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Gontier de Soignies (dfl before 1220)
Matheus de Sancto Johanne (fl1365-?1389)
Morris, Francis St Vincent (1896-1917)
Richart de Semilli (fl1200-1200)
Saar, Ferdinand von (1833-1906)
Sacer, Gottfried Wilhelm (1635-1699)
Safar, Ali (b?)
Sagan, Françoise (1935-2004)
Saint-Félix, Théobald (?-?)
Saint-Georges, Jules-Henri de (1799-1875)
Saint-Saëns, Camille (1835-1921)
Saix Leon, Guillot de (1895-1964)
Salis-Seewis, Johann Gaudenz, Freiherr von (1762-1834)
Sallet, Friedrich von (1812-1843)
Salmon, Arthur Leslie (1865-1952)
Salus, Hugo (1866-1929)
Salvatori, Fausto (1870-1929)
Salvi, Antonio (1664-1724)
Salvini, Anton Maria (1653-1729)
Samain, Albert (1858-1900)
Sams, Jeremy (b1957)
Sandys, George (1578-1644)
Sansom, Clive (1910-1981)
Santo-Mango, N di (?-?)
Sanvido, Leandro (?-?)
Sappho (630BC-?)
Sarcone, Michele (1732-1797)
Sarson, May (?-?)
Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-1967)
Sätherberg, Herman (1812-1897)
Satie, Erik (1866-1925)
Sauser-Hall, Frédéric (1887-1961)
Sauter, Samuel Friedrich (1766-1846)
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Saward, Michael (b1932)
Saxton, Robert (b1953)
Sayers, Dorothy L (1893-1957)
Sbarra, Francesco (1611-1668)
Scarfe, Francis (1911-1986)
Schaag, Katie
Schachtner, Johann Andreas (b?)
Schack, Adolf Friedrich von (1815-1894)
Schad, Christian (1821-1871)
Schäffer, Friedrich (1772-1800)
Schall, Johann Eberhard Friedrich (1742-1790)
Schalling, Martin (1532-1608)
Scheffler, Johann (1624-1677)
Schellenberg, Ernst Ludwig (1883-1964)
Schenkendorf, Maximilian von (1783-1817)
Scherenberg, Christian Friedrich (1798-1881)
Scherer, Georg (1828-1909)
Schikaneder, Emanuel (1751-1812)
Schiller, Friedrich von (1759-1805)
Schlaf, Johannes (1862-1941)
Schlechta, Franz Xaver von (1796-1875)
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767-1845)
Schlegel, Catharina von (1697-after 1768)
Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772-1829)
Schlippenbach, Albert, Graf von (1800-1886)
Schmidt von Lübeck, Georg Philipp (1766-1849)
Schmidt, Hans (1854-1923)
Schmidt, Klamer Eberhard Karl (1764-1824)
Schmolck, Benjamin (1672-1737)
Schneegaß, Cyriakus (1546-1597)
Schnitzer von Meerau, Kolumban (?-?)
Schober, Franz von (1796-1882)
Schöpff, Wilhelm (1826-1916)
Schorn, Henriette Wilhelmine Auguste von (1807-1869)
Schreiber, Aloys Wilhelm (1761-1841)
Schröer, Karl Julius (1825-1900)
Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel (1739-1791)
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Schücking, Clemens August (1759-1790)
Schulheim, Hiazinth Edler von (1815-1875)
Schulz, Eduard (1813-1842)
Schulze, Ernst (1789-1817)
Schumann, Felix (1854-1879)
Schumann, Marie (1841-1929)
Schumann, Robert (1810-1856)
Schuon, Catherine (b1924)
Schuon, Frithjof (1907-1998)
Schutte, Daniel L (b1947)
Schütz, Christian Wilhelm von (1776-1847)
Schütz, Johann Jakob (1640-1690)
Schwab, Gustav (1792-1850)
Schwabacher, Henri-Simon (1875-1937)
Schwartz, Arthur (1900-1984)
Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Ämilie Juliane von (1637-1706)
Scollard, Clinton (1860-1932)
Scott, A B (b?)
Scott, Geoffrey (1884-1929)
Scott, Robert Falcon (1868-1912)
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832)
Scott, Thomas (fl1695-1695)
Scottus, Sedulius (?-?)
Scriabin, Alexander (1872-1915)
Scribe, Eugène (1791-1861)
Scriven, Joseph Medlicott (1819-1886)
Sears, Edmund (1810-1876)
Secundus, Johannes (1511-1536)
Sedley, Sir Charles (c1639-1701)
Seferis, Giorgos (1900-1971)
Seidl, Johann Gabriel (1804-1875)
Selnecker, Nikolaus (1530-1592)
Semprevivo, Giacomo (?-?)
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (c4BC-65)
Senn, Johann Chrysostomos (1795-1857)
Serafino Aquilano (1466-1500)
Serre, Friederike (1800-1872)
Service, Robert William (1874-1958)
Seth, Vikram (b1952)
Settle, Elkanah (1648-1724)
Séverac, Déodat de (1872-1921)
Severyanin, Igor (1887-1941)
Seyboth, Sofie (?-?)
Seybt, Julius (?-?)
Shadwell, Thomas (1642-1692)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Shanks, Edward (1892-1953)
Sharp, Thomas (?-?)
Shchedrin, Rodion Konstantinovich (b1932)
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822)
Shenstone, William (1714-1763)
Shepherd, Katrina (b?)
Sheppard, Elizabeth (b?)
