The Preces and Responses (Rose)
from The Feast of the Ascension at Westminster Abbey (CDA67680)
1 O Lord, open thou our lips [1'12]
2 The Lord be with you [5'54]
3 The Dismissal [0'21]
7 minutes 27 seconds 3 tracks
‘Everything is a joy here, including the modern works, the anthem Viri Galilaei by Patrick Gowers and Francis Pott's brilliant Toccata for organ, played with assured virtuosity by Robert Quinne ...
‘This close-your-eyes and you're there service is almost matter-of-fact in its excellence … it's good to see that English cathedral music is still intact: its future is represented by Francis Pot ...
‘This addition to Westminster Abbey's invaluable series of music for feast-days gets off to a cracking start with Stanford's magnificent eight-part motet Caelos ascendit hodie. This sets a jubi ...