Missa Ave regina caelorum (Victoria)
from Victoria: Ave regina caelorum & other sacred music (CDA67479)
1 Kyrie [2'56]
2 Gloria [3'27]
3 Credo [6'29]
4 Sanctus [1'50]
5 Benedictus [1'50]
6 Agnus Dei [3'05]
19 minutes 37 seconds 6 tracks
‘The choir of Westminster Cathedral has long been noted for its distinctive Continental-style tone, which gives its performances of Latin sacred polyphony an attractively distinctive quality. This mag ...
‘The choir is radiant in its home acoustic, and Martin Baker's well-researched decision to employ an understated organ 'continuo' adds small but telling touches of colour to the texture’ (Internationa ...
‘It is ideally suited to the full-throated, vibrant singing of the Westminster Cathedral Choir, while Martin Baker's finely controlled direction displays a keen architectural sense … a wonderful ...