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5 Divertimentos harmônicos (Pinto)
Ach so laß von mir dich finden (Telemann)
Ach, Herr! wie lange willst du mein so ganz vergessen
Ad te clamamus exsules, filii Hevae
Adeste fideles (Wade)
Adeste fideles (Wade/Gant)
Adeste fideles (Wade/Hill)
Agnus Dei
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? (Taylor)
All Canaan's heathen race
All things which live below the sky
Angels from the realms of glory (Storace/Williams)
Angels, roll the rock away! (Taylor)
Arise and hail the sacred day 'A Carol' (Stephenson)
As shepherds watched their fleecy care (Key)
As with gladness, men of old
Ascendit Deus (Souza)
Aus Novalis Hymnen an die Nacht (Reichardt)
Ave Maria
Ave Maria! maiden mild!
Ave verum, K618 (Mozart)
Beata virgo
Beatus vir
Benefac Domine (Mondonville)
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiven
Blessed is he whose wickedness is forgiven
Blest are the pure in heart
Blest be the name of Jacob's God (Haydn)
Blest pair of sirens (Smith)
Breathe on me, breath of God
Bring unto the Lord, O ye mighty
But let the righteous be glad
Captivity (Storace)
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
Clarifica me, Pater (Giorgi)
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Attwood)
Confitebor tibi
Darwall's 148th (Darwall)
Das grosse Halleluja, D442 (Schubert)
Das Marienbild, D623 (Schubert)
De profundis
De profundis (Mondonville)
Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man
Dem Unendlichen, D291 Second version (Schubert)
Der 13. Psalm, D663 (Schubert/Mandyczewski)
Der 23. Psalm, D706 (Schubert)
Der 92. Psalm, D953 (Schubert)
Der Friede sei mit euch!
Der Odem Gottes weht!
Deutsche Messe, D872 (Schubert)
Die Allmacht, D875a (Schubert/Hoorickx/Knothe)
Dir nah’ ich mich, nah’ mich dem Throne
Dixit Dominus
Ehre sei dem Hocherhabnen, dem Ersten
Eia ergo advocata nostra illos tuos
Ellen's Song (Attwood)
Estro-poetico armonico (Marcello/Avison)
Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui
Evangelium Johannes, D607 (Schubert)
Exsultate, iubilate, K165 (Mozart)
Exultate Deo (Wesley)
Fac me vere tecum flere
Faithful Shepherd, lead me
Geistliches Lied, Hob XXVIa:17 (Haydn)
Georgia (Handel/Miller)
Give sentence with me, O God, and defend my cause against the ungodly people
Give thanks, O Israel
Give the King thy judgements, O God
Give to God our thankful songs (Haydn/Gardiner)
Gloria, laus, et honor (Anon/Almeida)
God is our refuge and our strength
God my Father, loving me
Gott der Weltschöpfer, D986 (Schubert)
Gott ist mein Hirt, mir wird nichts mangeln
Graduale in festo SS Innocentium die Dominica (Haydn)
Grant, O Lord, to our most blessed Patriarch
Great god of love (Pearsall)
Gross ist Jehova, der Herr! Denn Himmel
Hail the day that sees him rise
Hark! how all the welkin rings (Anon/Butts)
Hark! the herald angels sing
Hark! the herald angels sing (Arnold)
He is a father
Hear my prayer, O Lord (Dahmen)
Helmsley (Olivers)
Help me, Lord, for there is not one godly man left
Her foundations are upon the holy hills
Himmelsfunken, D651 (Schubert)
Hinüber wall’ ich
Hinüber wall’ ich
Hodie si vocem
Hosanna to King David's son 'Hosannah' (Taylor)
How firm a foundation, O saints of the Lord
How oft, instinct with warmth divine (Haydn)
Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber (Anon/Butts)
Hymne an den Unendlichen, D232 (Schubert)
Hymne I, D659 (Schubert)
Hymne II, D660 (Schubert)
Hymne III, D661 (Schubert)
Hymne IV, D662 (Schubert)
Hymning seraphs wake the morning (Handel/Taylor)
I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard the voice of my prayer
I heard a voice from heaven (Harington)
I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart
I will give thanks unto thee, Lord, with my whole heart
I will love thee, O Lord my strength
Ich sag es jedem, dass er lebt
If the Lord himself had not been on our side
In decachordo psalterio (Mondonville)
In der Zeit sprach der Herr Jesus
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Hyde)
In exitu Israel (Wesley)
In the Lord my God put I my trust
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord
Jehovah ever be my song
Joyful, joyful, we adore thee
Judith (Arne)
Laudate Dominum
Laudate pueri
Lead, kindly Light
Let an anthem of praise (Anon/Ashworth)
Let God arise (Linley Jr.)
Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered
Let thy loving mercy come also unto me
Light of my soul (Pearsall)
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks
Lo! He comes with clouds descending
Lo! Star-led chiefs
Lo, the waves thy breath obey
Long life shall Israel's king behold (Haydn)
Lord, I am not high minded
Lord, remember David: and all his trouble
Magnify him
Mahomets Gesang, D549 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Mahomets Gesang, D721 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Maker of all! be thou my guard (Haydn)
Mass in C major, Op 86 (Beethoven)
Memento, Domine
Messiah, HWV56 (Handel/Mozart)
Might I in thy sight appear (Wesley)
Missa a 8 vozes e instrumentos (Gomes)
Missa 'Coronation Mass', K317 (Mozart)
Missa in C major 'Missa solemnis', K337 (Mozart)
Missa in honorem Sanctae Ursulae 'Chiemsee-Messe' (Haydn)
Missa pastoril para a noite de natal (Garcia)
Missa subtitulo St Leopoldi in fest SS Innocentium (Haydn)
Mnogaya lieta 'Many years' (Bortniansky/Phillips)
'Mong the Gods by men adored
My foes prevail, my friends are fled
My God, my God, look upon me
My God, my King, with joyful view (Shield)
My heart is inditing of a good matter
My song shall be alway of the loving-kindness of the Lord
My soul truly waiteth still upon God
Nachthymne, D687 (Schubert)
No force can stand
Noche de paz (Gruber/Burton)
Now is Christ risen from the dead (Fawcett)
O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
O clap your hands together, all ye people
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Cleobury)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Ledger)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Rutter/Willcocks)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Willcocks)
O come, all ye faithful – Adeste fideles (Wade/Willcocks/Robinson/Hill)
O come, let us sing unto the Lord
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O Israel turn – The wave hath closed
O let me in th' accepted hour (Haydn)
O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth
O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust
O Lord our Governor, how excellent is thy Name in all the world
O Lord, look down from heaven (Battishill)
O Lord, thou hast searched me out and known me
O Lord, what is man! (Haydn/Gardiner)
O salutaris hostia
O salutaris hostia (Rossini)
O sing unto God
O sing unto the Lord a new song
O think upon thy servant as concerning thy word
O thou that dwellest in the highest heavens (Dahmen)
O torment great, too great to bear (An Israelite woman)
O where shall wisdom be found? (Boyce)
Oh! Pulchra es
Osterlied 'Jesus Christus unser Heiland', D168a (Schubert)
Padre nosso
Palestine (Crotch)
Pax vobiscum, D551 (Schubert)
Petite messe solennelle (Rossini)
Praise be to God, and God alone
Preserve me, O God, for in thee have I put my trust
Princes have persecuted me without a cause
Psalm 10
Psalm 10 'Ut quid, Domine?' (Attwood)
Psalm 10 'Ut quid, Domine?' (Attwood/Stainer)
Psalm 100 'Jubilate Deo' (Attwood)
Psalm 111 'Confitebor tibi' (Woodward)
Psalm 116 'Dilexi, quoniam' (Robinson)
Psalm 119: 161-168 'Principes persecuti sunt' (Mornington)
Psalm 119: 41-48 'Et veniat super me' (West)
Psalm 119: 49-56 'Memor esto servi tui' (Jones)
Psalm 119: 57-64 'Portio mea, Domine' (Attwood)
Psalm 119: 73-80 'Manus tuae fecerunt me' (Skeats Sr.)
Psalm 119: 9-16 'In quo corriget?' (Nares)
Psalm 12 'Salvum me fac' (Wilton)
Psalm 123 'Ad te levavi oculos meos' (Crotch)
Psalm 124 'Nisi quia Dominus' (Crotch)
Psalm 131 'Domine, non est' (Rodgers)
Psalm 132 (Crotch)
Psalm 139 'Domine, probasti' (Skeats Jr.)
