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A Coy Joy (Dowland/Denoth)
A Fancie, BK46 (Byrd)
A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell (Byrd)
A Fancie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK25 (Byrd)
A fancy (Dowland)
A fancy (Dowland/Denoth)
A fantasie (Dowland)
A French Ayre (Hume)
A Galliard, BK77 (Byrd)
A Galliarde Gygge, BK18 (Byrd)
A Gallyard by Mr Dan Bacheler (Bacheler)
A Gallyard upon the Gallyard before (Dowland)
A Gigg 'F. Tr.', BK22 (Byrd)
A ground for ye harpsicord (Anon/Simpson/Ng)
A Grounde, BK43 (Byrd)
A Grounde, BK86 (Byrd)
A Grounde, BK9 (Byrd)
A Horne Pipe, BK39 (Byrd)
A Hornepype (Aston)
A Jigge (Hume)
À la chapelle Sixtine – Miserere d'Allegri et Ave verum corpus de Mozart, S461ii (Liszt/Allegri/Mozart)
À la chapelle Sixtine – Miserere d'Allegri et Ave verum de Mozart, S461i (Liszt/Allegri/Mozart)
A Lesson of Voluntarie, two parts in one in the 4th above, BK26 (Byrd)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin (Johnson)
A Pavin and Galliard, BK33 (Byrd)
A Pavion and The Galliard to it, BK72 (Byrd)
A Pavion and The Galliard, BK23 (Byrd)
A Pavyn and Galliard, BK16 (Byrd)
A Preludium, BK116 EKM4 (Byrd)
A Sad Pavan for these distracted times (Tomkins)
A Souldiers Galliard (Hume)
A Souldiers Resolution (Hume)
A Verse of Two Parts, BK28 (Byrd)
A Volte (Mercure d'Orléans)
A Volte (Sturt)
A Voluntarie, BK27 (Byrd)
A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell (Byrd)
A Voluntarie, for my Ladye Nevell, BK61 (Byrd)
Adieu mes amours (Spinacino)
Adieu, bergère
All in a garden greene, BK56 (Byrd)
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (Sweelinck)
Alleluia: per te Dei genitrix (Anon/Tallis)
Allmayne 'Hit it and take it' (Johnson)
Allmayne 'The Prince's Almain' (Johnson)
Alman in G 'The King's Jewel' (Gibbons)
Alman, BK11 (Byrd)
Almande Tregian (Philips)
Amarilli mia bella (Caccini/Lawrence-King)
Amarilli mia bella (Eyck)
An Alman, BK117 EKM30 (Byrd)
An Almane, BK89 (Byrd)
Ancidetemi pur (Trabaci)
Ancor che co'l partire (Gabrieli)
Aquella mora garrida (Gabriel de Texerana)
Aria del Gran Duca Ferdinando di Toscana (Cavalieri/Philips)
Aria detta ballata (Frescobaldi)
Aria detta la Frescobalda (Frescobaldi)
Ave maris stella (Cabezón)
Ave maris stella (Rodrigues Coelho)
Awake Sweet Love (Dowland/Denoth)
Ayre – Alman – Toy – Coranto – Mr Sanders His Delight (Gibbons)
Ballo del granduca (Sweelinck)
Ballo detto il Conte Orlando (Molinaro)
Ballo Ungaro (Picchi)
Barafostus Dreame (Tomkins)
Baxa de contrapunto (Narváez)
Beaux yeux
Bergamasco (Besard)
Bon jour mon cueur (Lassus/Philips)
Brando per Quattro Pastore e Quattro Ninfe (Negri)
Branles de village (Ballard)
Bull's goodnight (Bull)
Calata ala spagnola I (Dalza)
Calata ala spagnola II (Dalza)
Calata ala spagnola, recercar detto coda (Dalza)
Caldibi castigliano (Dalza)
Calleano custure me (Byrd)
Callino Casturame, BK35 (Byrd)
Can she excuse my wrongs? (Dowland/Anon)
Canción del Emperador (Narváez)
Cancion francesa glosada (Cabezón)
Canzon alla Francese 'Petit Jacquet' (Gabrieli)
Canzon Cromatica (Fillimarino)
Canzon dopo l'Epistola (Frescobaldi)
Canzona secundi toni (Erbach)
Capriccio cromatico del primo tono (Merula)
Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Captain Humes Pavan (Hume)
Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard
Carman's whistle (Johnson)
C'est malheur
Chi fara fed'al cielo (Striggio/Philips)
Christe, qui lux es et dies (Sweelinck)
Christe, qui lux es et dies, BK121 EECM6/34 (Byrd)
Chromatic pavan and galliard 'Queen Elizabeth's' (Bull)
Ciaccona (Kapsberger)
Ciacono (Frescobaldi)
