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12 Lieder und Romanzen, Op 44 (Brahms)
A child's song (Kwakiutl – Kwakwaka'wakw)
A cradle song (Panufnik)
A cradle song (Tavener)
A Funny fellow
A gift so pure, life so precious
A jubilant song (Clausen)
A moon rising
A New Song (MacMillan)
A nun takes the veil 'Heaven-haven'
A Song at evening (Bennett)
A song to the Lamb (Hancock)
A very handsome gentleman
Abroad as I was walking, one evening in the spring
Adiuro vos, filiae Hierusalem
Adoro te devote (Anon)
Aeterna Christi munera (Anon)
Ah dear heart (Gibbons)
All Canaan's heathen race
Alleluia. Dominus dixit (Anon)
Alleluia. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest
Alleluia. Veni Sancte Spiritus (Anon)
Alleluia. Veni, Domine, et noli tardare (Anon)
Alma redemptoris mater (Anon)
Am Wildbach die Weiden
Angel Song II (Todd)
April rain song (Harris)
As one sky
Ashita no uta 'Song for tomorrow' (Kinoshita)
Asperges me, Domine (Anon)
At every instant
Ave Maria
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Ave Maria … virgo serena (Anon)
Ave regina caelorum (Anon)
Awake, O north wind
Aya! I don't care if you desert me
Ballad of green Broom
Beata Dei genitrix (Anon)
Beata viscera (Anon)
Beatus vir (Anon)
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Anon)
Benedictus Dominus, Deus Israel (Anon)
Brauner Bursche führt zum Tanze
Brausten alle Berge
By the willows of the Eastern Gate
Canticum Canticorum Salomonis 'The Song of Songs' (Palestrina)
Canto de' profumi (Anon/Isaac)
Canto dello zibetto (Anon/Isaac)
Caput eius aurum optimum
Carters, now cast down (Farnaby)
Che fai qui core? (Anon)
Chinook songs (Chinook)
Choral Song and Fugue (Wesley)
Christe redemptor omnium (Anon)
Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat
Circlesong (Chilcott)
Cloud, if as thou dost melt
Come all ye jolly cricketers whoever ye may be
Conditor Kyrie omnium (Anon)
Confitebor tibi (Anon)
Corri, Fortuna (Isaac)
Creator of the stars of night (Anon)
Cruel Madame (Vautor)
Cry aloud and spare not (Blow)
Da pacem, Domine (Anon)
Das Glas gefüllt! der Nordwind brüllt
Das Mädchen
Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Dear dark head
Deep in my soul
Der bucklichte Fiedler
Der Falke
Descendi in hortum meum
Die Berge sind spitz
Dignus est Agnus (Anon)
Dilectus meus descendit
Dilexisti iustitiam (Anon)
Dixit Dominus (Anon)
Domine, quando veneris? (Anon)
Dominus vobiscum – Ite, missa est (Anon)
Donne, quest’è un animal perfetto
Draw on, sweet night (Wilbye)
Dreams all too brief
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons)
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons/Forshaw)
Duo ubera tua
Ecce advenit (Anon)
Ecce mitto angelum (Anon)
Ecce tu pulcher es
Ego sum resurrectio et vita (Anon)
Ernst ist der Herbst
Es wohnet ein Fiedler zu Frankfurt am Main
Evensong (Paulus)
every single thing sings
Fahr wohl
Fair daffodils, we weep to see
Fairy song
Farewell,my brother (Navajo)
Fasciculus myrrhae dilectus meus
Feiger Gedanken
First, April, she with mellow showers
Five Bridal folksongs from the Voronezh district (Anon)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Flower Songs, Op 47 (Britten)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Irish Songs (Maw)
Five Traditional Songs (Anon/Rutter)
Folk song
For thee I shall not die
For you, there'll be no more crying
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Choral Songs, Op 53 (Elgar)
Four Songs from the British Isles (Tippett)
Four songs of love (Sandström)
Four Songs, Op 13 (Barber)
Full fathom five
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Fünf Gesänge, Op 104 (Brahms)
Gaudeamus omnes … Sanctorum omnium (Anon)
Give me strength (Sioux – Lakota)
Give to God our thankful songs (Haydn/Gardiner)
Go, lovely Rose
Golden slumbers
Guttur tuum sicut vinum optimum
Haec dies quam fecit Dominus (Anon)
He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein!
