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15 Folk songs from the Eastern Counties (Vaughan Williams)
8 Part-songs, Op 127 (Stanford)
A Bellman's Song (Ravenscroft)
A bonny, bonny bird I have (Wilson)
A brewer without any barm
A Child's Garland of Songs, Op 30 (Stanford)
A child's song (Kwakiutl – Kwakwaka'wakw)
A collection of songs (Swann)
A cradle song (Gurney)
A cradle song (Panufnik)
A Cradle Song (Sheldon)
A cradle song (Tavener)
A Cycle of Seven Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Orr)
A day in the cornfield, I a-reapin'
A Despairing Lover (Lawes)
A Dialogue (Lawes)
A Dreame (Lawes)
A fairy's love song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A fine lady
A flaxen-headed cowboy, as simple as may be
A Fool's Preferment, or The Three Dukes of Dunstable, Z571 (Purcell/Britten)
A Funny fellow
A gift so pure, life so precious
A good child
A head or tail which does he lack?
A Hebridean Sea-Reiver's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A ho hi … hirrum bo! Early sails she to the reiving
A Hymn on Divine Musick (Croft/Britten)
A hymn to the Virgin
A last year's rose
A lawyer he went out one day
A little black thing among the snow
A maid goin' to Comber her markets to larn
A moon rising
A morning hymn, Z198 (Purcell/Britten)
A New Song (MacMillan)
A Pastoral Elegie to the memory of deare Brother, William Lawes (Lawes)
A pilgrim's chant
A Poet's Hymn
A Poison Tree
A Poison Tree
A prayer to St Anthony of Padua
A rosebud by my early walk (Anon/McPhee)
A sad song (Warlock)
A Sheaf of Songs from Leinster, Op 140 (Stanford)
A shepherd lov'd a nymph so fair (Pinto)
A shower of pigeons arch over the rooftops
A single flow'r he sent me, since we met
A slumber vast and black
A soft day
A solfing song (Tallis)
A Song at evening (Bennett)
A song called trumpets (Parsons)
A Song for Kate (Bevan Baker)
A Song for St Cecilia's Day, Op 119 (Gardner)
A song for the Lord Mayor's table (Walton)
A song for the morning (Lloyd Webber)
A Song of Agincourt, Op 168 (Stanford)
A Song of Battle
A song of Mr Robert Parsons (Parsons)
A Song of Peace
A Song of Shadows, Op 15 No 3 (Gibbs)
A Song of Sleep (Somerset)
A song of thanksgiving (Vaughan Williams)
A Song of Trust
A song on the victory obtain'd over the rebels by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, HWV228/9 (Handel)
A song without words, Op 13 No 1 (Sammons)
A Spinning Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A subaltern's love song
A Tale out of Anacreon (Lawes)
A Thirteenth-century Love Lilt (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
A thousand sev'ral ways I tried, Z359 (Purcell)
A very handsome gentleman
A wind is brushing down the clover
A young maid stood in her father's garden (Anon/Hughes)
Abel Wright
Abend, D645 (Schubert/Brown)
Abroad as I was walking, one evening in the spring
Ach, neige
Acorn and willow
Across the plain
After a long lab'ring in the windy ways
After many a dusty mile
Ah dear heart (Gibbons)
Ah silly soul (Byrd)
Ah! cruel nymph!, Z352 (Purcell)
Ah! Sun-flower!
Ah! Thetis, mother, goddess, why come from the sea?
Ah! what avails the sprightly morn of life (Linley Sr.)
Ah, how pleasant 'tis to love, Z353 (Purcell)
Ah, how sweet it is to love
Ah, Sun-flower
Ah, Sun-flower
Aignish on the machair (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Ailein Duinn 'A Harris Love Lament' (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Air falalalo (Anon/Roberton)
Akhmatova Songs (Tavener)
Alas, from the day my poor heart (Linley Sr.)
Alas, my love, you do me wrong
All as a sea (Byrd)
All Canaan's heathen race
All for love of one
All looks be pale (Campion)
All shall be well
All that's past
All the dreaming is broken through
All the folk we love and me … Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
All things pass
All ye whom Love or Fortune hath betrayed (Dowland)
Alla caccia, HWV79 (Handel/Bennett)
Alleluia, ZS14 (Weldon/Purcell/Britten)
Alleluia. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest
Alleluia: per te Dei genitrix (Anon/Tallis)
Alone in the desert, alone, I'm alone
Amarillis, by a spring (Lawes)
Amidst the myrtles as I walk
Amidst the shades and cool refreshing streams, Z355 (Purcell)
Amintas, to my grief I see, Z356 (Purcell)
Amintor, heedless of his flocks, Z357 (Purcell)
Amintor's Welladay (Lawes)
A-moaning thou, my own dear one
Amphitryon, or The Two Sosias, Z572 (Purcell)
An aged dame (Byrd)
An autumn meditation
An Epithalamium (Wedding Song)
An Eriskay love lilt (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An Eriskay Lullaby (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
An Evening Hymn, Z193
An island sheiling song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
And is it night? Are they thine eyes that shine? (Jones)
Angel Song II (Todd)
Angel spirits of sleep
Angels from the realms of glory (Smart/Cullen)
Ann's cradle song, Op 20 No 1 (Gibbs)
Aquarius: The Water-Carrier
Arab Love Song, Op 25 No 4 (Quilter)
Are vé lo mes de maig (May)
Aries: The Ram
As down by the shore I wander early at morn
As I came over Windy Gap
As I walked out one morning
As I walked over London Bridge
As I went out one May morning
As sweet Polly Oliver lay musing in bed
as the soldier and the sailor was a-walking one day
Ask me to love no more, Z358 (Purcell)
Assemble, all ye maidens
At dead low ebb of night
At fall of glowing summer day
At that hour when all things have repose
At the mid hour of night (Anon/Britten)
At the mid hour of night (Anon/Hullah)
At the mid hour of night (Anon/Stevenson)
At the round earth's imagined corners
Auf ein altes Bild
Aureng-Zebe, Z573 (Purcell)
Author of Light (Campion)
Autumn Evening
Ave Maria
Ave Maria! maiden mild!
Avenging and bright (Anon/Britten)
Avenging and bright (Anon/Stevenson)
Awake, awake, my Lyre! 'A Supplication' (Blow)
Awake, my lyre (Linley Sr.)