Clarifica me, Pater I (Anon/Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater I, BK47 (Byrd)
Clarifica me, Pater II (Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater II, BK48 (Byrd)
Clarifica me, Pater III (Tallis)
Clarifica me, Pater III, BK49 (Byrd)
Conde claros (Mudarra)
Coperario (Coprario)
Corant 'Le Testament' (Perrichon)
Corranto, BK45 (Byrd)
Così morirò
Da pacem, Domine (Rogier)
De la court (Parsons)
De mon triste desplaisir No 121 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
De tous biens plaine (Capirola)
Der Fluyten Lust-Hof (Eyck)
Deth (Hume)
Did not you once, Lucinda, vow (Coleman)
Diferencias sobre 'El canto del caballero' (Cabezón)
Diferencias sobre 'Guárdame las vacas' (Narváez)
Divine Amaryllis (Boësset)
Divisions on Paradetas (Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Divisions on Spagnoletta 'Improvisation' (Mudarra/Lawrence-King)
Divisions on the Spanish Pavan 'Improvisation' (Milán/Lawrence-King)
Doen Dafne over de schoene maeght (Eyck)
Ecce tempus idoneum (Tallis/Anon)
Echo fantasia 'Ionian' (Sweelinck)
Engels Nachtegaeltje
Engelsche fortuyn (Sweelinck)
Entrée de luth
Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott (Sweelinck)
Est-ce Mars? (Sweelinck)
Et in terra (Capirola)
Ex more docti mistico (Redford/Tallis/Anon)
Fancy in C fa ut (Gibbons)
Fancy in Gamutt flatt (Gibbons)
Fansye (Newman)
Fantasia (Bull)
Fantasia (Dlugoraj)
Fantasia (Farnaby)
Fantasia (Ferrabosco Sr.)
Fantasia (Huet)
Fantasia (Johnson)
Fantasia (Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Fantasia (Rosseter)
Fantasia 10 (Milán)
Fantasia 11 (Milán)
Fantasia 12 (Milán)
Fantasia 18 (Milán)
Fantasia 8 (Milán)
Fantasia 'a-Phrygian' (Sweelinck)
Fantasia chromatica (Sweelinck)
Fantasia de consonancias y redoubles (Milán)
Fantasia de mon triste No 36 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Fantasia in G (Philips)
Fantasia 'Mr Dr Bull' (Bull)
Fantasia No 16 (Bull)
Fantasia No 28 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Fantasia No 31 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Fantasia No 33 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Fantasia No 42 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Fantasia No 46 (Byrd)
Fantasia No 6 (Dowland)
Fantasia No 7 (Dowland)
Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa en la maniera de Luduvico (Mudarra)
Fantasia Segundo tono (Narváez)
Fantasia sub Elevatione (Erbach)
Fantasia Tercer tono (Narváez)
Fantasia, BK13 (Byrd)
Fantasia, BK62 (Byrd)
Fantasia, BK63 (Byrd)
Fantasy in A minor (Tallis)
Fantazia of foure parts (Gibbons)
Fantazia of foure parts (Gibbons)
Farnaby's Conceit (Farnaby)
Fece da voi partita (Philips)
Felix namque II (Tallis)
Folie (Corbetta)
Folie in G minor (Corbetta)
Fortune (Dowland/Denoth)
Fortune my foe (Dowland)
Fortune my Foe, Farewell Delight, BK6 (Byrd)
Freno Tirsi il desio
Gagliarda prima (Macque)
Gagliarda Quarta, alla Spagnola (Trabaci)
Gagliarda Terza a 4, detta la Talianella (Trabaci)
Gagliarda Terza a 5, sopra La Mantoana (Trabaci)
Galiardo Mistris Marye Brownlo, BK34 (Byrd)
Galliard (Philips)
Galliard, BK53 (Byrd)
Giles Farnaby's Dream (Farnaby)
Gloria tibi Trinitas (Anon/Tallis)
Gloria tibi Trinitas, BK50 (Byrd)
Go from my window (Collard)
Go from my window, BK79 (Byrd)
Greensleeves (Cutting)
Gypseis Round, BK80 (Byrd)
Harding's Galliard, BK55 (Byrd)
Harke, harke (Hume)
Have with yow to Walsingame, BK8 (Byrd)
His Humour (Farnaby)
His Rest (Farnaby)
Hosanna to the Son of David (Gibbons)
Hugh Ashton's Grownde, BK20 (Byrd)
Hymn Tune Prelude on Song 13 (Gibbons/Vaughan Williams)
I am melancholy (Hume)
