Golden friends
Goodbye (Jenkins/Thornton)
Graceful giants
Green into red (Prokofiev)
Grieving for the young prince
Ground in G minor (Blow)
Hackney (Woodcock)
Hadal Zone
Hambledon Hill (Souster)
Hark how the waken'd strings resound
Hark how the wild musicians sing, Z542 (Purcell)
Hark, Damon, hark, Z541 (Purcell)
He himself courts his own ruin, Z372 (Purcell)
Hears not my Phillis how the birds 'The Knotting Song', Z371 (Purcell)
Heartfelt (Panufnik)
Heigh ho holiday (Holborne)
Hejze Ino! Fijołecku leśny!
Help, Father Abraham! 'A Dialogue betwixt Dives and Abraham' (Blow)
Hence, ye profane, far hence, away!
Here's that rainy day (Van Heusen/Burke/Thornton)
Hevelspending (Long)
High on a throne of glitt'ring ore, Z465 (Purcell)
Holding (Simcock)
Honey-coloured cow, Op 3d (Gipps)
Hope (Chapman Campbell)
Hora Bessarabia (Panufnik)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Gibbons)
How delightful's the life of an innocent swain, Z373 (Purcell)
How dull were life, how hardly worth our care –
How I sigh when I think of the charms of my swain, Z374 (Purcell)
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord (Ward)
How pleasant is this flowery plain and grove!, Z543 (Purcell)
How vain the toils (Byrd)
Hunter's moon (Vinter)
I am
I came, I saw, and was undone 'The Thraldom', Z375 (Purcell)
I dreamt that tonight
I have a secret to tell
I love and I must 'Bell Barr', Z382 (Purcell)
I loved fair Celia, Z381 (Purcell)
I resolve against cringing and whining, Z386 (Purcell)
I sing because …
I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams, Z388 (Purcell)
I was not wearier (Lanier)
Ich stand in dunklen Träumen
Ich wandte mich, und sahe an alle
If (Nyman/Boothby)
If ever I more riches did desire, Z544 (Purcell)
If grief has any pow'r to kill, Z378 (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379a (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379b (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379c (Purcell)
If pray'rs and tears, Z380 (Purcell)
Ikon of Light (Tavener)
Illusion (Cooper)
Improvisation (Datta/Singh)
Improvisation (Ticciati/Barley)
Improvisation (Ticciati/Datta)
Improvisation No 2 (Barley/Joseph)
Improvisation No 3 (Barley/Joseph)
Improvisation No 7 (Barley/Joseph)
In Cloris all soft charms agree, Z384 (Purcell)
In crime and enmity they lie
In Damascus (Dove)
In memoriam (Williamson)
In nomine (Baldwin)
In nomine (Bryars)
In nomine a 4 (Taverner)
In nomine a 4 (Tye)
In nomine a 4 (Weelkes)
In nomine a 4 No 1 (Tallis)
In nomine a 4 No 2 (Tallis)
In nomine a 5 (Tye)
In nomine a 5 (Ward)
In nomine a 5 No 1 (Gibbons)
In nomine a 5 No 2 (Gibbons)
In nomine a 5 No 3 (Gibbons)
In nomine a 5 No 3 (Parsons)
In nomine a 6 (Tye)
In nomine a 6 No 1 (Ferrabosco Jr.)
In nomine a 6 No 1 (Ward)
In nomine a 6 No 2 (Ferrabosco Jr.)
In nomine a 6 No 2 (Ward)
In nomine a 7, Z747 (Purcell)
In nomine 'Beleve me' (Tye)
In nomine 'Blameles' (Tye)
In nomine 'Crye' (Tye)
In nomine 'Farewell my good I. forever' (Tye)
In nomine 'Follow me' (Tye)
In nomine 'Free from all' (Tye)
In nomine 'Howld fast' (Tye)
In nomine I a 4 (Byrd)
In nomine I a 5 (Weelkes)
In nomine 'I come' (Tye)
In nomine II a 4 (Byrd)
In nomine II a 5 (Weelkes)
In nomine II a 5 'On the sharp' (Byrd)
In nomine III a 5 (Byrd)
In nomine in 11/4 (Bull)
In nomine IV a 5 (Byrd)
In nomine IV a 7 (Parsons)
In nomine 'My deathe bedde' (Tye)
In nomine No 1 in G minor (Jenkins)
In nomine No 2 in E minor (Jenkins)
In Nomine Pavan (Strogers)
In nomine 'Rachell's weepinge' (Tye)
In nomine 'Re la re' (Tye)
In nomine 'Report' (Tye)
In nomine 'Round' (Tye)
In nomine 'Saye so' (Tye)
In nomine 'Seldom sene' (Tye)
In nomine 'Surrexit non est hic' (Tye)
In nomine through all the parts (Ferrabosco Jr.)
