Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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A Bellman's Song (Ravenscroft)
A bonny, bonny bird I have (Wilson)
A Despairing Lover (Lawes)
A Dialogue (Lawes)
A Dreame (Lawes)
A Fool's Preferment, or The Three Dukes of Dunstable, Z571 (Purcell/Britten)
A Hymn on Divine Musick (Croft/Britten)
A morning hymn, Z198 (Purcell/Britten)
A Pastoral Elegie to the memory of deare Brother, William Lawes (Lawes)
A song on the victory obtain'd over the rebels by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, HWV228/9 (Handel)
A Tale out of Anacreon (Lawes)
A thousand sev'ral ways I tried, Z359 (Purcell)
Adieu bergère pour jamais (Guédron)
Ah dear heart (Gibbons)
Ah me, how scanty is my store!
Ah silly soul (Byrd)
Ah! che morir vorrei
Ah! cruel nymph!, Z352 (Purcell)
Ah! what avails the sprightly morn of life (Linley Sr.)
Ah, how pleasant 'tis to love, Z353 (Purcell)
Ah, how sweet it is to love
Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth d'Antoine Boesset Book 16 (Boësset)
Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth d'Antoine Boesset Book 5 (Boësset)
Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth d'Antoine Boesset Book 9 (Boësset)
Airs de cour Book 1 (Moulinié)
Airs de cour Book 4 (Moulinié)
Airs de cour eet de différents auteurs Book 5 (Boësset)
Airs de cour, Book 3 (Moulinié)
Alas, from the day my poor heart (Linley Sr.)
All as a sea (Byrd)
All fancy sick (De Fesch)
All looks be pale (Campion)
All through the night 'The Widow's Lament' (Haydn)
All ye whom Love or Fortune hath betrayed (Dowland)
Alla caccia, HWV79 (Handel/Bennett)
Alleluia, ZS14 (Weldon/Purcell/Britten)
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, BWV68 (Bach)
Amadis di Grecia (Torri)
Amarillis, by a spring (Lawes)
Amidst the myrtles as I walk
Amidst the shades and cool refreshing streams, Z355 (Purcell)
Amintas, to my grief I see, Z356 (Purcell)
Amintor, heedless of his flocks, Z357 (Purcell)
Amintor's Welladay (Lawes)
Amor, non dormir più (Strozzi)
Amore è bandito (Strozzi)
Amphitryon, or The Two Sosias, Z572 (Purcell)
An aged dame (Byrd)
An Epithalamium (Wedding Song)
An Evening Hymn, Z193
And is it night? Are they thine eyes that shine? (Jones)
Angenehmer Zephyrus
Arianna a Naxos, Hob XXVIb:2 (Haydn)
Arise, ye subterranean Winds (Reggio)
Artaserse (Hasse)
Ascolta o figlio (Andromaca)
Ask me to love no more, Z358 (Purcell)
Astianatte (Bononcini)
At dead low ebb of night
Auch die sprödeste der Schönen, Hob XXVIa:18 (Haydn)
Aureng-Zebe, Z573 (Purcell)
Author of Light (Campion)
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Awake, awake, my Lyre! 'A Supplication' (Blow)
Awake, my lyre (Linley Sr.)
Awake, sweet love, thou art returned (Dowland)
Away with these self-loving lads (Dowland)
Away, my herd, under the green oak (Haydn)
Bacchus is a pow'r divine, Z360 (Purcell)
Be still O ye winds and attentive ye Swains
Beauty, since you so much desire (Campion)
Begin the Song! (Blow)
Begin the song, and strike the living lyre, Z183 (Purcell)
Behold a wonder here (Dowland)
Belinda (Eccles)
Belise starb, und sprach im Scheiden (Benda)
Beneath a dark and melancholy grove, Z461 (Purcell)
Beneath a poplar's shadow lay me
Berenice, che fai?
