Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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¡A, de la región de luces! (Araujo)
¡A, del cielo! (Araujo)
¡Salga el torillo hosquillo! (Salazar)
¡Salga el torillo hosquillo! 'Guadalupe Juegete' (Salazar/Araujo)
¡Viva Ignacio! ¡Viva! (Fernandes)
‘Tis the last rose of summer
13 Kanons, Op 113 (Brahms)
4 Gesänge, D983 (Schubert)
4 Gesänge, Op 17 (Brahms)
7 Lieder, Op 62 (Brahms)
A la dolc' ombra (Rore)
A poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree
A trionfar mi chiama (Enea)
Ach Elslein (Senfl)
Ach weh der Zeit, die ich verzert (Regnart)
Ach, wie nichtig, ach, wie flüchtig
Adieu, adieu, my heartes lust (Cornysh Jr.)
Adieu, courage (Cornysh Jr.)
Afton water
Ah che dissi! (Enea)
Ah dear heart (Gibbons)
Ah! non turbi il mio riposo (Telemaco)
Ah, helpless wretch (Mundy)
Ah, Robin (Cornysh Jr.)
Al mormorar de liquidi cristalli (Gastoldi)
Alack, when I look back (Byrd)
Alarm’, alarm’ o fidi miei pensieri (Regnart)
Alas, my love, ye do me wrong
Alexander Balus (Handel)
All creatures now (Bennet)
All meine Herzgedanken
All things are quite silent (Anon/Andrew)
All'apparir di Dori anzi del sole (Colombani)
Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn, BWV1127 (Bach)
All'ombra d'un bel faggio (Bozzi)
Amor, che debbo fare (Regnart)
Amorosi pensieri (Monte)
Amour leal (Vaet)
An den Sturmwind
An die Heimat
An die Sterne
An Eriskay Love Lilt (Anon/Roberton)
An rosen wyn (Anon/Monks)
Andy Flower Duet (Delibes/Stilgoe)
Anglia tibi turbidas (Anon)
Anima dolorosa (Monte)
Annie Laurie (Anon/Bowen)
Antevenis virides (Vaet)
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Arise, awake, awake (Morley)
As he was a-riding and a-riding one day
As I came through Sandgate
As I went out one May morning
As steals the morn upon the night (Il Moderato)
Au travail suis (Ockeghem/Barbingant)
Au travail suis sans espoir de confort (Compère)
Auch das Schöne muss sterben!
Auf ein altes Bild
Auld lang syne (Anon/Earley)
Aus des Meeres tiefem
Australian Cricket Medley (Anon)
Ayihlome / Qula kwedini (Anon/Muyanga)
Basiez-moi! (Josquin)
Black is the color (Anon/Chilcott)
Black is the colour of my true love's hair (Anon/Earley)
Blest be this morn, blest be the hand –
Blow away the morning dew (Anon/Langford)
Blow thy horn, hunter (Cornysh Jr.)
Bó na leathadhairce (Anon/Earley)
Bobby Shaftoe (Anon/Carleston)
Bobby Shaftoe (Anon/Langford)
Bona vita, bona refectio (Mouton)
Brauner Bursche führt zum Tanze
Brausten alle Berge
Bright Phoebus greets most clearly (Kirbye)
But here comes a Druid and we must retire –
By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes
Ca' the yowes (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
Caesaris auspiciis (Crecquillon)
Calm was the air and clear the sky (Carlton)
Can ye no' hush yer weepin', O?