Awake, sweet love, thou art returned (Dowland)
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Archer)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Briggs)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Cullen)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Hawkesworth)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Lawson)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Llewellyn)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Moore)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Murray/Gant)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Quinney)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Rutter)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Short)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Willcocks)
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
Away with these self-loving lads (Dowland)
Aya! I don't care if you desert me
Aye, my lad, I've borne my creel
B for Barney (Anon/Hughes)
Baby, baby dear
Bacchus is a pow'r divine, Z360 (Purcell)
Bahnhofstrasse (Orr)
Ballad of green Broom
Ballad of the army carts
Barbara Allen (Anon/Quilter)
Barcarolle: Andante languido
Be still O ye winds and attentive ye Swains
Be still, my sweet sweeting, no longer do cry
Beauty, since you so much desire (Campion)
Because I liked you better
Because I liked you better
Because I liked you better
Beckon to me to come
Begin the Song! (Blow)
Begin the song, and strike the living lyre, Z183 (Purcell)
Behold a wonder here (Dowland)
Belinda (Eccles)
Benbecula Bridal Procession (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Beneath a dark and melancholy grove, Z461 (Purcell)
Beneath a poplar's shadow lay me
Beware, poor shepherds 'The Caution', Z361 (Purcell)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bible Songs and Six Hymns, Op 113 (Stanford)
Bird Scarer's Song (Anon/Britten)
Bird Scarer's Song (Anon/Britten/Matthews)
Bird Songs at Eventide (Coates)
Birds at the Fairy Fulling (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Birds practise songs in dreams (Elias)
Birdsong (Ashton)
Birdspeak (Wilkinson)
Birthday Song for Erwin (Britten)
Blame not my cheeks (Campion)
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Bonnie wee thing (Anon/Davie)
Bonny at morn 'with guitar' (Anon/Britten)
Bonny at morn 'with harp' (Anon/Britten)
Boris Pasternak
Break now, my heart, and die (Campion)
Break, break, break
Bredon Hill and other songs (Butterworth)
Bright is the ring of words
Bright is the ring of words
Bring gentlest thoughts, that into language glide
Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn 'Watching the Wheat' (Anon/Britten)
Burst forth, my tears (Dowland)
But leave it now, leave it; as you left
Butterfly Dreams. Butterfly Song from Acoman India (Tavener)
By beauteous softness mixed with majesty, Z332/7
By harmony's entrancing power
By the sea
By the willows of the Eastern Gate
Ca' the yowes (Anon/Britten)
Ca' the yowes (Anon/Liddell)
Ca' the yowes (Anon/MacLean/Bateman)
Caleno custure me (Anon/Plant)
Can doleful notes? (Danyel)
Can life be a blessing? (Eccles)
Can she excuse my wrongs? (Dowland)
Cancer: The Crab
Cantigas de amigo (Codax/Lawrence-King)
Capricorn: The Goat
Captivity (Storace)
Care-charming sleep (Johnson)
Caristiona (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Cariwch, medd Dafydd, Fy nhelun i mi 'Bring me my harp'
Carters, now cast down (Farnaby)
Cease you jolly shepherds
Cease, anxious world, your fruitless pain, Z362 (Purcell)
Cease, warring thoughts (Lawes)
Celia the Fair (Monro)
Celia's fond, too long I've lov'd her, Z364 (Purcell)
Chamber Music III
Chants du Roussillon '5 Catalan folksongs' (Anon/Reade)
Chapels (Wilkinson)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Chinook songs (Chinook)
Chloe found Amyntas lying all in tears 'Rondelay' (Blow)
Chloris now thou art fled away
Choral Song and Fugue (Wesley)
Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat
Circles of motion
Circlesong (Chilcott)
Clarifica me, Pater I (Anon/Tallis)
Cloud, if as thou dost melt
Colin and Phoebe 'A Pastoral' (Arne)
Colin's description of Vauxhall 'Green-Wood Hall' (Gladwin)
Come again, sweet love doth now invite (Dowland)
Come away, come sweet love (Dowland)
Come away, death
Come away, death
Come away, death
Come away, death (Wilkinson)
Come forth; for Night is falling
Come o'er the sea (Anon/Stevenson)
Come then, with tuneful breath and string
Come to me, grief, for ever (Byrd)
Come unto these yellow sands
Come unto these yellow sands (Banister)
Come unto these yellow sands, Z631
Come ye sons of Art, away, Z323 (Purcell/Britten)
Come you not from Newcastle? (Anon/Britten)
Come, cheerful day, part of my life to me (Campion)
Come, come along for a dance and a song (Clarke)
Come, heavy Sleep (Dowland)
Come, my way, my truth, my life
Come, rest in this bosom (Anon/Stevenson)
Come, sad Turtle, mateless moaning
Come, sleep, and with thy sweet deceiving
Come, sleep, and with thy sweet deceiving
Come, sweetest composer of grief and pain
Come, you pretty false-eyed wanton (Campion)
Comin' thro' the rye (Anon/Liddell)
Comus, HWV44 (Handel)
Constant Penelope (Byrd)
Corinna is divinely fair, Z365 (Purcell)
Coronach (Attwood)
Così fiera procella
Could he whom my dissembled rigour grieves, Op 3 No 3 (Jackson)
Could I find it again
Coy Daphne fled (Danyel)
Cradle Song
Cradle Song (Berkeley)
Cradle song (Bridge)
Cradle song (Herbert)
Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Nieper)
Cradle Song (Sammons)
Cradle song (Warlock)
Cradle Song for Eleanor (Britten)
Cradle song, Op 9 No 1 (Howells)
Cruckhaun Finn (Anon/Hughes)
Cruel Madame (Vautor)
Cruelty has a human heart
Cry aloud and spare not (Blow)
Cuopre tal volta il cielo
Cupid, make your virgins tender (Purcell)
Cupid, the slyest rogue alive, Z367 (Purcell)
Cymon and Iphigenia (Arne)
Damon and Clora (Harington)
Dance to your shadow (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Darest thou now, O soul
Dark brown is the river, golden is the sand
Dark, he moves from shade to sun
Dashing away with the smoothing iron
David of the White Rock (Owen/Britten)
David of the White Rock (Owen/Britten/Matthews)
David of the White Rock 'The Dying Poet to his Harp' (Haydn/Owen)
De matinet me vaig llevar (The nightingale's advice)
Dea triforme, astro fecondo (Elpidia)
Dear dark head
Dear Earth, near Earth, the clay that made us men
Dear harp of my country 'The Farewell to My Harp' (Anon/Stevenson)
Dear harp of my country! (Anon/Britten)
Dear pretty youth (Purcell)
Dear thoughts are in my mind, and my soul soars enchanted
Dear thoughts are in my mind, and my soul soars enchanted
Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again (Dowland)
Dear, think not that they will forget you 'Her temple'
Death is now my only treasure (Erskine)
Deep in my soul
Devon, O Devon, in wind and rain
Did not you once, Lucinda, vow (Coleman)
Die helle Sonne leuchtet
Dishevelled and in tears, go, song of mine
Do but consider this small dust
Do you ask what the birds say?
Dost thou withdraw thy grace? (Danyel)
Down by the salley gardens (Anon/Hughes)
Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet
Down yonder green valley where streamlets meander
Drake he's in his hammock and a thousand miles away
Draw near, you lovers, Z462 (Purcell)
Draw on, sweet night (Wilbye)
Dream Songs (Davis)
Dreaming of Li Bai
Dreams all too brief
Drink to me only with thine eyes (Anon/Quilter)
Drop not, mine eyes
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons)
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons/Forshaw)
Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing (Banister)
Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing (Weldon)
Dulcibella, when e'er I sue for a kiss, Z485 (Purcell/Britten)
During music
Dvustishie 'Couplet'
Early one morning (Anon/Britten)
Easter day was a holiday
Easter Hymn
Ecce tempus idoneum (Tallis/Anon)
Eho! Eho! (Anon/Britten)
El cant dels ocells 'The song of the birds' (Anon/Reade)
El Noi de la Mare 'The Son of the Virgin' (Anon/Rutter)
Elegy (Arnold)
Elgar's music
Eliza is the fairest queen (Johnson)
Ellen's Song (Attwood)
Eloisa to Abelard (Pinto)
Enchanting harmonist (Harington)
English May
Eno sagrado en vigo
Erin! the smile and the tear in thine eyes (Anon/Stevenson)
Eternal summer (Wilkinson)
Even you song (Frances-Hoad)
Evening Hymn, Z193 (Purcell/Britten)
Evensong (Hall)
Every Night and every Morn
every single thing sings
Ex more docti mistico (Redford/Tallis/Anon)
Eyes, look no more (Danyel)
Faery Flout: Allegro giocoso
Fain would I wed (Campion)
Faint with love
Fair daffodils, we weep to see
Fair Iris and her swain
Fair is my love
Fair, if you expect admiring (Campion)
Fairest isle
Fairest work of happy nature (Blow)
Fairy song
Fantasia I a 6 'A song of two basses' (Byrd)
Fantastic in appearance
Far I hear the galloping galley
Fare thee well, my sun and moon light
Farewel dear Scenes of gay Delight
Farewell Despairing Hopes, I'll love no more
Farewell, all joys, Z368 (Purcell)
Farewell, fond youth (Jones)
Farewell, ye rocks, ye seas and sands, Z463 (Purcell)
Farewell,my brother (Navajo)
Fear no more the heat o' the sun
Feast Song for Saint Cecilia (Rose)
Feasting I watch
Fie on sinful fantasy
Fileuse (Anon/Britten)
Fill the bumper fair! (Anon/Stevenson)
Fine knacks for ladies (Dowland)
Fire, fire, fire! (Campion)
First, April, she with mellow showers
Fish (fly-replete, in depth of June …)
Five Elizabethan Songs (Gurney)
Five Elizabethan Songs (Gurney)
Five Elizabethan Songs (Gurney)
Five Elizabethan Songs (Gurney)
Five Elizabethan Songs (Gurney/Finzi)
Five Elizabethan Songs (Gurney/Finzi)
Five Elizabethan Songs (Gurney/Finzi)
Five English folk songs (Vaughan Williams)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Greek Folksongs (Bax)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Mystical Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Five Partsongs from the Greek anthology, Op 45 (Elgar)
Five Shakespeare Songs, Op 23 (Quilter)
Five Songs for upper voices (Chilcott)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Five Songs to poems by Thomas Hardy (Ireland)
Five Songs, Op 14 No 3 (Berkeley)
Five Traditional Songs (Anon/Rutter)
Flavia grown old (Blow)
Flood (Howells)
Flora, goddess sweetly blooming
Flow, my tears, fall from your springs (Dowland)
Fly not yet (Anon/Stevenson)
Fly swift, ye hours, Z369 (Purcell)
Fly to my aid, O mighty Love (Linley Sr.)