Beware, poor shepherds 'The Caution', Z361 (Purcell)
Blame not my cheeks (Campion)
Break now, my heart, and die (Campion)
Bring gentlest thoughts, that into language glide
Burst forth, my tears (Dowland)
By beauteous softness mixed with majesty, Z332/7
By harmony's entrancing power
Caio marzio Coriolano (Ariosti)
Can doleful notes? (Danyel)
Can life be a blessing? (Eccles)
Can she excuse my wrongs? (Dowland)
Care-charming sleep (Johnson)
Carters, now cast down (Farnaby)
Cease you jolly shepherds
Cease, anxious world, your fruitless pain, Z362 (Purcell)
Cease, warring thoughts (Lawes)
Celia the Fair (Monro)
Celia's fond, too long I've lov'd her, Z364 (Purcell)
Cephalus und Aurore (Benda)
Cessés mortels de soupirer (Guédron)
Chloe found Amyntas lying all in tears 'Rondelay' (Blow)
Chloris now thou art fled away
Colin and Phoebe 'A Pastoral' (Arne)
Colin's description of Vauxhall 'Green-Wood Hall' (Gladwin)
Come again, sweet love doth now invite (Dowland)
Come away, come sweet love (Dowland)
Come every shepherd with his love
Come then, with tuneful breath and string
Come to me, grief, for ever (Byrd)
Come unto these yellow sands (Banister)
Come unto these yellow sands, Z631
Come ye sons of Art, away, Z323 (Purcell/Britten)
Come, cheerful day, part of my life to me (Campion)
Come, come along for a dance and a song (Clarke)
Come, heavy Sleep (Dowland)
Come, sad Turtle, mateless moaning
Come, sweetest composer of grief and pain
Come, you pretty false-eyed wanton (Campion)
Comus, HWV44 (Handel)
Con che soavità (Monteverdi)
Constant Penelope (Byrd)
Contemplar almen chi l'ama
Corinna is divinely fair, Z365 (Purcell)
Così fiera procella
Could he whom my dissembled rigour grieves, Op 3 No 3 (Jackson)
Coy Daphne fled (Danyel)
Crudo Amor (Pelio)
Cruel Madame (Vautor)
Cry aloud and spare not (Blow)
Cuopre tal volta il cielo
Cupid, make your virgins tender (Purcell)
Cupid, the slyest rogue alive, Z367 (Purcell)
Cymon and Iphigenia (Arne)
Da torbido nembo (Aristeo)
Dal povero mio cor (Porpora)
Dalisa (Hasse)
Damon and Clora (Harington)
Das Andenken (Benda)
Das Leben ist ein Traum, Hob XXVIa:21 (Haydn)
Dauntless sons of Celtic sires
David of the White Rock 'The Dying Poet to his Harp' (Haydn/Owen)
Dea triforme, astro fecondo (Elpidia)
Dear pretty youth (Purcell)
Dear, if you change, I'll never choose again (Dowland)
Deh! lascia o core (Andromaca)
Der Greis, Hob XXVc:5 (Haydn)
Despair, Hob XXVIa:28 (Haydn)
Destatevi, o pastori (Porpora)
Die Lüfte deckte noch der dunkle Flor der Nacht
Dir nah’ ich mich, nah’ mich dem Throne
Dost thou withdraw thy grace? (Danyel)
Dove sei, mio bel tesoro?
Dove, m'ascondo (Marc’Antonio)
Draw near, you lovers, Z462 (Purcell)
Draw on, sweet night (Wilbye)
Drey Sommer grünet mir bereits
Drop not, mine eyes
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons)
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons/Forshaw)
Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing (Banister)
Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing (Weldon)
Du fehlest mir, wie einsam und wie stille (Benda)
Du, klein Blondine, bezauberst ja schon! (Benda)
Dulcibella, when e'er I sue for a kiss, Z485 (Purcell/Britten)
Ein trunkner Dichter leerte (Benda)
En fin la beauté que j'adore
Enchanting harmonist (Harington)
Enfin la beauté que j'adore (Moulinié)
Entro l’orrida mole – Se per te lieto, mi lice (Ercole/Teseo)
Ercole in Tebe (Melani)
Evening Hymn, Z193 (Purcell/Britten)
Eyes, look no more (Danyel)
Fain would I wed (Campion)
Fair Iris and her swain
Fair, if you expect admiring (Campion)
Fairest isle
Fairest work of happy nature (Blow)
Fantasia I a 6 'A song of two basses' (Byrd)
Far from this throbbing bosom haste
Farewel dear Scenes of gay Delight
Farewell Despairing Hopes, I'll love no more
Farewell, all joys, Z368 (Purcell)
Farewell, fond youth (Jones)
Farewell, ye rocks, ye seas and sands, Z463 (Purcell)
Faulheit, itzo will ich dir (Benda)
Fidelity, Hob XXVIa:30 (Haydn)
Fine knacks for ladies (Dowland)
Fire, fire, fire! (Campion)
Flavia grown old (Blow)
Flora, goddess sweetly blooming
Flow, my tears, fall from your springs (Dowland)
Fly swift, ye hours, Z369 (Purcell)
Fly to my aid, O mighty Love (Linley Sr.)