In nomine 'Trust' (Tye)
In nomine V a 5 (Byrd)
In nomine V a 7 (Parsons)
In nomine 'Weepe no more Rachell' (Tye)
In the ballroom
In the beginning, O Lord (Locke)
In the deserted garden among the crumbling walls
In the golden lightning
In the tube at Oxford Circus
In vain we dissemble, Z385 (Purcell)
Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas 'The Queen's Epicedium', Z383 (Purcell)
Incidental music for Thomas Shadwell's operatic version of Shakespeare's play The Tempest (Locke/Smith)
Informal dance (Fitkin)
Inside (Fitkin)
Into my heart an air that kills
Intrada (Simpson)
Introduction and Polonaise brillante in C major, Op 3 (Chopin/Bliss)
Invite to Eternity, Op 31 (Venables)
Irish Tenebrae (Bingham)
Is it August yet? (Warren)
Is my team ploughing?
Jenny 'An Agreeable Musical Choice' (Arne)
Jesu fili Dei (Smert/Trouluffe)
Jodelling song
Jo's theme (Dale)
Joyne hands (Morley)
Kaleidoscope (Davis)
Kashmiri song
Kato's revenge (Ozone/Carrington)
Kintamani (Wright)
Kintha dance
Kumpo (Anon/ensemblebash)
La montagne
La Verità nell'Inganno (Caldara/Matteis Jr./Chandler)
La ville: Cancan macabre
Lachrimae (Dowland)
Lachrimae Amantis
Lachrimae to the Consort (Dowland/Morley)
Lachrimae Tristes
Lachrymae, Op 48a (Britten)
Lacus doloris 'Lake of sorrows'
Lady be good (Gershwin/Gershwin/Thornton)
Lady Hunsdon's Almaine (Dowland)
Lady in the red hat (Nyman)
Lament for a Bulgarian dancing bear
L'après-midi d'un dinosaur
Largo (Erskine)
Lawdes Deo (Tye)
Lazy bones 'Up a lazy river' (Carmichael/Arodin/Thornton)
Les champs
Les douze Noëls (Daquin/Wright)
Les eaux
Les lilas (Wright)
Lessons for 1, 2 & 3 viols (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Let each gallant heart, Z390 (Purcell)
Let formal lovers still pursue, Z391 (Purcell)
Let God arise (Locke)
Let God arise (Ward)
Let us, kind Lesbia, give away, Z466 (Purcell)
Letter 1
Letters from Burma (Panufnik)
Liebst du um Schönheit
Lieder und Gesänge IV, Op 96 (Schumann/Bliss)
Lieux retrouvés (Adès)
Light (Cooper)
Lines written in autumn
L'innominata (Elias)
Llwybrau Cân 'Paths of Song' (Metcalf)
LM-7: Aquarius (Jackson)
Lonely and bare and desolate
Long steel grass
Loosening (Fitkin)
Lord Hay's Masque (Campion)
Lord Kelly's Reel (Erskine)
Lord Souch his Galliard (Dowland)
Lord, in thy wrath (Lawes)
Lord, to thee I make my moan (Byrd)
Love arms himself in Celia's eyes, Z392 (Purcell)
Love is now become a trade, Z393 (Purcell)
Love, thou can'st hear, tho' thou art blind, Z396 (Purcell)
Loveliest of Trees
Lovely Albina's come ashore, Z394 (Purcell)
Love's pow'r in my heart shall find no compliance, Z395 (Purcell)
Ludlow and Teme (Gurney)
Lulla, lulla la, lulla, lullaby
Lullabie (Holborne)
Lullaby for Jumbo
Lullaby in valley green (Cooper)
Lullaby 'My sweet little baby' (Byrd)
L'ultimo balleto: Aria per li Mascari
Lunar seas (Painter)
Lux aurumque (Whitacre/Burgess)
Lyra Consort in C major 'The Six Bells' (Jenkins)
Lyra Consort in G major (Jenkins)
M John Langton Pavan (Dowland)
M. Buctons Galiard
Madam and her Madam
Madam Noy (Bliss)
Madame Mouse trots
Man is a watch, wound up at first
Many a girl of the south is white and lucent
Many years (Tavener)
Mapping Wales (Metcalf)
Marche funèbre d'une marionnette (Gounod/Perkins)
Mare anguis 'Serpent sea'
Mass for four voices (Byrd)
Meat in Thy Hall: Tempo di menuetto, in strict time throughout
Medley (Morricone/Friend)
Mein schöner Stern!
