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Track(s) taken from CDA30012

Sancta Maria, mater Dei, K273

9 September 1777
author of text

King's Consort Choir, The King's Consort, Robert King (conductor)
Recording details: October 2005
Cadogan Hall, London, United Kingdom
Produced by Ben Turner
Engineered by Jonathan Stokes & Neil Hutchinson
Release date: February 2006
Total duration: 3 minutes 50 seconds

Cover artwork: Photograph by Johnny Greig.


‘Sampson confirms her growing reputation in 18th-century music with delectable performances, fresh and limpid of tone, stylish and shapely of phrase. The reams of coloratura in Exsultate, iubilate! are truly joyous, not merely accurate … prompt, polished orchestral playing and first-rate choral singing set the seal on a delightful and enterprising birthday offering’ (The Daily Telegraph)

‘These devotional scores are models of understatement. Sampson floats exquisitely through the Agnus Dei of the Coronation Mass, maintains a serene line in Laudate Dominum from the Vespers, unearths two long settings of Regina caeli and indulgently duets with herself in Sub tuum praesidium’ (The Times)

‘This is thrilling music, rousingly performed by the orchestra and chorus. Even better are the central arias, which Carolyn Sampson sings with heart-easing grace and brilliant virtuosity. She is equally fluent in the Exsultate, iubilate! rising up to a top C at the end that will have you cheering from your seat. And she sings both parts of the duet Sub tuum praesidium so beautifully as to still any disquiet at the fakery. Don't miss this’ (Classic FM Magazine)

«Quelle belle surprise! Carolyn Sampson nous livre un CD Mozart qui est non pas un modèle de chaleur, mais un disque très bon gôut, réussi en tout. On admirera aussi la finesse musicale de King, qui ne bouscule jamais le discours et dont les bois enrichessent très bien la palette sonore» (Classics Today France)
In August 1777, Mozart, desperate to leave Salzburg, petitioned the Archbishop to allow him and his father to seek their fortunes elsewhere. The Archbishop’s response was sharp. He dismissed both of them from his service, though he later relented and allowed Leopold to keep his post of deputy Kapellmeister. Mozart probably composed Sancta Maria, mater Dei, K273 (dated 9 September 1777) for the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, perhaps as a votive offering to the Virgin prior to his setting out with his mother on their journey to Paris. Disarmingly simple, yet perfectly balanced in its thematic development and variety, the charming chorus lines are provided with an orchestral accompaniment which is highly independent.

from notes by Robert King © 2006

En août 1777, Mozart, désireux de quitter Salzbourg à tout prix, pria l’archevêque de la ville de les laisser, son père et lui, aller chercher fortune ailleurs. La résponse de l’archevêque fut cinglante. Il les congédia tous deux avant de se laisser fléchir et d’autoriser Leopold à conserver son poste de Kapellmeister adjoint. Selon toute probabilité, Mozart composa Sancta Maria, mater Dei, K273 (daté du 9 septembre 1777) pour la Nativité de la Vierge Marie, peut-être en guise d’offrande votive faite à la Vierge avant de partir, avec sa mère, pour Paris. D’une simplicité désarmante, mais présentant un parfait équilibre entre développement thématique et variété, les charmantes lignes chorales bénéficient d’un accompagnement orchestral des plus indépendants.

extrait des notes rédigées par Robert King © 2006
Français: Hypérion

Im August 1777 schickte Mozart, der es in Salzburg kaum mehr aushielt, ein Gesuch an den Erzbischof von Salzburg und bat darum, Salzburg zusammen mit seinem Vater verlassen und sich anderswo niederlassen zu dürfen. Die Reaktion des Erzbischofs war alles andere als wohlwollend. Er entließ beide aus seinem Dienst, obwohl er später nachgab und Leopold Mozart seine Stellung als stellvertretender Kapellmeister behalten ließ. Mozart komponierte das Sancta Maria, mater Dei KV273 (das vom 9. September 1777 datiert ist) wahrscheinlich für das Fest der Geburt Mariä, vielleicht als Weihgeschenk an die Jungfrau Maria, bevor er zusammen mit seiner Mutter die Reise nach Paris antrat. Es ist sehr schlicht gesetzt und doch sind die thematische Entwicklung und Vielfalt wohlausgewogen, und der anmutige Chorsatz wird von einem ausgesprochen unabhängigen Orchestersatz begleitet.

aus dem Begleittext von Robert King © 2006
Deutsch: Viola Scheffel

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