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Fra catene ognor penando (Doneca)
Frolic and free (Arne)
From scourging Rebellion, and baffling proud France
From silent night (Dowland)
From silent shades and the Elysian groves
From silent shades and the Elysian groves
From silent shades 'Bess of Bedlam', Z370 (Purcell)
From the famous peak of Derby (Johnson)
From the heav'ns now I fly (Lawes)
Full fathom five (Banister)
Full fathom five (Johnson)
Full fathom five (Smith)
Full fathom five, Z631
Gather your rosebuds while you may (Lawes)
Geistliches Lied, Hob XXVIa:17 (Haydn)
Gite, o giorni dolenti (Strozzi)
Give me my lute (Banister)
Give to God our thankful songs (Haydn/Gardiner)
Gloria, HWVDeest (Handel)
Go from my window (Anon/Dowland)
Go nightly cares (Dowland)
Go, crystal tears (Dowland)
Go, perjur'd man, and if thou ere return 'The Curse' (Blow)
Go, rose! my Chloe's bosom grace (Greene)
Go, tell Amynta, gentle swain, Z489 (Purcell)
God is very greatly to be feared
Grant me, ye gods (Blow)
Grief keep within
Grief of my best love's absenting (Jones)
Ha scogli e rie procelle
Happy, happy, happy plains!
Hark how the waken'd strings resound
Hark how the wild musicians sing, Z542 (Purcell)
Hark the ech'ing air!
Hark! hark! the lark (Johnson)
Hark! Hark, what I tell to thee
Hark! Wot ye what? (Jones)
Hark, Damon, hark, Z541 (Purcell)
Hark, hark, the lark (Chilcot)
Hark, shepherd swains (Lawes)
Have all our passions?
He himself courts his own ruin, Z372 (Purcell)
He that will not love
He who could first two gentle hearts unbind (Linley Sr.)
He whose desires are still abroad (Danyel)
Hears not my Phillis how the birds
Hears not my Phillis how the birds 'The Knotting Song', Z371 (Purcell)
Hence, all ye vain delights (Jr.)
Hence, fond deceiver 'Love and despair', Z492 (Purcell)
Hence, ye profane, far hence, away!
Her rosy cheeks, her ever smiling eyes (Campion)
Heureux qui nuit et jour (Guédron)
High on a throne of glitt'ring ore, Z465 (Purcell)
High on the giddy bending mast
Hin ist alle meine Kraft!
Höchster, mache deine Güte
Honour, riches, marriage-blessing (Arne)
How blest are shepherds
How delightful's the life of an innocent swain, Z373 (Purcell)
How dull were life, how hardly worth our care –
How I sigh when I think of the charms of my swain, Z374 (Purcell)
How pleasant is this flowery plain and grove!, Z543 (Purcell)
How severe is my fate (Croft)
Humour, say what mak'st thou here (Dowland)
Hymn to God the Father (Humfrey/Britten)
Hymn to God the Father (Humfrey/Tippett/Bergmann)
Hymn Tune Prelude on Song 13 (Gibbons/Vaughan Williams)
I attempt from love's sickness to fly
I attempt from love's sickness to fly
I came, I saw, and was undone 'The Thraldom', Z375 (Purcell)
I care not for these ladies (Campion)
I die whenas I do not see (Danyel)
I gaze upon those mountains, that mingle with the sky
I laid me down upon a pillow soft
I love and I must 'Bell Barr', Z382 (Purcell)
I loved fair Celia, Z381 (Purcell)
I must complain (Dowland)
I prithee send me back my heart (Lawes)
I resolve against cringing and whining, Z386 (Purcell)
I rise and grieve (Lawes)
I saw my lady weep (Dowland)
I see she flies me
I spy Celia, Z499 (Purcell/Britten)
I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams, Z388 (Purcell)
I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams, Z388 (Purcell/Britten)
I was not wearier (Lanier)
Ich habe genug, BWV82 (Bach/Baigent)
Ich liebte nur Ismenen (Benda)
If ever I more riches did desire, Z544 (Purcell)
If grief has any pow'r to kill, Z378 (Purcell)
If I could shut the gate (Danyel)
If music be the food of love, Z379a (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379a (Purcell/Britten)
If music be the food of love, Z379a (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
If music be the food of love, Z379b (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379c (Purcell)
If music be the food of love, Z379c (Purcell/Britten)
If my complaints could passions move (Dowland)
If pray'rs and tears, Z380 (Purcell)
If thou long'st so much to learn (Campion)
Il Ciro riconosciuto (Leo)
Il mio core è un mar di pianti (Carissimi)
Il trespolo tutore (Stradella)
I'll sail upon the dog-star
I'm sick of love; O let me lie
In a merry May morn (Nicholson)
In all our Cynthia's shining sphere, Z496 (Purcell)
In Cloris all soft charms agree, Z384 (Purcell)
In darkness let me dwell (Coprario)
In darkness let me dwell (Dowland)
In days of ancient story
In guilty night, and hid in false disguise
In quel gelato core una voce
In some kind dream, Z497 (Purcell)
In the black dismal dungeon of despair, Z190 (Purcell/Britten)
In the vale of Llangollen a cottage is seen
In thee I bear so dear a part
In thousand thoughts of love and thee (Linley Sr.)