Memento (MacMillan)
Memory fields (Prokofiev)
Mercury and Nature in the Elysian Fields (Locke)
Mettle (Wright)
Miles beyond (McLaughlin)
Milonga azure (Lynch)
Mine eye (Panufnik)
Minnespiel, Op 101 (Schumann/Bliss)
Minuet (Finnissy)
Miri it is – Estampie (Anon/Wishart)
Miserere a 4 (Byrd)
Mistresse Nichols Almand
Mobocracy (Prokofiev)
Moonglade in jet black (Cooper)
Moonglow (DeLange/Hudson/Mills/Thornton)
Moonlit night
Moonmoons (Meredith)
Mopti Street (Limbrick)
Mount up, my soul (Ward)
Mourn no moe (Warlock)
Move now with measured sound (Campion)
Mrs Winter's Jump (Dowland)
Much Ado About Nothing (Arne)
Mulberry Cottage (Lloyd Webber)
Music after a while (Nyman)
Music, thou queen of heaven
Music's the cordial of a troubled breast
Musing on cares of human fate, Z467 (Purcell)
Muza 'The muse'
My gaze is ever upon you (Tavener)
My gostly fader (Warlock)
My heart, whenever you appear, Z399 (Purcell)
My lady is a pretty one (Warlock)
My Lagan love
My little sweet darling (Warlock)
Myn hertis lust (Bedyngham)
Mystic Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Nacht und Träume, D827 (Schubert/Isserlis)
Naked I lie in the green forest of summer
Near a thick grove, whose deep embow'ring shade
Nie ma czego trzeba 'Faded and vanished', Op 74 No 13 (Chopin/Isserlis)
No more sorrow (Barnes)
No time in eternity (Nyman)
No, to what purpose should I speak?, Z468 (Purcell)
Nocturne in E flat major, Op 9 No 2 (Chopin/Bliss)
Not all my torments can your pity move, Z400 (Purcell)
Now each flowery bank of May (Gibbons)
Now hath Flora robbed her bowers (Campion)
Now thank we all our God
O Albion
O dear life, when may it be (Byrd)
O God my strength and fortitude (Lawes)
O God that guides the cheerful sun (Byrd)
O Lord, in thee is all my trust (Lawes)
O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not (Gibbons)
O lux beata Trinitas (Tye)
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell)
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell/Boothby)
O that most rare breast (Byrd)
O Tod, wie bitter bist du
Oboe Quartet, Op 61 (Arnold)
Oboe Quintet (Elias)
Oboe Sonata in B flat major, HWV357 (Handel)
Oboe Sonata in C minor, HWV366 (Handel)
Oboe Sonata in F major, HWV363a (Handel)
Oboe Sonatina, Op 28 (Arnold)
October (Whitacre/Bliss/Burgess)
October (Whitacre/Burgess)
Of all the girls that are so smart
Of the Inns of Court Masque (Lawes)
Oh! weep for those (Nathan/Isserlis)
Oh! what a scene does entertain my sight, Z506 (Purcell)
Oh, fair Cedaria, hide those eyes, Z402 (Purcell)
Olinda in the shades unseen, Z404 (Purcell)
On song (Metcalf)
On the brow of Richmond Hill, Z405 (Purcell)
On the city street
On the idle hill of summer
Ono no komachi (Wright)
Other Love Songs (Hough)
Ourania (Cooper)
Out of the orient, crystal skies (Byrd)
Out of time (Dove)
Ouverture: Largo – Presto – Adagio – Presto
Overture in B flat major 'The maid of the mill' (Erskine)
Overture in C major, Op 1 No 2 (Erskine)
Overture-Suite in D major (Brescianello/Chandler)
Paduan (Dowland)
Paduan (Simpson)
Paduana (Simpson)