Fly, singing bird, fly
Folk song
For her my heart was longing
For thee I shall not die
For you, there'll be no more crying
Four Baritone Songs (Gipps/Williams)
Four Child Songs, Op 5 (Quilter)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Shakespeare Songs, Op 30 (Quilter)
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Four Songs for a mad sea captain, Op 111 (Gibbs)
Four Songs from the British Isles (Tippett)
Four Songs of Mirza Schaffy, Op 2 (Quilter)
Four Songs, Op 14 (Quilter)
Four Songs, Op 14 (Quilter)
Four Studies in English Folk-song (Vaughan Williams/Stanton)
Four Verlaine Songs (Coles)
Friendship in misfortune
Frolic and free (Arne)
From far, from eve and morning
From harmony, from heav'nly harmony
From out the Queen’s Highcliffe for weeks at a stretch
From scourging Rebellion, and baffling proud France
From silent night (Dowland)
From silent shades and the Elysian groves
From silent shades and the Elysian groves
From silent shades 'Bess of Bedlam', Z370 (Purcell)
From the brake the nightingale sings exulting to the rose
From the famous peak of Derby (Johnson)
From the heav'ns now I fly (Lawes)
From thee, Eliza, I must go (Pinto)
Frutti di mare
Full fathom five
Full fathom five
Full fathom five
Full fathom five (Banister)
Full fathom five (Johnson)
Full fathom five (Smith)
Full fathom five, Z631
Full Moon
Gather your rosebuds while you may (Lawes)
Gemini: The Twins
Gin a body, meet a body
Give me my lute (Banister)
Give me strength (Sioux – Lakota)
Give to God our thankful songs (Haydn/Gardiner)
Give to me the life I love
Give to me the life I love
Gloria tibi Trinitas (Anon/Tallis)
Gloria, HWVDeest (Handel)
Go from my window (Anon/Dowland)
Go nightly cares (Dowland)
Go prettie child, and beare this flower
Go, crystal tears (Dowland)
Go, perjur'd man, and if thou ere return 'The Curse' (Blow)
Go, rose! my Chloe's bosom grace (Earle)
Go, rose! my Chloe's bosom grace (Greene)
Go, song of mine, Op 57 (Elgar)
Go, tell Amynta, gentle swain, Z489 (Purcell)
God and the universe
God gives not onely corne, for need
God is very greatly to be feared
Golden slumbers
Grant me, ye gods (Blow)
Grantchester (Wilkinson)
Greensleeves (Anon/Britten)
Gretchens Bitte 'Gretchen im Zwinger', D564 (Schubert/Britten)
Grief keep within
Grief of my best love's absenting (Jones)
Grieving for the young prince
Gypsy Songs, Op 55 (Dvořák/Hough)
Ha'nacker Mill
Happy, happy, happy plains!
Hark how the waken'd strings resound
Hark how the wild musicians sing, Z542 (Purcell)
Hark the ech'ing air!
Hark! hark! the lark (Johnson)
Hark! Wot ye what? (Jones)
Hark, Damon, hark, Z541 (Purcell)
Hark, hark, the lark (Chilcot)
Hark, shepherd swains (Lawes)
Harry the tailor
Have all our passions?
He himself courts his own ruin, Z372 (Purcell)
He is gone on the mountain
He listlessly stood by the wall
He that will not love
He who binds himself with joy
He who binds to himself a joy
He who could first two gentle hearts unbind (Linley Sr.)
He whose desires are still abroad (Danyel)
He would not stay for me
Hears not my Phillis how the birds
Hears not my Phillis how the birds 'The Knotting Song', Z371 (Purcell)
Heart of Fire-love (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Heaven (Wilkinson)
Heiland Harry (Anon/MacLean/Bateman)
Hence, all ye vain delights (Jr.)
Hence, fond deceiver 'Love and despair', Z492 (Purcell)
Hence, ye profane, far hence, away!
Her rosy cheeks, her ever smiling eyes (Campion)
Her song
Here begin the Lauds of the creatures
Here comes the falcon for the bride
Here the strong mallow strikes her slimy root
Here, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling
Here, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling
Herr, schicke was du willt
Hey, ho, the wind and the rain
Hey, ho, the wind and the rain
Hidden Love
Hidden treasure
High on a throne of glitt'ring ore, Z465 (Purcell)
Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Home they brought her warrior dead
Homeward bound
Honour, riches, marriage-blessing (Arne)
Hope and love (Shield)
How blest are shepherds
How can I, that girl standing there
How clear, how lovely bright
How dear to me the hour (Anon/Stevenson)
How delightful's the life of an innocent swain, Z373 (Purcell)
How dull were life, how hardly worth our care –
How heavy hang the days!
How I sigh when I think of the charms of my swain, Z374 (Purcell)
How long
How pleasant is this flowery plain and grove!, Z543 (Purcell)
How quietly he sleeps upon the hill
How severe is my fate (Croft)
How should I your true love know?
How sweet the answer (Anon/Britten)
How sweet the answer Echo makes (Anon/Stevenson)
How vainly men themselves amaze
Hug ò in ò! When winds do blow, sea reivers know the maddening music
Hughley Steeple
Humour, say what mak'st thou here (Dowland)
Hush-a-ba, birdie, croon, croon (Anon/Moffat)
Hymn for a child
Hymn to God the Father (Humfrey/Britten)
Hymn to God the Father (Humfrey/Tippett/Bergmann)
Hymn Tune Prelude on Song 13 (Gibbons/Vaughan Williams)
I am a seashell flung
I attempt from love's sickness to fly
I attempt from love's sickness to fly
I brought my great carriage
I came forth from the mouth of the Most High
I came, I saw, and was undone 'The Thraldom', Z375 (Purcell)
I cannot lose thee for a day
I care not for these ladies (Campion)
I caught the changes of the year
I dal a du vil, I dal a du ho ro
I die whenas I do not see (Danyel)
I Dreamt a Dream! What can it mean?
I fell in love with a Limehouse lass
I gaze upon you and the sun grows large
I got me flowers
I had a silver buckle
I have a bonnet trimmed with blue (Anon/Hughes)
I have had enough of women, and enough of love
I have no name: I am but two days old
I have trod the upward and the downward slope
I have trod the upward and the downward slope
I held love's head
I know my soul hath power to know all things
I know where I'm goin' (Anon/Hughes)
I laid me down upon a pillow soft
I lie as if five fathom drowned
I live again
I love and I must 'Bell Barr', Z382 (Purcell)
I love my love
I loved fair Celia, Z381 (Purcell)
I must complain (Dowland)
I once loved a boy and a bold Irish boy
I prithee send me back my heart (Lawes)
I resolve against cringing and whining, Z386 (Purcell)
I rise and grieve (Lawes)
I sang that song on Sunday
I saw my lady weep (Dowland)
I see again the hills and valleys glowing
I see she flies me
I shall go without companions
I shall not die for thee
I sing because …
I sow'd the seeds of love
I spy Celia, Z499 (Purcell/Britten)
I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams, Z388 (Purcell)
I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams, Z388 (Purcell/Britten)
I walked into the nightclub in the morning
I wander thro' each charter'd street
I wander thro' each charter'd street
I was angry with my friend
I was angry with my friend
I was not sorrowful 'Spleen'
I was not wearier (Lanier)
I was weary
I watched the Lady Caroline
I went to the Garden of Love
I will give my love an apple (Anon/Britten)
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
I will walk on the earth
I will walk with my love (Anon/Hughes)
I woke before the morning, I was happy all the day
I wonder as I wander (Anon/Britten)
I’ve seen so many chapels in Wales
Iam lucis orto sidere (Redford/Anon/Tallis)
Ich fühle Deinen Odem
Ich habe genug, BWV82 (Bach/Baigent)
Ich reit' ins finstre Land hinein
I'd fain ask you a this, but in pops a that
If along the highroad
If ever I more riches did desire, Z544 (Purcell)
If grief has any pow'r to kill, Z378 (Purcell)
If I could shut the gate (Danyel)
If love make me forsworn (Major)
If music be the food of love (Clifton)
If music be the food of love, Z379a (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379a (Purcell/Britten)
If music be the food of love, Z379a (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
If music be the food of love, Z379b (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379c (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379c (Purcell/Britten)
If my complaints could passions move (Dowland)
If pray'rs and tears, Z380 (Purcell)
If the Lord himself had not been on our side
If thou long'st so much to learn (Campion)
If we shadows have offended
Il est quelqu'un sur terre (Anon/Britten)
I'll sail upon the dog-star
I'll sing thee songs of Araby (Clay)
I'm a decent good Irish body (Anon/Hughes)
I'm lonesome since I cross'd the hill
I'm sick of love; O let me lie
In a merry May morn (Nicholson)
In a shady nook one moonlit night
In all our Cynthia's shining sphere, Z496 (Purcell)
In Chester town there liv'd a brisk young widow
In Cloris all soft charms agree, Z384 (Purcell)
In darkness let me dwell (Dowland)
In dreams
In dreams
In far-off Malta
In grüner Landschaft Sommerflor
In guilty night, and hid in false disguise
In London here the streets are grey, and grey the sky above
In memoriam
In my sage moments
In praise of his Daphnis
In pride, high, leapest thou
In quel gelato core una voce
In Scarlet Town, where I was born
In some kind dream, Z497 (Purcell)
In Somer when the shawes be sheyne
In summertime on Bredon
In terrors trapp'd (Hunnis)
In the black dismal dungeon of despair, Z190 (Purcell/Britten)
In the black furrow of a field
In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan
In the dell are camped the gypsies
In the Garden of the Seraglio
In the heat of the day when the sun shines so freely
In the house made of dawn (Navajo)
In the licorice fields at Pontefract
In the lovely village of Nevesinje
In the lowlands
In the tent
In thee is gladness
In thousand thoughts of love and thee (Linley Sr.)