In vain we dissemble, Z385 (Purcell)
Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas
Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas 'The Queen's Epicedium', Z383 (Purcell)
Intenerite voi (Notari)
Intorno all’idol mio
It fell on a summer's day (Campion)
It is not that I love you less
Ite caldi sospiri (Jones)
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen!, BWV51 (Bach)
Je ne sais quel ennui me presse
Je suis ravi de mon Uranie
Jenny 'An Agreeable Musical Choice' (Arne)
Jenny's Mantle (Haydn)
Jeune merveille
Job's curse, Z191 (Purcell/Britten)
King Arthur, or The British Worthy, Z628 (Purcell/Britten)
Klag-Lied, BuxWV76b (Buxtehude)
La Cleopatra (Castrovillari)
La Libertà (Greene)
La Statira (Albinoni/Bennett)
La sua disperazione – Se a ammollire il crudo amante (Melissa)
Lamento d'Olimpia (Monteverdi)
Laschia ch'io Pianga (Handel)
Lasso vita mia (Dowland)
Le direi, mormorando tra' sassi
Leave prolonging thy distress (Campion)
L'Elpidia, HWVA1 (Handel/Vinci)
Let each gallant heart, Z390 (Purcell)
Let formal lovers still pursue, Z391 (Purcell)
Let no mortal sing to me (Jackson)
Let not Chloris think (Danyel)
Let the dreadful engines of eternal will
Let the night perish; cursed be the morn
Let us, kind Lesbia, give away, Z466 (Purcell)
Lieber Amor, leihe mir (Benda)
Like as the lute delights (Danyel)
L'incoronazione di Poppea (Monteverdi)
Lord! I have sinned (Humfrey/Britten)
Lord, to thee I make my moan (Byrd)
Lord, what is man?, Z192 (Purcell/Britten)
L'Orontea (Cesti)
Lost is my quiet for ever, Z502 (Purcell)
Lost is my quiet for ever, Z502 (Purcell/Britten)
Love arms himself in Celia's eyes, Z392 (Purcell)
Love in thine eyes for ever plays, Op 13 No 7 (Jackson)
Love is now become a trade, Z393 (Purcell)
Love of the Father
Love, thou can'st hear, tho' thou art blind, Z396 (Purcell)
Lovely Albina's come ashore, Z394 (Purcell)
Lovely Selena, innocent and free (Blow)
Love's pow'r in my heart shall find no compliance, Z395 (Purcell)
Loves Sweet Repose (Lawes)
Luci belle
Ma belle, si ton ame (Anon/Besard)
Ma la selva, il monte intanto
Ma, a chi parlo?
Mad Bess, Z370 (Purcell/Britten)
Mad Bess, Z370 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Maids to bed and cover cole
Maledetto sia l'aspetto (Monteverdi)
Man is for the woman made
Man's life is but vain, for 'tis subject to pain
Me infelice!
Mein Geliebter hat versprochen (Benda)
Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV199 (Bach)
Mein Thyrsis! dürft ich dir doch sagen (Benda)
Menzognera dici: 'Spera'
Mercury and Nature in the Elysian Fields (Locke)
Mi credi spietata? (Mandane)
Mi fa barbara e ingrata
M'intendi? Io tutto dissi: ahi qual tormento!
