Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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Armitage Robinson, Joseph (1858-1933)
Beatritz de Romans (?-?)
Le Roy, G (?-?)
Racine, Jean (1639-1699)
Radice, William (b1951)
Radiguet, Raymond (1903-1923)
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (c1150-1207)
Raine, Kathleen (1908-2003)
Rainis, Jānis (1865-1929)
Raleigh, Sir Walter (?1552-1618)
Ramler, Karl Wilhelm (1725-1798)
Ramsay, Allan (1686-1758)
Ramuz, Charles Ferdinand (1878-1947)
Rands, William Brighty (1823-1882)
Rannie, John (?-?)
Raphael, Alice (1887-1975)
Rast, Ferdinand von (1808-1889)
Ratschky, Josef von (1757-1810)
Ratushinskaya, Irina (b1954)
Rautavaara, Einojuhani (1928-2016)
Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)
Ravenscroft, Thomas (c1582-c1635)
Redford, John (d1547)
Redwitz-Schmölz, Oscar von (1823-1891)
Reed, Trelawny Dayrell (?-?)
Rees, Simon (b1958)
Rees, Timothy (1874-1939)
Regnard, Jean-François (1655-1709)
Régnier, Henri de (1864-1936)
Reid, Christopher (b1949)
Reil, Friedrich (1773-1843)
Reinick, Robert (1805-1852)
Reisfeld, Bert (1906-1991)
Reissig, Christian Ludwig (1783-1822)
Rellstab, Ludwig (1799-1860)
Remer, Paul (1867-1943)
Renard, Jules (1864-1910)
Renaud, Armand (1836-1895)
Reusner, Adam (c1496-1575)
Rey, Paul (?-?)
Reyneau, Gacian (c1370-c1429)
Reynolds, Herbert (?-?)
Reynolds, Mr Jno (?-?)
Rhu, Lucy W (b?)
Rice, Tim (b1944)
Richard of Chichester, Saint (1197-1253)
Richardson, Robert (1850-1901)
Richart de Semilli (fl1200-1200)
Richepin, Jean (1849-1926)
Richter, Gregorius (1598-1633)
Ridge, Lola (1873-1941)
Riego, Teresa del (c1876-1968)
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926)
Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-1891)
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (1844-1908)
Ringwaldt, Bartholomäus (1532-c1599)
Rinkart, Martin (1586-1649)
Rinuccini, Ottavio (1562-1621)
Rist, Johann (1607-1667)
Ritter, Anna (1865-1921)
Roark, Benton (b?)
Robert, Friedricke (1795-1832)
Robert, Ludwig Ernst Friedrich (1778-1832)
Roberton, Sir Hugh (1874-1952)
Roberts, Sir Charles G D (1860-1943)
Roberts, Vaughan (b?)
Robert-Tornow, Walter Heinrich (1852-1895)
Robertus, Gerda von (1873-1939)
Robson, John Gair 'Jack' (c1885-1957)
Rochlitz, Johann Friedrich (1769-1842)
Rode, Beresford (?-?)
Rodgers, William Robert (1909-1969)
Rodigast, Samuel (1649-1708)
Roethke, Theodore Huebner (1908-1963)
Rogers, Pattiann (b1940)
Rollett, Hermann (1819-1904)
Rolli, Paolo Antonio (1687-1765)
Rollinat, Maurice (1846-1903)
Romani, Felice (1788-1865)
Romero, Óscar (1917-1980)
Roncaglia, Bartolomeo (?-?)
Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-1585)
Ronsperger, Edith (1880-1921)
Roos, Richard (1768-1834)
Rorem, Ned (b1923)
Rose, Gregory (b1948)
Rose, Margaret (d1958)
Rosen, Michael (b1946)
Rosenberg, Isaac (1890-1918)
Rosenmüller, Johann (c1619-1684)
Rose-Price, Tim (b?)
Rosler, Don (b?)
Ross, Adrian (1859-1933)
Rossetti, Christina (1830-1894)
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)
Rossi, Gaetano (1774-1855)
Rossi, Giacomo (fl1710-1731)
Rostand, Edmond (1868-1918)
Roth, Alec (b1948)
Rothenberg, Jerome (b1931)
Rous, Francis (1579-1659)
Rousseau, Johann Baptist (1802-1867)
Rowell, Geoffrey (b1943)
Rowlands, Richard (1565-c1630)
Roy, Camille (?-?)
Roy, Pierre-Charles (1683-1764)
Royer, Alphonse (1803-1875)
Rube, Johann Christoph (c1665-1746)
Rückert, Friedrich (1788-1866)
Rudnitsky, Leah (1913-c1944)
Ruffini, Giovanni (1807-1881)
Rukeyser, Muriel (1913-1980)
Rūmī, Jalāl al-Dīn (1207-1273)
Runeberg, Johan Ludvig (1804-1877)
Ruperti, Friedrich (1805-1867)
Rusby, Kate (b1973)
Russell Bowie, Walter (1882-1969)
Russell, George (1867-1935)
Rutherford, Ruth (d1952)
Rutilius, Martin (1551-1618)
Rutter, John (b1945)
Ryl'sky, Maxym (1895-1965)
Ryman, James (c1400-?)
Ryndin, Pyotr (?-?)
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