In vain we dissemble, Z385 (Purcell)
Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas
Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas 'The Queen's Epicedium', Z383 (Purcell)
Infant Joy
Invocation to Nature (Pinto)
Iona Boat Song (Anon/Roberton)
Irish skies
Irish wren song (Howells)
Irmelin Rose
Is my team ploughing?
Is my team ploughing?
Islay Reaper's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Isle of my Heart (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Iste confessor (Anon/Tallis)
It always seems funny
It fell on a summer's day (Campion)
It is not that I love you less
It rains
It was a comely young lady fair
It was a lover and his lass
It was a lover and his lass
It was a winter's evening, and fast came down the snow
It was what you bore with you, woman
Ite caldi sospiri (Jones)
Its former green is blue and thin
It's oh to be a wild wind
It's peace again the river claims
Iver-song 'Lullaby' (Hough)
Jack Spratt
Jehovah ever be my song
Jenny 'An Agreeable Musical Choice' (Arne)
Jenny kiss’d me when we met
Jenny, bright as the day and as buxom as May
Jessie (Knyvett)
Jesu, swete sone dere!
Job's curse, Z191 (Purcell/Britten)
Johnny Doyle (Anon/Hughes)
Johnny I hardly knew ye (Anon/Hughes)
Joly Jankyn (Wilkinson)
Journey's End
Joy, shipmate, joy!
Juanita (Norton)
Just as the tide was flowing
Kang, kang, kang ki ki kang kang
Kashmiri song
Kind Robin lo'es me (Anon/Davie)
King Arthur, or The British Worthy, Z628 (Purcell/Britten)
Kirsteen (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Kishmul's Galley (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Kiss (Wilkinson)
Kitten of course is the small for cat
'Kyrie, so Kyrie', Jankyn syngyt
La belle est au jardin d'amour (Anon/Britten)
La Libertà (Greene)
La Statira (Albinoni/Bennett)
Lad and lass thegither
Land of Heart's Desire (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Laschia ch'io Pianga (Handel)
Lasso vita mia (Dowland)
Last night by the sheiling was Mhairi, my beloved
Last night, a storm of rain
Late at night alone in the sheiling
Laudes Regiae (Anon/Dearnley)
Laugh and be merry
Lawn, as white as driven snow (Linley)
Lay a garland on my hearse
Le roi s'en va-t'en chasse (Anon/Britten)
Leave prolonging thy distress (Campion)
Legend 'The Crown of roses'
L'Elpidia, HWVA1 (Handel/Vinci)
Lemady (Anon/Britten)
Lemady (Anon/Britten/Matthews)
Leo: The Lion
Let all the world in ev’ry corner sing
Let all the world in ev'ry corner sing
Let Beauty awake
Let Beauty awake
Let each gallant heart, Z390 (Purcell)
Let formal lovers still pursue, Z391 (Purcell)
Let no mortal sing to me (Jackson)
Let not Chloris think (Danyel)
Let the child be born
Let the dreadful engines of eternal will
Let the night perish; cursed be the morn
Let us with a gladsome mind
Let us, kind Lesbia, give away, Z466 (Purcell)
Let's dance the jig
Libra: The Scales
Life and its follies are fading away
Like as the doleful dove (Tallis)
Like as the lute delights (Danyel)
Limehouse Reach
Little Fly
Little Fly
Little Sir William (Anon/Britten)
Live with me and be my love
Llwybrau Cân 'Paths of Song' (Metcalf)
Lo, the waves thy breath obey
Loch Broom Love Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Loch Leven Love Lament (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Look not in my eyes
Look not in my eyes
Look not in my eyes
Lord Randall (Anon/Scott)
Lord! I have sinned (Humfrey/Britten)
Lord! I married me a wife (Anon/Britten)
Lord, let me know mine end
Lord, thou hast given me a cell
Lord, to thee I make my moan (Byrd)
Lord, what is man?, Z192 (Purcell/Britten)
Lorsque j'étais jeunette, je gardais les moutons
Lost is my quiet for ever, Z502 (Purcell)
Lost is my quiet for ever, Z502 (Purcell/Britten)
Love and friendship
Love arms himself in Celia's eyes, Z392 (Purcell)
Love bade me welcome
Love gave I to thee, my lover
Love in thine eyes for ever plays, Op 13 No 7 (Jackson)
Love is now become a trade, Z393 (Purcell)
Love lives beyond the tomb
Love of the Father
Love on my heart
Love wakes and weeps (Webbe Jr.)
Love, thou can'st hear, tho' thou art blind, Z396 (Purcell)
Loveliest of trees
Loveliest of trees
Lovely Albina's come ashore, Z394 (Purcell)
Lovely Selena, innocent and free (Blow)
Love's echo
Love's Philosophy
Love's pow'r in my heart shall find no compliance, Z395 (Purcell)
Love's promise
Loves Sweet Repose (Lawes)
Love's Tempest
Love's voice 'Venetian Songs', Op 22 (Venables)
Lucy Long 'Song, with original variations' (Godfrey)
Mad Bess, Z370 (Purcell/Britten)
Mad Bess, Z370 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Madam and her Madam
Mae 'nghariad i'n Fenws
Maids to bed and cover cole
Man is for the woman made
Man's life is but vain, for 'tis subject to pain
Many pretty flowers, red, blue, and yellow
Many waters
Márgarét, áre you gríeving
Margate 1940
Marry me now (Anon/Hughes)
Marsh flowers
Mary's dream (Anon/Langdon)
Master Kilby (Anon/Britten)
Matthew, Mark and Luke and John
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
May in the Grenewode
Mercury and Nature in the Elysian Fields (Locke)
Mi sy'n fachgen ifanc ffôl 'I am a young and foolish lad'
Miracle of St Basil
Miss J Hunter Dunn, Miss J Hunter Dunn
Mistress, since you so much desire (Campion)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Cleobury)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Lawson)
Monday, Tuesday (Anon/Hughes)
Money, O!
'Mong the Gods by men adored
Moonlit night
More fond than Cushat Dove
More Songs of the Countryside (Head)
More Songs of the Countryside (Head)
Morning Song 'Maytime in Sussex' (Bax)
Mortals wisely learn to measure
Most Holy Night, that still dost keep
Mountain Songs (Davis)
Mournful song 'Under the little apple tree' (Anon/Isserlis)
Move now with measured sound (Campion)
Mrs M E her funeral tears for the death of her husband (Danyel)
Much Ado About Nothing (Arne)
Music for a while
Music for a while
Music for a while
Music has power to melt the soul
Music's the cordial of a troubled breast
Musing on cares of human fate, Z467 (Purcell)
Muza 'The muse'
My babe on a curling green wave
My choice is made (Pilkington)
My complaining is but feigning (Jones)
My dear, my dear, I know
My dearest heart (Sullivan)
My faint spirit is sitting in the light
My fair
My foes prevail, my friends are fled
My God, I'm wounded by my sin
My heart, whenever you appear, Z399 (Purcell)
My love was born in Aberdeen
My love, my love
My mind has thunderstorms
My Mother (Miss L H of Liverpool)
My own country
My song is love unknown (L'Estrange)
My song is love unknown (Pott)
My song shall be alway 'Chandos Anthem No 7', HWV252 (Handel)
My song shall be alway, Z31 (Purcell)
My soul the great God's praises sings (Lawes)
My soul, there is a country
My sweetest Lesbia (Campion)
My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky
My thoughts are wing'd with hopes (Dowland)
My true love hath my heart
Nature! sweet mistress of the pensive mind
Natus est nobis hodie (Anon/Tallis)
Near a thick grove, whose deep embow'ring shade
Near to Banbridge town, in the County Down
Neig' schön' Knospe Dich zu mir
Nennen korori yo okorori yo
Never weather-beaten sail
Never weather-beaten sail (Campion)
Newborn (Pueblo)
Night hath no wings, to him that cannot sleep
No force can stand
No leaflet stirs upon the silent shore
No more dams I'll make for fish (Smith)
No more, the dear, lovely nymph's no more (Blow)
No Reprieve (Lawes)
No, Lesbia, you ask in vain 'Elegy on the death of Queen Mary, The Queen's Epicedium' (Blow)
No, let chromatic tunes
No, resistance is but vain
No, to what purpose should I speak?, Z468 (Purcell)
Noble numbers (Roe)
Not all my torments can your pity move, Z400 (Purcell)
Not all my torments can your pity move, Z400 (Purcell/Britten)
Now chimney tops and gables
Now each flowery bank of May (Gibbons)
Now gently sinks the sun to rest
Now hath Flora robbed her bowers (Campion)
Now listen you landsmen unto me
Now sleeps the crimson petal
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
Now that the sun hath veiled his light 'An Evening Hymn', Z193 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Now the earth, the skies, the air (Danyel)
Now what is he after below in the street
Now what is Love? (Jones)
Now, now Lucasia, now make haste
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland)
O Brighde! 'Tis seaward, the dreamland, the youth land
O can ye sew cushions? (Anon/Britten)
O come all you young fellows that carry a gun
O come you good people that go out a-tripping
O dear life, when may it be (Byrd)
O father, father build me a boat (Anon/Hughes)
O for a closer walk with God
O Great Spirit (Dakota)
O happy fair! (Bishop)
O heartling of my heart (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
O Israel turn – The wave hath closed
O King of Heaven and Hell, of Sea and Earth!