Mir Armen, den des Fiebers Kraft (Benda)
Mistress, since you so much desire (Campion)
Mortals wisely learn to measure
Mourons Tirsis, vivons Silvie
Move now with measured sound (Campion)
Mrs M E her funeral tears for the death of her husband (Danyel)
Much Ado About Nothing (Arne)
Music for a while
Music for a while
Music for a while
Music has power to melt the soul
Music's the cordial of a troubled breast
Musing on cares of human fate, Z467 (Purcell)
My choice is made (Pilkington)
My complaining is but feigning (Jones)
My heart, whenever you appear, Z399 (Purcell)
My mother bids me bind my hair
My song shall be alway 'Chandos Anthem No 7', HWV252 (Handel)
My song shall be alway, Z31 (Purcell)
My soul the great God's praises sings (Lawes)
My sweetest Lesbia (Campion)
My thoughts are wing'd with hopes (Dowland)
Naïs (Rameau)
Near a thick grove, whose deep embow'ring shade
Nei campi e nelle selve
Nelle mie selve natìe (Doneca)
Nerone (Orlandini)
N'espérez plus, mes yeux
Never weather-beaten sail (Campion)
No more dams I'll make for fish (Smith)
No more, the dear, lovely nymph's no more (Blow)
No Reprieve (Lawes)
No, Lesbia, you ask in vain 'Elegy on the death of Queen Mary, The Queen's Epicedium' (Blow)
No, let chromatic tunes
No, resistance is but vain
No, to what purpose should I speak?, Z468 (Purcell)
Non mi dite (Strozzi)
Non partir, bell'idol mio
Not all my torments can your pity move, Z400 (Purcell)
Not all my torments can your pity move, Z400 (Purcell/Britten)
Now each flowery bank of May (Gibbons)
Now hath Flora robbed her bowers (Campion)
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
Now that the sun hath veiled his light 'An Evening Hymn', Z193 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Now the dancing sunbeams play
Now the earth, the skies, the air (Danyel)
Now what is Love? (Jones)
Now, now Lucasia, now make haste
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland)
Ô combats, ô désordre extrême!, D Anhang IIb (Gluck/Schubert)
O dear life, when may it be (Byrd)
O dieux je ne sçais pas (Boësset)
O King of Heaven and Hell, of Sea and Earth!
O Libertà, o Dea Celeste, e Bella!
O Lord God of hosts, who is like unto thee?
O Mary, soft in Feature
O mighty God, who sit'st on high (Blow)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Amner)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell)
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell/Boothby)
O solitude, my sweetest choice!, Z406 (Purcell/Britten)
O that most rare breast (Byrd)
O tuneful voice, Hob XXVIa:42 (Haydn)
O tuneful voice, Hob XXVIa:42 (Haydn)
O turn not those fine eyes away (Blow)
O welcome bat and owlet grey
Objét dont les charmes si doux
Objét le plus beau
Ode to the memory of Italian virtuosi (Harington)
Oedipus, Z583 (Purcell/Boothby)
Oedipus, Z583 (Purcell/Britten)
Oedipus, Z583 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Of all the torments, all the cares (Blow)
Of the Inns of Court Masque (Lawes)
Oft have I sigh'd (Campion)
Oh Dio, che non è vero
Oh se fosse il mio core
Oh sweet woods, the delight of solitariness (Lawes)
Oh! that mine eyes would melt into a flood (Blow)
Oh! what a scene does entertain my sight, Z506 (Purcell)
Oh, fair Cedaria, hide those eyes, Z402 (Purcell)
Oh, let me still and silent lie (Lawes)
Oh, my Clarissa, thou cruel fair (Lawes)
Oh, quanti soli – Ahimé, gli è meglio piangere (Nino)
Oh, that joy so soon should waste (Lawes)
Ohime ch'io cado (Monteverdi)
Olinda in the shades unseen, Z404 (Purcell)
On a day, alack the day (Arne)
On a time in summer season (Jones)
On the brow of Richmond Hill, Z405 (Purcell)
On the brow of Richmond Hill, Z405 (Purcell/Britten)
Once did I serve a cruel heart (Jones)
One morn sweet Sue, a pail or tun
Or che una nube ingrata – Quando in quel fior
Oroonoko, Z584 (Purcell/Britten)
