Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

Hyperion offers both CDs, and downloads in a number of formats. The site is also available in several languages.

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A boy and a girl (Whitacre)
A Christmas Festival (Anderson)
A clear midnight
A fifth of Beethoven (Beethoven/Murphy/Hug)
A jubilant song (Clausen)
A lover's journey (Larsen)
A most peculiar man (Simon)
A nightingale sang in Berkeley Square (Sherwin/Bowen)
A nun takes the veil 'Heaven-haven'
A quiet chamber (Peterson)
A rich brocade
A song to the Lamb (Hancock)
Abandon entouré d'abandon
Abide with me
Across oceans, ghosts will beckon
Adonai ro-i, lo eḥsar
Aeterna lux, divinitas
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei (Barber)
Aguinaldo carols (Anon/Brandy/Choi)
All beings tremble before violence
All of me (Legend/Gad/L'Estrange)
Alleluia (Thompson)
Alleluia. For as many of you as were baptized
Alleluia. O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
Alma (Lehrer/Whiteley)
Alone (Whitacre)
Amidst a sea of lights
And so it goes (Joel/Chilcott)
And the swallow (Shaw)
Angel (McLachlan/Treece)
Angeli canunt praecones nuper natum Dominum
Anthony O'Daly
April come she will (Simon/Lawson)
April rain song (Harris)
Arise, my love (Paulus)
As one sky
At every instant
At last (Gordon/L'Estrange)
At that hour when all things have repose (Stephens)
At the last, tenderly
At the last, tenderly
Ave Maria (Lauridsen)
Ave maris stella
Ave, dulcissima Maria (Lauridsen)
Away with the music of Broadway
Bachbeat (Shlomo/Swingle)
Be like the bird (Betinis)
Beautiful, my delight
Begin the Beguine (Porter/L'Estrange)
Behold the day is nigh
Beneath thin blanket (Beal)
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered (Rodgers/L'Estrange)
Beyond (Foss)
Billie Jean (Jackson/Bradford/Johns)
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord
Bread and roses (Fariña/Dale)
Breathe on me, breath of God (Rorem)
Bright moonlight fills the trees
Bright star carol (Muhly)
But these are they that forsake the Lord – For ye shall go out with joy
By Strauss (Gershwin/Bennett)
Calm on the listening ear of night (Clausen)
Camina siempre adelante (Cortez)
Caritas abundat
Carmina mei cordis (Betinis)
Castissima virgo
Cecit, hyems (Betinis)
Cells, planets (Lloyd/Peterson)
C'est pourtant nous qui t'avons proposé
Cheek to cheek (Berlin/L'Estrange)
Chichester Psalms (Bernstein)
Child of wonder
Children, go! (Anon/Gilbert/Brown)
Chorale for Organ and Brass (Harris)
Christ the apple tree (Scriven)
Christmas Alphabet (Kaye/Loman)
Cloudburst (Whitacre)
Coffee with Borges (Kahane)
Colossal orb of space
Come listen in the silence of the moment
Come with me, under my coat
Come ye lofty, come ye lowly (Hancock)
Contre qui, rose
Creole love call (Ellington/Kuhn)
Cry me a river (Hamilton/L'Estrange)
Cuando yo muera quiero tus manos en mis ojos
Darest, O soul (Valverde)
De ton rêve trop plein
Dear friends
Dear heart, why will you use me so? (Trumbore)
Deep Blue 'Arcade Fire' (Neufeld)
Deep river (Anon/Hancock)
Deep river (Anon/Luboff)
Delicious times
Depi maten m’leve m’ape monte desann
Ding dong! merrily on high (Anon/Wilberg)
Do you remember an Inn?
Do you remember the night?
Don't let go (Barnwell)
Down with love (Arlen/Langford)
En une seule fleur
Even after all this time
Evening stars (Warland)
Evensong (Paulus)
Ev'ry face is in you, ev'ry voice, ev'ry sorrow in you
Ev'ry time we say goodbye (Porter/Bennett)
Ev'ry time we say goodbye (Porter/L'Estrange)
Ev'ry time we say goodbye (Porter/Newton-Rex)
Fare Well (Thompson)
Fascinating rhythm (Gershwin/Chilcott)
Fever (Cooley/Davenport/Foggitt)
Fifty ways to leave your lover (Simon/Jackman)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
Five choral scherzi (Adler)
For us no starlight stilled the April fields
Forget you (Green/Newton-Rex)
Four Motets (Copland)
Four Songs, Op 13 (Barber)
From childhood’s hour I have not been
From the Bible to the popular song
From the sea
Gagòt (Guillaume)
Gentle lady, do not sing (Geter)
Get happy (Arlen/Hart/Rice)
Give us this day (Swingle)
Glory Hallelujah to duh newbo'n King (Anon/Powell/Powell)
Go, lovely Rose
Good neighbor, tell me why that sound
Good night, dear heart (Forrest)
Good people all, this Christmas time
Gotcha (Scott/Riley)
Hark how the choir of angels sings
Have mercy on us, O my Lord
Have ye not known?