I diletti di mundo (Michi)
Iam lucis orto sidere (Redford/Anon/Tallis)
Ich ruf' zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (Sweelinck)
Ick voer al over Rhijn (Sweelinck)
If my complaints, or Pyper's Galliard, BK118 EKM26 (Byrd)
Il bianco e dolce cigno (Arcadelt/Lidström)
Il Quarto Libro de Madrigali (Rossi)
In nomine (Picforth)
In nomine (White)
In nomine II (Alwood)
Intonazione del sesto tuono (Gabrieli)
Intonazione noni toni, C247b (Gabrieli)
Intonazione primo tono (Gabrieli)
Intonazione quinto tono alla quarta bassa (Gabrieli)
Iste confessor (Anon/Tallis)
Italiana – La Cesarina (Anon/Garsi da Parma)
Ite missa est – Deo gratias (Anon/Rodrigues Coelho)
Jhon come kisse me now, BK81 (Byrd)
La Alta (Torre)
La Barriera (Negri)
La Courante Sarabande (Ballard)
La martinella (Isaac)
La Spagna (Francesco Canova da Milano)
La voila la nacelle d'amour
La Volta L. Morley, BK90 (Byrd)
La Volta, BK91 (Byrd)
Lachrimae (Dowland)
Lachrimae Amantis
Lachrimae Pavan (Dowland/Denoth)
Lachrimae Tristes
Lady Montegle's Paven, BK75 (Byrd)
Lady Rich, her Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Las Vacas Espagnole (Corbetta)
Las ye me plains (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Libro d'intavolature di liuto (Galilei)
Life (Hume)
Lord Strang's March (Dowland/Denoth)
Lord Willobies Welcome Home 'Rowland', BK7 (Byrd)
Loth to depart (Dowland)
Loves Farewell (Hume)
Loves Pastime (Hume)
M. Buctons Galiard
Magnificat (Le Jeune/Titelouze)
Malle Sijmen (Sweelinck)
Malor me bat (Spinacino)
Mask 'Welcome home' (Gibbons)
Mass for four voices (Byrd)
Mein junges Leben hat ein End' (Sweelinck)
Melancholy Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Mille regrets de Josquin (Narváez)
Miserere I, BK66 (Byrd)
Miserere II, BK67 (Byrd)
Mister Dowland's Midnight (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistress Anne Grene her Leaves be Green (Danyel)
Mistress Nichols' Almaine (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistress White's Nothing (Dowland/Denoth)
Mistresse Nichols Almand
Monsieur's Almain (Danyel)
Monsieur's Alman I, BK87 (Byrd)
Monsieur's Alman II, BK88 (Byrd)
Monsieur's Alman III, BK44 (Byrd)
More palatino (Sweelinck)
Mr Confess's Coranto (Campion)
Mr Holborn's Last Will and Testament (Holborne)
Mrs Winter's Jump (Dowland)
Mrs Winter's Jump (Dowland/Denoth)
My grief (Bull)
My Lady Hunssdon's Puffe (Dowland/Denoth)
My Lady Nevell's Grownde, BK57 (Byrd)
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Dowland)
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Dowland/Denoth)
My self (Bull)
Natus est nobis hodie (Anon/Tallis)
Nobodyes Gigge (Farnaby)
Now I come (Hume)
Now, oh now I needs must part – The Frog Galliard (Dowland)
Now, oh now I needs must part (Dowland/Grainger)
Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gemein (Sweelinck)
O Domine, Jesu Christe (La Rue)
O Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not (Gibbons)
O Mistris myne, I must, BK83 (Byrd)
O quam gloriosum est regnum, EKM48 (Byrd)
O ye tender babes (Tallis)
Obra sobre el Pange lingua (Alvarado)
Onder een linde groen (Sweelinck)
Onder te linde groene (Eyck)
Ons is gheboren een kindekijn (Sweelinck)
Onse Vader in hemelrijk (Sweelinck)
Organ Variations on 'O Lord in Thee' (Amner)
Orlando Sleepeth (Dowland/Denoth)
Padoana (Capirola)
Padoana ditta la Ongara (Picchi)
Parludam, BK115 EKM3 (Byrd)
Parson's In nomine, BK51 (Byrd/Parsons)
Partite sopra Zefiro (Trabaci)
Paseávase el rey moro (Narváez/Fernández Palero)
Passacaille en rondeau (Corbetta)
Passamezzo antico
Passamezzo Pavan and Galliard (Philips)
Pavan (Ferrabosco Sr.)