Paget Pavan and Galliard (Philips)
Paratum cor meum, Deus (Blow)
Paris Fanfare (Patterson)
Part of the King's Masque 'Sinfony' (Lawes)
Parts upon a ground (Purcell/Ashton)
Pasameza (Simpson)
Passamezzo Pavan (Philips)
Past three o'clock (Anon/Harvey)
Pastoral (Bliss)
Pastoral reflections (Prokofiev)
Pastora's beauties when unblown, Z407 (Purcell)
Pavan – Coranto
Pavan (Farmer)
Pavan (Holborne)
Pavan (Philips)
Pavan a 6 (Gibbons)
Pavan and Galliard (Bassano/Philips)
Pavan and Galliard (Morley/Philips)
Pavan and Galliard a 5 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard a 6 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard in F (Philips)
Pavan in A major, Z748 (Purcell)
Pavan in A minor, Z749 (Purcell)
Pavan in B flat major, Z750 (Purcell)
Pavan in C major (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Pavan in D minor (Jenkins)
Pavan in E minor (Jenkins)
Pavan in F major (Jenkins)
Pavan in G minor (Ives)
Pavan in G minor, Z751 (Purcell)
Pavan 'Lord Salisbury' (Gibbons)
Pavan No 1 in G major (Jenkins)
Pavan No 2 in G minor (Jenkins)
Pavan No 3 (Weelkes)
Pavan No 3 in F major (Jenkins)
Pavan on Susanna un jour (Lupo/Lassus)
Pavan, 1580 (Philips)
Pavans a 3 (Lupo)
Pawn (Fitkin)
Peace (Chapman Campbell)
Peascod time 'The hunt's up' (Gibbons)
Perseus (Bray)
Phillis, I can ne'er forgive it, Z408 (Purcell)
Phillis, talk no more of passion, Z409 (Purcell)
Phos I
Piano Quartet (Walton)
Piano Quintet (Adès)
Piano Quintet (Dove)
Piano Sonata in C sharp minor 'Moonlight', Op 27 No 2 (Beethoven/Bowen)
Piano Trio in G major 'Gypsy Rondo', Hob XV:25 (Haydn/Farrington)
Piano Trio, Op 54 (Arnold)
Pious Celinda goes to prayers, Z410 (Purcell)
Poor Celadon, he sighs in vain 'Loving above himself' (Blow)
Popular song
Pox on you for a fop (Purcell)
Praise the Lord, O my soul (Ward)
Praise the Lord, O my soule (Jeffreys)
Prayer is an endless chain
Prelude (Moeran)
Prelude 1
Prelude and Goodnight Ground a 5 (Byrd)
Prelude and Ground 'The Queen's Goodnight' (Byrd)
Private Joe (Panufnik)
Private Joe (Panufnik)
Private Joe (Panufnik)
Private Joe (Panufnik)
Promenade 'Walking the dog' (Gershwin/Wakefield)
Proportions to the minim (Baldwin)
Psycho Suite (Herrmann/Birchall)
Pushkin and Lermontov
Quemadmodum (Taverner)
Quintet movement in B flat major, K516c (Mozart/Druce)
Raag Gezellig (Pitts)
Raise (for Z) (Wright)
Rashly I swore I would disown, Z411 (Purcell)
Recorder Sonata in A minor, HWV362 (Handel)
Recorder Sonata in B flat major, HWV377 (Handel)
Recorder Sonata in C major, HWV365 (Handel)
Recorder Sonata in D minor, HWV367a (Handel)
Recorder Sonata in F major, HWV369 (Handel)
Recorder Sonata in G minor, HWV360 (Handel)
Recover (Wright)
Recur (Fitkin)
Reflessivo (Prokofiev)
Reflexionem (Hawes)
Rejoice unto the Lord (Byrd)
Resolve (Wright)
Rhapsody (Bliss)
Ricercar (Simpson)
Ricercar on Bonny sweet Robin (Simpson)
Rimfire (Montague)
Rorate caeli desuper (Bevan Baker)
Rory Dall’s sister’s lament (Ó Catháin)
Rout (Bliss)