He was a most peculiar man
He’d have given me rolling lands
Help us, O Lord
Helplessly hoping (Stills/Lawson)
Her sacred spirit soars (Whitacre)
Hildegard Triptych (Ferko)
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts
hope, faith, life, love
How beloved is your dwelling place
How can we call someone evil?
How dear to me (Hancock)
Howl ye
Hushabye mountain (Sherman/Sherman/Morgan)
Hymn to the Eternal Flame
I ache for the touch of your lips, dear
I ain’t got long to stay here
I am here
I am sitting here wanting memories to teach me
I am the bread of life (Toolan/Pulkingham)
I found night (Koppin)
I get around 'The Beach Boys' (Wilson/Love/Roberts)
I got it from Agnes (Lehrer/Sawyer)
I have desired to go
I hide myself
I love my friends
I really have a yen
I saw a star slide down the sky
I saw a star slide down the sky
I saw three ships (Anon/Bowens)
I saw you under the fig tree
I should be glad of loneliness
i thank You God for most this amazing day
I want to be with someone
I was browsing at the newsstand and I saw you
I will lift up mine eyes (Lauridsen)
i will wade out
I wonder as I wander (Anon/Rudoi)
I’m afraid
If I can help somebody (Androzzo/Gibbs)
If I profane with my unworthiest hand … (Larsen)
If the mind is sinful
If you visit American city
Il nome del bel fior
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
I'm yours (Mraz/Lawson)
Immensity cloistered in thy dear womb
In a dark and distant year
In a dark and distant year
In dulci jubilo (Anon/Pearsall/Culloton)
In every heart there is a room
In pace (Clausen)
In the beginning (Copland)
In the still garden
In the year 1962
Infant holy, infant lowly (Hancock)
Is you is or is you ain't my baby (Jordan/Austin/Oxley)
Isn't she lovely (Wonder/Bradford)
It came upon the midnight clear (Willis/Rice)
It was in ten sixty-six
It’s been a long time
It’s very clear
It's a new world (Arlen/Bennett)
It's de-lovely (Porter/L'Estrange)
It's sand, man! (Lewis/Hendricks/Lambert/Swingle)
I've got the world on a string (Arlen/L'Estrange)
I've got you under my skin (Porter/L'Estrange)
J'ai une telle conscience de ton
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu carols (Paulus)
Jesu's lyfelyne
Jingle bells (Pierpont)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Campbell)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Langford)
Jingle bells (Pierpont/Parry)
Jubilate Deo (Hancock)
Judge eternal (Hancock)
Just the way you are (Joel/Whiteley)
Kindle the gift of God (Hancock)
Kyrie eleison
La lluvia … Ojos de agua de sombra
La lumière (Clausen)
La rose complète
Leonardo dreams of his flying machine (Whitacre)
Les chansons des roses (Lauridsen)
Let down the bars, O death
Let the rain kiss you
Let the starry host proclaim
Let us be like
Let's misbehave (Porter/L'Estrange)
Libera me, Domine
Like as the hart desireth the waterbrooks (Muhly)
Listening to your labored breath
Little you, looking up (Trumbore)
Lo let a glass be raised
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace
Love is here to stay (Gershwin/Bennett)
Love, the God eternal (Foss)
Luceat eis (Takach)
Lullabye 'Goodnight, my angel' (Joel)
Lux aeterna (Fissinger)
Lux aurumque (Whitacre)
Magnetic poetry
Make you feel my love (Dylan/Carleston)
Make you feel my love (Dylan/L'Estrange)
Manifesto (Lang)
Maria I
Mary Hynes
Mass of the Holy Spirit (Thompson)
May a place be set
May these vows and this marriage be blessed
Minnie the moocher (Calloway/Newton-Rex)
Missa brevis (Bernstein)
Missa Resurrectionis (Hancock)
Misty (Garner/Johns)
Music for the star of the sea (Metcalf)
My funny valentine (Rodgers/L'Estrange)
My hair started to fall out
My heart is like a singing bird (Rimkus)
My home town (Lehrer/Carleston)
My Lord God
My soul doth magnify the Lord
Mystery of love (Stevens/Bowen)
Nativity (Lavino)
Night and day (Porter/L'Estrange)
Night with the eyes of a horse that trembles in the night
No night could be darker than this night
Nocturnes (Clausen)
Nocturnes (Lauridsen)
Nocturnes (Lauridsen)
Nocturnes (Lauridsen)
Noël nouvelet (Anon/Söderberg)
Nous ne nous voyons plus dans la même lumière
Nox, et tenebrae, et nubila
Nullus liber homo capiatur
Nunc dimittis
O admirabile commercium
O come, let us sing unto the Lord (Lauridsen)
O frondens virga (Hildegard/Foss)
O Lamb of God that takest away the sins of the world
O Lord, our Governor, how excellent is thy name
O magnum mysterium (Boykin)
O magnum mysterium (Lauridsen)
O my night love!