O Libertà, o Dea Celeste, e Bella!
O Lord God of hosts, who is like unto thee?
O Love, I complain
O Mary, soft in Feature
O men from the fields
O men from the fields 'Cradle song' (Anon/Hughes)
O mighty God, who sit'st on high (Blow)
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine
O mistress mine (Addison)
O most I loved her pretty eyes
O rich-soiled land, O land of Phthia
O Robin is my only jo, for Robin has the art tae lo'e
O rosa bella (Bedyngham)
O Rose thou art sick
O sick heart, be at rest!
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Amner)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sleep thou heav’n-born treasure, thou
O snow, which sinks so light
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell)
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell/Boothby)
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell/Britten)
O swallow, swallow
O talk not to me of my country's delights
O that most rare breast (Byrd)
O the sight entrancing (Anon/Britten)
O turn not those fine eyes away (Blow)
O 'twas on the broad Atlantic
O waly, waly
O waly, waly (Anon/Britten)
O waly, waly (Anon/Britten/Boothby)
O where hae ye been, Lord Randall, my son?
O Wild West Wind
O Willie's gane tae Melville Castle (Anon/Stephen)
O, whistle and I'll come to you, my lad (Anon/Stephen)
Ode to the memory of Italian virtuosi (Harington)
Oedipus, Z583 (Purcell/Boothby)
Oedipus, Z583 (Purcell/Britten)
Oedipus, Z583 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Of a Rose I Sing a Song (Bax)
Of a rose is all my song (Leighton)
Of all the girls that are so smart
Of all the girls that are so smart
Of all the torments, all the cares (Blow)
Of fair girls the loveliest
Of one that is so fayr and bright
Of the Inns of Court Masque (Lawes)
Of unrecorded name
Oft have I sigh'd (Campion)
Oft in the stilly night (Anon/Britten)
Oh fair enough are sky and plain
Oh see how thick the goldcup flowers
Oh sweet woods, the delight of solitariness (Lawes)
Oh who is that young sinner?
Oh would I could subdue the flesh
Oh! that mine eyes would melt into a flood (Blow)
Oh! what a scene does entertain my sight, Z506 (Purcell)
Oh, breathe not his name (Anon/Moore/Hughes)
Oh, brother, hear the bells, Saint Basil's bells tolling
Oh, fair Cedaria, hide those eyes, Z402 (Purcell)
Oh, farewell to you my Nancy, ten thousand times adieu
Oh, let me still and silent lie (Lawes)
Oh, my Clarissa, thou cruel fair (Lawes)
Oh, that joy so soon should waste (Lawes)
Old Simon the cellarer keeps a rare store
Old songs of lost love (Swann)
Old woman, old woman, are you fond of smoking?
Olinda in the shades unseen, Z404 (Purcell)
Oliver Cromwell (Anon/Britten)
On a day, alack the day (Arne)
On a time in summer season (Jones)
On Betelgeuse the gold leaves hang in golden aisles
On Malvern Hill
On mountain side I lost my heart
On song (Metcalf)
On the brow of Richmond Hill, Z405 (Purcell)
On the brow of Richmond Hill, Z405 (Purcell/Britten)
On the idle hill of summer
Once did I serve a cruel heart (Jones)
One midsummer's morn as I was a-walking
One midsummer's morn as I were a-walking
One morning in the month of May
One perfect rose
Oroonoko, Z584 (Purcell/Britten)
Orpheus and Euridice (Boyce)
Orpheus' Hymn (Lawes)
Orpheus with his lute (Chilcot)
Orpheus with his lute (Greene)
Orpheus with his lute (Sullivan)
Orpheus with his lute made trees
Other Love Songs (Hough)
Our bugles sung truce, for the night cloud had lower'd
Our Lady's song (Maw)
Out at sea, fair is she
Out in the bushlands
Out of the deep have I called unto thee
Outside the Eastern Gate
Outward bound
Over hill, over dale
Over hill, over dale
Over the mountains (Anon/Quilter)
Over the quiet hills
Over the wave (Ojibwa)
Owls, an Epitaph
Pardon, goddess of the night (Chilcot)
Pastiche on the Hindu Merchant's Song from 'Sadko' by Rimsky-Korsakov (Sorabji)
Pastoral 'Le ciel est, par-dessus le toit'
Pastora's beauties when unblown, Z407 (Purcell)
Patroclus whirls there across the plain
Pausanias, the Betrayer of his Country, Z585 (Purcell)
Pausanias, the Betrayer of his Country, Z585 (Purcell/Britten)
Pausanias, the Betrayer of his Country, Z585 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Per pietà
Perfect and endless circles are (Lawes)
Persuasions not to Love (Lawes)
Phillis, I can ne'er forgive it, Z408 (Purcell)
Phillis, talk no more of passion, Z409 (Purcell)
Phyllis, I fain would die now (Morley)
Piano Concerto No 1 'The Song of Gwyn ap Nudd', Op 52 (Holbrooke)
Pious Celinda goes to prayers, Z410 (Purcell)
Pious Celinda goes to prayers, Z410 (Purcell/Britten)
Piping down the valleys wild
Pisces: The Fish
Plop fall the plums
Politics (Wilkinson)
Poor Celadon, he sighs in vain 'Loving above himself' (Blow)
Popular song
Praise be to God, and God alone
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Pray that Jerusalem
Precious moment
Prisons are built with stones of Law
Proud songsters (Wilkinson)
Proverb I
Psalm 'A Song of Ascents' (Saxton)
Purest and highest
Pushkin and Lermontov
Put your head, darling
Pyramid song (Radiohead/Le Page)
Quand j'étais chez mon père (Anon/Britten)
Qué li darem a n'el Noi de la Mare?
Quick darts an eagle throuh the skies
Quien hubiese tal ventura
Raging night drowns dark’ning day
Rain storm
Rainbow cloud higher and higher
Rashly I swore I would disown, Z411 (Purcell)
Reality check
Reiselied (Mendelssohn/Asti)
Rest awhile, you cruel cares (Dowland)
Return, O holy Dove, return!
Reynardine (Anon/Hughes)
Rich and rare (Anon/Britten)
Rich and rare were the gems she wore (Anon/Stevenson)
Ringleted youth of my love
Rise heart; thy Lord is risen. Sing his praise without delays
Round, round, round goes the merry-go-round
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Z587 (Purcell/Britten)
Running to paradise (Wilkinson)
Sabina has a thousand charms (Blow)
Sagittarius: The Archer
Sail on, sail on (Anon/Britten)
Sailing with thee thro' seas of Erin
Sailor-boy (Anon/Britten)
Saint Anthony whom I bear
Saint Basil walks along the road
Sally in our alley (Carey)
Sally in our alley (Carey/Britten)
Sally is gone that was so kindly
Saul and the witch at Endor, Z134 (Purcell/Britten)
Sawney is a bonny lad, Z412 (Purcell)
Say who is this?