Canto de' profumi (Anon/Isaac)
Canto dello zibetto (Anon/Isaac)
Caput apri defero, Reddens laudes Domino
Carmina chromatico quae audis modulata tenore
Carole cui nomen (Cleve)
Carole qui veniens (Cleve)
Carole, magnus eras (Clemens)
Carters, now cast down (Farnaby)
Cerno Dei natum, qui se demisit ab alto
Che fai qui core? (Anon)
Chi mi consolerà (Regnart)
Come all ye jolly cricketers whoever ye may be
Come, blessed Byrd (Johnson)
Come, sable night (Ward)
Comment peult avoir joye? (Josquin)
Con amores, la mi madre (Anchieta/Chilcott)
Con che soavità (Monte)
Concordes adhibete animos (Rore)
Consommo la vita mia (Prioris)
Continuo lacrimas (Vaet)
Corri, Fortuna (Isaac)
Courting is a pleasure (Anon/Earley)
Coventry Carol (Anon/Halsey)
Cricket Theme Medley (Anon/L'Estrange)
Cruel Madame (Vautor)
Cruel unkind (Ward)
Cur Fernande pater (Crecquillon)
Da lo spuntar de matutini albori (Porta)
Dadl dau (Anon/Webber)
Dance to your daddy (Anon/Byram-Wigfield)
Danny boy (Anon/Earley)
Danny boy (Anon/Knight)
Danny boy (Anon/L'Estrange)
Das G'läut zu Speyer (Senfl)
Das Grab ist tief und stille
Das Grab ist tief und stille
Das Grab, D377 (Schubert)
Das Grab, D569 (Schubert)
Das Mädchen
Das verlassene Mägdlein
Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Dashing away with the smoothing iron (Anon/Byrt)
De madame-Dieus-omnes (Adam de la Halle)
De tous regretz (Mouton)
Dear Andy Flower
Dear thoughts are in my mind
Deep river
Deep river (Anon/Lawson)
Der Abend
Der alte Soldat, Op 12 No 1 (Cornelius)
Der bucklichte Fiedler
Der deutsche Rhein 'Patriotisches Lied', WoO1 (Schumann)
Der Falke
Der Gärtner
Der Geistertanz, D494 (Schubert)
Des Menschen Seele
Des Mondes Zauberblume lacht
Descende caelo cincta sororibus 'The Oxford Ode' (Locke)
Dessus le marché d'Arras (Lassus)
Di pastorali accenti (Leoni)
Dictes moy toutes voz pensées (Compère)
Dido and Aeneas, Z626 (Purcell)
Didone abbandonata (Hasse)
Die bretterne Kammer
Die drei Frühlingstage
Die gute Nacht, die ich dir sage
Die Lotosblume
Die Nacht
Die Nacht ist heiter und ist rein
Die not, fond man (Ward)
Die Rose stand im Tau
Die Vätergruft, Op 19 (Cornelius)
Dime, amor (Araujo)
Disappointment (Stainer)
Discessu (Maessens)
Dithyrambe, D47 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Do not repine, fair sun (Gibbons)
Donne, quest’è un animal perfetto
Dori à quest'ombre e l'aura (Bertani)
Dove sorge piacevole (Sabino)
Down by the riverside (Anon/Rice)
Down by the salley gardens (Anon/Carleston)
Down by the sally gardens
Draw on, sweet night (Wilbye)
Dread Sir, the Prince of Light (Blow)
Dream Angus (Anon/Roberton)
Drei Chorgesänge, Op 11 (Cornelius)
Drei Gesänge, Op 42 (Brahms)
Drei Quartette, Op 64 (Brahms)
Drei Quartette, Op 64 (Brahms)
Drei Quartette, Op 64 (Brahms)
Drink to me only with thine eyes (Anon/Roberton)
Dry your sweet cheek (Stainer)
Du hast mich sollen nemen (Regnart)
Du Schwert an meiner Linken
Du tout plongiet / Fors seulement (Brumel)
Dúlamán (Anon/Earley)
Dum meditor quondam vidi decorare puellam
Dum vastos Adriae fluctus (Jacquet of Mantua)
Early one morning (Anon/L'Estrange)
Early one morning (Anon/Parry)
Ecce dies nigras quae tollet laeta tenebras
Echo dance of Furies
Ego aurea porta
Ein Lieb nit mehr hat (Regnart)
Einförmig ist der Liebe Gram
En l’ombre d’ung buissonet (Vaet)
En la Macarenita (Anon/Chilcott)
En lieux d’esbatz m’assault melancolie (Guyot)
En mon cuer a un descort (Machaut)
En tibi gratantes
Eran ninfe e pastori (Striggio)
Ergone vitae (Gombert)
Ernst ist der Herbst
Es ging wohl über die Heide
Es tönt ein voller Harfenklang
Es wohnet ein Fiedler zu Frankfurt am Main
Ev'ry time I feel the spirit
Fahr wohl
Fair Cytherea presents her doves (Lisley)
Fair nymphs I heard one telling (Farmer)
Fair Oriana, beauty's Queen (Sr.)