Orpheus and Euridice (Boyce)
Orpheus' Hymn (Lawes)
Orpheus with his lute (Chilcot)
Orpheus with his lute (Greene)
Pallido, ancor tremante
Pardon, goddess of the night (Chilcot)
Passano i fiumi e i rivi
Pastoral song, Hob XXVIa:27 (Haydn)
Pastora's beauties when unblown, Z407 (Purcell)
Pausanias, the Betrayer of his Country, Z585 (Purcell)
Pausanias, the Betrayer of his Country, Z585 (Purcell/Britten)
Pausanias, the Betrayer of his Country, Z585 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Per pietà
Perché fuggi (Monteverdi)
Perché, se tanti siete
Perfect and endless circles are (Lawes)
Persuasions not to Love (Lawes)
Philint ist still, und flieht die Schönen (Benda)
Philint stand jüngst vor Babets Thür (Benda)
Phillis, I can ne'er forgive it, Z408 (Purcell)
Phillis, talk no more of passion, Z409 (Purcell)
Piercing eyes, Hob XXVIa:35 (Haydn)
Pious Celinda goes to prayers, Z410 (Purcell)
Pious Celinda goes to prayers, Z410 (Purcell/Britten)
Pleasing pain, Hob XXVIa:29 (Haydn)
Poor Celadon, he sighs in vain 'Loving above himself' (Blow)
Poro (Porpora)
Poscia, quando il pastor guida la greggia
Pur ti miro … pur ti godo (Nerone/Poppea)
Que Philis a de perfections
Quel nome se ascolto (Mandane)
Quel sguardo sdegnosetto (Monteverdi)
Quella ferita
Questa è la nuova (Strozzi)
Rashly I swore I would disown, Z411 (Purcell)
Recollection, Hob XXVIa:26 (Haydn)
Rendi al Padre in me la figlia (Volunnia)
Rest awhile, you cruel cares (Dowland)
Ridente la calma, K152 (Mysliveček/Mozart)
Rissolvetevi pensieri (Strozzi)
Roger and Sue a Ballad to a Favourite Air by Sig.r Hasse (Hasse)
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Z587 (Purcell/Britten)
Sabina has a thousand charms (Blow)
Sailor's song, Hob XXVIa:31 (Haydn)
Saul and the witch at Endor, Z134 (Purcell/Britten)
Sawney is a bonny lad, Z412 (Purcell)
Say, Love, if ever thou didst find (Dowland)
Scanderbeg, RV732 (Vivaldi)
Scarce had the rising sun appear'd, Z469 (Purcell)
Scena di Berenice, Hob XXIVa:10 (Haydn)
Se fosse il mio diletto (Dalisa)
Se i languidi miei sguardi (Monteverdi)
Se lusinga il labro e 'l ciglio
Se mi prestasse i vanni
Se pur destina e vole (Monteverdi)
Se vittorie si belle (Monteverdi)
See how the fading glories of the year, Z470 (Purcell)
See where she sits 'Weeping', Z508 (Purcell)
See, O see, the breaking day
Sento che già il pensier (Ermione)
Sento pietade
Senza il misero piacer
Shall I come, sweet love? (Campion)
Shall I strive with words to move? (Dowland)
Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace? (Dowland)
She loves and she confesses too, Z413 (Purcell)
She never told her love, Hob XXVIa:34 (Haydn)
She never told her love, Hob XXVIa:34 (Haydn)
She that would gain a faithful lover, Z414 (Purcell)
She, who my poor heart possesses, Z415 (Purcell)
Shepherd, leave decoying
Si jamais mon ame blessée (Guédron)
Si l'amour com'on dit
Si le parler et le silence (Guédron)
Sigh no more, ladies
Silent worship (Handel/Jacobson)
Silvio amante disperato
Since first I saw your face (Ford)
Since one poor view has drawn my heart, Z416 (Purcell)
Since the pox, or the plague, Z471 (Purcell)
Sing fair Clorinda (Lawes)
Sing, ye muses 'Epilogue' (Blow)
Sir Watkyn intending
Sitting by the streams (Lawes)
Sleep on, and dream of heaven a while
Sleep, fleshly birth (Ramsey)
Sleep, wayward thoughts (Dowland)
Slide soft, you silver floods (Lawes)
So parted you (Campion)
Soave libertate (Monteverdi)
Soft notes and gently raised 'A Serenading Song', Z510 (Purcell)
Softly, softly sing
Solo e pensoso, Hob XXIVb:20 (Haydn)
Somnus, the humble god (Lawes)
Son prigioniera d'amore (Cleofide)
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Sophonisba, or Hannibal's overthrow, Z590 (Purcell)
Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (Dowland)
Sound the trumpet