O sacrum convivium
O Shenandoah, I long to see you
O shining light (Metcalf)
O sing unto God
O to make the most jubilant song
O virtus sapientiae
O vos omnes
Oedipus Rex (Lehrer/Carleston)
Of the offspring of the gentleman
Oh day, Yonder come day
Oh my heart! Wake, oh wake!
Oh! Hush thee, my baby, the night is behind us
Oh! I can't sit down (Gershwin)
On a winter night
One last breath
Our present Charter (Muhly)
Owe no man anything but to love one another
Pater noster (Clausen)
Philia (Treece)
Poems of Sara Teasdale 'Constellation' (Ticheli)
Poisoning pigeons in the park (Lehrer/Whiteley)
Pollution (Lehrer/Lilburn)
Praying (Sebert/Joslyn/Lewis/Abraham/Dale)
Prophetiae Sibyllarum (Tymoczko)
Psalm (Hancock)
Psalm 108:2 – Psalm 100
Psalm of the soil (Snider)
Quem pastores laudavere (Bassi)
Quis color ille vadis, seras cum propulit umbras
Rainbow (Musgraves/Hemby/McAnally/Dunachie)
Recipe for love (Connick/Rice)
Reincarnations, Op 16 (Barber)
Remembered love (Hill)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Levin/Beyer)
Requiem, K626 (Mozart/Süssmayr/Levin)
Rhythm of life (Coleman/Knight)
Right here waiting (Marx/Whiteley)
Rise up, shepherd, and follow (Anon/Davis)
Sa may bahay ang aming bati – Maligaya, maligayang Pasko kayo’y bigyan
Sa nuit d'été
Saint Thomas Service (Hancock)
Sainte-Chapelle (Whitacre)
Say ye to the righteous
Scudding clouds of crimson flush
See how the moon has risen
See you again (Khalifa/Puth/Gabbitas)
Set me as a seal upon thine heart (Muhly)
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Sharks gotta swim, and bats gotta fly
She (Mvula/Rudoi/Foss)
She is the sky of the sun
Shenandoah (Anon/Erb)
She's always a woman (Joel/Lawson)
She's my girl (Lehrer/Brittain)
Shout joy! (Kellogg)
Si je pourrais avec mes mains brûlantes
Sibylla Baltimoris
Silent night! Holy night!
Since your limbs were laid out
Sing ye praises to our king
Sing, my soul, his wondrous love (Rorem)
Skylark (Carmichael/Rutter)
Sleep (Whitacre)
Sleigh ride (Anderson)
So far away, far away
Soeur Alma, dormez-vous?
Some folks' lives roll easy (Simon/Jackman)
Some say, Love, it is a river
Somewhere over the rainbow (Arlen/Lumsden)
Somewhere over the rainbow (Arlen/Richardson)
Soneto de la noche
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Song of sky and sea (Rudoi)
Sophisticated lady (Ellington/Bennett)
Splendor and honor and kingly power are yours
St Valentine's day
Stand by me (King/Stoller/De-Lisser/Whiteley)
Stardust (Davis)
Stars over snow
Steal away (Anon/Gibbs)
Still, still, still (Anon/Humble)
Stille Nacht (Gruber/Harris)
Strange fruit (Meeropol/Gibbs)
Stretched out on the grass
Sucking cider through a straw
Sunayama (Nakayama/Christopher)
Sure on this shining night
Tango with God (Barnwell)
Te vigilans oculis
Tell me where is the road
Tell me, who do you call duh Wonduhful Counselor?