Fair Oriana, seeming to wink at folly (Jones)
Fair Orion, in the morn (Milton Sr.)
Fare you well, my dear, I must be gone
Faulte d'argent (Josquin)
Feel the spirit (Anon/Rutter)
Feiger Gedanken
Five Bridal folksongs from the Voronezh district (Anon)
Five Traditional Songs (Anon/Rutter)
Flora's Queen (Stainer)
Flow gently
Flow, O my tears (Dowland)
Flucht, D825b (Schubert)
Fors seulement (Févin)
From sweet lovely Derry for fair London town
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Fünf Lieder, Op 41 (Brahms)
Fyer! Fyer! (Morley)
Gedichte von Eduard Mörike (Wolf/Gottwald)
Gentil señora mia (Vásquez)
Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D705 (Schubert/Asti)
Giunta qui Dori, e pastorelli amanti (Cavaccio)
Golden slumbers
Good people all, this Christmas time
Grab und Mond, D893 (Schubert)
Greensleeves (Anon/Chilcott)
Greensleeves (Anon/Webber)
Guitar's chaconne
Gur e mo ghille dubh-dhonn (Anon/Earley)
Gute Nacht
Hard by a crystal fountain (Morley)
Hark how the hounds and horn (Theseus)
Hark! Alleluia (Morley)
Hark! Did ye ever hear so sweet a singing? (Hunt)
Hark! hark! he strikes the golden lyre (Cleopatra)
Hast thou seen that lordly castle?
Hé, dame de valour (Machaut)
He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein!
Hears not my Phillis (Rogers)
Hebt ein Falke sich empor
Heraus in eure Schatten, rege Wipfel
Heu heu
Hey down down down (Anon)
Hey, trolly lolly lo! (Anon)
Hochgetürmte Rimaflut, wie bist du so trüb
Hope of my heart (Ward)
Hor ch'ogni vento tace (Vecchi)
Hora mai che fora son' (Anon)
Horch, der Wind klagt in den Zweigen traurig sacht
Hunan blentyn, ar fy mynwes
I cannot get to my love if I would dee
I cannot get to my love, if I would dee
I danced in the morning when the world was begun
I got a robe
I have entreated (Ward)
I know where I'm going
I love my love (Anon/Lawson)
I wish I were on yonder hill
Iam mea certa manent, et vera, novissima verba
Ich schwing mein Horn ins Jammertal
Ich will dich lieben, meine Krone!
