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A flaxen-headed cowboy / A flaxen-headed milkmaid
A fox may steal your hens, sir (Peachum)
A Lyric Ode on the Fairies, Aerial Beings and Witches of Shakespeare 'The Shakespeare Ode' (Linley Jr.)
A thousand, thousand ways
Ab aeterno ordinata sum, SV262 (Monteverdi)
Aber abseits wer ist's?
Acis and Galatea, HWV49a (Handel)
Adelaide (Orlandini)
Admeto, Re di Tessaglia, HWV22 (Handel)
Adrast, D137 (Schubert)
Adriano in Siria (Ristori)
Affetto gioia e riso (Gualtiero)
Ah! Ruggiero crudel, tu non mi amasti! (Alcina)
Air gracieux – L'Amour, le seul Amour
Alcina, HWV34 (Handel)
Alessandro, HWV21 (Handel)
Alfonso und Estrella, D732 (Schubert)
Alfred (Arne)
All fancy sick (De Fesch)
Alla caccia, HWV79 (Handel/Bennett)
Alla sua gabbia d'oro (Rossane)
Allegrezza, mio core
Alto Rhapsody, Op 53 (Brahms)
Altri canti d'Amor, SV146 (Monteverdi)
Among the men, coquets we find (Polly/Lucy)
Amour, lance tes traits
Amphitryon, or The Two Sosias, Z572 (Purcell)
Arianna in Creta, HWV32 (Handel)
Ariette d'Arlequin
As Amoret and Thyrsis lay
Ascanio (Lotti)
Au cimetière
Auch das Schöne muss sterben!
Augelletti, voi col canto
Auprès d'un torrent Ophélie
Aure, fonti, ombre gradite (Rossane)
Aux langueurs d'Apollon
Barbara! io ben lo so
Be welcome then, great Sir, to constant vows
Behold, O mightiest of Gods
Benvenuto Cellini, Op 23 (Berlioz)
Berenice, Regina d'Egitto, HWV38 (Handel)
Bid the Virtues, bid the Graces
Bonduca, or The British Heroine, Z574 (Purcell)
Bright Phoebus (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
Britain, thou now art great, art great indeed!
Burg meiner Väter … O Vater der Güte ich stammle (Graf)
By beauteous softness mixed with majesty
C’en est donc fait! Ma honte est assurée
Ca' the yowes (Anon/MacLean/Bateman)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Albinoni)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Ciampi)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Courcelle)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Hasse)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Leo)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Pollarolo)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Sellito)
Caio Fabbricio, HWVA9 (Handel/Vinci)
Can life be a blessing? (Eccles)
Canon and Gigue in D (Pachelbel/Brody/Reynolds)
Cantata on the death of Emperor Joseph II, WoO87 (Beethoven)
Caro padre, a me non dei
Castor et Pollux (Rameau/Aareskjold/Bennett)
Cavatine de Pierrot
Cease your funning
Celebrate this Festival, Z321 (Purcell)
Celestial music did the gods inspire, Z322 (Purcell)
C'est trop soupirer
Che tirannia d'amor! (Lisaura)
Chi m'insegna il caro padre?
Chi t'intende? o cieca instabile! (Berenice)
Chœur de masques
Cléopâtre (Berlioz)
Clori, mia bella Clori, HWV92 (Handel)
Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, SV153 (Monteverdi)
Come all ye songsters
Come if you dare, our trumpets sound
Come ye sons of Art, away, Z323 (Purcell)
Come, let us leave the town
Come, shepherds, lead up a lively measure
Connaissez-vous la blanche tombe
Cor di padre, e cor d' amante (Asteria)
Correte pur a fiumi, amare lacrime
Crudeli, ahimè, che fate? (Sofonisba)
Da kam Joseph, mit Gottes Stärke
Dalla guerra amorosa, HWV102a (Handel)
Dance for Chinese Man and Woman
Dardanus (Rameau)
Daughter of Heav'n, fair art thou! 'Darthula' (Linley Jr.)