Say, Love, if ever thou didst find (Dowland)
Scarce had the rising sun appear'd, Z469 (Purcell)
Scorpio: The Scorpion
Scots song (MacMillan)
Scots wha hae (Anon/Liddell)
Sea Wandering (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Sea-longing (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser/Bantock)
Searching for lambs
Seated one day at the organ
See how the fading glories of the year, Z470 (Purcell)
See how the sun
See where she sits 'Weeping', Z508 (Purcell)
See, see, mine own sweet jewel (Morley)
Sevdalino, my little one
Seven Danish Songs (Delius)
Seven Danish Songs (Delius)
Seven Partsongs, H162 Op 44 (Holst)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Seven Songs from the Norwegian (Delius)
Shall I come, sweet love? (Campion)
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Shall I strive with words to move? (Dowland)
Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (Dowland)
She borrowed some of her mother's gold
She is far from the land (Anon/Stevenson)
She lived beside the Anner (Anon/Hughes)
She loves and she confesses too, Z413 (Purcell)
She moved thro' the fair (Anon/Hughes)
She that would gain a faithful lover, Z414 (Purcell)
She, who my poor heart possesses, Z415 (Purcell)
Sheep and cattle I hae nane, O
Shepherd, leave decoying
Shepherds' cradle song (Park)
She's like the swallow (Anon/Britten)
She's like the swallow (Anon/Britten/Matthews)
Shestnadtsat Pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen Songs for children', Op 54 (Tchaikovsky/Lubbock)
Shoo all 'er birds you be so black
Shoo all 'er birds you be so black
Shu is away
Sigh no more, ladies
Sigh no more, ladies
Silent lay the sapphire ocean
Silent noon
Silent noon
Silent worship (Handel/Jacobson)
Silent, oh Moyle! be the roar of thy water 'The Song of Fiionnulala' (Anon/Stevenson)
Simon the Cellarer (Hatton)
Simon, son of John
Since first I saw your face (Ford)
Since one poor view has drawn my heart, Z416 (Purcell)
Since the pox, or the plague, Z471 (Purcell)
Sing fair Clorinda (Lawes)
Sing lullaby. O slumber heavenly treasure
Sing, ye muses 'Epilogue' (Blow)
Sitting by the streams (Lawes)
Six Choral Folksongs, H136 (Holst)
Six English folk songs (Vaughan Williams)
Six Sea Songs (Head)
Six songs for children (Herbert)
Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Butterworth)
Six Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Butterworth/Williams)
Six songs to poems by William Blake (Swann)
Six Songs, Op 33 (Venables)
Six Songs, Op 33 (Venables)
Six Songs, Op 33 (Venables)
Six Songs, Op 33 (Venables)
Six Studies in English Folk Song (Vaughan Williams)
Skye Water-Kelpie's Lullaby (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Sleep, darling, sleep, the daylight
Sleep, fleshly birth (Ramsey)
Sleep, my darling, sleep
Sleep, sleep, happy child
Sleep, wayward thoughts (Dowland)
Sleeps the noon in the deep blue sky (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Slide soft, you silver floods (Lawes)
Smert 'Death'
So parted you (Campion)
So shall my walk be close with God
Soft notes and gently raised 'A Serenading Song', Z510 (Purcell)
Some talk of Alexander
Somnus, the humble god (Lawes)
Song (Bowen)
Song (Herbert)
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Song for Athene (Tavener)
Song for Athene (Tavener/Rose)
Song for bringing a child into the world (Seminole)
Song 'I gaze upon you' (Jackson)
Song of a nightclub proprietress (Dring)
Song of June (Harvey)
Song of Songs
Song of the shepherds (Forbes L'Estrange)
Song to the Seals (Bantock)
Song to the Seals (Bantock/Hough)
Songbird (McVie/Ashby)
Songe d'Automne (Joyce)
Songs and Proverbs of William Blake, Op 74 (Britten)
Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare (Shearing)
Songs for Achilles (Tippett)
Songs for Ariel (Tippett)
Songs for Seven Storeys (Chilcott)
Songs from County Kerry (Anon/Moeran)
Songs from the Exotic (Weir)
Songs from The Princess, Op 20a (Holst)
Songs in time of war (Roth)
Songs my mother taught me
Songs of a Roving Celt, Op 157 (Stanford)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of a wayfarer (Ireland)
Songs of Courtship (Bevan Baker)
Songs of Erin, Op 76 (Stanford)
Songs of Eternity and Sorrow, Op 36 (Venables)
Songs of Faith, Op 97 (Stanford)
Songs of Faith, Op 97 (Stanford)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of farewell (Parry)
Songs of love (Todd)
Songs of magical creatures (Todd)
Songs of peace (Todd)
Songs of perfect propriety (Barab)
Songs of the Countryside (Head)
Songs of the Half-Light, Op 65 (Berkeley)
Songs of the Sea, Op 91 (Stanford)
Songs of the Zodiac (Bush)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams)
Songs of travel (Vaughan Williams/Douglas)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Pott)
Songs, Op 37 (Venables)
Songs, Op 37 (Venables)
Songs, Op 41 (Venables)
Songs, Op 41 (Venables)
Songs, Op 41 (Venables/Lloyd)
Songs, Op 45 (Venables)
Soon as the letters trembling I unclose
Sophonisba, or Hannibal's overthrow, Z590 (Purcell)
Sore sea-longing in my heart
Sorrow and joy
Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (Dowland)
Sound the trumpet
Spite of the godhead, pow'rful love, Z417 (Purcell)
Spring and fall (Wilkinson)
Spring scene in time of war
Spring Song, H104 No 2 (Bridge)
Spurn Point
St Mark's Square
Stay, cruel, stay! (Danyel)
Stay, gentle Echo, dear nymph, stay 'A Dialogue between Philander and the Echo' (Blow)
Street song 'The grey eagle' (Anon/Isserlis)
String Quartet in A major 'On Greek Folk Songs' (Boughton)
Stript of their green our groves appear, Z444 (Purcell)
Summer Eve
Summer Nights
Summer schemes
Summer song (Inuit)
Suo gân (Anon/Innes)
Swansea Town
Swansongs (Brunning)
Swansongs (Chilcott)
Sweep thy faint strings, Musician
Sweet and low
Sweet Chance, that led my steps abroad
Sweet day
Sweet dreams form a shade
Sweet Echo, sweetest nymph that liv'st unseen (Lawes)
Sweet Kate (Jones)
Sweet Polly Oliver (Anon/Britten)
Sweet was the song the virgin sang 'Lute-book lullaby' (Anon/Shaw)
Sweet, stay awhile, why will you rise? (Dowland)
Sweet, stay awhile; why do you rise? (Lawes)
Sweeter than roses
Sweeter than roses
Sweeter than roses
Swift through the yielding air
Sylvia, now your scorn give over, Z420 (Purcell)
Sylvia, 'tis true you're fair, Z512 (Purcell)
Take not a woman's anger ill
Take, O take those lips away
Take, O take those lips away (Weldon)
Take, O take those lips away (Wilson)
Taking your leave
Taurus: The Bull
Tavola (Lawes)
Te lucis ante terminum (Anon/Forshaw)
Tears, idle tears
Tell me no more you love (Blow)
Tell me, lovely shepherd (Boyce/Poston)
Tell me, some pitying angel, quickly say
Tell me, true love (Dowland)
Tell us, thou clear and heavenly tongue
Ten Blake Songs (Vaughan Williams)
That winter love spoke and we raise no objection, at
The acorn that we planted will grow into a tree
The adoration
The advent
The Advice (Handel)
The Angel
The Angler's Song (Lawes)
The angry steed, the fife and drum invite
The ash grove (Anon/Britten)
The Bard of Armagh (Anon/Hughes)
The Bassoon 'Humorous Song' (Ashlyn/Perkins)
The beautiful city of Sligo (Anon/Stanford)
The bird a nest, the spider a web
The Bird's Story
The Birlinn of the White Shoulders (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser/Bantock)
The Black Loorgin 'A Hebridean Seafaring Song' (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation when our Saviour, at twelve years of age, had withdrawn himself, Z196 (Purcell/Britten)
The bold unbiddable child
The bonny Earl O'Moray (Anon/Britten)
The brewer
The Bridesmaid's Song
The brisk young widow (Anon/Britten)
The British grenadiers
The buckle
The bunny
The Call
The carriageway
The Chimney-Sweeper
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Gritton)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Knight)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/L'Estrange)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Robertson)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Rutter)
The city's love
The cloud-capp'd towers
The clown's songs from 'Twelfth night', Op 65 (Stanford)
The cock has crowed
The cockle gatherer (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The colour of his hair
The Comical History of Don Quixote, Z578 (Purcell/Britten)
The Coolin of Rhum (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The cork leg (Anon/Hughes)
The Crocodile (Anon/Britten)
The Crone's Creel (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The curfew (Storace)
The cypress curtain of the night (Campion)
The dark-eyed sailor
The darkling thrush (Hawes)
The day that saw thy beauty rise (Jackson)
The Deaf Woman's Courtship (Anon/Britten)
The Death Farewell (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Death of the common soldier (Webbe Jr.)
