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Track(s) taken from CDA67876

Praeludium in G minor, BuxWV148


Christopher Herrick (organ)
Recording details: January 2011
Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Produced by Paul Spicer & Simon Eadon
Engineered by Dave Rowell & Simon Eadon
Release date: September 2011
Total duration: 6 minutes 5 seconds

Cover artwork: Interior of a Gothic Church (1787). Johann Ludwig Ernst Morgenstern (1738-1819)
Schlossmuseum, Scholl Friedenstein, Gotha, Germany / Bridgeman Images

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Christopher Herrick (organ)


‘Christopher Herrick's performances in this series have breathed musical life into the rich repertoire of organ music by Buxtehude and this release is no exception. The expressive and thoughtful interpretations of the repertoire presented on this disc make it a worthwhile addition to any collection’ (International Record Review)

‘Christopher Herrick clocks up another memorable recording. His terrifically nimble-fingered and fleet-footed playing betrays no sign of someone soon to be entering his eighth decade! There is surely nothing to be said against another complete set of Buxtehude's organ works when the music is this good or performed this well. The technical sound quality and chapel acoustics are very good, and the Trinity College organ —Metzler-built, like those in Herrick's celebrated complete Bach organ cycle, and dating back only as far as 1976, though incorporating seven ranks from Trinity predecessors from 1694 and 1708—sounds superb. Not particularly authentic but Buxtehude himself would almost certainly have enjoyed its breadth and power. As usual with Hyperion, the trilingual CD booklet gives excellent information on the music, track by track, not to mention a full description of the organ, including registrations for each of the pieces’ (MusicWeb International)
The Praeludium in G minor, BuxWV148, opens with two ten-bar improvisatory sections. Its first fugue is based on a subject which makes a feature of repeated notes (and whose falling diminished seventh calls to mind the Praeludium in F sharp minor, BuxWV146). After a brief coda, there follows a second, triple-time fugue based on a subject consisting of lively crotchets, and Buxtehude concludes with a passage based on a stately two-bar phrase heard initially on the pedals alone.

from notes by Relf Clark © 2011

Le Praeludium en sol mineur BuxWV148 part sur deux sections de dix mesures, comme improvisées. Sa première fugue repose sur un sujet mettant en valeur des notes répétées (et dont la septième diminuée descendante rappelle le Praeludium en fa dièse mineur BuxWV146). À une brève coda succède une fugue ternaire assise sur un sujet en noires enjouées et Buxtehude conclut avec un passage bâti d’une majestueuse phrase de deux mesures entendue d’abord au pédalier seul.

extrait des notes rédigées par Relf Clark © 2011
Français: Hypérion

Das Präludium in g-Moll, BuxWV148, beginnt mit zwei zehntaktigen improvisatorischen Passagen. Der ersten Fuge liegt ein Thema zugrunde, in dem mehrfach Tonrepetitionen vorkommen (und dessen abwärtsgerichtete verminderte Septime an das Präludium in fis-Moll, BuxWV146, erinnert). Nach einer kurzen Coda folgt eine zweite Fuge im Dreierrhythmus mit einem Thema, das aus lebhaften Vierteln besteht. Buxtehude schließt das Werk mit einer Passage ab, die sich auf die würdevolle, zweitaktige Anfangsphrase in der Pedalstimme beruft.

aus dem Begleittext von Relf Clark © 2011
Deutsch: Viola Scheffel

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CDA67612 Organ albums for £8.00
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