Demetrio (Giacomelli)
Der Graf von Gleichen, D918 (Schubert/Dünser)
Der Jäger ruhte hingegossen (Froila)
Des Teufels Lustschloss, D84 (Schubert)
Descende caelo cincta sororibus 'The Oxford Ode' (Locke)
Dica il falso, dica il vero (Rossane)
Die Bürgschaft, D435 (Schubert)
Die Freunde von Salamanka, D326 (Schubert)
Die Turteltaube lässt sich hören (Knüpfer)
Die Welt wird wieder neu
Die Zwillingsbrüder, D647 (Schubert)
Diese Gnade dank' ich dir (Möros)
Dite pace, e fulminate (Elmira)
Dites, le jeune belle
Doch, haltet ein, ihr muntern Saiten
Dolce sogno (Gualtiero)
Dopo l'orrore (Ottone)
Drum sucht auch Amor sein Vergnügen
Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing (Weldon)
Du pouvoir de l'Amour
È tale Otton? – Falsa imagine (Teofane)
Ei l'armi cinse, e su destrier alato
Ein Ungeheuer, sein Name Fanatismus
Elisa che ricerchi – Voglio amore (Elisa)
Er schläft von den Sorgen seiner Welten entladen
Eternal source of light divine
Eumene (Giay)
Ezio, HWV29 (Handel)
Fair Iris and her swain
Fairest isle, all isles excelling
Fetonte (Jommelli)
Fill up the bowl (Poet/Fairies/chorus)
Fly, bold rebellion, Z324 (Purcell)
Fonti amiche, aure leggiere (Seleuce)
For folded flocks (Three Shepherds)
Formons les plus brillants concerts
Fra le pupille
Fra l'orror d'atra foresta (Eumene)
From hardy Climes and dangerous Toils of War, Z325 (Purcell)
From those serene and rapturous joys, Z326 (Purcell)
Full fathom five (Smith)
Gelido in ogni vena (Cosroe)
Gelobet sei Gott und der Vater
Gelosia, spietata Aletto (Alceste)
Giustino, HWV37 (Handel)
Gloria e Imeneo, RV687 (Vivaldi)
Grands Pharaons, nobles Lagides
Great Love, I know thee now (Cold Genius)
Great Parent, Hail to Thee!, Z327 (Purcell)
Green grow the rashes (Anon/MacLean/Logan)
Großer Gönner, dein Vergnügen
Hail! Great parent of us all
Hark how the songsters
Hark the echoing air a triumph sings (1st Woman/chorus)
Hark, hark, the lark (Chilcot)
Heiland Harry (Anon/MacLean/Bateman)
Here the Deities approve
Here, a sheer hulk, lies poor Tom Bowling
Here's the Summer (Summer)
Hier schlummert seinen stillen Frieden
Hippolyte et Aricie (Rameau)
Hither this way
Hochteurer Mann, so fahre ferner fort
Honneur à la Folie – Aimables jeux
Honour, riches, marriage-blessing (Arne)
How blest are shepherds (Shepherd/chorus)
How blyth was I each morn to see
How cruel are the traitors (Lucy/Macheath)
How happy the lover
Hush, no more (Sleep/chorus)
I call you all to Woden's hall
I rage, I melt, I burn! (Polyphemus)
Ich will den Vater bitten
If love the virgin's heart invade (Mrs Peachum/Peachum)
If love's a sweet passion (Nymph/Fawn/chorus)
Ihr wandelt droben im Licht
Ihr werdet sehen und euer Herz wird sich freuen
Il ballo delle ingrate (Monteverdi)
Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno, HWV46a (Handel)
Il volo così fido al dolce (Costanza)
In yonder grove (Linley Jr.)
