Missa Inclita stirps Jesse (Rogier)
from Rogier: Missa Inclita stirps Jesse & Missa Philippus secundus Rex Hispaniae (CKD387)
1 Kyrie [5'22]
2 Gloria [6'26]
3 Credo [10'44]
4 Sanctus & Benedictus [5'39]
5 Agnus Dei [4'13]
32 minutes 24 seconds 5 tracks
'I am not sure what inspired Magnificat's director, Philip Cave, to fly the flag for Philippe Rogier but this recording vindicates his decision to do so … this new instalment returns both compos ...
BBC Music Magazine
'Philip Cave's vocal group, Magnificat, continue their survey of the music of the short-lived Flemish composer Philippe Rogier with a fine account of two Masses. The Missae Philippus Secundus Rex Hisp ...