Royal Consort Set 1 in D minor (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 10 in B flat major (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 2 in D minor (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 3 in D minor (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 4 in D major (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 5 in D major (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 6 in D major (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 7 in A minor (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 8 in C major (Lawes)
Royal Consort Set 9 in F major (Lawes)
Rubum quem (Tye)
Rumpole of the Bailey (Horovitz)
Russian Funeral (Britten)
Sacred End Pavan and Galliard (Morley)
Sad colours 1 (Prokofiev)
Said King Pompey
Sally in our alley (Carey)
Salome. Suite (Lambert)
Salvator mundi, salva nos (Blow)
Saraband from 'Little Consort' Suite in G minor (Locke)
Sati (Wright)
Sawney is a bonny lad, Z412 (Purcell)
Scarce had the rising sun appear'd, Z469 (Purcell)
Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV36 (Bach/Roberts)
Scotch rhapsody
Scottish Dance (Brade/McGowan)
Sea Dances (Davis)
Sechs Lieder, Op 13 (Schumann/Bliss)
Second Dirge Anthem – Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts, Z58b (Morley/Purcell)
Second home (Panufnik)
See how the fading glories of the year, Z470 (Purcell)
See where she sits 'Weeping', Z508 (Purcell)
Seek out light
Sein Lauf kam von Vater her
Semper Dowland semper dolens
Septet (Metcalf)
Serenade: Morning dew
Serenata for wind sextet (Reade)
Sermone blando a 3 (Byrd)
Sermone blando II a 4 (Byrd)
Servant (Fitkin)
Set in D minor (Lawes)
Seven come eleven (Goodman/Christian/Thornton)
Sextet, Op 47 (Berkeley)
Shard (Fitkin)
She is a southern girl of Chang-kan Town
She loves and she confesses too, Z413 (Purcell)
She that would gain a faithful lover, Z414 (Purcell)
She, a Tung-yang girl, stands barefoot on the bank
She, who my poor heart possesses, Z415 (Purcell)
Sheik of Araby (Synder/Smith/Wheeler/Thornton)
Sheikh Zayed's parade (Marsh)
Sigh no more, ladies
Simon, son of John
Since one poor view has drawn my heart, Z416 (Purcell)
Since the pox, or the plague, Z471 (Purcell)
Sinfonietta, Op 1 (Britten)
Sinfony (Lawes)
Sing, ye muses 'Epilogue' (Blow)
Sir Beelzebub
Sir George Whitehead his Almaine (Dowland)
Sir Henry Guilford his Almaine (Dowland)
Sir Henry Umptons Funerall
Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall (Dowland)
Sir John Smith his Almaine (Dowland)
Sir John Souch his Galiard
Sir Thomas Collier his Galliard (Dowland)
Sit fast (Tye)
Six morceaux, Op 19 (Tchaikovsky/Langley)
Sleep (Whitacre/Burgess)
Slip-stream (Skempton)
Slow (Fitkin)
Small talk
Smert 'Death'
So ys emprinted (Frye)
Soft notes and gently raised 'A Serenading Song', Z510 (Purcell)
Soft winds (Goodman/Royal/Thornton)
Solo in E major (Arne)
Some of the silence (Tann)
Something lies beyond the scene
Somewhere (Bernstein/Friend)
Sonata a violino solo (Clerk)
Sonata for harpsichord and flute (Bird)
Sonata for oboe and piano (Howells)
Sonata in A major (Blow)
Sonata in A major (Linley Jr.)