The delights of the bottle (Locke)
The Desert (Emanuel)
The Desert Island (Arne)
The Distress'd Mother (Pinto)
The Divine Image
The emigrant (Hook)
The evening primrose
The Fairy Queen, Z629 (Purcell/Britten)
The Fairy Queen, Z629 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The falling star (Anon/Stanford)
The false knight upon the road (Anon/Britten)
The Fanaid grove (Anon/Hughes)
The farewel to Vaux Hall (Lampe)
The fatal hour comes on apace, Z421 (Purcell)
The fatal hour comes on apace, Z421 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The Fleeting
The Fly
The Fly
The foggy, foggy dew (Anon/Britten)
The Fountain
The fountains mingle with the river
The foxglove bells, with lolling tongue
The garden (Wilkinson)
The Garden of Love
The Garden Seat
The Gartan Mother's Lullaby (Anon/Hughes)
The girl I left behind me
The glittering sun begins to rise
The golden ray
The Gondolier
The gypsies
The half-moon westers low
The happy tramp
The hare
The harp that once, thro' Tara's halls (Anon/Stevenson)
The Harper (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Herdmaiden's Song (Anon/Roberton)
The hippo
The Homeward Way
The hour-glass (Wilkinson)
The hours of folly are measur'd by the clock
The Indian Queen, Z630 (Purcell/Britten)
The Indian Queen, Z630 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The infinite shining heavens
The infinite shining heavens
The invitation to the gondola
The kind appointment Celia made
The knight met the child in the road
The knotting song, Z371 (Purcell/Britten)
The ladies in Vaux- hall- Gardens, to the British Officers at Dettingen (Gladwin)
The lads in their hundreds
The lads in their hundreds
The Lamb
The lamplighter
The Lark (Lawes)
The lark in the clear air (Anon/Tate)
The lark in the clear air (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
The lark sings high in the cornfield (Linley Sr.)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Britten)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Moore/Stevenson)
The Last Song or Valediction (Lawes)
The Lawyer
The Leaping Galley (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The leprehaun (Anon/Joyce/Hughes)
The licorice fields at Pontefract
The Lincolnshire poacher (Anon/Britten)
the littlest bird
The Lost Chord (Sullivan)
The lost lover
The lover's ghost
The lover's message (Erskine)
The lover's recantation (Arne)
The lyre (Harington)
The magpie's nest (Anon/Hughes)
The Maid's Last Prayer, or Any rather than Fail, Z601 (Purcell/Britten)
The Mayden's Songe, BK82 (Byrd)
The meeting of the waters (Anon/Moore/Stevenson)
The Melancholy Nymph
The mermaid (Anon/Vignoles)
The miller of Dee (Anon/Britten)
The Minstrel
The minstrel boy (Anon/Britten)
The Minstrel-Boy (Anon/Stevenson)
The Mock Marriage, Z605 (Purcell/Britten)
The Mock Marriage, Z605 (Purcell/Clarke)
The Mock Marriage, Z605 (Purcell/Clarke/Tippett/Bergmann)
The moon had climb’d the highest hill
The Morning (Arne)
The Moth
The Mournful Lovers (Lawes)
The next market day (Anon/Hughes)
The night
The night has a thousand eyes
The Non-Parreill (Boyce)
The oaks
The Oddities (Dibdin)
The Oddities (Dibdin/Britten)
The old cypress tree at the temple of Zhu-ge Liang
The old superb
The old turf fire (Anon/Hughes)
The one hope
The Penguin Song (Stannard)
The Pibroch
The Piper
The Pleasures of Spring Gardens, Vauxhall (Boyce)
The plough boy (Shield/Britten)
The Poet's Song
The power of music and beauty (Stanley)
The pride of the peacock is the glory of God
The Princess look'd forth from her maiden bow'r
The Prophetess, or The History of Dioclesian, Z627 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The pulley
The Queen's Epicedium, Z383 (Purcell/Britten)
The Queen's Maries (Anon/McVicar)
The rain had fallen, the Poet arose
The rain it raineth every day
The Rainbow
The rat
The Reiving Ship (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The Rival Sisters, or The Violence of Love, Z609 (Purcell/Britten)
The river in December
The roadside fire
The roadside fire
The Roadside Fire
The romance of Count Arnaldos
The roving dingle boy
The salley gardens
The salley gardens (Anon/Britten)
The saucy bold robber
The scapegoat
The sea is before them
The self-banish'd 'A Minuet' (Blow)
The sheep's in the meadows
The sheep's in the meadows, the kye's in the corn
The Shepherd
The shepherd's cradle song (Leuner/Macpherson)
The Ship at Sea (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The shooting of his dear (Anon/Britten)
The Shower
The sick heart
The sick Rose
The silver swan (Gibbons)
The sky is up above the roof
The Snow
The soldier and the sailor (Anon/Britten)
The Soldier's Dream (Attwood)
The soldier's return
The Song of Moses (Linley Jr.)
The Song of Songs (Bantock)
The Song of the Birds (Anon/Beamish)
The song of the blacksmith
The song of the creatures (Burgon)
The song of the girl ravished away by the fairies in South Uist
The song of the mad prince
The Song of the Severn, Op 43 (Venables)
The Song of the Severn, Op 43 (Venables)
The Song of the Severn, Op 43 (Venables)
The Song of the Severn, Op 43 (Venables)
The song of the shadows
The Song sung true (Weir)
The Songs of Today (Bennett)
The Spanish Lady (Anon/Hughes)
The splendour falls
The spring time of the year
The Star of the County Down (Anon/Hughes)
The Star-Song (Dove)
The steadfast shepherd (Hook)
The stolen heart (Anon/Stanford)
The street sounds to the soldiers' tread
The stuttering lovers (Anon/Hughes)
The succession of the four sweet months
The sun's beams are running out (Comanche) – We wait in the darkness (Iroquois)
The Syllables of Summer Birds
The tadpole
The three ravens (Anon/Ravenscroft)
The thrushes sing as the sun is going
The tinker's daughter
The tocherless lass (Anon/Macfarlane)
The tragedy of that moment
The trees they grow so high (Anon/Britten)
The trellis
The Triumph of Love LIII
The Tyger
The Uncanny Mannikin of the Cattlefold (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The unthrift sun shot vital gold
The vagabond
The vagabond
The valley and the hill
The valley lay smiling before me 'The Song of O'Ruark, Prince of Breffni' (Anon/Stevenson)
The vane on Hughley steeple
The Vauday Part Songs (Hawes)
The visitor
The wanderer's song
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
The way through
The wee cooper o' Fife (Anon/Davie)
The What d'ye Call it? (Handel)
The white cockade (Anon/McVicar)
The Wild Swan (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The willow song
The wind was rising easterly, the morning sky was blue
The Witchery Milking Croon (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
The yellow poplar leaves have strown
Thee and thy wondrous deeds (Lawes)
There is a bird on yonder tree
There is a funny fellow
There is an old belief
There is none, o none but you (Campion)
There is sweet music
There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse
There sweetest flowers of mingled hue
There was a jolly miller once lived on the river Dee
There was a King in days of old, many treasures rare he owned
There was a tree
There was a wee cooper wha lived in Fife
There was an old man liv'd out in the wood
There was an old man of the Isles
There were shepherds on the hillside
There were three ravens sat on a tree
There youthful Cupid, high advanc'd
There's none to soothe (Anon/Britten)
There's none to soothe (Anon/Smith)
There's not a swain of the plain
They say you're angry, Z422 (Purcell)
Think in the morning
Think no more, lad
Think no more, lad
Think not, my love, when secret grief (Linley Sr.)
Think'st thou then by thy feigning (Dowland)
Think'st thou to seduce me then? (Campion)
This mossy bank they prest
This night
This poet sings the Trojan wars 'Anacreon's Defeat', Z423 (Purcell)
This worldes joie
Thither thy people, Lord
Those winter songs are written by liars
Thou gav'st me leave to kiss
Thou pretty bird, how do I see (Danyel)
Thou stretchest out thy hand
Thou wakeful shepherd, that does Israel keep
Thou, as thy mercy had decreed
Though Amaryllis dance (Byrd)
Though your strangeness frets my heart (Jones)
Thoughts while travelling at night
Three Belloc songs (Warlock)
Three Elizabethan Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Elizabethan Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Middle English Songs (Howard)
Three Romantic songs (Bliss)
Three Sacred Songs (Head)
Three Shakespeare Songs (Vaughan Williams)
Three Shakespeare Songs, Op 6 (Quilter)
Three Shelley Songs (Delius)
Three Songs (Bliss)
Three Songs (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Three Songs for Jennie (Skempton)
Three Songs for Jennie (Skempton)
Three Songs for Jennie (Skempton)
Three Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Orr)
Three Songs of Fantasy (Head)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs of Praise (Dyson)
Three Songs of Venice (Head)
Three Songs to poems by Thomas Hardy (Ireland)
Three Songs without Words for oboe quartet (Boughton)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Songs, Op 12 (Parry)
Three Two-Part Songs (Britten)
Thrice happy lovers, may you be for ever free
Through all the night
Through bushes and through briars (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Through mournful shades and solitary groves, Z424 (Purcell)
Through the sunny garden
Thus the foe with haughty pride
Tigaree torum orum (Anon/Hughes)
Time has not thinn'd my flowing hair (Jackson)
Time stands still (Dowland)
Time's eldest son, Old Age (Dowland)
'Tis believed that this harp 'The Origin of the Harp' (Anon/Stevenson)
'Tis late and cold (Johnson)
'Tis only no harm to know it, you know (Shield)
'Tis the last rose of summer (Anon/Stevenson)
To a young girl (Wilkinson)
To ages shalt thou stretch thy sway
To ask for all thy love (Dowland)
To be sung of a summer night on the water I
To daffodils
To fair Fidele's grassy tomb (Arne)
To God
To heal the wound a bee had made (Linley Jr.)