If heaven's just wrath (Ward)
If I give thee honour due (L'Allegro)
If the deep sighs (Ward)
If women could be fair (Byrd)
Ihr wandelt droben im Licht
Il est bel et bon (Passereau)
I'll sing you a song and it's not very long
Illumina faciem tuam (Gesualdo)
Im gegenwärtigen Vergangenes, D710 (Schubert)
Im Herbst
I'm lonesome since I cross'd the hill
Im Treibhaus
In der Freie will ich leben
In mente altissimi
In teneris annis facie praesignis, honore
In una verde piaggia (Asola)
Iona Boat Song (Anon/Roberton)
Ipsa Deum vidi summum punire volentem
Ista est speciosa (Divitis)
It is to me a right great joy (Henry VIII)
Italienisches Liederbuch (Wolf/Gottwald)
Je suis amoureux d’une fille (Guyot)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Parry)
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Joy that alone, with better bays
Jugend, Rausch und Liebe sind gleich
King Arthur (Anon/Roberton)
Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn
L’arbre d’amour ung fruict d’amaritude (Guyot)
La dolce vista della donna mia (Monte)
La guerre (Janequin)
Là-bas dans cette plaine (Anon/Chilcott)
L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV55 (Handel)
Lamorna (Anon/Richards)
Land of my fathers (Anon/Manners)
Lasso quel ch'altri fugge (Isaac)
Lay a garland (Pearsall)
Lay that burden down
Le coucou c'est un bel oiseau
Le monde est tel (Crecquillon)
Leblos gleitet Blatt um Blatt
Leggiadre ninfe a pastorelli amanti (Marenzio)
Let no disloyal cares his peace destroy –
Letztes Glück
L'habitant de Saint Barbe (Anon/Chilcott)
Liebe 'Ein Zyklus von 3 Chorliedern', Op 18 (Cornelius)
Lieber Gott, du weisst, wie oft bereut ich hab
Liese Töne der Brust, geweckt vom Odem der Liebe
Lieto godea sedendo (Gabrieli)
Lightly she whipped o'er the dales (Mundy)
Like as a ship (Stainer)
Like two proud armies (Weelkes)
L'inargentato lido (Zerto)
Lisa lân (Anon/Webber)
Loch Lomond (Anon/Overton)
Lord of the Dance (Anon/Rutter)
Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child
Lungo le chiare linfe (Monte)
Mächtiger, der brausend die Wipfel du beugst
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi
Matais de incêndios (Anon)
Mater floreat (Moulu)
Maxwelton’s braes are bonnie
Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt, Op 112 (Beethoven)
Mein liebes Herz, was ist dir?
Mentr'à quest'ombr'intorno (Costa)
Mentre pastori e ninfe (Balbi)
Mes pensées ne me lessent une heure (Compère)
Mille regretz (Josquin)
Mirjams Siegesgesang, D942 (Schubert)
Mirth, admit me of thy crew (L'Allegro)
Missa Inviolata (La Rue)
Mit unserm Arm ist nichts getan
Mitten wir im Leben sind
Mo Ghille Mear (Mac Domhnaill/Earley)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Cleobury)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Lawson)
Mond verhüllt sein Angesicht
Mondenschein, D875 (Schubert)
Monolog der Iphegenia (Reichardt)
Montagnarde (Anon/Chilcott)
Mort m'a privé a 4 (Crecquillon)
Mort m'a privé a 5 (Crecquillon)
Moscow Cantata (Tchaikovsky)
Musae Jovis (Appenzeller)
Musae Jovis (Gombert)
Music for The Tempest (Linley Jr.)
Musica Dei donum (Lassus)
Musica Dei donum (Vaet)
My agaran rosen wyn mar whek mar dek del dyfhy
My breast I'll set (Ward)
My fair's a garden of delight (He)
My Lagan love (Anon/Drayton)
My love is fair (Leslie)
My love is like a red, red rose (Anon/Clements)
My love is like a red, red rose (Anon/Ešenvalds)
My own love said to me, My mother won't mind
