Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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A brisk young lad
A jubilant song (Clausen)
A Night Song (Ives)
A nun takes the veil 'Heaven-haven'
A Song – For Anything (Ives)
A song to the Lamb (Hancock)
Adieu, good man devil
Ah! To be all alone in a little cell
All the folk we love and me … Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Alleluia (Rorem)
An old song re-sung (Griffes)
April rain song (Harris)
Are you the new person drawn toward me? (Rorem)
As down the road she wambled slow
As I walked over London Bridge
As I went out one May morning
As one sky
At every instant
At St Patrick's Purgatory
At the cry of the first bird
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Archer)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Briggs)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Cullen)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Hawkesworth)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Lawson)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Llewellyn)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Moore)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Murray/Gant)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Quinney)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Rutter)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Short)
Away in a manger – Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Willcocks)
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
Berceuse 'Cradle song', RO27 Op 47 (Gottschalk)
Bessie Bobtail
Black is the colour of my true love's hair (Anon/Niles)
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Burning hell
Catullus: On the burial of his brother (Rorem)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Church Bell at Night
Close my darling both your eyes
Come away, death
Comment on war (Rorem)
Concert paraphrase of 'The song of the soldiers of the sea' 'The marines' hymn' (Gimpel/Offenbach)
Cradle song (Kirkpatrick/Nieper)
Desdemona's song
Do not love too long (Rorem)
Do you recall that night in June when first we met?
Dreamsongs (Kernis)
Dying sun, shine warm a little longer!
Early in the morning (Rorem)
Eight Songs from Isolation (Muhly)
Evensong (Paulus)
Éyze shéleg 'What snow!'
Fifteen years ago today
Five Hebrew Love Songs (Whitacre)
Five Shakespeare Songs (Thomson)
Floating Dreamsongs
For Susan (Rorem)
For the rain, it raineth every day
Four Shakespeare Songs, Op 31 (Korngold)
Four Songs, Op 13 (Barber)
Four Songs, Op 13 (Barber)
Four Songs, Op 13 (Barber)
Four Studies in English Folk-song (Vaughan Williams/Stanton)
Four Traditional Songs (Muhly)
Full of life now (Rorem)
Go, lovely Rose
Good people keep their holy day
He is there!
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hey Robin
hope, faith, life, love
How foolish the man who does not raise
How hard the year dies: no frost yet
Hymn for evening (Rorem)
I am gone, sir
I do not know with whom Edan will sleep
I have desired to go
I hear an army
I hide myself
I plant some flowers without you
I saw a ship a-sailing, a-sailing, a-sailing
I strolled across an open field (Rorem)
i thank You God for most this amazing day
I will always love you (Rorem)
I will take nothing from my Lord, said she
i will wade out
I would like to have the men of Heaven in my own house
In the mornin' (Anon/Ives)
In the scented bud of the morning – O
Intercession in Late October
It has broken us, it has crushed us
Jeanie with the light brown hair (Rorem)
Kora Song
Lament for Pasiphaë
Lárov 'Mostly'
Le songe d'une nuit d'été 'Caprice élégant', RO240 Op 9 (Gottschalk)
Let the rain kiss you
Let us be like
Like Snow
Listen to the reeds as they sway apart
Look down, fair moon (Rorem)
Louisiana Story – Acadian Songs and Dances (Thomson)
Madrigali. Six 'Fire Songs' on Italian Renaissance Poems (Lauridsen)
Mid-Winter Songs (Lauridsen)
New-made Tongue
Now sleeps the crimson petal (Rorem)
O have mercy Lord on me
O mistress mine
O my night love!
O to make the most jubilant song
Oh my heart! Wake, oh wake!
Old lady in the herb garden
On a singing girl (Rorem)
On an echoing road (Rorem)
Orchids (Rorem)
Pangur, white Pangur
Pity me on my pilgrimage to Loch Derg!
Rain has fallen
Rain in Spring (Rorem)
Rakút 'Tenderness'
Requiescat (Rorem)
Sea Snatch
Searching for lambs
See how the moon has risen
She borrowed some of her mother's gold
She tells her love while half asleep
Sigh no more, ladies
Sleep now
Sometimes with one I love (Rorem)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song to the witch of the cloisters (Corigliano)
Songs my mother taught me (Ives)
Songs of separation (Simon)
Songs of the clown, Op 29 (Korngold)
Songs, Op 34 (Rachmaninov/Potts)
Splendor and honor and kingly power are yours
Spurn Point
St Ita's Vision
Stirring suddenly from long hibernation
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening (Rorem)
Sure on this shining night
Sweet little bell, struck on a windy night
Temuná 'A picture'
That shadow, my likeness (Rorem)
The Beggar's Song (Barber)
The bitter withy
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Gritton)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Knight)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/L'Estrange)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Robertson)
The Christmas song (Tormé/Wells/Rutter)
The Crucifixion
The cruel mother
The Daisies
The Desire for Hermitage
The garden
The Heavenly Banquet
The infinite dwelling
The Monk and his Cat
The poor soul sat sighing by a sycamore tree
The Praises of God
The Rainbow (Rorem)
The Serpent (Rorem)
The song of songs 'Chanson du cœur brisé' (Vicars)
The wonderful widow of eighteen springs (Cage)
The year's at the spring
The young May moon is beaming, love
Their lonely betters (Rorem)
There was a lady lived in York
These little Limbs
Three Browning Songs, Op 44 (Beach)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Songs of Praise (Whitacre)
Three songs of war (Ives)
Three Songs, Op 10 (Barber)
Three Songs, Op 2 (Barber)
Three Songs, Op 2 (Barber)
To a young girl (Rorem)
Two falling stars
Under the Greenwood tree
Van Dieman's Land
We are all the same
What if some little pain (Rorem)
When birds do sing
When that I was and a little tiny boy
With a lily in your hand
With rue my heart is laden
Your Grief can be the garden of compassion
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