Io son tradito
Io ti levo l'impero dell'armi (Partenope)
Je ne sais quel ennui me presse
King Arthur, or The British Worthy, Z628 (Purcell)
Kolïbel'naya 'Lullaby'
La canterina, Hob XXVIII:2 (Haydn)
La Cucaracha (Anon/Atmajian)
La Griselda (Bononcini)
La mort d'Ophélie, Op 18 No 2 (Berlioz)
La Paloma (Iradier/Atmajian)
La Senna festeggiante, RV693 (Vivaldi)
La Senna festeggiante, RV693 (Vivaldi/King)
La sorte mia vacilla (Antigona)
La Statira (Albinoni/Bennett)
Laschia ch'io Pianga (Handel)
L'aura non sempre (Laodice)
Le spectre de la rose
Les Indes galantes (Rameau)
Les nuits d'été, Op 7 (Berlioz)
Les Paladins (Rameau)
Let not a moonborn elf mislead ye (Grimbald)
Let the fifes and the clarions (2nd Attendant/3rd Attendant)
Let us dance, let us sing
Let us take the road (Matt)
Liebe teure Muttererde (Friedrich)
Lieto godea sedendo (Gabrieli)
L'île inconnue
L'Olimpiade (Orlandini)
Longe mala, umbrae, terrores, RV629 (Vivaldi)
Love in a village (Arne)
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z331 (Purcell)
Lungi dal vago volto
Ma belle amie est morte
Mag es stürmen, donnern, blitzen (Franz)
Man ist so glücklich und so frei (Fidelio)
Marche pour les différentes nations – Par tes bienfaits
Mark how readily each pliant string
May the God of Wit inspire
Menuet en rondeau – Si l'Amour coûte des soupirs
Mi lusinga il dolce affetto (Ruggiero)
Mi stringerai sì
M'inganna, me n'avveggo (Oronte)
Movete al mio bel suon le piante snelle
Musettes, résonnez – Menuet en rondeau
Music for The Tempest (Linley Jr.)
Muss ich fühlen (Möros)
My fair's a garden of delight (He)
My heart was so free (Macheath/Polly)
Naïs (Rameau)
Nänie, Op 82 (Brahms)
Nel mondo e nell'abisso (Isacio)
Next, Winter comes slowly (Winter)
No part of my dominion shall be waste (Cupid)
No, più soffrir non voglio (Lisaura)
Non disperi peregrino (Ottone)
Non può quest'alma in sen (Ascanio)
Non so frenar il pianto (Demetrio)
Non v'è chi mi aiuta (Gasparina)
Non vi piacque, ingiusti dei (Emira)
Now does the glorious day appear, Z332 (Purcell)
Now join your warbling voices all
O come chiare e belle, HWV143 (Handel)
O diva Ecate, sian d'effetto vuoti
O Götter! O, Dank euch! (Möros)
O Himmel! Kannst du mir so freundlich lächeln? … Mein Weib, o Gott, mein süßer Knabe (Graf)
O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit, BWV210 (Bach)
O how blest is the Isle to which Caesar is given
O let me weep
O ruddier than the cherry (Polyphemus)
O, lead me to some peaceful gloom
O, let me forever weep
Ob er wohl wiederkehrt? … Nein, nein, der Träumer träumt (Dionysos)
Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne 'Eternal source of light divine' (Handel)
Of old, when heroes thought it base, Z333 (Purcell)
Ombre, che tacite qui sede (Fetonte)
On Richmond Hill there lives a lass
One charming night
Orpheus with his lute (Chilcot)
Orpheus with his lute (Greene)
Ottone, Re di Germania, HWV15 (Handel)
Over the hills and far away (Anon/Bennett)
Panis angelicus (Franck)
Pardon, goddess of the night (Chilcot)
Parnasso in Festa, HWV73 (Handel)
Partenope, HWV27 (Handel)
Pesni i plyaski smerti 'Songs and dances of death' (Musorgsky/Shostakovich)
Phoebus eilt mit schnellen Pferden
Piangi pur (Araspe)
Placa l'alma (Rossane/Lisaura)
Platée (Rameau)
Poichè giuraro amore, HWV148 (Handel)
Polkovodets 'The field-marshal'
Prelude as Hymen enters
Pretty Polly, say (Macheath/Polly)
Pygmalion (Rameau)
Quand viendra la saison nouvelle
Quando non vede la cara madre (Pulcheria)
Quel fior che all' alba ride, HWV200 (Handel)
Quest'è dunque la fede? (Alceste)
Raise, raise the voice, Z334 (Purcell)
Régnez, Amour
Reviens, reviens, me bien-aimée
Riccardo Primo, Re d'Inghilterra, HWV23 (Handel)
Ricordati, che offeso (Eumene)
Rigaudon I – Rigaudon II – Fuyez, vents orageux!