Hebt ein Falke sich empor
Heraus in eure Schatten, rege Wipfel
His left hand
Hochgetürmte Rimaflut, wie bist du so trüb
hope, faith, life, love
Hora mai che fora son' (Anon)
Horch, der Wind klagt in den Zweigen traurig sacht
Horrendo subdenda rotarum machinamento (Anon)
Hoshi ga akizu ni mawaru no wa
I brought my great carriage
I gaze upon you and the sun grows large
I have desired to go
I hide myself
I love my love
I shall not die for thee
I sow'd the seeds of love
i thank You God for most this amazing day
If along the highroad
If we shadows have offended
Il Daniele nel lago de’ leoni (Scarlatti)
Illuxerunt coruscationes tuae (Anon)
Im Herbst
I'm lonesome since I cross'd the hill
In memoriam
In the house made of dawn (Navajo)
In the lowlands
Introduxit me rex in cellam
Iona Boat Song (Anon/Roberton)
Ite missa est – Agimus tibi gratias (Anon)
Jehovah ever be my song
Jesu fili virginis (Anon)
Jesu, swete sone dere!
Johannis solemnitas digne celebretur
Kang, kang, kang ki ki kang kang
Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn
Kyrie fons bonitatis (Anon)
Laeva eius sub capite meo
Lasso quel ch'altri fugge (Isaac)
Laudes Regiae (Anon)
Leblos gleitet Blatt um Blatt
Legend 'The Crown of roses'
Let him kiss me
Let the child be born
Let the rain kiss you
Let us be like
Letztes Glück
Lieber Gott, du weisst, wie oft bereut ich hab
Liese Töne der Brust, geweckt vom Odem der Liebe
Lo, the waves thy breath obey
Love of the Father
Love's Tempest
Many pretty flowers, red, blue, and yellow
Matronarum hec matrona (Anon)
Matthew, Mark and Luke and John
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Media vita in morte sumus (Anon)
Mille regretz (Josquin)
Missa in gallicantu (Anon)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Cleobury)
Mo li hua 'Jasmine flower song' (Anon/Lawson)
Mond verhüllt sein Angesicht
'Mong the Gods by men adored
Monolog der Iphegenia (Reichardt)
My song is love unknown (Pott)
My song shall be alway 'Chandos Anthem No 7', HWV252 (Handel)
Nachtwache I
Né più bella di queste
Nennen korori yo okorori yo
Nesciens mater (Anon)
Newborn (Pueblo)
Nigra sum sed formosa
No force can stand
Nobilis et pulchra (Anon)
Nun stehn die Rosen in Blüte
O Great Spirit (Dakota)
O Israel turn – The wave hath closed
O lux beata caelitum (Anon)
O magnum misterium (Anon)
O maligno e duro core (Anon/Isaac)
O my night love!
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Amner)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sleep thou heav’n-born treasure, thou
O süßer Mai
O to make the most jubilant song
O waly, waly
O Wild West Wind
Of fair girls the loveliest
Oh my heart! Wake, oh wake!