To his angrie God
To Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love
To pray you open your whole self
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
To Sycamores (Lawes)
To the heart of youth the world is a highwayside
To the heart of youth the world is a highwayside
To the soul
To Wei Ba, who has lived away from the court
Tobacco, tobacco (Hume)
Toll the bell
Tom Bowling
Tom Bowling
Tom O' Bedlam's Song (Bennett)
Trottin' to the fair
True-hearted was he, the sad swain o' the Yarrow
Tryst 'In fountain court'
Tune on my pipe the praise of my Love
Tune thy music to thy heart (Campion)
Tuona, balena, sibila il vento
Turn then thine eyes, Z425 (Purcell/Britten)
'Twas on a Monday morning
'Twas when the seas were roaring
'Twas within a furlong of Edinboro' town
'Twas within a furlong of Edinboro' town
Twelfth Night (Vernon)
Twelve Songs, H174 (Holst)
Twelve Welsh Folk Songs, H183 (Holst)
Twilight Fancies
Two Choral Songs, Op 71 (Elgar)
Two Choral Songs, Op 73 (Elgar)
Two English Folksongs (Vaughan Williams)
Two Love songs (Bliss)
Two Love songs (Bliss)
Two Partsongs, Op 26 (Elgar)
Two September Songs, Op 18 (Quilter)
Two short songs (Warlock)
Two songs (Warlock)
Two Songs 1920 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1920 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Two Songs 1926 (Ireland)
Two Songs from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (Murrill)
Two unaccompanied partsongs (Delius)
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
Tyrannic Love, or The Royal Martyr, Z613 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Uist Cattle Croon (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Ullapool Sailor's Song (Anon/Kennedy-Fraser)
Uncertain turns of thought
Und was die Sonne glüht
Under the greenwood tree
Under the greenwood tree
Under the greenwood tree
Unquiet thoughts (Dowland)
Urge me no more, Z426 (Purcell)
Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La, The playnesong … by a second Person, BK58 (Byrd)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar)
Vagabond Songs, Op 10 (Farrar/Williams)
Vain, all our life I (Sheppard)
Vair me o rovan o, vair me o rovan ee
Van Dieman's Land
Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Lawson)
Veni, redemptor gentium (Anon/Tallis)
Venus' Birds (Bennet)
Vien con nuova orribil guerrra
Virgo: The Virgin
Voici le printemps (Anon/Britten)
Wapping Old Stairs
Warum sind denn die Rosen so blass? (Mendelssohn/Asti)
Wassail song
We go walking on the green grass
We reap all the pleasures, Z547 (Purcell)
We sing to him whose wisdom form'd the ear, Z199 (Purcell/Britten)
We wandered on a Mayday morning
Wedding Song 'My Lord is all aglow'
Weep you now more, sad fountains
Well met, well met my own true love
Were I at the Moss House where the birds do increase
What a sad fate is mine, Z428a (Purcell)
What a sad fate is mine, Z428b (Purcell)
What art thou? From what causes dost thou spring?
What can we poor females do?, Z518 (Purcell)
What can we poor females do?, Z518 (Purcell/Britten)
What delight can they enjoy (Danyel)
What does little birdie say?
What hope for us remains now he is gone?, Z472 (Purcell)
What if I never speed? (Dowland)
What is that? … Nothing
What is this life if, full of care
What is't to us? (Blow)
What shall I do to show how much I love her?
What the bee is to the floweret (Anon/Stevenson)
What tho' his guilt
What wealth of rapture
What will they give me, when journey’s done?
When daffodils begin to peer
When daffodils begin to peer
When daffodils begin to peer
When daisies pied and violets blue (Arne)
When daisies pied and violets blue (Leveridge)
When first my shepherdess and I, Z431 (Purcell)
When first we met
When God at first made man
When green buds hang in the elm like dust
When Harry the tailor was twenty years old
When her languishing eyes said 'Love!', Z432 (Purcell)
When I am grown
When I had money, money, O!
When I have passed
When I have sung my songs (Charles)
When I was a bachelor I lived all alone
When I was bound apprentice in famous Lincolnshire
When I was no older than the clouds
When I was one-and-twenty
When I was one-and-twenty
When I watch the living meet
When icicles hang on the wall (Arne)
When Jesus Christ was yet a child
When love was a stranger
When man for sin thy judgment feels (Lawes)
When Mary thro' the garden went
When my Aemelia smiles, Z434 (Purcell)
When Myra sings, Z521 (Purcell/Britten)
When once the sun sinks in the west
When poppies fall
When shall I see my captive heart? (Lawes)
When shall my sorrowful sighing slack (Tallis)
When Strephon found his passion vain, Z435 (Purcell)
When that I was a little tiny boy
When that I was and a little tiny boy
When that I was and a little tiny boy
When the lad for longing sighs
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion
When the sun with great flashes of grandeur
When through life unblest we rove (Anon/Moore/Hughes)
When winter comes and the trees are bare
When within my arms I hold you
When young life's journey I began
Whence! Andante delicato
Whenever the moon and the stars are set
Where am I?
Where go the boats?
Where is the home I seek
Where the bee sucks
Where the bee sucks (Humfrey)
Where the bee sucks (Johnson)
Where the bee sucks, Op 11 No 6 (Jackson)
Where the bee sucks, there lurk I (Arne)
Where the blind and wanton boy (Byrd)
Whether I find thee
While Thirsis, wrapp'd in downy sleep, Z437 (Purcell)
Whilst Cynthia sung, all angry winds lay still, Z438 (Purcell)
Whilst in the verdant Spot we stray
Whilst on Septimnius's panting breast 'Septimnius and Acme, Ode from Catullus' (Blow)
Whither must I wander?
Whither must I wander?
Who but a slave can well express, Z440 (Purcell)
Who can behold Florella's charms?, Z441 (Purcell)
Who ever thinks or hopes of love for love (Dowland)
Who is Silvia
Who is Silvia?
Who likes to love (Byrd)
Who my heart has free from sorrow deep unbound
Who owns the mountain?
Who will walk with thee, Kirsteen
Who, my friend, make this river flow?
Why canst thou not? (Danyel)
Why Flavia, why so wanton still?
Why should I sit and sigh, puin' bracken, puin' bracken
Why so pale and wan, fond lover? (Lawes)
Why, my Daphne, why complaining?, Z525 (Purcell)
Wie ist es denn, dass trüb und schwer
Wild with passion 'Song on the water' (Britten)
Will my tiny spark of being wholly vanish in your deeps and heights?
Will said to his mammy (Jones)
Wilt thou forgive that Sin, where I began?
Wilt thou, unkind, thus reave me of my heart? (Dowland)
Windy Nights
Winter snow (Wilkinson)
Winter Songs (Forbes L'Estrange/L'Estrange)
Winter wakeneth al my care
Witches' song (Britten)
With perfume heavily laden the roses droop their heads
With rue my heart is laden
Without the sweets of melody
Woo her, and win her (Campion)
Would my conceit that first enforced my woe (Dowland)
Yaqui song (Yaqui)
Ye balmy breezes, gently blow (Shield)
Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon (Anon/Liddell)
Ye happy swains, whose nymphs are kind, Z443 (Purcell)
Ye Hielands and ye Low-lands
Ye sacred Muses (Byrd)
Ye sportive loves, that round me wait (Linley Sr.)
Ye that have spent the silent night
Yea, cast me from heights
Yestreen the queen had four Maries
You can’t wrap a hug in wrapping paper
You couldn't stop a lover (Anon/Hughes)
You meaner beauties of the night (East)
You spotted snakes (Smith)
Young Thirsis' fate, Z473 (Purcell)
Young Venevil
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your hands lie open in the long fresh grass
Your Molly has never been false, she declares
Youth and love
Youth and love
Zen love song (Panufnik)
ειθε γενοιμην … would I were
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