Pavan (Philips)
Pavan (Weelkes)
Pavan and Galliard 'Bray', BK59 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Doloroso Tregian' (Philips)
Pavan and Galliard 'Eccho', BK114 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Johnson's Delighte', BK5 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Lord Salisbury' (Gibbons)
Pavan and Galliard Pagget (Philips)
Pavan and Galliard 'Ph. Tr.', BK60 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Quadran', BK70 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'Sir William Petre', BK3 (Byrd)
Pavan and Galliard 'The Earle of Salisbury', BK15 (Byrd)
Pavan in C major (Danyel)
Pavana (Tomkins)
Pavana and Galiarda, BK4 (Byrd)
Pavana and Galliarda, BK52 (Byrd)
Pavana and Galliarde the vi 'Kinbrugh Good', BK32 (Byrd)
Pavana hispanica (Sweelinck)
Pavana lachrimae (Sweelinck)
Pavana Lachrymae, BK54 (Byrd)
Pavana Philippi (Sweelinck)
Paven and Galiard, BK100 EKM10 (Byrd)
Paven and Galiard, BK73 (Byrd)
Pavin (Alberti)
Pavin (Ferrabosco Sr.)
Pavin 'M. Orlando Gibbons' (Gibbons)
Pavin, BK76 (Byrd)
Pieces in C (Corbetta)
Pieces in D major (Corbetta)
Polymnia (Galilei)
Poolsche dans (Sweelinck)
Praeludium to the Fancie, BK12 (Byrd)
Prélude (Corbetta)
Preludium (Dowland)
Preludium (Dowland/Denoth)
Preludium (Gibbons)
Preludium, BK1 (Byrd)
Preludium, BK24 (Byrd)
Premier livre de tablature de luth (Ballard)
Prime Stravaganze (Macque)
Psalm 116 'Ik heb den Heer lief' (Sweelinck)
Queen Elisabeth, her Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Quel signor (Michi)
Quelle divinité
Qui passe, for my Ladye Nevell, BK19 (Byrd)
Qui tollis (Capirola)
Recercar alla spagnola (Capirola)
Recercar dopo il Credo (Frescobaldi)
Recercar 'Sancta Maria' (Frescobaldi)
Recercare 1 (Spinacino)
Recercare 2 (Spinacino)
Recercare 3 (Spinacino)
Recercare 'De tous biens plaine' (Capirola)
Recercare Primo (Capirola)
Regina celi (La Rue)
Ricercar 'Aeolian' (Sweelinck)
Ricercar del settimo tuono (Gabrieli)
Ricercar No 12 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Ricercar No 13 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Ricercar No 34 'La Compagna' (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Ricercar No 84 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Ricercar No 88 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Ricercar No 9 (Francesco Canova da Milano)
Romanesca antica
Rosa (Danyel)
Rossamond (Hume)
Round Battle Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
Saltarello del predetto ballo (Molinaro)
Salvator mundi I, BK68 (Byrd)
Salvator mundi II, BK69 (Byrd)
Salve regina VI (La Rue)
Sarabande (Corbetta)
Second Dance of the Lords' Masque (Campion)
Seconde Stravaganze (Macque)
Sellinger's Rownde, BK84 (Byrd)
Semper Dowland semper dolens
Semper Dowland semper dolens (Dowland)
Short Almain 'Tinternell' (Holborne)
Si c'est pour mon pucellage
Sir Henry Umptons Funerall
Sir John Smith, his Almain (Dowland/Denoth)
Sir John Souch his Galiard
Sleep, wayward thoughts (Dowland)
Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears (Dowland)
Su duro tronco (Michi)
Suite in A minor (Corbetta)
Suite in G major (Corbetta)
Suite in G minor (Corbetta)
Tarleton's Resurrection (Dowland/Denoth)
Tell mee, Daphne (Farnaby)
Tento (Carreira)
The Barley Break, BK92 (Byrd)
The Battell, BK94 (Byrd)
The Battle Galliard (Dowland)
The bells, BK38 (Byrd)
The Carman's Whistle 'Air and Variations', BK36 (Byrd/Grainger)
The Carman's Whistle, BK36 (Byrd)
The Duke of Holstones Almayne (Hume)
The Earle of Essex Galiard
The eighte pavian, BK17 (Byrd)