My young love said to me
Nachthelle, D892 (Schubert)
Nachtwache I
Nänie, Op 82 (Brahms)
Nasce la gioja mia (Primavera)
Ne doibt on prendre quant on donne (Compère)
Nel tempo che ritorna (Stabile)
Nicht die Träne kann es sagen
Nimmer, das glaubt mir, erscheinen die Götter
Ninfe e danzar venite (Preti)
No star is o'er the lake
Non tarde veniet, tacita sed mente tenendum
Now is the month of maying (Morley)
Nun kumbt hieher all
Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt 'Sehnsucht', D656 (Schubert)
Nymphes des bois / Requiem aeternam (Josquin)
Nymphes, nappés / Circumdederunt me (Josquin)
O can ye sew cushions
O can ye sew cushions? (Anon/Bantock)
O dolci sguardi (Monte)
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O love, 'tis a calm starry night (Anon/Hadley)
O maligno e duro core (Anon/Isaac)
O mistress mine (Morley/Grainger)
O mors inevitabilis (Vinders)
O my Luve’s like a red, red rose
O nos peregrine
O Shenandoah, I long to see you
O süßer Mai
O take me to your arms, love
O Tannenbaum (Anon/Halsey)
O the cuckoo she's a pretty bird
O waly, waly
O waly, waly (Anon/Bannan)
O waly, waly (Anon/Turner)
O, chì, chì mi na mòrbheanna (Cameron/MacMillan)
Odi colà la frigia tromba? (Enea)
Oeil esgaré (Crecquillon)
Oft have I tender'd (Ward)
Oh day, Yonder come day
Oh how oft do my thoughts in their fancy take flight
Oh the summertime is coming
Oh, all the money that e'er I had
Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
Ombra son io (Monte)
Once I had a sprig of thyme
Or let the merry bells ring round (L'Allegro)
Ora mai sono in età (Anon)
Ordo Virtutum (Hildegard)
Out from the vale (Ward)
Ove tra l'herbe e fiori (Croce)
Overture in G minor
Overture to The barber of Seville (Rossini/Runswick)
Pacis amans (Lassus)
Pan fyddwyn rhodio gyda’r hwyr
Parnasso in Festa, HWV73 (Handel)
Pastime with good companie 'The King's ballad' (Henry VIII)
Peat Fire Smooring Prayer (Anon/Roberton)
Phillis is my only joy (Hobbs)
Phyllis, I fain would die now (Morley)
Pilger auf Erden, so raste am Ziele
Più trasparente velo (Florio)
Plaisir d'amour (Martini/Richards)
Potrò viver io più se senza luce (Marenzio)
Praemia pro validis (Crecquillon)
Puirt a' bheul (Anon/Runswick)
Pura, placens/Parfundement plure/TENOR (Anon)
Quand'apparisti o vag'o amata Dori (Giovannelli)
Quando dal terzo cielo (Palestrina)
Quando lieta vezzosa (Bonini)
Quando riguardo el nostro viver rio (Anon)
Quant je sui mis au retour (Machaut)
Que me servent mes vers (Monte)
Qui colis Ausoniam (Gombert)
Qui ne regrettoit (Mouton)
Qui sunt hi?
Quid non ebrietas? (Willaert)
Quis dabit capiti meo aquam? (Isaac)
Quis dabit oculis? 'Lament for Anna' (Mouton)
Quod mitis sapiens nulli virtute secundus (Regnart)
Radnage Cricket Song (Anon)
Retire, my troubled soul (Ward)
Revecy venir du Printans (Le Jeune)
Ritornelle in canonischen Weisen, Op 65 (Schumann)
Romanzen und Balladen IV, Op 146 (Schumann)
Room! Room! For Flora’s Queen!
Ros’ und Lilie morgenthaulich
Röslein dreie in der Reihe blühn so rot
Round about her charret (Gibbons)
Ruh'n sie? rufet das Horn des Wächters drüben aus Western
Rührt die Zimbel, schlagt die Saiten
Sans vous ne puis (Vaet)
Say dear, when will your frowning leave (Weelkes)
Say, lovely Dream!
Scaramella (Compère)
Scaramella (Josquin)
Scarborough Fair (Anon/Gabbitas)
Scarborough Fair (Anon/Roberts)
Schicksalslied, Op 54 (Brahms)
Schlacht, du brichst an!