Soupirs meslés d'amour (Guédron)
Spite of the godhead, pow'rful love, Z417 (Purcell)
Stay, cruel, stay! (Danyel)
Stay, gentle Echo, dear nymph, stay 'A Dialogue between Philander and the Echo' (Blow)
Stelle, tiranne stelle (Ottavia)
Stript of their green our groves appear, Z444 (Purcell)
Sweet Echo, sweetest nymph that liv'st unseen (Lawes)
Sweet Kate (Jones)
Sweet, stay awhile, why will you rise? (Dowland)
Sweet, stay awhile; why do you rise? (Lawes)
Sweeter than roses
Sweeter than roses
Sweeter than roses
Swift through the yielding air
Sylvia, now your scorn give over, Z420 (Purcell)
Sylvia, 'tis true you're fair, Z512 (Purcell)
Sympathy, Hob XXVIa:33 (Haydn)
Take not a woman's anger ill
Take, O take those lips away (Weldon)
Take, O take those lips away (Wilson)
Tavola (Lawes)
Tell me no more you love (Blow)
Tell me, lovely shepherd (Boyce/Poston)
Tell me, some pitying angel, quickly say
Tell me, true love (Dowland)
Teseo mio ben
The Advice (Handel)
The Angler's Song (Lawes)
The angry steed, the fife and drum invite
The anguish of my bursting heart
The Ash Grove 'Sir Watkyn's Dream' (Haydn)
The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation when our Saviour, at twelve years of age, had withdrawn himself, Z196 (Purcell/Britten)
The break of day (Haydn)
The busy hours of day are o'er
The Comical History of Don Quixote, Z578 (Purcell/Britten)
The crystal ground (Haydn)
The cypress curtain of the night (Campion)
The day that saw thy beauty rise (Jackson)
The delights of the bottle (Locke)
The Desert Island (Arne)
The Despairing Bard (Haydn)
The dimpled cheek (Haydn)
The Fairy Queen, Z629 (Purcell/Britten)
The Fairy Queen, Z629 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The farewel to Vaux Hall (Lampe)
The fatal hour comes on apace, Z421 (Purcell)
The fatal hour comes on apace, Z421 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The glittering sun begins to rise
The Indian Queen, Z630 (Purcell/Britten)
The Indian Queen, Z630 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The kind appointment Celia made
The knotting song, Z371 (Purcell/Britten)
The ladies in Vaux- hall- Gardens, to the British Officers at Dettingen (Gladwin)
The lambs' fold vale 'David of the Blue Stone' (Haydn)
The Lark (Lawes)
The lark sings high in the cornfield (Linley Sr.)
The Last Song or Valediction (Lawes)
The lover's recantation (Arne)
The lyre (Harington)
The Maid's Last Prayer, or Any rather than Fail, Z601 (Purcell/Britten)
The March of the Men of Harlech (Haydn)
The Mayden's Songe, BK82 (Byrd)
The Melancholy Nymph
The mermaid's song, Hob XXVIa:25 (Haydn)
The minstrelsy of Chirk Castle (Haydn)
The Mock Marriage, Z605 (Purcell/Britten)
The Mock Marriage, Z605 (Purcell/Clarke)
The Mock Marriage, Z605 (Purcell/Clarke/Tippett/Bergmann)
The Morning (Arne)
The Mournful Lovers (Lawes)
The Non-Parreill (Boyce)
The Pleasures of Spring Gardens, Vauxhall (Boyce)
The power of music and beauty (Stanley)
The Prophetess, or The History of Dioclesian, Z627 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
The Queen's Epicedium, Z383 (Purcell/Britten)
The rising of the lark (Haydn)
The rising sun (Haydn)
The Rival Sisters, or The Violence of Love, Z609 (Purcell/Britten)
The season comes when first we met
The self-banish'd 'A Minuet' (Blow)
The silver swan (Gibbons)
The Sleeping Beauty (Haydn)
The spirit's song, Hob XXVIa:41 (Haydn)
The three ravens (Anon/Ravenscroft)
The wanderer, Hob XXVIa:32 (Haydn)
The What d'ye Call it? (Handel)
Thee and thy wondrous deeds (Lawes)
There is none, o none but you (Campion)
There sweetest flowers of mingled hue
There were three ravens sat on a tree
There youthful Cupid, high advanc'd
There's not a swain of the plain
They say you're angry, Z422 (Purcell)
Think not, my love, when secret grief (Linley Sr.)
