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Adam de la Halle (1245/50-1285/8)
Habington, William (1605-1654)
Hafiz (1315-1390)
Hagedorn, Friedrich von (1708-1754)
Hagen, Peter von (1569-1620)
Hagn, Charlotte von (1809-1891)
Hairston, Jester (1901-2000)
Halem, Gerhard Anton von (1752-1819)
Halévy, Ludovic (1833-1908)
Hall, Charles Francis (1821-1871)
Hall, Dr Joseph (1574-1656)
Hall, Henry (c1656-1707)
Hall, John (1627-1656)
Hall, Martin (?-?)
Hall, Owen (1853-1907)
Hall, William John (1793-1861)
Halm, Friedrich (1806-1871)
Hamann, Ludwig (1867-1929)
Hamburger, Michael (1924-2007)
Hamill, Sam (b1943)
Hamilton, Arthur (b1926)
Hamilton, Newburgh (fl1712-1759)
Hammerstein, Oscar (1895-1960)
Hammond, A (fl1694-1694)
Hampel, Michael (b?)
Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)
Hanka, Václav (1791-1861)
Hannon, Neil (b1970)
Hapgood, Isabel (1851-1928)
Haraucourt, Edmond (1856-1941)
Harbach, Otto (1873-1963)
Harburg, Edgar Yipsel (1896-1981)
Hardenberg, Friedrich von (1772-1801)
Hardy, Henry Ernest (1869-1946)
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)
Harington, Henry (1727-1816)
Harnick, Sheldon (b1924)
Harold, Baron Edmund von (1737-1808)
Harper, Celia (b1945)
Harper, Roy (b1941)
Harris, Frank Clifford (1875-1949)
Harris, James (1709-1780)
Harsent, David (b1942)
Hart, Fritz (1874-1949)
Hart, Heinrich (1855-1906)
Hart, Lorenz (1895-1943)
Harte, Bret (1836-1902)
Hartwig, Julia (b?)
Harvey, Andrew (b1952)
Harvey, Frederick William (1888-1957)
Harvey, Jonathan (1939-2012)
Hasenclever, Sophie (1824-1892)
Hashimoto, Miyako (?-?)
Hatch, Edwin (1835-1889)
Haugwitz, Paul von (1791-1856)
Havergal, William Henry (1793-1870)
Hawes, Andrew (b?)
Hay, George Campbell (1915-1984)
Haym, Nicola Francesco (1678-1729)
Heap, Imogen (b1977)
Hebbel, Christian Friedrich (1813-1863)
Heber, Bishop Reginald (1783-1826)
Hedberg, Tor (1862-1931)
Hedge, Frederic Henry (1805-1890)
Heermann, Johann (1585-1647)
Hegenwalt, Erhard (fl1525-1525)
Héguin de Guerle, Charles (?-?)
Heidenreich, David Elias (1638-1688)
Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856)
Heineccius, Johann Michael (1674-1722)
Heinrich der tugendhafte Schreiber (fl1208-1228)
Helbig, Johann Friedrich (1680-1722)
Helds, Juris (b1942)
Helene of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Princess (1814-1858)
Hell, Theodor (1775-1856)
Helmbold, Ludwig (1532-1598)
Helminski, Kabir (b?)
Hemans, Felicia (1793-1835)
Henckell, Karl Friedrich (1864-1929)
Henley, A (?-?)
Henley, William Ernest (1849-1903)
Henry VI (1421-1471)
Henry VIII (1491-1547)
Hensel, Wilhelm (1794-1861)
Herberger, Valerius (1562-1627)
Herbert, George (1593-1633)
Herbert, Petrus (c1533-1571)
Herbert, R (fl1696-1696)
Herbert-Jones, Dora (?-?)
Herborn, E (?-?)
Herder, Johann Gottfried (1744-1803)
Heredia, José-María de (1842-1905)
Herloss, Karl (1804-1849)
Herman, Nikolaus (c1500-1561)
Hermann, Johannes (1515-1593)
Hermes, Johann Timotheus (1738-1821)
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674)
Herwegh, Georg (1817-1875)
Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962)
Heveningham, Henry (1651-1700)
Hewitt, Angela (b1958)
Hewson, Paul David (b1960)
Heyduk, Adolf (1835-1923)
Heyman, Edward (1907-1981)
Heyse, Paul (1830-1914)
Heyward, DuBose (1885-1940)
Heywood, Thomas (?1574-1641)
Higginson, Ella (1861-1940)
Hilarius, Ferdinand (1808-1889)
Hildegard of Bingen, Saint (1098-1179)
Hill, Geoffrey (b1932)
Hillyer, Robert Silliman (1895-1961)
Hilton, John (1565-?1609)
Hine, Stuart (1899-1989)
Hippocrates (c460BC-380BC)
Hisaishi, Joe (b1950)
Hitomaro, Kakinomoto no (c662-710)
Hoadly, John (1711-1776)
Hodenberg, Bodo von (1604-1650)
Hodgson, Ralph (1871-1962)
Hoffman, François-Benoît (1760-1828)
Hoffman, William M (b1939)
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich (1798-1874)
Hoffmann, Heinrich (fl1845-1845)
Hofmann, Georg von (1771-1845)
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (1874-1929)
Hogg, James (1770-1835)
Hohenlohe-Waldenburg, Thérèse von (1817-1895)
Holden, Molly (1927-1981)
Hölderlin, Friedrich (1770-1843)
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc (b?)
Holland, Henry Scott (1847-1918)
Hollingdale, Reginald John (1930-2001)
Holmès, Augusta (1847-1903)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894)
Holowell, Sonya (b?)
Holst, Gustav (1874-1934)
Hölty, Ludwig (1748-1776)
Homburg, Ernst Christoph (1607-1681)
Hood, Thomas (1799-1845)
Hope, Laurence (1865-1904)
Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889)
Hopkins, John (fl1561-1561)
Hopkins, John Henry (1820-1891)
Hopper, Nora (1871-1906)
Hopwood, Aubrey (1863-1917)
Hort, Fenton John Anthony (1828-1892)
Horváth, P (?-?)
Houghton, Frank (1894-1972)
Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord (1809-1885)
Housman, Alfred Edward (1859-1936)
How, Bishop William Walsham (1823-1897)
Howard, B (fl1693-1693)
Howard, Sir Robert (1626-1698)
Howe, John (fl1684-1684)
Howell, Thomas (fl1568-1581)
Hoyle, Richard (1875-1939)
Huber, Franz Xaver (1755-1809)
Hubert, Konrad (1507-1577)
Hudson, William Henry (1841-1922)
Hughes, Bernard (b1974)
Hughes, Henry (c1602-c1652)
Hughes, John (1677-1720)
Hughes, John Ceiriog (1832-1887)
Hughes, Langston (1902-1967)
Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)
Hull, Eleanor (1860-1935)
Hull, Thomas (1728-1808)
Hultman Löfvendahl, Annika (b1956)
Hume, Tobias (?c1579-1645)
Hummelauer, Franz von (?-?)
Humphreys, Samuel (c1697-1738)
Hunnis, Christopher (?-?)
Hunnis, William (d1597)
Hunt, James Henry Leigh (1784-1859)
Hunter, Anne (1742-1821)
Huon de St Quentin (fl1210-fl1230)
Hüttenbrenner, Heinrich (1799-1830)
Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963)
Hyde, Douglas (1862-1946)
Hyspa, Vincent (1865-1938)
St Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)
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