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Denis Le Grant (d1352)
Ernoul le vielle de Gastinois (fl c1280-1280)
Gace Brulé (c1160-after 1213)
Gad, Tobias (b1968)
Gale, Norman Rowland (1862-1942)
Galeazzi, Lodovico (?-?)
Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)
Galina, Glafira (1870-1942)
Gallagher, Noel (b1967)
Gallet, Louis (1835-1898)
Gant, Andrew (b?)
Garborg, Arne (1851-1924)
García Lorca, Federico (1898-1936)
Garcia, Francis (b?)
Garnett, Richard (1835-1906)
Garrick, David (1717-1779)
Gascoigne, George (c1534-1617)
Gascoyne, David (1916-2001)
Gattegno, Félix (?-?)
Gaunt, John (?-?)
Gauthier-Villars, Henry (?-?)
Gautier de Dargies (c1165-after 1236)
Gautier, Théophile (1811-1872)
Gay, John (1685-1732)
Geibel, Emanuel (1815-1884)
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor (1836-1914)
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott (1715-1769)
George, Stefan (1868-1933)
Gerald of Wales (c1146-c1223)
Gérard, Rosemond (1871-1953)
Gerhard, Wilhelm (1780-1858)
Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
Gershwin, Ira (1896-1983)
Gerstenbergk, Georg Friedrich Müller von (1780-1838)
Geßner, Salomon (1730-1788)
Ghéon, Henri (1875-1944)
Ghislanzoni, Antonio (1824-1893)
Giacosa, Giuseppe (1847-1906)
Gibbs, Alan (b1932)
Gibian, George (1924-1999)
Gibran, Khalil (1883-1931)
Gibson, Bob (1931-1996)
Gibson, Wilfrid (1878-1962)
Gigas, Johannes (1514-1581)
Gilbert, Louis Wolfe (1886-1970)
Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck (1836-1911)
Gilder, Richard Watson (1844-1909)
Gilfillan, Robert (1798-1850)
Gille, Philippe (1831-1901)
Gillespie, Haven (1888-1975)
Gilm, Hermann von (1812-1864)
Giovannini, Pietro (?-?)
Girard de Saint-Amant, Antoine (1594-1661)
Girardin, Delphine de (1804-1855)
Giraut de Bornelh (c1140-1200)
Girod, André (?-?)
Giscaferio, Vitaliano (?-?)
Giustinian, Leonardo (c1383-1446)
Giuvo, Nicola (c1680-in or after 1758)
Glanville, Lillian (?-?)
Glaser, Juliane (1806-1890)
Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig (1719-1803)
Glúingel, Amergin (?-?)
Glyn, Guto'r (?-?)
Goddard-Fenwick, Digby (?-?)
Goeble, Heinrich (?-?)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)
Goldfinger, Jacqueline (b?)
Goldoni, Carlo (1707-1793)
Goldschmidt, Otto (1829-1907)
Goldstein, Linda (b?)
Golenishchev-Kutusov, Arsenyi (1848-1913)
Góngora, Luis de (1561-1627)
Gontier de Soignies (dfl before 1220)
Gonzaga, Tomás António (1744-c1810)
Goodman, Bishop Godfrey (1582/3-1656)
Gordon, Adam Lindsay (1833-1870)
Gore-Booth, Eva (1870-1926)
Gorenko, Anna (1889-1966)
Goslawski, Maurycy (1802-1834)
Gosse, Sir Edmund William (1849-1928)
Gostling, Frances M (d1935)
Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm (1746-1797)
Gottlieb, Maggie (b?)
Gould, Gerald (1885-1936)
Gould, Robert (c1660-1709)
Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)
Graham, Brendan (b1945)
Graham, Colin (1931-2007)
Graham, Harry (1874-1936)
Grainger, Percy (1882-1961)
Gramann, Johann (1487-1541)
Grandmougin, Charles (1850-1930)
Grant, Anne (1755-1838)
Grant, David (1833-1893)
Grant, Sir Robert (1779-1838)
Graves, Alfred Perceval (1846-1931)
Graves, Robert (1895-1985)
Gravollet, Paul (1863-1936)
Gray, Alexander (?-?)
Gray, Francis Ralph (?-?)
Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)
Grebnev, Naum (1921-1988)
Green, Adolph (1914-2002)
Green, CeeLo (b1974)
Green, Fred Pratt (1903-2000)
Greenbank, Harry (1865-1899)
Greenbank, Percy (1878-1968)
Greenwell, Dora (1821-1882)
Greif, Martin (1839-1911)
Grenfell, Joyce (1910-1979)
Grève, Philippe de (dc1236)
Greville, Sir Fulke (1554-1628)
Gries, Johann Diederich (1775-1842)
Griffith, Ralph T H (1826-1906)
Griffiths, Ann (1776-1805)
Grigson, Geoffrey (1905-1985)
Grillparzer, Franz (1791-1872)
Grimani, Vincenzo (1652/55-1710)
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig (1785-1863)
Grimm, Wilhelm Carl (1786-1859)
Gringore, Pierre (c1475-1538)
Grist, W (?-?)
Griswold, Alexander Viets (1766-1843)
Grohe, Melchior (1829-1906)
Grossmith, George (1874-1935)
Groth, Klaus (1819-1899)
Grudius, Nicolaus (?-?)
Grün, Anastasius (1806-1876)
Grundtvig, Nikolaj Frederik Severin (1783-1872)
Grünwald, Georg (1490-1530)
Grünwald, J K von (?-?)
Gruppe, Otto Friedrich (1804-1876)
Guarganite, Oratio (?-?)
Guarini, Giovanni Battista (1538-1612)
Gubitz, Friedrich Wilhelm (1786-1870)
Guéroult, Guillaume (c1507-1569)
Gui d'Ussel (c1170-before 1225)
Guibert Kaukesel (fl c1230-1255)
Guicciardi, Lorenzo (?-?)
Guido of Arezzo (991/2-after 1033)
Guillard, Nicolas-François (1752-1814)
Guillaume, Sydney (b?)
Guillén, Nicolás (1902-1989)
Guinness, Bryan Walter (1905-1992)
Guiot de Dijon (fl1215-1225)
Guiterman, Arthur (1871-1943)
Guitry, Sacha (1885-1957)
Gurney, Dorothy Frances (1858-1932)
Gurney, Ivor (1890-1937)
Gurney, John Hampden (1802-1862)
Guyau, Jean-Marie (1854-1888)
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