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Abdallah, Khaled (b1970)
Abelard, Peter (1079-1142)
Abeniacar, Carlo (?-?)
Accelli, Cesare (?-?)
Achillini, Claudio (1574-1640)
Ackermann, Louise (1813-1890)
Acworth, Harry Arbuthnot (1849-1933)
Adam de la Halle (1245/50-1285/8)
Adami, Giuseppe (1878-1946)
Adams, Sarah Flower (1805-1848)
Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Adenis, Eugène (1838-1901)
Adénis-Colombeau, Eugène (1854-1923)
Adkins, Adele (b1988)
Adkins, Donna (b1940)
Aeschylus (c525/4 BC-c456/5 BC)
Afanasieff, Walter (b1958)
Agee, James (1909-1955)
Agnelli, Scipione (1586-1653)
Agrell, Margery (d1968)
Agricola, Johannes (1494-1566)
Aicard, Jean (1848-1921)
Aidan of Lindisfarne, Saint (d651)
Ainger, Geoffrey (b1925)
Akhmatova, Anna (1889-1966)
Al Jabiri, Abboud (b1963)
Alberti, Rafael (1902-1999)
Alberus, Erasmus (c1500-1553)
Albinus, Johann Georg (1624-1679)
Alcuin (735-804)
Alessandri, Giovanni Domenico (?-?)
Alexander, Cecil Frances (1818-1895)
Alexander, Graf von Auersperg, Anton (1806-1876)
Alexis, Willibald (1798-1871)
Alexopoulu, Christina (b?)
Alford, Henry (1810-1871)
Alington, Cyril (1872-1955)
Al-Junaid (830-910)
Allan, Robert (?-?)
Allen, Andrew (?-?)
Allingham, William (1824-1889)
Allison, Drummond (1921-1943)
Allmers, Hermann (1821-1902)
Almuc de Castelnau (?-?)
Ambrose of Milan (c340-397)
Amewudah-Rivers, Francesca (b1998)
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Anderson, Emily (1891-1962)
Anderson, Maxwell (1888-1959)
Andoh, Adjoa (b1963)
Andreini, Giovanni Battista (1576-1654)
Andrewes, Lancelot (1555-1626)
Andrews, Jennifer (b?)
Anelli, Angelo (1761-1820)
Angelou, Maya (1928-2014)
Anouilh, Jean (1910-1987)
Ansaldi, Ansaldo (1651-1719)
Anschütz, Ernst (1780-1861)
Anthonello de Caserta (fl1390-1410)
Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880-1918)
Appleford, Patrick (b1925)
Apukhtin, Alexei (1841-1893)
Aquinas, Saint Thomas (1225-1274)
Aragon, Louis (1897-1982)
Arberry, Arthur John (1905-1969)
Arbuthnot, John (1667-1735)
Aristophanes (c450BC-c388BC)
Arman de Caillavet, Gaston (1869-1915)
Armitage Robinson, Joseph (1858-1933)
Armstrong, Robert (b1927)
Arne, Thomas (1710-1778)
Arnim, Ludwig Achim von (1781-1831)
Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888)
Arnold, Robert Franz (1872-1938)
Arteaga, Cristina de la Cruz de (?-?)
Arvers, Felix (1806-1850)
Ascoli, Roberto (?-?)
Ashe, Thomas (1836-1889)
Ashworth, Caleb (1722-1775)
Assaaleek Band
Audefroi le Bastart (fl1190-1230)
Audelay, John (fl1426-1426)
Auden, W H (1907-1973)
Augier, Émile (1820-1889)
Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
Aureli, Aurelio (fl1652-1708)
Ausonius, Decimus Magnus (c310-c395)
Austen, Jane (1775-1817)
Austin, Billy (1896-1964)
Austin, John (1613-1669)
Austin, William (1587-1634)
Autreau, Jacques (1657-1745)
Avenarius, Matthäus (1625-1692)
Averdonk, Severin Anton (1768-1817)
Avidius, Gerard (?-?)
Axelsson, Sun (1935-2011)
Carenza, Alais, Iselda
de Anchieta, Padre José (1533-1597)
de Andrade, Mário Raul (1893-1945)
Serafino Aquilano (1466-1500)
Studdert Kennedy, Geoffrey Anketell (1883-1929)
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