Las cuatro estaciones porteñas (Piazzolla)
from Vivaldi & Piazzolla: The Eight Seasons (SIGCD231)
1 Verano porteño 'Summer in Buenos Aires' [6'38]
2 Otoño porteño 'Autumn in Buenos Aires' [7'28]
3 Invierno porteño 'Winter in Buenos Aires' [7'19]
4 Primavera porteña 'Spring in Buenos Aires' [6'37]
28 minutes 2 seconds 4 tracks
'This new recording was made at a concert at the Queen's Hall in Edinburgh, although strangely a sense of the occasion is hard to detect. The playing standard is excellent, with the strings of the Sco ...
'The multiple performances have allowed the players to hone their ensemble skills, and they play with remarkable precision. That is not unusual in Vivaldi recordings, but by applying those baroque sta ...