Schlachtgesang, D443 (Schubert)
School Songs Medley (Anon)
Schwertlied, D170 (Schubert)
Se cantano gl'augelli (Gabrieli)
'Sé mo laoch mo ghille mear
Se resto sul lido (Enea)
Searching for lambs (Anon/Rutter)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder, Op 33 (Schumann)
Secretz regretz (La Rue)
Seinen Traum, lind' wob
Senke, strahlender Gott
She moved thro' the fair (Anon/Young)
She moved through the fair (Anon/Runswick)
Shenandoah (Anon/Chilcott)
Shenandoah (Anon/Chilcott)
Shenandoah (Anon/Erb)
She's like the swallow (Anon/Chapman)
She's like the swallow (Anon/Chilcott)
Should old acquaintance be forgot
Si bona suscepimus (Lassus)
'Sí do Mhamó í (Anon/Earley)
Sian galanti di Valenza
Sibylla Agrippa
Sie sollen ihn nicht haben
Silberblauer Mondenschein
Sing we and chaunt it (Pearsall)
Sing, shepherds all, and in your roundelays (Nicolson)
Siúil a Rún (Anon/McGlynn)
Sleep my baby on my bosom
Sleep, fleshly birth (Ramsey)
Sleep, oh babe, for the red bee hums
Smeraldi eran le rive il fium'argento (Eremita)
So weich und warn (Cornelius)
Softly rise, O southern breeze! (He)
Some talk of Alexander
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Sortez regretz (Monte)
Sotto l'ombroso speco (Anerio)
Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing
Stand das Mädchen, stand am Bergesabhang
Steal away
Steal away (Anon/Chilcott)
Stella maris illustrans omnia (Anon)
Sterne, in des Himmels Ferne!
Sù le fiorite sponde (Massaino)
Summer is y' coming in (Pearsall)
Summus erit sub carne satus, carissimus atque
Suo gân (Anon/Bowen)
Suo gân (Anon/Young)
Susanne un jour (Monte)
Sweet Kitty (Anon/Webber)
Sweet Philomel (Ward)
Swing low, sweet chariot (Anon/Knight)
Swing low, sweet chariot (Anon/Newton-Rex)
Szene aus Faust, D126 (Schubert)
Takeda lullaby (Anon/Ives)
Tant ay d'ennuy / O vos omnes (Compère)
Tant doucement me sens emprisonnez (4vv) (Machaut)
Tel en mesdict qui pour soy la desire (Guyot)
Telemaco (Gluck)
The Ballad of Nornagest (Anon/Brunt)
The Banks o' Doon (Anon/Roberton)
The banks of my own lovely Lee (Anon/Webber)
The boar's head carol (Anon)
The bold grenadier
The British grenadiers
The castle by the sea (Stainer)
The Choice of Hercules, HWV69 (Handel)
The Choice of Hercules, HWV69 (Handel)
The cuckoo
The Dashing White Sargeant (Anon/Roberton)
The Fairies (Smith)
The fauns and satyrs tripping (Tomkins)
The Gartan Mother's Lullaby (Anon/Earley)
The gift to be simple (Anon/Chilcott)
The girl I left behind me
The Herdmaiden's Song (Anon/Roberton)
The Isle of Mull (Anon/Roberton)
The keel row
The lark in the clear air (Anon/Carleston)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Lynch)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Moore/L'Estrange)
The lazy man (Anon/Chilcott)
The little green lane (Anon/Lovatt)
The long day closes (Sullivan)
The maid of Culmore (Anon/Whyms)
The man who spills his soup (Anon/McMillan)
The miller of Dee
The nymphs and shepherds danced (Marson)
The Nymphs of the wells (Blow)
The Parting Glass (Anon/Earley)
The secret sins (Mundy)
The silver swan (Gibbons)
The silver swan 'Round' (Gibbons)
The Skye Boat Song (Anon/Earley)
The sprig of thyme
The Sprig of Thyme (Anon/Rutter)
The Sprig of Thyme (Anon/Rutter)
The sun whose rays are all ablaze (Sullivan/Chilcott/Gabbitas)
The Triumphing dance
The turtle dove (Anon/Lawson)
The turtle dove (Anon/Vaughan Williams)
The water is wide (Anon/Lawson)
The water is wide, I cannot get o’er
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