Rossignols amoureux
Round thy coasts (Nereid/chorus)
Ruhet hie, matte Töne
Rule, Britannia
Scène lyrique
Schicksalslied, Op 54 (Brahms)
Schweigt, ihr Flöten, schweigt, ihr Töne
Se cerca, se dice (Megacle)
Se parla nel mio cor (Giustino)
Se tu non lasci amore, HWV201a (Handel)
See my many colour'd fields (Autumn)
See, see, we assemble
Sehet in Zufriedenheit
Sei mir gegrüßt, o Sonne … Doch soll mein kühner Sohn (Froila)
Seid beglückt, edle Beide
Semiramide (Mysliveček)
Serenada 'Serenade'
Shepherd, shepherd, leave decoying (Two Shepherdesses)
Sich üben im Lieben
Siegfried (Wagner)
Since from my dear Astrea's sight
Sing while we trip it (Fairy/chorus)
Sing, sing ye druids
Siroe, Re di Persia, HWV24 (Handel)
So glaubt man denn, dass die Musik verführe
So sei das Band der keuschen Liebe
Sofonisba (Traetta)
Softly rise, O southern breeze! (He)
Soleil, fuis de ces lieux!
Solitudine amate – Aure, fonti, ombre gradite (Rossane)
Solomon (Boyce)
Son qual stanco pellegrino (Alceste)
Son sventurato (Farnaspe)
Song Tune 'Britons, strike home'
Song Tune 'Fairest Isle'
Song Tune 'If love's a sweet passion'
Song Tune 'Let the soldiers rejoice'
Song Tune 'Round thy coasts'
Song Tune 'Sing while we trip it'
Song Tune 'To arms, to arms'
Sosarme, Re di Media, HWV30 (Handel)
Soulève ta paupière close
Sound a parley (Cupid/Cold Genius)
Sound the trumpet, beat the drum, Z335 (Purcell)
Sound the trumpet, 'til around
Spielet, ihr beseelten Lieder
Stà nell'Ircana (Ruggiero)
Still I'm wishing
Strike the viol, touch the lute
Su le penne de' venti, SV333 (Monteverdi)
Suo gân (Anon/Innes)
Sur les lagunes
Sure the dull God of Marriage (1st Woman/2nd Woman/chorus)
Swifter, Isis, swifter flow, Z336 (Purcell)
Symphony – Welcome, welcome, glorious morn
Symphony for the entry of Phoebus
Symphony in C major
Symphony in imitation of an echo
Tambourin I – Tambourin II
Tambourin I – Tambourin II – Partez!
Tamerlano, HWV18 (Handel)
Tanti affanni (Ottone)
Tell me why, my charming fair
Tempête. La nuit couvre les cieux!