Oh, farewell to you my Nancy, ten thousand times adieu
Ora mai sono in età (Anon)
Osculetur me osculo oris sui
Our Lady's song (Maw)
Out in the bushlands
Over hill, over dale
Over the wave (Ojibwa)
Owls, an Epitaph
Pange lingua … Corporis (Anon)
Pastor cesus in gregis medio (Anon)
Per omnia saecula – Vere dignum – Quia per incarnati (Anon)
Phyllis, I fain would die now (Morley)
Plop fall the plums
Popular song
Praise be to God, and God alone
Precious moment
Prophetarum maxime (Isaac)
Propter veritatem (Anon)
Puer natus est nobis (Anon)
Pulchra es amica mea
Put your head, darling
Quae est ista quae progreditur
Quando riguardo el nostro viver rio (Anon)
Qui creavit caelum (Anon)
Qui Lazarum (Anon)
Quis dabit capiti meo aquam? (Isaac)
Radnage Cricket Song (Anon)
Reges Tharsis (Anon)
Regina caeli (Anon)
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine (Anon)
Ringleted youth of my love
Röslein dreie in der Reihe blühn so rot
Ruh'n sie? rufet das Horn des Wächters drüben aus Western
Scaramella (Compère)
Scaramella (Josquin)
School Songs Medley (Anon)
Scots song (MacMillan)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
Sechs Lieder und Romanzen, Op 93a (Brahms)
See how the moon has risen
Shestnadtsat Pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen Songs for children', Op 54 (Tchaikovsky/Lubbock)
Shu is away
Si bona suscepimus (Lassus)
Si ignoras te, o pulchra
Sian galanti di Valenza
Sicut lilium inter spinas
Silent lay the sapphire ocean
Six Choral Folksongs, H136 (Holst)
Sleep, fleshly birth (Ramsey)
Sleep, sleep, happy child
Some talk of Alexander
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Song for Athene (Tavener)
Song for Athene (Tavener/Rose)
Song for bringing a child into the world (Seminole)
Song 'I gaze upon you' (Jackson)
Song of June (Harvey)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Songbird (McVie/Ashby)
Songs for Seven Storeys (Chilcott)
Songs of Courtship (Bevan Baker)
Songs of magical creatures (Todd)
Songs of peace (Todd)
Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing
Splendor and honor and kingly power are yours
Stand das Mädchen, stand am Bergesabhang
Summer song (Inuit)
Surgam et circuibo civitatem
Sursum corda (Anon)
Swansea Town
Swansongs (Chilcott)
Sweet dreams form a shade
Sweet was the song the virgin sang 'Lute-book lullaby' (Anon/Shaw)
Te lucis ante terminum (Anon/Forshaw)
Tell us, thou clear and heavenly tongue
That winter love spoke and we raise no objection, at
The British grenadiers
The carriageway
The cock has crowed
The Fountain
The girl I left behind me
The Herdmaiden's Song (Anon/Roberton)
The infinite dwelling
the littlest bird
The oaks
The Office for St John of Bridlington (Anon)
The sea is before them
The shepherd's cradle song (Leuner/Macpherson)
The Shower
The silver swan (Gibbons)
The Skye Boat Song (Anon/Earley)
The Song of Moses (Linley Jr.)
The Song of the Birds (Anon/Ribo)
The song of the blacksmith
The song of the mad prince
The Song sung true (Weir)
The Star-Song (Dove)
The succession of the four sweet months
The sun's beams are running out (Comanche) – We wait in the darkness (Iroquois)
The unthrift sun shot vital gold
The Vauday Part Songs (Hawes)
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er
The Wickets are set, the field is met
There is a funny fellow
There is sweet music
There was a tree
There was an old man liv'd out in the wood
There was an old man of the Isles
Thither thy people, Lord
Though Amaryllis dance (Byrd)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Sacred Songs (Head)
Three Songs of Fantasy (Head)
Three Songs of Praise (Whitacre)
Thus the foe with haughty pride
To daffodils
Tota pulchra es, amica mea
Trionfo delle dée (Isaac)
'Twas on a Monday morning
Two Choral Songs, Op 71 (Elgar)
Two Choral Songs, Op 73 (Elgar)
Two falling stars
Und gehst du über den Kirchhof
Until the daybreak
Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Lawson)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Anon)
Veni, dilecte mi
Verbum caro factum est (Anon)
Verlorene Jugend
Vineam meam non custodivi
Virgo flagellatur (Anon)
Viva, viva in nostro core (Anon)
Vox dilecti mei
Wedding Song 'My Lord is all aglow'
Weit und breit schaut niemand mich an
Were I at the Moss House where the birds do increase
What is that? … Nothing
When I am grown
When Jesus Christ was yet a child
Who, my friend, make this river flow?
Winterlied, D242a (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Wisst ihr, wann mein Kindchen
With a lily in your hand
Yaqui song (Yaqui)
Zen love song (Panufnik)
Zigeunerlieder 'ensemble version', Op 103 (Brahms)
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