The water of Tyne (Anon/Poston)
The wee cooper o' Fife (Anon/Roberton)
The Wickets are set, the field is met
The willow tree
The Witches' dance
The wraggle taggle gypsies, O! (Anon/Brittain)
The wraggle taggle gypsies, O! (Anon/Webber)
There was a jolly miller once
There was a wee copper wha lived in Fife
There were three gypsies a-come to my door
There were three gypsies a-come to my door
Thine eyes so bright (Leslie)
Thíos cois na toinne
This message we bring
Though Amaryllis dance (Byrd)
Thron der Liebe, Stern der Güte
Thule, the period of cosmography (Weelkes)
Thus Bonny-boots the birthday celebrated (Holmes)
'Tis the last rose of summer
To God who made the radiant sun (Jonathan)
To the hills and the vales (Chorus)
Tous les regretz (Brumel)
Tous les regretz (Gombert)
Toutes les nuitz (Lassus)
Trauerchöre, Op 9 (Cornelius)
Trauerchöre, Op 9 (Cornelius)
Trauerchöre, Op 9 (Cornelius)
Trauerchöre, Op 9 (Cornelius)
Trauerchöre, Op 9 (Cornelius)
Tres douce dame (Machaut)
Trigai gwraig bur gysglyd gynt
Trinklied vor der Schlacht, D169 (Schubert)
Trost in Tränen, Op 14 (Cornelius)
Tsintskaro (Anon)
'Twas on a Monday morning
'Twas on a Monday morning
Udite, chiari e generosi figli (Gabrieli)
Ultimi miei sospiri (Verdelot)
Un giorno a Pale sacro (Baccusi)
Und wenn es einst dunkelt
Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen
Une gente bergère (Anon/Richards)
Une plaisant fillette ung matin se leva (Compère)
Ung franc archier (Compère)
Ut vigilum densa silvam cingente corona (Regnart)
Vaghe ninfe selvagge (Macque)
Vair me o rovan o – When I'm lonely dear white heart
Venus du und dein Kind (Regnart)
Verax ipse Deus dedit haec mihi munia fandi
Verlorene Jugend
Viel tausend Sterne prangen, D642 (Schubert)
Vieni, vieni Himeneo (Gabrieli)
Viens par le pré (Anon/Chilcott)
Vier Doppelchörige Gesänge, Op 141 (Schumann)
Vier Gesänge, Op 59 (Schumann)
Virgine matre satus, pando residebit asello
Viva, viva in nostro core (Anon)
Vivat (acclamation)
Vola vola pensier (Regnart)
Von dem Dome, schwer und bang
Vous estes si doulce et benigne (Guyot)
Vous me faites morir d'envie (Compère)
Vous perdez temps de me dire mal d’elle (Guyot)
Water o' Tyne (Anon/Plant)
Way down to Lamorna
We Nymphs of the founts and we of the mounts
Weep, O mine eyes (Bennet)
Weep, weep mine eyes (Wilbye)
Weit und breit schaut niemand mich an
Wenn ich durch Busch und Zweig
Wer wollt den Wein nit lieben? (Gastoldi)
Were you there? (Anon/Roberton)
Wexford Carol (Anon/Rugen)
What joy so true (Weelkes)
What shall we do with the drunken sailor? (Anon/Bowen)
When I am laid in earth 'Dido's lament' (Dido)
When the saints go marching in
Where Lagan stream sings lullaby
Who made thee Hob? (Byrd)
Wi' a hundred pipers (Anon/Mansfield)
Widdicombe Fair (Anon/Langford)
Widerspruch, D865 (Schubert)
Wie anders, Gretchen, war dir’s
Wie kommst, dass du so traurig bist
Wie schön bist du, freundliche Stille
Wild mountain thyme (Anon/Conway)
Willow song
Wisst ihr, wann mein Kindchen
With angel's face and brightness (Norcombe)
With wreaths of rose and laurel (Cobbold)
Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon
Ye banks and braes o' bonnie Doon (Anon)
Ye shepherds, give ear to my lay
Yet, can I hear that dulcet lay (Hercules)
Yet, can I hear that dulcet lay (Hercules)
Yonder come day (Anon/Rudoi)
Zigeunerlieder 'ensemble version', Op 103 (Brahms)
Zu dem Wettgesange schreiten
Zwei Studien zu Tristan und Isolde (Wagner/Gottwald)
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