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816)
Sherman, Frank Dempster (1860-1916)
Sherman, Richard (1928-2024)
Sherman, Robert (1925-2012)
Shevchenko, Taras (1814-1861)
Shirley, James (1596-1666)
Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975)
Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
Sidney, Mary (1561-1621)
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586)
Siebel, Carl (1836-1868)
Siena, Bianco da (c1350-1399)
Silbert, Johann Petrus (1772-1884)
Silk, Dennis (?-?)
Silva y Valdés, Francisco (?-?)
Silvani, Francesco (c1660-c1725)
Silvestre, Armand (1837-1901)
Silvestri, Charles Anthony (b1965)
Silvestri, Julia Lawrence (1969-2005)
Simon, Paul (b1941)
Simpson, Robert (1921-1997)
Simrock, Karl Joseph (1802-1876)
Sitwell, Dame Edith (1887-1964)
Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell (1897-1988)
Skelton, John (1460-1529)
Skujenieks, Knuts (b1936)
Skylar, Sunny (1913-2009)
Slater, Charles Montagu (1902-1956)
Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)
Smith, Alexander (?1830-1867)
Smith, C Fox (1882-1954)
Smith, Horace (?-?)
Smith, J F (?-?)
Smith, Richard Bernhard (1901-1935)
Smith, Stevie (1902-1971)
Smith, Walter Chalmers (1824-1908)
Smyth, William (1765-1849)
Smyttan, George Hunt (1822-1870)
Solage (fl1370-1390)
Sologub, Fyodor (1863-1927)
Somerset, Lord Henry Richard Charles (1849-1932)
Somervell, Sir Arthur (1863-1937)
Sonnemann, Ernst (1630-1670)
Sophocles (496BC-406BC)
Sorley, Charles Hamilton (1895-1915)
Sosiura, Volodymyr (1898-1965)
Soutar, William (1898-1943)
Southerne, Thomas (1660-1746)
Southey, Robert (1774-1843)
Southwell, Robert (1561-1595)
Sparrow Simpson, William John (1860-1952)
Spaun, Josef von (1788-1865)
Spee, Friedrich von (1591-1635)
Spengler, Lazarus (1479-1534)
Spenser, Edmund (1552-1599)
Speratus, Paul (1484-1551)
Spiker, Samuel Heinrich (1786-1858)
Spofforth, Reginald (1769-1827)
Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil (1859-1918)
Squire, Sir John Collings (1884-1958)
Sri Ananda Acharya, Swami (1881-1945)
St Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)
St Edmund of Abingdon (1175-1240)
St Ephraim (373-c306)
St Germanus (c634-734/740)
St John of the Cross (1542-1591)
St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968)
St Richard of Chichester (1197-1253)
St Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582)
St William of York (?-1154)
Stadler, Albert (1794-1888)
Stägemann, Hedwig von (1799-1891)
Stainer, John Frederick Randall (1866-1939)
Stampiglia, Silvio (1664-1725)
Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678)
Stanley, Wynn (?-?)
Stanton, Frank (1857-1927)
Stedall, Jacqueline (1950-2014)
Stephens, Geoff (b1934)
Stephens, James (1880-1950)
Sterbini, Cesare (1784-1831)
Sternau, C O (1823-1862)
Sternhold, Thomas (1500-1549)
Stevens, Sufjan (b1975)
Stevens, Wallace (1879-1955)
Stevenson, John (?-?)
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)
Stieler, Karl (1842-1885)
Stilgoe, Richard (b1943)
Stills, Stephen (b1945)
Sting (b1951)
Stockhausen, Karlheinz (1928-2007)
Stockmann, Paul (1603-1636)
Stokes, Richard (b?)
Stolberg-Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold, Graf zu (1750-1819)
Stoll, Josef Ludwig (1778-1815)
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich (1690-1749)
Stone, Samuel John (1839-1900)
Storck, Adam (1780-1822)
Storm, Theodor (1817-1888)
Straaten, Eleonore van der (1845-?)
Strachwitz, Moritz, Graf von (1822-1847)
Street, Seán (b1946)
Strettell, Alma (1856-1939)
Strobel, Marion (1895-1967)
Strong, Leonard Alfred George (1869-1958)
Strong, Patience (1907-1990)
Strugusgchikov, A (?-?)
Struther, Jan (1901-1953)
Stuart, Mary (1542-1587)
Stubbs, Charles William (1845-1912)
Studdert Kennedy, Geoffrey Anketell (1883-1929)
Sturgis, Julian Russell (1848-1904)
Sturm, Christoph Christian (1740-1786)
Sturm, Julius Karl Reinhold (1816-1896)
Suchodolski, Rajnold (1804-1831)
Suckling, Sir John (1609-1642)
Sully Prudhomme (1839-1907)
Sunshine, Marion (1894-1963)
Surikov, Ivan (1841-1880)
Susman, Margarete (1874-1966)
Svoboda, Václav Alois (1791-1849)
Swann, Donald (1923-1994)
Swanston, Hamish (1933-2013)
Swieten, Gottfried, Freiherr van (1733-1803)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1839-1909)
Sylva, Carmen (1843-1916)
Sylvel, Amy (?-?)
Symeon the New Theologian, Saint (949-1022)
Symmons Roberts, Michael (b1963)
Symonds, John Addington (1840-1893)
Symons, Arthur (1865-1945)
Synesius of Cyrene, Bishop (c375-c430)
Szamotuł, Wacław z (c1524-c1560)
Széchényi, Ludwig von (1781-1855)
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