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Track(s) taken from CDA67733

Musica Dei donum

author of text

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Recording details: May 2008
Kloster Pernegg, Waldviertel, Austria
Produced by Stephen Rice
Engineered by Markus Wallner
Release date: March 2009
Total duration: 3 minutes 16 seconds

Cover artwork: Spring. Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593)
Real Adademia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid / Bridgeman Images


‘Stunning … Cinquecento's one-to-a-part approach, with countertenors on the top lines, is ideally suited to this repertory and really works wonders … at telling moments they modulate their delivery to considerable expressive effect … this highly accomplished singing does not draw attention to itself (or at least, not unduly) but focuses attention squarely on the composer. But for his early death, Vaet would have almost certainly emerged as a leading figure of his generation … this deserves to be widely heard’ (Gramophone)

‘A delicious feast of harmonic tension and inwardly-sensed architecture [Spiritus Domini]. Other gems include the expressive Miserere mei and a brilliant Salve Regina’ (BBC Music Magazine)
Perhaps more common than cantus firmus treatment at this time is the taste for moralizing texts, shown by Musica Dei donum. Appropriately enough given his influences and direct contemporaries, this text is set by Clemens non Papa and Lassus as well as Vaet: an apposite indication of Vaet’s stature as a composer.

from notes by Stephen Rice © 2009

À l’époque, le goût pour les textes moralisateurs était peut-être plus répandu que le traitement en cantus firmus, comme le montre Musica Dei donum. Vaet ne fut pas le seul à mettre ce texte en musique: Clemens non Papa et Lassus en firent autant—juste signe de son envergure de compositeur et chose assez logique si l’on considère ses influences et ses contemporains directs.

extrait des notes rédigées par Stephen Rice © 2009
Français: Hypérion

Möglicherweise verbreiteter als die Cantus firmus Behandlung zu der Zeit war das Interesse an moralisierenden Texten, wie etwa Musica Dei donum. Dieser Text wurde von Clemens non Papa, Lasso und auch Vaet vertont, was den Status, den Vaet als Komponist innehatte, deutlich macht.

aus dem Begleittext von Stephen Rice © 2009
Deutsch: Viola Scheffel

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