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Track(s) taken from CDH55430

O Domine Jesu Christe

1570; 4vv
author of text
Palm Sunday

Westminster Cathedral Choir, David Hill (conductor)
Recording details: July 1985
Westminster Cathedral, London, United Kingdom
Produced by Mark Brown
Engineered by Antony Howell
Release date: December 1986
Total duration: 5 minutes 10 seconds

Cover artwork: The Immaculate Conception (detail). Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (1599-1660)
Reproduced by permission of The Trustees, The National Gallery, London

Other recordings available for download

Chapelle du Roi, Alistair Dixon (conductor)


‘The strength of Westminster Cathedral Choir lies in its ability to sing long melodic lines expressively and in a broad, sustained manner … a controversial record, then; but it is certainly one that all lovers of late Renaissance church music ought to hear’ (Gramophone)

‘The shaping of the lines, the choice of tempi and the differentiated dynamic shading all contribute to this disc making a lasting impression … if you missed this recording when it was first released this is your chance to make up for it’ (MusicWeb International)
The plangent O Domine Jesu Christe (1570), for Palm Sunday, is a work of simple but heartfelt sadness, anticipating all the sufferings of Christ’s Passion. The undivided four-part choir allows Guerrero full freedom to exploit his gift for expansive melody.

from notes by Bruno Turner © 1985

Dans le plaintif O Domine Jesu Christe (1570), une œuvre destinée au dimanche des Rameaux, la tristesse simple mais sincère anticipe toutes les souffrances de la Passion du Christ. Le chœur à quatre parties, non divisé, permet à Guerrero d’exploiter en toute liberté son don pour la mélodie expansive.

extrait des notes rédigées par Bruno Turner © 1985
Français: Hypérion

Für einen weiteren Kontrast sorgt das klagende O Domine Jesu Christe (1570) für Palmsonntag, ein Werk schlichter, aber doch tiefempfundener Trauer, in dem jegliche Leiden der Passion Christi antizipiert werden. Der ungeteilte vierstimmige Chor gibt Guerrero Gelegenheit dazu, seine ausgedehnten Melodien wirkungsvoll zum Einsatz zu bringen.

aus dem Begleittext von Bruno Turner © 1985
Deutsch: Viola Scheffel

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