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Accelli, Cesare (?-?)
Achillini, Claudio (1574-1640)
Agnelli, Scipione (1586-1653)
Agricola, Johannes (1494-1566)
Alberus, Erasmus (c1500-1553)
Alessandri, Giovanni Domenico (?-?)
Andreini, Giovanni Battista (1576-1654)
Arteaga, Cristina de la Cruz de (?-?)
Avidius, Gerard (?-?)
Badoaro, Gioacomo (1602-1654)
Baïf, Jean-Antoine de (1532-1589)
Baldwin, William (1515-1563)
Barnfield, Richard (1574-1620)
Beaumont, Francis (1584-1616)
Becker, Cornelius (1561-1604)
Bedyngham, John (dc1459/60)
Behm, Martin (1557-1622)
Belcari, Feo (1410-1484)
Bellarmine, St Robert (1542-1621)
Belloni, Giacomo (?-?)
Benalio, Giulio (?-?)
Bennet, John (1570-1615)
Bernardino of Siena, Saint (1380-1444)
Berners, Juliana (fl c1460-c1500)
Binchois, Gilles (c1400-1460)
Boscà i Almogàver, Joan (c1490-1542)
Bouchet, Jean (1476-c1550)
Boyd, Mark Alexander (1562-1601)
Bozza Cavallier, Francesco (?-?)
Brandenburg, Albrecht von (1490-1568)
Brébeuf, Saint Jean de (1596-1649)
Breton, Nicholas (c1545-1626)
Brollo, Bartolomeus (fl1430-1450)
Buck, Sir George (c1560-1622)
Bull, Henry (?-1577)
Camilli, Camillo (?-?)
Camõens, Luiz Vaz de (?1524-1580)
Campiglia, Madalene (?-?)
Campion, Thomas (1567-1620)
Castillejo, Cristóbal de (c1490-1550)
Casulana, Maddalena (c1544-c1590)
Catanzaro, Fra Martiale di (?-?)
Charles d'Orléans (1394-1465)
Chiabrera, Gabriello (1552-1638)
Cifra, Antonio (1584-1629)
Comes, Stephanus (1494-1544)
Constable, Henry (1562-1613)
Corazzini, Francesco (?-?)
Cornysh, William (d1523)
Cortesi, Cortese (?-?)
Cotton, Charles (1630-1687)
Cresci, Pietro (?-?)
Croo, Robert (fl1534-1534)
Danyel, Samuel (1562-1619)
Davies of Hereford, John (c1565-1618)
Davies, Sir John (1569-1626)
Davison, Francis (?1575-?1619)
de Anchieta, Padre José (1533-1597)
de Vere, Edward (1550-1604)
Dekker, Thomas (c1570-1632)
Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex (1566-1601)
Doceo, María (?-?)
Doni, Anton Francesco (1513-1574)
Donne, John (1572-1631)
Dowland, John (1563-1626)
Drake, Sir Francis (1588-1637)
Drayton, Michael (1563-1631)
Drummond, William (1585-1649)
Du Bellay, Joachim (c1522-1560)
Dufay, Guillaume (1397-1474)
Dyer, Sir Edward (1543-1607)
Eber, Paul (1511-1569)
Ebert, Jakob (1549-1614)
Eccard, Johannes (1533-1611)
Edwardes, Richard (1523-1566)
Escrivá, Comendador Juan (fl1450-1450)
Fabricius, Jakob (1593-1654)
Fletcher, John (1579-1625)
Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650)
Fontaine, Pierre (c1380-c1450)
Forrest, William (fl1581-1581)
Forzate, Claudio (?-?)
Friderici, Daniel (1584-1638)
Füger, Kaspar (c1521-c1592)
Galeazzi, Lodovico (?-?)
Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)
Gascoigne, George (c1534-1617)
Gigas, Johannes (1514-1581)
Giscaferio, Vitaliano (?-?)
Giustinian, Leonardo (c1383-1446)
Góngora, Luis de (1561-1627)
Gramann, Johann (1487-1541)
Greville, Sir Fulke (1554-1628)
Gringore, Pierre (c1475-1538)
Grünwald, Georg (1490-1530)
Guarganite, Oratio (?-?)
Guarini, Giovanni Battista (1538-1612)
Guéroult, Guillaume (c1507-1569)
Guicciardi, Lorenzo (?-?)