Sonata in A major, BWV1032 (Bach/Beznosiuk)
Sonata in A minor 'F-A-E' (Brahms/Bliss)
Sonata in A minor, Op 2 No 3 (Jackson)
Sonata in D major, Op 94 (Prokofiev/Bliss)
Sonata in D minor (Glinka/Bliss)
Sonata in D minor, Op 1 No 1 (Gibbs)
Sonata in D minor, Op 1 No 11 (Bocchi)
Sonata in D, Op 4 No 4 (Herschel)
Sonata in G (Croft)
Sonata in G minor 'No 8', HWV393 (Handel)
Sonata No 1 in B flat major, HWV380 (Handel)
Sonata No 1 in B minor, Z802 (Purcell)
Sonata No 1 in G minor (Hely)
Sonata No 1 in G minor, Z790 (Purcell)
Sonata No 10 in A major, Z799 (Purcell)
Sonata No 10 in D major, Z811 (Purcell)
Sonata No 11 in F minor, Z800 (Purcell)
Sonata No 12 in D major, Z801 (Purcell)
Sonata No 12 in F major, Op 1 (Handel/Ashton)
Sonata No 2 in B flat major, Z791 (Purcell)
Sonata No 2 in D minor, HWV381 (Handel)
Sonata No 2 in E flat major, Z803 (Purcell)
Sonata No 3 in A minor, Z804 (Purcell)
Sonata No 3 in D minor, Z792 (Purcell)
Sonata No 3 in E flat major, HWV382 (Handel)
Sonata No 4 in D minor, Z805 (Purcell)
Sonata No 4 in F major, HWV383 (Handel)
Sonata No 4 in F major, Z793 (Purcell)
Sonata No 5 in A minor, Z794 (Purcell)
Sonata No 5 in G major, HWV384 (Handel)
Sonata No 5 in G minor, Z806 (Purcell)
Sonata No 6 in C major, Z795 (Purcell)
Sonata No 6 in D major, HWV385 (Handel)
Sonata No 6 in G minor, Z807 (Purcell)
Sonata No 7 in C major, Z808 (Purcell)
Sonata No 7 in E minor, Z796 (Purcell)
Sonata No 8 in G major, Z797 (Purcell)
Sonata No 8 in G minor, Z809 (Purcell)
Sonata No 9 in C minor, Z798 (Purcell)
Sonata No 9 in F major, Z810 (Purcell)
Songs in time of war (Roth)
Songs of love (Todd)
Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (Dowland)
Sound asleep (McGarr)
Southerne's Pavan and Galliard (Morley)
Spite of the godhead, pow'rful love, Z417 (Purcell)
Spring scene in time of war
Stay with me, Lord (Todd)
Stay, gentle Echo, dear nymph, stay 'A Dialogue between Philander and the Echo' (Blow)
Stille Tränen
Storm Surge
String (Fitkin)
String Quartet (Berkeley)
String Quartet (Elias)
String Quartet in A major (Erskine)
String Quartet in A minor (Walton)
String Quartet in B flat major (Marsh)
String Quartet in C minor (Erskine)
String Quartet in C minor, Op 3 No 6 (Shield)
String Quartet in E flat major (Wesley)
String Quartet No 1 (Gunning)
String Quartet No 1 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 11 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 12 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 13 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 14 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 15 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 2 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 2 in A major, Op 68 (Shostakovich/Morton)
String Quartet No 2 in F minor (Bliss)
String Quartet No 2 'On the streets and in the sky' (Dove)
String Quartet No 3 (MacMillan)
String Quartet No 3 (McCabe)
String Quartet No 3 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 3, Op 94 (Britten)
String Quartet No 4 (McCabe)
String Quartet No 4 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 4 (Williams)
String Quartet No 5 (McCabe)
String Quartet No 5 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 6 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 7 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 8 (Simpson)
String Quartet No 9 (Simpson)
String Quartet, Op 32 (Venables)
String Quintet (Simpson)
String Quintet No 2 (Simpson)
String Trio (Berkeley)
String Trio (Simpson)
Suite for organ, violin and cello, Op 149 (Rheinberger/Carey)
Suite for percussion quintet (Simcock)
Suite for piano (Bevan Baker)
Suite from Brundibár (Krása/Matthews)
Suite from the play The Twin Rivals (Croft)
Suite in A minor (Jones)
Suite in C major (Ives)
Suite in F major (Gorton)
Suite in G minor (Ives)
Suite in G minor (Locke)
Suite of Brawls in B flat (Locke)
Suzanna (Dowland)
Sweet the merry bells ring round
Sylvia, now your scorn give over, Z420 (Purcell)
Sylvia, 'tis true you're fair, Z512 (Purcell)
Symphony No 2 in C minor (Bruckner/Payne)
Symphony No 41 in C major 'Jupiter', K551 (Mozart/Clementi)