Think'st thou then by thy feigning (Dowland)
Think'st thou to seduce me then? (Campion)
This mossy bank they prest
This poet sings the Trojan wars 'Anacreon's Defeat', Z423 (Purcell)
Thou pretty bird, how do I see (Danyel)
Thou wakeful shepherd, that does Israel keep
Though Amaryllis dance (Byrd)
Though your strangeness frets my heart (Jones)
Thrice happy lovers, may you be for ever free
Through mournful shades and solitary groves, Z424 (Purcell)
Time has not thinn'd my flowing hair (Jackson)
Time stands still (Dowland)
Time's eldest son, Old Age (Dowland)
'Tis late and cold (Johnson)
To ask for all thy love (Dowland)
To fair Fidele's grassy tomb (Arne)
To Sycamores (Lawes)
To wander alone when the moon, faintly beaming
Toccata – Perle care (Piccinini/Strozzi)
Toccata – Soccorrete, luci avare (Granata/Strozzi)
Tornate, o cari baci (Monteverdi)
Tornerò fra le gregge
Transport of pleasure 'Content', Hob XXVIa:36 (Haydn)
Tune thy music to thy heart (Campion)
Tuona, balena, sibila il vento
Turn then thine eyes, Z425 (Purcell/Britten)
'Twas when the seas were roaring
'Twas within a furlong of Edinboro' town
'Twas within a furlong of Edinboro' town
Twelfth Night (Vernon)
Tyrannic Love, or The Royal Martyr, Z613 (Purcell/Tippett/Bergmann)
Un jour Amarille et Tircis
Uncertain turns of thought
Unquiet thoughts (Dowland)
Urge me no more, Z426 (Purcell)
Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La, The playnesong … by a second Person, BK58 (Byrd)
Veggo la selva e il monte
Venus' Birds (Bennet)
Venus, wenn du willst mich rühren (Benda)
Vien con nuova orribil guerrra
Voglio di vita uscir (Monteverdi)
Voglio morire (Strozzi)
Von nun an, o Liebe, verlaß' ich dein Reich (Benda)
Vorrei baciarti (Monteverdi)
We reap all the pleasures, Z547 (Purcell)
We sing to him whose wisdom form'd the ear, Z199 (Purcell/Britten)
Wer an ihn gläubet
What a sad fate is mine, Z428a (Purcell)
What a sad fate is mine, Z428b (Purcell)
What art thou? From what causes dost thou spring?
What avails thy plaintive crying?
What can we poor females do?, Z518 (Purcell)
What can we poor females do?, Z518 (Purcell/Britten)
What delight can they enjoy (Danyel)
What have I done that my Mary should fly me?
What hope for us remains now he is gone?, Z472 (Purcell)
What if I never speed? (Dowland)
What is't to us? (Blow)
What shall I do to show how much I love her?
What tho' his guilt
When daisies pied and violets blue (Arne)
When daisies pied and violets blue (Leveridge)
When first my shepherdess and I, Z431 (Purcell)
When her languishing eyes said 'Love!', Z432 (Purcell)
When icicles hang on the wall (Arne)
When man for sin thy judgment feels (Lawes)
When my Aemelia smiles, Z434 (Purcell)
When Myra sings, Z521 (Purcell/Britten)
When shall I see my captive heart? (Lawes)
When Strephon found his passion vain, Z435 (Purcell)
When that I was a little tiny boy
Where am I?
Where the bee sucks (Humfrey)
Where the bee sucks (Johnson)
Where the bee sucks, Op 11 No 6 (Jackson)
Where the bee sucks, there lurk I (Arne)
Where the blind and wanton boy (Byrd)
While hollow burst the rushing winds
While sad I strike the plaintive string
While Thirsis, wrapp'd in downy sleep, Z437 (Purcell)
Whilst Cynthia sung, all angry winds lay still, Z438 (Purcell)
Whilst in the verdant Spot we stray
Whilst on Septimnius's panting breast 'Septimnius and Acme, Ode from Catullus' (Blow)
Who but a slave can well express, Z440 (Purcell)
Who can behold Florella's charms?, Z441 (Purcell)
Who ever thinks or hopes of love for love (Dowland)
Who likes to love (Byrd)
Why asks my fair one if I love?
Why canst thou not? (Danyel)
Why Flavia, why so wanton still?
Why so pale and wan, fond lover? (Lawes)
Why, my Daphne, why complaining?, Z525 (Purcell)
Will said to his mammy (Jones)
Wilt thou forgive that Sin, where I began?
Wilt thou, unkind, thus reave me of my heart? (Dowland)
Without the sweets of melody
Woo her, and win her (Campion)
Would my conceit that first enforced my woe (Dowland)
Ye happy swains, whose nymphs are kind, Z443 (Purcell)
Ye sacred Muses (Byrd)
Ye sportive loves, that round me wait (Linley Sr.)
Yo soy la locura (Bailly)
You meaner beauties of the night (East)
You spotted snakes (Smith)
Young Thirsis' fate, Z473 (Purcell)
Zerreißet, zersprenget, zertrümmert die Gruft, BWV205 (Bach)
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