That lonesome road (Taylor/Carrington)
That which remains (Ramsey)
That's not cricket (Dietz/Schwartz)
The astronomer (Yanesh)
The Beatitudes
The best is yet to come (Coleman/L'Estrange)
The choice
The coolin'
The day is done (Paulus)
The elements (Lehrer/Whiteley)
The enormous need
The evening hangs beneath the moon
The falling star
The falling star
The infinite dwelling
The lady is a tramp (Rodgers/L'Estrange)
The lamps may be different, but the light is the same
The last invocation
The last invocation (Thompson)
The Lord will surely come (Hancock)
The Lotus Lovers (Paulus)
The Masochism Tango (Lehrer/Carleston)
The neighbors of Bethlehem
The night is endless
The noise of a multitude
The prettiest girl that ever I saw
The problem is all inside your head, she said to me
The road home (Paulus)
The rose (McBroom/Raine)
The Sacred Veil (Whitacre)
The Sacred Veil (Whitacre)
The Sacred Veil (Whitacre)
The Seal Lullaby (Whitacre)
The ship carol
The stolen child (Whitacre)
The sun nevers says (Forrest)
The Sussex mummer's Christmas carol (Anon/Grainger/Perna)
The tree of life my soul hath seen
The truth untold 'BTS' (Aoki/Newton-Rex)
The Vatican Rag (Lehrer/Brittain)
The veil opens
The virgin martyrs
The Wiener Schnitzel Waltz (Lehrer/Carleston)
There comes a ship farr sailing then
There will be rest (Ticheli)
There will be stars
There will come soft rains (Koppin)
There’s antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium
Therefore come they, the crowding maidens
They say into your early life romance came
This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless
This little light of mine (Loes/Gibbs)
This love between us goes back to the first humans
This Marriage (Whitacre)
Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Flower Songs (Whitacre)
Three Kings of Orient (Hopkins/Rutter)
Three New Motets 'in memoriam Thomas Tallis' (Stucky)
Three Songs of Praise (Whitacre)
Three Whitman settings (Clausen)
Thy Kingdome come, O God
To be Certain of the Dawn (Paulus)
To be sung on the water
To my brother (Gregorio)
To serve (Hancock)
To share, two share
Tonight eternity alone (Clausen)
Tormented by visions of flight and falling
Twelfth Night
Two Choruses, Op 8 (Barber)
Two Choruses, Op 8 (Barber)
Two falling stars
Two Motets (Hawley)
Two Motets (Hawley)
Two Pieces, Op 42 (Barber)
Two Pieces, Op 42 (Barber)
Ubi caritas et amor (Lauridsen)
umi wa araumi mukoo wa sado yo
Unto us a child is born
Up on the housetop (Hanby/Campbell)
Urah, hȧnevel, v'chinor!
V B nimble, V B quick
Visions (Cole)
Walk down that lonesome road all by yourself
Wanting memories (Barnwell)
Water Night (Whitacre)
Waye not his cribb
We three kings of orient are (Hopkins/Neary)
We toast the days (Kachelmeier)
We will all go together when we go (Lehrer/Lilburn)
Welcome to earth, Thou noble guest
Well the sky is finally open
Wexford Carol (Anon/Rugen)
What a friend we have in Jesus
What a wonderful world (Thiele/Weiss/Bradford)
What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose
What would I do without your smart mouth?
When Christmas bells are swinging above the fields of snow
When David heard (Whitacre)
When I fall in love (Young/Carleston)
When I fall in love (Young/L'Estrange)
When I heard the learn’d astronomer
When I lie where shades of darkness
When she loved me (Newman/Kearns)
When she loved me (Newman/Lawson)
When the clock strikes twelve
When the earth stands still (Macdonald)
When we sing (Powell)
When you attend a funeral
Whenever there is birth or death
Where dips the rocky highland
White Christmas (Berlin/Rice)
Whosoever of you would be great among you
Will you, nill you
With a lily in your hand
Woe unto them
Yonder come day (Anon/Rudoi)
You (Larsen)
You are one in Christ Jesus (Hancock)
You can close your eyes (Taylor/Lawson)
You feel like home
You sons of Adam, you daughters of Eve
You will be found (Paul)
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