Tango (Davis)
Tango (Nyman)
Te Deum (Todd)
Te lucis a 4 (Byrd)
Tears (Chapman Campbell)
Tears of the Angels (Tavener)
Temporal Variations (Britten)
That we may love again
The angry steed, the fife and drum invite
The Archer
The Art of Fugue, BWV1080 (Bach/Simpson)
The Art of Fugue, BWV1080 (Bach/Tovey/Simpson)
The aspens
The battle of Waterloo – The wee highland laddie (Anon/MacLeod)
The Blacksmith
The Bridal Chamber (Tavener)
The Broken Consort I (Locke)
The Broken Consort II (Locke)
The Bull Masque (Bull)
The Cadua (Bateman)
The call (Hawes)
The Call of Wisdom (Todd)
The city's love
The committee meeting
The cradle (Holborne)
The crying of the women at the slaughter
The Curlew (Warlock)
The definition of beauty
The Desert Island (Arne)
The Earle of Essex Galiard
The elements (Davis)
The Fairest May (Warlock)
The Fancy
The far country
The fatal hour comes on apace, Z421 (Purcell)
The First Pavan and Galliard (Byrd)
The First Set of Psalmes of III Voyces (Child)
The Flat Consort Suite No 1 in C minor (Locke)
The Flat Consort Suite No 2 in B flat major (Locke)
The Flat Consort Suite No 3 in D minor (Locke)
The Flat Consort Suite No 4 in B flat major (Locke)
The Flat Consort Suite No 5 in A minor (Locke)
The Four Quarters (Adès)
The glittering plain (Lawson)
The glittering sun begins to rise
The grass of Yen is growing green and long
The head of brass (Reynolds)
The humble suite of a sinner 'O Lord, of whom I do depend' (Lawes)
The intruder
The Judgment of Paris or the Prize Music (Eccles)
The kind appointment Celia made
The King of Denmarks Galiard
The King of Denmark's Health (Hume)
The lads in their hundreds to Ludlow come in for the fair
The last galop
The Last Song or Valediction (Lawes)
The Lent Lily
The letter
The Little Consort Suite No 1 in G minor (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 10 in D minor (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 2 in C major (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 3 in D minor (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 4 in B flat major (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 5 in E minor (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 6 in F major (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 7 in G minor (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 8 in A minor (Locke)
The Little Consort Suite No 9 in B flat major (Locke)
The long-departed lover
The Lord is my shepherd
The lover's recantation (Arne)
The man from a far countree
The Melancholy Nymph
The moon for her (Garland)
The Morning (Arne)
The Most High and Mightie Christianus the fourth King of Denmarke, his Galliard (Dowland)
The Moth Requiem (Birtwistle)
The Mourners
The Musick att the Bath (Banister)
The New-Yeares Gift (Holborne)
The octogenarian
The old cypress tree at the temple of Zhu-ge Liang
The old woman of Beare (Alcorn)
The Passymeasures Galliard (Danyel)
The Pastor
The Prince's Alman (Johnson)
The Prince's Coranto (Johnson)
The Princes Courant (Sherly)
The puffer fish
The Renaissance Suite (Cooper)
The Ringers
The road to Sligo
The Royal Eurostar (Patterson)
The Royall Consort (Lawes)
The ruin of the Ku-Su palace
The sailor boy
The salley gardens (Anon/Britten/Siem)
The Satyrs Dance (Johnson)
The Shoemaker's Wife 'A Toy' (Dowland)
The silver swan (Gibbons)
The silver swan (Gibbons/Lidström)
The sinking of the Titanic (Bryars)
The Six Bells
The sparkling heavens (Todd)
The Staircase Overture in B flat (Purcell)
The Starwatcher
The sun at noon to higher air
The swan (Kaner-Lidström)
The Sword in the Stone (Britten)
The Swordsman
The Tempest (Johnson)
The Temporiser (Johnson)
The twenty-fifth hour
The Virgin
The Virgin's Muse (Hume)
The visitor
The Wagge (Ives)
The wake: Round the house and Mind the dresser
The watch
The water in the mirror lake
The Western Playland (Gurney)
The What d'ye Call it? (Handel)
The white owl
The Witches' Dance (Johnson)
The Witty Wanton (Johnson)
The Women of Yueh (Bliss)
The World (Tavener)
Ther is no rose of swych vertu. Instrumental realization (Anon/Wishart)
These visions did appear … (Boden)
They meet in the pink dust of the city street