Hagen, Peter von (1569-1620)
Hall, Dr Joseph (1574-1656)
Heermann, Johann (1585-1647)
Hegenwalt, Erhard (fl1525-1525)
Helmbold, Ludwig (1532-1598)
Henry VIII (1491-1547)
Herberger, Valerius (1562-1627)
Herbert, Petrus (c1533-1571)
Herman, Nikolaus (c1500-1561)
Hermann, Johannes (1515-1593)
Heywood, Thomas (?1574-1641)
Hilton, John (1565-?1609)
Hodenberg, Bodo von (1604-1650)
Hopkins, John (fl1561-1561)
Howell, Thomas (fl1568-1581)
Hubert, Konrad (1507-1577)
Hume, Tobias (?c1579-1645)
Hunnis, William (d1597)
Ikkyū (1394-1481)
Janequin, Clément (c1485-1558)
Jonas, Justus (1493-1555)
Jones, Robert (fl1597-1615)
Jonson, Ben (1572-1637)
Josquin des Prez (c1450/55-1521)
Kabir (1398/1440-1448/1518)
Kethe, William (?-1594)
Kinwelmersch, Francis (fl1570-1580)
Knoll, Christoph (1563-1630)
Kolrose, Johann (1487-1560)
Kreuziger, Elisabeth (c1500-1535)
Lanier, Emilia (1569-1645)
Lassus, Orlande de (1530/32-1594)
Laufenberg, Heinrich (1391/9-1460)
Laurentii, Laurentius (1573-1655)
Lazaroni, Francesco (?-?)
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Lindemann, Ludwig M (1580-1630)
Litegato, Andrea (?-?)
Lodge, Thomas (1558-1625)
López de Úbeda, Francisco (fl1605-1605)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Mabbe, James (1572-1642)
Malherbe, François de (1555-1628)
Malombra, Pietro (?-?)
Manfredi, Mutio (?-?)
Marino, Giovanni Battista (1569-1625)
Marlowe, Christopher (1564-1593)
Marot, Clément (1496-1544)
Massinger, Philip (1583-1640)
Medici, Lorenzo de' (1449-1492)
Meuslin, Wolfgang (1497-1563)
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Middleton, Thomas (1580-1627)
Milton, John (c1563-1647)
Molina, Tirso de (1579-1648)
Molinet, Jean (1435-1507)
Moller, Martin (1547-1606)
Morley, Thomas (1557/8-1602)
Moro, Maurizio (?-?)
Mouton, Jean (before 1459-1522)
Mundy, John (c1555-1630)
Muscorno, Giorgio (?-?)
Nashe, Thomas (1567-1601)
Nicolai, Philipp (1556-1608)
Notari, Angelo (1566-1663)
Nucius, Johannes (c1556-1620)
Oldys, William (1696-1761)
Ott, Hans (1533-1550)
Palma, Martino (?-?)
Parker, Archbishop Matthew (1504-1575)
Passereau, Pierre (fl1509-1547)
Phillip, John (fl1566-1566)
Pizzacomino, Sebastino (?-?)
Poliziano, Angelo (1454-1494)
Raleigh, Sir Walter (?1552-1618)
Ravenscroft, Thomas (c1582-c1635)
Redford, John (d1547)
Reusner, Adam (c1496-1575)
Richter, Gregorius (1598-1633)
Ringwaldt, Bartholomäus (1532-c1599)
Rinkart, Martin (1586-1649)
Rinuccini, Ottavio (1562-1621)
Roncaglia, Bartolomeo (?-?)
Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-1585)
Rous, Francis (1579-1659)
Rowlands, Richard (1565-c1630)
Rutilius, Martin (1551-1618)
Sandys, George (1578-1644)
Sanvido, Leandro (?-?)
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Schalling, Martin (1532-1608)
Schneegaß, Cyriakus (1546-1597)
Secundus, Johannes (1511-1536)
Selnecker, Nikolaus (1530-1592)
Semprevivo, Giacomo (?-?)
Serafino Aquilano (1466-1500)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Sidney, Mary (1561-1621)
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586)
Skelton, John (1460-1529)
Southwell, Robert (1561-1595)
Spengler, Lazarus (1479-1534)
Spenser, Edmund (1552-1599)
Speratus, Paul (1484-1551)
St John of the Cross (1542-1591)
St Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582)
Sternhold, Thomas (1500-1549)
Stuart, Mary (1542-1587)
Szamotuł, Wacław z (c1524-c1560)
Tansillo, Luigi (1510-1568)
Tasso, Bernardo (1493-1569)
Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595)
Tusser, Thomas (1524-1580)
Utenhoven, Charles (?-?)
Valvasone, Erasmo di (1523-1593)
Vega, Lope de (1562-1635)
Vegio, Maffeo (1407-1458)
Villon, François (1431-1463)
Vogel, Hans (c1565-?)
Walter, Johann (1496-c1570)
Ward, John (c1589-1638)
Watson, Thomas (1555-1592)
Webster, John (c1580-c1634)
Wedderburn, James (1495-1533)
Wedderburn, John (1505-1556)
Wedderburn, Robert (1510-1555)
Weisse, Michael (c1488-1534)
Wever, Robert (d?1565)
Whittingham, William (1524-1579)
Wilbye, John (1574-1638)
Wildenfels, Anarg von (1490-1539)
Wither, George (1588-1667)
Wotton, Sir Henry (1568-1639)
Württemberg, Ulrich von (1487-1550)
Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503-1542)
Zuccarini, Giovanni Battista (?-?)
Zwick, Johannes (c1496-1542)
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