Psalm 14 'Dixit insipiens' (Attwood)
Psalm 140 'Eripe me, Domine' (Camidge/Elvey)
Psalm 16 'Conserva me, Domine' (Havergal)
Psalm 18 'Diligam te, Domine' (Robinson)
Psalm 18 'Diligam te, Domine' (Walmisley/Wesley/Smart/Robinson)
Psalm 22 'Deus, Deus meus' (Wesley)
Psalm 22 'Deus, Deus meus' (Wesley/Smart)
Psalm 23, D706 (Schubert/Rutter)
Psalm 29 'Afferte Domino' (Attwood)
Psalm 31
Psalm 32 'Beati, quorum' (Russell)
Psalm 42 'Quemadmodum' (Wesley)
Psalm 42 'Quemadmodum' (Wesley/Anon)
Psalm 43 'Iudica me, Deus' (Wesley)
Psalm 43 'Iudica me, Deus' (Wesley/Anon)
Psalm 45
Psalm 45 'Eructavit cor meum' (Cooke)
Psalm 47 'Omnes gentes, plaudite' (Davy)
Psalm 49
Psalm 53 'Dixit insipiens' (Attwood)
Psalm 62 'Nonne Deo?' (Boyce)
Psalm 68 'Exurgat Deus' (Crotch/Smart)
Psalm 69 'Salvum me fac' (Barnby/Attwood)
Psalm 7 'Domine, Deus meus' (Cooke)
Psalm 72 'Deus, iudicium' (Boyce)
Psalm 73 'Quam bonus Israel!' (Crotch/Ouseley)
Psalm 8 'Domine, Dominus noster' (Lawes/Corfe)
Psalm 81 'Exultate Deo' (Goodenough/Willcocks)
Psalm 87 'Fundamenta eius' (Battishill)
Psalm 89 'Misericordias Domini' (Anon/Norris/Russell/Battishill)
Psalm 9 'Confitebor tibi' (Attwood)
Psalm 9 'Confitebor tibi' (Stainer/Attwood)
Psalm 92 'Bonum est confiteri' (Crotch)
Psalm 94 'Deus ultionum' (Clark/Woodward)
Psalm 95 'Venite, exultemus' (Crotch)
Psalm 98 'Cantate Domino' (Randall)
Regina caeli, K108 (Mozart)
Regina caeli, K127 (Mozart)
Regna terrae (Mondonville)
Rejoice the Lord is king! (Handel/Wesley)
Requiem in C minor 'Pro defuncto archiepiscopo Sigismundo', MH154 (Haydn)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Druce)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Finnissy)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin/Beyer)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Maunder)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Süssmayr)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Süssmayr/Levin)
Salve regina (Hasse)
Salve regina (Rousseau)
Salvete, flores Martyrum
Sancta Maria, mater Dei, K273 (Mozart)
Save me, O God
Seht den Felsenquell
Seht den Felsenquell
Sei gegrüsst, du Frau der Huld
Serbate, o Dei custodi, D35 No 3 (Schubert/Orel)
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night!
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Cleobury)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Darlington)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rathbone)
Silent night! Holy night! – Stille Nacht (Gruber/Rutter)
Sing we merrily unto God our strength
Sleep, gentle Cherub! Sleep descend (Judith)
Spirit, leave thine house of clay! (Fawcett)
Stabat mater, Hob XXa:1 (Haydn)
Stabat mater, Op 61 (Boccherini)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Bowers-Broadbent)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Halsey)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Harris)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Ledger)
Sub tuum praesidium, K198 (Mozart)
Te Deum in C major, Hob XXIIIc:2 (Haydn)
Teach me, O Lord (Attwood)
Tell us, O women 'Dialogue Hymn' (Burney)
Tercio (Lobo de Mesquita)
The fool hath said in his heart
The foolish body hath said in his heart
The God of Abraham praise
The God of Gods, the Lord, hath call'd (Foster)
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my Shepherd, D706 (Schubert)
The Lord is risen (Wainwright)
The Lord Jehovah, even the most mighty God, hath spoken
The Lord, th' almighty monarch, spake (Haydn)
The sea is before them
There is a green hill far away
There is a green hill far away
There is a green hill far away – Horsley (Horsley)
There is a green hill far away – Horsley (Horsley/Scott)
This is the day the Lord hath made (Greatorex)
Thither thy people, Lord
Thou art my portion, O Lord
Thou stretchest out thy hand
Thy hands have made me and fashioned me
To ages shalt thou stretch thy sway
Tov lehôdôs ladonoi
Truly God is loving unto Israel
Turn thy face from my sins (Attwood)
Überwunden hat der Herr den Tod!
Unto thee lift I up mine eyes
Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb (Handel/Miller)
Venite, adoremus
Vesperae pro festo SS Innocentium (Haydn)
Vesperae solennes de Confessore, K339 (Mozart)
Vital spark of heav'nly flame (Harwood)
We have a gospel to proclaim
We plough the fields and scatter
Wenige wissen
Wenn alle untreu werden
Wenn ich ihn nur habe
When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross
When I survey the wondrous cross – Rockingham (Miller)
When I survey the wondrous cross – Rockingham (Miller/Guest)
When I survey the wondrous cross – Rockingham (Miller/Pinel)
When rising from the bed of death (Pixell)
Where, Lord, shall I my refuge see? (Webbe Sr.)
Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way
While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Beesly)
Why standest thou so far off, O Lord?
Wie erhebt sich das Herz, wenn es dich
Wonderful art thou
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright
Ye holy angels bright – Darwall's 148th (Darwall/Gray)
Ye holy angels bright – Darwall's 148th (Darwall/Scott)
Ye winged inhabitants of the grove (Dahmen)
Yes! the Redeemer rose (Taylor)
Zu Gott, zu Gott flieg’ auf, hoch über alle Sphären!
Zwischen Himmel und Erd’ hoch in der Lüfte Meer
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