They say you're angry, Z422 (Purcell)
Things are uncertain and the more we get
This is a joyful, happy holy day (Ward)
This is the day
This poet sings the Trojan wars 'Anacreon's Defeat', Z423 (Purcell)
Thou soft flowing Avon
Thoughts while travelling at night
Three Dances (Norris)
Three Fantastic Pieces (Head)
Three Pieces, Op 28 (Howells)
Three Romances, Op 22 (Schumann/Bliss)
Three Scherzi (Elias)
Through gilded trellises
Through mournful shades and solitary groves, Z424 (Purcell)
Thy Bin of Wine: Adagio – Allegro
Tidal warning (Witter-Johnson)
Tide Harmonic (Talbot)
'Tis spring; come out to ramble
To a skylark (Cooper)
To music
To shorten winter's sadnesse (Weelkes)
To Wei Ba, who has lived away from the court
Tokyo '81 (Wright)
Touch (Fitkin)
Trio Sonata in B minor, HWV386b (Handel)
Trio Sonata in C major, BWV529 (Bach/King)
Trio Sonata in C minor, BWV526 (Bach/King)
Trio Sonata in D minor, BWV527 (Bach/King)
Trio Sonata in E flat major, BWV525 (Bach/King)
Trio Sonata in E minor, BWV528 (Bach/King)
Trio Sonata in F major, HWV389 (Handel)
Trio Sonata in G major, BWV530 (Bach/King)
Trio Sonata No 5 in E major (Erskine)
Trio Sonata No 6 in G major (Erskine)
Triptych (Bevan Baker)
Trisagion (Tavener)
Trisagion I
True love (Dale)
'Twas when the seas were roaring
Twice a week
Untitled instrument piece (Anon/Wishart)
Upon In nomine (Baldwin)
Upon my lap my sovereign sits (Peerson)
Urge me no more, Z426 (Purcell)
Ut re mi fa sol la (Parsons)
Vanishing (Cooper)
Vanishing gold (Dove)
Variations on Adeste fideles in A major (Webbe Jr.)
Venezia notturno
VENT (Fitkin)
Venus in sunlight grey (Cooper)
Vermilion Rhapsody (Dudley)
Vier ernste Gesänge, Op 121 (Brahms/Bliss)
Vika (Joseph)
Viola Sonata, Op 17 (Arnold)
Violin Sonata in A major, HWV361 (Handel)
Violin Sonata in D major, HWV371 (Handel)
Violin Sonata in D minor, HWV359a (Handel)
Violin Sonata in G major, HWV358 (Handel)
Violin Sonata in G minor, HWV364a (Handel)
Violin Sonata in G minor, HWV364b (Handel)
Violin Sonata No 3 in A minor, WoO27 (Schumann/Isserlis)
Virtue (Panufnik)
Wake: the silver dusk returning
Water Dances (Nyman)
Water party
We ask our father why
We know this story well
We reap all the pleasures, Z547 (Purcell)
Weep no more, nor sigh, nor groan
Weep you no more (Dowland)
Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen redete
What a sad fate is mine, Z428a (Purcell)
What hope for us remains now he is gone?, Z472 (Purcell)
What tho' his guilt
When David Heard that Absalon was Slain (East)
When first my shepherdess and I, Z431 (Purcell)
When her languishing eyes said 'Love!', Z432 (Purcell)
When I have passed
When I was one-and-twenty
When my Aemelia smiles, Z434 (Purcell)
When smoke stood up from Ludlow
When Strephon found his passion vain, Z435 (Purcell)
Where am I?
Where the blind and wanton boy (Byrd)
While Thirsis, wrapp'd in downy sleep, Z437 (Purcell)
Whilst Cynthia sung, all angry winds lay still, Z438 (Purcell)
Whilst on Septimnius's panting breast 'Septimnius and Acme, Ode from Catullus' (Blow)
Who but a slave can well express, Z440 (Purcell)
Who can behold Florella's charms?, Z441 (Purcell)
Who likes to love (Byrd)
Why (Nyman/Boothby)
Why stays the bridegroom to invade (Ferrabosco Jr.)
Wilt thou go with me, sweet maid?
Wind Sextet (Britten)
Winding wind (Garland)
With a man of leisure
With B.E.F. June 10. Dear Wife
With rue my heart is laden
Without the sweets of melody
Wonder (Chapman Campbell)
Woo her, and win her (Campion)
Ye happy swains, whose nymphs are kind, Z443 (Purcell)
Ye holy angels bright
Ye sacred Muses (Byrd)
Yonder the mountain flowers are out
You have seen the house built (Todd)
You meaner beauties of the night (East)
Young birds outside cages
Young Thirsis' fate, Z473 (Purcell)
Zarabanda solitaria (Lord)
Zoroastre (Rameau/Bennett)
Zwölf Gedichte aus 'Liebesfrühling', Op 12 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Gedichte von Justinus Kerner, Op 35 (Schumann/Bliss)
Zwölf Vierhändige Clavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder, Op 85 (Schumann/Bliss)
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