The Beggar's Opera (Gay/Pepusch)
The Beggar's Opera (Gay/Pepusch)
The birds in the spring (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
The broom of Cowdenknowes (Anon/Bach)
The Choice of Hercules, HWV69 (Handel)
The Contrabandista, or The Law of the Ladrones (Sullivan)
The Fairy Queen, Z629 (Purcell)
The Foresters, or Robin Hood and Maid Marian (Sullivan)
The Golden Legend (Sullivan)
The lark in the morning (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
The Lass of Richmond Hill (Hook)
The last rose of summer (Anon/Cambell)
The miller of Dee
The Mock Marriage, Z605 (Purcell/Clarke)
The modes of the court so common are grown (Macheath/Ben/Matt)
The nightingale (Anon/Rachimov)
The Occasional Oratorio (Handel)
The Oddities (Dibdin)
The Old Batchelor, Z607 (Purcell)
The Plaint
The Plough boy / The Milkmaid (Shield)
The Prodigal Son (Sullivan)
The Prophetess, or The History of Dioclesian, Z627 (Purcell)
The robin's petition (Anon/Oates/Le Page)
The Sparrow and the gentle Dove
The summer's absence unconcerned we bear, Z337 (Purcell)
There was a jolly miller once lived on the River Dee
They shall be as happy as they're fair (1st Woman/2nd Woman/Hymen/chorus)
Thou doting fool, forbear (Cupid)
Thou shalt bring them in (alto)
Thrice happy lovers (Juno)
Thus when the swallow, seeking prey (Polly/Macheath/Lucy)
Ti pentirai, crudel, d'aver offeso (Elisa)
Timon of Athens, Z632 (Purcell)
'Tis I that have warn'd ye – 'Tis Love that has warm'd us (Cupid/chorus)
'Tis woman that seduces all mankind (Filch/Peachum)
To fair Fidele's grassy tomb (Arne)
To God, our strength, sing loud (bass)
Todt, stöhnt es durch die öde Nacht!
Tolomeo, Re di Egitto, HWV25 (Handel)
Tom Bowling
Tristes apprêts
Tu di pietà mi spogli (Cosroe)
Tu mi disprezzi ingrato (Tamiri)
Tune for trumpets, after Dioclesian
'Twas within a furlong of Edinboro' town
Twelfth Night (Vernon)
Two daughters of this aged stream are we (Two Sirens)
Udite, chiari e generosi figli (Gabrieli)
Un momento di contento (Oronte)
Und dieses ist das Glücke
Vedi l'ape che ingegnosa (Fabio)
Vedrò fra poco (Alceste)
Vedrò più liete, e belle (Ottone)
Vengeance, O come inspire me!
Verdi prati (Ruggiero)
Vien con nuova orribil guerrra
Vieni, vieni Himeneo (Gabrieli)
Virgins are like the fair flower in its lustre (Polly/Peachum)
Volgendo il ciel – Movete al mio bel suon, SV154 (Monteverdi)
Vorrei, né pur saprei (Elmira)
War einer je der Sterblichen beglückt … O Zeus! Hab' ich recht geherrscht (Krösus)
Was kümmert mich ein sumpfig Land (Robert)
Was Luft? was Grab?
Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten 'Wedding Cantata', BWV202 (Bach)
Welcome to all the pleasures, Z339 (Purcell)
Welcome, vicegerent of the mighty King, Z340 (Purcell)
Welcome, welcome, glorious morn, Z338 (Purcell)
Wenn die Frühlingslüfte streichen
What ho, thou Genius of this isle! (Cupid)
What shall be done in behalf of the man?, Z341 (Purcell)
What shall I do to show how much I love her?
When a cruel long winter (Phoebus)
When a knight won his spurs (Anon/Lamb)
When Britain first at heaven's command
When daisies pied and violets blue (Arne)
When daisies pied and violets blue (Leveridge)
When he holds up his hand (Lucy/Lockit)
When I have often heard young maids complaining (Nymph)
When icicles hang on the wall (Arne)
When Orpheus sang all Nature did rejoice
When that I was a little tiny boy
When the leaves had forsaken the trees
When you censure the age (Lockit/Peachum)
Where the bee sucks, there lurk I (Arne)
Who is like unto thee, O Lord?
Why, why are all the Muses mute?, Z343 (Purcell)
With him he brings the partner of his throne
Would I might be hang'd! (Lucy/Polly/Macheath/Jailer)
Ye blust'ring brethren – Serene and clam (Aeolus)
Ye gentle spirits of the air (Nymph)
Ye nymphs of Albion's beauty-blooming isle (Linley Jr.)
Ye tuneful Muses, Z344 (Purcell)
Yes, Daphne (Chinese Man)
Yet, can I hear that dulcet lay (Hercules)
You say 'tis love
You spotted snakes (Smith)
Your hay it is mow'd (Comus/Peasants)
Zeffiretto, che scorre nel prato (Giustino)
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