The fall of the leaf (Peerson)
The fifte pavian and galliarde, BK31 (Byrd)
The firste pavian and galliarde, BK29 (Byrd)
The fourth pavian and galliarde, BK30 (Byrd)
The French Coranto, BK21a (Byrd)
The Frog Galliard (Dowland)
The Frog Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
The Galliard for the Victorie, BK95 (Byrd)
The Ghost, BK78 (Byrd)
The Hunt's Up, BK40 (Byrd)
The King of Denmark, his Galliard (Dowland/Denoth)
The King of Denmarks Galiard
The King's Hunt (Bull)
The leaves be greene (Danyel)
The leaves bee greene (Inglot)
The Marche before the Battell, BK93 (Byrd)
The Mayden's Songe, BK82 (Byrd)
The most sacred Queen Elizabeth, her galliard (Dowland)
The Noble Man (Johnson)
The nynth pavian and galliarde, the Passinge mesures, BK2 (Byrd)
The nynth pavian and galliarde, the Passinge mesures, BK2 (Byrd)
The Old Medley (Johnson)
The Primrose (Peerson)
The Queenes Alman, BK10 (Byrd)
The Queen's Command (Gibbons)
The Second French Coranto, BK21b (Byrd)
The Second Ground, BK42 (Byrd)
The second pavian and galliarde, BK71 (Byrd)
The seventh pavian, Canon 2 parts in 1, BK74 (Byrd)
The Shoemaker's Wife (Dowland/Denoth)
The silver swan (Gibbons/Lidström)
The Spanish Pavan (Robinson)
The Spirit of Gambo (Hume)
The Third French Coranto, BK21c (Byrd)
The third pavian and galliard, BK14 (Byrd)
The Trumpetts
The woods so wild (Gibbons)
Three Recercari (Spinacino)
Three Tastari de corde e Recercare (Dalza)
Tickell, tickell (Hume)
Tiento (Segni)
Tiento de quarto tono de falsas (Aguilera de Heredia)
Tiento No 15, de quarto tono (Correa de Arauxo)
Tinckeldum, twinckeldum (Hume)
Tirsi morir volea (Marenzio/Philips)
Toccata (Picchi)
Toccata a modo di trompetas (Macque)
Toccata avanti la Messa (Frescobaldi)
Toccata decima (Frescobaldi)
Toccata III (Weckmann)
Toccata in G (Hassler)
Toccata 'Ionian' (Sweelinck)
Toccata nona (Frescobaldi)
Toccata octavi toni (Erbach)
Toccata ottava, Libro Primo (Frescobaldi)
Toccata Prima (Mayone)
Toccata quarta (Frescobaldi)
Toccata quarta del secondo tono (Merulo)
Toccata quinta (Frescobaldi)
Toccata quinti toni, CS2 (Gabrieli)
Toccata Seconda & Ligature (Trabaci)
Toccata secondo tono (Gabrieli)
Toccata settima (Rossi)
Toccata, CD13 (Gabrieli)
Toccata, CD15 (Gabrieli)
Toccata, CD16 (Gabrieli)
Toccate d'intavolatura di cimbalo et organo (Frescobaldi)
Touch me lightly (Hume)
Tu parti, ahi lasso
Tutte le vecchie (Maio/Ortiz/Lawrence-King)
Une jeune fillette (Bacheler)
Ung gay bergier (Crecquillon/Venegas de Henestrosa)
Ut, mi, re, BK65 (Byrd)
Ut, Re, Mee, Fa, Sol, La, The playnesong … by a second Person, BK58 (Byrd)
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la a 4 voci (Sweelinck)
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, BK64 (Byrd)
Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, BK64 (Byrd)
Vamos, vamos a cenar (Encina)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Philips)
Veni, redemptor gentium (Anon/Tallis)
Verse of three parts (Tomkins)
Verso sobre Ave maris stella (Rodrigues Coelho)
Vespers transcription (Monteverdi)
Vestiva i colli (Bassano)
Voluntarie I (Weelkes)
Voluntarie II (Weelkes)
Voluntary (Bryne)
Voluntary 24 (Tomkins)
Voluntary 28 (Tomkins)
Voluntary No 1 (Cosyn)
Voluntary No 3 (Cosyn)
Vous me juries (Anon/Besard)
Walsingham (Bull)
Walsingham (Dowland)
Walsingham (Johnson)
What if a day (Dowland/Denoth)
Whoop, do me no harm, good man (Gibbons)
Why aske you (Farnaby)
Will yow walke the woods so wylde, BK85 (Byrd)
Wilson's Wilde, BK37 (Byrd)
Wooddy-Cock (Farnaby)
Worster Brawls (Tomkins)
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